Re: RFR: 8267108: Alternate Subject.getSubject and doAs APIs that do not depend on Security Manager APIs [v5]

2021-11-05 Thread Chapman Flack
On Thu, 4 Nov 2021 22:11:41 GMT, Weijun Wang  wrote:

>> New `Subject` APIs `current()` and `callAs()` are created to be replacements 
>> of `getSubject()` and `doAs()` since the latter two methods are now 
>> deprecated for removal.
>> In this implementation, by default, `current()` returns the same value as 
>> `getSubject(AccessController.getCurrent())` and `callAs()` is implemented 
>> based on `doAs()`. This behavior is subject to change in the future once 
>> `SecurityManager` is removed.
>> User can experiment a possible future mechanism by setting the system 
>> property `` to `true`, where the `callAs()` 
>> method stores the subject into a `ThreadLocal` object and the `current()` 
>> method returns it (Note: this mechanism does not work with principal-based 
>> permissions).
>> Inside JDK, we’ve switched from `getSubject()` to `current()` in JGSS and 
>> user can start switching to `callAs()` in their applications. Users can also 
>> switch to `current()` but please note that if you used to call 
>> `getSubject(acc)` in a `doPrivileged` call you might need to try calling 
>> `current()` in a `doPrivilegedWithCombiner` call to see if the 
>> `AccessControlContext` inside the call inherits the subject from the outer 
>> one.
> Weijun Wang has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   tiny spec change to be the same as CSR

Ah. Yes, making it work in the current `AccessControlContext` mechanism really 
probably requires teaching `SubjectDomainCombiner` about it, essentially the 
pre-JEP-411 approach I had come to. If the principals change, that should not 
only be reflected in what's returned by `getSubject`, but also in what's 
returned by `combine` (and potentially used in policy decisions).

Its documentation would then have to be written a bit carefully for the 
non-`ThreadLocal` case, to clarify that the supplier's `get` method is called 
not only at uses of `getSubject`, but also at times when the combiner is 
applied, such as `getContext` and prior to permission checks. (More or less 
intuitive,anyway: those are the times the `Subject` _matters_.) That would 
simply amount to exposing a straightforward method for doing what can already 
be done today, only without the tedious step of implementing a custom combiner.

As a modification to `SubjectDomainCombiner` it could be as simple as changing 
the instance field to `Supplier` and having both `combine` and 
`getSubject` begin with a `final Subject subject = subjectSupplier.get();`. The 
constructor that takes a `Subject` would simply store `() -> s` as the supplier.

Adding code to the JEP 411 deprecated components seems a bit of a joyless task, 
but then it is very little code, and there would then be an API for this use 
case that would be undisrupted when the deprecated components go away. The 
extra documentation wording about when the supplier getter is called would, of 
course, become much shorter and simpler at that point.



Re: RFR: 8267108: Alternate Subject.getSubject and doAs APIs that do not depend on Security Manager APIs [v4]

2021-11-05 Thread Chapman Flack
On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 19:34:21 GMT, Weijun Wang  wrote:

> Hi, Chap. Thanks for the comment.
> Is it possible you run `callAs` with a "higher level" subject that contains a 
> link to another more dynamic subject? For example, just make your 
> `Supplier` a public credential inside. If the caller is not 
> something you can modify, does it work if you call `callAs` inside `callAs`?

I am sorry to be so late in replying. I had initially commented via 
`security-dev` and I see that comment was added here, and your reply appears in 
the `security-dev` archives but for some reason never appeared in my inbox. So 
I will try GitHub's UI this time and see if that goes better.

If I remember right, I had looked years ago at making `Subject` itself more 
clever to handle this case, but was stymied there because `Subject` is final, 
which was what drove me to the clever-domain-combiner approach.

