Re: Why do we need fast-fail?

2005-05-11 Thread Soren Hilmer
On Tuesday 10 May 2005 18:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 16:37 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I think that this check should be done on the MAIL FROM or
   the RCPT TO and so not directly related to the STARTTLS and
   I would add to my list:
B2. mail from allowed only after AUTH/STARTTLS
C2. rcpt to you can write to this recipient only
when using AUTH/STARTTLS.
  The mechanisms for requiring STARTTLS are described in the
  STARTTLS RFC,  see Section 5.

 Thank you Mike,

 This seems to confirm that we could check wether STARTTLS has been sent
 when we receive a MAIL FROM or RCPT TO and reply with 530 Must issue a
 STARTTLS command first when the recipient is not local (for example).

 Does anyone think that it would be useful to select wether to allow the
 STARTTLS or not depending on some business rule and not only via a smtp
 server configuration parameter? This would be a further use-case to add to
 the list, but I think this is not so usefull: I can't find why we should
 disable STARTTLS to specific IPs

Consider that some servers relay though James from an internal trusted 
network, they do not need to issue STARTTLS, others however are relaying 
through a public network an are thus required to issue STARTTLS (perhaps even 
with client-certificate authentication).
So we do not disable STARTTLS for the internal servers, but on the other hand 
do not require it either.


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Søren Hilmer, M.Sc.
RD manager Phone:  +45 72 30 64 00
TietoEnator IT+ A/S Fax:+45 72 30 64 02
Ved Lunden 12   Direct: +45 72 30 64 57
DK-8230 Åbyhøj  Email:  soren.hilmer at

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Re: Why do we need fast-fail?

2005-05-11 Thread apache
 Consider that some servers relay though James from an 
 internal trusted network, they do not need to issue STARTTLS, 
 others however are relaying through a public network an are 
 thus required to issue STARTTLS (perhaps even with 
 client-certificate authentication).
 So we do not disable STARTTLS for the internal servers, but 
 on the other hand do not require it either.

Sure, but this seems the normal standard behaviour. We only need a
configuration for
StartTLSSupport = disabled | enabled | required

Isn't this enough to support the STARTTLS reply?

The check to see wether the relay is supported or not because of AUTH or
STARTTLS will be done after the first RCPT so the extension point is the
RCPT and not the STARTTLS.


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Re: Why do we need fast-fail?

2005-05-11 Thread apache
 Consider that some servers relay though James from an 
 internal trusted network, they do not need to issue STARTTLS, 
 others however are relaying through a public network an are 
 thus required to issue STARTTLS (perhaps even with 
 client-certificate authentication).
 So we do not disable STARTTLS for the internal servers, but 
 on the other hand do not require it either.

Sure, but this seems the normal standard behaviour. We only need a
configuration for
StartTLSSupport = disabled | enabled | required

Isn't this enough to support the STARTTLS reply?

The check to see wether the relay is supported or not because of AUTH or
STARTTLS will be done after the first RCPT so the extension point is the
RCPT and not the STARTTLS.


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RE: Serious bandwidth begin consumed by James

2005-05-11 Thread Daniel Perry
(cross posted as code change proposal at bottom)

Having had a quick look at the RFCs it looks like the 552 error should not
be sent until the final crlf.crlf has been received.

Looking at james code (

James recieves data command. Responds accordingly.
James starts receiving data. Once hit's maximum limit, an exception causes
james to send a 552 error (immediately).
Now, this is where i might be missing somthing, but James then seems to
return to reading commands, but as the state MESG_FAILED is set,
parseCommand skips logging, and doesnt return 500 error messages!

In terms of DOS, this seems ok, as once the mail hits the size limit, data
is no longer built into a mail. (so cant do OutOfMemory DOS)

Sure, you can use bandwidth, but you can do that anyway with lots of smaller
messages that will get accepted and use more CPU!

Assuming my understanding of the code and rfcs is correct, it means that
james enters a blackhole phase, where james basically does nothing until it
receives a proper smtp command, and then it doesnt get it's state reset,
which all seems wrong in light of the rfcs.

If i am right, it should:
Notice to size limit has been reached, and stop buffering the message.
Continue reading the message until crlf.crlf is reached
Send 552 error!
Reset state, and continue to accept other messages.

I think it should do this by:
Upon catching the size exception,
gobble away at the CharTerminatedInputStream (need to keep a reference to
this) until eof.
then continue as before, but:
Also, Get rid of MESG_FAILED state, and call resetState so we can allow the
parsing/logging/responses-to further commands/messages to work properly!

