Re: [SIESTA-L] undefined reference to `getarg_' undefined reference to `iargc_'

2009-07-28 Thread R.C.Pasianot


 I'm no expert either, but according to the web, gfortran already has
 those functions built in.
 So, an easy workarround is: edit f2kcli.F90 and right after the
 "MODULE F2KCLI" statement type " #define GFORTRAN " (which means
 do not compile the module at all).

 After this you'll get denchar executable, hopefully it will also do
 its job (didn't try by myself).

 Good luck,


On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, ?? ? wrote:

Dear Siesta users,

in page

there is stntence 

But when somebody try to compile denchar with gfortran
immediatly receives an error

/home/zhachuk/siesta-2.0.1/Src/f2kcli.F90:212: undefined reference to `getarg_'
f2kcli.o: In function `__f2kcli__command_argument_count':
/home/zhachuk/siesta-2.0.1/Src/f2kcli.F90:122: undefined reference to `iargc_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [denchar] Error 1

[SIESTA-L] Reading different density matrices

2009-07-27 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hello list,

 I'm using the "siesta as a subrouitine" feature; I understand that
 the DM is kept in memory between calls to the siesta processes.

 My question: Is it possible to clear up the memory DM between siesta
 calls, such as to force the reading from file ?.
 Ok, it sounds awkward, but believe me, I know what I'm doing.

 I figured out that a possible solution would be to close and re-open
 connection with each call, like restarting from fresh; cumbersome but
 I wonder if there is a neater solution though, ... is there ?.

 Thanks a lot,


Re: [SIESTA-L] K-grid cutoff problem

2009-07-24 Thread R.C.Pasianot


 You must type " kgrid_cutoff " not " kgrid cutoff ", just as it
 is written in the manual.
 Good luck.


On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Elham Beheshti wrote:

Dear all,

I am a new user of Siesta. I am working on graphene and Zigzag Carbon
nanotubes. I have encountered a serious problem with defining k-grid
cutoff in my jobs. Here is a part of my input:

kgrid cutoff 15.003 Ang

But I have this in my output file:

siesta: k-grid: Number of k-points = 1
siesta: k-grid: Cutoff (effective) = 2.460 Ang
siesta: k-grid: Supercell and displacements
siesta: k-grid:0   1   0  0.000
siesta: k-grid:1   0   0  0.000
siesta: k-grid:0   0   1  0.000
Naive supercell factors: 441

Which gives 2.46 Ang cutoff an just gamma point!!! I tried the
kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack with 31X31X1 grid for graphene, but from the
outputs I can say that the effective k-grid cutoff is totally
independent of the mesh grid I've defined in my input and it just
changes by changing the length of the vector in Z direction (which is
perpendicular to the graphene plane) in my unit cell.

Could anybody guide me why I get these weird outputs?!

Thanks in advance,
Elham Beheshti,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of British Columbia

 |   Dr. Roberto C. Pasianot Phone: 54 11 6772 7244 |
 |   Dpto. Materiales, CAC-CNEA  FAX  : 54 11 6772 7303 |
 |   Avda. Gral. Paz 1499Email:|
 |   1650 San Martin, Buenos Aires  |

[SIESTA-L] Velocity units in XV file

2009-07-24 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hello list,

 First time I launch a dynamic calculation with Siesta, and want
 to start from a definite point in phase space.
 From the manual I understand one should use a "previous" *.XV
 file together with " MD.UseSaveXV .true. "
 What are the velocity units in the *.XV file ?,.. Bohr/s ?.



Re: [SIESTA-L] Negative vibrational frequencies

2009-05-11 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hello Andrei, Marcos, and rest of list

 I'm back, after a long journey, for the benefit of those who may
 build upon the experience (mistakes) of others ...

 The so many imaginary frequencies I've got before were the result
 of a silly mistake: I've pasted the FC matrices of two independent
 runs in the wrong order; apologies for wasting your brain power :( .

 After the fix, a few imaginary frequencies still remained though.
 The solution was to use a smaller DM.Tolerance, currently 0.0001,
 compared to 0.001 before. The latter was fine for a perfect-lattice
 two-atoms cell (compared to literature), but apparently not good
 enough for a larger box containing a single vacancy.

 The side effect of this stricter convergence criterion however, was
 to about double the computing time ... so that it becomes hardly
 practical as general procedure :( ... but that's another story ...



Re: [SIESTA-L] Negative vibrational frequencies

2009-04-15 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hi Andrei,

 Yes, I meant the system is well relaxed, Max(forces) < 0.02 eV/Ang,
 and the same holds for the total sum.
 On the other hand, the MeshCutoff I'm using, 450 Ry, based on many
 previous runs, gave me no suspicions of "important" eggbox effects;
 though, true, I've never performed a systematic test on the subject.
 I'll test for the box's uniform displacement, thanks for the suggestion.

 Also, my box contains defects, thus anharmonicity might be an issue.
 I should agree however that if atomic displacements of some 0.02 Ang do
 impact on the frequencies, the problem may be ill possed since the
 beginning.  Moreover, if this happens together with a bad MeshCutoff
 choise, intuitively I'd say the situation can only become worse ...



On Wed, 15 Apr 2009, wrote:

  Dear Andrei

  Thanks a lot for your answer; unfortunately you've confirmed my
  fears on the real meaning of negative frequencies.

  The forces level of the configuration is not larger than 0.02 eV/Ang,
  which is half the default (zero) value. I thus expected to be on the
  safe side, but as you suggest this is apparently not the case ;( .

Dear Roberto:
what do you mean by
"The forces level of the configuration is not larger than 0.02 eV/Ang,
which is half the default (zero) value" ?
That you relaxed your system well before doing the phonons?
That's OK, but you should really check MeshCutoff first.

What you should care about is that the sum of forces over all atoms
remains small enough (typically within +/- 0.1 eV/Ang), and this
independently on uniform displacement of all atoms.
Making this eggbox test fixes your necessary value of MeshCutoff.

  Perhaps the default displacement, 0.04 Bohr, is also a bit too
  large ?.

This is about how anharmonic the vibrations are. Usually this
parameter does not change much, and in any case it cannot be
resonsible for imaginary frequencies.

Best regards


Re: [SIESTA-L] Negative vibrational frequencies

2009-04-15 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Dear Andrei

 Thanks a lot for your answer; unfortunately you've confirmed my
 fears on the real meaning of negative frequencies.

 The forces level of the configuration is not larger than 0.02 eV/Ang,
 which is half the default (zero) value. I thus expected to be on the
 safe side, but as you suggest this is apparently not the case ;( .
 Perhaps the default displacement, 0.04 Bohr, is also a bit too
 large ?.
 Anyway, I'll redo the calculations playing with the MeshCutoff then.

 Thanks again,


On Wed, 15 Apr 2009, wrote:

Dear Roberto,
the frequencies appearing in VIBRA as negative are in fact imaginary.
The reason for their appearance is too bad forces
(big numerical noise in forces because of unsufficient MeshCutoff)
and/or calculation of phonos too far from equilibrium
(unsufficient structure relaxation prior to phonon calculation).

In a calculation of Gamma-phonon you'd have three acoustic frequencies
which must be close enough to zero; but numerically thay may
deviate a bit by ~0.1; if some of them are negative, this is no problem.
Otherwise, big negative (imaginary) frequencies mean a problem.
Usually you should check MeshCutoff, check relaxation and
repeat the phonon calculation.


Andrei Postnikov

[SIESTA-L] Negative vibrational frequencies

2009-04-14 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hello everybody,

 Perhaps some of you can give a quick answer to the following question,
 I'm computing the phonon spectra at the \gamma point for a rather
 big unit cell (some 50 atoms) using the VIBRA package.

 The point is that about half of the frequencies are coming out
 This is somewhat unexpected to me, though not impossible because
 after all the solutions are combinations of $ \exp(\pm \omega t) $.