The topic arises in a situation where the JVM is embedded into a larger C 
application, and actions in the larger application, unknown to Java, can change 
the principals on whose behalf the work is being done. (The changes, at least 
in the cases that interest me, are not completely _asynchronous_ with respect 
to Java; they may happen between application downcalls to Java code, or during 
upcalls from Java back into the app; it is simply that Java doesn't knowingly 
initiate them.)

There can also be some cost in obtaining the current principal information from 
the C environment, and of mapping that information into Java `Principal` 
instances and constructing `Set` representations of those. To eagerly do so at 
every entry or upcall return is undesirable. To do so only when `current()` is 
called, as with a `Supplier`, would be desirable. (The clever-combiner 
approach nearly achieves that, as it only spends cycles at the times the 
combiner is called.)

Naturally, the appeal of integrating with the `Subject` API is to support 
existing Java code that relies on that API to learn the principals it is acting 
for. If such code would have to be changed to use the `Subject` in a weird way 
(such as getting a `Supplier` out of a custom public credential and 
calling `get` on that), that would squander the benefit of an existing API. As 
the new implementation simply uses a `ThreadLocal`, it would then be simpler to 
just use a different custom `ThreadLocal` and avoid the `Subject` API 
altogether. But in that case the entire benefit of an existing known API has 
been lost.

In your last question, about "`callAs` inside `callAs`", I am not quite sure 
what you had in mind.



Post-JEP411 request: callAs(Supplier) Re: RFR: 8267108: Alternate Subject.getSubject and doAs APIs that do not depend on Security Manager APIs [v4]

2021-10-28 Thread Chapman Flack
On 10/28/21 13:25, Weijun Wang wrote:
>>> New `Subject` APIs `current()` and `callAs()` are created ...
>>> where the `callAs()` method stores the subject into a `ThreadLocal`
>>> object and the `current()` method returns it

That approach is simple and sweet. There is a case it doesn't cover,
where the Java runtime is embedded in a larger application where the
identity could change during upcalls from Java into the embedding app.

For those cases, it is better to be able to pass callAs a Supplier
rather than a single unchanging Subject.

The effect was achievable in the pre-JEP411 world by installing
a suitably clever DomainCombiner, but with the current proposed replacement
the ability would be lost.

Naturally, it would be simple to support the callAs(Subject s) common case
as well, and simply store () -> s in the ThreadLocal.


Re: JEP 411, removal of finalizers, a path forward.

2021-08-04 Thread Chapman Flack
On 08/03/21 12:40, Sean Mullan wrote:

> It is to the point where I only skim your emails
> quickly. I would take the time to write up your ideas in an external place.
> It may not go anywhere, but at least you would have a single place where
> your proposal, experiments, etc are documented.

I would concur with the value of 'an external place' for such discussion.
I also have a need to salvage a project from the effects of this JEP, and
I have been both psyched that Peter has taken so much initiative in
exploring the repercussions and proposing solutions, and at the same time
a bit hopeful that others similarly affected (like me, of course, and
Alexey Shponarsky who noticed the JSR 233 implications, and others whose
use cases I remember reading about in the last nine weeks but haven't
reviewed just now) will also be getting ideas into the pot to avoid
over-tailoring proposals to one set of particulars.

Naturally, that means I need to be keeping up more with Peter's emails,
and I also am finding the volume and the medium of email to make that a
bit of a challenge.

On 08/03/21 20:19, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> Maybe we should have a mailing list dedicated to this where we can discuss
> and potentially collaborate?

In my experience, for the job of working out ramifications and solutions
for anything as disruptive as this JEP, an email list quickly and inevitably
becomes write-only, when the cognitive burden of connecting today's ideas
to those in somebody else's half-remembered email eight weeks ago just
becomes too much.

On the most productive teams I've served on in the past, a simple wiki
turned out much more conducive to collaboration on identifying issues,
enumerating ramifications, and hammering out solutions. Instead of a
long write-only sequential thread of messages and responses, it would
develop into a steadily more complete and organized reference to the
issues, solutions found, and those yet to be found.

