Re: [SaF] More on Linux?

2000-05-05 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On  5 May, Alan S. Harrell wrote:

>  True, and I think you would find most Europeans pronouncing that way  
>  after the name of it's creator.  But most Americans still pronounce it: 
>  Len~ucks.  An incorrect pronunciation would be: Line~ucks.  Some 
>  mispronounce it that way due to the close proximity to the Peanuts 
>  cartoon character, Linus.  I often find myself slipping up and 
>  pronouncing it that way.  Fortunately, I am usually alone at the time.  
>  LOL. :-)

Among the Linux community, the most commonly accepted pronunciation
(since most American's can't reproduce Linus' Finnish accent ) is
"LIHN-ucks" or "LIHN-ux"...


  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 5259
Help! I'm modeming and I can't hang up!

Re: [SaF] More on Linux?

2000-05-05 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On  5 May, Garrett Wilner wrote:

>  Interesting... does anyone know where one could download this recording??
>  >Leenux. I believe there was some debate on the correct pronunciation 
>  >(Lienux vs. Leenux) till the Linux's creator came forward and published a 
>  >recording in his own voice clarifying the correct one.

You can play it in your Windows Media Player...

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 5259
Help! I'm modeming and I can't hang up!

Re: [SaF] linux mailing lists

2000-05-15 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On 15 May, sajeev wrote:

>  Would you suggest any good mailing list for linux / Redhat Linux?

There are two I can enthusiastically recommend, both of which I am a
member of.

To subscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux 4 beginners
To subscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When I was new to Linux, it was the Linux group that helped me out to
learn the Linux system, I couldn't have done it without them. There are
some very sharp people on both lists. :)

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 5461
"Faith:  not *wanting* to know what is true."
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Re: [SaF] Mailing list for free ISP's

2000-06-05 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On  5 Jun, Karlo FREEMAN wrote:

>  Can anyone put me on to a mailing list where free ISP's are discussed?

Well, you can always join my list, called FreeNET, where the topic is
exactly that 

To join, send any message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and answer the
confirmation message. Or, you can go to to do the same.

See ya there :)

-==Brian L. Johnson
-FreeNET list

Re: [SaF] Alan and thanks

2000-06-22 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On 22 Jun 2000, KM wrote:

> It's a little known fact that Alan is a robot and the letters of his name are 
> actually an acronym for Alternate Lifefor for the Advancement Of
> kNowledge.

You forgot H.A.R.R.E.L.L. - 

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 6260
Blutarsky's Axiom:
Nothing is impossible for the man who will not listen to reason.

Re: [SaF] Alan and thanks

2000-06-22 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Alan S. Harrell wrote:

>Little known is right.  Most who have followed me through the years 
>know that ASHandRR is me and my dog. :-)

So you're saying the dog is the smart one? 

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 6260
Blutarsky's Axiom:
Nothing is impossible for the man who will not listen to reason.

[SaF] US West DSL modem security

2000-07-11 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hello all :)

A couple months ago I saw an article about DSL modems on US West Megabit
DSL service, where the DSL modem (by default) had no password set, and
that someone could telnet into the DSL modem and take it over. The
article had references about how to fix that by setting a password on
the DSL modem.

Now I can't find the article, even after visiting a few security sites.

Oh where could it be?

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 6446

Re: [SaF] US West DSL modem security

2000-07-11 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Today, Ben Cooper wrote:

>> A couple months ago I saw an article about DSL modems on US West Megabit
>> DSL service, where the DSL modem (by default) had no password set, and
>> that someone could telnet into the DSL modem and take it over. The
>> article had references about how to fix that by setting a password on
>> the DSL modem.
>I'm pretty sure this is it, Brian-

That's the one, thanks.

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 6446
His life was formal; his actions seemed ruled with a ruler.

Re: [SaF] some thoughts on texan english

2000-07-20 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Today, Martin J. Lang wrote:

>and, um, an unwillingness to get over the whole cowboy boots and
>country/western music thing.

Well, personally speaking, I hope people NEVER get over the
"country/western music thing", I think it's danged fine music 

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 6513
Enjoy customizing the Linux desktop? Join Linux Desktop!
Just send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[SaF] Kilobits, kilobytes and baud, oh my!

