Re: [scots-l] Speaking of typefaces...

2004-03-14 Thread Ian Adkins DSO-CS 9ER

<< I really like your Scots Wha Hae font -  would you be interested in
trading a copy of it for a copy of our Celtic Knot Font? >>

Sure.  I warn you, however, that it's a very sloppy export and may not be
pretty unless you're in a program where you can control the kerning
(Corel, Adobe, Quark, etc.).  E-mail me off-list and I'll send you a copy.
 The same applies for anyone else who would like a copy.

<< So, has spring come to upstate NY yet?  We used to live near
Poughkeepsie.  What a beautiful area - the seasons just aren't nearly as
dramatic here in CA! >>

Colder than a greyhound's nostril and just as wet.  Myself, I'm a native
Californian terminally stuck in the armpit of the Northeast.  I can't make
my way back west fast enough!

 Ian J. L. Adkins
 District Staff Officer for Communication Services
 Great Lakes Ninth District - Eastern Region
 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To 
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[scots-l] Regestrierung, Indeed

2004-03-14 Thread Ian Adkins DSO-CS 9ER

'Congratulations!  Your registration on [URL deleted] was successful.  You
can login immediately...'

'We are launching the Compact Disc of Commercial Correspondence Forms that
elaborates on all business forms of letters and documents: thank-yous,
certifications, acknowledgments, debt collection, letters in English,
official notices, invitations, contracts, proposals, requests, telegrams,
mailed letters, etc.'

'It is with heartfelt hope that I write to seek your cooperation and
assistance.  I am Mrs. Mariam Abacha, the wife of the late General Sani
Abacha, former president of Nigeria...'

I don't suppose it's time to change the list address or give the Spam
Assassin a grenade launcher?

 Ian J. L. Adkins
 District Staff Officer for Communication Services
 Great Lakes Ninth District - Eastern Region
 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
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[scots-l] Speaking of typefaces...

2004-03-13 Thread Ian Adkins DSO-CS 9ER

A few years ago I decided that, to go along with my unique Scots
orthography, I wanted new letterforms that weren't quite Celtic but not
Germanic, civilized but not entirely, Latin but not Catholic.  :)

Tinkering in CorelDraw I came up with "Scots Wha Hae," a sample of which
I've posted here:

The auto-kerning in the True-Type font is shite, and there's a few things
I'd do differently if I redesigned it today.  But there you have it.  One
day I'll come back to it...

 Ian J. L. Adkins
 District Staff Officer for Communication Services
 Great Lakes Ninth District - Eastern Region
 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
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Re: [scots-l] Cretin Desires to Be Musical.

2004-02-23 Thread Ian Adkins DSO-CS 9ER
Thanks to those of you who made suggestions.

I think I'm going to take the recommendation that I learn the tin whistle.
 The idea is to pick up some music theory and a discerning ear, and it
seems a very friendly instrument to the neophyte.  And failing any
progress to other instruments, the tin whistle is a pleasant enough
instrument for the sorts of music I like.

Now some say you can learn the bagpipes on your own, others say you can't.
 If I have success with the tin whistle (more in music theory and a
discerning ear; Jack is right in saying that they're dissimilar
instruments) I may undertake learning the pipes.  I do have a practice
chanter at home that's been collecting dust for some years, so other than
a new reed and a spool of waxed hemp, there's no more investment than my

But first thing's first -- I have a Clarke tapered whistle in the key of
'C' coming in the post.  :)  Thanks also to Cairistiona out in California
-- anything you find on Internet that is of interest to musical newbies
please do pass it along.

 Ian J. L. Adkins
 District Staff Officer for Communication Services
 Great Lakes Ninth District - Eastern Region
 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
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Re: [scots-l] Cretin Desires to Be Musical.

2004-02-21 Thread Ian Adkins DSO-CS 9ER
Bob writes:

<< There's a usenet group for pipers. The feeling is unanamous that one
needs to have a teacher to learn the pipes. >>

That's what I feared.  I guess we had one locally for a while, then he
went postal and was fired by the university.

<< By "gateway instrument," you might mean tin whistle. Tin whistle is very
fun to play, and relatively easy to pick up on your own. is a pretty impressive (if not exhaustive) place to
start. >>

Far out.  That's a pretty funny website.  I think you may be right, this
could be a place to start.  I have a recorder at home, but couldn't find
any decent resources.  Conversely, there seems to be a lot on the tin
whistle out there.

Bruce Campbell scrievit:

<< You cannot teach yourself to play the bagpipes. >>

Sigh.  As noted above.  When I was 18, I ran with a pipe band in Niagara
Falls but goofed off and never learned much.  About piping that is.  I
learned a lot about whisky.

<< What geographic area are you in? >>

I'm temporarily dislocated in Alfred, N.Y., directly south of Rochester on
the Pennsylvania border, maybe 150 miles from Buffalo.

 Ian J. L. Adkins
 District Staff Officer for Communication Services
 Great Lakes Ninth District - Eastern Region
 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
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subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

[scots-l] Cretin Desires to Be Musical.

2004-02-18 Thread Ian Adkins DSO-CS 9ER

Let me make here my ardent plea for web resources devoted to teaching the
musically incompetent the bagpipes.  Failing that, I'll settle for a
"gateway instrument."  I'm not kidding.  Simple for simple minds.

 Ian J. L. Adkins
 District Staff Officer for Communication Services
 Great Lakes Ninth District - Eastern Region
 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
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[scots-l] Fwd: Scottish Episcopalians celebrate Anglican Communion origins

2003-11-21 Thread Ian Adkins DSO-CS 9ER

 Original Message 
Subject: ACNS3681 Scottish Episcopalians celebrate Anglican Communion
origins From:"Anglican Communion News Service"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:Fri, November 21, 2003 10:29 am


Scottish Episcopalians celebrate Anglican Communion origins

by Matthew Davies

The Anglican Communion is often described as a worldwide family of
churches owing its origins to the Church of England; but for many Scottish
Episcopalians the story of the genesis of the Communion is distinctively

In 1784, Samuel Seabury, elected to be Bishop of Connecticut, USA,
travelled to Scotland to be consecrated, as England gave a clear "no" to
such action from the new world. His consecration took place in Aberdeen on
14 November 1784.

The Bishops of the Scottish Episcopal Church asked "that Bishop Seabury
would endeavour all he can" to make the Scottish form of the Communion
liturgy the norm in the United States. To this Bishop Seabury agreed and
the birth of the Anglican Communion ensued, with a Scottish tone to this
very day.

On 14 November 2003 - the 219th anniversary of the consecration of Samuel
Seabury - the present Bishop of Aberdeen and Primus of the Scottish
Episcopal Church, the Most Reverend Bruce Cameron, visited Peterhead and
laid a wreath on the grave of Bishop Kilgour, Bishop of Aberdeen and
Primus at the time when Samuel Seabury was consecrated.

The Dean of Aberdeen, the Very Reverend Gerald Stranraer-Mull, who is also
priest in Peterhead, Ellon and Cruden Bay, explained, "The consecration of
Bishop Seabury in Aberdeen by three Scottish Bishops was the beginning of
the worldwide Anglican Communion. The chief consecrating Bishop was the
Primus, Bishop Robert Kilgour, and this year's service, for the first
time, honours him."

During a Eucharist, the Dean read a message of greeting from the Rt Revd
Jim Curry, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut, and the prayers
of the people were led by Bishop Kilgour's name-sake, Provost Richard
Kilgour of Saint Andrew's Cathedral, Aberdeen.

At a reception following the Eucharist the Primus launched his Lent Appeal
for 2004 which seeks to raise £10,000 to fund a priest's house at Misty
Mount in Aberdeen's companion diocese of Saint John's, South Africa.

ACNSlist, published by Anglican Communion News Service, London, is
distributed to more than 7,500 journalists and other readers around the
world.  For subscription information please go to:

 Ian J. L. Adkins
 District Staff Officer for Communication Services
 Great Lakes Ninth District - Eastern Region
 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
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Re: [scots-l] Even Gaelic isn't safe!

2003-07-17 Thread Ian Adkins SO-CS 9ER-03

Toby Rider said:
> Can you believe it?

Oh, I believe it.  Have you seen any textbooks recently?  Everything has
been sanitized.  I keep imagine little workers bees in blue coveralls
buzzing around the basement of the Ministry of Truth rewriting
six-month-old newspaper articles to better suit the current party line. 
What's more boggling is that Americans are, as a whole, growing more
conservative and reactionary even as speech and publications are being
"corrected" for racial/gender/sexual sensitivities.  Dare I say -- and I
remind you, this is coming from a nominal leftist -- that liberals are
actually causing their political marginalization?  I'm fairly pink in the
center but listening to some of this crap almost turns me off on
liberalism.  I've always interprested racism, sexism and bigotry in
general as the institutionalized ignorance of the lower economic classes
producing a xenophobia exploited by the ruling economic classes for
personal gain -- e.g., politicians, businessmen, lawyers, some clergy. 
The "inherent evil" of anything WASP-ish does not enter into my evaluation
of bigotry.  I want to tell all these so-called liberals to look at the
dynamics of power trusts and the buying of influence, and you'll see how
the middle-class has been pitted against the lower classes, and poor
whites against poor blacks.  Lay the blame where it belongs -- on
upper-class power-mongers and -brokers -- and maybe you'll stop alienating
rank-and-file voters against progressive politics.

Okay, that's my rant.  Flame me off-list, please!

  Dr. Ian J. L. Adkins
  Staff Officer for Communications Services
  District Nine ER, Division Three
  U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

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Re: [scots-l] unsubscribe

2003-06-04 Thread The Rt Reverend Ian Adkins

Right.  Since it's evident that the quality of public education in Canada
has fallen, let me spell out the appropriate process to follow in
unsubscribing from Scots-L.

1.  Go to

2.  Fill out the form and click 'submit.'

3.  The listmaster will then unsubscribe you when he gets a moment.

4.  If you can't wait until then, throw yourself off a tall building.

It's not as though instructions aren't appended to every message sent to
this list.

Michael and Darby Goode said:
> Please remove us from your list
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Re: [scots-l] Re: scots-l-digest V1 #523

2003-05-31 Thread The Rt Reverend Ian Adkins

> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

Unsubscribe yourself!  Or is it that you want it through a pick-up window
in a brown sack with extra ketchup packets?

Away and boil your head!

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Re: [scots-l] Re: Scots Music Quiz

2003-04-12 Thread Dr Ian Adkins SO-CS 9ER-03

Well, it's an improvement...!

Toby Rider said:
>   I like 0.01 :-)
> Dr Ian Adkins SO-CS 9ER-03 wrote:
>> Hey, what's with the scarlet nought of shame?  I wasn't seriously
>> offering an answer!  What is this, punishment for being cheeky?  I
>> demand a recount...!

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Re: [scots-l] Re: Scots Music Quiz

2003-04-12 Thread Dr Ian Adkins SO-CS 9ER-03

Hey, what's with the scarlet nought of shame?  I wasn't seriously offering
an answer!  What is this, punishment for being cheeky?  I demand a

Nigel Gatherer said:
> Toby Rider wrote:
>> Hey, don't I get 1 point for damp harps?? :-) LOL...
> Ted 16
> Philip   3
> John McLure  1
> Wendy1
> Toby  0.01 (for his treatise on damp harps)
> Ian  0
> Richard  0
> Jack   minus 1 (for daring to suggest I was mistaken)
> Janminus 1 (for correctly answering a question which
> wasn't in my quiz)
> Derek   20 (for wisely deciding not to flaunt his
> wanton ignorance on the list)
> --
> Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Scotland
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

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Re: [scots-l] new computer, old question

2003-01-17 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

I'm not aware of anything that does that, but there's a lot of
freeware/shareware out there to convert ABC to MIDI, as well as sheet
music to MIDI -- but that's manual, not automatic input.