 I wonder then if those negative numbers really mean imaginary, or
 in other words,  should I worry about the result ?.

 Thanks a lot.




2009-04-06 Thread R.C.Pasianot

Hello everybody,

I believe to tave found a bug in VIBRA 0.2 :( .

There seems to be an inconsistency betweem k-lines in
fractional coordinates and lattice structure specification.

Specifically, for phonons in the hcp structure, the following

LatticeConstant   3.1433 Ang
%block LatticeParameters
  1.   1.   1.6226  90.  90.  120.
%endblock LatticeParameters
BandLinesScale  ReciprocalLatticeVectors
%block BandLines
 1  0.0  0.0  0.0  \Gamma 
20  0.3  0.3  0.0 K 
10  0.5  0.0  0.0 M 
20  0.0  0.0  0.0  \Gamma 
20  0.0  0.0  0.5 A 
%endblock BandLines

does not work correctly, whereas replacing the 1st block
above with next one works fine

LatticeConstant   3.1433 Ang
%block LatticeVectors
 1.00.0  0.0
-0.50.866025404  0.0
 0.00.0  1.6226
%endblock LatticeVectors

"Does not work correctly"  means, e.g., that the two

 1  0.0  0.0  0.0  \Gamma 
10  0.5  0.0  0.0 M

 1  0.0  0.0  0.0  \Gamma 
10  0.0  0.5  0.0 M

that should obtain the same curve in fact DO NOT.

If anyone is interested I can provide the needed files.

That's it, bye


Re: [SIESTA-L] changes of energy for a system under strain

2009-02-20 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hi Julie,

 The same happened to us for a metallic system. The cure seems the
 use of a quite dense k-point grid (like 3K - 4K for the single
 atom primitive cell) and to keep the M&K grid fixed across the different

 Comments from the list appreciated.



On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, Julie Smart wrote:

Hello all,

I have a question about the changes of the total energy of a system under 

I have relaxed the system I have first under "Variablecell False" by "MaxForceTol 0.04eV/Ang" and 
then I turned on the "Variablecell true" and decreased the "MaxForceTol " to 0.01 eV/Ang to have 
the lattice parameters optimized as well.

When I change the lattice parameter in "z direction" to put the strain on the 
system sometimes the enrgy goes lower than the energy of the relaxed system!!! it may 
also happen when I insert the starin in further steps. I mean it first increases and then 
I see the decrease of the energy!!!

This is occuring to me while I have tried the optimization of my system checking 
different "energyshifts" and setting this parameter to the one that makes the 
energy of my system go to the lowst! The basis and the pseudo also have been checked very 

Please let me know where I am going wrong.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Obviously poor PARALLEL performance compared to VASP

2009-02-18 Thread R.C.Pasianot


 Use keyword "ParallelOverK" and see . Default parallelization is over
 orbitals, which is less efficient.



On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, Mehmet Topsakal wrote:


I'm an experienced user of VASP. Nowadays i'm trying to learn Siesta. During 
my simple tests
i have realized that parallellization of Siesta is obviously poor than VASP. 
I'm using latest intel
ifort (11) and mkl 10.1. My system is qual core xeon 2.33 with infiniband (4 
core in one node).

I've chosen "siesta-2.0.2/Tests/si64/" as input. To see the realistic 
effects, i have increased kpoints

distorted 1 atom and increased mesh cut-off.

2CPU 4CPU 8CPU parallellization of vasp is nearly linear. However siesta's 
performance is poor.

CLOCK results are as below.

2CPU -
Start of run 0.000
-- end of scf step65.702
-- end of scf step   123.005
-- end of scf step   179.978
-- end of scf step   236.833
-- end of scf step   293.613
-- end of scf step   350.316
-- end of scf step   407.082
-- end of scf step   463.780
-- end of scf step   520.457
-- end of scf step   577.072
-- end of scf step   633.713
-- end of scf step   690.372
-- end of scf step   747.105
-- end of scf step   803.680
-- end of scf step   860.304
-- end of scf step   916.886
-- end of scf step   920.865
--- end of geometry step   920.887

4CPU -
Start of run 0.000
-- end of scf step52.757
-- end of scf step99.481
-- end of scf step   145.754
-- end of scf step   191.974
-- end of scf step   238.180
-- end of scf step   284.612
-- end of scf step   330.736
-- end of scf step   377.200
-- end of scf step   423.579
-- end of scf step   469.623
-- end of scf step   515.901
-- end of scf step   561.912
-- end of scf step   608.275
-- end of scf step   654.488
-- end of scf step   700.990
-- end of scf step   747.432
-- end of scf step   749.578
--- end of geometry step   749.604
End of run   749.843

8CPU -
Start of run 0.000
-- end of scf step57.490
-- end of scf step   106.014
-- end of scf step   154.452
-- end of scf step   202.971
-- end of scf step   251.328
-- end of scf step   299.604
-- end of scf step   348.336
-- end of scf step   396.550
-- end of scf step   445.203
-- end of scf step   493.459
-- end of scf step   541.900
-- end of scf step   590.203
-- end of scf step   638.980
-- end of scf step   687.550
-- end of scf step   735.906
-- end of scf step   784.315
-- end of scf step   785.593
--- end of geometry step   785.667
End of run   786.080

I've done more tests and observed no difference. Even serial version
is faster than some parallel jobs :(.

Am I doing something WRONG ?


I'm sending my input and output file below.


# FDF for a cubic c-Si supercell with 64 atoms
# E. Artacho, April 1999

SystemName  64-atom silicon
SystemLabel si64

NumberOfAtoms   64
NumberOfSpecies 1

%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
1  14  Si
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

PAO.BasisSize   SZ
PAO.EnergyShift 300 meV

LatticeConstant 5.430 Ang
%block LatticeVectors
2.000  0.000  0.000
0.000  2.000  0.000
0.000  0.000  2.000
%endblock LatticeVectors

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
7 0 0 0.0
0 7 0 0.0
0 0 7 0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

MeshCutoff  100.0 Ry

MaxSCFIterations50 DM.MixingWeight  0.3
DM.NumberPulay   3 DM.Tolerance 1.d-4
SolutionMethod   diagon   ElectronicTemperature  25 meV 
MD.TypeOfRun cg

MD.MaxCGDispl 0.1  Ang
MD.MaxForceTol0.04 eV/Ang

AtomicCoordinatesFormat  ScaledCartesian
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
  0.10000.10000.1000   1 #  Si  1
  0.2500.2500.250   1 #  Si  2

Re: [SIESTA-L] Errors in PARALLEL run: collective abort of all ranks

2009-02-18 Thread R.C.Pasianot


 I guess this is because 32 nodes are too many for such a small
 Have you tried something like 4 or so nodes ?.



On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, ?? ? wrote:

Dear SIESTA users,

could you please help me to resolve the problem with parallel run.
It works fine with Diag.ParallelOverK .true.

But in default mode (paralell over orbitals) I have errors.
The test system is very small, just slab of 8 Si atoms.