It was never important for that to be a flashy wiki with lots of bells
and whistles; what was important was low procedural burden of editing,
ease of making and linking new pages, and an underlying VCS so that
no history was lost.

Is there any such infrastructure currently available, perhaps hosted
already by OpenJDK, where an area could be provided to start some pages
on the issues and proposals in these email threads? I would be willing
to do some curation and get some of the content from these threads into
some semblance of initial organization there.

I think it would be a natural choice for OpenJDK to host, as the
needed work is forced by the consequences of this JEP, and will
almost certainly have implications for the further development
after 17. (It arguably would have been ideal to host such work
earlier in the conception of this JEP, but that's over the dam now.)

On 08/03/21 08:15, Ron Pressler wrote:
> possibly some callbacks for a small subset of operations that perform
> access checks today, say, System.exit and opening a file or socket. I am
> not saying this is what should be done, but that the effort involved
> is such that I can conceivably see those whose responsibility this
> would be agreeing to consider it

Indeed, something like that is where I was trying to aim in [1]:

Checks that control outwardly-visible effects:

- native actions
- file operations
- socket operations
- process operations
- ... ?

Checks that were necessary "inside baseball" prior to JPMS strong

- did you ever really want to have to think about suppressAccessChecks,
  enableContextClassLoaderOverride, createAccessControlContext, etc.,
  other than because you had to or the checks you cared about were

Perhaps JPMS strong encapsulation will now be able to ensure that simpler,
clearer, faster, cheaper designs are possible for implementing controls
over the handful of things one actually wants to control.

So the necessary discussion would be focused on what's the size of the
small set of outwardly-visible actions one could want to control, and
which ones have usable mechanisms existing already (FileSystemProvider,
for example), what gaps or blockers might exist in those mechanisms,
and confirming their reliability given JPMS strong encapsulation.

Probably each of those categories of outwardly-visible ops would be worth
at least a page of its own on a prospective wiki, and each such page
might see quite a bit of revision and development.

It is hard for me to imagine a mailing list discussion in adequate depth
and detail being able to arrive at coherence, or indeed to avoid driving
burnout and unsubscribe requests.



Re: [jdk17] RFR: 8269543: The warning for System::setSecurityManager should only appear once for each caller

2021-06-29 Thread Chapman Flack
On 06/29/21 15:39, Weijun Wang wrote:

> If I switch to a "non-weak" set or map, then it seems I can safely use
> the source string as the key. Will using the Class object as a key prevent
> them from unloading?

I understand that it's in principle possible for classes to get GC'd,
though I don't know how often it happens in typical practical settings.

This seems like a question to be approached from the angle of asking
what the wanted semantics should be. What should be the effect on warning
messages if class a.b.C is loaded and sets a security manager, and is later
GC'd, and then a class also named a.b.C is later loaded, and sets a security

It seems like a preferred answer to that question would determine
whether to make the set weak or not.


Re: Authorization Layer post JEP 411

2021-06-02 Thread Chapman Flack
On 06/02/21 19:41, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> We need the power of AccessController's stack walk, StackWalker doesn't work
> with compiled code, only bytecode.

Is this correct? I have not tried it, but the apidocs had led me to
understand it did not distinguish much between JITed and interpreted code.
Even getByteCodeIndex does not mention any limitation when the frame is
JITed Java code (though it does say it will return a negative number in
the distinct case of an actual native method).


Re: RFR: 8268129: LibraryLookup::ofDefault leaks symbols from loaded libraries

2021-06-02 Thread Chapman Flack
On 06/02/21 13:30, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> This patch replaces `LibraryLookup` with a simpler `SymbolLookup`
> abstraction, a functional interface. Crucially, `SymbolLookup` does not
> concern with library loading, only symbol lookup. For this reason, two
> factories are added:


While I am thinking about this, what will be the behavior when the JVM
itself has been dynamically loaded into an embedding application, and
launched with the JNI invocation API?