-- I.A.

> When I purchase my next 'puter, which will not be an Apple, I  wish to
> be able to take a CD, isolate a tune/track, and convert it to a midi
> file. What software do I need to do that?
> --
> May neither your strings nor your spirit ever break,
> May your harp and your soul always be in tune.
> Rita
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

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Re: [scots-l] A Fiddler's Book of Scottish Jigs

2003-01-09 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

> Iain (Jethro) Anderson - DBA (ISYS) University of Bristol
> Pigsty Morris   City Clickers Step and Clog
> Instep Research Team  Insword Rapper

It would be so much cooler if you played the flute...!

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[scots-l] Re: Bonne année/Happy New year

2003-01-04 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

<< Et toi aussi, mon ami! J'ai n'ecoutez pas ton cadeau encore, mais peut
etre ce nuit? >>

J'ai ecoute, et c'est musique agreable!  :)

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Re: [scots-l] Re: scots-l-digest V1 #450

2003-01-02 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

And I daresay that at the time, Scots were likely the least prejudiced in
the north of Europe.  How many progressive-minded thinkers has Scotland
given the world?  Like in so many fields of endeavour better than its
share is my guess.

> << Given my context, I have a hard time hearing that as anything but
> racist. >>
> Oh, Help! The toast was written long before "racism" was considered.
> Nicolas B., Lanark, Scotland.

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Re: [scots-l] Harry Lauder 78s

2002-12-20 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

Thanks Jack, I wouldn't have known to try pawning it off on such an
organization (there seems to be one is Auchinloch).  I agree Harry Lauder
is of perhaps dubious cultural value, but I'd rather see the record in the
hands of someone who would appreciate it...

-- I.A.

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Re: [scots-l] RE: scots-l-digest V1 #444

2002-12-19 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

Weel haud me back!  He wants aff th list!

> Take me off your list.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 2:12 PM
> Subject: scots-l-digest V1 #444

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[scots-l] Harry Lauder 78s

2002-12-19 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

I'm in the process of appraising and liquidating a collection of 78 RPM
records, among which is a 78 of Sir Harry Lauder singing "Queen Among the
Heather" and "Bonnie Leezie Lindsay," non-electrical recording,
practically unplayed condition.  I figured I'd give the folks here a look
before offering it up to the godless masses on eBay!  If I can glean any
information off the label for anyone, let me know.  The rest of the
collection is primarily World War I era popular tunes, rare American
country music and Polish polkas.

-- I.A.

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Re: [scots-l] Re: scots-l-digest V1 #441

2002-12-15 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins
Jack writes:

> If there is one thing even more offensive than your perpetual
> condescension to people who, in many cases, have already tried exactly
> what you're telling them to do, it's reposting their ENTIRE messages to
> repeat the same joke, and in this case a complete digest.  (We can cut
> the original poster some slack for being a newbie.  But not you).

Well, after reading your often caustic posts for five or so years, I
reckon I merit a little licence to scourge neophytes who regularly pollute
my inbox with unsubscribe requests because they're either too lazy to read
the unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each and every post, or
they're otherwise too impatient to allow Toby the time to manually
unsubscribe them.  I usually snip posts, this time I forgot.  Sue me. 
I've been looking for an excuse to cross the pond -- an order to appear in
court is just as good a one as any!

Respectfully submitted.

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Re: [scots-l] Re: scots-l-digest V1 #441

2002-12-14 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

Haw ya bam, whit ur ye like!  Jist cleek oan th blessit URL belaw an be
done wi it!  D'ye want us tae haud yer haun atweel?  It's no like it's naw
at th bottom o ilka ane o these posts!

Cleek an get aff ya wallopir ye!

> Again,
> please unsubscribe me from all these lists.
> thank you
> James Devlin
> 14/12/02 17:03:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> (scots-l-digest) wrote:
>>scots-l-digest   Saturday, December 14 2002   Volume 01 :
>> Number 441
>>Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 10:30:18 -0600 (CST)
>>From: "John P. McClure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: [scots-l] traditional tune names?
>>Have you tried asking the local teacher for some suggestions - dances
>> that they do, and the tunes named for them?  That might give you a list
>> to take to your abc etc. libraries.  Also consult the teacher about
>> phrasing; e.g., Mairi's Wedding (the dance) requires 40 bar phrasing.
>>Two or three fairly easy tunes:  White Cockade, Highland Laddie, Duncan
>> Gray, My Love She's But a Lassie Yet, Corn Rigs;  Also, many of the
>> jigs played in Scottish dance sets are (more or less) common to both
>> Scottish and Irish repertoire;  e.g., Smash the Windows, Haste to the
>> Wedding;  and there are tunes which I never know whether they are jigs
>> or marches, Bonnie Dundee, Atholl Highlanders, and on and on.
>>Have a great time, and best wishes to your local dancers,
>>Peter McClure
>>Winnipeg, MB
>>Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
>> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:
>>Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 16:57:48 -0800
>>From: Steve Wyrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: [scots-l] Re: Thanks. Summary follows
>>Dave B wrote:
 These are from the Scottish Ceilidh Collection for Fiddlers -Jan
>>> Yes, I'll look for this. It could be just what I need. Danceable
>>> tunes for new musicians. Excellent.
>>Another one I'd recommend is Susie Petrov's "Susie Petrov, Her Book of
>> Musick."  It has some great medleys of tunes arranged specifically for
>> SCD and a section containing tips on how to play for SCD.  Some of the
>> tunes are fairly challenging but all in all it's an excellent book.  It
>> should be available through the RSCDS's TAC bookstore or directly from
>> Susie (I can give you her e-mail address if you want it) for around
>> $20.  Good luck tomorrow night; again please let us know how it goes.
>> -Steve
>>- --
>>Steve Wyrick --  Concord, California
>>Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
>> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:
>>Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 16:48:31 -
>>From: James Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: [scots-l] Re: scots-l-digest V1 #436
>>Please unsubscribe me from all these lists.
>>thank you
>>James Devlin
>>30/11/02 12:21:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> (scots-l-digest) wrote:
>>>scots-l-digest   Saturday, November 30 2002   Volume 01 :
>>> Number 436
>>>Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 13:19:03 -
>>>From: "David Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: [scots-l] Re: Maids of Arrochar
>>>Thanks for the information, especially the attribution to John
>>> MacDonald of Dundee.   Interesting that before making the enquiry we
>>> were messing around with an arrangement that wove the tune around
>>> Scotland's alternative national anthem, 'Hermless' by Michael Marra -
>>> of Dundee.
>>>Yours from the Twilight Zone,
>>>David Francis
>>>t/f (44) (0)131 557 1050 (o); (44) (0)131 669 8824 (h)
>>>Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
>>> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:
>>>Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 09:51:49 + (GMT)
>>>From: Nigel Gatherer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: [scots-l] St Andrew's Day
>>>The annual St Andrew's Day parade took place in Crieff today. Nine
>>> pipe bands led the procession, while the Muthill Clarsach Ensemble
>>> tagged along for the first time. I'll admit they looked a bit funny
>>> wheeling their harps on custom-made trolleys before them, but man,
>>> there's nothing like the sound of thirty clarsachs playing "If Ye're
>>> Scottish, Come Oot That Press."
>>>The pubs and hotels do their bit, selling glasses of woad beer - it's
>>> a fine tipple, but it's a little disconcerting to see all those blue
>>> lips for weeks afterwards. After a couple pints everyone starts
>>> kissing each other, although the thistle buttonholes that most people
>>> insist on wearing kept the local health centre busy.
>>>The council were hoping Jock Tamson's Bairns would come up a

Re: [scots-l] Re: scots-l-digest V1 #436

2002-12-14 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

Haw you ya bam, d'ye no see th unsubscribe info UNNER ILKA POST?  Ir ur ye
saft-heidit?  :)

> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

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Re: [scots-l] Re: unsubscribe

2002-11-25 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

Fer onie at dinna ken, ye send a weemail tae
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wi "who scots-l" command in th bodie text
an ye've suddenlie hundreds o weemail addies fer whitivver nefarious
purposes...  Haen commands "open" (naw "closit") maks it easier tae get
oan ir aff th leet, bit it maks it easier fir punters tae gie th admin an
subscribers likesay muckle bother.

Bit waur, it deprives me o th opportunitie tae abuise fowk tryin tae get

>   People were subscribing to all the lists, blasting them with spam, and
> then immediately signing off.. Also, people were signing onto the list
> and sending a "who" command to the list server, which allowed them to
> harvest email addresses which they would then sell to spammers.
>   People started really bitching about the spam. Especially Jack Campin,
> who is very sensitive about his email address getting out.
>> I don't get it. How can you abuse Subscribe, unsubscribe...what's to
>> "ruin"?
>> CliffA
>> --- Toby Rider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hopefully it won't get abused like it did a couple years ago. It only
>> takes a couple of assholes to ruin things for everyone. Know what I
>> mean?
>> __
>> Do you Yahoo!?
>> Yahoo! Mail Plus – Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
>> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
>> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

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Re: [scots-l] unsubscribe

2002-11-24 Thread The Rev Dr Ian Adkins

Haw you, whit ur ye like!  D'ye naw see th tag belaw at sais cleek as ye
mean tae unsubscribe?

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Re: [scots-l] Moving the shoutcast server

2001-11-30 Thread Rev Dr Ian Adkins

Where ya movin' it to?

  United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
 District 9 ER, Division 3, Flotilla 5
 The Rev. Dr. Ian J. L. Adkins
   Division Staff Officer for Communication Services
   Consultant to the National Staff

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 Ce courriel est confidentiel et protégé. L'expéditeur ne
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- Original Message -
From: "Toby Rider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 10:21 AM
Subject: [scots-l] Moving the shoutcast server

I am physically moving the shoutcast server for my Scottish Internet
radio station, so it will be intermittently down during Friday and


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Re: [scots-l] Unsubscribe from scots-l

2001-10-17 Thread Rev Dr Ian Adkins

Gin ye want aff ye goat tae gies yer cash furst.  ;)

 United States Coast Guard Auxiliary - "Hamilton's Ducks"
  Ninth District Eastern, Division Three, Flotilla Five
The Reverend Dr. Ian J. L. Adkins
Flotilla Staff Officer for Communication Services
Consultant to the National Staff

- Original Message -
From: "Cynthia Shelhart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:13 PM
Subject: [scots-l] Unsubscribe from scots-l

Please unsubscribe-- I've been unsuccessful in doing so from the link.

Thank you.
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Re: [scots-l] John Anderson

2001-10-17 Thread Rev Dr Ian Adkins

See iss?  Atween ma fingers.

Aye, a wee fiddle pleyin ye th waurl's saddest tune!

(Yeese aw see whit A huv tae pit up wi oan iss leet? Ach)

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] John Anderson

Please remove my name from your list.  I have been trying to
unsubscribe for
days to no avail

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[scots-l] Re: [Scots-L] Hey Hoch Johnny Lad!

2001-09-05 Thread Rev Dr Ian Adkins

Here's the lyrics to it:

Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad, ye're no sae kind's ye shaud hae been
Gin yer voice A hadna kennt A cudna either trow ma een
Sae weel's ye micht hae touselt me an sweetlie preeyit my mowe bedeen
Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad, yer no sae kind's ye shauld hae been.

Ma faither he wis at th ploo, ma mither she wis at th mill
Ma Billie he wis at th moss, an no ane near wir sport tae spill
Th feint a body was therein, thare wis nae fear o bein seen
Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad, yer no sae kind's ye shauld hae been.

Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad, ye're no sae kind's ye shaud hae been
Gin yer voice A hadna kennt A cudna either trow ma een
Sae weel's ye micht hae touselt me an sweetlie preeyit my mowe
Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad, yer no sae kind's ye shauld hae been.

