grinded golden flax seeds...;places...
In his latest letter ,by Dr. Julian Whitaker(Health and Healing),in fac in its supplement(HealthTech review) he mentionned the benefits of grinded golden flax seeds.. He states that 1 /4 cup of Flax gold has a much lignan as :90 lbs of cabbage,82 lbs of bananas,75 pounds of strawberry,26 pounds of broccoli and 12 pounds of wheat ! The brand he recommends is from South Dakota,organicaly grown,called S.Dakota FLax Gold.You need a flax grinder...I guess flax(golden) from a recognized organic farm is the way to go..(I do not have their address) Another product is called NONI-best format is in caps see Finally you can look at this site: for pulsed magnetic generators..seem to be the most advanced of their kind.. If you need a Rife/Bare unit in a hurry,at least one that works right away + other similar gadgetry ,call 937-290-6758 (a voice mailphone) or write to OPEN SESAME,,601 W.Leffels Lane,suite J,Springfield,Ohio 45506...These devices are a bit expensive but they do WORK and have proven themselves,from what I have heard.. Yours,ryb... P.S. Open Sesame can probably put you in contact with some of their satisfied customers..Their devices were at least 2-3 yrs ahead of the Bare/Rife units(that was 2 years ago !).They use a different approach-it is NOT a pad device..The Bare units,you can build them yourself,with the above ones,you cannot.. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
So what are we talking here? Do we start donations? HOW-WHERE-WHEN? Dameon ** > If I could even get a black & white video camera ... and a snappy > for my computer, I could get some computer pictures going. > I have a lot of ideas for experiments with the darkfield! This is called leverage, folks! A very small investment from us would yield a lot of knowledge for everybody interested in CS. These are just the sort of things a cyber-community like ours is capable of fostering. Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [ ] [Speaking only for myself... ] -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Silver to the Rabbit Rescue!
> >To: Silver-List, > >My friend's rabbit just died of enteritis (usually fatal bacterial/mucous >intestinal block.) Another one was coming down with the same thing; they >got her on abx early and then I gave her a bottle of CS. Guess what? >She's turned around! Our home church group was praying for the rabbit >(she & her girls were VERY attached to it.) Can't help but think the >silver had something to do with it. The abx were only keeping her stable. > After the prayer and the silver was started she turned around! > >Na We raise Rabbits, (for restaurants) and CS works miracously well for Eye infections. Doesn't dop much for ear mites, but will try Rife when i get one. Gary -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
I WOULD NOT MAINLINE THIS STUFF. DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER SUCH A THING. The silver might bypass the capillaries in the lungs and there is no telling what will happen. You must not go beyond the body's natural filters, of which the lungs are most important regarding venous to arterial blood exchange. The silver will get to where it needs to go if you drink it and swish it around in your mouth before swallowing. Anyone who thinks that silver chloride is poisonous does not understand that chloride is everywhere and if an ionic compound is going to be made, this is the most likely one, but the silver is also free to dissociate again. This is not the case with silver nitrate. Tom Clayton, MD >Subject: Re: INTRAVENEOUS C-SILVER : THANX SUSAN! >Sent:3/9/98 12:29 AM >Received:3/9/98 8:22 AM > >To: >CC: > >THANK YOU Susan! I did not know that! What's your reference for this >knowledge? Actually, I've heard so many differing opinions about doing >this that I would hunt down someone who really knows what they're doing >first. I do know someone who's INJECTED it just below the skin and into >a muscle many times, but I was talking about MAINLINING it. The bacteria >(Pseudomonas aeruginosa) causing my lung infections need to be hit hard >and fast; no pussyfootin with this kind... they're too deadly and my >lungs are already too badly damaged. > >Dameon > >P.S... If you respond to my question, could you please put TO DAMEON in >the "subject" line... thanks! I have used CS in a Nebulizer, and felt better in 15 minutes. I was extremely congested and could hardly breath, I inhalled the nebulized Cs for about 10 minutes and was ready to go out to work in minutes afterwards. You might try it. Gary -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Lyme disease
Millions are infected with mycoplasma fermentens- mutated as gulf war snndrome. It has same symptoms as Lyme. See
Cathayrn's symptons
You may have mycoplasma fermentens-gulf war illness. its very contagious and the blood supply.Only two labs in the US can testfor it . See you have the symptoms. it is very deadly.
Re: C-Silver for Staph -- THANKS!