The errors are as following:

Siesta Version: siesta-2.0.1
Architecture  : x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu--Intel
Compiler flags: /mnt/storage/home/siesta/siesta-2.0.1/mpif90_siesta -g
PARALLEL version

* Running on   32 nodes in parallel

Start of run:  19-FEB-2009   0:12:48

... some info, then:

* Maximum dynamic memory allocated = 1 MB

siesta: ==
   Begin MD step =  1

superc: Internal auxiliary supercell: 3 x 6 x 1  =  18
superc: Number of atoms, orbitals, and projectors:144  1872  2304

outcell: Unit cell vectors (Ang):
   0.000.00   40.00

outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :7.6638843.831942   40.00
outcell: Cell angles (23,13,12) (deg): 90. 90. 90.
outcell: Cell volume (Ang**3):   1174.7023

InitMesh: MESH =72 x36 x   360 =  933120
InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =   200.000   223.865 Ry

* Maximum dynamic memory allocated =41 MB
rank 21 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 21: return code 13
rank 19 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 19: killed by signal 9
rank 18 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 18: killed by signal 9
rank 17 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 17: killed by signal 9
rank 16 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 16: killed by signal 9
rank 10 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 10: return code 13
rank 9 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 9: return code 13
rank 6 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 6: killed by signal 9
rank 3 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 3: killed by signal 9
rank 2 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 2: return code 13
rank 1 in job 1  cn03_58443   caused collective abort of all ranks
 exit status of rank 1: return code 13

Re: [SIESTA-L] xyz format input problem

2009-02-13 Thread R.C.Pasianot


 In your input file I count 25 atoms, whereas some lines earlier you
 tell to read 27 ...



On Fri, 13 Feb 2009, Sridhar Neelamraju wrote:

Hello all,
I have just started using Siesta. I am attaching my input file. My
system is basically an organic molecule with gold clusters on either
side (27 atoms in
total) and I want to do a PDOS calculation for this.

Now, the problem is that the siesta does not like my input file. I get
an error from Coor.F saying
?At line 182 of Coor.F
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1?.

Line 182 of the code reads some variable called ?iunit?, an integer! I
assume not being able to read this is causing a problem.

It does recognise the xyz format. I have compared the the
AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies block with the samples given. I dont
see what is going wrong. Could this be because of the value I give to
the latticeconstant? Any help is much appreciated.

Also, does it help to use the z-matrix formulation? I find it easier
to work with xyz formats.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Fwd: crystal energy calculation

2009-02-13 Thread R.C.Pasianot


also, in GaN forexample again we have 2 Ga and 2 N in the unit cell, right,
so how could I mention the basis I have for Ga as an example, because I have
only mentioned the ghost atom with a negative sign of atomic number? All in
all, how could I have a real Ga and a ghost Ga basis?

 Well, you could cheat the atomic species. Just say you have Ga1 and Ga2,
 both sharing the same pseudo and basis (as real Ga); Ga1 gets +Z and
 Ga2  -Z .
 How about that ? ... ;)

 Bye, bye,


Re: [SIESTA-L] Fwd: crystal energy calculation

2009-02-12 Thread R.C.Pasianot


 I've told you: Never did that type of calculations.

 BUT, if remember correctly, if atom X gets label "n", then
 the corresponding ghost atom is specified as "-n".
 No less, no more; you shouldn't worry about ghost atom basis,
 Siesta should take care.

 Search for "ghost" in the manual, it should be there.



On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Sarah Lebedev wrote:


Thanks for replying me.

Could you please let me know:

1. how you show the basis of the ghost atom in the input file?

2. If we have 3 different types of atoms in the unit cell, let's say BaTiO3,
how dowe consider the ghost atoms then?


Re: [SIESTA-L] Fwd: crystal energy calculation

2009-02-12 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hello Sarah,

 Never did that type of calculation, so please sages out there
 correct me if I'm wrong ...

 Let say you want to calculate Fe, which is bcc.
 1st, perform a calculation with the standard, cubic, two atoms
 unit cell.
 2nd, perform the same calculation (keeping lattice parameter,
 basis, etc) but putting ghosts at the vertices, namely, keeping
 only the atom at the center.
 Finally, compare the two and you'l get the cohesive energy.



On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Sarah Lebedev wrote:

*I am very sorry to re-send my email, but I really need to know the answer.*

Dear Siesta users,

I am sorry, I have not got my answer reading the whole archive about this
subject. Therefore, I hope you would kindly let me know the answer of the
following question:

We all know that for the crystals we have the following relation:

*Cohesive Energy (CE) = (energy of free atom) - (energy of atom in a

I am working on GaN bulk and nanostructures.

1. Regarding the energy of the free atom, as I read the archive, it seems
that we have to consider the ghost atoms surrounding the main atom to get
the enrgy of the free atom?! or, it is enough to have the right basis of the
atom and calculate its energy?

2. energy of atom in a crystal: when we calculate the enery of the bulk,
then how do we have the energy of the atom in the structure?

3. I would be grateful if you let me know the additional terms I have to
consider in order to calculate the cohesive energy of a slab too.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Phonons with Siesta

2008-12-12 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hello Lydia,

 Please check the attachment for a response I've got from Andrei P.
 regarding the structure of the *.FC file.

On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, Lydia Nemec wrote:

restart function. I don't know how many atoms will siesta move?

 All of them, back and forth, unless you tell which. Have a look at
 the manual. This allows you to continue FC runs.

It seems to me that SIESTA completly forgets about the symmetries of the

 Correct, SIESTA is not meant for using symmetries. They're unimportant
 within its context.

of the block. Can it be that I just need to to Calculate the six atoms of the
middle unitcell, one after another and assemble the resulting FC-Files into
one FC-File and Vibra will do the rest for me?

 No, if you do that, phonons of wavelength longer than your 6 atoms
 cell will be lost (and even the remaining ones probably poorly evaluated)

Can I use order N solution method with Phonon (FC and Vibra) calculation?
I think the orderN algorythm just calculates the gamma point, if it is so,
wouldn't it be useless for an Phononcalculation as I will need a good k-grid
for reasonable results?

 You're confusing phonon k's with electron k's.
 So no, it wouldn't be useless.



Re: [SIESTA-L] phonon spectrum

2008-10-29 Thread R.C.Pasianot


 I don't know anything about the Vibra tools, but I guess you can
 always cheat those tools saying your system is composed of only
 two atoms. Of course, you also must supply the correct FC matrix
 for those, extracted from Siesta's *.FC file.

On Fri, 24 Oct 2008, Zhanyu Ning wrote:

Dear all,
Is there anyone who has the experience on phonon calculation by siesta?

I'm trying to calculate the phonon spectrum by siesta. I only want to 
calculate the force over two atoms by fixing all the others. In siesta, I can 
specify this by using MD.FCfirst and MD.FClast, then I have the system.FC 
file. However, it seems the analysis tool in the Utils/Vibra/ directory can 
only deal with the force matrix with all the atoms in the system.
I'm wondering is there any way to calculate the phonon mod just based on 
these two atoms?

Thanks for your consideration!


Re: [SIESTA-L] I met this problem when compile parallel version ofsiesta-2.0

2008-10-24 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hi Jonathan,

 You're not able to link in the BLACS library. The double slash
 here: .../LIB//blacs*


 is certainly a mistake.

It comes from your arch.make



 Drop the last slash (after "LIB") and retry.



Re: [SIESTA-L] Structure of *.FC file

2008-10-23 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Thank you Andrei for the detailed answer. Key points were the
 6N lines block and the eV/Angs^2 units (!).
 I was trying with "wc -l *.FC" plus some guesses, but couldn't come
 up with a really convincing aswer.

On Thu, 23 Oct 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Roberto,

the FC file contains -F/D (F: forces; D: displacements)
in the units of eV/(Ang^2).

[SIESTA-L] Structure of *.FC file

2008-10-23 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hello everybody,

 I'm computing the FC matrix for the first time :), and by now I'm
 sure the calculation will hit the wall clock time limit.
 I see Siesta's moving each atom back and forth and along the three
 coordinate axis, son can guess what's doing.
 But what exactly is the structure of the *.FC file being written ?.
 Need to know at least for continuing the current run.

 Thanks a lot,


Re: [SIESTA-L] Qtot convergence pb is back

2008-10-22 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Thank you Eduardo for your time and commitment !.

 Unfortunately I tried all that already with no success.
 I'm confident however to find some solution, then I'll
 post to the list for the benefit of the other users.