Wad onie lad wha luvt her weel hae left his bonnie lass her lane
Tae sigh an greet ilk langsome hour an think her sweetest meenits gane
Och had ye been a wooer leal we wad hae met wi hairts mair keen
Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad yer no sae kind's ye should hae been.

Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad, ye're no sae kind's ye shaud hae been
Gin yer voice A hadna kennt A cudna either trow ma een
Sae weel's ye micht hae touselt me an sweetlie preeyit my mowe
Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad, yer no sae kind's ye shauld hae been.

But A maun get anither jo, wha's luv gangs nivver oot o sicht
An nivver lats th moment pass whaun tae a lass he kin be kind
Sae gang yer wa's tae blinkin Bess, nae mair fer Johnny shall she
Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad yer no sae kind's ye shauld hae been.

Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad, ye're no sae kind's ye shaud hae been
Gin yer voice A hadna kennt A cudna either trow ma een
Sae weel's ye micht hae touselt me an sweetlie preeyit my mowe
Hey hoch ma Johnnie lad, yer no sae kind's ye shauld hae been.

The Rev. Dr. Ian Adkins

- Original Message -
From: Bruce Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 02, 1999 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Scots-L] Hey Hoch Johnny Lad!

Toby A. Rider wrote:
> Does anyone know what the title to the tune "Hey Hoch Johnny Lad!"
> means? Also any background into this great strathspey?
> In Scotland do you usually hear it played in high bass
tuning, as it
> usually heard played over here? Thanks.
> Toby A. Rider

"Hech how, Johnie lad" is the opening line of a song, with tune in SMM

John Glen (Early Scottish Melodies, for SMM #357) pointed out
"The Lasses of the Ferry" in Stewart's Reels as the same tune as
"Hech how, Johnie Lad" as well as "The Lads of Saltcots". I
haven't seen a copy of Stewart's Reels (1761-3). Here is a
version slightly earlier than the copy of the latter that Glen

T:The Lads of Saltcots
S:Rutherford's 24 CD's for 1758
A3/2 c/ B/A/B/c/|A/F/E/F/ B/4B/4B/B|A3/2c/ B/A/B/c/|\
A/F/E/F/ A/4A/4A/A::(e/f/4g/4 a/)c/ ~B/A/(B/c/)|\
e/f/4g/4 a/c/ B/4B/4B/B|(e/f/4g/4 a/)c/ ~B/A/B/c/|\
A/F/E/F/ A/4A/4A/A:|]

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Re: [scots-l] Your Patience Required, Your Help Appreciated

2001-08-19 Thread Dr Ian Adkins FSO-CS

Good sites for Scottish humour --

Jimmy McNulty's Bonnie Scotland,

The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum,

Glen Lachart,

The Rev. Dr. Ian Adkins

- Original Message -
From: "Judy Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 3:43 PM
Subject: [scots-l] Your Patience Required, Your Help Appreciated

I know that the mention of the song "The Scotsman"
will bring groans from many members. You know, the
fellow who "won first prize". I bring it up because
there is a large online support group of mostly ladies
who have a very painful chronic illness that to date
has no cure and only negligible treatment. Humorous
things are often posted to keep the spirits elevated.
Lately, the patter has been about the perennial
question of "what is worn beneath the scotman's kilt".
Does anyone know where I could find the lyrics to "The
Scotsman" on the net?  I have looked without success.
Would there be a copywrite problem if I posted it for
the newsgroup. Humor is healing. Matter of fact,
Scottish humor is wonderful stuff. Is there a place to
go to where we can find more? I realize that I am
pushing some parameters here. If it helps my cause, I
am a fiddle playing lover of Scottish tunes and am a
long time lurker. Your help would be appreciated.


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Re: [scots-l] Re: Come in, come in

2001-08-10 Thread Dr Ian Adkins FSO-CS

I think I got a few extra verses:

Come in, come in, it's nice tae see ye
How's yersel, yer lookin grand
Hae a seat an hae a drammie
Man yer walcome, here's my hand

At which point my mind either goes black or strays to the subject of
lunch.  :D

    The Rev. Dr. Ian Adkins

- Original Message -
From: "David Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Scots-L Posting" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 8:01 AM
Subject: [scots-l] Re: Come in, come in

Re: Derek's posting, I feel it is only right that in the interests of
justice and the Scottish way I point out that the lyrics go:

Come in, come in it's nice tae see ye,
How's yersel, ye're lookin grand.

After that my memory, like Derek's, fails me.  I'm not even sure of
the tune
after that. It always seems to merge into the classic valedictory song
the same  programme:

Haste ye back, ye're always welcome
er, tum, ti, tum, ti tum

As someone once said, sentiment works as long as you mean it.  There
always something good-hearted and sociable about the spirit of those
programmes, a spirit which defies the ironic tenor of much our current
cultural experience.

David Francis

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Re: [scots-l] FW: my grandads problem

2001-08-08 Thread Dr Ian Adkins FSO-CS

Haw mannie, Flotilla Staff Officer for Communcation Systems, U.S.
Coast Guard Auxiliary.  Reserve of the reserves.  ;)

The Rev. Dr. Ian Adkins

- Original Message -
From: Toby Rider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] FW: my grandads problem

Hey hoch laddie :-) What does FSO-CS stand for??


Dr Ian Adkins FSO-CS wrote:
> Muzak is precisely what this is beginning to sound like.  Does this
> come with a grass kilt and pineapple haggis?  :D
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Re: [scots-l] FW: my grandads problem

2001-08-07 Thread Dr Ian Adkins FSO-CS

Muzak is precisely what this is beginning to sound like.  Does this 78
come with a grass kilt and pineapple haggis?  :D

The Rev. Dr. Ian Adkins

- Original Message -
From: Stuart Eydmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Scots Music List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] FW: my grandads problem

Ah! Now your talking my kind'a musak.

The  Felix Mendelsohn and his Hawian Serenaders one of my all time
records of Scottish music - 78 rpm - the disk is called
Scotlandia"  - boy
does the blood leap in my veins when I hear the geetar strains! I have
known to play this on my wind up
machine at dinner parties when I'm tired and emotional - your granddad
have similar good taste. I have a hunch that they used to play in in
cinema when I was wee but perhap's I'm just dreaming.

Anyway,  there is a copy in my archive and I've been meaning to make a
digital copy of it for some time  - contact me privately by email and
see how I might help.

Stuart Eydmann

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Re: [scots-l] solfa

2001-07-16 Thread Rev Dr Ian Adkins

I have a terrible allergy to solfa.  ;)

It's rather easy to create fonts in CorelDRAW! if you have a
copy, you can export images to individual character numbers
in a TrueType or Postscript font.  I haven't tried this in
the Mac version but it works nice in the Windows version.

- Original Message -
From: "David Kilpatrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] solfa

Jack Campin wrote:
> The octaving signs are the main problem; the lower one
doesn't occur
> in ASCII (it has to be distinguished from a comma, which
is used like
> a dot in staff notation) and both are kerned so as to take
up no
> horizontal space.

Jack, I have Fontographer and used to write bitmap fonts
back in the
early 1980s, never done PS/TT for anything except a few
symbols, but if
it is a matter of creating these I could do so. I did an
early music
font version of Goudy or something for my brother a couple
of years
back, just to give him the right typography for the words.

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Re: [scots-l] Amazing Grace

2001-07-12 Thread Rev Dr Ian Adkins

Hi Carol, I was attending the monthly meeting in Buffalo for
a while until I realized it was just too far for me to drive
every Sunday.  :(  So until I move or a meeting starts up

But I can maybe lend a little info to the debate, the
Shakers originally penned "Simple Gifts" around 1850 or so,
and Aaron Copeland used the tune in his "Appalachian
Spring."  In the 1960s the tune was set to the familiar
"Lord of the Dance" lyrics.  The Shakers are something I
have to explain away quite frequently, I tell people about
being a Quaker and they ask, "Does that mean you can't have
sex?" "Do you live on a commune in the woods?" "Do you make
furniture?"  Not to mention those who get us confused with
the Amish.  ;)  The Shakers, who number only six or seven
now (that sex thing really puts a damper on furthering a
religion!), were originally an off-shoot of the Quakers but
people should remember that there is a big difference in
them and Quakers.  But interestingly enough, as influential
as Quakers were and continue to be in America, most kids
only learn about the Shakers, as a footnote, in their
American history classes.

Okay, rant done!

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Amazing Grace

Carol Thompkins wrote:
> I had
> > difficulty explaining to our host family the meaning of
the title "Amazing
> > Grace". I think I was right in saying it was an American
quaker hymn or
> was
> > that Lord of the Dance which was also played by our
hosts in our honour!
> > >
> Hi Philip,
> As a Quaker for many years, I can guarantee you that
Amazing Grace is not a
> Quaker hymn.  Quakers don't sing at meeting except in rare
instances, nor do
> we have hymns.  In fact, the meeting is mostly silent
unless the spirit
> moves one of us to speak.
> Just FYI.
> Carol (going now to look at Rachel's music)
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You can find the original 1779 text of Newton's "Amazing
Grace" on the
Cowper-Newton Museum website.

Bruce Olson
Roots of Folk: Old British Isles popular and folk songs,
broadside ballads at my no-spam website -
or just";> Click 

Motto: Keep it up; muddling through always works.
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Re: [scots-l] unsubscribe

2001-07-09 Thread Ian Adkins

Haw ye sassenach plonkir, d'ye naw see th line belaw aboot
unsubbin yersel?  Noo awa tae feck an bile yer heid!

- Original Message -
From: "Kimble Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 8:08 PM
Subject: [scots-l] unsubscribe


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Re: [scots-l] Fjynnasvalsen

2001-06-26 Thread Ian Adkins

<< I am trying to find out what the tune title
"Fjynnasvalsen" means in American English. >>

It means, "Hide the whisky, the longboats are coming!"

-Original Message-
From: Keith W Dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 5:32 PM
Subject: [scots-l] Fjynnasvalsen

I am trying to find out what the tune title "Fjynnasvalsen"
means in
American English.  I came across this tune on a site
featuring Shetland
and Orkney fiddle tunes.   It's a very nice tune and one on
my list to
learn.  I don't have the abc transcription but I do have the
gif. file if
anyone is interested.

Thanks for any help.

Keith Dunn

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Re: [scots-l] lurker

2001-06-14 Thread Ian Adkins

If you see a dwarfy Canadian in Argyll named MacTavish, kick
him as hard as possible then run away!  Or an Alambampot
named Akins, he might try to sell you his
great-grandfather's fake tombstone.  :D

-Original Message-
From: Elsie Duman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, June 14, 2001 2:52 PM
Subject: [scots-l] lurker

OK Nigel--As a long-time lurker, I take your challenge to
post a message.
My love of Irish music got me interested in Scots music.
Yes, I know
there's a difference, but I love them both. I've learned a
lot from people
on this list, and now I have a question I hope some of you
can answer. I'm
considering a trip to Scotland in October, mostly to the
Western Isles. My
husband tells me that if we rent a car, he gets to drive and
I get to see
everything, so an organized tour is what we should do. Any
suggestions as
to tours, and how we can fit in hearing traditional music?


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Re: [scots-l] Gallant Murray

2001-06-13 Thread Ian Adkins

<< Menzies, he's our friend and brother;
Gask and Strowan are nae slack! >>

Apparently you don't know the Mingis I know!  ;)

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Re: [scots-l] Query

2001-06-05 Thread Ian Adkins

Do I hear an echo in here?  :D

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 5:31 PM
Subject: [scots-l] Query

I am new to the list and new to the Internet, how do I
comment to the list?
Gaye Reid

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Re: [scots-l] Tiny monster

2001-04-03 Thread Ian Adkins

Naw, they're guid fer ye!  Here, hae anither wan!