2000-07-25 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hi all :)

I get a bit confused sometimes about kilobits and kilobytes, and how
they compare to each other, like is a 56k modem 56 kilobits or
kilobytes, and so on...

For example, I stream a music channel at 128kbps, and that's less than
1/4 of my bandwidth, yet a file downloads at 48Kbps and uses up all my

Where can I go to get this cleared up?


Re: [SaF] Kilobits, kilobytes and baud, oh my!

2000-07-25 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Today, Alan S. Harrell wrote:

>Albeit somewhat technical, Chapter One of Randall Hyde's Book "The Art of 
>Assembly Language" gives a greater and more thorough detail of binary data 
>organization (bits, nibbles, bytes, etc.)

MEGO, but that's ok, I'll read it again later and it starts to sink in

>To learn more about baud rates and bits per second (bps) ratings for 
>modems, see Curt's High Speed Modems Page:
>See this section in his FAQ:

Ah, illuminating, and I'm starting to get it 

Thanks Alan :)


Re: [SaF] Infusion and Cold Fusion Beans....HTML/Java editors

2000-07-31 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Today, KBryan wrote:

> I found this site about inFusion 
>For some reason, I can't get this d*** page to come up. But it came up
>last night  :o(

There was a temporary failure on the Sprintlink backbone earlier this
morning, which has been resolved by now, so you can try again.

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 6750

Re: [SaF] Infusion and Cold Fusion Beans....HTML/Java editors

2000-07-31 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Today, Leslie Pearson wrote:

>How did you find out about the Sprintlink failure?
>Perhaps that is why I'm not getting much e-mail today?

Well, I was experiencing it firsthand, and I couldn't POP my email or go
to several sites.

I did a traceroute, and saw that the traceroute was repeatedly bouncing
between two hosts on the sprintlink network. Being that this was a
fairly serious failure, I looked up Sprintlink's phone # by whois, and
called their network operations center, and told them what was
happening, gave them the pertinent details, which the tech was able to

The best part was the Sprintlink tech saying "Thanks, nice catch" :)

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 6750

[SaF] Looking for cheap basic PCMCIA card

2000-08-16 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hello all :)

I am looking for a cheap ($70 or les) PCMCIA network for a laptop. Only
has to be 10mbps, with RJ-44 connectors. What are good sites to find
this? I've been to 3com, Cisco, Radio Shack and Xircom, but nothing they
have is under $140 or so...

In other words, it just has to be a basic card, no frills needed.


Re: [SaF] Looking for cheap basic PCMCIA card

2000-08-16 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Today, Philip A. Finlaw wrote:


Thank you, that did it, I picked that one and it should ship now. :)


[SaF] I just flew in from Cincinatti,

2000-08-27 Thread Brian L. Johnson

and oh boy are my arms tired!
Take my wife, PLEASE!
When I was a boy, our place was SO small we had to go outside 
   to change our minds!

...I'm looking for more of that, OD corny gag lines... You know, the
stuff that makes you groan "Oh boy that's older than the hills and twice
as dusty..."

Any finds and stupid lines welcomed. 

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 7164
Hi folks, great to be here with you tonight. I just 
flew in from Cincinatti, and OH BOY are my arms tired!

Re: [SaF] I just flew in from Cincinatti,

2000-08-27 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Aug 27, Alan S. Harrell wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>In other words, you want jokes as old as Grandma's feet and just as 
>corny. :-)

And just as smelly! 

Great material, thanks :)

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 7164
I could tell my parents hated me - my 
bath toys were a hairdryer and a toaster...

Re: [SaF] Software to detect use of phone line?

2000-09-13 Thread Brian L. Johnson


>I am in need of some means to detect when our (one) phone line is
>being used while any of the family is using the PC, but is not
>online (we already have Internet Answering Machine and our phone
>co.'s call forwarding to catch attempts to call us when we =are=
>Very often someone in the family will take the portable phone
>somewhere out of earshot of the person using the computer, =ergo= he
>or she is grossly unaware of the true status of the line until Juno,
>for example, tells them that it could not detect a dial tone.

Hi Bob and all...

I believe the best solution is in hardware, not software. Radio Shack
has a little line-in-use indicator that plugs into your phone line, and
the LED flashes when the line is in use... Bet Phil could tell you the
exact part # 


Re: [SaF] Software to detect use of phone line?