Sorry, this is another problem. It has nothing to do with the 
master/slave calculation, it happens in "normal" siesta runs.

Try using a different diagonalization option:

Diag.DivideAndConquer .false.
Diag.AllInOne .true.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Qtot convergence pb is back

2008-10-22 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hola Eduardo,

 But the slave Siesta is not waiting: the calculation proceeds
 and spits the "Qtot WARNING",

1st CALL
siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -62761.6906   -62761.6902   -62761.6902  0.0007 -2.8547
timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF12967.293  93.61
elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF1 496.914  93.59
siesta: E_KS(eV) =   -62761.6902

2nd CALL
siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -62232.7174   -62761.6903   -62765.8366  0.1123 -2.8559
siesta:2   -62232.7194   -62761.7688   -62765.9673  0.1089 -2.8559
siesta: WARNING: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 587.00 565.368007
siesta:3   -62232.7922   -62764.3826   -62768.5811  0.0955 -2.8548

 This is gfortran 4.2.3, which includes a FLUSH intrinsics, then as long
 as Siesta calls it there shouldn't be problems.
 I positively know that pipe communication was broken in 4.1 (straightly
 didn't work). THAT problem however is gone in 4.2.
 My other boxes use 4.3.x, thus I thought of upgradig the compiler, but
 don't really like the idea ... and may not solve the problem either :/.

 I'm inclined to think memory issues somewhere, namely, the Siesta
 "state" is perhaps different between the two calls. Sort of a variable
 that should be zero, really is in the 1st call, but not in the 2nd
 because the effect of the previous one.


On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, Eduardo Anglada wrote:

Hola Roberto,
Then the problem is that your compiler does buffering I/O.
As the buffer isn't full there is no flush of the communication
channel and the slave siesta waits forever.
Almost all the compilers have an option which turns off
the buffering.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Qtot convergence pb is back

2008-10-22 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hi Eduardo,

 Sorry for my missleading use of "run", should have said "call"
 instead:  It is the 2nd call to siesta_forces (within a series
 between siesta_launch and siesta_quit) that doesn't work.
 And the problem's only with my new Linux box; older ones run
 fine ... :/ .

Dear Roberto,
Do you mean that restarting doesn't work?
If this is the problem, remove the *.forces and *.coords files.

  1st CALL
siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -62761.6906   -62761.6902   -62761.6902  0.0007 -2.8547
timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF12967.293  93.61
elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF1 496.914  93.59>

siesta: E_KS(eV) =   -62761.6902

  2nd CALL
siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -62232.7174   -62761.6903   -62765.8366  0.1123 -2.8559
siesta:2   -62232.7194   -62761.7688   -62765.9673  0.1089 -2.8559
siesta: WARNING: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 587.00 565.368007
siesta:3   -62232.7922   -62764.3826   -62768.5811  0.0955 -2.8548

Re: [SIESTA-L] Error of SIESTA parallel compile

2008-10-21 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Ok, but there's a Makefile that builds it; try "make" then.
 I don't know why your (complex) arch.make doesn't take care of that
 already, it should come out automaticly.
 Bye. Roberto

On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, HeeSung Choi wrote:

I looked into ./Src/MPI but there is no mpi_siesta.mod in there.


Re: [SIESTA-L] Error of SIESTA parallel compile

2008-10-21 Thread R.C.Pasianot


 Look into ./Src/MPI , it should be there. It's a module build from
 mpi.F . Good luck. Roberto.

On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, HeeSung Choi wrote:

Dear all,

I am trying to compile siesta 2.0 parallel version. But I don't know how to
solve the following error.
What is mpi_siesta.mod? How do I generate it?

Compilation architecture to be used: pgf90
If this is not what you want, create the right
arch.make file using the models in Sys

Hit ^C to abort...

==> Incorporating information about present compilation (compiler and flags)
make[1]: Entering directory `/net/jj/ph/u1/hsc081000/siesta-2.0/Src'
pgf90 -c -g -O0   -DCDF -DMPI compinfo.F90
make[1]: Leaving directory `/net/jj/ph/u1/hsc081000/siesta-2.0/Src'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -f compinfo.F90

pgf90 -c -g -O0   -DCDF -DMPI sys.F
PGF90-F-0004-Unable to open MODULE file mpi_siesta.mod (sys.F: 24)
PGF90/x86-64 Linux 7.1-2: compilation aborted
make: *** [sys.o] Error 2


Here is my arch.make:

.SUFFIXES: .f .F .o .a .f90 .F90

BLACS_HOME= /net/jj/ph/u1/hsc081000/local/BLACS
SCALAPACK_HOME= /net/jj/ph/u1/hsc081000/local/scalapack-1.8.0
MPI_HOME=   /usr/mpi/pgi/mvapich-1.0.0/lib
#FFLAGS= -O3  #-traceback
FFLAGS= -g -O0 #-traceback
RANLIB= echo
LDFLAGS= #-static #-Vaxlib



# netcdf

# mpi
BLAS_LIBS=$(LAPACK_HOME)/libblas.a \
BLACS_LIBS=$(BLACS_HOME)/libblacsF77init.a $(BLACS_HOME)/libblacsCinit.a
$(BLACS_HOME)/libblacs.a \
LAPACK_LIBS=$(LAPCAK_HOME)/liblapack.a \


NETCDF_LIB=$(NETCDF_HOME)/libsrc/.libs/ -lnetcdf




 |   Dr. Roberto C. Pasianot Phone: 54 11 6772 7244 |
 |   Dpto. Materiales, CAC-CNEA  FAX  : 54 11 6772 7303 |
 |   Avda. Gral. Paz 1499Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 |   1650 San Martin, Buenos Aires  |

Re: [SIESTA-L] ZnO modeling

2008-10-21 Thread R.C.Pasianot


 Check DM.MixingWeight, probably a small value is needed, like 0.05
 or so. Also check DM.NumberPulay and DM.NumberBroyden, something
 like 4 should be reasonable.


On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, Ravi Agrawal wrote:


I am trying to use SIESTA to model ZnO bulk structure. However, I ran into
the convergence issues. The dDmax value does not seem to decrease beyond a
certain value. The output looks like this:

siesta:  141-3882.8445-3868.6803-3868.6946  1.5756 -3.4114
siesta:  142-3882.8432-3868.6789-3868.6907  1.5591 -3.4098
siesta:  143-3882.8447-3868.6803-3868.6947  1.5759 -3.4113
siesta:  144-3882.8438-3868.6789-3868.6906  1.5593 -3.4097
siesta:  145-3882.8444-3868.6803-3868.6946  1.5757 -3.4114
siesta:  146-3882.8432-3868.6789-3868.6907  1.5592 -3.4098
siesta:  147-3882.8447-3868.6803-3868.6947  1.5760 -3.4113
siesta:  148-3882.8438-3868.6789-3868.6906  1.5594 -3.4097
siesta:  149-3882.8444-3868.6803-3868.6946  1.5759 -3.4114
siesta:  150-3882.8432-3868.6789-3868.6907  1.5594 -3.4098
siesta:  151-3882.8447-3868.6803-3868.6947  1.5761 -3.4113
siesta:  152-3882.8438-3868.6789-3868.6906  1.5595 -3.4097
siesta:  153-3882.8444-3868.6803-3868.6946  1.5760 -3.4114
siesta:  154-3882.8432-3868.6789-3868.6907  1.5595 -3.4098
siesta:  155-3882.8447-3868.6803-3868.6947  1.5763 -3.4113
siesta:  156-3882.8438-3868.6789-3868.6906  1.5597 -3.4097
siesta:  157-3882.8444-3868.6803-3868.6946  1.5761 -3.4114
siesta:  158-3882.8432-3868.6789-3868.6907  1.5596 -3.4098
siesta:  159-3882.8447-3868.6803-3868.6947  1.5764 -3.4113
siesta:  160-3882.8438-3868.6789-3868.6906  1.5598 -3.4097
siesta:  161-3882.8444-3868.6803-3868.6946  1.5763 -3.4114
siesta:  162-3882.8432-3868.6789-3868.6907  1.5598 -3.4098
siesta:  163-3882.8447-3868.6803-3868.6947  1.5765 -3.4113
siesta:  164-3882.8438-3868.6789-3868.6906  1.5599 -3.4097
siesta:  165-3882.8444-3868.6803-3868.6946  1.5764 -3.4114
siesta:  166-3882.8432-3868.6789-3868.6907  1.5599 -3.4098
siesta:  167-3882.8447-3868.6803-3868.6947  1.5767 -3.4113
siesta:  168-3882.8438-3868.6789-3868.6906  1.5601 -3.4097
siesta:  169-3882.8444-3868.6803-3868.6946  1.5765 -3.4114

I am also copying the input file below. Any help will be appreciated.