Will there be a *Lookup flavor that is able to find any exported symbol
known in the embedding environment the JVM was loaded into? (This is the
sort of condition the Mac OS linker checks when given the -bundle_loader

Chapman Flack (maintainer of a project that happens to work that way)

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-06-01 Thread Chapman Flack
On 06/01/21 12:32, Sean Mullan wrote:
> On 6/1/21 2:11 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
>> Would have really liked to have known about that.
> It was announced on jdk-dev at the time it was launched, with a follow-up
> reminder one week later:

Thanks for that link. I see the announcement said

  The results of the survey will be made public after the survey closes.

That email thread seems to end with the week-later reminder, but I think
I found the followup [1].

It links to the results on SurveyMonkey [2], which seem to be viewable
if one whitelists,, and

It also refers to a blog post [3], no longer a good link; also the only
occurrence of that URL in the Wayback Machine is a November 2020 archive
of its "The content that you're looking [sic] is no longer on this page"
page [4].

Is it possible the URL structure just got rearranged?
Is there a currently usable link? (My search there for "security manager
survey" produces 742 results, six at a time; I haven't found it yet.)

Ironically, I easily found a March 2021 blog post [5] "Quiz yourself:
Using the SecurityManager class in Java", from which a reader might
have come away confident the thing was a going concern.



Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-31 Thread Chapman Flack
On 05/31/21 03:59, Alan Bateman wrote:
> The SM survey in 2018 showed that there was some usage too.

Out of curiosity, where can I learn more about this survey?

Was it the kind of survey that, if I had been hanging around in the right
places in 2018, I might have been solicited to respond to?


Re: JEP 411: Disable warning message with flag?

2021-05-31 Thread Chapman Flack
On 05/31/21 14:58, Ron Pressler wrote:
> However, if the warning were emitted just once, at startup, if the
> “allow” value is given rather than on each SM installation, would that
> reduce the warning noise for you?

In my case not at all, because only one SM is ever installed per process,
at startup.

But a PostgreSQL installation can start processes rather frequently.
(This is a case where it works better to select JVM options that are more
client-like than server-like; there is not one long-lived 'server' JVM.)

> 1. Help software maintainers know about the deprecation.
> 2. Help software users (the more tech-literate ones, those who look at logs)
>know when the software they use has properly addressed the issue.
> 3. Help us better gauge, however imperfectly and indirectly, the impact of the
>deprecation process, and focus us on the more common and impactful uses of 
>the Security Manager.
> While a flag to suppress warnings doesn't harm goal 1, it severely harms
> goals 2 and 3.

In my case, goal 2 will be better served by the software users getting
release notes from me, and specific warnings generated by my code, speaking
directly to their use of PostgreSQL and PL/Java and how that will have to

Therefore I would like an option that says "I'm on it. Please be quiet for
now, and go ahead and break in 17+n if I haven't provided my own graceful
degradation response for that case by then."

Really, my intention is to build the graceful degradation response right
now, into the same minor release that will add the option. So even if I
fall down a manhole between now and 17+n, the code will be ready for that
event anyway.

The graceful degradation will have to be a message (again from my code)
saying "the fateful Java 17+n has arrived, your functions marked trusted
are no longer allowed to run, unless you set this new database option
indicating you don't mind them running unrestricted--or revert to
Java 17+n-1, or upgrade to the new PL/Java major release that ideally
Chap pushed out before falling down that manhole."

Naturally, if you provide such an option for my use, it might also get
used by the maintainer of package X who just doesn't like looking at the
warning, and won't do anything further, and package X will have a train
wreck when 17+n arrives. But as long as it's an opt-in option that is
clearly so documented, and that maintainer deliberately pushes a commit
that adds it, that seems fair.

I am not sure what you are getting at with goal 3. Will the warning
phone home?

