Re: RFR: 8193892: Impact of noncloneable MessageDigest implementation

2018-02-23 Thread Brad Wetmore

Minor comments.  I'm ok with leaving as is, but this seems cleaner.
Would prefer to use the non-deprecated super call.


Would you consider making these 3 duplicate classes into a single class, 
with the three public derived classes within?  And then update the 
MyProvider entries with DigestBase${MD5,SHA,SHA256}.  i.e.


class DigestBase extends MessageDigestSpi {

private MessageDigest digest = null;

public DigestBase(String alg, String provider) throws Exception {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(alg, provider);

protected void engineUpdate(byte input) {

protected void engineUpdate(byte[] input, int offset, int len) {
digest.update(input, offset, len);

protected byte[] engineDigest() {
return digest.digest();

protected void engineReset() {

public static final class MD5 extends DigestBase {
public MD5() throws Exception {
super("MD5", "SUN");

public static final class SHA extends DigestBase {
public SHA() throws Exception {
super("SHA", "SUN");

public static final class SHA256 extends DigestBase {
public SHA256() throws Exception {
super("SHA-256", "SUN");

Thanks, sorry for the delay.


On 2/15/2018 7:40 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Looks fine to me.  Thanks!


On 2/15/2018 1:04 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:

A reminder for this review..


On 09/02/2018 16:25, Seán Coffey wrote:
Looking to push a new test which helps test CloneableDigest code. 
It's something that arose during JDK-8193683 fix.

The test was contributed by Brad Wetmore. I've converted it to use 
the SSLSocketTemplate.

webrev :

Re: provider registration

2018-03-01 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 2/28/2018 8:36 AM, Bernd wrote:


there was a thread on BouncyCastle's crypto-dev mailing list how to use 
a custom JCA provider with Java 9+. Since there is no alternative for 
the lib/ext extension mechanism this is a bit tricky (if you do want to 
make the extension in the file permanent).

There are multiple alternatives (adding to module path, to classpath, 
using service loader or programmatic registration). Those are described 
in the actual documentation.

Hopefully it's clear.  There was a lot of moving parts and sharp edges 
as JDK 9 came to a close.  Comments welcome of course.

However expanding the list

To be clear, when you say "expanding the list", you mean 
adding an entry like:


does not mention explicitely 
that without the extension mechanism this produces a java home which 
wont start without modifying the module path.

The JDK should still start, but it wouldn't be able to find MyProvider 
if it's not in either the class or module path.

Not sure if there is actually a default way to storesuch a "security 
provider module" 

Not aware of anything for JDK 9+, short of putting your provider into 
the module/classpath directory.  As you note, the extension 
mechanism/directory was removed in the JDK 9 (see JEP 220).

without using for example jlink to build a new image 
(or add the -mp argument).

Please note from the Provider documentation:

You can link a provider in a custom runtime image with the jlink
command as long as it doesn't have a Cipher, KeyAgreement, or MAC

Providers that don't have Cipher/KeyAgreement/MAC implementation can be 

However, providers providing Cipher/KeyAgreement/MAC implementations 
must be signed using a valid certificate to pass the export tests in 
implementations like Oracle JDK.  We only support signed modular jars 
(module-path) and signed jars (classpath).  There is not a signed JMOD 
feature, and thus jlink can't be used to create an image that will pass 
the export tests.

Maybe this should be stated explicite?

"Starting with Java 9 there is no extension mechanism where you could 
install the provider JAR permanently. Therefore expanding the leaves typically a incomplete java home and should be 
avoided. Permanently installing an additional module could be done with 
a custom jlink image."

(I havent tested if JLink works, BCProv is not yet modularized or 
service loader enabled. Classpath and programmatic registration works fine).

Is that correct?

We could add some wording here to talk about the removal of the 
extension mechanism.

Hope that helps.


Re: RFR: 8199018: Test crypto provider not registering

2018-03-05 Thread Brad Wetmore

Looks good.

This looks like it still needs to be done in jdk/jdk.  Are you planning 
on doing that?



On 3/5/2018 6:37 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:
Brad pointed out to me off-line that the test case from 8193892 needs 
correcting. Some late editing to the test broke functionality. I've 
corrected the testcase and added extra checks to ensure that 
"MyProvider" is being registered correctly.

Re: RFR: 8199018: Test crypto provider not registering

2018-03-06 Thread Brad Wetmore
Thanks for pointing out where the review was, I don't check the update 
email list as often.

Reviewed in jdk8u-dev.  Looks good.


On 3/6/2018 1:03 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:

Thanks Brad - yes, this review is for JDK 11 (jdk/jdk).

I've another review request open for you in order to handle the 
jdk8u-dev edit :


On 05/03/2018 23:41, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Looks good.

This looks like it still needs to be done in jdk/jdk.  Are you 
planning on doing that?



On 3/5/2018 6:37 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:
Brad pointed out to me off-line that the test case from 8193892 needs 
correcting. Some late editing to the test broke functionality. I've 
corrected the testcase and added extra checks to ensure that 
"MyProvider" is being registered correctly.

Codereview for 7177556

2012-06-15 Thread Brad Wetmore
This test has started failing in JDK nightly.  We were working on it 
this week, but test approach may need alteration.  Putting this test on 
ProblemList.txt for the time being to quiet the test noise.

7177556: Put on the ProblemList until test can be 


Re: Please Review Test Fix of Bug 7177045

2012-06-28 Thread Brad Wetmore
Dan, congrats on assembling and posting your first webrev.  Besides the 
big picture things, since you are new, I'll also be looking for minor 
things that you may or may not know yet.

On 6/28/2012 1:49 PM, Dan Xu wrote:

Security code reviewers,

I have fixed a security test failure and posted my changes at Please help review it. Thanks!

Minor nit:  line 38 has a space at the end of the line.  Current jstyle 
guidelines state no indention with tabs and no whitespace at the end of 
the lines.

Lines 61/89:  memroy->memory

Just wondering why you chose a Deque instead of a simpler LinkedList?

Suggest more liberal use of comments, either in the method's comments or 
inline.  Good to explain your assumptions/approach in case things aren't 
obvious.  For example, why do you backoff 3MB after allocating available 
memory?  And at line 134:  the operation could either time out or threw 
an exception.  Nice to make that clear.

dummyData could be a local variable.

Line 64/113:  consider using the JDK 7 diamond <> operator on your generics.

Line 114:  consider adding a @overrides annotation on the call() method.

Line 139:  I'm being paranoid here, but shutdownNow doesn't guarantee 
threads will be stopped.  If we actually got into a situation where 
there was a timeout, executor.shutdownNow() *may* never return.  One 
reason is it might be hanging somewhere waiting for memory.  I would 
suggest as part of your finally block, you dequeue all the memory in 
dummyData, call System.gc(), then run executor.shutdownNow(). JTREG will 
timeout after two minutes, but if we can proactively help the situation, 
we might as well.

Otherwise, looks good.  We'll wait to see if anyone has other thoughts, 
and if not, we'll push when you're back from vacation.


Re: Code review request, CR 7180038 regression test failure,

2012-07-06 Thread Brad Wetmore
entMsg.length) {

   throw new Exception("Client:  Data length error");

Because the server has not receive the client message when the server
sends its application data.

I think it is a test issue, the current fix should has already
the issue.

That's great.

Since the reason is clear, can you reproduce this failure and then
confirm the current fix does solve the problem?

It is possible to reproduce this failure with a new test case. But
it is
pretty hard to reproduce it within this test. I was wondering as it is
test bug, so we may not want a extra test case to prove that this test
is correct.

We also have a nested remind that, "IF THIS FAILS, PLEASE REPORT
it might be OK that we do not reproduce this issue at present.

What do you think?





On 07/02/2012 10:39 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Hi Weijun,

Would you please review the test update for CR 7180038?

We cannot reproduce the issue. However, from the test log, there
is two
possible issues exposed by this CR.
1. the improper test case senarios of un/wrap()
In the test case, the scenarios is
unwrap()->wrap()->serverOut.remaining()->"serverIn.remaining() !=
clientMsg.length". After the wrap(), the next operation may need
to be
unwrap() to get more incoming data before comparing serverIn buffer
the expected client message.

 This fix is trying to do the comparing after the engine has

2. From the log, the engine status and handshaking status move from
handshaking just finished. As the handshaking should have
completed for
a while, it does not sound like a correct status change.

 However, I did not find why this happens. Need more
info. So I
a line of log (suggested by Brad Wetmore) to collect the next



Re: Please Review Test Fix of Bug 7177045

2012-07-12 Thread Brad Wetmore

Sorry for the delay Dan.  Please work with Kurchi to get this pushed.

On 7/5/2012 1:38 PM, Dan Xu wrote:

Hi Brad,

Thanks for your good suggestions. I have fixed most of them and
re-uploaded my changes at

The reason that I chose ArrayDeque instead of LinkedList is that
ArrayDequeseems have better performance. According to the java doc,
"most ArrayDeque operations run in amortized constant time" and "this
class is likely to be faster then LinkedList when used as a queue." It
is also very easy to remove last elements to back off memory allocation.

Great, thanks for the pointer.

In addition, I did not switch to diamond operator. Because old Jdk
bundles, say jdk 1.7.0-ea-b23 and jdk 1.7.0-ea-b29 used in my testing,
failed to compile diamond operator. Here are the compilation error messages, illegal start of type
 Deque data = new ArrayDeque<>();
1 error

I guess those jdk might be too early to adopt the diamond operator
changes. I am not sure whether we still take these old jdk bundles into
consideration here. Thanks!

Yes, it would be good to actually show that it failed on b23 and not on 
b29 without having to modify the source.  Good point.

Minor nit:  line 38 has a space at the end of the line.  Current
jstyle guidelines state no indention with tabs and no whitespace at
the end of the lines.

Looks good.

Suggest more liberal use of comments, either in the method's comments
or inline.  Good to explain your assumptions/approach in case things
aren't obvious.  For example, why do you backoff 3MB after allocating
available memory?  And at line 134:  the operation could either time
out or threw an exception.  Nice to make that clear.


Line 114:  consider adding a @overrides annotation on the call() method.


Line 139:  I'm being paranoid here, but shutdownNow doesn't guarantee
threads will be stopped.  If we actually got into a situation where
there was a timeout, executor.shutdownNow() *may* never return.  One
reason is it might be hanging somewhere waiting for memory.  I would
suggest as part of your finally block, you dequeue all the memory in
dummyData, call System.gc(), then run executor.shutdownNow(). JTREG
will timeout after two minutes, but if we can proactively help the
situation, we might as well.

Otherwise, looks good.  We'll wait to see if anyone has other
thoughts, and if not, we'll push when you're back from vacation.



Re: (2nd round) Proposed API Changes for JEP 114: TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension

2012-08-09 Thread Brad Wetmore

Hi Xuelei,

I like this style much better than your earlier versions.  Thanks for 
considering them.

We should still do a little more wordsmithing, some of the passages are 
a little awkward.  The following are mainly content questions.

91:  Having the SNI acronym will help people who are specifically 
looking for this option.  (i.e. find)  Suggest updating to caps and 
include acronym.

values of the Server Name Indication (SNI) capability.

94:  "to to"->"to"

98: "of enabled server name"->"of requested server name"

99:  SNI

One general question before we get to specifics.  Your current default 
behavior of the SunJSSE is to add a SNI extension if we have the value 
available.  So if we call:

sslSocket = socketFactory.createSocket("", 443);
sslp = sslParameters.getSSLParameters();

will this sslParameters ever contain a map with preinstalled "host_name" 
set to "", or will it be empty?  I think the answer will 
be empty.  This API is just a way to force setting the value if an 
implementation select an unwanted value.

But here's my point.  These are brand new methods.  Have you considered 
just having the SSLSocket.getSSLParameters() return the already fully 
populated SNI field, that is, the SSLSocketImpl's default values are 
already set in the SSLParameters?  That way, if someone sets value to 
null, then we know they don't want the provider to send SNI fields of 
that type.

sslp = sslParameters.getSSLParameters();
// sslp has host_name already set to
sslp.setAccessibleServerName("host_name", null);

this makes it less confusing in that you get rid of all that ambigious 
"default" discussions in your API, and the user can easily find out 
exactly what will be sent.  Something to consider.

72:  Might suggest minor rewording:

// As "hostname" is the only known server name indication type,


// As "host_name" is the only known Server Name Indication (SNI) type,

RFC 6066 uses "host_name" and as previously mentioned, having the SNI 
acronym will help people who are specifically looking for this.  (i.e. find)

76:  Not sure why you want/need a LinkedHashMap with only one currently 
defined NameType.  Even if there were multiple types, I don't think that 
SNI requires an ordering.  You also mention this in 
setAccessibleServerName, but not sure what purpose this serves.  I'm not 
strongly against it, just wondering.

271:  Same comment in the APIs about SNI acronym.

295:  So what does value = "" mean now?  Will that send a SNI extension 
with an empty string, or will no SNI entry be sent?  If null is passed, 
then it's up to the provider to decide what to do, but there doesn't 
seem to be a way to shut off SNI like in your old proposal.

308:  What kinds of things are you thinking of writing in the Additional 
Standard Names doc for "value"?  Would it be sufficient to just say 
"this is the SNI hostname value"?

365:  alternatice -> alternate

368:  "www\\.example\\.com|www\\.example\\.org"
-> "www\\.example\\.(com,org)"

This is a little more illuminating of the power of these patterns.

Even though you have a link to java.util.regex.Pattern in the actual 
API, you might also mention here in textual form that these are 
java.util.regex patterns, and add a @link java.util.regex.  Makes it 
more clear where to go to learn about how to specify patterns.

379:  So what does "" mean now?  Will an empty string SNI extension be 
accepted?  Or we will

379:  "will not try to recognize the server name value..."

I'm thinking of IETF's "WILL/SHALL/MAY" here.  What do you mean by "will 
not try"?  Do you mean that if this is null, we will not use the SNI 
extension of this type?  Or that we could possibly try?

387:  This is a pattern and not a String, so only listing 
setAccessibleServerName() isn't quite complete.  You might also list 
"and also see the Pattern page for details on specifying regular 
expression patterns".

187:  I would suggest following the style in the SocketFactory page 
which describes the functionality differences in the various 
createSocket methods.

A new second paragraph really should give some motivation for this 
method.  "allow for inspection of inbound data, then provide that data 
to the SSLSocket's normal IO streams in the consumed variable, etc."

Since you're leaving the door open for this socket being either client 
or server, shouldn't the API then be similar to the existing layered 
socket one, just including the additional InputStream here:

 public abstract Socket createSocket(Socket s, InputStream is,
  String host, int port, boolean autoClose)

We might be able to glean SNI information from the host here.

171: Interesting, the existing layered createSocket doesn't mention 
anything about whether client or server mode, and tha

Re: Code review request: 7190945: pkcs11 problem loading NSS libs on Ubuntu

2012-08-13 Thread Brad Wetmore


I'm cleaning out email from vacation, and saw the following new bug 
which sounds similar.

7189635 PKCS11 tests failed on Ubuntu due to nss libs path is not same 
as assumed in test

Is this the same bug as 7189635?  It's currently unassigned.


On 8/13/2012 3:39 AM, Vincent Ryan wrote:

Please review these changes to correct a problem loading Mozilla NSS
on multi-arch Ubuntu:


Re: (2nd round) Proposed API Changes for JEP 114: TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension

2012-08-14 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 8/12/2012 5:52 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

I revised the APIs to separate the differnt server name values and will
send it in another thread.

Only reply on those items we may have different opinions.

I'll address the 3rd Round's CR in another email.  This will contain 
just responses to your comments to keep the message flow in the archives.

On 8/10/2012 8:37 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

One general question before we get to specifics.  Your current default
behavior of the SunJSSE is to add a SNI extension if we have the value
available.  So if we call:

 sslSocket = socketFactory.createSocket("", 443);
 sslp = sslParameters.getSSLParameters();

will this sslParameters ever contain a map with preinstalled "host_name"
set to "", or will it be empty?  I think the answer will
be empty.  This API is just a way to force setting the value if an
implementation select an unwanted value.

No, it is not empty. The default value will appear in the SSLParameters
in my prototype implementation.

That's good to know, that will help make things much easier to 
understand, rather than a "null" value which is interpreted in a 
undefined way underneath.  I'll keep this in mind in the next review.

Although I just found your second email.  Talk more there.

But that's an interesting topic to discuss as there are a few concerns I
have to consider when I design the APIs.

There are public SSLParameters constructors. As means that an instance
of SSLParameters is not always got from a SSLSocket or SSLEngine
instance. Then we are not always able to have the *default* value of an
instance of SSLSocket/SSLEngine into SSLParameters if it is not bound to
SSLSocket/SSLEngine. So we still need to discuss about how the user
specified values work with the default ones.

 SSLParameters sslParameters = new SSLParameters();

We have the same situation with 
ciphersuites/protocols/endpointAlgs/AlgorithmConstraints.  I was 
expecting you'd do the same thing as the last two, that is, they're 
interpreted at the SSLSocketImpl level.  If they're null (not set), then 
something similar needs to happen here.  I'll also keep that in mind in 
the next review.

76:  Not sure why you want/need a LinkedHashMap with only one currently
defined NameType.  Even if there were multiple types, I don't think that
SNI requires an ordering.  You also mention this in
setAccessibleServerName, but not sure what purpose this serves.  I'm not
strongly against it, just wondering.

I am also not sure about the strong desire that the SNI should be
ordered. But Weijun prefers it to be ordered because he think the SNI in
RFC6066 is defined as an ordered sequence.

   struct {
   ServerName server_name_list<1..2^16-1>
   } ServerNameList;

I've gone through RFC6066 pretty carefully, and I'm not seeing any 
indication that this should be ordered.

In RFC 2246, if there is an ordering required, such as 
cipher_suites/compression/certs/cert_requests, it's specifically called 
out.  For any other "lists", it is not specified.


   The CipherSuite list, passed from the client to the server in the
   client hello message, contains the combinations of cryptographic
   algorithms supported by the client in order of the client's
   preference (favorite choice first).


   The client hello includes a list of compression algorithms supported
   by the client, ordered according to the client's preference.


   This is a list of the cryptographic options supported by the
   client, with the client's first preference first.


   This is a list of the compression methods supported by the
   client, sorted by client preference.

Section 7.4.2

   This is a sequence (chain) of X.509v3 certificates. The sender's
   certificate must come first in the list.

Section 7.4.4

  This field is a list of the types of certificates requested,
  sorted in order of the server's preference.

Weijun, did you see something else in your read of the spec that 
indicates an ordering?  If not, maybe we should not put in the order 
wording now.  If it turns out we do need it, we can always add that 
wording later in a later release, but it will be impossible to remove it 
if we add it now.

295:  So what does value = "" mean now?  Will that send a SNI extension
with an empty string, or will no SNI entry be sent?  If null is passed,
then it's up to the provid

Re: (3rd Round) Proposed API Changes for JEP 114: TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension

2012-08-14 Thread Brad Wetmore

Still looking over the changes, but a few preliminary comments.

On 8/12/2012 5:50 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:


Please review the spec of JEP 114, TLS Server Name Indication (SNI)

Please read the README to help you understanding the the specification:

I forgot to mention this previously:

> Oracle provider now only supports one server name type, "host_name".
> The value of name is encoded as UTF-8 string.

RFC 6066 requires ASCII, earlier versions (RFC 4366) have this as UTF-8. 
 Do you want to allow for UTF-8 here?

The major differences comparing with previous webrev are:
1. client mode and server mode will use separated API set.
For client, the related APIs are:
  setServerName(String type, String value)
  clearServerName(String type)
  disableServerName(String type)
  enableServerName(String type)
  isDisabledServerName(String type)

Please read my note on the 2nd round review before reading this, 
specifically the section that starts "I'm not following your confusion".