SystemName  ZnO Crystal
SystemLabel zno
NumberOfAtoms   4
NumberOfSpecies 2

MeshCutoff  500 Ry

%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
1  30  Zn  # Species index, atomic number, species label
2   8  O
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

AtomicCoordinatesFormat  Ang

# c = 5.20658; a = 3.249925; u = 0.389
LatticeConstant 5.20658 Ang

#%block LatticeParameters
# 1.0811 1.0811 1. 90 90 60
#%endblock LatticeParameters

%block LatticeVectors
%endblock LatticeVectors

%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
2.81452 1.62496 2.60329 1
2.81452 1.62496 4.62865 2
5.62904 3.24993 0.0 1
5.62904 3.24993 2.02536 2
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

kgrid_cutoff 5.0 Bohr
maxSCFIterations 200

Re: [SIESTA-L] Qtot convergence pb is back

2008-10-17 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hi again guys,

 Yeah I know, I promised the previous to be last question, but
 I'm almost there; and of course you have the right not to
 answer :-) ...

 The problem has to do with using the "siesta_forces" interface
 (i.e. communication through pipes): a standard parallel siesta
 job runs fine.
 So it's like the 2nd run ( i.e. 2nd pipe read ) is not equivalent
 to the 1st one ... garbage kept somewhere ?.



Bottomline, it is still a weak indicator. It could be anything
related to
the FFTs, the diagonaliser and many more bits.

1st run
siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -62761.6906   -62761.6902   -62761.6902  0.0007 -2.8547
timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF12967.293  93.61
elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF1 496.914  93.59>

siesta: E_KS(eV) =   -62761.6902

2nd run
siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -62232.7174   -62761.6903   -62765.8366  0.1123 -2.8559
siesta:2   -62232.7194   -62761.7688   -62765.9673  0.1089 -2.8559
siesta: WARNING: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 587.00 565.368007
siesta:3   -62232.7922   -62764.3826   -62768.5811  0.0955 -2.8548

Re: [SIESTA-L] Qtot convergence pb is back

2008-10-17 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hello guys,

 Thanks for your prompt replies, I've tried all of them (including
 Salvador's suggestion of changing "nitmax" to 1000 in fermid.F)
 and none of them worked ... :( .

 Apparently, however, there's a problem with my NEW Linux box, because
 after trying an older one everything went smooth. So this is a partial
 solution at least.

 Abusing of your patiente, a final question.
 I've noticed that on the 2nd run the E_KS value matches the one of
 the 1st run; contrarily Eharris is off quite a bit.
 Isn't this telling what/where should I look ?
 Thanks a lot.




  Here's the story, any comments are most welcome.

  I run the SCF twice on the same configuration (yes, so stupid is my
  program's work flow). The 1st time I start from a well converged
  density matrix; everything goes fine,

siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -62761.6904   -62761.6853   -62761.6853  0.0008 -2.8547
timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF12795.838  90.28
elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF1 466.974  90.30

siesta: E_KS(eV) =   -62761.6905

  Now, see what happens 2nd time

siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -62232.7213   -62761.6956   -62765.8419  0.1123 -2.8559
siesta: WARNING: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 587.00 565.139728

Re: [SIESTA-L] SIESTA parallel compile

2008-10-16 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hi again,

 I don't know anything about ( pgf90 + mvapich ) but it seems
 your MPI installation is having troubles to compile "mpi_include.f90"
 within Siesta's ./Src/MPI .
 May be you can take it separately and tinker a bit to see what's wrong.

 Bye, bye.

On Thu, 16 Oct 2008, HeeSung Choi wrote:

Dear all,

I have a following message when I compile parallel version siesta

make[1]: Entering directory `/net/jj/ph/u1/hsc081000/siesta-2.0.1/Src/MPI'
pgf90 -c -O3  -I/usr/mpi/pgi/mvapich-1.0.0/include
-I/net/jj/ph/u1/hsc081000/siesta-2.0.1/netcdf-4.0/includes Interfaces.f90
PGF90-F-0004-Corrupt or Old Module file ./mpi__include.mod (Interfaces.f90:
PGF90/x86-64 Linux 7.1-2: compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [Interfaces.o] error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/net/jj/ph/u1/hsc081000/siesta-2.0.1/Src/MPI'
make: *** [libmpi_f90.a] error 2

How do I solve this error?
My arch.make is following;SIESTA_ARCH=pgf90
BLACS_HOME= /net/jj/ph/u1/hsc081000/siesta-2.0.1/BLACS
SCALAPACK_HOME= /net/jj/ph/u1/hsc081000/siesta-2.0.1/scalapack-1.8.0
MPI_HOME=   /usr/mpi/pgi/mvapich-1.0.0
FFLAGS= -O3 #-OPT:Ofast -OPT:ro=0
FFLAGS_EXTRA=-I$(MPI_HOME)/include -I$(NETCDF_HOME)/includes
LDFLAGS= -O3 #-OPT:Ofast -OPT:ro=0

# netcdf

# mpi
LIBS=   -L$(SIESTA_HOME)/Libs -lblas \
   -L$(SIESTA_HOME)/Libs -llapack \
   -L$(SIESTA_HOME)/Libs -lscalapack \
   -L$(SIESTA_HOME)/Libs -lblacsF77init -lblacsCinit -lblacs  \
   -L$(MPI_HOME)/lib -lfmpich -lmpich -lpmpich \



[SIESTA-L] Qtot convergence pb is back

2008-10-15 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hello everybody,

 I've seen the posting by Salvador Barraza-Lopez of this April
 saying that, by moving from siesta1.3p to siesta-2.0, his SCF
 convergence problem "WARNING: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = ..." was gone.
 Well, not quite apparently: I'm using siesta-2.0.1 and stumbled
 on the same issue.

 Here's the story, any comments are most welcome.

 I run the SCF twice on the same configuration (yes, so stupid is my
 program's work flow). The 1st time I start from a well converged
 density matrix; everything goes fine,

siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -62761.6904   -62761.6853   -62761.6853  0.0008 -2.8547
timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF12795.838  90.28
elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF1 466.974  90.30

siesta: E_KS(eV) =   -62761.6905

 Now, see what happens 2nd time

siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -62232.7213   -62761.6956   -62765.8419  0.1123 -2.8559
siesta: WARNING: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 587.00 565.139728

 and after some more iterations and several of these messages the
 calculation turns weird.

 Besides the problem in itself, the bad guy seems to be the new
 density matrix being written right after the 1st run.

 Best regards,


 PS: in case it matters, this is a (48 + 1) atoms metallic box and
 the calculation is performed in parallel.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Vacancy formation energy

2008-08-08 Thread R.C.Pasianot
On Fri, 8 Aug 2008, Roberto Veiga wrote:

> I got a problem doing that... the formation of a vacancy is exothermic! If I 
> do the calculation in this way:
> Ef=Et(64)-Et(63)-Et(64)/64

 But it's the other way arround man! ... so you got it right ;-)
 Cheers. R.