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Tiny monster

> Please stop sending your mails to me !!
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jack Campin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 1:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [scots-l] Tiny monster
> > >> My current exercise in instrument abuse is playing Scottish tunes
> > >> on the Black Sea fiddle or "kemence"
> > > So it won't be long before Blackfriars have a few of these in stock,
> > > then?
> >
> > Wouldn't be a bad idea - they're good value for the money, extremely
> > well made and nice tone (the strings and bow you get with them are
> > invariably shit, though).  I got mine in Istanbul years ago, but only
> > just got round to doing anything with it.  Problem is that if even a
> > Turkish instrument shop can't set them up correctly, how likely is
> > Blackfriars to sell them in playable condition?
> >
> >
> > > I have just resisted buying a 'bombarde' from Scayles for £24.95.
> > > Pakistani made, oboe reed and neat little conical bore pipe turned
> > > from something resembling rosewood in one case, with a couple of
> > > keys and the rest finger holes. For the money it looked excellent
> > > value, but they could not tell me what temperament or indeed what
> > > sort of scale it played.
> >
> > I suspect this is nearer to a zurna than a bombarde, i.e. the design
> > ethos is that having the fingerholes in the right places is for wimps;
> > you half-hole, shade-finger or lip down to get the right pitch.
> >
> > It shouldn't have an oboe reed - a pipe chanter reed is more like it.
> > You don't hold the reed between your lips.
> >
> >
> > > They suggest it 'sounds like a snake charmer'
> >
> > Charm is not quite the word.  They probably use them to clear cobras
> > from cricket stadiums before test matches.
> >
> >
> > > might be just up your street, Jack, they have two in the little window
> > > to the right of the entrance with the low whistles, tin whistles and
> > > stuff.
> >
> > I've seen them.  I can't play high-pressure wind instruments at the
> > moment, waiting (...and waiting...) on some plastic surgery to fix
> > that.  A couple of short tunes on a clarinet or practice chanter is
> > about my limit for now, otherwise I'm stuck with flute-family things.
> >
> >
> > > Any idea if these bombardes have any applications?
> >
> > If you have moles in your garden, point it down one of their holes
> > and they won't stop running till they hit Australia.  Or have your
> > dentist point it into your mouth to descale your teeth.
> >
> > The one instrument in this family I do fancy is that Catalan keyed
> > tenor shawm thing.  I've played an ordinary tenor shawm and it's fun
> > but a bastard to play beyond the diatonic scale.
> >
> > === 
> >
> >
> > Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
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Re: [scots-l] 78rpm to mp3

2001-04-03 Thread Ian Adkins

Naw, they're guid fer ye!  Here, hae anither wan!

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] 78rpm to mp3

> Please stop sending your mails to me !!!
> - Original Message -
> From: "Stuart Eydmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 10:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [scots-l] 78rpm to mp3
> > Ian wrote:
> >
> > >Naw Stuart, tis ainlie WWI popular sangs, some jazz, an classical
> > >naething Scottish tha A kin see.  Bit still A'm interestit in hearin
> > >oan th disks, likesay steppin back intae th past anat!
> >
> >
> > But that is Scottish music!
> >
> > Stuart
> >
> >
> >
> > Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
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Re: [scots-l] 78rpm to mp3

2001-04-03 Thread Ian Adkins

Haw Stuart, iss stuff is mair like "Hey Over Thare!" an "Anchors Aweigh"
anat, likesay WWI Goanny-Kick-Yer-Hun-Arse! sort o sangs.  Mebbes iss
weekend A kin catalogue whit A hae an post it here.

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
From: Stuart Eydmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] 78rpm to mp3

> Ian wrote:
> >Naw Stuart, tis ainlie WWI popular sangs, some jazz, an classical muisic,
> >naething Scottish tha A kin see.  Bit still A'm interestit in hearin
> >oan th disks, likesay steppin back intae th past anat!
> But that is Scottish music!
> Stuart
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Re: [scots-l] 78rpm to mp3

2001-04-02 Thread Ian Adkins

Naw Stuart, tis ainlie WWI popular sangs, some jazz, an classical muisic,
naething Scottish tha A kin see.  Bit still A'm interestit in hearin whit's
oan th disks, likesay steppin back intae th past anat!

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
From: Stuart Eydmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] 78rpm to mp3

> Ian Adkins wrote:
> I don't know if I asked this before, but do any of you know of a service
> that will convert 78s to digital format, MP3, etc.?  I have scads of 78
> records, mostly WWI songs and such, completely useless to me otherwise.
> Ian,
> I have a set up for doing this - 78rpm disks have a habit of breaking and
> I've been trying to work through my collection digitising the most
> ones. There is some great Scottish traditional music in the 78rpm domain
> most of it is unknown to the yoof of today.
> Nigel Gatherer also dabbles in this field, I believe.
> Have you any Scottish stuff in your collection?
> Stuart
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Re: [scots-l] Interesting 78 rpm Scottish fiddle record

2001-04-01 Thread Ian Adkins

I don't know if I asked this before, but do any of you know of a service
that will convert 78s to digital format, MP3, etc.?  I have scads of 78
records, mostly WWI songs and such, completely useless to me otherwise.

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Stuart Eydmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 7:31 AM
Subject: [scots-l] Interesting 78 rpm Scottish fiddle record

> I found a very interesting old 78rpm fiddle record  at a car boot sale
> yesterday featuring a player I've never heard of, tunes I've never
> encountered.
> The record is on the Beltona Label (serial no. 142001) and the player is
> "Farquar MacRame -  Aberdeenshire's Bothy Fiddler". Side one features a
> of jig tunes called "The Broken Fiddle" while side two features a
> (?) called "The ewie wi' the cheeky smile". I've posted a short fragment
> the latter to the Whistlebinkies web site as an MP3 which should give some
> idea of the guy's style:
> The playing is quite unlike any other fiddlers to be heard today (although
> there is a guy who plays in Sandy Bells pub in Edinburgh who come close -
> can't remember his name but he owes me seven pints).
> I've checked Alburger's book but there is no mention of the man - can
> throw any light on the player and tunes.
> Have I stumbled on something really important?
> Stuart
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[scots-l] Celtic font

2001-03-19 Thread Ian Adkins

At's a guid wan, like atween semi-uncial, Carolingian, an a proto
blackletter.  Braw, sae it is!

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited

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Re: [scots-l] see you later, aligators

2001-03-17 Thread Ian Adkins

Sailin tae Byzantium!  Guid luck mannie, bring us back photies anat!

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
From: Rob MacKillop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: medieval lute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; scots-l
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 2:39 AM
Subject: [scots-l] see you later, aligators

> I shall be away between Monday 19 March and May 1st - 10 days touring
> the remainder in Turkey studying the oud. I shall not be accessing my
> during that time. If you need to contact me, mark the subject line
> and my wife will
> relay the contents to me.
> I'll be at home today and the weekend.
> Cheers!
> Rob
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Re: [scots-l] celtic font

2001-03-11 Thread Commodore Ian Adkins

Hey hoch Rob, A hae wan A made masel, gin ye want it.  An some aithers tae.

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
From: Rob MacKillop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: scots-l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 3:07 PM
Subject: [scots-l] celtic font

> Does anyone know where I can get a so-called 'celtic' font (sorry - hate
> use the 'C' word in public)? Preferably for free, but if it's good I don't
> mind paying a little for it. While I'm at it, are there any contacts for
> anyone specialising in historical Scottish fonts - non Gaelic?
> Rob
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Re: [scots-l] Ahoy! Gie me aw yer siller pal or A'll chib ye!

2001-03-10 Thread Ian Adkins

Noo thare's ma sort o officer!  :D

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Bruce Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 2:22 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Ahoy! Gie me aw yer siller pal or A'll chib ye!

> Ian Adkins wrote:
> >
> > Hey hoch fowk,
> >
> > Now I've been with this list for almost three years now, I think we've
> > gotten to know each other real well.  What most of you don't know is
that I
> > have a secret, hidden desire to become a sea captain.  Maybe a commodore
> > too.  And I'm hoping all of you can help me.
> >
> > I make okay money working for a university (just started in fact), and
> > and Toby do a good business designing hosting websites on the side.  But
> > let's face it, it ain't enough to buy a big sea-going ship.  Preferrably
> > with a few 40mm guns an torpedo tubes fore and aft.
> >
> > Maybe we can do this like a charity!  Raise a cool million USD to build
> > ship on the Clyde for auld lang syne.  Come on, what's a million to a
> > affluent bunch like you?  Help me and a few old welders in bonnie
> > Glesgatoun!  Write it off as a charitable contribution afterward!
> >
> > Let me know what all of you think.  Top contributors can come along on a
> > cargo run or two, maybe fish for shark and tuna, put a few holes in the
> > of an Iraqi oil tanker.  Exciting stuff.
> >
> > Yers aye,
> >
> > Ian J. L. Adkins
> > Aspiring sea captain and commodore
> > Niagara Falls, N.Y.
> >
> > P.S., personal cheques and bank drafts are fine!
> >
> > ==
> > --
> >  "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
> >   doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
> > --
> > The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
> >
> > --
> >Blackmill Networks, Limited
> >
> > ==
> >
> > Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:
> You may perhaps find some interest in the humorous adventures of
> Commodore Gale in the 18th century, told in a song of that title. It's
> in the Scarce Songs 1 file on my website. Tune - Granny wale [Grainne
> Mhaol, Granuaile = Grace O'Malley], known earlier, but not found
> until later than the song of the Commodore. There's an ABC of it.
> Bruce Olson
> --
> Old English, Irish and, Scots: popular songs, tunes, broadside
> ballads at my website (no advs-spam, etc)-
> or click below"> Click 
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[scots-l] Ahoy! Gie me aw yer siller pal or A'll chib ye!

2001-03-08 Thread Ian Adkins

Hey hoch fowk,

Now I've been with this list for almost three years now, I think we've all
gotten to know each other real well.  What most of you don't know is that I
have a secret, hidden desire to become a sea captain.  Maybe a commodore
too.  And I'm hoping all of you can help me.

I make okay money working for a university (just started in fact), and me
and Toby do a good business designing hosting websites on the side.  But
let's face it, it ain't enough to buy a big sea-going ship.  Preferrably
with a few 40mm guns an torpedo tubes fore and aft.

Maybe we can do this like a charity!  Raise a cool million USD to build a
ship on the Clyde for auld lang syne.  Come on, what's a million to a
affluent bunch like you?  Help me and a few old welders in bonnie
Glesgatoun!  Write it off as a charitable contribution afterward!

Let me know what all of you think.  Top contributors can come along on a
cargo run or two, maybe fish for shark and tuna, put a few holes in the bow
of an Iraqi oil tanker.  Exciting stuff.

Yers aye,

Ian J. L. Adkins
Aspiring sea captain and commodore
Niagara Falls, N.Y.

P.S., personal cheques and bank drafts are fine!