So wow, what happened here?  I thought we were so very close on 
finalizing the API, and it was just a matter of tweaking the wording to 
have a null value disable the type from being sent.

setServerName(String type, String value) {
if type == value
throw IAE;
if value == null
else if value.equals("")
throw IAE;

Then in the Handshakers, only those type/values that are present in the 
map are be pulled out for constructing the SNI extensions.

If you want to go with this new API style with clear/disable/enable, I 
can see where you are coming from, but that was unexpected.  Before I 
review for accuracy, I want to make sure you really want to tweak things 
so extensively.  I think what you had previously fit the bill pretty well.

For server side, the related APIs are:
  setServerNamePattern(String type, Pattern pattern)
  clearServerNamePattern(String type)

and same for this one.

I'll look over the rest once I get your answer to the above.

2. close the door to use the generated socket in client mode.

SSLSocketFactory.createSocket(Socket s,
InputStream consumed, boolean autoClose)

The returned socket was set in server mode.


Re: (2nd round) Proposed API Changes for JEP 114: TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension

2012-08-15 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 8/15/2012 3:26 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

More comments about whether we are able to override the default value.

On 8/15/2012 10:45 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Thought more about the design, I would have to say that we cannot return
the default value in sslParameters.getServerNames().  Otherwise, the
following two block of codes look very weird to me:
  // case one:
1   SSLparameters sslParameters = sslSocket.getSSLParameters();
2   sslParameters.clearServerName("host_name");
3   Map names = sslParameters.getServerNames();
4   sslSocket.setSSLParameters(sslParameters);
5   sslParameters = sslSocket.getSSLParameters();
6   names = sslParameters.getServerNames();

In line 3, the returned map does not contain "host_name" entry. But in
line 6, it may be expected that no "host_name" in the returned map. But
if we want to return default values, line 6 do need to return a map
containing "host_name".  The behavior is pretty confusing. We may want
to try avoid the confusion.

I'm not following your confusion, it seemed pretty straightforward to
me, it works much like CipherSuites.  We have a set of ciphersuites
which are enabled by default.  We can turn some off by using

Compatibility is my concerns here.

When the SSLParameters class was was introduced in JDK 6,
set/getCipherSuites() and set/getProtocols were new, so there was no
compatibility issue for these two pairs methods at that time, as they
were not used in old applications.

In JDK 7, we introduced two new methods, set/getAlgorithmConstraints().
We were luck that we cannot allow the override of default constraints
because of security consideration,

I didn't quite follow this sentence.  We do allow the override, right? 
Looking at SSLSocketImpl.setSSLParameters():

algorithmConstraints = params.getAlgorithmConstraints();

and the concept of algorithm
constraints was new in JDK 7. So we needed not to consider the
compatibility issue too much between JDK 6 and 7 for this pair of methods.

However, things get changed for the Server Name Inidication (SNI),
because in JDK 7 we have already support default SNI extension implicit.
We have to consider the compatibility issues more between JDK 7 and JDK
8, we need to make sure the behaviors are consistent whenever we call
the set/getServerName(). If we allow override of default value, the
application may run into corner trap as the description in my previous mail.

Not sure this is a problem, possibly I didn't explain my thought fully.

That's the background of my thoughts. Hope it helps you understand the
current design.

Here's what I was trying to propose:


// Local storage like the other variables
private Map sniNames = null;


 * Set the SNI Names.
 * A null parameter means don't set anything.  Nothing is set.
 * disallow invalid String->null entries.
 * valid String->String entries will be added to SNI extension
 * if there is a recognized Key type.
public void setServerNames(Map map)

 * Returns a copy of the array of servernames or null if
 * none have been set.
public Map getServerNames()


synchronized public void setSSLParameters(SSLParameters params) {
Map sniNames = params.getServerNames();
if (sniNames != null) {
sniNameStorage = sniNames.clone();

synchronized public SSLParameters getSSLParameters() {
SSLParameters params = super.getSSLParameters();
// sniNameStorage currently has one entry:
// "host_name", ""
params.setServerNames = sniNameStorage.clone();

So looking at the two use cases you pointed out:

1.   SSLParameters sslp = new SSLParameters()

getServernames() would return null.  When SSLSocketImpl.setSSLParameters 
is called, the null indicates there is nothing to set, and the default 
value remains.  If app wants to set something here, it can, which would 
override the existing default.

2.  SSLParameters sslp = SSLSocket.getSSLParameters()

The SSLParameters will be populated with the SNI map value stored in 
SSLSocketImpl/SSLEngineImpl, and apps can do whatever they choose with 
the Map.  When setSSLParameters is called, the potentially new values 
are just pushed back to the SNI.  In this case, the application has full 
access to the default Map and can see what will be sent by default.

In both cases, the default remains unless the application takes steps to 
change it.  For applications, this is the same call model as 
setCipherSuites()/setProtocols(), but the magic happens at different levels.

Am I missing something?

> because in JDK 7 we have already support default SNI extension
> implicit.

We are just providing API access to that functionality.



  Expanding a bit on your example here, I'll describe what

Re: OpenJDK 7 SNI Implementation

2012-08-22 Thread Brad Wetmore

Cross-posting to security-dev.

Hi Tim,

On 8/21/2012 8:07 PM, Tim Gustafson

I see that Java is supposed to support SNI, but it's not clear to me
how this happens, or where it happens, or if support for SNI extends
only to client SSLSocket object, or if it also applies to
SSLServerSocket objects.  I can't find any documentation to tell me
exactly how Java supports SNI, nor can I find any examples of using
SNI, even from the client side of things.

We currently only support client side sending of the SNI extension.

Our client handshakers look to see if the SNI Extension is enabled 
(System Property: jsse.enableSNIExtension=true).  If so, then if the 
SSLSocket/SSLEngine was created with a Fully Qualified Domain Name 
hostname, then we will load that hostname into an RFC 6066 "host_name" 
extension [1] and send it as part of the ClientHello.

We don't currently have APIs to specify alternate server names on the 
client side, or to observe the received SNI extensions on the server 
side.  We are right in the middle of designing the APIs for that[2].  We 
will likely be posting a new version in the next week or so to the 
security-dev mailing list.

I'd like my chooseServerAlias function in my X509KeyManager
implementation to pick a server alias based on what server the client
is attempting to connect to.  But, I can't seem to find any properties
that are available through the "keyType", "issuers" or "socket"
parameters that are passed to that method that would tell me which
server the client is attempting to connect to.

Earlier versions of the APIs are available via the security-dev mail 
archives[3], but I would suggest waiting for the next iteration.

I thought perhaps that I could make my client SSLSocket specify which
issuer/subject it was expecting to find on the server (and that
information would find its way to the "issuers" parameter of the
chooseServerAlias method), but I can't find any way to tell the client
SSLSocket which certificate to expect or which local certificate to
offer to the remote server.

So, short version: where is Java's support for SNI actually documented
in detail?  And are there any sample code snippets that would show me
how to use SNI?  Or is Java's SNI implementation just based on the
host name that you specify when creating your client SSLSocket?


> If

so, where does that host name information show up in the
chooseServerAlias function?

Working on this for JDK 8.

Thanks for any help in advance!

Hope this helps,



Re: test/java/security/spec/ othervm?

2012-08-30 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 6/15/2011 2:00 AM, Vincent Ryan wrote:

On 06/15/11 09:45, Weijun Wang wrote:

Hi Vinnie

Why does this test run in /othervm mode?


It was failing due to SecureRandom problems on some platforms when run in samevm
mode. I think it was related to a lack of entropy.

Really?  That surprises me!  Generally it's when you run in othervm that 
you you might run out of entropy in /dev/random.

Can you reliably duplicate this?


Re: [PATCH] Review request for 7195733 TEST_BUG: sun/security/ssl/sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsURLConnection/ failing

2012-09-04 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 9/3/2012 3:20 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 03/09/2012 11:02, Eric Wang wrote:

Hi Chris and Xuelei,

Thanks for your advice, I have updated the @run tag and copyright,
please help to review. and Thank you to be my sponsor.

Looks fine to me too (note that you aren't required to change the
copyright date, it doesn't matter if you do or don't but once it can
cause clutter in patches.

Didn't parse this.  "Once it can cause clutter in patches?"

Instead there is supposed to regular batch
updating of the copyright dates, something that I don't see very often
but is supposed to happen).


Re: JDK8 code review request: 7196593: doesn't list certpath option

2012-09-11 Thread Brad Wetmore
Codewise, it looks ok.  You'll want Valerie and Sean to look over this 
as well for content.


On 9/11/2012 12:00 PM, Jason Uh wrote:

Please review my fix for
7196593: doesn't list certpath option


Also added other undocumented debug options and fixed broken formatting
for the gssloginconfig option.


Quick Codereview

2012-09-12 Thread Brad Wetmore


Here's the change for JDK8.

7197071: Makefiles for various security providers aren't including the
default manifest.

I've added the standard/regular rt.jar attributes (see
common/Release.gmk) to the remainder of the JCE jars (see
javax/crypto/Makefile and com/sun/crypto/provider/Makefile), and my
regression test makes sure that the Specification version value lines up 
with the Implementation Version value.

This does have the side effect that when we are transitioning major
releases, this test will fail until the providers are rebuilt.  This is
an acceptable amount of noise (once per release), since that should is
an actual failure.

One minor addition from the previous version you saw, the reg test has 
been enhanced, and the Defs-jce.gmk file was updated to remove the -ea 
string, which was causing some confusion.



Re: Quick Codereview

2012-09-13 Thread Brad Wetmore

If you're interested, the final version is on:

I removed the UnsatisfiedLinkError check, and also added a check for 
jce.jar, and did some minor housecleaning.

Putback pending a build from RE.



On 9/12/2012 12:54 PM, Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng wrote:

The enhanced test is run for all platforms, right?
However, the particular test for the PKCS11 using Solaris crypto library
is platform specific. So, it seems kind of strange to have them in the
same test which runs on all platforms.
In addition, I don't see a need for testing this UnsatisfiedLinkError
actually. You should never encounter this error when running against
Solaris crypto impl since they define these PKCS11 entry points. Why
testing something always pass?

On 09/12/12 11:41, Sean Mullan wrote:

Looks good to me.


On 09/12/2012 03:39 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:


Here's the change for JDK8.

7197071: Makefiles for various security providers aren't including the
default manifest.

I've added the standard/regular rt.jar attributes (see
common/Release.gmk) to the remainder of the JCE jars (see
javax/crypto/Makefile and com/sun/crypto/provider/Makefile), and my
regression test makes sure that the Specification version value lines up
with the Implementation Version value.

This does have the side effect that when we are transitioning major
releases, this test will fail until the providers are rebuilt.  This is
an acceptable amount of noise (once per release), since that should is
an actual failure.

One minor addition from the previous version you saw, the reg test has
been enhanced, and the Defs-jce.gmk file was updated to remove the -ea
string, which was causing some confusion.



Re: Code review request, 7199066 Typo in method name

2012-09-18 Thread Brad Wetmore

Looks ok to me too.


On 9/18/2012 5:49 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:

Looks good to me. Don't forget to add the noreg-trivial keyword to the CR before


On 9/17/12 9:38 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:


Please review the trivial fix of a typo in internal method name.

The bug has not been shown in bug database. The method name,
"getSuportedCipherSuiteList", of SSLContextImpl should be



Re: [PATCH FOR REVIEW] Allow OpenJDK to be built with the unlimited crypto policy

2012-09-19 Thread Brad Wetmore

> But I think someone from the security team should chime in on this.

I plan to look closer at this.  On the surface, it looks acceptable to 
me, but I've been heads down in the SNI code: likely for one more day. 
Wanted to also run this by one of my other colleagues.

One thought:  I'm wondering if we might want to have this switch in both 
Open and Closed.  As long as default is off, I don't immediately see a 
reason to not have it.


On 9/19/2012 7:34 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:

It seems fine with me.
But I think someone from the security team should chime in on this.


On Sep 18, 2012, at 7:39 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:

This is an issue that has been with us for a while.  See:

for some background.

The original proposed patch goes to far in removing most of the
infrastructure for restricting crypto levels and signing of crypto

The following simple webrev will achieve what I think is needed:

allowing OpenJDK to be built with the unlimited rather than limited
crypto policy in place.

The build is only altered if both an OpenJDK build is being performed
and UNLIMITED_CRYPTO is defined.  In this case, the install-unlimited
rule is used to install policies.  Without UNLIMITED_CRYPTO being set,
OpenJDK builds still depend on install-limited as now.

I believe this is a fairly unintrusive change which should allow GNU/Linux
distros to ship without crypto restrictions while still using upstream
OpenJDK rather than a variant with several classes removed.

It's not clear to me why this approach wasn't taken before, so I hope I haven't
missed something.

If this looks ok, I'll push it as the resolution for bug 7188845.
Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

PGP Key: 248BDC07 (
Fingerprint = EC5A 1F5E C0AD 1D15 8F1F  8F91 3B96 A578 248B DC07

Re: Code review request, 7200295 CertificateRequest message is wrapping when using large numbers of Certs

2012-09-24 Thread Brad Wetmore

Are there situations where we might overflow the int?

For example, in CertificateRequest.messageLength()

for (int i = 0; i < authorities.length; i++) {
len += authorities[i].length();

What if len overflows?

Also, all of these field's callers are overflow-1?


On 9/23/2012 7:42 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:


Please review the update to check output filed length overflow in TLS

bug   :

The cause of the bug is that for 8, 16, 24 bits length-variable fields,
before put the bytes into the fields, we do not check that the length of
the bytes is less than the capabilities of the field.


Re: [PATCH FOR REVIEW] Allow OpenJDK to be built with the unlimited crypto policy

2012-09-25 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 9/18/2012 7:39 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:

The following simple webrev will achieve what I think is needed:

allowing OpenJDK to be built with the unlimited rather than limited
crypto policy in place.

I got a chance to talk to Valerie, and what you've done looks good.  I'm 
"wetmore" if you need a reviewer, and I think Kelly has looked at it too.

> I just placed it within the OPENJDK ifdef so it
> won't interfere with the proprietary build at all, as obviously I
> can't test it

Please leave your new code check within the "ifdef OPENJDK".

Will you be putting this back yourself?  If so let me know when you go 
in, and I can update the bug once you're in.

Mark wrote:
> The summary is that it was just easier to remove unused classes that
> made the code tricky to understand for no good reason except for some
> secret proprietary code.

Unfortunately, Oracle and some of our commercial (non-OpenJDK) licensees 
still depend on that tricky code.  :(  I'd personally love to strip it 
all out, but we have to balance all of its consumers (Oracle SE and ME, 
commercial source/binary licensees, OpenJDK, etc.)

Andrew wrote:
> I'm sure it would be easy enough to dump those classes if Oracle
> started producing OpenJDK binaries licensed under the GPL, rather
> than binaries from their proprietary fork.

Unfortunately, not likely in our current export/import climate.


Re: Code review request, 7200295 CertificateRequest message is wrapping when using large numbers of Certs

2012-09-25 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 9/24/2012 7:01 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 9/25/2012 9:23 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Are there situations where we might overflow the int?

Yes, it is possible for many integer add operations. As 2^32 is a lot
bigger than 2^24 (the biggest number TLS protocol allows), I'm not
worried too much about int32 overflow.

Ah yes...

Integer overflow checking would make the code ugly.


For example, in CertificateRequest.messageLength()

 for (int i = 0; i < authorities.length; i++) {
 len += authorities[i].length();

What if len overflows?

Also, all of these field's callers are overflow-1?

I'm not sure I get your point. In RFC5246, exception session ID, other
variable length is one of 2^8-1, 2^16-1 or 2^24 -1.

I was just wondering if there were any fields that were 2^8/2^16/2^24 
that would fail with this check.  I hadn't looked through the whole RFC, 
just asking if you had checked to avoid an "off-by-one" error.

I have a recollection that we recently did add some checks for making 
sure that we did not overflow other vector sizes.


On 9/23/2012 7:42 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:


Please review the update to check output filed length overflow in TLS

bug   :

The cause of the bug is that for 8, 16, 24 bits length-variable fields,
before put the bytes into the fields, we do not check that the length of
the bytes is less than the capabilities of the field.


Re: [PATCH FOR REVIEW] Allow OpenJDK to be built with the unlimited crypto policy

2012-09-26 Thread Brad Wetmore

Will you be putting this back yourself?  If so let me know when you
in, and I can update the bug once you're in.

I will, though I'll need a bug ID for it.  I presume tl is ok as the
forest to use?

This going into 8?  Then yes.

7201205: Add Makefile configuration option to build with unlimited 
crypto in OpenJDK.


Mark wrote:
  > The summary is that it was just easier to remove unused classes
  > that
  > made the code tricky to understand for no good reason except for
  > some
  > secret proprietary code.

Unfortunately, Oracle and some of our commercial (non-OpenJDK)
still depend on that tricky code.  :(  I'd personally love to strip
all out, but we have to balance all of its consumers (Oracle SE and
commercial source/binary licensees, OpenJDK, etc.)

Andrew wrote:
  > I'm sure it would be easy enough to dump those classes if Oracle
  > started producing OpenJDK binaries licensed under the GPL, rather
  > than binaries from their proprietary fork.

Unfortunately, not likely in our current export/import climate.

Yes, this is what I thought.  We just have to make sure to test well
before shipping binaries.


Re: Code review request, JEP 114, 7068321 Support TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server

2012-09-26 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 9/26/2012 8:05 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:


Please review the implementation of JEP 114/CR 7068321, Support TLS
Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server.

JEP 114:
webrev :

I would prefer to get any comments by the end of next Monday (Oct 1th),
if possible.

Minor correction to the URL:

BTW, the domain is temporarily down, Ops is working on it.


Re: [PATCH FOR REVIEW] Allow OpenJDK to be built with the unlimited crypto policy

2012-09-27 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 9/27/2012 9:50 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:

- Original Message -

Will you be putting this back yourself?  If so let me know when
in, and I can update the bug once you're in.

I will, though I'll need a bug ID for it.  I presume tl is ok as
forest to use?

This going into 8?  Then yes.

At first, yes.  Do you have any objections to me proposing it for 7u too, in 
due course?

None here, other than needing a separate code review.


7201205: Add Makefile configuration option to build with unlimited
crypto in OpenJDK.

Great, thanks!  I'll push it.


Mark wrote:
   > The summary is that it was just easier to remove unused
   > classes
   > that
   > made the code tricky to understand for no good reason except
   > for
   > some
   > secret proprietary code.

Unfortunately, Oracle and some of our commercial (non-OpenJDK)
still depend on that tricky code.  :(  I'd personally love to
all out, but we have to balance all of its consumers (Oracle SE
commercial source/binary licensees, OpenJDK, etc.)

Andrew wrote:
   > I'm sure it would be easy enough to dump those classes if
   > Oracle
   > started producing OpenJDK binaries licensed under the GPL,
   > rather
   > than binaries from their proprietary fork.

Unfortunately, not likely in our current export/import climate.

Yes, this is what I thought.  We just have to make sure to test
before shipping binaries.


Re: [PATCH FOR REVIEW] Allow OpenJDK to be built with the unlimited crypto policy

2012-09-27 Thread Brad Wetmore

It's now marked as resolved.



On 9/27/2012 9:58 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:

- Original Message -

- Original Message -

Will you be putting this back yourself?  If so let me know when
in, and I can update the bug once you're in.

I will, though I'll need a bug ID for it.  I presume tl is ok as
forest to use?

This going into 8?  Then yes.

At first, yes.  Do you have any objections to me proposing it for 7u
too, in due course?

7201205: Add Makefile configuration option to build with unlimited
crypto in OpenJDK.

Great, thanks!  I'll push it.