Does this make sense?


 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Hane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 10 May 2005 18:53
 To: James Users List
 Subject: Re: Serious bandwidth begin consumed by James


 I tested by:
 - I had two test servers both setup with james (Sender, Receiver)
 - I set the Receiver to a max message size of 7MB
 - I set the Sender to a max message size of 0MB (unlimited)
 - When I sent a 20MB file from Sender to Receiver I saw the
 following (very rough times from memory but I can repeat and
 get more accuruate timings if anyone cares.  (I don't really
 at this point since I really wanted to solve the bounce issue
 I was having originally).
 1. Receiver.smtp.log time 0 - connection accept and message
 started to be transmited 2. Receiver.smtp.log time 1 minute -
 message to large (552) 3. Sender.mailet.log time 3 minute -
 error message 552 message too large
 I made an assumption that message #2 on the Receiver
 generated the error message back to the Receiver; but based
 on what you said I assume this is informational that an error
 message will be sent once the message has been completely sent.
 However, wouldn't this behavior allow for a denial of service
 Someone could repeatedly send large files and clog up my
 This behaviour simply double the bandwith used: once to receive
 the message,
 once to send the bounce.
 You can configure james to avoid creating the bounce or to
 create the bounce
 with no message attached.

 Maybe I'm not fully understanding; but that is not what I am seeing.

 First, the Receiver email server should not bounce the email.  Is that
 correct?  Instead it sends back a 552 error code (I'm only dealing with
 the use case where the email exceeds the max message size ).

 Second, I have configured the Sender RemoteDelivery with a
 bounceProcessor and set the attachmentnone/attachment option.

 What I am seeing is a log message on the Receiving Email server
 indicating that a message has exceeded max size and will send a 552
 error message.  I'm assuming it will only send the error code back via
 the connection and *not* the entire message.

 Once this error message (552) is written to the Receiving.smtp.log file,
 the Sending email server continues to send the email.  The send portion
 is not aborted.  When I look at ntop which shows me network traffic
 broken by IP address / direction (in/out) / and protocol, I confirm that
 the entire 20MB message is sent (Sender - Receiver) and very little
 traffic (measured in KBs) is received (Receiver - Sender).

 Also, the Receiver contains the mbox of the actual user sending the
 email so I would not expect double the bandwidth until the user actual
 downloads the email (but it still wouldn't be double since the
 bounceProcessor strips the attachment - which I have confirm it is doing).

 I still believe that if james is not stopping an incoming message
 (receiver side) when a message has exceeded it's max message size, that
 a denial of service attack it possible.  This type of attack would more
 consume bandwidth than cpu, but bandwidth is the expensive resource in
 this equation.

 Maybe I'll take a look at the smtp receiving code (pointer on which
 class to look in).  It 

Re: Why do we need fast-fail?

2005-05-11 Thread apache
 a) if you specify required the internal servers will also 
 need to execute STARTTLS
 b) if you specify enabled the external servers can relay 
 without doing STARTTLS

If you specify enabled then a server is able to run STARTTLS.
Relay check can only be done after the RCPT TO and not after the STARTTLS so
you only need to know where STARTTLS has been sent or not but you need to do
that in the RCPT TO call.

 This is not what I want. Internal servers can always relay 
 and external servers must use STARTTLS. 
 Of course if the authorizedAddresses, has priority over 
 this setting, we are home free.

This is possible if you know the current STARTTLS/AUTH status when you
receive the RCPT TO.

  The check to see wether the relay is supported or not 
 because of AUTH or
  STARTTLS will be done after the first RCPT so the 
 extension point is the
  RCPT and not the STARTTLS.
 Agreed, we just need to capture the state information 
 (preferably in a 
 stateobject as opposed to the current Hashmap)

So, by now, we don't need STARTTLS as an extension point. We should support
STARTTLS and the enabled|required|disabled values, then we need to have the
SMTP status object updated when we handle the RCPT TO / MAIL FROM commands.


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Re: Why do we need fast-fail?

2005-05-11 Thread apache
 a) if you specify required the internal servers will also 
 need to execute STARTTLS
 b) if you specify enabled the external servers can relay 
 without doing STARTTLS

If you specify enabled then a server is able to run STARTTLS.
Relay check can only be done after the RCPT TO and not after the STARTTLS so
you only need to know where STARTTLS has been sent or not but you need to do
that in the RCPT TO call.