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited

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Re: [scots-l] Natalie

2001-03-06 Thread Ian Adkins


God bless,
Ian Adkins
Niagara Falls, New York
Mobile: 1313 666 BOB

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Damian Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Natalie

> With Kind Regards
> Damian Wood
> Melbourne,  Australia
> Mobile:  0409 836 941
> - Original Message -
> From: "George Seto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Cape Breton Music" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Scottish Music Mailing
> Sent: 6 March 2001 10:27 PM
> Subject: [scots-l] Natalie
> > The Canadian Bravo Channel has for TONIGHT!
> >
> >
> >06 March 2001
> >  Times listed refer to Eastern Time
> >
> >09:00PM Live at the Rehearsal Hall: Natalie MacMaster ([49]
> >Appointment With Music) Natalie MacMaster combines traditional fiddle
> >tunes with irresistible street grooves in this performance in front
> >a live audience at Bravo!'s Rehearsal Hall. (E)
> >
> >10:00PM Music of Scotland ([50] Appointment With Music) Scottish
> >baritone Peter Morrison sings his country's tunes, such as "Scotland
> >the Brave", "Loch Lomond", and "My Love is Like a Red Red Rose"
> >against the backdrop of the highlands. (E)
> >
> > Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:
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Re: [scots-l] Natalie

2001-03-06 Thread Ian Adkins

One of those occasions I actually wish I had more Canadian TV stations.  :)

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: George Seto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Cape Breton Music <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Scottish Music Mailing List
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 6:27 AM
Subject: [scots-l] Natalie

> The Canadian Bravo Channel has for TONIGHT!
>06 March 2001
>  Times listed refer to Eastern Time
>09:00PM Live at the Rehearsal Hall: Natalie MacMaster ([49]
>Appointment With Music) Natalie MacMaster combines traditional fiddle
>tunes with irresistible street grooves in this performance in front of
>a live audience at Bravo!'s Rehearsal Hall. (E)
>10:00PM Music of Scotland ([50] Appointment With Music) Scottish
>baritone Peter Morrison sings his country's tunes, such as "Scotland
>the Brave", "Loch Lomond", and "My Love is Like a Red Red Rose"
>against the backdrop of the highlands. (E)
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Re: [scots-l] UNSUBSCRIBE

2001-02-28 Thread Ian Adkins

ARG!  Ye scunnerin bam, avast ye!  Shivver ma timbers!  Arrr!

- Original Message -
From: Abby Sale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 9:48 AM
Subject: [scots-l] UNSUBSCRIBE

> :-) I know how to Unsubscribe - Just wanted to give Ian something to look
> foreward to and to say goodbye ter yiz all.
> I've enjoyed the group.
> Abby Sale
> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
>   I am Abby Sale - in Orlando, Florida
> Boycott South Carolina!
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[scots-l] Burlin ance mair

2001-02-21 Thread Ian Adkins

Briar burls us whit yer tobacco pipes is carvit frae.  :)

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
From: Derek Hoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 5:54 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Birlin' once more

> Stuart wrote:
> > Regarding birls and Skinner...
> Great stuff.  And a good point about the place of the birl.  They must
> different if there is a pause or a held note after them, as opposed to
> straight to another note, more common in reels.  I've also pointed out in
> other posts that birls are played quite differently in different styles-
> saying that one is more traditional than another is a bit pointless.
> It seems there's some dispute over Alexander's ratios, but his point is
> for teaching- to play the short notes shorter and more crisply than the
> printed music would suggest.
> Derek
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Re: [scots-l] Feb 17th (fwd)

2001-02-17 Thread Ian Adkins

There's your chance Toby!  Quick, we'll sell a few more websites.  :D

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Feb 17th (fwd)

> Hi Toby:
> On Feb 15 you wrote:
> Where is The Moustache? I didn't see it in Mabou :-)
> The Mustache is "Your Father's Mustache" a pub located on Spring Garden
> Road in Halifax.  It frequently features Cape Breton musicians. I now
> live in Halifax but  grew up in Mabou. Mabou has only one pub, "The Red
> Shoe".  It's for sale by the way.
> Alexander
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Re: [scots-l] Hi everybody!

2001-02-16 Thread Ian Adkins

"Ur thare onie fiddlers oot thare," ye spier!  Daes Dan Quayle like his

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
From: Eric Dodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 10:57 PM
Subject: [scots-l] Hi everybody!

> Hello all,
> I'm Eric Dodson, a 5 year Scottish fiddler in Austin, Tx (and
> new to this list).
> Are there any Scottish fiddlers out and about in this area
> (or San Antonio or Houston or Dallas) that would like to get
> together
> There's more Irish fiddlers (no disrespect intended) than I
> can throw a stick at, but the Scots must be in hiding.  ;-)
> Thanks!!
> -Eric
> ---
> Eric Dodson
> ---
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Re: [scots-l] Official scots-l site

2001-02-15 Thread Ian Adkins

A'm sorrie tae hear tha Erica, whit were ye daen drinkin pesticides?  A howp
yer better soon sae ye kin get back oot intae th sunshine amang th gum
trees.  Whit's th prognosis gin ye dinna mind me spierin o it?

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
From: macfiddler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Official scots-l site

> At 22:25 -0800 14/2/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Ian Adkins wrote:
> >>
> >>  Ur ye naw weel then Erica?
> >>
> >
> Nothing that a wee dram couldn't fix?? :-)
> Nice thought, Toby, but a wee dram would probably finish me off
> completely :-( I've got liver (and nervous system) damage from
> pesticides. Even the smell of alcohol makes me fall over ;-)
> Erica
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Re: [scots-l] Official scots-l site

2001-02-14 Thread Ian Adkins

Ur ye naw weel then Erica?

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
From: macfiddler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Official scots-l site

> >
> >
> >But what's happened to some of the old fowk? Gary Blair left the list
> >because there wasn't enough traffic on it, which seems an odd reason
> >indeed. But what happened to the likes of Philip Whittaker and are you
> >still there, Chic? Does Erica still listen in? Jan Tappan? Haven't heard
> >from Timothy for a while.
> >
> >Maybe it's time for me to goad you into a "whitye bin uptae?" -type
> Hello Nigel, all,
> Yes, I'm still here. I've been too ill and weak to play much music or
> do much typing, but I read the list daily. It makes a cheery start to
> my day as I sit here in bed trying to decipher broad Scots on the
> screen of the trusty PowerBook which sits on my lap.
> best,
> Erica Mackenzie
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[scots-l] Angus an th Deil

2001-02-11 Thread Ian Adkins

Angus' lang sufferin strife -- er, wife -- wis sair fed up wi his fainness o
a no-sae-wee drammie.  Maist nichts he wad crawl hame frae th pub muckle
waur fer th wear.  Sae his wifie resolvit tae cure him.

Late wan Hallowe'en, she pit a bedsheet ower her heid, hid ahent th bushes
at th front door o their hoose, an waitit fer her scunnerin bam o a hoosband
tae cam hame.  Efter a whiles, Angus staggerit up th path.

His wife, in th bedsheet, jumps oot frae ahent th bushes an cries, "Angus!
A'm th Deil!  An A've cam tae warn ye..."

"Lucifer ye say!" Angus interruptit.  "Weel ye maun cam ben an hae a dram wi
me then, kinsman.  Fer A dae believe A'm marrit tae yer sister!"

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited
- Original Message -
From: Don E. Z'Boray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ian Adkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 11:31 PM
Subject: Re: A wee joke

> i just happen to have a spare headset w/ microphone ... got it as a
> freebie from somewhere and i have another that i use anyway - want the
> spare?

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Re: [scots-l] churchill travelling fellowship

2001-02-09 Thread Ian Adkins

Kin A hae wan tae??

 "They racin doos is sae fast aw th passenger
  doos deed o whiplash!  Nae, reallie."
The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
   Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 7:47 AM
Subject: BOUNCE scots-l@: Header field too long (>1024)

> >From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Feb  9 04:46:02 2001
> Received: from ( [])
> by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id EAA21442
> for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri, 9 Feb 2001 04:04:49 -0800
> Received: from gnasher ([]
> by with esmtp (Exim 3.14 #10)
> id 14RBSP-00018Q-00; Fri, 09 Feb 2001 11:11:17 +
> Received: from ([]
> by with smtp (Exim 3.14 #10)
> id 14RBSN-0001Ih-00; Fri, 09 Feb 2001 11:11:16 +
> Message-ID: <001c01c09289$bf53f820$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: "Rob MacKillop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Sheena Wellington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "scots-l" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Pawlina Bednarczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "medieval lute" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Matt Seattle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Martin Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Jim Gilchrist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Jamie Reid Baxter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "hille" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Grant O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Fife Arts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Ed Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "David Kett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Billy Kay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "Ylva Player- Dahnsjo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "The Lute Society" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "The Hardie Press" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Stuart Eydmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Steve Player" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Steve Archibald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Stephen Strugnel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Stanley Yates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "S Tanaka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Phillip Thorne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Peter Haigh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Peggy Duesenberry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Nimbus Dominic Fyfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Morag-Anne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Mary Ann Alburger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Joe Baldassarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "James Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "James Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Greentrax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Gordon Milne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "David Van Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "David McGuiness" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Crawford Arts Centre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Colin Hynd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Bill Bay"
> "Barnaby Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Arnold Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Allan Neave"
> Subject: churchill travelling fellowship
> Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 11:15:23 -
> MIME-Version: 1.0
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> charset="iso-8859-1"
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> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4133.2400
> Good news at last! I have been awarded a Churchill Travelling Fellowship.
> I'll be travelling to Morocco, Turkey and the South of Spain studying the
> ancient styles of oud (lute) playing, which will give me some insights
> the instruments and techniques used by medieval Scottish lutars.
> The lute seems to have arrived in Scotland during the medieval period via
> the Crusades and pilgrim routes to such places as Rosslyn Chapel where
> are three engraved lutars - one of whom is sporting a fine turban. The
> grandfather of the founder of the chapel, William St Clair (Sinclair),
> near Granada accompanying Robert the Bruce's heart on its way to
> The St Clairs were closely associated with gypsy families in Rosslyn, and
> saved one such 'Egyptian' from the gallows. They are known to a have been
> entertainers. The engravings show that the types of instruments used and
> techniques employed are very similar to what is still being played in the
> Middle East. By visiting museums of historical instruments in Turkey and
> Morocco, and observing 'folk' and 'classical' oudists, I hope to gain a
> peephole into some of the influences on medieval Scottish lute playing.
> A happy Rob

Posted to Scots-L -

[scots-l] Fw: Help Needed For the World Peace Organisation

2001-01-26 Thread Ian Adkins

- Original Message -
From: Ian Adkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [recipient list supressed]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 3:12 AM
Subject: Help Needed For the World Peace Organisation

> Friends and Citizens,
> First off, my apologies for not typing in Scots, all of you know it's
> preferred language.  :)
> I wanted to write all of you today regarding an endeavor I'd like to
> take up, the foundation of an independent, non-governmental organization
> (NGO) dedicated to a permanent world peace, called the United Nations
> Peace Organisation (UN-WPO).
> Within the last decade we have seen such scenes of incredible carnage
> and suffering in the former Yugoslavia, in Rwanda, in Israel and
> in Chechnya, in Spain, in East Timor, in Northern Ireland, in the Congo
> many other West African nations, and even in the industrialized West,
> freak shootings and acts of random violence are seemingly on the increase.
> The common reasons for conflict are religious, ethnic, and political
> intolerance, rabid nationalism, and economic conquest.  New conflicts loom
> on the horizon, with ancient hatreds, scarcity of resources,
> nuclear proliferation, and the daily struggles of billions of people
> creating friction that threatens to spark off the next conflagration.
> The United Nations and its constituent nation-states have proven to us
> that their interest in promoting and enforcing peace and fostering filial
> goodwill between all peoples is virtually non-existent unless a conflict
> either economically disadvantageous to the wealthy or the Western media
> takes up a crusade against it, such as in Bosnia-Hercegovina and Kosovo.
> The various peace-inclined NGOs already in operation, such as the
> International Bureau For Peace, do not have an energetic activist base and
> furthermore, because of their quasi-official status as recognized NGOs,
> allowed their orbits to stray too closely to the official United Nations
> body and have become bogged down by international politics.
> What is needed is a grassroots, global organization that will remain a
> separate entity, ever-active and ever-vigilant, which will bring people
> together and advocate non-violent solutions regardless of popularity or
> governmental opposition.  It shall promote understanding, cooperation, and
> brotherhood amongst all people before a conflict threatens, with the hope
> averting suffering and the loss of that most precious commodity, human
> I urge you to join me in the establishment of the World Peace
> Organisation.  We'll need your support, from agitation to donations of
> supplies and professional services.  If in any way you want to help or can
> support us in this greatest errand of mercy, please let me know.
> World peace is achievable -- if only we demand it of our governments!
> Ian J. L. Adkins
> No. 1124 Ninetieth Street
> Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14304-2872 USA
> Vox: 716 283 9449
> Fax: 716 283 1676


[scots-l] A Guid Burns Nicht Tae Aw o Ye!