All done:


Mark wrote:
   > The summary is that it was just easier to remove unused
   > classes
   > that
   > made the code tricky to understand for no good reason except
   > for
   > some
   > secret proprietary code.

Unfortunately, Oracle and some of our commercial (non-OpenJDK)
still depend on that tricky code.  :(  I'd personally love to
all out, but we have to balance all of its consumers (Oracle SE
commercial source/binary licensees, OpenJDK, etc.)

Andrew wrote:
   > I'm sure it would be easy enough to dump those classes if
   > Oracle
   > started producing OpenJDK binaries licensed under the GPL,
   > rather
   > than binaries from their proprietary fork.

Unfortunately, not likely in our current export/import climate.

Yes, this is what I thought.  We just have to make sure to test
before shipping binaries.


Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

PGP Key: 248BDC07 (
Fingerprint = EC5A 1F5E C0AD 1D15 8F1F  8F91 3B96 A578 248B DC07

Re: Code review request, JEP 114, 7068321 Support TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server

2012-10-08 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 9/26/2012 8:05 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:


Please review the implementation of JEP 114/CR 7068321, Support TLS
Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server.

JEP 114:
webrev :

Not a lot of comments since we've already done so much over the last few 
months.  :)

If you modified anything else that we hadn't talked about previously, 
please call it out.  I didn't do a complete line/line review, just 
looking at the main points and previous comments.

(Xuelei and I have been having internal discussions about how to rework 
some of the lengthy verbage currently in the SSLParameters class, so 
this comment builds on that discussion.)

I just noticed three classes missing from the webrev.  We are updating 
the SSLParameters class with two new data structures (Host 
names/Matchers), but the actual discussion of what happens to the 
underlying SSLSockets/SSLEngines/SSLServerSocket is missing.  Note we 
did that for the other values like protocols/cipherSuites.

Rather than the current discussion in SSLParameters about "previously 
configured/default", I would like to suggest we follow the simple 
discussion already in the javadocs, and it can shorten the verbiage in 
SSLParameters very significantly!  Even though we don't have equivalent 
methods (setEnabledHostNames()) in SSLSocket/SSLEngine/SSLServer, we 
should still talk about what happens when called:


This means:

o ...deleted...
o if params.getServerNames() is non-null, the socket will configure
  its server names with that value.
o if params.getSNIMatchers() is non-null, the socket will configure
  its SNI matchers with that value.

This places the behavior explanation better where it should be, and not 
in the configuration discussion.

Now in the SSLParameters we simply talk about the effects these methods 
have on the SSLParameters class and what the values represent.  We 
already have the link to 
SSLSocket/SSLServerSocket/SSLEngine.setSSLParameters().  So...

setServerNames() remains as is.
setSNIHostNames() remains as is.

316:  Add to the constructor
", or null if none has been set."

321-326:  We can leave this discussion if desired, I think it sets up 
the discussion for 327-341 well.  I might suggest reordering the points 

   * It is recommended that providers initialize default Server Name
   * Indications when creating
   * SSLSocket/SSLEngines.  In the following
   * examples, the server name could be represented by an instance of
   * {@link SNIHostName} which has been initialized with the hostname
   * "" and type {@link StandardConstants#SNI_HOST_NAME}.
   * Socket socket =
   * sslSocketFactory.createSocket("", 443);
   * or
   * SSLEngine engine =
   * sslContext.createSSLEngine("", 443);

342-367:  Remove these lines.  All the necessary info is in the 
setSSLParameters methods.

435: Add to the constructor
", or null if none has been set."

440-471:  Remove these lines.

Nice and clean.  All the discussion about default/current goes away.

52:  Do you want to remind folks here that this class is supposed to be 

64:  Not sure if caching this hash value will actually add much to 
performance vs. volatile adds overhead.  There will only a few of these 
(likely 1).

85-86:  Should these fragments be separated "," instead of "." as you 
did below in 143-149.  You probably need an "or" before the last item.

147:  You probably need an "or" before the last item.

32:  Do you want to spell out Server Name Indication before you use the 
abbreviation?  Or link to RFC 6066?  Just a thought, not strictly necessary.

105:  Empty line at end of file.


56:  Same comment about hashCode/volatile.

136:  Might want to add a  between sentences.





See above.  No other comments.


So that you can update and submit to CCC, I'll stop here, but the 
implementation review will be continued in next email.

Hope this helps,


Re: Code review request, JEP 114, 7068321 Support TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server

2012-10-09 Thread Brad Wetmore

Hi again,

On 10/9/2012 8:56 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Thanks for the comments. The new comments for
SSLEngine/SSLSocket/SSLServerSocket do make the spec much more simple
and clear.

Thanks, that looks so much cleaner, and I think developers will 
appreciate it.

BTW, I removed the restriction on SSLSocketFactory.createSocket(), the
socket parameter can be an instance of SSLSocket.

The spec review is closed. Please file new bugs if you have other concerns.

Very minor comments in the API which don't need CCC modification.

Changes look good.  Didn't review everything.

Changes look good.  Didn't review everything.


Changes look good.  Didn't review everything.


Didn't review.

Didn't review.


60:  Wow, good catch!

314:  Looks great, thanks!

Change look good.

216:  I think you need a period at end of sentence here.

231:  Might suggest some reason text for the UnsupportedOperationException.


Minor nit:  Copyright.

1218/1220/1225:  You are not closing the  properly, I think you are 
effectively adding another empty bullet.

1227:  Copy/paste error.  You said socket, but probably meant engine.  :)

Minor nit:  Copyright.

488/490/495:  You are not closing the  properly.

499:  Similar comment to above.  You could say server socket or leave as 
is, since it is a kind of a socket.


Minor nit:  Copyright.

46:  Minor comment on method name, you might want to use 
"addToSNIServerNameList" since you are adding.

84:  Just wondering why you added this method here? This added a bit of 
overhead in extra methods calls (well, maybe not with hotspot unrolling) 
and added a few chars to the source.  So given that you have added this, 
why not update the remainder also? 

See the below comment in  If you decide to accept 
it, you will want to remove the unmodifiable collection.






291:  The change to allow for setting of SNI information has opened up a 
race condition.  It's probably not too bad for SSLSocket, but might be 
more for SSLEngine.  When we create ClientHandshaker/ServerHandshakers, 
we normally grab all the parameters necessary for the handshaker, and 
any future parameter modifications will apply to the next handshake.  In 
the past, our SNI information would never change, so it wasn't necessary 
to pass it in on creation.  That assumption no longer holds.

So you could see something like this:

SSLParameters sslp = new SSLParameters();
// do handshake...

and you'll get the new value instead of old.

35:  Are these extra imports necessary with the package import at line 31?

307:  Can you add the "backwards compatibility" comment about the size?

   backward compatibility, all future data structures associated with
   new NameTypes MUST begin with a 16-bit length field.

I'll forget it otherwise.

423:  This behavior is currently underspecified.  Right now we have one 
SNI match type, but eventually we might have more.  Your current impl 
requires that *ALL* SNI matchers match.  What if you have more than one, 
and more than one SNI hostnames are sent?

SNIHostname: ""
SNINickName: ""

SNIMatcher:  ""
SNINickNameMatcher:  "

Should this fail or succeed?  That is, should it be an AND or an OR? 
Whatever you decide, please document it at least here.  Not sure if you 
want to make the doc at the API level.

438:  Minor nit:  snInOther -> sniInOther?


2084: See comments in

2100/2107:  See co

Re: Code review request, JEP 114, 7068321 Support TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server

2012-10-10 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 10/10/2012 5:47 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

new webrev:

I guess you didn't need to have me as reviewer before going final with 
the CCC?

Change look good.

216:  I think you need a period at end of sentence here.

You got the others, but missed this one.

231:  Might suggest some reason text for the UnsupportedOperationException.

I think the exception name has say the exception clearly. I think it
does not make sense to add additional message for it.  I had a search in
the packages of java.lang and java.uitl, most of the codes (39 of 42)
use the default non-parameter constructor of
UnsupportedOperationException. I will prefer to use the current style.

No problem.

46:  Minor comment on method name, you might want to use
"addToSNIServerNameList" since you are adding.

84:  Just wondering why you added this method here? This added a bit of
overhead in extra methods calls (well, maybe not with hotspot unrolling)
and added a few chars to the source.  So given that you have added this,
why not update the remainder also?

Good point!

Or do it the way you did.  This just adds a little extra source overhead.

See the below comment in  If you decide to accept
it, you will want to remove the unmodifiable collection.

See the reply in



291:  The change to allow for setting of SNI information has opened up a
race condition.  It's probably not too bad for SSLSocket, but might be
more for SSLEngine.  When we create ClientHandshaker/ServerHandshakers,
we normally grab all the parameters necessary for the handshaker, and
any future parameter modifications will apply to the next handshake.  In
the past, our SNI information would never change, so it wasn't necessary
to pass it in on creation.  That assumption no longer holds.

So you could see something like this:

 SSLParameters sslp = new SSLParameters();
 // do handshake...

and you'll get the new value instead of old.

Good catch!

Updated to store the local server name indication and matchers in

Just a comment:

459/468:  Currently you have serverNames and sniMatchers as package 
private variables, so the ClientHandshaker/ServerHandshaker *could* 
inherit these variables rather than have a separate get methods.  Or you 
could make them private and keep the get calls.

423:  This behavior is currently underspecified.

I think the behavior is specified in RFC 6066:

... If the server understood the ClientHello extension but
does not recognize the server name, the server SHOULD take one of two
actions: either abort the handshake by sending a fatal-level
unrecognized_name(112) alert or continue the handshake.

As means that the server will try to recognize every type of server

I'm just not seeing why this implies that it requires *EVERY* name must 
match.  This just says we can do one of two things upon receipt of an 
unrecognized hostname:  continue on, or alert/close.  We can be very 
restrictive (ALL/AND) or less so (at least one/OR), and still be within 
the RFC, I think.

In our spec, it is required that once a SNIMatcher is defined, it
will be used to recognized the server name in the SNI extension.

Where?  We do say in SNIMatcher:

   Servers can use Server Name Indication (SNI) information to decide if
   specific {@link SSLSocket} or {@link SSLEngine} instances should
   accept a connection.

But I don't think we have ever said that it MUST match or must match all 
or even what the implementation must do if there is a match failure. 
Nor should we specify that in the API, IMHO.  That's implementation 

to say, every server name should be recognizable if the corresponding
SNIMatcher is defined.  I think the current spec is clear that SNIMather
is used to match a particular server name type.

Not seeing it, sorry.

After this discussion, I think we are probably better off starting with 
AND anyway, because it will be easier to loosen that condition than 
starting with OR and having to tighten to AND.  If you agree, can you 
add a few words to that effect around 431?

Right now we have one
SNI match type, but eventually we might have more.  Your current impl
requires that *ALL* SNI matchers match.  What if you have more than one,
and more than one SNI hostnames are sent?

SNIHostname: ""
SNINickName: ""

SNIMatcher:  ""
SNINickNameMatcher:  "

Should this fail or succeed?  T

Re: Code review request, JEP 114, 7068321 Support TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server

2012-10-12 Thread Brad Wetmore

I guess you didn't need to have me as reviewer before going final with
the CCC?

The CCC has been finalized. ;-) I though you have done with spec review.
  Anyway, we still can make updates on specification within new bugs.

That's fine, I just wasn't sure if you needed someone to "approve" the 
"final" version of the spec to move it to the next state.

Just a comment:

459/468:  Currently you have serverNames and sniMatchers as package
private variables, so the ClientHandshaker/ServerHandshaker *could*
inherit these variables rather than have a separate get methods.  Or you
could make them private and keep the get calls.

Good catch!

I can look at your latest if you like, but probably not necessary.

I'm just not seeing why this implies that it requires *EVERY* name must
match.  This just says we can do one of two things upon receipt of an
unrecognized hostname:  continue on, or alert/close.  We can be very
restrictive (ALL/AND) or less so (at least one/OR), and still be within
the RFC, I think.

I agree with your parser.

In our spec, it is required that once a SNIMatcher is defined, it
will be used to recognized the server name in the SNI extension.

Where?  We do say in SNIMatcher:

Servers can use Server Name Indication (SNI) information to decide if
specific {@link SSLSocket} or {@link SSLEngine} instances should
accept a connection.

But I don't think we have ever said that it MUST match or must match all
or even what the implementation must do if there is a match failure. Nor
should we specify that in the API, IMHO.  That's implementation behavior.

I may have different options on this point. I think, it must be a
specified behavior in Java. Otherwise, it is very confusing about how to
use 1+ server names in server side.

I am going suggest we ask for guidance from IETF about this.  It is not 
clear from RFC 6066 how to handle multiple SNI types, even reading very 
generously between the lines.  See below.

Let's start from the logic of the design.  If the specification is not
clear, I will rewrite the spec according to our agreement.

Let's start from the requirement. I think once a SNIMatcher is defined
in SSL parameters, it MUST be used to perform the match operations if
the corresponding server name appears in the SNI extension.  Otherwise,
what will happens? See the example:
1. SNI extension contains HostName, "".
2. Server side defines SNIMatcher for HostName, to accept
"". Server does not accept "".
3. What's the result of the handshake? Is the SNI extension is accetable? !=  I would say fail handshake with 

If we do not define the spec about how to use SNIMatcher. The answer to
#3 is unclear.  Because if a SNIMatcher may be used to perform match
operation, and may be not used to perform match operation, then the
server may accept the SNI extension, may ignore the SNI extension, may
reject the SNI extension.  It is useless to define SNIMatcher.

I think the requirement is clear that it is a must to use SNIMatcher to
perform the match operation if the corresponding server name appears in
the SNI extension. I think it is true for the case when there is only
one server name type, at least.

I completely agree.

Let's look more about what happens when there is 1+ server name types in
the SNI extension. Let's use the example in your previous mail.

SNIHostname: ""
SNINickName: ""

SNIMatcher:  ""
SNINickNameMatcher:  "

Suppose that the server is able to understand both HostName and
NickName.  In the above example, server is able to recognize HostName,
but not NickName.  Then should the server includes an extension of type
"server_name" in the (extended) server hello?

If the server_name extension is included, it is unclear for client side
which one is accepted.

The presence of a server's server_name extension indicates that an SNI 
value was used to guide the selection of an appropriate cert.  It seems 
ambiguous in RFC 6066 as to whether this extension indicated "ALL" or 
"AT LEAST ONE" SNI value guided the selection.  I might lean towards ALL 
since RFC 6066 says "The 'extension_data' field of this extension SHALL 
be empty".  If it AT LEAST ONE were meant, there is no way of indicating 
*which* extension was used, or if multiple ones were used.

As an aside, we have no API for the KeyManagers's to indicate whether 
they actually used a SNI extension, so I think you are currently sending 
a server server_name extension if any cert was selected.  I don't think 
this is a major problem given our current APIs.

 Because the client side may need to use the

server_name to do endpoint identification, it is not safe to use
"" to perform endpoint identification because the server
side does not accept it.

If the server_name extension is not include

Re: jsse.jar still needed?

2012-10-15 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 10/15/2012 5:17 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:

This might be a silly question but is jsse.jar needed any more? I think,
but might be wrong, that it dates back to when JSSE was a extension. I'm
curious if it would matter if the classes were moved to rt.jar?

There are source licensee issues here.  I'll talk to you about this offline.


I'm also interested to understand why jsse.jar has and This creates
the odd situation where most of the types in those packages are in
rt.jar but it's just these two classes that are in jsse.jar.



Re: Code review request, JEP 114, 7068321 Support TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server

2012-10-15 Thread Brad Wetmore

A server name indication extension will be sent whenever the name is

> recognizable by the matches. I did not check for the types of

cipher suites.  I think it is the proper approach because although for
anonymous cipher cuties, there is not certificates, but the ssl context
may be different, so it is still can be regarded as the server do something

> different related to the specified SNI.


According to effective java,

Item 15?  It doesn't specifically talk about final methods, but I think 
I see where you are coming from since this class was originally non-final.

> I would prefer to use final keyword for
> the new methods.  I did not see clear requirements that customers
> need to override the methods. So I would like a stricter restriction
> for the new methods in case of any mis-use. Does it make sense to you?

Yes.  I can't really think of why not, other than for potential 


Re: Code review request, JEP 114, 7068321 Support TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server

2012-10-15 Thread Brad Wetmore

Looks good.

> The main update is to add "final" keyword to the new methods in
> SSLParamaters.  I prefer to use the final because I don't see a
> requirement to override them.

Let me know when the new CCC is ready, I'll approve it.

Are you going to contact IETF?

Almost there.


On 10/13/2012 6:26 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

New webrev:

The main update is to add "final" keyword to the new methods in
SSLParamaters.  I prefer to use the final because I don't see a
requirement to override them.  But I can go with the version with or
without the "final" keyword.  I think you properly don't need to review
other parts of the webrev any more, no other major update.


On 10/13/2012 10:17 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

I have no access to office network, just a quick reply. I want add final 
keyword for the new methods in SSLParameters. See below.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 13, 2012, at 8:00 AM, Brad Wetmore  wrote:

I guess you didn't need to have me as reviewer before going final with
the CCC?

The CCC has been finalized. ;-) I though you have done with spec review.
  Anyway, we still can make updates on specification within new bugs.

That's fine, I just wasn't sure if you needed someone to "approve" the "final" 
version of the spec to move it to the next state.

Just a comment:

459/468:  Currently you have serverNames and sniMatchers as package
private variables, so the ClientHandshaker/ServerHandshaker *could*
inherit these variables rather than have a separate get methods.  Or you
could make them private and keep the get calls.

Good catch!

I can look at your latest if you like, but probably not necessary.

I will send the new webrev tonight my time.

I'm just not seeing why this implies that it requires *EVERY* name must
match.  This just says we can do one of two things upon receipt of an
unrecognized hostname:  continue on, or alert/close.  We can be very
restrictive (ALL/AND) or less so (at least one/OR), and still be within
the RFC, I think.

I agree with your parser.

In our spec, it is required that once a SNIMatcher is defined, it
will be used to recognized the server name in the SNI extension.

Where?  We do say in SNIMatcher:

Servers can use Server Name Indication (SNI) information to decide if
specific {@link SSLSocket} or {@link SSLEngine} instances should
accept a connection.

But I don't think we have ever said that it MUST match or must match all
or even what the implementation must do if there is a match failure. Nor
should we specify that in the API, IMHO.  That's implementation behavior.

I may have different options on this point. I think, it must be a
specified behavior in Java. Otherwise, it is very confusing about how to
use 1+ server names in server side.

I am going suggest we ask for guidance from IETF about this.  It is not clear 
from RFC 6066 how to handle multiple SNI types, even reading very generously 
between the lines.  See below.

Let's start from the logic of the design.  If the specification is not
clear, I will rewrite the spec according to our agreement.

Let's start from the requirement. I think once a SNIMatcher is defined
in SSL parameters, it MUST be used to perform the match operations if
the corresponding server name appears in the SNI extension.  Otherwise,
what will happens? See the example:
1. SNI extension contains HostName, "".
2. Server side defines SNIMatcher for HostName, to accept
"". Server does not accept "".
3. What's the result of the handshake? Is the SNI extension is accetable? !=  I would say fail handshake with 

If we do not define the spec about how to use SNIMatcher. The answer to
#3 is unclear.  Because if a SNIMatcher may be used to perform match
operation, and may be not used to perform match operation, then the
server may accept the SNI extension, may ignore the SNI extension, may
reject the SNI extension.  It is useless to define SNIMatcher.

I think the requirement is clear that it is a must to use SNIMatcher to
perform the match operation if the corresponding server name appears in
the SNI extension. I think it is true for the case when there is only
one server name type, at least.

I completely agree.

Let's look more about what happens when there is 1+ server name types in
the SNI extension. Let's use the example in your previous mail.