 This is not what I want. Internal servers can always relay 
 and external servers must use STARTTLS. 
 Of course if the authorizedAddresses, has priority over 
 this setting, we are home free.

This is possible if you know the current STARTTLS/AUTH status when you
receive the RCPT TO.

  The check to see wether the relay is supported or not 
 because of AUTH or
  STARTTLS will be done after the first RCPT so the 
 extension point is the
  RCPT and not the STARTTLS.
 Agreed, we just need to capture the state information 
 (preferably in a 
 stateobject as opposed to the current Hashmap)

So, by now, we don't need STARTTLS as an extension point. We should support
STARTTLS and the enabled|required|disabled values, then we need to have the
SMTP status object updated when we handle the RCPT TO / MAIL FROM commands.


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Re: Serious bandwidth begin consumed by James

2005-05-11 Thread apache
  If i am right, it should:
  Notice to size limit has been reached, and stop buffering 
 the message.
  Continue reading the message until crlf.crlf is reached 
 Send 552 
  Reset state, and continue to accept other messages.
 IMHO when the limit is reached, we should either (soft fail) 
 listen to everything and ignore the data as you describe 
 above, or (hard fail) kill the connection.  Right now what we 
 does not make a lot of sense, since we haven't reduced bandwidth.

I think that the correct behaviour is to ignore the rest of the message.

If we kill the connection then the server will retry to send the message
later (for most MDA probably at least 10 times in 5 days) and so they will
use much more bandwith.


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Re: Serious bandwidth begin consumed by James

2005-05-11 Thread Serge Knystautas
  IMHO when the limit is reached, we should either (soft fail)
  listen to everything and ignore the data as you describe
  above, or (hard fail) kill the connection.  Right now what we
  does not make a lot of sense, since we haven't reduced bandwidth.
 I think that the correct behaviour is to ignore the rest of the message.
 If we kill the connection then the server will retry to send the message
 later (for most MDA probably at least 10 times in 5 days) and so they will
 use much more bandwith.

Sorry, forgot to mention one point... that the size limit should be
annouced in EHLO (if it's not there now, it should and I think a
higher priority that the behavior here).  Since this is dealing with a
remote client that is ignoring or violating what they're told in EHLO,
I could see a aysadmin wanting to go either way.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech  software . strategy . design
p. 301.656.5501

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RE: Serious bandwidth begin consumed by James

2005-05-11 Thread Daniel Perry
   IMHO when the limit is reached, we should either (soft fail)
   listen to everything and ignore the data as you describe
   above, or (hard fail) kill the connection.  Right now what we
   does not make a lot of sense, since we haven't reduced bandwidth.

I think the RFC mandates a soft-fail - ie. error response after data has

  I think that the correct behaviour is to ignore the rest of the message.
  If we kill the connection then the server will retry to send the message
  later (for most MDA probably at least 10 times in 5 days) and
 so they will
  use much more bandwith.

Yes, that will happen!

 Sorry, forgot to mention one point... that the size limit should be
 annouced in EHLO (if it's not there now, it should and I think a
 higher priority that the behavior here).  Since this is dealing with a
 remote client that is ignoring or violating what they're told in EHLO,
 I could see a aysadmin wanting to go either way.

It already announces this.

However, there is no rule that clients must use the size command, or that
the size they send must be correct, or that they even use EHLO!

I think that is it important for james to be standards compliant.  I'm not
sure if the current code would produce any serious problems, but i suspect
the lack of a resetState() call may effect the next email in the same
session - ie the next MAIL command will get a response to say already
specified sender, and the recipients of the first failed message will get a
copy of the second message.


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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project james-server (in module james-server) failed

2005-05-11 Thread Noel J. Bergman
 Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
 Build failed

Huh?  According to,
 GUMP has the file.

Anyone know GUMP well enough to know what needs fixing?  I can do a clean 
checkout from SVN, add the necessary Sun JAR files, and all works fine.

--- Noel

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 15755] - javax.mail.internet.ParseException

2005-05-11 Thread bugzilla


   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|INVALID |

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-05-11 21:48 ---
I was able to replicate this bug in version 2.2.0a8

javax.mail.MessagingException: Exception spooling message: Exception caught
while storing Message Container: javax.mail.internet.ParseException;
  nested exception is:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception caught while storing Message
Container: javax.mail.internet.ParseException
at org.apache.james.James.sendMail(
at org.apache.james.James.sendMail(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor26.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at $Proxy9.sendMail(Unknown Source)

And this time we have the mail that created this exception. I had written a Perl
script to send out a test emails to James. This script had an error and I assume
that this error is responsible for the bug. 