Dameon: Can u give me some ref on Hydrogenated oil, particularly wrt to colon cancer. I agree 100% that hydrogenated oil should be avoided at any cost but don't have any clinical data to show for it. Thx Chris Gupta >.I also avoid all junk foods and anything with the poison called HYDROGENATED OIL which is in many >more things than people are aware of... and it is truly a poison! It is >the main reason there are so many kids getting brain cancer and adults >getting colon cancer and other disorders Chris Gupta -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
to Dameon et al, A history of silver 1916
>Hi, this is taken from the below mentioned book. I is very old 1916 and >as you MUST see alot of these things are harmful as we know today. This >in no way is any kind of advice to anyone. It is merely an historical >view at the various metals and how they were used in medicine. I truly >believe some people must have died because of the treatment, but that is >history now. The *Albumin they are discussing here may indeed me >leuckocytes or other protenaceous material that they were able to identify >in 1916. I cannot say for certain the power of their microscopes but >those on the Rife list will understand the they certainly were not very >powerful and the whole microbial arena was only beginning to brugeon at >this time. So do not take this as any kind of medical advice but a look >at the past and what they did and especially in the area of silver since >that is what we are interested in here. Please note that the * sign >generally indicates toxic/harmful as we know today! >*** >*** > >Materia Medica for Nurses by A.S. Blumgarten, MD New York /the MacMillan >Co 1916 >Drugs Acting Principally On the Skin and Mucous Memebranes > >Local Remedies: Astringents affect the tissues only locally by combining >with the proteins or albumins of the cells and thereby coagulating and >hardening them. In large doses excessive coagulation of the proteins of >the cells destroys the tissues; this effect is called caustic action. > >Astringents may be divided into two subgroups depending on the nature of >the substance used for this purpose. INORGANIC OR MINERAL ASTRINGENTS or >ORGANIC OR VEGETABLE ASTRINGENTS > >INORGANIC OR MINERAL ASTRINGENTS: the principal salts for this purpose >are the salts of lead*, aluminum*, zinc, copper* silver and bismuth.* >Mercury,* iron and arsenic* are also astringents but these are used >principally for their effects after absorption*--we know this effect as >poisoniong today!!! >The best astringents are those not readily absorbed, such as silver, >bismuth*, copper* and zinc. the two latter substances are the most >effective astringents. In strong solutions they destroy tissue. >the salts that are readily absorbed are mercury,* iron, arsenic* and >lead.* Lead* is the only one that is used as an astringent, the others >are used for their effects after absorption.-Makes you wonder how >anyone survived! >ACTION: Mucous membranes are contracted, and their secretions checked, >by coagulation of the albumins of their cells. >INTERNAL ACTION: In the mouth they have a sweet mettalic taste, and make >the mouth feel dry by contracting mucous membranes. >In the stomach and intestines: They check the secretions and lessen >peristalsis, thereby causing constipation. They combine with the protein >of the food which is not then readily digested. >ABSORPTION: The mineral astringents combine with the albumins in the >stomach and intestines forming albuminates. If they are readily dissolved >then they are readily absorbed. They do not produce effects unless given >over a prolonged period of time, when they may become depostied in the >various tissues of the body and serious poisonous symptoms may develope. >These will be considered individually. >EXCRETION; The metallic astringents that are absorbed are very slowly >eliminated from the body: in urine, the bile, the intestinal secretions, >the saliva and the milk. > >POISONOUS EFFECTS OF METALLIC SALTS (These may be what should be >considered overdosage today with colloid)* >When large doses of any of the salts of any of the metals are taken, the >following symptoms occur: >Burning pain in the mouth. the mouth may be covered with a grayish white >membrane, especially after taking silver preparations. >Severe Abdominal pain >Nausea and Vomiting. Often the vomited matter contains blood. >Diarrhea with bloody stools >Collapse >Coma and Death > >TREATMENT >Wash out the stomach >Give egg white or old tea to combine with the metal and neutralize it. >These substances protect the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach >at the same time. >Collapse is usally treated with stimulants. >Give the chemical antidote > >CHEMICAL ANTIDOTES FOR SOME METALS: >Leaddilute sulphuric acid >Silver Nitrate-Sodium chloride >Alum---Magnesium Hydrate or Ammonium Carbonate > >METALS >Silver (Argentum) >The only salt* of silver that is used to any extent in medicine is silver >nitrate. Silver has been used in medicine for centuries, particularly by >the Arabians, who use it extensively in the treatment of nervous diseases. >In their system of medicine, which was based on Astrology, silver and >nervous diseases were associated with the phases of the same planet, the >moon; hence the name lunar caustic* for silver nitrate. > >CHRONIC SILVER POISONING >Argyria is a condition which resuolts from prolonged use of silver salts*, >but the condition is not very common at th
Re: Re:Lyme/tick SAVE the TICK!