2000-09-13 Thread Brian L. Johnson


>Don't be so sure with "The Shack", BLJ.  I went looking for a
>replacement printer ribbon there a month or so ago, and found out
>that most of their ribbon products had been discontinued.

BLJ? Mus' we be so formal gud suh? 

Anyway, I once bought one from RS... I bet Phil can tell us if RS still
has it...

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 7341
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SaF] Phone Blocker or Phone number recorder

2000-09-19 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Sep 19, Alan S. Harrell wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>First of all, for a good laugh, look at what the "Phone Butler" does:

LOL... I have a gizmo like that, except it says 
[two bong sounds] "I'm sorry, this number does not accept this type of
call. Please regard this as your notification to remove this number from
your list" [repeat].

That, and it was only $12, not the $46 the people at that site want...


[SaF] Small tray app for HD activity

2000-09-28 Thread Brian L. Johnson

I have an old laptop that is across the room from my desktop computer,
and the two computers are networked. For convenience, I often use VNC to
access the laptop right from the convenience of my desktop machine.

However, this way I can't tell when the laptop's HD is active (and being
a Win95 system, HD activity is how I tell if it's crashed or not). 

So I'm looking for a small tray applet (for Win95) that'll show the
laptop's HD activity. Nothing fancy, just something that flashes in the

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 7495
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SaF] Small tray app for HD activity

2000-09-28 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Sep 28, Seeker wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>What about just using the System Monitor.  It can be configured to 
>watch many things.

I don't have that unfortunately, it's a very early version of Win95a...

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 7495
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SaF] Small tray app for HD activity

2000-09-28 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Sep 28, Seeker wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Hm, that's not it, from the description, it doesn't show HD activity.

>Also are you sure about not having it for windows 95,  it should be in 
>cab file:

Unfortunately, this is a used computer from a pawnshop, it doesn't have
a CD-ROM drive and I don't have the Windows CD for it...

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 7495
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SaF] Print Web Page

2000-10-20 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Yes, but however, many browsers will not print the background or some

If you are using Netscape, there is a workaround - Open the page in the
composer (file -> edit page) and you can often print from there...

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 7725
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Oct 19, Pedro Carnet Milán wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>As far as I know each browser has a print command, take a look at your File
>You can use MS Word 97/2000 also.
>- Original Message -
>From: "David Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 5:56 PM
>Subject: [SaF] Print Web Page
>> Can anyone suggest a software program that will allow me to print web pages?

Re: [SaF] speedy gonzales

2000-10-28 Thread Brian L. Johnson

This is true... There is of yet no computer anywhere that can do a good
translation because they just cannot process idiom...

Some more examples:
"It is snowing" = "hace nieve" = "it makes snow"
"It is sunny" = "Hace sol" = "It makes sun"
"It is two o'clock" = "Son los dos" = "They are the two"

So as you can see, things that make sense in their own language cannot
be literally translated, you have to translate the idiom not the words.
Nor can translator software grasp rules of the language such as the fact
that in Spanish it's a social faux pas to end a sentence in a verb, or
that in Spanish, when you refer to plural members of a family you
pluralize the definite object NOT the family name ("Los Garcia")...

There is, as of yet, no software that can equal a human in translation.

-=Brian=- (Quien sabe que la cabeza ya es una cosa buena! )

On Oct 28, Mayan Avitable wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>I'd like to add a note of caution here. Please do not rely upon the accuracy
>of the translation. The translations are literal, not always correct. In
>Spanish, How old are you is -- Cuántos años tienes? The literal English
>translation of that sentence is How many years do you have? So, when you ask
>for a translation from English to Spanish you get -- Cómo viejo es usted?
>That's totally incorrect.

Re: [SaF] Free web-based email service

2000-11-10 Thread Brian L. Johnson


>Who knows any of free web-based email service which has good interface, no
>advertisement and high speed,

Well, here is a small list of a few webmail outfits:

Now some of those have ads and all, but some don't. Worth checking
out. Two I can recommend are Operamail and Konx (on that list as "Emurl

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 7842
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SaF] Bookmark management program

2000-11-23 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Nov 23, Ed Bockelman wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>Before I stop wasting any more bandwidth on this topic, I'd just like to
>mention that InControl will be of little use with my program.  It makes no
>registry changes, and save for the start menu icons, all of its operations
>will take place within only one folder on your hard drive.  The program is
>written in compiled Perl, which is a common and very well-tested medium for
>programming internet applications.