2001-01-25 Thread Ian Adkins


Fair faw yer honest, sonsie face
Great chieftain o th puddin-race!
Abuin them aw ye tak yer place
Painch, tripe or thairm:
Weel are ye wordie o a grace
As lang's ma arm.

Th groanin trencher thare ye fill
Yer hurdies like a distant hill
Yer pin wad help tae mend a mill
In time o need
While thro yer pores th dews distil
Like amber bead.

His knife see rustic labour dicht
An cut ye up wi readie sleicht,
Trenchin yer gushin entrails bricht
Like onie ditch;
An then, O what a glorious sicht,
Warm-reekin, rich!

Then, horn fer horn
They stretch an strive:
Deil tak th hindmost! oan they drive
Till aw their weel-swallit kytes belyve
Are bent lyke drums;
Then auld guidman, maist like tae rive
"Bethankit!" hums.

Is thare tha ower his French ragoot
Or olio tha wad staw a sow
Or fricassee wad mak her spew
Wi perfect sconner
Luiks doon wi sneerin, scornfu view
Oan sic a dinner?

Poor deil! see him ower his trash
As feckless as a witherit rash
His spindle shank, a guid whip-lash
His nieve a nit;
Thro bluidie flood or field tae dash
O hoo unfit!

Bit mark th rustic, haggis fed
Th tremblin earth resounds his tread
Clap in his walie nieve a blade
He'll mak it whissle
An legs an arms, an heids will sned
Like taps o thrissle.

Ye Powers wha mak mankind yer care
An dish them oot their bill o fare
Auld Scotlan wants nae skinkin ware
Tha jaups in luggies;
But, gin ye wish her gratefu prayer
Gie her a haggis!

-- Robert Burns, National Bard o Scotlan, born th day in 1759



  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited


Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To 
subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

Re: [scots-l] Was 'Was Burns a racist?', now 'Deranged Pipers'

2001-01-23 Thread Ian Adkins

Hey hoch Derek, A hae a few years o woodwirkin unner ma belt, gin A cud play
th pipes A'd sure mak them.  Bit A canna, sae A dinna, an unless A kin then
A winna.  :P


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Derek Hoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Was 'Was Burns a racist?', now 'Deranged Pipers'

> Ian blustered:
> > Whit're ye oan aboot?  A wisna flamin oniebodie.  Awa an get yer
> > gland luikt at, A think it's overactiv innat.
> Right, I'll hold yir jaickets while you two step outside and sort this
> I was struck by how good natured this list is when I stumbled into the
> newsgroup (don't ask...) tonight.  There seemed
to be
> hardly any messages there that weren't part of some stooshie going on
> the participants.  Most lists/groups might have one flame war going on
> time to time, but this seemed to have loads- every thread was a separate
> part of some mega flame-campaign. Talk about overblowing.
> And some folks there seemed to be using multiple anonymous addresses so
> could launch concealed attacks.  Unless it's all the work of one deranged
> bagpipe maker...
> They are an odd bunch, as an occasional trip to the Lowland and Borders
> Association reminds me.
> You make pipes Ian?
> Derek
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
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Re: [scots-l] Was Burns a racist?

2001-01-23 Thread Ian Adkins

<< Perhaps this unnatural leaping is a clue that Ian was not responding to
your message, but to things he has heard elsewhere? >>

Aye, tis at tha!

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Re: [scots-l] Was Burns a racist?

2001-01-22 Thread Ian Adkins

Whit're ye oan aboot?  A wisna flamin oniebodie.  Awa an get yer paranoid
gland luikt at, A think it's overactiv innat.


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: jw&a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 1:17 PM
Subject: RE: [scots-l] Was Burns a racist?

> you should maybe like _read_ the post before you flame the sender.
> bob
> > A'm fain o th freemasons' staun fer democracie, egalitarianism, an
> > An this thin fowk sais aboot freemasons bein racists is shite, th
> > California
> > societie boasts huge nummers o Hispanics an Asians.  Sae A'd jyne them
> > they'd hae me.  Bit A'd be happier gin they wis mair open tae th
> > participation o women, even in their ain lodges.
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> >   Crown Malt Inspector
> >   Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
> > Invernesshire, Scotland
> > 
> >   The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
> >
> > 
> >   Blackmill Networks, Limited
> >
> > 
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: jw&a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 4:44 PM
> > Subject: RE: [scots-l] Was Burns a racist?
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Rob MacKillop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 5:48 AM
> > > > To: scots-l
> > > > Subject: [scots-l] Was Burns a racist?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I must have got out of the wrong side of bed this morning...
> > > >
> > > > Was Burns a racist? Just before his Kilmarnock edition came out -
> > > > his first
> > > > collection of poems - he hoped that the money from it would
> > be enough to
> > > > start a new life in Jamaica as a 'Negro-driver', a slave
> > owner. Was it a
> > > > case of, 'A man's a man for a that - exept negroes'? Did he
> > >
> > > my dad tells me that the man who's a man is a freemason.
> > > that is, a mason has no social rank. dukes and knights and the lowest
> > > apprentice or beggar are all "brother" in the lodge. it doesn't apply
> > > "others", or to women either, for that matter.
> > >
> > > Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
> > subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:
> >
> >
> > Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List
> > - To subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:
> >
> >
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
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[scots-l] Neu Fer th REAL Millenium -- Gae Oan, Gie it a Wee Cleek!

2001-01-21 Thread Ian Adkins

(English version appears below my signature.)

Feck it's been a while noo, bit A'm back tae update ye oan ma angry Scottish
humour wabsteid, th Angry Scotsman's Internet Asylum, locatit at

We hae neu features since November sic as:

- Neu Boords, Braw As Kin Be

- Feckin Idjit Attacks Angry Scotland!

- Deposit Latin American Dictators

- Whit's an Angry Scotswoman?

- Ma Muse is Upon Me

- Neu cartoons, vitamin enrichit an noo wi calcium!

Tha an muckle mair kin be found at --


Gae oan, gie it a cleek!  Acause as wir motto sais, OWER ANE MILLION

Noo fer a few aither wabsteids ye micht be interestit in:


Somewhaur in th remote Scottish Hielans, near th fit o Ben Nevis, lies a
wee toun whaur aw th fowk are escapit mental patients an ex-KGB agents.
It's a madhoose an ye'll nivver want tae lea gin ye jyne.  :)


A rather amusin wabsteid tha lats ye pit up a leet o yer "crushes," an
gin th same person is registert an leets ye as their "crush," it lats th twa
o ye ken.  :)


Mine an Toby's wabhostin an E-mail service.  We're cheap, we're fast an
efficient, tech support tae dee fer, an we hae bandwidth an a dozen o th
best servers aroon -- whit mair cud ye spier fer?  :D


Still unner construction bit wi a vera near launch date, it's a portal
fae Shug Miller fer thins Scots actuallie dae care aboot - fitbaw, irn bru,
photies o hame innat.  :p


Glen Lachart poglavnik Jenna Glatzer's ultimate resource fer
professional an aspirin authors, wi airticles, listins, an cleeks.

Thenks fer taen th time tae stop by, an see ye agane neest time!


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

(Scots version abuin ma mark.)

Heck it's been a while now, but I'm back to update you on my angry Scottish
humor website, the Angry Scotsman's Internet Asylum, located at

We have new features since November, such as:

- New Boords, Cool As Can Be

- Idiot Attacks Angry Scotland!

- Deposed Latin American Dictators

- What's an Angry Scotswoman?

- My Muse is Upon Me

- New cartoons, vitamin enriched and now with calcium!

That and much more can be found at --


Go on, give it a click!  Because as our motto says, OVER ONE MILLION VISTORS

Now for a few other websites ye might be interested in:


Somewhere in the remote Scottish Highlands, near the foot of Ben Nevis,
lies a wee town where all the folk are escaped mental patients and ex-KGB
agents.  It's a madhouse and you'll never want to leave if you join.  :)


A rather amusing website that lets you put up a list of your "crushes,"
and if the same person is registered and list you as their "crush," it lets
the two of you know.  :)


Mine and Toby's webhosting and E-mail service.  We're cheap, we're fast
and efficient, tech support to die for, and we have bandwidth and a dozen of
the best servers around -- what more could you ask for?  :D


Still under construction but with a very near launch date, it's a portal
from Shug Miller for things Scots actually care about - football, irn bru,
photos of home and that.  :p


Glen Lachart poglavnik Jenna Glatzer's ultimate resource for
professional an aspiring authors, with articles, listings, an links.

Thanks for stopping by, and see you again next time!

(Nane o th wabsteids leetit in this E-mail paid fer yer attention --

Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To 
subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

Re: [scots-l] Was Burns a racist?

2001-01-18 Thread Ian Adkins

A'm fain o th freemasons' staun fer democracie, egalitarianism, an honour.
An this thin fowk sais aboot freemasons bein racists is shite, th California
societie boasts huge nummers o Hispanics an Asians.  Sae A'd jyne them gin
they'd hae me.  Bit A'd be happier gin they wis mair open tae th
participation o women, even in their ain lodges.


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: jw&a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 4:44 PM
Subject: RE: [scots-l] Was Burns a racist?

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Rob MacKillop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 5:48 AM
> > To: scots-l
> > Subject: [scots-l] Was Burns a racist?
> >
> >
> > I must have got out of the wrong side of bed this morning...
> >
> > Was Burns a racist? Just before his Kilmarnock edition came out -
> > his first
> > collection of poems - he hoped that the money from it would be enough to
> > start a new life in Jamaica as a 'Negro-driver', a slave owner. Was it a
> > case of, 'A man's a man for a that - exept negroes'? Did he
> my dad tells me that the man who's a man is a freemason.
> that is, a mason has no social rank. dukes and knights and the lowest
> apprentice or beggar are all "brother" in the lodge. it doesn't apply to
> "others", or to women either, for that matter.
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

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Re: [scots-l] concert

2001-01-17 Thread Ian Adkins

Toby, it cud be a huge balloon or melon, it dinna matter nane, it's o they
spigots A'm afeart!  :P


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Toby Rider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] concert

> Ian Adkins wrote:
> >
> > << But most importantly: FREE WINE!!! >>
> >
> > Guid wine or naw?
> >
> If it's being poured out of a cardboard box, run! :-)
> Toby
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

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Re: [scots-l] concert

2001-01-17 Thread Ian Adkins

<< But most importantly: FREE WINE!!! >>

Guid wine or naw?


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Rob MacKillop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Billy Kay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Gordon Milne
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; scots-l
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 2:48 PM
Subject: [scots-l] concert

> Crawford Art Centre, St Andrews, Thursday 8th February, 7.30pm.
> A concert of Scottish, French, Italian and Spanish music of mainly the
> and 18th centuries for lutes, guitars, percussion and dance. Rob MacKillop
> is recognised internationally as the foremost interpreter of the Scottish
> lute and early guitar repertoire. Steve Player has an international
> reputation as a virtuoso dancer and guitarist. Together they present a
> brilliant and unique programme of haunting airs and ports from Scottish
> manuscripts, and exciting rythmic dances for strummed guitars from Europe
> and 'The New World'.
> But most importantly: FREE WINE!!!
> Tickets available at the door - £3 (£2.50)
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
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Re: [scots-l] scots-l-digest V1 #371

2001-01-14 Thread Ian Adkins

Awricht, here's whit A say --

Feck th lot o they dunderheids an their stupit spiers, th answer's obvious
tha we ur whit we ur an thare's nae uise in dissectin it acause ye canna dae
a better job gin ye tried!  We ur Scots, an tha's aw tha needs fer tae be
said aboot it.