SNIHostname: ""
SNINickName: ""

SNIMatcher:  ""
SNINickNameMatcher:  "

Suppose that the server is able to understand both HostName and
NickName.  In the above example, server is able to recognize HostName,

Re: Code review request, JEP 114, 7068321 Support TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server

2012-10-16 Thread Brad Wetmore

BTW, both 7068321 and 8000954 are in Open, should be "In Progress".

On 10/15/2012 6:27 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 10/16/2012 7:12 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Looks good.

The main update is to add "final" keyword to the new methods in
SSLParamaters.  I prefer to use the final because I don't see a
requirement to override them.

Let me know when the new CCC is ready, I'll approve it.

The CCC for this fix, 7068321 has been finalized. I submitted a new CCC
to add the final keyword:

I will fill the new CCC after the push of 7068321.

Are you going to contact IETF?

Yes, I will.

Almost there.

I think we get all spec review, code review done.

I think so.

> I will push the

changeset after the CCC get approved, and pay more time on CPU bugs.

You could push both together and put everything in just one changeset, 
but of course up to you.

I don't think there's anything else for me to do, let me know if you're 
waiting on something.




On 10/13/2012 6:26 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

New webrev:

The main update is to add "final" keyword to the new methods in
SSLParamaters.  I prefer to use the final because I don't see a
requirement to override them.  But I can go with the version with or
without the "final" keyword.  I think you properly don't need to review
other parts of the webrev any more, no other major update.


On 10/13/2012 10:17 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

I have no access to office network, just a quick reply. I want add
final keyword for the new methods in SSLParameters. See below.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 13, 2012, at 8:00 AM, Brad Wetmore

I guess you didn't need to have me as reviewer before going final
the CCC?

The CCC has been finalized. ;-) I though you have done with spec
   Anyway, we still can make updates on specification within new bugs.

That's fine, I just wasn't sure if you needed someone to "approve"
the "final" version of the spec to move it to the next state.

Just a comment:

459/468:  Currently you have serverNames and sniMatchers as package
private variables, so the ClientHandshaker/ServerHandshaker *could*
inherit these variables rather than have a separate get methods.
Or you
could make them private and keep the get calls.

Good catch!

I can look at your latest if you like, but probably not necessary.

I will send the new webrev tonight my time.

I'm just not seeing why this implies that it requires *EVERY* name
match.  This just says we can do one of two things upon receipt of an
unrecognized hostname:  continue on, or alert/close.  We can be very
restrictive (ALL/AND) or less so (at least one/OR), and still be
the RFC, I think.

I agree with your parser.

In our spec, it is required that once a SNIMatcher is defined, it
will be used to recognized the server name in the SNI extension.

Where?  We do say in SNIMatcher:

 Servers can use Server Name Indication (SNI) information to
decide if
 specific {@link SSLSocket} or {@link SSLEngine} instances should
 accept a connection.

But I don't think we have ever said that it MUST match or must
match all
or even what the implementation must do if there is a match
failure. Nor
should we specify that in the API, IMHO.  That's implementation

I may have different options on this point. I think, it must be a
specified behavior in Java. Otherwise, it is very confusing about
how to
use 1+ server names in server side.

I am going suggest we ask for guidance from IETF about this.  It is
not clear from RFC 6066 how to handle multiple SNI types, even
reading very generously between the lines.  See below.

Let's start from the logic of the design.  If the specification is not
clear, I will rewrite the spec according to our agreement.

Let's start from the requirement. I think once a SNIMatcher is defined
in SSL parameters, it MUST be used to perform the match operations if
the corresponding server name appears in the SNI extension.
what will happens? See the example:
 1. SNI extension contains HostName, "".
 2. Server side defines SNIMatcher for HostName, to accept
"". Server does not accept "".
 3. What's the result of the handshake? Is the SNI extension is
accetable? !=  I would say fail handshake with

If we do not define the spec about how to use SNIMatcher. The
answer to
#3 is unclear.  Because if a SNIMatcher may be used to perform match
operation, and may be not used to perform match operation, then the
server may accept the SNI extension, may ignore the SNI extension, may
reject the SNI extension.  It is useless to define S

Re: Code review request, JEP 114, 7068321 Support TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server

2012-10-16 Thread Brad Wetmore



On 10/16/2012 6:30 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 10/17/2012 9:30 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 10/17/2012 4:57 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

You could push both together and put everything in just one changeset,
but of course up to you.


Please review the CCC request, I will fast-track the request.

I don't think there's anything else for me to do, let me know if you're
waiting on something.

I think you are done, ;-) except the above CCC review.  I still need to
wait for the approval of the CCCs.


Re: Memory leak fix for: src/solaris/native/com/sun/security/auth/module/Unix.c

2012-10-19 Thread Brad Wetmore

Looks good, taken in isolation.

Just to be sure, are there any other methods that might return some 
object that has to be freed.


On 10/19/2012 1:28 PM, John Zavgren wrote:

The following webrev image contains a fix for a memory leak that occurs in the 
procedure: Java_com_sun_security_auth_module_UnixSystem_getUnixInfo (JNIEnv 
*env, jobject obj) in the file: 

The leaked memory is associated with the pointer named "groups": gid_t *groups 
= (gid_t *)calloc(numSuppGroups, sizeof(gid_t));

The procedure in question exits in many places and in every case it's necessary to deallocate this 
memory. The leak occurred because returns were being made without freeing it. I fixed the leak by 
modifying the code so that there is a common "exit point", that is reached from these 
same places via goto statements, that performs this common function, immediately before the 
"return" statement.

John Zavgren

8001419: Build the JCE portion of JDK-8000970

2012-10-23 Thread Brad Wetmore

I have stripped out the JCE portion of:

and am integrating it for Fredrik, and doing the internal JCE builds.

The work will be done under:

8001419: Build the JCE portion of JDK-8000970
Summary: Original code done by Fredrik Ohrstrom, separated/pushed by wetmore
Reviewed-by: wetmore

The codereview is:


Re: Code review request, JDK-8001569 Regression test GetPeerHost uses static port number

2012-11-09 Thread Brad Wetmore
I'm surprised we are still finding these!  ;)  I though we had fixed 
most of them already.  Maybe whoever fixed them was looking for 
443/80/8080, and missed ?


On 11/9/2012 1:20 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:

Looks fine Xuelei.


On 09/11/2012 05:27, Xuelei Fan wrote:


Test case,

uses the static port number, and does not close the socket explicitly.
As may result that the socket/port cannot be released in time in OS

The fix will use dynamically allocated server port.


Re: [8] Code Review Request for 8004044: Lazily instantiate SunJCE.RANDOM

2012-11-28 Thread Brad Wetmore


Could you please provide a little more background for the motivation for 
this fix?  I'm not quite following yet how we get into this situation. 
(Bear with me, I'm not familiar with ServiceLoader yet, so this may be a 
beginner's question.)

In our current implementation, there's always been the assumption that 
the order of providers is specified by the file, and 
possibly tweaked by Security.*provider() code, thus ensuring that 
requested algs will come from the highest ordered provider at the time 
of initialization.  Is this going away?

FYI, the current behavior when no providers have been registered as 
Security Providers is to directly create a SHA1PRNG.

The code itself is ok, even without the upcoming change to ServiceLoader.


On 11/28/2012 8:53 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:

Please review the following webrev which lazily initializes the
SecureRandom object used by the SunJCE provider.

In JDK 9, we want to load JCE providers with java.util.ServiceLoader as
part of the transition to modules. This can cause potential recursive
loading issues if the Sun provider for SecureRandom has not been loaded
yet (since providers are loaded in no specific order using
ServiceLoader). The fix is to lazily instantiate SunJCE.RANDOM. This is
a proactive fix that will smooth the transition to modules.

There is no regression test as this is a small refactoring that is
covered by existing tests. The bug has been tagged with the
noreg-cleanup label.

The bug is not up on yet.
bug :


Re: Code Review Request, 8004184, security tests leave JSSEServer running

2012-12-03 Thread Brad Wetmore

Looks ok to me too.


On 12/2/2012 5:28 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 12/2/2012 11:38 PM, Chris Hegarty wrote:

Your description talks about releasing resources, but the comment
in the source mentions initialising system properties. Are you
using othervm mode to get around releasing resources or an issues
with previously set system properties?

JSSE cannot support agentvm mode because some system properties will be
only called one time at every VM.  Othervm mode is used to release
resources.  And it is also used to correct the previous system
properties issues.  I normally put the comments to all JSSE test, so
that the code readers can understand why the test must be run in othervm



On 2 Dec 2012, at 02:49, Xuelei Fan  wrote:


Please review the test bug that does not release the server resources.



Re: Request for Review: 7193792: sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ failing intermittently

2012-12-06 Thread Brad Wetmore

Ditto.  Thanks for also removing from ProblemList.


On 12/6/2012 1:05 AM, Vincent Ryan wrote:

Fix looks good.

On 6 Dec 2012, at 00:16, Jason Uh wrote:

Could I please get a review of:


This change fixes sun/security/pkcs11/ec/, which fails on Solaris 
due to what seems to be an unintended back-to-back call to 
Signature.initSign(privateKey). On the second initSign, the test fails with 

There is already an active operation (or combination of active
operations) which prevents Cryptoki from activating the specified
operation. ...



JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-02 Thread Brad Wetmore


Please review the API/impl for JEP 123:

Oracle folks, there is also the internal CCC that needs review.  The bug 
id is 6425477.

There are several SecureRandom implementations in Oracle's JDK, and 
together with the "configuration" options in the file, it 
can be very confusing for users to understand. As part of the work on 
JEP 123, I took a comprehensive look at the different SecureRandom 
implementations and how we got here.

There are these implementations:

Direct calls to the native PKCS11 library.  Only enabled
by default on Solaris, but available for any OS.  No difference
between seed/random.

uses /dev/random and /dev/urandom for seeds/random numbers
respectively.  Doesn't exist on Windows.

Available on all platforms.  By default, uses a confusing mix of
/dev/[u]random for internal seeding and external seed
generation, along with a SHA1 MessageDigest for
generating random numbers.  The properties (below) control
seeding, but in a confusing manner.

Direct calls to the MSCAPI library, only available for Windows.
No difference between seed/random.

There were two main points for this JEP:

1.  Provide an API that allows applications to indicate whether they 
want the "strongest-possible" (possibly blocking) values, or if just 
regular values will do.

2.  See if we can clarify the configuration model, and eliminate some of 
the confusion caused by the securerandom.source/ variables.

This second point has caused a lot of pain for 
developers/deployers/support.  The "workaround" of specifying 
"file:/dev/./urandom" or "file:///dev/urandom" instead of 
"file:/dev/urandom" has to be one of the most unintuitive ever.  [1]  ;)

The default value of the variable is changed to file:/dev/random to 
reflect the actual implementation we've been shipping since JDK 5, but 
will also install NativePRNG as more preferred over the SHA1PRNG. 
Otherwise, the part of the implementation stays the same, and is now 
better documented in the file.

We'll also be updating the Oracle Provider documentation to reflect the 
implementations, but that work will be done later.




Re: JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-04 Thread Brad Wetmore

Forwarding some relevant comments:


Set #1 of 2:  From (at) oracle (dot) com:

First you have "If mode is set to true, successive calls..." then you 
also says the return value "may not necessarily be the same as the 
original object". Shall I use the return value or "this"? Also, what if 
I call the method with false?

The spec says the strong mode "may block". Does this imply that the 
"weak" mode never blocks?

 * Calls to engineSetStrongMode will return
 * the current mode.

You mean engineGetStrongMode?

 100 # On Unix-like systems (for example, Solaris/Linux/MacOS), there is a
 101 # separate "NativePRNG" implementation that obtains seed and 
random numbers
 102 # from special device files. If a file is specified and does not 

 103 # "NativePRNG" will not be available.  "file" is the only currently
 104 # supported protocol type.

If a file is specified and it does exist, will NatievPRNG read from 
*this* specified file? Or still from some mysterious "special devide file"?

 106 # In addition, if "file:/dev/random" or "file:/dev/urandom" is
 107 # specified, the "NativePRNG" implementation will be more 
preferred than

 108 # SHA1PRNG.

Is "more" needed when "preferred" is used? Also, I haven't read the impl 
codes for a while, but by specifying one of the 2 sources above, is 
SHA1PRNG almost the same as NativePRNG?

I'll read the code changes later.


Re: JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-04 Thread Brad Wetmore

Forwarding some relevant comments:


Set #2 of 2:  From (at) oracle (dot) com:

From the specification, looks like that a provider would have to support
both high-quality and normal-quality mode.  Otherwise,
SecureRandomSpi.engineSetStrongMode() should throw exception if the
provider does not support high-quality mode.  It does not look intuitive
to me, I think a few (many be only a very few) providers may only
support normal-quality or blocking mode.

From the spec of SecureRandom.getStrongSecureRandom(), my understand is
that the returned value may be not configured with the request mode.  I
mean that if application request to use high-quality secure random, the
returned value may be not a high-quality secure random because the
underlying provider does not support the
SecureRandomSpi.engineSetStrongMode() or only supports normal-quality
mode.  It's confusing.  Or am I miss-understanding something?

BTW, the returned value of SecureRandom.getStrongSecureRandom() may not
inherit the secure properties from the original caller instance, for
example, the initialized seed.  I think it would be better to call
setSeed again on the returned value to add additional randomness. The
code may look like:

SecureRandom sr = ...;
SecureRandom newSR = sr.getStrongSecureRandom(true);
newSR.setSeed(...); // looks like useless, but it is useful
// because the previous seed isn't inherited.

I think the quality of a secure random depends on the provider.  The
quality may be a attribute of a provider.  Personally, I like more to
use block or non-block mode.

I think you may have though about to use the algorithm characteristics,
as the one proposed in JEP 123 description:

sr = new SecureRandom( ..., SR_HIGHQUALITY|SR_NON_BLOCKING);

It looks more intuitive to me, and the API may look like:
// look for providers that supports the particular mode.
+   SecureRandom(boolean block);
+   SecureRandom(byte seed, boolean block);
+   SecureRandom.getInstance(String algorithm, boolean block);
+   SecureRandom.isBlockMode();

We may not need to update getInstance(String, Provider) because block or
non-block is a character of a provider (get the value by isBlockMode()).

Just for your consideration, may be too later.


On 1/2/2013 5:58 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:


Please review the API/impl for JEP 123:

Oracle folks, there is also the internal CCC that needs review.  The bug
id is 6425477.

There are several SecureRandom implementations in Oracle's JDK, and
together with the "configuration" options in the file, it
can be very confusing for users to understand. As part of the work on
JEP 123, I took a comprehensive look at the different SecureRandom
implementations and how we got here.

There are these implementations:

 Direct calls to the native PKCS11 library.  Only enabled
 by default on Solaris, but available for any OS.  No difference
 between seed/random.

 uses /dev/random and /dev/urandom for seeds/random numbers
 respectively.  Doesn't exist on Windows.

 Available on all platforms.  By default, uses a confusing mix of
 /dev/[u]random for internal seeding and external seed
 generation, along with a SHA1 MessageDigest for
 generating random numbers.  The properties (below) control
 seeding, but in a confusing manner.

 Direct calls to the MSCAPI library, only available for Windows.
 No difference between seed/random.

There were two main points for this JEP:

1.  Provide an API that allows applications to indicate whether they
want the "strongest-possible" (possibly blocking) values, or if just
regular values will do.

2.  See if we can clarify the configuration model, and eliminate some of
the confusion caused by the securerandom.source/

This second point has caused a lot of pain for
developers/deployers/support.  The "workaround" of specifying
"file:/dev/./urandom" or "file:///dev/urandom" instead of
"file:/dev/urandom" has to be one of the most unintuitive ever.  [1]  ;)

The default value of the variable is changed to file:/dev/random to
reflect the actual implementation we've been shipping since JDK 5, but
will also install NativePRNG as more preferred over the SHA1PRNG.
Otherwise, the part of the implementation stays the same, and is now
better documented in the file.

We'll also be updating the Oracle Provider documentation to reflect the
implementations, but that work will be done later.




Re: JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-04 Thread Brad Wetmore

I had an ugly chicken/egg bug I just figured out, so didn't get a chance 
to respond to your/Weijun/Xuelei's comments.

For the APIs, it's pretty clear I need some clearer explanations here, 
and maybe some adjustments.

I wouldn't suggest you spend much more time on the internals as things 
will change a bit and I just found another issue, but in case you want 
to see what I had in mind, there's a new webrev:

See:  webrev.01

addressed #4 below.

in NativePRNG, if the file URL isn't readable, it defaults to
/dev/random instead of disabling this implementation.

couple bug fixes.

BTW, on #3 (@code), the Oracle Javadoc comment page still says to use 
.  I originally didn't change it because there were so many 
instances of .



On 1/4/2013 2:03 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:

Just some initial comments on the API. I have not looked at the code yet.

1. getStrongSecureRandom says:

  * If the underlying SPI implementation does not support the
  * {@link SecureRandomSpi.engineSetStrongMode(boolean)
  *  SecureRandomSpi.engineSetStrongMode(boolean)} method,
  * then a wrapper class will redirect SecureRandomSpi
  * calls from nextBytes() to generateSeed().

Can you explain in a bit more detail what this means? Is the
SecureRandom object that is returned the same whether mode is true or
false, even if the underlying implementation could be upgraded to
support a strong mode?

2. The name for the method getStrongMode seems a bit odd since it
returns a boolean. How about isStrong instead?

3. Nit: Use {@code} instead of 

4. Consider marking getStrongSecureRandom and getStrongMode final. I
think the other methods on SecureRandom are not final because the SPI
was added later, unlike other security SPI classes.


On 01/02/2013 08:58 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:


Please review the API/impl for JEP 123:

Oracle folks, there is also the internal CCC that needs review.  The bug
id is 6425477.

There are several SecureRandom implementations in Oracle's JDK, and
together with the "configuration" options in the file, it
can be very confusing for users to understand. As part of the work on
JEP 123, I took a comprehensive look at the different SecureRandom
implementations and how we got here.

There are these implementations:

 Direct calls to the native PKCS11 library.  Only enabled
 by default on Solaris, but available for any OS.  No difference
 between seed/random.

 uses /dev/random and /dev/urandom for seeds/random numbers
 respectively.  Doesn't exist on Windows.

 Available on all platforms.  By default, uses a confusing mix of
 /dev/[u]random for internal seeding and external seed
 generation, along with a SHA1 MessageDigest for
 generating random numbers.  The properties (below) control
 seeding, but in a confusing manner.

 Direct calls to the MSCAPI library, only available for Windows.
 No difference between seed/random.

There were two main points for this JEP:

1.  Provide an API that allows applications to indicate whether they
want the "strongest-possible" (possibly blocking) values, or if just
regular values will do.

2.  See if we can clarify the configuration model, and eliminate some of
the confusion caused by the securerandom.source/

This second point has caused a lot of pain for
developers/deployers/support.  The "workaround" of specifying
"file:/dev/./urandom" or "file:///dev/urandom" instead of
"file:/dev/urandom" has to be one of the most unintuitive ever.  [1]  ;)

The default value of the variable is changed to file:/dev/random to
reflect the actual implementation we've been shipping since JDK 5, but
will also install NativePRNG as more preferred over the SHA1PRNG.
Otherwise, the part of the implementation stays the same, and is now
better documented in the file.

We'll also be updating the Oracle Provider documentation to reflect the
implementations, but that work will be done later.




Update #2: JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-09 Thread Brad Wetmore


Thanks so much for all of the constructive feedback.  I wasn't terribly 
happy with the previous API proposal, and the comments reflected that. 
Sean Mullan came up with a nice API idea which greatly simplifies the 
goal of helping applications/deployers select a "strong" SecureRandom 

I agree with the comments from Xuelei and Micheal StJohns (and others). 
 As Xuelei mentioned, the original scoping a year ago included some of 
those larger configuration ideas, and Michael gave some great additional 
food for thought.  With the JDK 8 M6 deadline quickly drawing near, we 
unfortunately don't have time to explore this further, but what I'm 
proposing should complement and not preclude such future work.