> we might consider keeping some hooks that would allow third-parties to create
> sandboxing solutions that might be satisfactory, if we’re able to find a good 
> cost/benefit sweet-spot. 

Thank you for that. One question I have been wondering about: do you have
any internally-tracked metrics that you can share about how many uses
of doPrivileged there are in the JDK codebase, and perhaps even a histogram
of the stack depth from the doPrivileged down to the affected
checked operation(s)?

It would be good news if a lot of those are shallow, as in "the checked
operation that I know to be taint-free is this one right here that I am
wrapping this doPrivileged around." (I'm sure that has always been desirable
from a code-review standpoint anyway.)

It could also be useful to partition the data according to whether the
affected checked operation is something with a real external effect
(filesystem, socket, process, thread, ...?), or is something that only
had to be checked in the pre-JPMS-encapsulation days in order to fend off
circumvention of the policy.

I am also sort of wondering what's to become of some of the familiar
known rules in the post-SM world. Will getClassLoader() become always
allowed, whether the loader is an ancestor or not? Will
setContextClassLoader() be a free-for-all? checkGuard()? ...?

Is it confidently believed that the JPMS encapsulation suffices for
integrity enforcement and non-circumvention with all of those former
familiar rules relaxed?


Re: JEP 411: Disable warning message with flag?

2021-05-31 Thread Chapman Flack
On 05/31/21 12:45, Chapman Flack wrote:
> allow-until-degraded. In 17, that would be treated as allow, but with
> the warning suppressed. In 17+n, wherever functional degradation starts,
> it should become equivalent to disallow.
> ...
> the future "degradation", but commit to one easily-detected "degradation"
> that will happen no later than any other. Maybe it could be
> getSecurityManager()=null, for example, which is easier to test than

Ok, that was a small thinko. As long as allow-until-degraded becomes
equivalent to disallow as soon as any degradation starts, then catching
the exception from setSecurityManager will be a perfectly reliable way
to detect the degradation. :)


Re: JEP 411: Disable warning message with flag?

2021-05-31 Thread Chapman Flack
On 05/31/21 11:51, Mikael Sterner wrote:
> For the record, I want to point out that the latest revision to the
> JEP 411 draft didn't solve the issue highlighted below, since applications
> embedding a Java runtime still would not be able to suppress the warning
> On Fri, May 21, 2021, at 19:33, Mikael Sterner wrote:
>> ...
>> I would suggest adding a flag to disable the warning message, for use 
>> in cases where an application ships to end users with a Java runtime 
>> included. Because in those cases, the warning is meant for the 
>> developer of the application and not end users. End users would not be 
>> the ones providing/upgrading the Java runtime, and in many cases it 
>> would not be acceptable to have a warning displayed on startup that 

I was just composing a message to the same effect, for a slightly different
use case.

The module I maintain for the PostgreSQL RDBMS will simply have to continue
using the deprecated API for the near future. I will need to do a minor
release that deals with the deprecation and the needed invocation flags,
and handles warning its users in a context-appropriate way that is
meaningful to them and explains how the future is going to look.

I will then need to use the time available during 17's support lifetime
to work on a heavily-reengineered major release of the module that will
meet its requirements through some other mechanism.

In the meantime, users of PostgreSQL with this module installed will
derive absolutely zero benefit from having their RDBMS logs spammed
with an obscure warning from Java that they can do nothing about
every time a DB connection loads the module.

I can suggest a couple approaches. One would be to make sure the warning
is delivered via the vfprintf hook. As I am using the invocation API to
start the JVM, I can use the hook to eat the message. This might not serve
others' needs though.

Another would be to add another value,
allow-until-degraded. In 17, that would be treated as allow, but with
the warning suppressed. In 17+n, wherever functional degradation starts,
it should become equivalent to disallow.