Noo back tae birlin innat!  :)


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Susan Tichy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] scots-l-digest V1 #371

> ...and it would save us a lot of time and money if you'd just answer them!
>  ;-)
> Ian Adkins wrote:
> >
> > Boy, they ask an awfy lot o questions, dae they naw?
> >
> > 
> > 
> >   Crown Malt Inspector
> >   Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
> > Invernesshire, Scotland
> > 
> >   The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
> >
> > 
> >   Blackmill Networks, Limited
> >
> > 
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Charles Gore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 6:50 AM
> > Subject: [scots-l] scots-l-digest V1 #371
> >
> > > Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >
> > > ___
> > >
> > > Scotland: National Identity and the Politics of Culture
> > >
> > > Center for Global Education, George Mason University
> > > June 21-July 7
> > >
> > >*How did Scotland become the quintessentially Romantic nation?
> > > was the character of
> > >the nation before Romanticism remade it? To what extent is
> > > contemporary Scotland
> > >embracing, celebrating, or trying to live down that romantic
> > > and heritage?
> > >
> > >*Why is the creation and consumption of the arts in Scotland
> > > so political? Why is the
> > >issue of Scotland's languages -- who speaks what language
where --
> > > so contentious? What
> > >constitutes traditional music or Scottish theatre? Why are
> > > popular and high arts so
> > >intertwined?
> > >
> > >*What forces contributed to the recent successful vote in favor
> > > devolution and the
> > >re-creation, after nearly three hundred years, of an
> > > Scottish Parliament? How
> > >does contemporary Scottish nationalism help us understand the
> > > resurgent 'new' nationalisms
> > >reshaping the politics and economies of the European Union?
> > >
> > >*How are technology and global mobility altering life in this
> > > "microchip of a nation"? Who's
> > >making money? Who's on the dole? Are stable nation-states of
> > > twentieth century, like
> > >Great Britain, a thing of the past?
> > >
> > >*What are the multiple cultures that are creating 21st century
> > > Scotland? How are poets,
> > >singers, playwrights, historians, film-makers and popular
> > > helping to create a 'new
> > >Scotland' while defending the cultures of the old?
> > >
> > >Whether you want to study Scottish literature, understand the
> > > influence of nationalism on
> > >business and politics in the EU, or just enlarge your knowledge
> > a
> > > fascinating nation, this
> > >fifteen-day course will introduce you to the changing, the
> > endu

Re: [scots-l] scots-l-digest V1 #371

2001-01-14 Thread Ian Adkins

Boy, they ask an awfy lot o questions, dae they naw?


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Charles Gore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 6:50 AM
Subject: [scots-l] scots-l-digest V1 #371

> Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> ___
> Scotland: National Identity and the Politics of Culture
> Center for Global Education, George Mason University
> June 21-July 7
>*How did Scotland become the quintessentially Romantic nation? What
> was the character of
>the nation before Romanticism remade it? To what extent is
> contemporary Scotland
>embracing, celebrating, or trying to live down that romantic image
> and heritage?
>*Why is the creation and consumption of the arts in Scotland always
> so political? Why is the
>issue of Scotland's languages -- who speaks what language where --
> so contentious? What
>constitutes traditional music or Scottish theatre? Why are folk,
> popular and high arts so
>*What forces contributed to the recent successful vote in favor of
> devolution and the
>re-creation, after nearly three hundred years, of an independent
> Scottish Parliament? How
>does contemporary Scottish nationalism help us understand the
> resurgent 'new' nationalisms
>reshaping the politics and economies of the European Union?
>*How are technology and global mobility altering life in this
> "microchip of a nation"? Who's
>making money? Who's on the dole? Are stable nation-states of the
> twentieth century, like
>Great Britain, a thing of the past?
>*What are the multiple cultures that are creating 21st century
> Scotland? How are poets,
>singers, playwrights, historians, film-makers and popular novelists
> helping to create a 'new
>Scotland' while defending the cultures of the old?
>Whether you want to study Scottish literature, understand the
> influence of nationalism on
>business and politics in the EU, or just enlarge your knowledge of
> fascinating nation, this
>fifteen-day course will introduce you to the changing, the
> and the contested in
>Scottish culture. Our format will include site visits, lectures,
> public and private performances,
>and group discussions, and you will meet some of Scotland's leading
> poets, musicians,
>playwrights and scholars, as well as representatives of political
> parties. Excursions will
>include museums, galleries, castles, kirks, tenement museums, a
> housing estate, an
>underground medieval street, and a chapel where bodies of
> Reformation martyrs were
>prepared for burial. You will also tour the Trossachs area of the
> central Highlands, where the
>legend of Rob Roy is heavily promoted in one of Scotland's most
> beautiful landscapes. There,
>you'll visit the shores of Loch Lomand, take a cruise on Loch
> Katrine (scene of Scott's The
>Lady of the Lake), and, weather permitting, walk to Rob Roy's
> birthplace.
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
> subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:
> <
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
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Re: [scots-l] Andy Dejarlis Jig

2001-01-07 Thread Ian Adkins

A jist delete th wee basterts as they cam in.  Luiks like thon "Happy99"
virus fae a while ago.  Didna dae naethin bit junk up aither fowk's


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Wendy Galovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Andy Dejarlis Jig

> At 10:18 AM 1/7/2001 -0500, Ian Adkins wrote:
> >Somebody here got that dang-ol' Seven Dwarves virus...
> Yeah.. I've received it twice so far and McAfee squashed it both times.
> Wendy
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
subscribe/unsubscribe, point your browser to:

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Re: [scots-l] Andy Dejarlis Jig

2001-01-07 Thread Ian Adkins

Somebody here got that dang-ol' Seven Dwarves virus...


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Nigel Gatherer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Andy Dejarlis Jig

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > Jack Campin wrote:
> > >
> > > > People have been commenting extensively on Andy Dejarlis Jig, but
> > > > like to add that I think for The Sailor's Wife Em is a more usual
> > > > than Dm.
> > >
> > > Not here it isn't - people play it in D minor or not at all (despite
> > > it being in print in E minor for well over a century).
> > >
> > I would think that it's alot easier to play in D minor, at least on the
> > fiddle. Can it even be played on wind insturments in Em?
> Why not? It lies quite nicely on the whistle in Em. I must say I prefer it
> in E minor, and I've heard it played here in that key.
> --
> Nigel Gatherer, Crieff  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Scottish Music Pages:
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
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Re: [scots-l] Internet Radio Station for Scottish Traditional Music

2001-01-06 Thread Ian Adkins

Rapping in Gaelic??  Careful Toby, they just started that new permanent U.N.
tribunal for crimes against humanity.  :P


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Internet Radio Station for Scottish Traditional Music

> "Eric A. Cottrell" wrote:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > Derek Hoy wrote:
> > > >
> > > > This sounds pretty good, just on a 33.6K modem here, but every few
minutes it
> > > > stutters a bit.
> > > >
> > > > Why no DJ Toby?:)
> > > >
> > >
> > > Because I can't be there all day to DJ :-) Actually Win Amp
prints the
> > > name of the tune and the performer in the little box at the top.
> > > Unfortunately the Real Audio player doesn't.
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Actually you could put some occasional Toby Radio id's in.  Just put
them in
> > the WinAmp playlist.  I seem to remember some automation software around
> > would let you do more complex stuff.  Another idea is to record two or
> > songs in one file and announce what thay are at the end.
> >
> Is anyone on here good at rapping in Gaelic? :-)
> Toby
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Re: [scots-l] Burns Night - Toasts to the lassies and to the laddies

2001-01-06 Thread Ian Adkins

"Address Tae a Wee Feartie"?


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Burns Night - Toasts to the lassies and to the

> Nigel Gatherer wrote:
> >
> > Hugh Goldie asked:
> >
> > > ...I would appreciate receiving any ideas about the contents of these
> > > toasts.  We both would like to do something traditional, but perhaps a
> > > little bit novel...
> >
> Ask Ian, I'm certain he could come up with toasts that would do would
> put a smile on Mr. Burns face from the hereafter. That is if you don't
> mind "pseudo-doric" :-)
> Toby
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
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Re: [scots-l] Complaint about site administration policy

2001-01-05 Thread Ian Adkins

Ye micht mind atweel Steve tha puir Mister Thinius thoucht *I* wis th
listmaister!  PEI/Doric/Glaswegian rubbish?  Whitatsawaboot?!


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Steve Wyrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Complaint about site administration policy

> Sue Richards wrote:
> > At 11:51 PM 1/4/01 -0800, you wrote:
> >> Well, I subscribe/unsubscribe system is not perfect and I am not
> >> perfect. His multiple email addresses had both the system and me quite
> >> confused, plus I was gone on vacation for a week. However I would have
> >> appreciated if he would have emailed me personally offlist to fix the
> >> situation.
> >>
> >> Toby
> >
> > Toby, I would have liked to email you personally too, but your
> > email address doesn't show in the header. I didn't have the patience at
> > time to go to your website and look it up.
> > Sue
> Are you sure?  Toby's address appears in the headers of messages I've
> received from him via scots-l, including the one you quoted. Although you
> may not see them, the senders' addresses are embedded in the message
> so should be viewable with any decent e-mail client (you may need to
> your preferences to see them). In the digest version of scots-l, at least
> Outlook Express, the senders' addresses appear as clickable "mailto"
> -Steve
> --
> Steve Wyrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Concord, CA
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[scots-l] Scots-L Intro

2001-01-04 Thread Ian Adkins

Adapted from the IPUSA-L intro...

|  Welcome to   |
|Scots Music and Culture|

Toby Arnold Rider [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Listowner and Moderator [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To post, E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To subscribe/unsubscribe, E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Administrative enquiries, E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. Please save this message for future reference.

2. This is the Scots-L Scots Music and Discussion list. This list
is for the purpose of discussing Scottish music, culture, history,
events, cuisine, etc.  Please make sure your posts pertain to this
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4. The permitted languages on this list are English, Scots/Lallans,
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Please do not post obscene messages to the list; this is an "open"
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Please also refrain from using too many extended characters in your
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7. Located at is a companion site for this list.
It's under constant construction, so please pardon the mess. :)

8. This intro was last updated on 04 January 2001.



  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited


Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To 
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Re: [scots-l] Complaint about site administration policy

2001-01-04 Thread Ian Adkins

E-mailing the listowner off-list would have been my first suggestion, but
what the heck do I know?  Idjits.

Hey Toby, do you have a list info/intro set up with majordomo?  Not that
anyone saves those things, but it'd at least give you the ability to say
"Ha!  Should have saved the intro file LIKE IT TOLD YOU TO!!"


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Toby Rider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 2:51 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Complaint about site administration policy

> Well, I subscribe/unsubscribe system is not perfect and I am not
> perfect. His multiple email addresses had both the system and me quite
> confused, plus I was gone on vacation for a week. However I would have
> appreciated if he would have emailed me personally offlist to fix the
> situation.
> Toby
> Ian Adkins wrote:
> >
> > Here ye gae, Ellen:
> >
> > << Moeglicherweise ist dieses etwas das Sie verstehen koennen. Sie sind
> > unhoeflich und ungeduldig.  Ich hoffe dass ein Meteorit auf Ihren Kopf
> > fallengelassen wird. >>
> >
> > "Mebbe ye kin unnerstaun this.  Yer rude an impatient.  A howp a
> > draps oan yer heid."
> >
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
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Re: [scots-l] Complaint about site administration policy

2001-01-03 Thread Ian Adkins

Here ye gae, Ellen:

<< Moeglicherweise ist dieses etwas das Sie verstehen koennen. Sie sind
unhoeflich und ungeduldig.  Ich hoffe dass ein Meteorit auf Ihren Kopf
fallengelassen wird. >>

"Mebbe ye kin unnerstaun this.  Yer rude an impatient.  A howp a meteorite
draps oan yer heid."