> C'est bizarre!
> Roberto Veiga
> PhD student
> INSA-Lyon

Re: [SIESTA-L] Vacancy formation energy

2008-08-01 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Sorry Marcos, error cancellation is important here, because absolute
 energy convergence may never be assured, least for big boxes. Thus
 one should use Et(1)=Et(64)/64  or, equivalently, scale the result
 for the perfect lattice box of 64 Fe atoms to 63.



On Fri, 1 Aug 2008, Marcos Verissimo Alves wrote:

> Hi Roberto,
> This seems to be ok. Just one thing: make sure Et(1) is the total energy
> of the isolated atom (that is, place it in a box big enough that you have
> it isolated). Also, since you can write down the unit cell of bcc-Fe with
> a single atom, you can simply take the energy of the unit cell, multiply
> it by 64 and save yourself the computation time for calculating Et(64).
> Marcos

Re: [SIESTA-L] parallel version and mpi

2008-05-28 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Ciao Antonio,

 I did compile Siesta 2.0.1 with gfortran and openmpi, no problems.
 Check the arch.make in the attachment.



On Wed, 28 May 2008, antonio aliano wrote:

> I am A.Aliano, a researcher from politecnico di Torino and i'm trying to use
> SIESTA in parallel.
> Unfortunately i met some difficulties to compile and link the library mpi of
> SIESTA. The main problem seems to be that I'm not able to compile the
> version of siesta i have (2.0) with openmpi libreries. How can i do to It is
> possible to use siesta with openmpi? Or should i use the usual mpi librery?
> Thanks for your attention
> regards
> A.A.
# This file is part of the SIESTA package.
# Copyright (c) Fundacion General Universidad Autonoma de Madrid:
# E.Artacho, J.Gale, A.Garcia, J.Junquera, P.Ordejon, D.Sanchez-Portal
# and J.M.Soler, 1996-2006.
# Use of this software constitutes agreement with the full conditions
# given in the SIESTA license, as signed by all legitimate users.
.SUFFIXES: .f .F .o .a .f90 .F90






BLAS_LIBS=-lcblas -lf77blas -latlas
BLACS_LIBS=-lblacsF77init -lblacsCinit -lblacs




#SIESTA needs an F90 interface to MPI
#This will give you SIESTA's own implementation
#If your compiler vendor offers an alternative, you may change
#to it here.

#Dependency rules are created by autoconf according to whether
#discrete preprocessing is necessary or not.
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS_fixed_F)  $< 
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS_free_F90) $< 
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_fixed_f)  $<
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90)  $<

[SIESTA-L] Zr GGA + basis

2008-04-10 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hello everybody,

 This is a sort of newby question. I'm looking for a consistent
 pair of GGA Zr pseudo plus the basis for Siesta.
 Does anybody possess such a thing and is willing to share ?.
 Would it be ok to use the (LDA) basis already available for
 Siesta together with a GGA Zr ( such the recently available from
 ABINIT )  ?.

 Thanks a lot,


[SIESTA-L] Speeding up the SFC cycle

2008-03-25 Thread R.C.Pasianot
Dear list,

Please bear with me for a while, need to provide minimal
details to make a meaningful/understandable argument.
Thanks in advance.

I'm doing simulations with metallic boxes, particularly
CG type of runs either using Siesta's own or driven from
In such structural optimizations one goes from configuration
{R}, where an SCF cycle must be performed, to a nearby one
{R+dR}, where a new SCF cycle must be performed.
I'm worried by the apparent lack of efficiency in dealing
with the 2nd SCF: Seems that knowledge of the density matrix
at {R}, DM(R), is not specially helpfull for SCF(R+dR),
even though the configurations are pretty close ... :(

I believe that SCF(R+dR) could be speeded up considerably
by knowing some estimation for DM(R+dR) to use as starting
point instead of DM(R). Now, this is exactly what provides
Eq.(A5) of Siesta's paper J. Phys. Condens. Matter Vol.14,
2745 (2002).

Apparently the code for such a calculation is already there,
so my questions are,

Do you think it worth trying ?
Would it be too difficult to implement ?
What are the routines involved ?
 ... and probably some others, but it's enough for now.

 Best regards,


Re: [SIESTA-L] MPI error

2008-03-25 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hi Auluck,

 Try playing with the "BlockSize" keyword, particularly a small value
 such as 8 or so; also try  Diag.Memory > 1 .

 If using the diagon method try instead Diag.ParallelOverK, this most
 likely will cure the issue.

 Which libraries/compiler are you using ?. Intel's  ifc and mkl should
 not give those errors.



On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Sushil Auluck wrote:

> hi,
> i am encountering the following error when running siesta in parallel.
> could anyone suggest a remedy...
> s.auluck
> >
> > outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   10.86   10.86   10.86
> > outcell: Cell angles (23,13,12) (deg): 90. 90. 90.
> > outcell: Cell volume (Ang**3):   1280.8241
> >
> > iodm: Reading Density Matrix from files
> >
> > InitMesh: MESH =48 x48 x48 =  110592
> > InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =40.00053.991 Ry
> >
> > * Maximum dynamic memory allocated =16 MB
> > [cli_0]: aborting job:
> > Fatal error in MPI_Comm_group: Invalid communicator, error stack:
> > MPI_Comm_group(149): MPI_Comm_group(comm=0x0, group=0x7fbfff6e64) failed
> > MPI_Comm_group(73).: Invalid communicator
> > [cli_1]: aborting job:
> > Fatal error in MPI_Comm_group: Invalid communicator, error stack:
> > MPI_Comm_group(149): MPI_Comm_group(comm=0x0, group=0x7fbfff6e64) failed
> > MPI_Comm_group(73).: Invalid communicator
> > rank 0 in job 1  master.iitk.com_51313   caused collective abort of
> > all ranks
> >   exit status of rank 0: return code 1
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] work1]$
> >
> --
> Prof. Sushil Auluck   Phone: +91-512-6798177(Home)
> Department of Physics +91-512-6797306/7092(Work)
> Indian Institute of TechnologyMobile: +91-9358470794
> Kanpur 208016 (UP) e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> India  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[SIESTA-L] Question on siesta_forces

2008-03-19 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hello list,

 I've got a question on the "siesta_forces" helper routine that's
 worrying me: Do not understand why the returned value for the
 energy does not match the converged E_KS but is a bit smaller
 (check the example below).
 Would someone please explain this to me in a few words ?.

 Thanks sincerely,


 PS: This is Siesta version 2.0.1


siesta: Program's energy decomposition (eV):
siesta: Eions   =101251.465017
siesta: Ena = 23678.543702
siesta: Ekin= 18426.819752
siesta: Enl =  5879.470617
siesta: DEna=   500.598593
siesta: DUscf   =10.120630
siesta: DUext   = 0.00
siesta: Exc = -7503.978529
siesta: eta*DQ  = 0.00
siesta: Emadel  = 0.00
siesta: Ekinion = 0.00
siesta: Eharris =-60259.892298
siesta: Etot=-60259.890252
siesta: FreeEng =-60259.890252

siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -60259.8923   -60259.8903   -60259.8903  0.0004 -2.8576
timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF15154.107  95.34
elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF1 861.802  95.48

siesta: E_KS(eV) =   -60259.8922

siesta: E_KS - E_eggbox =-60259.8922<- HERE'S ONE

siesta: Atomic forces (eV/Ang):

   Tot   -0.000444   -0.000738   -0.000387

   Res0.012640sqrt( Sum f_i^2 / 3N )


Stress-tensor-Voigt (kbar):6.51   16.61   10.410.00 
Target enthalpy (eV/cell)   -60263.9046

siesta: Stress tensor (static) (eV/Ang**3):
 0.020.010366   -0.01
 0.003332   -0.010.006497

siesta: Pressure (static):-11.17478434  kBar

siesta: Stress tensor (total) (eV/Ang**3):
 0.020.010366   -0.01
 0.003332   -0.010.006497

siesta: Pressure (total):-11.17478434  kBar

forcesToPipe: energy (eV) =  -60259.956581   <-- AND HERE THE OTHER ONE
forcesToPipe: stress (eV/Ang**3) =
0.020.010366   -0.01
0.003332   -0.010.006497
forcesToPipe: forces (eV/Ang) =
   -0.010401   -0.004651   -0.000996
0.0088500.012268   -0.007605

Re: [SIESTA-L] "Species not found" error message - Parallelsiesta.