Here is the Perl script 

sub mailer{
my $sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t;
my $reply_to = Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my $from = From: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
my $subject  = Subject: Hi\n;
my $content  = Thanks for your efforts\n;
my $to   = To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];

open(SENDMAIL, |$sendmail) or die Cannot open $sendmail: $!;
print SENDMAIL $from;
print SENDMAIL $to;
print SENDMAIL $reply_to;
print SENDMAIL $subject;
print SENDMAIL 'Content-type: text/plain\n\n';
print SENDMAIL $content;

As we can see in line  print SENDMAIL 'Content-type: text/plain\n\n';

I had mistakenly added single quotes instead of double quotes. Once I placed
double quotes, the mail went through James without any issues. 



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Fast-Fail first proposal

2005-05-11 Thread apache
Here is the updated list of useful fast-fail scenarios. In the bottom you
will find my first proposal.
A. SMTP connection: james currently always reply 220 server ready, we
could fast-fail based on:
 A1. remote address
 A2. current james resources/status.

B. SMTP MAIL FROM:: james currently only checks address syntax, we could
fast-fail based on:
 B1. banned sender addresses
 B2. previous smtp status (AUTH/STARTTLS).

C. SMTP RCPT TO:: james currently checks local/remote domains to decide
wether to relay or not, but we could add:
 C1. provide user unknown for unavailable local addresses  C2. provide
mailbox full/disabled and similar task
 C2. previous smtp status (AUTH/STARTTLS).

D. SMTP DATA: james currently reply 250 Message received for each
message under the maximum size handled:
 D1. add antivirus/antispam and other content filters and provide dedicated
failure feedback.

Here is the specific discussion for each scenario:
A. This could be a common handling for all TCP/IP protocol services: we
should add a way to attach plugins to the servers so that they can
dinamically switch their availability. 
   out-of-resources, anti-flood/dos, rbl filters, and other IP/connection
based filters. 
   A simple boolean accept(InetAddress remote-ip) or better a method that
is able to return a string message.
   We could also add an identical callback for accepting the socket
connection so we are able to refuse via socket or via SMTP protocol. 
   The second one allow us to tell something to the client, and a more
advanced usage would be to add a wait() in the accept() implementation when
system resources are low (many servers accept the connection immediatly but
only reply 220 server ready where they are really ready).
   This filters will be applicable to POP3, IMAP, NNTP, SMTP and any other
similar protocol and are indipendent from the specific protocol.

B+C. Here perhaps we can find a common solution for the macroscenario: I'll
name it route filters as it will filter based on source email address
or/and destination email address/addresses.
   What we need here is: 
   - the specified address: from or to email address (probably not RFC822
address to support sourceroute 
   - the command parameters: probably as a single String (mail from could
have an ENVID parameter, rcpt to could have NOTIFY and ORCPT
   - the smtp conversation status: remote IP, remote PORT, time elapsed,
previous AUTH, TLS. Probably the best thing is to put everything as a
Properties as smtp session information
   - the newly created Mail: I think that the MAIL FROM should create the
empty email and start filling-in data, so that at every RCPT TO call we will
know not only the current recipient but also all the previosly used
recipients (we can limit the number of recipient per mail doing so)
   Another possibility could be to have the MailImpl be created from the
call to this handler like a factory instead of providing the empty MailImpl
from the smtphandler.
   probably the code that we will run in this handler will know wether a
recipient will be local or remote and will know the final name of a
recipient (after the virtusertable) before being able to reply, so I think
we should find a way to reuse this information when we will be in the
spooler: probably we can directly fill the MailImpl with the
expanded/aliased recipients and remove the corresponding mailets from the
spooling (I see problems here, but I'll tell them later ;-) ).

D. I think that SMTP DATA fastfail should be (IMO) handled in a fully
different way: we need something more integrated with the spoolmanager and
the DSNhandling.
 I think we should add this support after a good refactoring of the
delivery status tracking (I'm working on this, I will post my full proposal

Here is my current goal:
It would be great if we could agree on this general scenarios approach and
agree on the proposed solutions for A and D so we can start an in depth
analysis of the B and C handling.

If we agree on a partial solution I will take care to add a better formatted
thing to the wiki as a reference. I think I will not commit to the fast-fail
stuff soon because I have higher priorities: delivery status tracking,
spooler optimization, remote delivery optimization.

So I think I only will write code for the D point and only after my
coming-soon delivery status tracking proposal will be accepted and


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