As additional goals for this JEP, I wanted to address three problems in 
the current implementation:

1.  Many customer escalations/complaints of "slow SecureRandom 
performance" because of the limited entropy collection problem on Linux 
boxes, and there's much confusion about how to workaround this problem. 
 (e.g. "file:/dev/./urandom")

2.  The documentation/configuration in the file does not 
match the implementations, and is very confusing when trying to figure 
out #1 above.

3.  It's not clear what the four different Oracle JDK SecureRandom 
implementations do. (Solution:  update the Oracle Security Providers page.)

I think the current proposal addresses these issues.

The highlights:

A Security property called "securerandom.strongAlgorithm".  There are 
defaults for each supported platform, and deployers can change this 
value if they have access to better ones.

static String SecureRandom.getStrongAlgorithm() which obtains the 
property.  The expected usage:

  * SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getInstance(
  * SecureRandom.getStrongAlgorithm());
  * ...deleted...
  * keyPairGenerator.initialize(2048, sr);

Cleaned out the incorrect information in the files.

The default securerandom.source Security property is set to 
"file:/dev/random" to properly reflect the implementation.  (Ideally, 
I'd like to push this back to earlier JDK's.)

If the properties are set to 
either "file:/dev/random" or "file:/dev/urandom", NativePRNG will be 
preferred to SHA1PRNG.

NativePRNG now respects the 

NativePRNG reads seeds from /dev/random and nextBytes from /dev/urandom. 
 I added two new NativePRNG implementations which are completely 
blocking or nonblocking.  The "securerandom.strongAlgorithm" property 
points to the blocking variant.

I still have some cleanup work to do on the file, but 
the rest (minus test cases) is ready in the webrev.02 directory.



Re: Update #2: JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-09 Thread Brad Wetmore

One minor omission.

On 1/9/2013 12:44 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

NativePRNG reads seeds from /dev/random and nextBytes from /dev/urandom.
  I added two new NativePRNG implementations which are completely
blocking or nonblocking.  The "securerandom.strongAlgorithm" property
points to the blocking variant

on Unix-like OS's (Solaris/Linux/MacOS), and "Windows-PRNG" on Windows.


Re: Update #2: JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-09 Thread Brad Wetmore
Thanks for the feedback.  I also received some privately which had 
similar comments.

Wrapping up several emails into some bullet points:

1.  I like Sean's suggested tweak to the API.  I'm thinking of adjusting 
it slightly.

2.  Xuelei has a point about my fallback of "most preferred" 
implementation may not actually be strong.  And like Max, I've also had 
concerns about "which provider".

In my previous proposal laundry list for SecureRandom, I had something like:


which addresses both issues.  The property will contain a list of algs 
or algs/providers, and we'll iterate through them.  If we can't create 
an instance of one of these, return a null.

public static SecureRandom getStrongSecureRandom()

Given these comments, I think I'm going to move forward on this.  The 
application will do:

SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getStrongSecureRandom();

if (sr == null) {
// Decide if this is a problem, and whether to recover.
// sr = new SecureRandom(); or return;

3.  Sean wrote:

> There's an assumption that the securerandom.strongAlgorithm has been
> configured appropriately.

Exactly, we'll ship with default values for each platform, and 
programs/deployers can add/subtract as needed.

4.  Xuelei wrote:

> The 2nd one is to define a SPI method (pros: the
> admin won't need to set the property. The admin does not always know
> what kind of providers will be used at runtime).

If I'm reading this comment right, given the pros of the current 
approach, I hesitate letting implementations make comparative strength 

Thanks!  I should have a new version out tonight.


On 1/9/2013 5:47 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 1/9/2013 10:45 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:

On 01/09/2013 06:41 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

I like this new proposal.  Some minor comments here.

1. The name of SecureRandom.getStrongAlgorithm()

 In the specification of the method and, the word
"strongest" is used to describe the algorithm. While the name use the
word "strong".  I think the method name and specification should use the
same word, "strong" or "strongest". Using both may cause some

 My very first feeling of the "strongest" is that it may depends on
both providers and algorithms. If two providers support the same
"strongest" algorithms, which one is the strongest?

I think it is unlikely that 2 providers would implement the same
SecureRandom algorithm, since the names are not standardized like other
cryptographic algorithms such as SHA-256, RSA, etc.

It's OK if the algorithm name is not standardized.

But then there is a close connection between provider and this security
property.  The administrator must be aware of which providers are
supported and what is the provider-private algorithm name before he can
edit the security property.  It would be better to describe the behavior
in the spec of the security property.

Not sure about whether it is possible that the provider that support the
provider-private algorithm are not loaded at runtime.  If it happens,
the effect to get strong secure random may not work, a weak one may return.

It's a little bit
confusing to me to set security property. I would prefer to use "strong".

Yes, but grammatically the term "Returns the strong algorithm name"
doesn't work. So I think using "strongest" instead is ok and not overly

2. Do we really need the SecureRandom.getStrongAlgorithm()?

As the strong algorithm is specified by security property.  I think it
should be enough to use Java.Security.getProperty().  We properly don't
need a new method here.  We properly need to add some additional
description about the default value of strong algorithm that is
recommended to use when the security property is not set.

Look at the examples,

With this method, the application call looks like (1):
  String strongAlg = SecureRandom.getStrongAlgorithm();
  SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getInstance(strongAlg);

While using security property, the application call (2):
  String strongAlg =
  SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getInstance(strongAlg);
  if (strongAlg == null) {
  strongAlg = new SecureRandom().
  } else {
  sr = SecureRandom.getInstance(strongAlg);

As we have defined security property, the (2) code style is always
useable.  Looks like that the (1) style is not really necessary, because
(2) does the same thing.

Yes, but (2) contains a lot of boilerplate code. Also the app may not
have permission to read the security property, so you may have to deal
with that too. All of that is taken care of for you in the new method.
In my opinion, developers are more likely to use this new feature if we
make it as easy as possible.

In fact, I thought of an even simpler solution. I think we should
replace the new getStron

Re: Update #2: JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-09 Thread Brad Wetmore
I don't see any reason why not.  We just need to come up with a good 
naming convention, and then we can add that into the Standard Algorithms 

The existing names were established years ago, based on functional 
implementations rather than a specific algorithmic basis.


On 1/9/2013 7:31 PM, Michael StJohns wrote:

At 09:45 AM 1/9/2013, Sean Mullan wrote:

think it is unlikely that 2 providers would implement the same SecureRandom 
algorithm, since the names are not standardized like other cryptographic 
algorithms such as SHA-256, RSA, etc.

Can this be fixed?  There really should be a flavor for this.


NRBG/NoisyDiode[/implementation id]
NRBG/RingOscillator[/Implementation id]

There are about 6 classes of NIST "approved" deterministic random number 
generators.  See

I wouldn't be surprised to find that multiple providers implement the same 
RNGs, but don't have a common name for them.  In fact, according to wikipedia, 
the underlying function for MSCAPI is the FIPS186-2 appendix 3.1 with SHA1 


Update #3: JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-10 Thread Brad Wetmore
The third version is now out (minus test cases), and is ready in the 
webrev.03 directory.

The only change is the API as we discussed.


On 1/9/2013 7:21 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Thanks for the feedback.  I also received some privately which had
similar comments.

Wrapping up several emails into some bullet points:

1.  I like Sean's suggested tweak to the API.  I'm thinking of adjusting
it slightly.

2.  Xuelei has a point about my fallback of "most preferred"
implementation may not actually be strong.  And like Max, I've also had
concerns about "which provider".

In my previous proposal laundry list for SecureRandom, I had something


which addresses both issues.  The property will contain a list of algs
or algs/providers, and we'll iterate through them.  If we can't create
an instance of one of these, return a null.

 public static SecureRandom getStrongSecureRandom()

Given these comments, I think I'm going to move forward on this.  The
application will do:

 SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getStrongSecureRandom();

 if (sr == null) {
 // Decide if this is a problem, and whether to recover.
 // sr = new SecureRandom(); or return;

3.  Sean wrote:

 > There's an assumption that the securerandom.strongAlgorithm has been
 > configured appropriately.

Exactly, we'll ship with default values for each platform, and
programs/deployers can add/subtract as needed.

4.  Xuelei wrote:

 > The 2nd one is to define a SPI method (pros: the
 > admin won't need to set the property. The admin does not always know
 > what kind of providers will be used at runtime).

If I'm reading this comment right, given the pros of the current
approach, I hesitate letting implementations make comparative strength

Thanks!  I should have a new version out tonight.


Re: Fw: Update #2: JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-10 Thread Brad Wetmore

Thanks Bruce/Michael,

FYI, I've created:

8006041: Create SecureRandom standard algorithm names.

against JDK 8 to track this issue, and I had previously filed:

8003584: Consider adding a more modern SecureRandom implementation

to add the SP800-90a algorithms in JDK.


On 1/10/2013 9:48 AM, Bruce Rich wrote:


IBM already has SP800-90a/SHA256/HASH, SP800-90a/SHA384/HASH, and
SP800-90a/SHA512/HASH in our provider, but without standardized names,
they are not very useable for the Java community as a whole.

Bruce A Rich
brich at-sign us dot ibm dot com

- Forwarded by Bruce Rich/Austin/IBM on 01/10/2013 11:44 AM -

From: Michael StJohns 
To: Sean Mullan , Xuelei Fan

Cc: OpenJDK Dev list , Brad Wetmore

Date: 01/09/2013 09:32 PM
Subject: Re: Update #2: JEP 123: SecureRandom First Draft and
Sent by:

At 09:45 AM 1/9/2013, Sean Mullan wrote:
 >think it is unlikely that 2 providers would implement the same
SecureRandom algorithm, since the names are not standardized like other
cryptographic algorithms such as SHA-256, RSA, etc.

Can this be fixed?  There really should be a flavor for this.


NRBG/NoisyDiode[/implementation id]
NRBG/RingOscillator[/Implementation id]

There are about 6 classes of NIST "approved" deterministic random number
generators.  See

I wouldn't be surprised to find that multiple providers implement the
same RNGs, but don't have a common name for them.  In fact, according to
wikipedia, the underlying function for MSCAPI is the FIPS186-2 appendix
3.1 with SHA1 function.


Update #4: JEP 123: SecureRandom Draft and Implementation.

2013-01-10 Thread Brad Wetmore
Minor tweak.  It occurred to me that people might use "." as separators 
(for example using some OIDs scheme), so I changed the syntax slightly 
of the system property to use ":" instead.

For example:

# This is a comma-separated list of algorithm and/or algorithm:provider
# entries.

Latest is now webrev.04.


Re: Code Review Request for 7030966, Support AEAD CipherSuites (JSSE part of JEP 115)

2013-01-17 Thread Brad Wetmore

Hi Xuelei,

Minor stuff.  A couple things to check.

Xuelei wrote:

Hi Valerie, Max or Brad,

Can you review the update for JDK-7030966? It is the JSSE part of JEP 115.

JEP 115:

I looked at webrev.01.

In the update, I have not remove the debug synchronization.  I will
remove them before pushing the changeset.

I will be doing a putback of the JCE providers, so I can do your SunJCE
signed provider putback for you.  Let's coordinate when you are ready.
I will probably be ready early next week.

Minor nits:
What is the indentation style you are using?  I noticed a few places
where it's not 4/8 spaces, and it's not lining up with anything on the
previous line.  For example

Also, in several of your new methods, you are writing pseudo-javadoc
style (@return/etc), but you're not starting the comment with "/**".
This probably doesn't matter since we don't generate javadoc for
internal classes.  Just mentioning since you took the time to format
it and hoping it would render.


In various places, you mention RFC 5246 (TLS 1.2), but it also applies
to RFC 4346 (TLS 1.1).  For example in getExplicitNonceSize().  You
might want to mention both RFCs in these places for completeness and to
avoid confusion.

180:  We only need to keep the key around for AEAD, so saving a copy
here for CBC prevents GC of an object we'll never use again.  In your
comment of 126, you also mention that it's reserved for AEAD, so I would
not expect to see this key nonnull for anything besides AEAD.

131/205:  In a similar vein, tagSize is only used for AEAD, so you
could initialize tagSize to 0 and then move line 205 inside the "if
(AEAD)" arm.  Not critical, but it seems incorrect to have a regular
AES/CBC CipherBox with a tagsize of 16.

214/218:  Same comment about fixedIV/recordIVSize.  Only used in AEAD.
No need to keep around this dummy array or calculate a value we don't

207/215:  Some additional commenting of the AEAD vs. CBC Cipher init
logic would be helpful here for people trying to understand the code.
Something like:

AEAD must completely initialize the cipher for each packet, and so
we save initialization parameters for packet processing time.

CBC only requires one initialization during its lifetime (future
packets/IVs set the proper CBC state), so we can initialize now.

298:  Exception chaining for debugging?  Minor nit:  since you're using
the new multi-catch Exceptions here, maybe a name change (ibse) is in

312/564:  I don't remember why we decided to use the RuntimeException
AIOOBE here.  Ugh...anyway, can you also use exception chaining to help
debug any reported problems?

361:  Variable name OutputSize is capitalized.

774/803: Minor nit (take or leave):  you might want to change "explicit
nonce" -> "nonce_explicit" for readers are following the RFC.  The
others are fine.

790/849:  "alsoe" -> "also"

798:  "Applys" -> "Applies"

825:  Your exception description just mentions nonces, but your check
is for both nonce/tagSize.  This description is incomplete.

510:  I don't think this statement is true anymore.  This is likley a
carryover from the 1.4 days when we used to have a crypto provider in
the JSSE jar file.  Not for this review, but maybe we should actually
check that implementations are available?  If we remove SunEC and
SunPKCS11 providers from the provider list, could we potentially
disable the EC suites?

522:  Why are you also checking for CipherType.AEAD_CIPHER?

577:  If you actually pulled out something for b in 538, you're putting
it right back in at 577.  You should probably have the second if
completely inside the first and move 577 inside that if.

Boolean b = availableCache.get(cipher);
if (b == null) {
if (cipher.keySize > 128)

if (b == null) {
b = Boolean.FALSE;
availableCache.put(cipher, b);
return b.booleanValue();

540-550:  Question:  is this just an optimization to see if it's > 128
before actually trying it at 566?  You might mention that.

970:  "before" -> "while"

1054: From

   A Suite B TLS client configured at a minimum level of security of 128
   bits MUST offer the TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 or the
   TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 cipher suite in the
   ClientHello message.  The TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
   cipher suite is preferred; if offered, it MUST appear before the

Re: Code Review Request for 7030966, Support AEAD CipherSuites (JSSE part of JEP 115)

2013-01-18 Thread Brad Wetmore

I've pulled out things that need no further discussion.

> I will be doing a putback of the JCE providers, so I can do your SunJCE
> signed provider putback for you.  Let's coordinate when you are ready.
> I will probably be ready early next week.

I will likely be putting back on Monday, maybe Tuesday.  I'll try to 
coordinate with you over the weekend.
312/564:  I don't remember why we decided to use the RuntimeException
AIOOBE here.  Ugh...anyway, can you also use exception chaining to help
debug any reported problems?

We don't have chaining constructor for ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException class.

Well, that explains it.  :)  I wonder if there is already a RFE for this?

510:  I don't think this statement is true anymore.  This is likley a
carryover from the 1.4 days when we used to have a crypto provider in
the JSSE jar file.  Not for this review, but maybe we should actually
check that implementations are available?  If we remove SunEC and
SunPKCS11 providers from the provider list, could we potentially
disable the EC suites?

Good catch.

EC algorithm will be checked in KeyExchange, rather than BulkCipher.  If
EC algorithm is not available, EC cipher suites will be disabled.

I worry about the RC4 cipher. The AES/CBC/128 is the minimal
requirements of a crypto provider, so I don't worry about AES/CBC/128.
However, RC4 is not in the minimal requirements of a crypto provider, so
we should check the availability of RC4 here.

I will file a new for this issue.


522:  Why are you also checking for CipherType.AEAD_CIPHER?

AEAD/GCM is not implemented in all providers, for example the SunPKCS11
provider.  So we need to check the available of AEAD implementation.

Of course, now I see it.  The extra check for AES_256_GCM threw me.  If 
you're also checking for AEAD, you probably don't need the separate 
check for AES_256_GCM.  Maybe:

if (this == B_AES_256 ||
(this.cipherType == CipherType.AEAD_CIPHER)) {

is sufficient?

970:  "before" -> "while"

It looks strange to me with two whiles:

 // ...,  we decrease the
 // priority of cipher suites in GCM mode for a while while GCM
 // technologies become mature in the industry.

I think "before" may be better word here.

Sorry, definitely not two whiles.  I think I probably meant to say "as" 
but obviously didn't.


// Placeholder for cipher suites in GCM mode.
// For better compatibility and interoperability, we decrease the
// priority of cipher suites in GCM mode for a while as GCM
// technologies mature in the industry.  Eventually we'll move
// the GCM suites here.
294/296:  Another great comment.  I might suggest reversing the
comments so that the comment about AEAD is in the AEAD arm, and CBC is

I'm not sure I catch your ideas. ;-) Would you please show me the code?

Just a simple reversal of the lines so that the code you're talking 
about is contained in the block that handles it:

if (!writeCipher.isAEADMode()) {
// DON'T encrypt the nonce_explicit for AEAD mode
dstBB.position(dstPos + headerSize);
}   // The explicit IV in TLS 1.1 and later can be encrypted.

Hope that's clearer.

306:  The original code was bad (double debug != null :) ), and I
realize the original code was lacking in parens "()", but can you
please add parens to indicate exactly what expression order you intend
here.  My head is spinning from parsing the various cases: I'm not sure
the logic here is correct.  I think we should output if debug is on
and either handshake/record is active or we're outputing a CCS.  That

 if ((debug ! null) &&
 ((Debug.isOn("record") || (Debug.isOn("handshake") ||
 (contentType() == ct_change_cipher_spec) {

Is my thinking incorrect?

In the old code, there is no dump for "handshake" level log unless it is
a change_cipher_spec message.  However, the log is dumped for "record"
level log.   I think it was right because the log here is record
information, but not handshake message.

I think the update does not changes the behavior.

You are correct, the actual update does not change the observed 
behavior, but I had to write an app to prove it to myself.

However, this code is not following the failfast paradigm of Debug, 
though it does give the same answer because of the way the Debug.isOn() 
code was written.   debug!=null is supposed to be a lightweight check to 
see if any Debug options are on, and if so, then do the more heavyweight 

Abstracting a bit, test1 is the "debug!=null" test.  The resulting code is:

if (test1() && test2() || test3() && test4()) {

So if test1 fails, then we jump to the "test3 && test4" case, which then 
potentially has to go through the isOn processing twice.  Granted, 
because of the way isOn was written (if

Re: code review request: 8009604, old make images failed: JarBASE64Encoder class not found

2013-03-06 Thread Brad Wetmore

Looks good.


On 3/6/2013 6:33 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:

Please review the fix at

The class was defined in jarsigner/ and was removed in
JDK-8006182, but it's still mentioned in jdk/make/common/Releases.gmk.



Re: PKCS11 support on 64bit sun java

2013-03-07 Thread Brad Wetmore
Are you talking about windows-64 bit?  All the other platforms should 
have 64-bit support.

JDK 8 does have windows-x64 support for PKCS11.

I don't know of any plans to backport.