Such an early response has been associated with allergic reaction to the tick's saliva, not the lyme infection. That reaction can take several days to weeks to show up, and it might not show up at all if you, like me, are amongst the 30-50% infected who don't get an apparent rash. Taking the CS is an excellent idea. Should you get any Lyme symptoms at all, though, you ought to see a doctor. The CS or Lyme itself may not show up in a blood test, though, either, and your doctor may require a pos. test before he treats you. Your best bet would be to test the tick if at all possible. It's a big mistake to flush it down the toilet. That tick could be your only ticket to early treatment if it tests positive and you do not. Try to get your doctor to put you on 5 weeks of doxy or amoxycillin if possible. If not, continue self-medication and watch for symptoms. Go to and check Dr. Burrascano's protocol there ("Managing Lyme Disease.") more specifically: I have a personal page on Lyme too: that has lots of references. Sincerely, Nancy -Original Message- From: Debbie McDonald To: Date: Sunday, March 08, 1998 9:31 AM Subject: Re:Lyme/tick >Dear listers with lyme experience. Two days ago I removed a tick from my >arm, it could not have been there too long. It left a small, barely >there spot. I put alchohol on it first and then some CS?? The next >day the spot is more red and last night it was itchy. I did not itch it. >This morning it is still itchy and red and raised but not grown any >larger. I am taking my usual CS, should I be doing more, is this suspect >to you that this tick was a carrier. I have enough health problems >without adding that to my list. My PC physician is a dip. Should I go >and insist on meds right away to go along with any CS I use?? Flailing >here...Deb > > >-- >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. > >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: > -or- >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. > >To post, address your message to: > >List maintainer: Mike Devour > -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Web page prototype...
Looks wonderful, Mike. I like the colors and the simplicity. Help yourself to anything on my pages I've done a little rearranging but need to clean up my text a bit to keep it simpler. I'm going to work on my table of lab results; hope to get that up in a couple weeks. I think if anybody can contribute that sort of data for the silver list page, that would be great. The more objective, the better. Sincerely, Nancy -Original Message- From: M. G. Devour To: Date: Sunday, March 08, 1998 6:52 AM Subject: Web page prototype... I've published the rough framework of a web site for the silver list. For the time being the URL is as follows: I have a number of technical questions on web development and I'm sure some of you would like to contribute links and information to the content. I welcome any level of collaboration. I don't want to clutter the list up with technical chatter, though. So if you'd like to work with me on finishing the web site, please let me know. I'll put together a distribution list so we can chat off list about the details. On-list, I'd like to hear any comments and suggestions you all have for content, style, accessability, and organization. There is no real content yet. I'd like that to change! I need your help. Thank you! Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [ ] [Speaking only for myself... ] -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Silver to the Rabbit Rescue!
My friend's rabbit just died of enteritis (usually fatal bacterial/mucous intestinal block.) Another one was coming down with the same thing; they got her on abx early and then I gave her a bottle of CS. Guess what? She's turned around! Our home church group was praying for the rabbit (she & her girls were VERY attached to it.) Can't help but think the silver had something to do with it. The abx were only keeping her stable. After the prayer and the silver was started she turned around! Nancy
Re: Differences
Susan M. Yensen wrote: > > ,I disagree with your conclusion that "store-bought" CS is no good. I > >>have had very good success with diverticulosis--wiped out two cases of > >>the problem--and it is only 5PPM. > >> > >>It may be true that more serious diseases may require more "potent" > >>forms of CS, but I would say that 5 PPM is more than adequate for most > >>nagging problems. > >> > >>Appreciate your posts--not intended as a flame. > >> > >>All the best, > >>Tom Miller > >> > >> > >>** > Hi Tom, > > Glad to hear from you. Could you tell us about your experience with 5ppm > CS and what you treated and how much a day and how long. Also if on an > empty stomach. Did you have any adverse reaction at all? Was there a > particular brand that you found better than other? > > We are all learning here and need the sharing of experiences to be a little > more exact so that perhaps others might see a way to help themselves and > also different protocols for use. Perhaps after a time we may then know > more about this long ago well used solution that has been lost. > thanks Thanks for your response, Susan. The brand I used for the two cases of diverticulitis (not "diverticulosis", as I incorrectly stated in my original post) was Life Plus brand (I can already hear the MLM bashers now--they DO have some good stuff, you know). I took three teaspoons per day. The pain was gone after two days, but I continued for another