2008-03-17 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hi Kamaran,

 This may sound a bit stupid but I seem to recall that last time
 I've got a message like that, it was because the *.psf was
 missing ... ;)



On Mon, 17 Mar 2008, Kamaram Munira wrote:

> I did mention the number of species, here is the input fdf file.
> -
> SystemName  Au
> SystemLabel Au
> NumberOfAtoms  105
> LongOutputtrue
> NumberOfSpecies1
> DM.UseSaveDM  .true.
> DM.MixingWeight  0.1
> MaxSCFIterations   50
> WriteCoorXmol  .true.
> #DM.MixSCF1 .true.
> PAO.BasisType split
> PAO.BasisSize DZ
> %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
>   1  79   Au   # Species index, atomic number, species label
> %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
> #LatticeConstant3.52 Ang
> #%block LatticeVectors
> #   0.707106   0.0   0.0
> #   0.353550   0.61237   0.0
> #   0.00   0.0  20.0
> #%endblock LatticeVectors
> #LatticeConstant1 Ang
> #%block LatticeVectors
> # 9.0  0.00  0.0
>   #0.0  9.00 0.0
>   #0.0 0.0 7.066550
> #endblock LatticeVectors
> MeshCutoff 200 Ry
> DM.Tolerance 0.10E-03
> %block k_grid_Monkhorst_Pack
> 5 0  0  0.0
> 0   5 0  0.0
> 0  0   5 0.0
> %endblock k_grid_Monkhorst_Pack
> AtomicCoordinatesFormat  Ang
> %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies <
> xc.functional LDA  # Exchange-correlation functional
> xc.authorsCA   # Exchange-correlation version
> AtomCoorFormatOut  Ang
> %block ProjectedDensityOfStates
> -10.00  10.00  0.2500  1500  eV
> %endblock ProjectedDensityOfStates
> saveHS  true
> SolutionMethod diagon
> WriteCoorXmol  .true.
> WriteBands true
> SaveTotalPotential true
> On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:05:48 +0100
>   Eduardo Anglada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Maybe the line with the number of spices is missing?
> > post your input so we can take a look.
> > Regards
> > Eduardo
> >
> >
> > On 15/03/2008, at 15:00, Kamaram Munira wrote:
> >
> >> I have successfully run Siesta in serial mode till now. Recently, I
> >> am trying to run the parallel version and I get a error message that
> >> "Species not found" even though I have the Chemical and Species
> >> Block in my fdf file. I know I am getting the error from Chemical.f
> >> file. How do I go about fixing it. Any help would be much appreciated.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> -Kamaram
> >>
> >> ---
> >> Kamaram Munira
> >> Graduate Research Assistant
> >> University of Virginia
> >> Charlottesville, VA-22903.
> >>
> >>
> ---
> Kamaram Munira
> Graduate Research Assistant
> University of Virginia
> Charlottesville, VA-22903.

[SIESTA-L] Rejected postings

2008-03-11 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hello everybody,

 It's me again, with a (small) complaint :( .
 Each time I send a message to the list I get a "rejected message"
 notification from [EMAIL PROTECTED] saying I've sent the same message
 twice. Of course I didn't do that, so there must be something in
 my mail header that is confusing this dummy (does not happen with
 other lists I'm subscribed).
 Is this a known issue ?, how can I fix this missbehabiour ?.



[SIESTA-L] Forces and free energy

2008-03-11 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hello list,

 I've got a couple of questions, probably for the developers.

 1) This one is a little fancy. On p.77 of the manual (for 2.0.1)
regarding parallelism on the spacial grid, it is stated
   "... 2-D block cyclic distribution ..." ;
because "cyclic" has a quite specific meaning everywhere else,
and I haven't seen a keyword like "BlockSize" in the context of
spacial grid ... I mean, is it really cyclic ?.

 2) Here's a less trivial one.
   I'm using Siesta as a subroutine; I need the forces in particular
   which, they say, are calculated as the derivatives of the free
   energy (FreeE). However the call to siesta_forces returns the energy
   (Etot), not FreeE. Let's say I want to be strict (particularly
because I'm using FD temperature): is it just a matter of
substituting FreeE for Etot in the call to "forcesToPipe" within
siesta.F ?.

 Thanks a lot.



Re: [SIESTA-L] Parellelization overview

2008-03-06 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Muchas gracias por todo Eduardo,

On Thu, 6 Mar 2008, Eduardo Anglada wrote:

> ...
> El tiempo total en diagon es casi tres veces mayor en la
> paralela! Probablemente esto es debido a que el sistema es
> peque?ito. Al pasar a 4 cpus la situaci?n empeora.
> ...

 Es lo que mas me sorprendio de toda esta historia: Son 2 procesos
 que "viven" sobre el mismo motherboard comunicandose via bus y
 tardan casi lo mismo que uno solo !!.
 De hecho hice la prueba entre dos maquinas locales ( i.e., 1 proceso
 en c/u conectados via red ) y la diferencia entre kp y orb es apenas
 significativa (otro hardware, otro compilador, otras bibliotecas).

 Ese cluster debe tener un problema de hardware y/o software. Creo me
 sentare un rato con el admin a meditar sobre el asunto ... :/

 Un cordial saludo,


[SIESTA-L] siesta.size file

2008-03-06 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hello list

 The manual (2.0.1) mentions a file, "siesta.size", that's supposed to
 report array storage requirements, however I've never seen this
 file being produced.
 Is there a controlling keyword for it or what ?.



Re: [SIESTA-L] Parellelization overview

2008-03-05 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Ah !, me olvidaba: si necesitas la(s) salida completa
 (standard output) solo dimelo. Por supuesto que no tengo
 inconvenientes en que le heches un vistazo.

 Hasta pronto,


On Wed, 5 Mar 2008, Eduardo Anglada wrote:

> Hola Roberto,
> Para ver que est? pasando necesito los tiempos
> que siesta imprime al final (elapsed y el otro).
>   Si no quieres que vea el fdf con la parte del final
> me deber?a bastar.
> Saludos
> Eduardo

Re: [SIESTA-L] Parellelization overview

2008-03-05 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hola Eduardo,

 Gracias por el interes. Va lo que me pides en el adjunto,
 para todas las corridas.
 Existe algun lugar donde pueda ojear el diagrama de flujo
 del Siesta ?. Eso me daria, creo, una base para mirar los
 numeros que te envio con algun entendimiento.



On Wed, 5 Mar 2008, Eduardo Anglada wrote:

> Hola Roberto,
> Para ver que est? pasando necesito los tiempos
> que siesta imprime al final (elapsed y el otro).
>   Si no quieres que vea el fdf con la parte del final
> me deber?a bastar.
> Saludos
> Eduardo

Description: Binary data

Re: [SIESTA-L] Parellelization overview

2008-03-05 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hi Oleksandr,

 Thanks for your observations/suggestions

On Wed, 5 Mar 2008, Oleksandr Voznyy wrote:

> First of all, SIESTA 2 is more demanding for k-points parallelization.
> The number of k-points should be multiple of the number of k-points.
> So 2 and 4 processors are not a good choice for 405 points. 5 and 9
> would be better.