Well hey, if it works in Perl, I could run it on my Linux box? :)

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 8042
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[SaF] Spanish <-> English

2000-12-14 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hello all seekers and finders :)

I am looking for an online Spanish <-> English dictionary where I can
browse the words. I see a good amount of sites out there, but they all
seem to just have search fields to look up a word, and I want to be able
to browse through.

It would be a plus if it were focused on foodservice terms, since I work
in a restaurant where I have been unofficially dubbed as the translator
:-/ (cause my Spanish is pretty bad and I need to bring up my

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 8267
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[SaF] ICQ clone

2000-12-23 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hello all :)

Does anyone know of any small light ICQ clones for Windows 95?

I need something that can run on my mother's 486 without taxing it too
much, and since she's a newbie and I'm going to be the only contact on
the list, it really doesn't need all the whiz-bang features of ICQ99..

Since there are dozens of ICQ clones for Linux, BeOS, Mac, DOS, etc,
there must be something for Win32 that isn't made by Mirabilis/AOL...

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 8267
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SaF] ICQ clone

2000-12-24 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Dec 23, Karlo FREEMAN wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>>Does anyone know of any small light ICQ clones for Windows 95?
>Miranda ICQ (d/l is 354 Kb with installer)

That was just the one. I like it too, it's a nice straightforward ICQ
without all the bleepin features and whatnot. :)


  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 8267
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[SaF] Win95 tips newsletter

2000-12-28 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hello all :)

I am seeking to find an announcement list that sends out tips and tricks
for Windows 95 (not 98) for newbies, roughly daily... Sort of like "A
tip a day"...


Re: [SaF] Relationship between caffeine & LSD

2001-01-03 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Jan 3, Richard & Cyndi Ask wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>Looking for the chemical relationship
>between caffeine & LSD. I was taught years ago that they are
>first cousins.

Here is a good link to four sites about Caffeine:

Note that the second link is now broken (I'll fix that), it is now at

The first one is the most informative however, and it has a link to a
Caffeine webring where you can find more sites :)


[SaF] RAM for Compaq laptop

2001-01-09 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hello all :)

I am seeking, without much luck, a RAM expansion module for an old
Compaq laptop I have. It's a Contura 410slc, and it has 4mb RAM of it's
own and an expansion module of 4mb bringing the system up to 8mb. Since
this little beastie is running Win95, that's not nearly enough and it
spends all of it's time in swap

So what I am seeking and failing to find is an expansion module for this
thing to increase the RAM. It's a rectangular card that goes in a bay on
the bottomside of the unit.

Any leads out there?


Re: [SaF] RAM for Compaq laptop

2001-01-09 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Jan 10, Mary Dowling wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>Have you checked with
>They list Ram upgrades for Compaq Contura 410C and 410CX. Could these be
>compatible with yours?

Well, checking with, I found it exactly. Tho at
*that* price it'll be a while before I can afford it.

Thanks Mary :)


Re: [SaF] RAM for Compaq laptop

2001-01-09 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Jan 9, Robert Graf wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>Compaq is notorious for having proprietary expansion.

LOL... I know all too painfully :)

>Try or , they both
>showed up in a compaq contura memory search

Thanks :)


[SaF] Re: RAM for Compaq laptop

2001-01-11 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Thanks to all who sent links for RAM for my COmpaq laptop :)


Re: Re: [SaF] meaning of a word

2001-01-15 Thread Brian L. Johnson

It is also an old derogatory term for persons of Chinese descent, originating in the 
19th century when many Chinese immigrants 
worked in labor gangs building railroads.


At 01/15/2001 11:08:00 PM, you wrote:
>Sajeev -- I have heard "coolie" before and you are correct that it is slang, 
>but it is Australian slang for slave or laborer.  It has a few meanings, but 
>they all point to lower class slave type laborers.
>In a message dated 1/15/01 8:05:09 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
>> Sir/M'm,
>>  I quote from some usenet discussion : 
>>  "...Harold will not be happy until the entire world is totally filled with 
> coolies that will do whatever he wants, any time he wants. ..."  I thought I 
>should not ask in that forum, as it may be off topic. However,  my question 
>is  what does 'Coolies' mean in US English? (It is pejorative I suppose.)
>>  I know what it means in some Indian Languages. ( Wages, or Wage earner). 
>>  thank you,  sajeev.