In essence, if I have taken the explicit step of doing a release that
adds allow-until-degraded, that is a handoff of responsibility to me.
It is now up to me to make sure that users of this module are advised
in an appropriate way of what's going down, and it is up to me to make
sure what will happen in 17+n is reasonable (in my case, it will have to
say "can't run functions of PostgreSQL's TRUSTED variety, unless you
back up to Java < 17+n, or move to the next major version of this module").
If I don't handle that responsibility, then it just stops working in 17+n
because the flag becomes equivalent to disallow. But by using that flag,
I have clearly accepted that responsibility.

Meanwhile, users of the RDBMS don't get their logs uselessly spammed.

Another ingredient that would help is to be a little less vague about
the future "degradation", but commit to one easily-detected "degradation"
that will happen no later than any other. Maybe it could be
getSecurityManager()=null, for example, which is easier to test than
whether doPrivileged() has no ACC effect.

That way, without needing a crystal ball to know in which release 17+n
the degradation will start, I can already issue a release in advance
that will detect and handle it gracefully when it happens.


Re: JEP 411: Missing use-case: user functions in an RDBMS

2021-05-28 Thread Chapman Flack
On 05/28/21 10:03, Chapman Flack wrote:
> I still think it would be highly desirable for the JDK itself to
> adopt some such mechanism, if it can be made sufficiently non-cumbersome,
> and perhaps limited just to file operations

... and Process / ProcessHandle operations 

I am trying to enumerate, in my head, how many kinds of operations
there really needs to be some API for applying filters to, in a post-SM,
JPMS encapsulated world.

As far as effects a JVM can have on the observable outside world,
there are: native actions (and --enable-native-access), file operations
(and there is -Djava.nio.file.spi.DefaultFileSystemProvider), socket
operations (and there are SocketFactories, though how to set them is
undocumented and might fall victim to JEP 403), and process operations
(how to filter those? only instrumentation?).

Am I missing some?

It seems to me that a lot of the complexity of the permission model
in the pre-JPMS-encapsulation world involved protecting actions that
you might not otherwise care about except that they were all needed
to make "self-protecting managers" possible, without which the manager
could be defeated and then allow actions you'd care about.

If JPMS encapsulation can take over most of that busy-work, does that
perhaps mean the set of JDK operations that an application might
want/need to intercept and filter shrinks down to some concisely-enumerable
set of operations that have external effects?

I am not sure ... thinking aloud.


Re: JEP 411: Missing use-case: user functions in an RDBMS

2021-05-28 Thread Chapman Flack

On 05/28/21 06:09, Ron Pressler wrote:
> Before getting into alternatives and the vision for what would be possible
> post-SecurityManager, it would help to explain what the use-case and 
> requirements are.
> When we talk about untrusted code we usually mean code that you believe
> might be malicious and intentionally try to break through any restrictions
> you place on it and attack you by any means, including denial-of-service,
> while trusted code is assumed to not be malicious.
> From what you’ve written I gather that you only intend to run trusted
> “plugins", but wish to restrict their operations so that they don’t break
> some application invariants and accidentally interfere with its operation.

It seems to me that PostgreSQL's trusted/untrusted distinction (which is
a distinction baked into the core PostgreSQL project and therefore common
to all of the different programming-language supporting extensions like
the Java one that I maintain) is aimed at a sort of intermediate threat

The key consequence of whether a PL is declared to PostgreSQL with or
without the TRUSTED keyword is which database user identities will be
able to CREATE FUNCTION in that language. If it is not declared trusted,
only the database superuser can create functions using it. If it is
declared trusted, the database superuser will be able to GRANT USAGE ON
LANGUAGE ... to other database user identities, and they will then be
able to CREATE FUNCTION in that language.

Here it matters that "database user identities" are usually a pretty small
set. Acme Corp's customers won't all have database logins; they probably
interact with it through a web app that uses its own credentials for a db
connection. The few people with database logins are probably all on Acme
payroll, and relatively trusted. If Acme's DBA has said GRANT USAGE ON
LANGUAGE java TO bob; then probably Bob is not expected to go installing
malicious Java functions. Bob is probably a developer and expected to
apply reasonable skill at writing safe ones.