day, just to make sure! And that's remarkable, since two other cases of the same problem (earlier than my CS days) took about a week to get the same results with the doctor-prescribed antibiotic. And, the antibiotic messed up the "flora and fauna" in the intestinal tract, which took even more time to correct. The CS did not! I now make my own CS, but have not had another case of the problem to test it on (thank the Lord)! I do not take CS on a regular basis--only when the occasion calls for it. I am probably known at our church as the CS kid, since I regularly recommend CS for just about any infection anybody mentions! I write it down for them, since most of them have never heard of it before. I did not even try to make sure that I took it on an empty stomach--I just took it when I was in the kitchen, although I most probably took it on an empty stomach, unintentionally. Hope this helps. All the best, Tom Miller -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
On 8 Mar 98 at 22:57, Jim wrote: > If I could even get a black & white video camera ... and a snappy > for my computer, I could get some computer pictures going. > I have a lot of ideas for experiments with the darkfield! This is called leverage, folks! A very small investment from us would yield a lot of knowledge for everybody interested in CS. Jim has already been able to visualize CS particles in some of the preparations he's had. We can use that capability to learn a *lot* about the effects of different process variables. He can also help us evaluate some of the commercial products out there. His ideas about blood work open another universe of possibilities. I'm sure we'll find other people on the list who have access to analytical equipment of various sorts, either directly or through friends or relatives. Every bit of data we can glean will add to the picture. These are just the sort of things a cyber-community like ours is capable of fostering. Mike D. [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] [ ] [Speaking only for myself... ] -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
>Subject: Re: INTRAVENEOUS C-SILVER : THANX SUSAN! >Sent:3/9/98 12:29 AM >Received:3/9/98 8:22 AM > >To: >CC: > >THANK YOU Susan! I did not know that! What's your reference for this >knowledge? Actually, I've heard so many differing opinions about doing >this that I would hunt down someone who really knows what they're doing >first. I do know someone who's INJECTED it just below the skin and into >a muscle many times, but I was talking about MAINLINING it. The bacteria >(Pseudomonas aeruginosa) causing my lung infections need to be hit hard >and fast; no pussyfootin with this kind... they're too deadly and my >lungs are already too badly damaged. > >Dameon > >P.S... If you respond to my question, could you please put TO DAMEON in >the "subject" line... thanks! I have used CS in a Nebulizer, and felt better in 15 minutes. I was extremely congested and could hardly breath, I inhalled the nebulized Cs for about 10 minutes and was ready to go out to work in minutes afterwards. You might try it. Gary -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Lyme/tick
>Debbie McDonald wrote: > >> Dear listers with lyme experience. Two days ago I removed a tick from >> my >> arm, it could not have been there too long. It left a small, barely >> there spot. I put alchohol on it first and then some CS?? The next >> day the spot is more red and last night it was itchy. I did not itch >> it. >> This morning it is still itchy and red and raised but not grown any >> larger. I am taking my usual CS, should I be doing more, is this >> suspect >> to you that this tick was a carrier. I have enough health problems >> without adding that to my list. My PC physician is a dip. Should I go >> and insist on meds right away to go along with any CS I use?? Flailing >> >> here...Deb >> > >Dear Deb, Sounds to me liek the bug was carrying something! How much CS >are you taking right now? Maybe doubling your dosage would be a good >thing to do before whatever it gave you really gets a foothold. >Good luck! >Marsha > > >-- We are infested in in VA with them little critters, I pull off a couple / week (that have bitten). I always have Itching for weeks afterwards. Gary -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Chris -- Yes. In fact, I was breathing it through a nebulizer designed for inhaling antibiotic aerosols for Cystic Fibrosis, so I inhaled it the best possible way! But I was warned that, because I'm dealing with silver PARTICLES -- and NOT chemicals (like the antibiotics) -- that I could create further problems in the tiny alvioli sacks. As I have *very little* good lung tissue left, I decided to stop with the silver. Somehow it makes sense that damaged (or even healthy lungs) would have a harder time getting rid of something like that, but I could be wrong. My lungs didn't feel quite right either; kind of uncomfortable for hours afterward and it was sometimes harder to breathe. Obviously, the lungs are able to get rid of dust, which is a particle, but it seems that the silver particle is much smaller and therefore could cause problems. If anyone has knowledge about this, please to let me know. Dameon *~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~* {{Have you tried inhaling it. A ultrasonic humidifier works best but meanwhile a very fine mist might help. Chris Gupta}} -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: C-Silver for Staph -- THANKS!