Re: [SaF] Holocaust Sites

2001-01-30 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Jan 30, Leslie Pearson wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>Someone asked me if I knew any good Holocaust sites. I didn't so I am asking the 
>lists help.

I know of two, both listed here:

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 8360
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SaF] Administrative: Next week 4 me

2001-02-02 Thread Brian L. Johnson


>Alan, have a safe and happy trip to TX.

LOL... Peace, Alan *lives* in TX...

>I may drive down to Corpus Christi that week end.

You won't be very far from Alan then. Maybe you could invite him down
for a steak dinner, your treat of course 


Re: [SaF] envelope stuffing

2001-02-16 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Feb 16, Sajeev Cholayil wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>I get some mail in my hotmail inbox informing about earning money by
>stuffing envelopes working from home in any country. But I need to send them
>some $s first. I have read a Sherlock Holmes story on such a job. Such
>offers fall on the same line?

Sajeev, such things are always a scam, period. You can't possibly make
money doing that, and you should never trust a scam like that that
arrives as spam in your Hotmail box.

If you reply to that, all you face is more and more and more spam, and
even if they do reply, your money will be taken at best and you'll have
nothing but an emptier wallet and a mailbox overflowing with the rawest,
sleaziest spam on the planet. That, and you'll make every "sucker list"
on Earth.

Don't get ripped off Sajeev, just delete it. It's better that way.


Re: [SaF] ICQ alternative

2001-02-24 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Feb 24, Alan S. Harrell wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>On 24 Feb 2001, 15:47, Harry Jones wrote:
>> Does anyone know of an alternative to ICQ? I'm looking for something
>> that can communicate with ICQ users but not the regular Mirabilis ICQ
>> program, I can't seem to get it to work on my machine.

Another nice minimal alternative that in fact I found out about through
this list is Miranda ICQ. Light, feature-simple and easy to run even on
an old computer.


[SaF] "Maybe five computers"

2001-02-25 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hello all :)

One of the more famous quotes of computerdom is from Thomas Watson, who
as chairman of the board of IBM in 1944 said "I think that there may be
a world market for five computers"...

Well, boy was he wrong! Wayy wrong. So it got me thinking, whatever
became of him, how long did he live, and how much of the computer
revolution did he get to see, did he ever regret his words, etc...

So I guess what I'm seeking is biographical and other information on a
Thomas Watson who happened to be chairman of IBM in the 1940s.


Re: [SaF] "Maybe five computers"

2001-02-25 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Alan and Phil, thanks for the excellent refs :)


Re: [SaF]

2001-03-01 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Mar 1, Harry Jones wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>Think you're looking for:
>Replace the asterisks with the appropiate letters.

You almost have it... Remove "up" to make it f*** (and
replace asterisks of course), and that's the one.


[SaF] Question re immigration and amnesty

2001-03-02 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Ok, I have a situation going on that needs an answer soon before a guy
does something dumb...

At my former place of work, they have a man who is a Guatemalan
national, and is not a legal immigrant. However, the man works very very
hard, and sacrifices to support his family back home. Both myself and a
former co-worker have known him for the last two years, and can easily
attest to his character...

But, he recently heard something on the Univision TV channel that before
leaving office, Clinton signed something having to do with amnesty for
illegal immigrants. He wants very badly to do something in order to go
legit so that he doesn't have to live "underground".

He's about to drive up to the INS office in Denver Monday morning and
say "Here I am, let's fill in paperwork and sprinkly magic dust on me
and make me legit" (more or less). Me and my coworker are thinking that
it's more likely that the guy would be making a one-way trip, ending up
on a runway in Guatemala... And we really don't want this guy doing
something rash and getting deported.

So what I'm needing to know is what, if anything, did Clinton sign
regarding immigration, and what this guy should do to go legitimate
without getting cuffed and deported.

Thank you all for any quick answers :)


Re: Re: [SaF] Excluded Music On Napster

2001-03-06 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Mar 6, Karlo FREEMAN wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>| had Metallica files labeled Mozart's 5th symphony - they'd show up."
>But | the searcher would have to KNOW that Metallica was all renamed
>I heard in an IRC chat room this morning that according to "Slashdot"
>there is an effort afoot to disguise names by listing them in igpagy
>atinLay.  I didn't read it myself, so this may just be a canard.