 Ok, but that's not going to change the picture. A small remainder
 out of 405 k points means too fine tuning. Agree ?

> Secondly, slower run for orb. is expected for such a small system.
> You have to reduce the BlockSize to 2 for this case. I think it would be
> better.

 Hmmm, didn't tweak with BlockSize.
 But smaller block size will also increase communication overhead,
 right ?.

> Third, you should compare not the total run time, but rather the time
> per one SCF cycle (see the CLOCK file).

 Those times were for one SCF: I just run one SCF up to convergence and
 extracted the time from the CLOCK file.



Re: [SIESTA-L] Parellelization overview

2008-03-05 Thread R.C.Pasianot
Hello list and Eduardo in particular,

Found a little time to do the runs by myself: feel
like owing an excuse to the lady for being somewhat
distrustful :/.

Looks like anything that travels through the network
out of the computing boxes gets punished, though that's
not the whole story however.

Here're the runs; notation is natural; "time" is the
number at the bottom of the CLOCK file.

type of run  time (sec)
serial   1618
kp.2-proc 989
orb.2-proc   1660  (seen this ???)
kp.4-proc 839
orb.4-proc   1908
kp.8-proc 832
orb.8-procexceed wall time

The sample is a 2 atoms cell, 23 basis functions each.
9x9x9 k points ---> 405 Siesta says.
superc: 640 atoms, 14720 orbitals, 12800 projectors.
InitMesh: 36x36x72 = 93312

Siesta version: 2.0.1
Libraries: cmkl-8, mkl[scalapack,blacs,lapack]
Compiler:  mpiifort-9 ( -O3 -xP -mp )

The cluster is made out of dual Xeon boxes (2 physical
processors per motherboard), EMT64, 1GB RAM, 1Giga Ethernet.
They are of exclusive use and I verified they where fully
allocated to my job in every run (e.g. the 2-proc runs
reside entirely in one box).

I saved copies of stdout, CLOCK, and out.fdf . Anyone
interested just ask.

That's it. Best,


Re: [SIESTA-L] Parellelization overview

2008-03-04 Thread R.C.Pasianot

 Hello Eduardo,

 Thanks for the interest, but I suggest to forget the subject
 for a while. I don't have the real numbers, it was a kind of
 general comment of my colleague. I'm suspecting also other
 variables entering the picture, like memory exhaustion -->
 disc swapping --> meaningless comparisons :/.

 Promise to gather more precisions on the matter and if deemed
 worth I'll post them.



On Tue, 4 Mar 2008, Eduardo Anglada wrote:

> Dear Roberto,
> Could you post the timings found at the end of each siesta run
> (with and without the parallel over k)?
> Maybe that gives us a hint of what is going on.
> Cheers,
> Eduardo


2008-03-03 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hi Eduardo,

 Thanks for your reply and suggestion, that's probably the most
 robust solution. Especially after having tried a system based on
 Intel and mkl: no troubles. Unfortunately it's too slow for my

 In the meantime I've found a configuration that gives the error
 just at the start, so I played with some few parameters,

 1) Increased Diag.Memory to 1.3 ---> ok
 2) Increased BlockSize to 16---> ok
 3) Shut off Diag.DivideAndConquer ---> "eingenproblem failed to converge"

 So, for the moment, I feel like sticking to 1) + 2).

 Best regards,


On Fri, 29 Feb 2008, Eduardo Anglada wrote:

> Dear Roberto
> Maybe you could try the intel mpi and mkl (scalpack) as
> they are really well teste. If it is not possible then you could
> try using the standard lapack instead of atlas, the speed impact
> will be small and most probably it will work.
> Regards,
> Eduardo
> On 27/02/2008, at 23:24, R.C.Pasianot wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > I'm rather new to Siesta. Anyway, have compiled 2.0.1 with
> > gfortran under linux, using Scalapack+Atlas and Open MPI.
> > Tests run ok, but sometimes I meet the sort of troubles reported
> > below. Seems (not 100% sure) it happens only with the parallel
> > version (4 nodes),
> >
> > -
> >
> > siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
> > siesta:1   -61031.2316   -61031.2391   -61035.2006  0.0271 -2.8833
> > siesta:2   -61033.1173   -61031.1476   -61035.1156  0.3658 -2.8973
> > siesta:3   -61031.2323   -61031.2362   -61035.1600  0.0253 -2.8837
> > siesta:4   -61031.2308   -61031.2355   -61035.1990  0.0231 -2.8836
> > siesta:5   -61031.2324   -61031.2338   -61035.1986  0.0170 -2.8837
> > {1,1}:  On entry to DSTEQR parameter number  -23 had an
> > illegal value
> > {0,0}:  On entry to DSTEQR parameter number  -23 had an
> > illegal value
> > 4 processes killed (possibly by Open MPI)
> >
> > -
> >
> > To be straight: has anybody seen this error before ?.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Roberto
> >
> >

Re: [SIESTA-L] Parellelization overview

2008-02-29 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hello Eduardo,

 Thanks for your reply,

 The short story,
 My understanding is that Scalapack should put much more stress on the
 communication hardware than parallelization over k. But apparently the
 story below challenges this view.

 More details,
 See, a colleague of mine says she's not seeing a (significant)
 performance gain while running in parallel (10 or so nodes) with
 respect to the serial case. Apparently there's a hardware issue
 with the cluster, but anyway, Wien2K guys are running their stuff
 fairly OK (parallel over k).
 So I suggested her to go with Siesta parallel over k, at the expense
 of needing (quite a lot) more RAM (correct?). But the outcome was
 about the same as before :( .

 Best regards,


>  snipped
> I *think* they are sent back one by one, could you specify what are
> you interested in?
> >
> > 3) seems that for k parallelization each process is self-sufficient
> >and therefore memory-hungry, while the Scalapack way essentially
> >divides memory needs. Correct ?.
> With the parallel over K option each Hamiltonian is completely stored
> in each processor
> so there is no need for scalapack. When H is too big then it's
> scattered in all the processors,
> so you need to call scalapack.
> . snipped


2008-02-27 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hello list,

 I'm rather new to Siesta. Anyway, have compiled 2.0.1 with
 gfortran under linux, using Scalapack+Atlas and Open MPI.
 Tests run ok, but sometimes I meet the sort of troubles reported
 below. Seems (not 100% sure) it happens only with the parallel
 version (4 nodes),


siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)  E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)
siesta:1   -61031.2316   -61031.2391   -61035.2006  0.0271 -2.8833
siesta:2   -61033.1173   -61031.1476   -61035.1156  0.3658 -2.8973
siesta:3   -61031.2323   -61031.2362   -61035.1600  0.0253 -2.8837
siesta:4   -61031.2308   -61031.2355   -61035.1990  0.0231 -2.8836
siesta:5   -61031.2324   -61031.2338   -61035.1986  0.0170 -2.8837
{1,1}:  On entry to DSTEQR parameter number  -23 had an illegal value
{0,0}:  On entry to DSTEQR parameter number  -23 had an illegal value
4 processes killed (possibly by Open MPI)


 To be straight: has anybody seen this error before ?.



[SIESTA-L] Parellelization overview

2008-02-21 Thread R.C.Pasianot
 Hello everybody,

 This is a newby question. I wish to have some overview of
 the parallelization process implemented in Siesta. I mean
 general things, like

 1) how is I/O handled (process 0 takes care of everything ?),
 2) while parallelizing over k, are the results sent back
one by one or in bunches ?.
 3) seems that for k parallelization each process is self-sufficient
and therefore memory-hungry, while the Scalapack way essentially
divides memory needs. Correct ?.

 The above are just examples; in a nutshell, is there any place where
 I can look for these things ?.

 Thanks a lot,