On 3/6/2013 9:16 PM, mohankumar kanaka wrote:


This is Mohankumar working based in Hyderabad India working for MNC

Recently i have worked on PKCS11 support for 64 bit Sun/oracle java i
found the SUNPKCS11.jar and j2pkcs11.dll are not present in jdk and
which are core elements for PKCS11 support  due to absence of this
on*64bit java* we are unable work with tokens and HSMs

So i tried to build sunpkcs11.jar and j2pkcs11.dll

1. Downloaded open jdk source code jdk version 6
2. figured out the classes for j2pkcs11.dll and sunpkcs11.jar respectively.
3. I was able to build the j2pkcs11.dll and sunpkcs11.jar and also
tested primarily with safenet ikey 2032 token and i was successfully get
provider by using sunpkcs11 class and also able to get the key store.

But i do not know the where to submit the solution so that it would  be
helpful for others.

Have a Great Day!!
Mohankumar kanaka

RFR 8009925: Back out AEAD CipherSuites temporarily

2013-03-12 Thread Brad Wetmore


Here is the codereview for the merge problem with the AEAD ciphersuites 
I told you about.  The safest way to resolve is to pull the JSSE portion 
of AEAD until Xuelei is back to fix the merge problem.

It will be easier to do a straight comparison of the pre-AEAD 
Ciphersuite directories/files than read the webrevs.  More information 
about that in a separate email.  But here's the webrev FYI:

The original changeset:

changeset:   6635:def2e05299b7
date:Fri Mar 01 02:34:34 2013 -0800
summary: 7030966: Support AEAD CipherSuites

Here's the previous changeset:

changeset:   6634:7246a6e4dd5a
date:Thu Feb 28 16:36:01 2013 -0800
summary: 8006853: OCSP timeout set to wrong value if \ < 0

I would suggest to clone/update to 6634:7246a6e4dd5a, and compare the 
files and file contents.

I'll send you the closed information in a separate email.



Re: Allow configure to detect if EC implementation is present

2013-03-13 Thread Brad Wetmore

CC'ing security-dev.


As owner of ECC, you should probably look at this.


On 3/13/2013 7:02 PM, David Holmes wrote:

On 14/03/2013 6:09 AM, Omair Majid wrote:


jdk/makefiles/CompileNativeLibraries.gmk has a little note:

TODO Set DISABLE_INTREE_EC in configure if
src/share/native/sun/security/ec/impl is not present

The webrev at
implements this. Does this look okay for jdk8/build ? Can I get a bug id?

Bug ID:  8010030

I think it is more consistent to set the variable to yes/no and change:



ifeq ($DISABLE_INTREE_EC), yes)



Re: Next Protocol Negotiation TLS Extension

2013-03-21 Thread Brad Wetmore

Hi Simone,

I haven't looked at the proposal yet, but just from a scheduling point 
of view, unfortunately we're finishing up the implementation of the last 
of the planned features for JDK 8, so getting this into 8 is likely not 

We have an open bug for this (JDK-8007785) and it's on the radar for JDK 
9.  I'll put in a link to your email in that bug.

I know Xuelei will want to look at this more closely, and I hope to also.


On 3/21/2013 9:01 AM, Simone Bordet wrote:

Hi all,

[cross-posted to jdk8-dev and security-dev]

I am a member of the Jetty servlet container
( team and the implementor of the Next
Protocol Negotiation (NPN) TLS Extension used by Jetty to support the
SPDY protocol (API at and
implementation at
The SPDY protocol has been chosen as the basis for HTTP 2.0.

I would like to ask for suggestions for what would be the best way to
have NPN support in OpenJDK 8 rather than via the Jetty NPN

Currently, the Jetty implementation is kind of "hacky" in that it is
the smallest possible hack (in a positive meaning) to make NPN work in
OpenJDK. It modifies 5* classes and introduces 5 new
classes. These modifies classes must be put in the bootclasspath.
The API of public classes like SSLEngine is not modified; instead the
current implementation relies on a static class that maps SSLEngine
(or SSLSocket) with application code that is invoked at the right time
during the TLS handshake when NPN data is detected.

Currently, the Jetty project maintains the NPN implementation locked
with OpenJDK "releases": every time the* classes are
modified, we pull in the changes from OpenJDK, re-patch these classes
with NPN support and make a new release of the NPN jar.

The NPN TLS extension requires an API exposed to applications (usually
web servers, but they are "applications" for the Java runtime). In
this sense, JEP 114 (, SNI TLS
extension) is similar: I am guessing it also has to expose an API to
It seems to me that both NPN and SNI would require a standard way to
access TLS extensions at the proper time during the TLS handshake.
In light of this, it would be great if NPN could be piggybacked on JEP
114, exposing a standard TLS extensions API provided by OpenJDK that
application can use to plug in their code for NPN and/or SNI.

Now, I understand that designing a TLS extensions API is not as simple
as including the current Jetty NPN implementation in OpenJDK, but I
would rather see a generic solution in OpenJDK rather than a "hacky"
solution like current Jetty NPN's included in OpenJDK.
A "private" TLS extensions API already exists in the* classes, but it's mostly package private and of
course under sun.* packages. So perhaps the work to be done is not a
from-scratch effort.

I would like to get a discussion started on how NPN can be supported
in OpenJDK 8.

Ideally, my best plan would be:

* NPN included in JEP 114.
* JEP 114 designing a standard TLS extensions API that can serve for
both NPN and SNI (and, generically, others TLS extensions)
* JEP 114 shipped in OpenJDK 8.

We're happy to keep Jetty NPN up-to-date for OpenJDK 7 "releases", but
we will really like to see NPN in OpenJDK 8.

We are open to comply with any legal papers that needs to be in place
for this contribution.

I will be more than happy to provide detailed information about the
implementation of Jetty NPN and have it discussed (or even reviewed)
by security experts.

Thanks !

Simone Bordet
Finally, no matter how good the architecture and design are,
to deliver bug-free software with optimal performance and reliability,
the implementation technique must be flawless.   Victoria Livschitz

Re: Next Protocol Negotiation TLS Extension

2013-03-25 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 3/25/2013 6:59 AM, Simone Bordet wrote:


On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 1:08 AM, Brad Wetmore

Hi Simone,

I haven't looked at the proposal yet, but just from a scheduling point of
view, unfortunately we're finishing up the implementation of the last of the
planned features for JDK 8, so getting this into 8 is likely not possible.

"Likely not possible" means "totally impossible" or "if you do this
and that, then it's possible" ? :)

I would never say "totally impossible," but closer to "totally 
impossible" than "likely not possible."

Do you know the status of JEP 114 ? Will it be shipped in JDK 8 ?

That is still the expectation.  We had to pull 114 temporarily because 
of a conflict in two projects, and we'll be working on resolving the 
merge when the engineer is back from vacation.

We have an open bug for this (JDK-8007785) and it's on the radar for JDK 9.

Ok, if impossible I will eventually pop up again when JDK 8 is
released and JDK 9 work started.

Planning for JDK 9's features will start well before that.  Some of the 
dev work will already be underway by release.


Thanks !

Simone Bordet
Finally, no matter how good the architecture and design are,
to deliver bug-free software with optimal performance and reliability,
the implementation technique must be flawless.   Victoria Livschitz

Re: code review request: 7171982 Cipher getParameters() throws RuntimeException: Cannot find SunJCE provider

2013-03-28 Thread Brad Wetmore

(Vinnie, what do you think about the SunJCE item below?)

On 3/22/2013 11:57 AM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

Hi all,

I need a code review for below webrev.  The changes are to have SunJCE
call itself, using it's current instance, for checking such things as
parameters, instead of searching through the provider list or creating a
one time instance.
173:  indention problem.  Should be at the same level as (algo...)

Indention problem. Normally 4 spaces unless you're trying to line it up 
with something.

54/57:  In general, you should initCause() everywhere you possibly can. 
 This will help people (us) debug the real underlying root cause, 
instead of just the top-level error message.
781:  Your code could race during initialization and potentially have 
many SunJCE instances active at once.

Either make instance a volatile (will reduce some of the race 
opportunity), or instead, add locking around assignment/use.  You may 
still be creating multiple SunJCEs, but only one instance will ever be 
obtained from getInstance:

synchronized (SunJCE.class) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = this;


static SunJCE getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
new SunJCE();
synchronized (SunJCE.class) {
return instance;

Also, when you get ready to push, be sure to address also the closed 
side: that is, please remember to build/integrate the signed 
sunjce_provider.jar file in the closed repo.



Re: simple code review request: 8001596

2013-03-28 Thread Brad Wetmore

Just realized, there are no regression tests here.

Simplest is to probably do as much setup as you can, then"SunJCE"), then issue the calls 
that call into these changes.  They should all pass in the new version, 
and fail in the old.


On 3/28/2013 2:29 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

Hi all,

I have a very simple code review request.  It's a typo bug.

8001596 Incorrect condition check in PBKDF2KeyImpl.JAVA



Re: code review request: 7171982 Cipher getParameters() throws RuntimeException: Cannot find SunJCE provider

2013-03-28 Thread Brad Wetmore
(Whoops, was working on two reviews with two related comments, and 
reversed the emails).

Just realized, there are no regression tests here.

Simplest is to probably do as much setup as you can, then"SunJCE"), then issue the calls 
that call into these changes.  They should all pass in the new version, 
and fail in the old.


On 3/28/2013 2:34 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

(Vinnie, what do you think about the SunJCE item below?)

On 3/22/2013 11:57 AM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

Hi all,

I need a code review for below webrev.  The changes are to have SunJCE
call itself, using it's current instance, for checking such things as
parameters, instead of searching through the provider list or creating a
one time instance.
173:  indention problem.  Should be at the same level as (algo...)

Indention problem. Normally 4 spaces unless you're trying to line it up
with something.

54/57:  In general, you should initCause() everywhere you possibly can.
  This will help people (us) debug the real underlying root cause,
instead of just the top-level error message.
781:  Your code could race during initialization and potentially have
many SunJCE instances active at once.

Either make instance a volatile (will reduce some of the race
opportunity), or instead, add locking around assignment/use.  You may
still be creating multiple SunJCEs, but only one instance will ever be
obtained from getInstance:

 synchronized (SunJCE.class) {
 if (instance == null) {
 instance = this;


 static SunJCE getInstance() {
 if (instance == null) {
 new SunJCE();
 synchronized (SunJCE.class) {
 return instance;

Also, when you get ready to push, be sure to address also the closed
side: that is, please remember to build/integrate the signed
sunjce_provider.jar file in the closed repo.



Re: simple code review request: 8001596

2013-03-28 Thread Brad Wetmore
There is no regression test.  I created one which relies on reflection, 
which is one way to test this problem.  Feel free to create another, but 
that one is ready to go.

Please see the attachment in the bug, and you'll probably want to update 
the copyright date.


On 3/28/2013 2:29 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

Hi all,

I have a very simple code review request.  It's a typo bug.

8001596 Incorrect condition check in PBKDF2KeyImpl.JAVA



Re: simple code review request: 8001596

2013-03-28 Thread Brad Wetmore
Minor typos that don't affect program execution (comments/javadoc) are 
ok to not do unit tests, but even through this is a typo, I think this 
still needs a test.


On 3/28/2013 2:51 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

I had left the regression test out of this as it was a typo rather than
a code logic issue or something someone could rebroken.  Are you ok if
this goes back without a test?


On 03/28/2013 02:46 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

There is no regression test.  I created one which relies on reflection,
which is one way to test this problem.  Feel free to create another, but
that one is ready to go.

Please see the attachment in the bug, and you'll probably want to update
the copyright date.


On 3/28/2013 2:29 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

Hi all,

I have a very simple code review request.  It's a typo bug.

8001596 Incorrect condition check in PBKDF2KeyImpl.JAVA



Re: simple code review request: 8001596

2013-04-03 Thread Brad Wetmore

Looks good.

Be sure to check in the closed version when you get your changes 
finished.  Also, check to see if anyone else will be checking in signed 
jar files.  I should have a changeset coming within the next week or so.



On 4/3/2013 4:31 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

Updated code review with regression test.


Re: Debuggability of failures in

2013-04-08 Thread Brad Wetmore

Hi Matthew,

I've just taken a quick look, but yes, this seems to be a usability 
issue that should somehow be addressed, either by adding some 
logging/debugging or throwing a SignatureException.  There's currently 
no logging/debugging in this package.

We'd need to figure out why the original author made the original 
decision to swallow the exception.

I've filed:

to track this.


On 4/1/2013 6:49 PM, Matthew Hall wrote:


This code in RSASignature catches javax.crypto.BadPaddingException without
logging it, and some of the functions in try { ... } have detailed exceptions
which get lost when this exception is not properly propagated to calling code.

At minimum there should be a security logging debug flag which enables logging
the exceptions instead of silently suppressing them, otherwise it's impossible
to troubleshoot or even detect that issued were encountered here without using
a debugger on it.


 // verify the data and return the result. See JCA doc
 protected boolean engineVerify(byte[] sigBytes) throws SignatureException {
 byte[] digest = getDigestValue();
 try {
 byte[] decrypted = RSACore.rsa(sigBytes, publicKey);
 byte[] unpadded = padding.unpad(decrypted);
 byte[] decodedDigest = decodeSignature(digestOID, unpadded);
 return Arrays.equals(digest, decodedDigest);
 } catch (javax.crypto.BadPaddingException e) {
 // occurs if the app has used the wrong RSA public key
 // or if sigBytes is invalid
 // return false rather than propagating the exception for
 // compatibility/ease of use
 return false; *** PROBLEM LINE ***

Update #5: JEP 123: SecureRandom Draft and Implementation.

2013-04-10 Thread Brad Wetmore
> -
> 7-1: Not about this fix, but the code looks strange to me. [P4]
> The constructor calls:
> 44 super();

This super() call could be left out, since there is just the 
SeedGenerator default constructor.  In the Solaris/UNIX equivalent, it 
extends URLSeedGenerator, which does have a 1-arg constructor.

> The SeedGenerator static block will be called and SeedGenerator.instance
> will be initialized.
> According to the code in
>   145 static public void generateSeed(byte[] result) {
>   146 instance.getSeedBytes(result);
>   147 }
> The getSeedBytes() method of the initialized instance will be used.
> However, in Windows platform, I think the
> NativeSeedGenerator.getSeedBytes() should be called, I think.
> I think the NativeSeedGenerator class should override the generateSeed()
> method.  About the super() call in NativeSeedGenerator, I think the
> initialization of instance (line 92-142, may be not
> necessary.  The initialized instance in SeedGenerator is useless in
> Windows from my understand. Am I missing something?

Let's see if I can explain sufficiently.

When SeedGenerator.generateSeed() is called from, a single class instance of the SeedGenerator 
is created via the static initializer.  There are three possible 
variants, Native/URL/Threaded.  Depending on the values of the 
egdSource, we'll select one of the three, and set the global "instance" 
variable accordingly.  Calls to SeedGenerator.generateSeed() are then 
rerouted to the underlying instance.getSeedBytes().  getSeedBytes is an 
abstract method in SeedGenerator, but concrete implementations are 
available in all three variants.

Hope that helps.


> Otherwise, looks fine to me.
> Xuelei
> On 1/11/2013 8:24 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:
>> Minor tweak.  It occurred to me that people might use "." as separators
>> (for example using some OIDs scheme), so I changed the syntax slightly
>> of the system property to use ":" instead.
>> For example:
>> # This is a comma-separated list of algorithm and/or algorithm:provider
>> # entries.
>> #
>> securerandom.strongAlgorithms=NativePRNGBlocking:SUN,
>> Latest is now webrev.04.
>> Brad

Re: Update #5: JEP 123: SecureRandom Draft and Implementation.

2013-04-10 Thread Brad Wetmore

Hi Florian,

> I wonder if this change to src/share/lib/security/
> -securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom
> +securerandom.source=file:/dev/random
> causes the return of the blocking behavior.

Welcome to my "can of worms." [1]  I hope everything I've said below is 
correct, and haven't made any typos!

>  In the past, I saw
> /dev/random-related blocking during server start-up because too many
> SecureRandom instances needed seeding.  If I follow the code
> correctly,

If you came to this code fresh and understood it all in 7 hours, I would 
either give you a medal, or hand in my badge.  :)  It's really twisted 

> seeding of non-strong generators now uses /dev/random again, which is
> subject to blocking.

Given the long history of the JDK and concerns about backwards 
compatibility, our SecureRandom implementations have become *REALLY* 
hard to understand.  Trying to make sense of all this, and now cleaning 
it up, was actually more than 1/2 of the project.  It took me a couple 
weeks of intense code scrutiny/archeology, and then needed to write a 
wiki page just to keep my head wrapped around it.  Likely the most 
confusing issue I've ever worked on.

In a nutshell, the current implementation of SHA1PRNG does indeed read 
from /dev/random while seeding itself and supplying bytes via 
generateSeed(), which is in opposition to the documented behavior of the 
security properties:  Remember the infamous "file:/dev/./urandom" 
workaround for SHA1PRNG? [2]  (sigh...)

I'll try to simplify as much as I can.  I'll be including parts of this 
for the JDK 8 Oracle's Provider Impl page.

In the current environment, here's our current list of providers, in 
default preference order.




As you probably know, "new SecureRandom()" obtains the first 
implementation in the list, unless you call 
"SecureRandom.getInstance("alg") or SecureRandom.getInstance("alg", 
"provider"), which gets a specific algorithm, either most preferred 
version or by a specific provider, respectively.

The securerandom.source/ currently only affects 
SHA1PRNG, but there's a slight wrinkle in that certain property values 
promote NativePRNG ahead of SHA1PRNG in the list of algorithms in the 
SUN provider.  More on this later.

Current behavior:

does not use securerandom.source/ at all

engineGenerateSeed: always reads from /dev/random
engineNextBytes:always reads from /dev/urandom

Since this is a real PRNG [3], SHA1PRNG requires a very strong seed 
(initial) value, as strong as possible.  If not initially seeded by the 
user via setSeed, SHA1PRNG will call SeedGenerator.getSystemEntropy + 
SeedGenerator.generateSeed() to generate a strong seed for itself.

There are three seed generators which have SeedGenerator as their parent:

ThreadedSeedGenerator was the original Seeder which uses
system load to generate seed values, and is only used as a
last resort.  (SLOW!)

URLSeedGenerator takes a URL and reads from it.

NativeSeedGenerator uses /dev/random.

When the SeedGenerator class initializes, if the properties 
(securerandom.source/ resolve to either the exact 
strings "file:/dev/random" or "file:/dev/urandom", it will use 
NativeSeedGenerator (/dev/random).  (Yeah, try explaining that to 
customers!)  If the properties resolve to any other URL, then we use 
URLSeedGenerator with that URL.  Note, this is why the infamous 
workaround "file:///dev/urandom" or "file:/dev/./urandom" works.  [2] 
As someone once said, this has got to be the most confusing workaround 
in the history of the JDK.  I would agree!  :)  If neither SeedGenerator 
is available, then we use ThreadedSeedGenerator as the last resort.

Once seeded, then later calls to this SHA1PRNG SecureRandom instance are:

engineGenerateSeed: always reads from SeedGenerator
engineNextBytes:Number generation using the current state as
input into SHA1.

So even though the EGD properties point to file:/dev/urandom, it's not 
correct when it comes to the seeder.

Back in JDK 5, adding NativePRNG was the "workaround" for this problem.

When setting up the default order of implementations in the SUN 
provider, if the properties URL is "file:/dev/urandom", then NativePRNG 
becomes the most preferred provider (over SHA1PRNG).  So for those Linux 
implementations which just asked for the "most preferred" (i.e. new 
SecureRandom()), they get an instance of NativePRNG which uses 
/dev/urandom for nextBytes.  (Note well: 
NativeSeedGenerator.generateSeed() still reads from /dev/random).

So since you're not seeding a SHA1PRNG, using NativePRNG.nextBytes() 
makes it appear as though there is no more stalling, as long as you only 
call nextBytes() and not generateSeed().  But if you specifically asked 

Update #6: JEP 123: SecureRandom Draft and Implementation.