Well this is true somewhat. Seems that another file-sharing app called
Aimster has released a plugin that scrambles the filenames into pig

Even better is that Aimster is using the dreaded DMCA to it's advantage
- Under the terms of the DMCA it is illegal to attempt to break the
encryption of software, etc, and any attempt by the RIAA and such to
filter for the pig latin would constitute such an attempt... So to break
the usage of pig latin filenames, the RIAA would have to violate the
very law that they wrote and pushed into law 

I personally don't think that the RIAA can win this battle in the end.
Even if they nail Napster, there'd be Gnutella, then Aimster, etc. Added
to that is the extensive network of alternative Napster servers.

And when they kill one, another will pop up, then another. And even if
they encrypt MP3s or something, some smart user will ALWAYS find some
way to defeat it. It's basically the RIAA vs many millions of users, and
the RIAA is profoundly outnumbered, outgunned, and out-brainpowered.

Let's not forget that the very users that the RIAA is trying to swat are
the people who go out and buy music CDs, and listen to the songs on the
radio, etc. By alienating and pissing off these people, they're only
shooting themselves in the feet (read "cutting off their heads to spite
their noses").

In the end, we'll see if the record industry wins by assaulting and
alienating it's revenue sources. I'd bet cash it won't. :)

  -=Brian L. Johnson,
   Total Bookmarks in file= 8389
 For PGP key email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [SaF] checking any web mail

2001-03-20 Thread Brian L. Johnson

On Mar 20, Leslie Pearson wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Only problem with that is that for the last week or so mailandnews has
been totally down and bouncing everything. :(


Re: [SaF] Program Needed

2001-05-15 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Uh Jahmehr, you already have the program - The MS-DOS prompt.

*) Open up a DOS window
*) Type "cd \directoryname" - if the name of the directory has a space
   in it, you have to enclose the directory name in quotes, eg,
   cd \"Program Files"

Note that if you have the option "DOS prompt here" in your right-click
menu, then you can navigate to that dir in the Windows Explorer, and use
that to get a DOS window in that dir instead of doing the above.

*) Type "attrib -r *"

And done. If you have files in other dirs that need this done, just go
back to step two and repeat. When you're done, type "exit" and press
enter to quit the DOS window.


On May 15, K. Bryan wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>Mine did that as well Jahmehr, however I just reassigned the attributes
>manually. But i only had 20 or so to change.
>> I'm sure I saw such a thing somewhere, but I need a program that will
>> the file attributes of all files in a given directory from Read Only to,
>> well, not read only. Basically I'm restoring my system after a format and
>> want to remove the Read Only attributes my CD-Rs give the files.

[SaF] Snow White

2001-05-15 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hello to all seekers and finders...

I just got a copy of the "Snow White" worm (w95.hybris.gen) immediately
after posting my message about the MS-DOS prompt, so if any of you uses as your ISP, please check your system for infection or
have it checked.

Information on this worm can be found at:


[SaF] Editing wav files...

2001-05-17 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hi all :)

I have this wav file - found it on my disk in the directory for
StarOffice, and it's kinda cool. It's a futuristic spacey version of the
classic Big Ben chime.

Only problem is, that it only has three notes, and it should be four -
E C D -G. So far, I have managed to copy the second note and paste it as
the fourth, but that makes E C D C. And I don't have any sound editor
that can change the pitch of part of a wav to drop that last note down
to the G below middle C.

So what I am seeking is either of two:
Sound editor software for Linux that can change pitch
   If the software can only pitch-bend the whole file, that's ok

Or, if someone has software that can do this... I'll pay you your weight
in gold... Oh, wait, I can't do that. But, you'll have my appreciation
and gratitude 


[SaF] Secure copy

2001-05-30 Thread Brian L. Johnson

Hello all :)

As part of the SSH (Secure SHell) suite of secure network utilities,
there is a Linux/Unix utility called SCP (Secure CoPy), which copies
files securely, using the same SSL-secured protocols as SSH.

What I'm looking for is a Windows version if there is one, or a program
that includes the function of SSL-secured file transfers...