  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: cramphorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Complaint about site administration policy

> I'm decloaking to offer the following:
> >And please, don't answer to this with some kind of
> > PEI-Doric-Glasgowegian rubbish as you did to other unsubscribe
> > requests, they are no longer funny.
> Alas, Oliver, they are still so very, very funny...  I really look forward
> them!   So Ian, could you please give us a translation (in Glaswegian,
> and PEI- can't wait for that!-) of:
> Moeglicherweise ist dieses etwas das Sie verstehen koennen. Sie
> unhoeflich und ungeduldig.  Ich hoffe dass ein Meteorit auf Ihren
> fallengelassen wird.
> Thank you very much!
> Ellen (lousy fiddler, decent pianist, and big fan of this list)

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Re: [scots-l] Complaint about site administration policy

2001-01-03 Thread Ian Adkins

Moeglicherweise ist dieses etwas das Sie verstehen koennen. Sie sind
unhoeflich und ungeduldig.  Ich hoffe dass ein Meteorit auf Ihren Kopf
fallengelassen wird.

Noo feck aff an hae a braw day noo ye cheeky bastert ye!


  Crown Malt Inspector
  Provost of the Village of Dunroamin
Invernesshire, Scotland

  The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum

  Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Oliver Thinius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 10:56 AM
Subject: [scots-l] Complaint about site administration policy

> Dear webmaster of scot-l,
> during the last four weeks I have at least three times tried to
> unsubscribe from this mailing list using the "official" channel, i.e.
> the tullochgorm website.
> I am still being flooded with the mails distributed through scots-l.
> Either the system doesn't work or you don't care what's going on..
> My solution to this problem is easy:
> I herewith ask you one last time to remove my e-mail address from the
> list.
> If this is not accomplished by saturday, 6th january 2001 I will
> return every single e-mail received from scots-l to the list, no
> matter what other subscribers think.
> And please, don't answer to this with some kind of
> PEI-Doric-Glasgowegian rubbish as you did to other unsubscribe
> requests, they are no longer funny.
> Happy New Year!
> Oliver Thinius
> PO Box 12 01 40
> 45437 Mülheim an der Ruhr
> Germany
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[scots-l] Merry Christmas From

2000-12-24 Thread Ian Adkins

Hey hoch fowk!  It's been a guid year fer us at th Angry Scotsmen's Internet
Asylum, an we wantit tae gie ye a wee giftie.

Aye, th giftie o Anger!  Acause, as wir motto says, "Ower 750,000 Visitors
Canna Be Wrang!"

Gae oan, gie it a wee cleek!

An we've jist gane interactive wi wir bonnie message boord!  Ye kin find it
at  Register an post a rant or five!

Frae wir paddit room tae yers, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, a braw
Hogmanay, an a guid Neu Year!


 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Invernesshire, Scotland
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Invernesshire, Scotland
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Toby Rider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 7:12 PM
Subject: [Fwd: BOUNCE scots-l@: Header field too long (>1024)]


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Re: [scots-l] auld sang line

2000-12-16 Thread Ian Adkins

Tha's awfu interestin, sae it is.  Wis gaun tae dae th same masel!

 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Jack Campin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2000 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] auld sang line

> > There are parts of the song which point to construction by somone
> > whose natural word-order and vocabulary are English rather than Scots.
> There is a book devoted to this: translations of Burns into Scots...
> i.e. reverse-engineering what he might have written if he hadn't been
> looking over his shoulder at an Anglophone or Anglified audience.
> A friend of mine had a review copy of it about a year ago and that's
> the only one I've seen.  The author's reconstructed phrases were
> printed in green to distinguish them from the unchanged text.  Anyone
> know what this was?
> I didn't look at it in detail, but my initial response of "you have
> got to be kidding" gradually gave way to "hmm, he might just have a
> point there".  Some of these reconstructions seemed more singable.
> === 
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Re: [scots-l] Re: Auld auld lang syne

2000-12-14 Thread Ian Adkins

No tha th present Willie's sae bad, mind

 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Derek Hoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Re: Auld auld lang syne

> David proposed:
> > On the subject of the words, most music reads right guid willie-waucht
> > and singers treat the phrasing accordingly and I've always wondered
> > whether it should be right guid-willie waucht
> Chambers' Concise Scottish Dictionary agrees with you:
> willie-waught
> ... from the wrong division of the words in Burns' Auld Lang Syne; see
> guidwillie (GUID) and WAUCHT.
> Would be nice if 'Guidwillie' could be applied to a US president.
> Derek
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Re: [scots-l] Re: Auld auld lang syne

2000-12-13 Thread Ian Adkins

Aye, we did!  :P

 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Rita Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 3:14 PM
Subject: [scots-l] Re: Auld auld lang syne

> I have a earlier tune that the one we're familiar with...did you know
> --
> May neither your strings nor your spirit ever break,
> May your harp and your soul always be in tune.
> Rita
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[scots-l] Aberdonian Speech

2000-12-13 Thread Ian Adkins

Haen a dram o a Lallan single malt, A'm remindit o a braw wee anecdote:
thare wis an English insurance adjustor up frae Londontoun, cam tae Neu
Aiberdein tae settle a claim.  In their intercourse th claimant, a rough
wirkin-class Aberdonian, spiers th adjustor, "Fa dee dee dee o?"  Th
adjustor, no unnerstaunin at aw, spiert o th man's lawyer a translation.
Chalkin it up tae a lack o education innat, th lawyer replied, "Whit he
meant wis, O fa dee dee dee?"

 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Rob MacKillop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] hello

> Hi Cynthia,
> > I'm doing some research into this right now: Auld Lang Syne. How early
> it
> > in your manuscripts?
> c.1695. It appears with a peculiar mixture of Scots and English: For Old
> Lang Syne, by Mr Beck. The manuscript is the Balcarres, from Balcarres
> in Fife. For more about this MS and Mr Beck, see my website under The
> Scottish Lute.
> > Are the words included?
> No. Just the old (and better) tune.
> > How much older might the tune be?
> Nae idea. That is the oldest that I am aware of.
> > Any one want to jump in on how much of the
> > poem was written by Burns?
> Nae chance.
> Rob
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Re: [scots-l] hello

2000-12-13 Thread Ian Adkins

It's ma unnerstaunin tha Burns wrate th lyrics but set it tae a differen
tune, which ye th Tannies did a braw recordin o in th '80s.  Later, prollie
efter he deid in 1796, his editors thoucht th present tune wad me mair
popular an changed it in later editions till it "stuck."  A huv an auld
popular sangbuik o ma great-granmither's (wi nae date, but sure it's auld),
an accordin tae ma wee brither it's th less kennt tune.  A huv tae trust th
wee keech as A dinna read stannart notation, mind.

 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] hello

> << The manuscripts contain the
>  earliest known settings of the tunes for Flowers of the Forest, Auld Lang
>  Syne and other great airs. >>
> I'm doing some research into this right now: Auld Lang Syne. How early is
> in your manuscripts? Are the words included? I'm just beginning to scratch
> the surface on this, I know. So if my questions are elementary, please
> forgive me. But from what I've found, the earliest union of the words with
> the popular melody was 1799.
> How much older might the tune be? Any one want to jump in on how much of
> poem was written by Burns?
> --Cynthia Cathcart
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Re: [scots-l] fallen fiddlers

2000-12-12 Thread Ian Adkins

<< (though they looked like 5 string banjos to me- one looked like
Alastair McDonald 'Oh, crol was the snaawww') >>

*snort*  :P

 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Derek Hoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 4:30 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] fallen fiddlers

> Stan concluded:
> > By the Way Norman Chalmers reminds me that the original name of 70,s
> > supergroup "Not the Full Shillin" was "The Broken Settee". We already
had an
> > intuition of the fallings to come.
> I thought it was cos folks kept telling you to get stuffed.
> Recently, David posted a link to some splendid carvings of cherubs playing
> 'citterns' (though they looked like 5 string banjos to me- one looked like
> Alastair McDonald 'Oh, crol was the snaawww')
> Anyone know of cherubs who play melodyins, like Stan Reeves (50) ?
> Derek
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Re: [scots-l] The Asylum!

2000-12-05 Thread Ian Adkins

Thanks!  Traffic is pretty high, there's advertising potential.

 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Toby Rider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 7:40 PM
Subject: [scots-l] The Asylum!

> This is has gotten quite entertaining as of late. Great job Ian :-)
> Toby
> --
> Toby A. Rider ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Senior Systems Administrator - Unix
> Magnet Interactive (West)
> Culver City, CA
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Re: [scots-l] Music-writing program?

2000-12-04 Thread Ian Adkins

<< H.  2 can play at that   :) >>

Touché!  :D

 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

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Re: [scots-l] Music-writing program?

2000-11-30 Thread Ian Adkins

<< Oops. That should have been an h. Happy as a tuned Harp. (But you CAN
tune-a-fish, right?)  Ok, I'm embarrassed. Gosh, I raise my head to submit a
post after weeks of silence, and what do I domake a typo. >>

Naw, ye spellt it richt th first time, A wis jist makin trouble.  :D


 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Music-writing program?

> << I'm happy as a tuned carp. >>
>  What??! >>
> Oops. That should have been an h. Happy as a tuned Harp. (But you CAN
> tune-a-fish, right?)  Ok, I'm embarrassed. Gosh, I raise my head to submit
> post after weeks of silence, and what do I domake a typo.
> sorry
> --Cynthia Cathcart
> Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To
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Re: [scots-l] Music-writing program?

2000-11-29 Thread Ian Adkins

<< Plus it turns my scores into PCX format so I can pop it into my book
(which is in PageMaker) and I'm happy as a tuned carp. >>


 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

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Re: [scots-l] Trip to Pakistan

2000-11-28 Thread Ian Adkins

Whoops, that's where it was.  :)  One heck of a dig that was.

 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Ted Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 1:53 PM
Subject: RE: [scots-l] Trip to Pakistan

> It appears on the Tannahill Weavers' "Capernaum" album.  Here's an abc:
> X:13
> T:Trip to Pakistan
> R:Reel
> C:Nial Kenny
> S:Sarah Jane Summers - Falkirk Fiddle Workshop
> M:4/4
> L:1/8
> K:Bm
> (B>d) (f>B) d2 (d>f)|e2 (e>d) c>d e>c|(B>d) (f>B) d2 (d>f)|e>d c>d B2
> (B>d) (f>B) g3 e|f3 a (f>e) (f>d)|(B>d) (f>B) g3 e|f>e d>f e2 e2:|!
> vc>d f>u(c d>f) c>d|B>c d>(B c>d) b>c|A>c e>(A c>e) A>c|e>d c>d B2 B2:|
> Regards,
> Ted
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Re: [scots-l] Trip to Pakistan

2000-11-28 Thread Ian Adkins

I've heard it, might even be on a recording I have here.  Let me dig around
for it!


 Crown Malt Inspector
 Glen Lachart, Inverness-shire, Scotland
 The Angry Scotsmen's Internet Asylum
 Blackmill Networks, Limited

- Original Message -
From: Jack Campin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject: [scots-l] Trip to Pakistan

> Heard a tune called "Trip to Pakistan" on Robbie Shepherd a few days
> ago (the bizarre "Take the Floor" last Saturday), a reel in some alien
> kind of scale.  Anyone know where I can find a copy of it?
> === 
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