2013-04-10 Thread Brad Wetmore

Fixed some stupidness in the tests.

Also, ignore the make/sun/splashscreen change.  That will be fixed 
elsewhere, but I needed it to be able to build using the old system.


On 4/10/2013 3:07 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Hi Florian,

 > I wonder if this change to src/share/lib/security/
 > -securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom
 > +securerandom.source=file:/dev/random
 > causes the return of the blocking behavior.

Welcome to my "can of worms." [1]  I hope everything I've said below is
correct, and haven't made any typos!

 >  In the past, I saw
 > /dev/random-related blocking during server start-up because too many
 > SecureRandom instances needed seeding.  If I follow the code
 > correctly,

If you came to this code fresh and understood it all in 7 hours, I would
either give you a medal, or hand in my badge.  :)  It's really twisted

 > seeding of non-strong generators now uses /dev/random again, which is
 > subject to blocking.

Given the long history of the JDK and concerns about backwards
compatibility, our SecureRandom implementations have become *REALLY*
hard to understand.  Trying to make sense of all this, and now cleaning
it up, was actually more than 1/2 of the project.  It took me a couple
weeks of intense code scrutiny/archeology, and then needed to write a
wiki page just to keep my head wrapped around it.  Likely the most
confusing issue I've ever worked on.

In a nutshell, the current implementation of SHA1PRNG does indeed read
from /dev/random while seeding itself and supplying bytes via
generateSeed(), which is in opposition to the documented behavior of the
security properties:  Remember the infamous "file:/dev/./urandom"
workaround for SHA1PRNG? [2]  (sigh...)

I'll try to simplify as much as I can.  I'll be including parts of this
for the JDK 8 Oracle's Provider Impl page.

In the current environment, here's our current list of providers, in
default preference order.




As you probably know, "new SecureRandom()" obtains the first
implementation in the list, unless you call
"SecureRandom.getInstance("alg") or SecureRandom.getInstance("alg",
"provider"), which gets a specific algorithm, either most preferred
version or by a specific provider, respectively.

The securerandom.source/ currently only affects
SHA1PRNG, but there's a slight wrinkle in that certain property values
promote NativePRNG ahead of SHA1PRNG in the list of algorithms in the
SUN provider.  More on this later.

Current behavior:

does not use securerandom.source/ at all

engineGenerateSeed: always reads from /dev/random
engineNextBytes:always reads from /dev/urandom

Since this is a real PRNG [3], SHA1PRNG requires a very strong seed
(initial) value, as strong as possible.  If not initially seeded by the
user via setSeed, SHA1PRNG will call SeedGenerator.getSystemEntropy +
SeedGenerator.generateSeed() to generate a strong seed for itself.

There are three seed generators which have SeedGenerator as their parent:

 ThreadedSeedGenerator was the original Seeder which uses
 system load to generate seed values, and is only used as a
 last resort.  (SLOW!)

 URLSeedGenerator takes a URL and reads from it.

 NativeSeedGenerator uses /dev/random.

When the SeedGenerator class initializes, if the properties
(securerandom.source/ resolve to either the exact
strings "file:/dev/random" or "file:/dev/urandom", it will use
NativeSeedGenerator (/dev/random).  (Yeah, try explaining that to
customers!)  If the properties resolve to any other URL, then we use
URLSeedGenerator with that URL.  Note, this is why the infamous
workaround "file:///dev/urandom" or "file:/dev/./urandom" works.  [2] As
someone once said, this has got to be the most confusing workaround in
the history of the JDK.  I would agree!  :)  If neither SeedGenerator is
available, then we use ThreadedSeedGenerator as the last resort.

Once seeded, then later calls to this SHA1PRNG SecureRandom instance are:

engineGenerateSeed: always reads from SeedGenerator
engineNextBytes:Number generation using the current state as
 input into SHA1.

So even though the EGD properties point to file:/dev/urandom, it's not
correct when it comes to the seeder.

Back in JDK 5, adding NativePRNG was the "workaround" for this problem.

When setting up the default order of implementations in the SUN
provider, if the properties URL is "file:/dev/urandom", then NativePRNG
becomes the most preferred provi

Re: Update #5: JEP 123: SecureRandom Draft and Implementation.

2013-04-11 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 4/11/2013 3:12 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:

On 04/11/2013 12:07 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Hi Florian,

 > I wonder if this change to src/share/lib/security/
 > -securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom
 > +securerandom.source=file:/dev/random
 > causes the return of the blocking behavior.

Welcome to my "can of worms." [1]  I hope everything I've said below is
correct, and haven't made any typos!

Yay for crypto pluggability. 8-/

If you were around pre-JDK 1.3.1_09/1.4, the SecureRandom performance is 
much better compared to ThreadedSeedGenerator.

Rather than trying to find out what the code does, I tested your changes
on Fedora 18, and here is what I found:

new SecureRandom() does not block for seeding.  It reads straight from
/dev/urandom, so it may have some impact on the kernel entropy pool.

I'm assuming you're using the default configuration, and using 
nextBytes() and not generateSeed()?  Then NativePRNG does read from 

The Linux entropy pool has been a bit of a black box for me.  The latest 
I've read on it was "Analysis of the Linux Random Number Generator" by 
Gutterman, in 2006.  From what I understand, reads of 
/dev/urandom will indeed pull from the primary pool.  But if that's 
followed by a large of /dev/random, there's nothing in the primary pool 
to refill it.

Maybe you would know the answer to this question.  It used to be that 
the Linux entropy pools was refilled by keyboard/mouse/interrupts/disk 
activity.  On a lights-out/headless system, the first two didn't 
contribute.  There were not many kernel modules that fed the interrupts, 
so most of the entropy came from disk.  I know some vendors are adding 
network info, but from what I understand, that's not standard.  Have 
there been changes in more recent versions of Linux?

SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG") may block for seeding, but only
once during startup.  After that, it does not obtain entropy from the

Correct.  I omitted mentioning the details for fear of causing even more 
confusion, but since you hinted at it: there is a system-wide seeder for 
initializing future SHA1PRNGs 
($SeederHolder) that is itself a 
SHA1PRNG and needs to be seeded via the system entropy and the 
Native/URL/ThreadedSeedGenerator.  Once that has been seeded (via 
/dev/random by default), it generates seeds (using the 
SHA1PRNG.nextBytes()) for future SHA1PRNGs (without going through 
/dev/random).  However, calls to SecureRandom.generateSeed() will still 
always go to the Native/URL/ThreadedSeedGenerator.

When doing this project, there were many times where I said:  "Looks 
like I picked a bad week to..."  [1]

This matches the behavior of OpenJDK 7 in that Fedora version.

However, I noticed that /dev/{u,}random is opened three times each (and
the file descriptors are kept open).

What was your application code?  Any configuration I should be aware of?

Oops, just realized there's an optimization in NativePRNG/friends.  If 
the seedFile/nextfile are both pointing to the same file, we don't need 
to open it twice.  I've filed bug JDK-8012042.  Might be able to 
optimize it further.


[1] This quote is from a classic American comedy movie called 

Re: Code review request, re-integrate JEP 115 into JDK 8

2013-04-11 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 4/8/2013 7:24 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:


Because of conflicts, we backed out the implementation of JEP 115. This
fix resolves the conflicts and re-integrates JEP 115 into JDK 8.  The
merge is straightforward except the updates in,, and  As it looks more like a
changeset merge, it's OK to me if you only want to review the above 4 files.

old webrev:
new webrev:

There was a minor comment about a comment I made privately to Xuelei, 
but not important enough to mention here.

I didn't notice anything else.  Crossing fingers!  ;)


Re: Why cannot overwrite a KeyEntry with a TrustCertEntry?

2013-04-11 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 4/11/2013 7:47 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:

On 04/11/2013 04:36 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:

Hi All

The KeyStore::setCertificateEntry has

* @exception KeyStoreException if the keystore has not been initialized,
* or the given alias already exists and does not identify an
* entry containing a trusted certificate,
* or this operation fails for some other reason.

which means you cannot overwrite a KeyEntry with a TrustCertEntry. While
setKeyEntry allows a TrustCertEntry been overwritten by a KeyEntry.

This has been true from the beginning, but why?

I'm not sure, but the exact reason is probably now lost in the sands of
time ;)

On the other hand, setEntry mentions no restriction, although the
current implementations (jks, pkcs12) fail when overwriting a KeyEntry
with a TrustCertEntry.

The only thing I can think of is that it protects against accidental
overwriting of your private key, which might be a good thing, if you
haven't backed it up.

That was added in April 1998.

4129553: KeyStore should store any type of "Key", not just "PrivateKey"

I *THINK* what Sean states was the reason, but before my time.


Re: code review request: 7171982 Cipher getParameters() throws RuntimeException: Cannot find SunJCE provider

2013-04-23 Thread Brad Wetmore


I knew there was another potential issue but couldn't recall it at the time.

In JCE verification code, we check to see if the provider in the jar 
file has been signed by an appropriate key.  To optimize later provider 
checks, we add the signed provider to a "verified" provider cache.



So if you're potentially creating multiple providers, you're 
inadvertently leaking JCE instances.

We ran into this problem 5 years ago:

I might suggest changing to the Holder pattern (Effective Java 2nd 
Edition: Item 71)



On 3/28/2013 2:45 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

(Whoops, was working on two reviews with two related comments, and
reversed the emails).

Just realized, there are no regression tests here.

Simplest is to probably do as much setup as you can, then"SunJCE"), then issue the calls
that call into these changes.  They should all pass in the new version,
and fail in the old.


On 3/28/2013 2:34 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

(Vinnie, what do you think about the SunJCE item below?)

On 3/22/2013 11:57 AM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

Hi all,

I need a code review for below webrev.  The changes are to have SunJCE
call itself, using it's current instance, for checking such things as
parameters, instead of searching through the provider list or creating a
one time instance.
173:  indention problem.  Should be at the same level as (algo...)

Indention problem. Normally 4 spaces unless you're trying to line it up
with something.

54/57:  In general, you should initCause() everywhere you possibly can.
  This will help people (us) debug the real underlying root cause,
instead of just the top-level error message.
781:  Your code could race during initialization and potentially have
many SunJCE instances active at once.

Either make instance a volatile (will reduce some of the race
opportunity), or instead, add locking around assignment/use.  You may
still be creating multiple SunJCEs, but only one instance will ever be
obtained from getInstance:

 synchronized (SunJCE.class) {
 if (instance == null) {
 instance = this;


 static SunJCE getInstance() {
 if (instance == null) {
 new SunJCE();
 synchronized (SunJCE.class) {
 return instance;

Also, when you get ready to push, be sure to address also the closed
side: that is, please remember to build/integrate the signed
sunjce_provider.jar file in the closed repo.



Reviewed: JDK-8012530 : test/sun/security/provider/SecureRandom/ failing

2013-04-25 Thread Brad Wetmore

This is a simple fix that Alan Bateman noticed during our nightly testing.

On some Linux, the directory does not include the trailing 
"/", but does on others OS.  Apparently, on my JPRT run, whatever Linux 
machine this ran on did include the slash, or else I was asleep at the 

Anyway, I've reviewed and am integrating this on his behalf.

Thanks for pointing this out, Alan.


Re: Signature.getAlogrithm return null in special case

2013-05-14 Thread Brad Wetmore

Offhand, this seems reasonable.

Since you are an OpenJDK author, I've filed:

JDK-8014620: Signature.getAlogrithm return null in special case

and stocked it with your patch.



On 5/13/2013 9:46 PM, Deven You wrote:

Hi All,

I find in a special case: If you create a SignatureSpi service through
extending Signature rather than SignatureSpi, the returned signature
instance will lose its algortithm name.

Though the fix[1] is simple I think it's valuable. Could anyone take a look?


Thanks a lot

Re: Signature.getAlogrithm return null in special case

2013-05-27 Thread Brad Wetmore

Hi Deven,

I just got back from a short break, hope to return back to this shortly.

I tweaked your test a bit before I left, but the builds were failing 
(unrelated issue) so I couldn't check in.  Still need to check the 
actual Signature code for a couple things, but I think it's ok.


On 5/21/2013 2:07 AM, Deven You wrote:

Hi Brad,

Thanks for your reply, is there any progress on this problem?

I see the last comments on JDK-8014620 is six days before.

Thanks a lot!

On 05/15/2013 08:28 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Offhand, this seems reasonable.

Since you are an OpenJDK author, I've filed:

JDK-8014620: Signature.getAlogrithm return null in special case

and stocked it with your patch.



On 5/13/2013 9:46 PM, Deven You wrote:

Hi All,

I find in a special case: If you create a SignatureSpi service through
extending Signature rather than SignatureSpi, the returned signature
instance will lose its algortithm name.

Though the fix[1] is simple I think it's valuable. Could anyone take
a look?


Thanks a lot

Re: Code review: 8001284 & 8012971

2013-05-30 Thread Brad Wetmore


>> NOTE: the diffs in webrev are hiding the change in indention for the
>> "if (found)" change.  Don't know why webrev is set this way, but
>> looking at the non-diff links shows the proper indention.

FYI: webrev's -b option will cause webrev to not ignore changes in the 
amount of white space.  I'm guessing the concern is more for the actual 
code than whitespace, and listing whitespace changes just adds "useless" 
noise/overhead to the review.  (But I do notice that kind of stuff!  ;))


On 04/22/13 14:18, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

This code review is for the following two bugs:
- 8001284 Buffer problems with SunPKCS11-Solaris and CKM_AES_CTR
- 8012971 PKCS11Test hiding exception failures

The first fix is simple as it prevents the method from enforcing AES
block lengths on CTR, a stream cipher.

The second fix is a test problem that is suppressing test failures.
NOTE: the diffs in webrev are hiding the change in indention for the
"if (found)" change.  Don't know why webrev is set this way, but
looking at the non-diff links shows the proper indention.



Re: Signature.getAlogrithm return null in special case

2013-06-17 Thread Brad Wetmore

Pushed.  Thanks for the contribution.


On 5/27/2013 12:11 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Hi Deven,

I just got back from a short break, hope to return back to this shortly.

I tweaked your test a bit before I left, but the builds were failing
(unrelated issue) so I couldn't check in.  Still need to check the
actual Signature code for a couple things, but I think it's ok.


On 5/21/2013 2:07 AM, Deven You wrote:

Hi Brad,

Thanks for your reply, is there any progress on this problem?

I see the last comments on JDK-8014620 is six days before.

Thanks a lot!

On 05/15/2013 08:28 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Offhand, this seems reasonable.

Since you are an OpenJDK author, I've filed:

JDK-8014620: Signature.getAlogrithm return null in special case

and stocked it with your patch.



On 5/13/2013 9:46 PM, Deven You wrote:

Hi All,

I find in a special case: If you create a SignatureSpi service through
extending Signature rather than SignatureSpi, the returned signature
instance will lose its algortithm name.

Though the fix[1] is simple I think it's valuable. Could anyone take
a look?


Thanks a lot

Re: Signature.getAlogrithm return null in special case

2013-06-17 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 6/17/2013 5:38 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Pushed.  Thanks for the contribution.




On 5/27/2013 12:11 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Hi Deven,

I just got back from a short break, hope to return back to this shortly.

I tweaked your test a bit before I left, but the builds were failing
(unrelated issue) so I couldn't check in.  Still need to check the
actual Signature code for a couple things, but I think it's ok.


On 5/21/2013 2:07 AM, Deven You wrote:

Hi Brad,

Thanks for your reply, is there any progress on this problem?

I see the last comments on JDK-8014620 is six days before.

Thanks a lot!

On 05/15/2013 08:28 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Offhand, this seems reasonable.

Since you are an OpenJDK author, I've filed:

JDK-8014620: Signature.getAlogrithm return null in special case

and stocked it with your patch.



On 5/13/2013 9:46 PM, Deven You wrote:

Hi All,

I find in a special case: If you create a SignatureSpi service through
extending Signature rather than SignatureSpi, the returned signature
instance will lose its algortithm name.

Though the fix[1] is simple I think it's valuable. Could anyone take
a look?


Thanks a lot

Re: RFR JDK8007636

2013-06-17 Thread Brad Wetmore



On 6/17/2013 5:16 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Looks fine to me.


On 6/17/2013 10:29 PM, John Zavgren wrote:


I'm posting a fix for a memory leak. As you can see, the original code
deallocated a structure, thereby rendering it's memory invalid, then it
deallocated the memory that was allocated to one of its data members.

I merely reversed the order of the free() operations.


John Zavgren

Re: Code review request, 8000456: Add programmatic deadlock detection in SSLEngineDeadlock

2013-06-18 Thread Brad Wetmore

I enjoy your codereviews because I generally learn about new libraries.  :)

On 6/18/2013 2:47 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:


Please review this test update:

The test case is used to detect the deadlock in
SSLEngine.  However, the result depends on time out.  It is hard to tell
whether the timeout is caused by deadlock or heavy loaded systems.

Do you want to call:

getThreadInfo(long id, int maxDepth)

instead?  That way you can output the deadlocked location which will 
help debugging in case this ever shows up again.


Re: Code review request, 7188658 Add possibility to disable client initiated renegotiation

2013-06-18 Thread Brad Wetmore

Sorry for the delay.

Two comments about the property name.

I don't see the jdk.tls *System* Property prefix used anywhere else, 
except as a *Security* properties:


Otherwise, I think we should stick to one of the current namespace.

jsse.   (my preference since this is expected across
 other JDKs)

Regarding rejectClientInitializedRenego, I think the word "Initiated" 
more succinctly captures the intent of this property, rather than 
"Initalized."  And as long as the word "Renegotiation" is, it should 
probably be spelled out completely.  AFAIK, we rarely abbreviate 
external names like this.

Same "initiated" comment about the variable name in your codereview, but 
I don't care much about Renogo.
283:  My initial thought was a no_renegotiation(100) warning, but that 
allows the client to decide what to do, rather than the server terminating.

This TLS logic decision is not straightforward, so this needs commenting.

379:  since you're making changes here.


Since you already have CCC approval and are ready to putback, I would 
suggest putting back now, and let's file another CCC to change the name. 
 That should be a no-brainer.



On 5/29/2013 7:05 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Got it. Yes, this fix is addressing a different issue from you mentioned


On 5/30/2013 9:53 AM, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:

Am 30.05.2013, 02:18 Uhr, schrieb Xuelei Fan :


Would you mind send me the link of the bug, or the code review request
mail?  I may miss some mails about this direction.

I am afraid I cant sent the link, the Bug is in review state and
therefore not visible for me. It was acknowledged 2012-11-12, see
attached. I guess the link would be (not sure if
the numbers are the same in the new bug tool).

Good suggestion.  Oracle provider of JSSE had addressed the TLS
renegotiation issue in JDK 1.4.2 update 26, JDK 1.5.0 update 24 and JDK
6u 19 around the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010.  Here is the
readme of the fix:

Thats a different problem, I was thinking about preventing execessive
client initiated renegotiations. This is for example CVE-2011-1473 from

You mentioned industry will move to a secure handshake - are you
aware of any initiative in that direction?

See  As far as I know, nearly all
major vendors of SSL protocols has support RFC5746.

Ok, but thats a different issue. I was expecting 7188658 to address
another point, but I might be wrong.

I understand that as of Oracle policy we cannot discuss it. Even if this
is a very well known issue. :-/


Review Request: JDK-8019227: JDK-8010325 broke the old build

2013-06-26 Thread Brad Wetmore

Brent/Alan/Mike, was removed from the JDK workspace, but was not removed 
from the old java/java/FILES_java.gmk.  Things that still depend on the 
old build (JCE/deploy) are currently broken.


