> From:          "M. G. Devour" <mdev...@mail.id.net>
> To:            silver-list@eskimo.com
> Date:          Sun, 8 Mar 1998 10:34:39 -5
> Subject:       Re: Web page prototype...
> Priority:      normal
> Reply-to:      silver-list@eskimo.com

> I *may* ask in the future for contributions that will help with 
> testing, equipment purchases, or other items that will help further 
> our explorations. 
> I am thinking of things like total elemental analysis of some of our
> CS samples, or helping Jim Einert put a photographic and video
> interface on that dark field microscope of his, for a couple of
> examples.
        Thanks for keeping me in mind. If I could even get a black & white 
video camera for the darkfield and a snappy for my computer, I could 
get some computer pictures going. I have been looking into maybe 
getting a B&W survalance camera and adapting it to my darkfield. 
Don't know yet if that would work or not, but I think I know someone 
who can tell me if it will. I'll let the list know.
        Also, if I can get a video camera, I can take a look at some blood 
before someone starts using CS, and then again after they have taken 
it for a while to see what it does to the blood picture. I have a lot 
of ideas for experiments with the darkfield!
        God Bless everyone on the list!
        Jim Einert

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