Thanks for the encouragement, Larry! I actually HAVE been using C-Silver for many months by a company called WaterOz. They use a patented method for reducing their silver down to ion-particle size for maximum obsorption (even into the nervous system). They charge $80 a gallon and I feel the need to take much more than I've been, so I also just bought a C-Silver machine (for the same price of a gallon of WaterOz stuff!). If I feel the need, I'll combine the two in some way. But I want to get to the point where I'm drinking around a quart a day; I've heard that Beck or someone has drank as much as a gallon a day without harm. The whole point is to keep these bacteria at bay, since I don't have much usable lung tissue left. It's extremely important. I have to be added to the LUNG TRANSPLANT LIST because there's so much damage. So anything I can do to slow down the infections is very important... even if it means mild toxicity from C-Silver. God knows the drugs they have me on *already* make me sick! Dameon P.S... Something that I started 22 years ago and absolutely know has helped keep me alive much longer than the average Cystic Fibrosis victim is fresh juicing with an ACME juicerator! I am now in the 1% catagory of survivors (age 42) with this disease and juicing has alwasy made me feel very strong. You may want to try this if you haven't already, but you have to be disciplined and do it regularly. I also avoid all junk foods and anything with the poison called HYDROGENATED OIL which is in many more things than people are aware of... and it is truly a poison! It is the main reason there are so many kids getting brain cancer and adults getting colon cancer and other disorders. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Dameon: Have you tried inhaling it. A ultrasonic humidifier works best but meanwhile a very fine mist might help. Chris Gupta At 12:29 AM 3/9/98 +, you wrote: >THANK YOU Susan! I did not know that! What's your reference for this >knowledge? Actually, I've heard so many differing opinions about doing >this that I would hunt down someone who really knows what they're doing >first. I do know someone who's INJECTED it just below the skin and into >a muscle many times, but I was talking about MAINLINING it. The bacteria >(Pseudomonas aeruginosa) causing my lung infections need to be hit hard >and fast; no pussyfootin with this kind... they're too deadly and my >lungs are already too badly damaged. > >Dameon > >P.S... If you respond to my question, could you please put TO DAMEON in >the "subject" line... thanks! > >*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~* > >Susan M. Yensen wrote: >> >> Hi Dameon, >> >> Do not inject CS made with salt!!! Even in 1916 they knew better. >> >> Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer >> Susan > Chris Gupta -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
THANK YOU Susan! I did not know that! What's your reference for this knowledge? Actually, I've heard so many differing opinions about doing this that I would hunt down someone who really knows what they're doing first. I do know someone who's INJECTED it just below the skin and into a muscle many times, but I was talking about MAINLINING it. The bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) causing my lung infections need to be hit hard and fast; no pussyfootin with this kind... they're too deadly and my lungs are already too badly damaged. Dameon P.S... If you respond to my question, could you please put TO DAMEON in the "subject" line... thanks! *~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~* Susan M. Yensen wrote: > > Hi Dameon, > > Do not inject CS made with salt!!! Even in 1916 they knew better. > > Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer > Susan -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Web page prototype...
> From: "M. G. Devour" > > Date: Sun, 8 Mar 1998 10:34:39 -5 > Subject: Re: Web page prototype... > Priority: normal > Reply-to: > I *may* ask in the future for contributions that will help with > testing, equipment purchases, or other items that will help further > our explorations. > > I am thinking of things like total elemental analysis of some of our > CS samples, or helping Jim Einert put a photographic and video > interface on that dark field microscope of his, for a couple of > examples. > Mike, Thanks for keeping me in mind. If I could even get a black & white video camera for the darkfield and a snappy for my computer, I could get some computer pictures going. I have been looking into maybe getting a B&W survalance camera and adapting it to my darkfield. Don't know yet if that would work or not, but I think I know someone who can tell me if it will. I'll let the list know. Also, if I can get a video camera, I can take a look at some blood before someone starts using CS, and then again after they have taken it for a while to see what it does to the blood picture. I have a lot of ideas for experiments with the darkfield! God Bless everyone on the list! Jim Einert -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour