[sdre-l]: POLL RESULTS!

2000-06-24 Thread pete

Only got twenty votes but it seems like there was a solid enough pattern
to see how people in general feel...  Lets get to the ones that got no

The Ocean
The Rising Tide

This is not to say that these aren't great songs... because they are.
The Rising Tide has gone from one of my least favorites to in my top
three but.. alas... There must losers if there are to be winners, so
there you have it.  Here is your favorites...

5th place: Rain Song

4th place (tied). Killed By An Angel
4th place (tied). One
4th place (tied). Snibe

1st place (tied). Faces In Disguise
1st place (tied). Tearing In My Heart
1st place (sort of winner cause it gets my vote). Fool In The Photograph

I guess the results arent really that interesting because everything
tied.  But all of the 1st place songs had more than double the amount of
votes that the 4th place ones did.  So it is clear that those three
songs are the big favorites.

What is going to be interesting though is when i hold this same poll
again in a month or two.  I know that just about every sdre song has
been my favorite at some point or another so this list should change.
So, thanks everyone that voted.  Especially the ones who wrote funny
stuff in their votes.  It makes stuff like this fun.

-=pete dodd

[sdre-l]: Boston Show?!

2000-06-24 Thread pete

Does anyone know if A. The Boston show is sold out   B. Where someone in Conn.
could get tickets for it (online or otherwise)   Thanks a bunch


[sdre-l]: Time for a Poll!!

2000-06-22 Thread pete

Ok people, since i don't have a job and i'm a geek I have decided to
give a poll.  If any of you were on the list a couple years ago you will
remember that I would do this all the time.  Respect my polling
abilities!?!  Sho nuff!

Ok-- before I even tell you what this poll is for make sure you send an
email to me AND NOT THIS LIST!:


If you send it to this list you will get the plague, be laughed at
behind your back, and will be on my forwarding list for all email
concerning how to make a million $'s at home and little billies fight
against cancer in east peru.GOT IT?


Ok on to the poll

I am interested in finding out what your favorite song on the new album
is.  I plan on splitting this poll up into two phases to see the
diferences--- I will do this same poll in about a month.   So send a
private email to me picking your *1* favorite song.  I will close
polling friday night at 11:59 EST.


Even if you have something relevant to say to the list don't tack this
on to the end-- I won't count those.  It must be a private email to me!

-=pete dodd

[sdre-l]: The website

2000-06-21 Thread pete

I am a recent addition to this list so i'm sorry if this has been
covered but.

Does anyone else find it insulting that the "note" on
www.sunnnydayrealestate.com is signed by Jeremy, Dan  Will.  Why the
f*ck would they do that?  It's pretty apparant that the three of them
didn't get together and decide on that to be the message.  It's the same
thing with the newsletter.   Arrgg   it makes me so mad!  Who ever
is making that site should be hurt.  Badly.  Arggg


[sdre-l]: will's drumming

2000-06-20 Thread pete

Will has chronic pain in his hands that he developed while on tour with
the foo fighters.  He also said something to the effect of "i dont feel
the need to beat the shit out of my drums anymore" in an article i read
somewhere.  This could explain his "sub-par" drumming.  Personally I
think he still rocks, he's just not as aggressive.  Much like SDRE as a
whole, I suppose.

BTW-  I listened to the rising tide 7 times in a row today.  I need a
f*cking job.  And a life.

-=pete dodd

[sdre-l]: Back again-- Got Rising Tide today

2000-06-19 Thread pete

Hello all.  I used to be on this list along time ago.  Actually it
wasn't on sixfootone  but I think it was still the same list.  Alas...
I'm sure i am not the first to review this-- hell for all i know the
whole album is probably on napster and i was the last one to get it---
but here are my thoughts.

I got the Rising Tide today and i must say it is pretty freaking
intense.  I've had  two listens and I'm starting on my third as we
speak.  First of all the production is something... I like it but i can
already imagine all the indie "stripped down" kids bitching about it.
The production makes this a big rock album-- sort of like Guided By
Voices "Do The Collapse"  And talking about big rock-- the first guitar
line of the album is as huge a rock riff as you will ever get.  Very
Jeremy's voice is about two inches from ridiculous.  He is starting
to sound like Getty Lee (sp?) from Rush  (at times) but he never falls
into cheeseyness.  He comes close but pulls out at the last minute.  The
fact that he can sing so high and all over the place and not sound
cheesy is amazing.  This is probably the best vocal record i've heard
since Radiohead "The Bends."
Well-- let me think if i can come up with any negative stuff
Umm--  If you only like Diary and LP2 then you won't like this.  They
certainly aren't as heavy anymore-- although this record has some heavy
songs.  Jeremy doesn't scream at all... atleast that i've heard-- there
might be some hidden in the background as the production is very lush.
There are about four songs that don't sound like old SDRE at all.  They
are a little bit more poppy but remain quite dark.  That's not a
complaint, I actually like those songs the most.  Right now my favorite
track is "Killed by an Angel" but I know that will change very soon.
So basically this album is what i'm sure you are all expecting.  It
sounds like an extension of HIFTBSO but it also forges into territory
you never imagined.  It sounds good-- the songs are good.  The art is
good-- oh yeah-  i'm sure this has been covered at one point or another
but the art is nearly identical to Godflesh's "Songs of love and Hate"
I am just going off of memory but in my mind they look identical--
especially the back.

And god, jeremy is a good bassist.

Ok for the 3 of you that made it all the way to here could someone send
a private email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and update me on all
recent sdre news.  I know about the tour but little else.  And does
anyone have any links to reviews of the album?  Are there any in
magazines yet?

--pete dodd

the drums are a little quiet for my tastes.  -- yes!  there you have
it-- i have a complaint!  I used to be a music critic so i was getting
worried-- but, i guess i am more of SDRE fanboy than a critic anyway