P.S. I'm very aware that we need to move off the old build soon and am 
getting closer to finally working on it with Erik, and that the old 
build isn't complete.  But it's complete enough for the JCE 
dependencies.  Unfortunately, this isn't a simple transition 
(JDK-8006350), and this is a quick fix to get the JCE bits built.

Re: Review Request: JDK-8019227: JDK-8010325 broke the old build

2013-06-27 Thread Brad Wetmore

The old build has not produced usable bits for several months, it may
not have been failing but if you look closely (or run the tests) then
you'll see that there are several things missing. On build-dev then
you'll probably have seen a mail or two from me where I was trying to
encourage the build group to set a date to finally retire and remove the
old build - this is because the old build is just a tax on every change
that needs to touch the build.

Anyway, the change looks okay but I strongly encourage you to put in the
time to resolve the usability or others ssues that arise when working on

Alan, I tried to save you the effort of composing just such a reply. 
I've seen your mails and agree with your sentiment.  You are preaching 
to the choir [1].  ;)

Thank you Chris, for doing the operation!



Re: Code review request, 7188658 Add possibility to disable client initiated renegotiation

2013-06-27 Thread Brad Wetmore

Going back to this...

On 6/18/2013 9:04 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 6/19/2013 10:50 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Sorry for the delay.

Two comments about the property name.

I don't see the jdk.tls *System* Property prefix used anywhere else,
except as a *Security* properties:


Otherwise, I think we should stick to one of the current namespace.

 jsse.   (my preference since this is expected across
  other JDKs)

At the beginning, I use the prefix "jsse.*". But it is rejected (CCC)
because the system property has no effect on other providers.


> "jsse" prefix
> should not be used in provider level libraries (for example, Oracle
> JSSE provider).

I'm not following the logic at all here.  I think I'm hearing that:

jsse.*:used by the* code
jdk.tls.*: used by the* code

But that doesn't quite make sense since we already have the following 
SunJSSE-specific properties:  jsse.enableSNIExtension, 
jsse.SSLEngine.acceptLargeFragments, jsse.enableCBCProtection.

For the* code, we already have been using since very 
early on:

ssl.*:  used by the* code.  e.g.
KeyManagerFactory, TrustManagerFactory,
ServerSocketFactory.provider, SocketFactory.provider

And then there are the other* and* for 
SunJSSE providers that we expect other providers will use:*
allowUnsafeRenegotiation, allowLegacyHelloMessages*
keyStore, keyStorePassword, etc.
trustStore, trustStorePassword, etc.

And now we're adding yet another naming scheme?  If it weren't for:

I'd be completely lost.


Now, two
styles are acceptable. "jdk.*" is for JDK properties, and "jsse.*" is
used when other parties also should follow it. "" is
deprecated, I think.

Regarding rejectClientInitializedRenego, I think the word "Initiated"
more succinctly captures the intent of this property, rather than
"Initalized."  And as long as the word "Renegotiation" is, it should
probably be spelled out completely.  AFAIK, we rarely abbreviate
external names like this.

Same "initiated" comment about the variable name in your codereview, but
I don't care much about Renogo.

I prefer "Initiated" to "Initalized".  Let's make the update in another

Thanks for considering.
283:  My initial thought was a no_renegotiation(100) warning, but that
allows the client to decide what to do, rather than the server terminating.

No, we cannot.  First of all, warning message is not very useful because
in general the sending party cannot know how the receiving party behave.
  Secondly, it is the expected behavior to *reject" client initiated
renegotiation. It is the server who should make the decision, but not
the client.

This TLS logic decision is not straightforward, so this needs commenting.

I think "reject client initialized renegotiation" has say all. ;-) I
will add words about "state != HandshakeMessage.ht_hello_request".

379:  since you're making changes here.



Since you already have CCC approval and are ready to putback, I would
suggest putting back now, and let's file another CCC to change the name.
  That should be a no-brainer.





On 5/29/2013 7:05 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Got it. Yes, this fix is addressing a different issue from you mentioned


On 5/30/2013 9:53 AM, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:

Am 30.05.2013, 02:18 Uhr, schrieb Xuelei Fan :


Would you mind send me the link of the bug, or the code review request
mail?  I may miss some mails about this direction.

I am afraid I cant sent the link, the Bug is in review state and
therefore not visible for me. It was acknowledged 2012-11-12, see
attached. I guess the link would be (not sure if
the numbers are the same in the new bug tool).

Good suggestion.  Oracle provider of JSSE had addressed the TLS
renegotiation issue in JDK 1.4.2 update 26, JDK 1.5.0 update 24 and JDK
6u 19 around the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010.  Here is the
readme of the fix:

Thats a different problem, I was thinking about preventing execessive
client initiated renegotiations. This is for example CVE-2011-1473 from

You mentioned industry will move to a secure handshake - are you
aware of any in

Re: Code review request, 7188658 Add possibility to disable client initiated renegotiation

2013-06-27 Thread Brad Wetmore

continued, I forgot this next part.
283:  My initial thought was a no_renegotiation(100) warning, but that
allows the client to decide what to do, rather than the server terminating.

No, we cannot.  First of all, warning message is not very useful because
in general the sending party cannot know how the receiving party behave.
  Secondly, it is the expected behavior to *reject" client initiated
renegotiation. It is the server who should make the decision, but not
the client.


This TLS logic decision is not straightforward, so this needs commenting.

And the above is what I wanted to see in the comments.  That is, why we 
don't send a no_renegotiation warning alert.  It's a subtle but 
important enough point that should be documented.  I think we should 
open a separate bug to handle this.  Just a couple of lines are needed.

I think "reject client initialized renegotiation" has say all. ;-) I
will add words about "state != HandshakeMessage.ht_hello_request".

Different comment.


Re: Code review request, 7188658 Add possibility to disable client initiated renegotiation

2013-06-27 Thread Brad Wetmore

Rearranging and tweaking a bit. What do you think of:

Reject client initiated renegotiation?

If server side should reject client-initiated renegotiation, send an 
alert_handshake_failure fatal alert, not a no_renegotiation warning 
alert (no_renegotiation must be a warning: RFC 2246).  no_renegotiation 
might seem more natural at first, but warnings are not appropriate 
because the sending party does not know how the receiving party will 
behave.  This state must be treated as a fatal server condition.

This will not have any impact on server initiated renegotiation.


On 6/27/2013 4:51 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 6/28/2013 6:44 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

continued, I forgot this next part.
283:  My initial thought was a no_renegotiation(100) warning, but that
allows the client to decide what to do, rather than the server

No, we cannot.  First of all, warning message is not very useful because
in general the sending party cannot know how the receiving party behave.
   Secondly, it is the expected behavior to *reject" client initiated
renegotiation. It is the server who should make the decision, but not
the client.


This TLS logic decision is not straightforward, so this needs

And the above is what I wanted to see in the comments.  That is, why we
don't send a no_renegotiation warning alert.  It's a subtle but
important enough point that should be documented.  I think we should
open a separate bug to handle this.  Just a couple of lines are needed.

What do you think these words:

"Please don't send a no_renegotiation warning alert. Warning message is
not very useful because in general the sending party cannot know how the
receiving party behave.  The server side need to reject client initiated
renegotiation proactively."


Re: Code review request, 7188658 Add possibility to disable client initiated renegotiation

2013-06-27 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 6/27/2013 4:59 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

I agree that the property name is pretty confusing now.  We need to
consolidate the property naming styles, at least in JSSE component. I
will go back to this topic later.

I've filed:

JDK-8019346 Reconsider the namespace for JDK-7188658

to track for 8.



On 6/28/2013 6:36 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Going back to this...

On 6/18/2013 9:04 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 6/19/2013 10:50 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

Sorry for the delay.

Two comments about the property name.

I don't see the jdk.tls *System* Property prefix used anywhere else,
except as a *Security* properties:


Otherwise, I think we should stick to one of the current namespace.

  jsse.   (my preference since this is expected across
   other JDKs)

At the beginning, I use the prefix "jsse.*". But it is rejected (CCC)
because the system property has no effect on other providers.


"jsse" prefix
should not be used in provider level libraries (for example, Oracle
JSSE provider).

I'm not following the logic at all here.  I think I'm hearing that:

 jsse.*:used by the* code
 jdk.tls.*: used by the* code

But that doesn't quite make sense since we already have the following
SunJSSE-specific properties:  jsse.enableSNIExtension,
jsse.SSLEngine.acceptLargeFragments, jsse.enableCBCProtection.

For the* code, we already have been using since very
early on:

 ssl.*:  used by the* code.  e.g.
 KeyManagerFactory, TrustManagerFactory,
 ServerSocketFactory.provider, SocketFactory.provider

And then there are the other* and* for
SunJSSE providers that we expect other providers will use:*
 allowUnsafeRenegotiation, allowLegacyHelloMessages*
 keyStore, keyStorePassword, etc.
 trustStore, trustStorePassword, etc.

And now we're adding yet another naming scheme?  If it weren't for:

I'd be completely lost.


Now, two
styles are acceptable. "jdk.*" is for JDK properties, and "jsse.*" is
used when other parties also should follow it. "" is
deprecated, I think.

Regarding rejectClientInitializedRenego, I think the word "Initiated"
more succinctly captures the intent of this property, rather than
"Initalized."  And as long as the word "Renegotiation" is, it should
probably be spelled out completely.  AFAIK, we rarely abbreviate
external names like this.

Same "initiated" comment about the variable name in your codereview, but
I don't care much about Renogo.

I prefer "Initiated" to "Initalized".  Let's make the update in another

Thanks for considering.
283:  My initial thought was a no_renegotiation(100) warning, but that
allows the client to decide what to do, rather than the server

No, we cannot.  First of all, warning message is not very useful because
in general the sending party cannot know how the receiving party behave.
   Secondly, it is the expected behavior to *reject" client initiated
renegotiation. It is the server who should make the decision, but not
the client.

This TLS logic decision is not straightforward, so this needs

I think "reject client initialized renegotiation" has say all. ;-) I
will add words about "state != HandshakeMessage.ht_hello_request".

379:  since you're making changes here.



Since you already have CCC approval and are ready to putback, I would
suggest putting back now, and let's file another CCC to change the name.
   That should be a no-brainer.





On 5/29/2013 7:05 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Got it. Yes, this fix is addressing a different issue from you


On 5/30/2013 9:53 AM, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:

Am 30.05.2013, 02:18 Uhr, schrieb Xuelei Fan :


Would you mind send me the link of the bug, or the code review
mail?  I may miss some mails about this direction.

I am afraid I cant sent the link, the Bug is in review state and
therefore not visible for me. It was acknowledged 2012-11-12, see
attached. I guess the link would be (not
sure if
the numbers are the same in the new bug tool).

Good suggestion.  Oracle provider of JSSE had addressed the TLS
renegotiation issue in JDK 1.4.2 update 26, JDK 1.5.0 update 24
and JDK
6u 19 around the end of 2009 and the 

Re: Code review request, 7188658 Add possibility to disable client initiated renegotiation

2013-06-30 Thread Brad Wetmore


I also think this is an excellent suggestion.  Glad that you made it and 
Xuelei is considering it.  Sorry I didn't get a chance to respond before 
I left for the weekend.  There will be a bit of work to do in the 
current code to support abandoning a handshake, but shouldn't be too bad.


On 6/27/2013 5:51 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

On 6/28/2013 8:05 AM, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:

Am 28.06.2013, 01:51 Uhr, schrieb Xuelei Fan :

"Please don't send a no_renegotiation warning alert. Warning message is
not very useful because in general the sending party cannot know how the
receiving party behave.  The server side need to reject client initiated
renegotiation proactively."

Just for the record, I totally disagree. I would make the option a multi
value like "accept(default)|ignore|reject". Because you never can know
how the other side reacts. Ignoring renego requests is totally safe in
the spec and in a situation where you chose to turn off renogotiation by
clients you can have only two things:

a) clients continue to work when you ignore them
b) clients break

If you always terminate the connection there is no chance for some
clients to keep working.

Great suggestion.  I will consider to add the new "ignore" option.

Today you can already achieve the termination of connection (by
disabling all ciphersuites after initial handshake). You dont need to
add code if you dont offer more (i.e. ignore) options.

You're right here.  This new system property is just to make the work a
little easier that developers won't need to touch the source code in


PS: and regarding the naming a question, is "JSSE" the name of the Sun
implementaion or of the Specification?

I intend to use it for specification. But the names in JSSE is a little
confusing now (See Brad's response). We need to consolidate the naming


Re: Code review request: 6755701 SecretKeySpec & DES

2013-07-02 Thread Brad Wetmore

It's not common to use this style:

  74 throw new InvalidKeySpecException
  75 ("Inappropriate key specification");

but rather:

throw new InvalidKeySpecException(

Also, what happens in the case that the size doesn't match up with what 
DESKey's constructor needs?  For example, if you provide 7 bytes, won't 
that throw a InvalidKeyException and thus you get a null back from 
engineGenerateSecret?  The SecretKeyFactory.generateSecret() API doesn't 
mention anything about possibly getting a null back.

I know that's the existing behavior, but that seems fishy to me.  Bug in 


On 6/28/2013 5:33 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Looks fine to me.


On 6/29/2013 1:40 AM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:


On 06/13/2013 05:08 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:

Hi all,

I'm requesting a code review for the below bug

6755701 SunJCE DES/DESede SecretKeyFactory.generateSecret throws
InvalidKeySpecExc if passed SecretKeySpec



Re: Code Review Request:8019544: Need to run in othervm mode

2013-07-25 Thread Brad Wetmore

Looks good.


On 7/25/2013 3:17 PM, Rajan Halade wrote:

Could you please review the small fix for 8019544:

This is a test only fix for test stabilization.

 Rajan Halade, CISSP | Senior Member of Technical
Phone: +1 4082763359 
Oracle JAVA Platform Group
4220 Network Circle, Bldg 22, #2155 | Santa Clara, CA 94538
 Oracle is committed to developing
practices and products that help protect the environment

Re: Code review request, 8013809 deadlock in SSLSocketImpl between between write and close

2013-08-01 Thread Brad Wetmore

On 7/25/2013 2:11 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Hi Brad,

Are you available to review this fix?


No new regression test, hard to reproduce the issue.

Your immediate fix looks good, however, IIRC, the reason for having 
getConnectionState() was to provide synchronized access (and syncing on 
the SSLSocketImpl object) to the connectionState variable before the 
Java "volatile" semantics were cleaned up in JDK 1.5.

Now that you've made this change, does it make sense to get rid of 
getConnectionState(). What do you think?

I hate race conditions!  ;)


[security-dev 00016]: Crypto has been added to OpenJDK

2007-09-27 Thread Brad Wetmore

News from the encumbrance-removal front:

For those who have already downloaded B21 from, you 
might have already noticed some new code.  We have just added the 
cryptographic code (aka JCE) to the OpenJDK source tree.  This includes 
the framework (javax.crypto and friends), the SunJCE provider, and the 
crypto portions of the SunPKCS11 and SunMSCAPI providers.

The OpenJDK framework does not restrict which cryptographic providers 
can be used.  That will not be appropriate for all situations, so let me 

Compliance with United States export controls and with local law
governing the import/export of products incorporating the JCE in the
OpenJDK is the responsibility of the licensee.

We (Sun) can not give legal guidance on this issue, so please consult a 
qualified attorney who specializes in import/export issues.

Thanks for your patience during the removal of this encumbrance.



[security-dev 00018]: Re: Crypto has been added to OpenJDK

2007-09-28 Thread Brad Wetmore

Dalibor Topic wrote:

Janet Koenig wrote:

That's great news!  I know this has been a big challenge so thanks for
continuing to drive this and making it happen!

Thanks from over here, too.

You're welcome.  It was a...challenge, as Janet said.  :)

No blog on on it yet? ;)

I've yet to create a blog.  It's been on my to-do list for far too long. 
 I would probably end up blogging about my outside pursuits, which 
might be boring unless you like marching bands, travel, or pyrotechnics 
(not the internal politics kind, but the ones in the sky).  ;)

I should really create one, I've got a couple topics that you might be 
interested in from the internal perspective.  I'm one of several 
gatekeepers, so I started writing a couple ideas down about how our 
internal "gatekeeper" process works, and the overall process of getting 
fixes into OpenJDK while making sure the quality stays up.  The quality 
*HAS* to stay up, as people will be betting their businesses (or have 
already) on the code all of us will be developing.  Coding in this 
project is an awesome responsibility, and one that is sometime lost by 
people who just want to "play with something."

Anyway, this quality perspective is "common knowledge" to us 
gatekeepers, so it might be worth sharing details about what really goes 
on in the trenches.  It is probably a good topic for a blog rather than 
this email, so maybe I'll get off my duff and do it soon.

Oh, and how the coming switch to Mercurial will rock our internal world. 
 So many build/test scripts to update.


P.S.  When I had gatekeeper duty years ago, if someone "broke the 
build," I would hang a hangman's noose made from an power cord over 
their office doorway.  You didn't want the noose, because everyone knew 
what it meant without saying anything.  I haven't quite figured out how 
to do a virtual noose, so please, just don't "break the build."  ;)

[security-dev 00039]: Re: JDK 7 build 24 is available at the website

2008-01-08 Thread Brad Wetmore

*Moving the discussion to security-dev)

I'm glad Andreas was able to help you resolve your issue while I was on 

There is one more minor issue which came out of this discussion.  I 
included the Release.gmk files too early in my crypto Makefiles, and as 
a result, gnumake by itself will fail because the wrong default target 
is made.

6644659:  Error in default target of make/javax/crypto in OpenJDK build

As a workaround, simply specify the desired target, such as:

% gnumake all

This won't affect the default OpenJDK builds, as they build "all" by 

Thanks, and Happy New Year.


Arnd-Hendrik Mathias wrote:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Sterbenz wrote:
See below output of a rebuild of make/javax/crypto after a previous 
build of a fresh clone of the Mercurial jdk repository. If you see 
something different, that must be related to your build environment, 
e.g. version of make used, out of date binary plugs, etc.
Since my output looked quite different, it was not really comparable 
with the correct output you posted. After further examination of the 
make-/build environment, I found out that the make environment assumes 
some tools to reside in /usr/bin per default. I found that this can be 
overwritten by the ALT_USRBIN_PATH variable. However, if tools reside in 
different directories (/bin /usr/bin ...) setting


and having the PATH variable set to have all these tools available 
directly may be the method the most likely to work. In my special case 
"head" was missing, residing in /bin on my system.

[security-dev 00041]: Re: JCE webrev requested...

2008-01-10 Thread Brad Wetmore

I could have gone either way.  I'll change to what you suggested.

Thanks for the review.


Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng wrote:

The changes look fine although I prefer the later, e.g. explicitly 
specifies SunJCE to be used, slightly since it does not depend on other 


Brad Wetmore wrote:


Here's that PBE memory leak bug which was calling "new SunJCE" for every
PBE key created.

 Fixed 6578538: com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE instance leak using
KRB5 and LoginContext

I had the option to either fix by:



 Mac.getInstance(alg, "SunJCE");

Decided to go with the former, as Hmac1Sha1 should be standard across 

I'm attaching the webrev in case external folks want to see, I'll send
you the internal link separately.

This will be backported.


[security-dev 00061]: Re: Application of blind signature concept on ECDSA and incorporating that into JDK 7

2008-01-31 Thread Brad Wetmore

deepak sahu wrote:
We have fullfledged concept fo how to generate points on EC and are 
working on new blind signature concept.

We have also implemented our idea in java.

Any one can guide us in including thi  RFE  into jdk7 

I'm sorry for the delay, in addition to working on JCE, I am also the 
JSN (Java Security and Network team) gatekeeper, and have had my hands 
rather full making the mercurial transition.  Being out for a bit didn't 
help any either.  :)

Anyway, I need to check on how a couple process-related things are 
supposed to be handled, and then I'll be able to talk with you more 
about this.



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