The functions, once installed, may be /executed/ by a larger number of
database IDs, including possibly via the web apps, so might be executed
with /inputs/ crafted as maliciously as external attackers can dream up.

So I think it might be said (perhaps the core PostgreSQL devs would hold
otherwise) that it's /essential/ for the mechanism to be adequate to
protect against oversights and mistakes in Bob's code or the libraries
he relies on, including mistakes that might be exposed to malicious
external inputs. It's /desirable/ for the mechanism to be robust
against a malicious Bob himself, but I'm not sure how many, if any, of
PostgreSQL's available PLs could be rigorously proven to be so.

> If that is the case, would a “shallow” sandbox, that restricts which APIs
> are available to the plugin (e.g. only expose special APIs to interact
> with files that go through filtering mechanisms) rather than restrict 
> low-level operations where they “bottom out” before being passed to the OS, 
> suffice

It's possible a new design in a green field would be able to take that
approach. One thing I should have mentioned, and forgot to, is that there's
an actual ISO standard, ISO 9075-13, SQL Routines and Types Using the
Java™ Programming Language, constraining how this stuff has to work.
That's kind of unique among the extension languages; the maintainers of
PL/Python or PL/Ruby, lucky devils, can follow their own visions of what
SQL functions in those languages should look like.

9075-13 certainly doesn't say anything about a limited or special API
that the function will be required to use. That would be a disruptive
change to arbitrary amounts of standard-compliant code. (Naturally, as
the standard was developed back when nobody thought the J2SE security
architecture would be going away, it would have been assumed that the
regular API could be used and permissions would control it.)

That said, it might be about time for working group 3 to convene for
another look at 9075-13; it hasn't been updated in a while, and I don't
think it groks JPMS yet either; user code is treated as classpath code.
The PostgreSQL core team has a rep on that working group, so maybe it
will be possible to plant that idea. I don't think these things move
very quickly.

Still, I think a change as drastic as "you must now change the API you
use to be some different limited version" could be a tough sell.

> While a complex, stack-dependent, deep sandbox *could* be used for plugins,
> permissions that don’t specify what is forbidden but what is allowed
> effectively also severely limit the use of third-party libraries, that
> for example, might want to do benign operations with their own files,

Well, the chief cause of that problem has historically been that the
third-party library devs have been sloppy about getting doPrivileged
where it belongs ... or, to put it more charitably, they haven't been
given any way less cumbersome than 

JEP 411: Missing use-case: user functions in an RDBMS

2021-05-27 Thread Chapman Flack
n developers have had to clean up after them anyway,
and that will only get worse after this JEP. But it still seems to me that
the JDK itself is a different story.

Suppose we simplify the problem to only preserving the information needed
to enable implementation of filesystem access controls. All the doPrivileged
calls in there because of other obscure permissions that will be abandoned,
never mind those. Can there be some way to retain the information that's
represented by the ones around taint-free filesystem operations?

- some kind of annotation?

- some very lightweight doPrivileged replacement that sets a thread-local
  flag that a filesystem-access filter, if present, could check?

- a set of openTaintFree()/deleteTaintFree()/... methods added to the
  filesystem APIs and used in place of the methods currently called within
  doPrivileged? Some mechanism like JEP 412's --enable-native-access could
  allow selected modules to call those methods, and a filter, if supplied,
  could just leave those alone.

Could some idea like this be a manageably-small burden for the JDK devs
to keep up to date? Much of the affected code is already very mature and
has the doPrivileged()s in the right places. It would be a sort of
mechanical transformation of those sites, plus a simple need to be aware
in new API development of where the file operations are on tainted values
or not. Isn't that already something devs need to be aware of?

Chapman Flack



[3] Say ... will that unsuppressable warning be written via the vfprintf
hook? That would be nice, I could suppress it there then.