Re: Blood & Urine pH testing help needed

1998-05-01 Thread CJ
Thanks Jim.
We need it to check out my father.  He is undergoing a major detox due to some
heavy Rife sessions.

> As long as the pH range is good enough to test the full range you need to
> test.

Don't really know at this point.  The ranges listed on the bottle are as

6.4 6.8 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.4

My reference book of choice is Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.  It gives
the following values:

Urine6.0 (4.7 - 8.0 seen in healthy individuals)
Blood   7.35 - 7.45

Received another suggestion to try pet stores for supplies.  Makes sense to me
as I used to run fresh water fish tanks, and did test for pH, among other
things, as I kept cichlids.

Thanks for your response,

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Re: Newbie questions - Sean

1998-05-01 Thread Arnold Start
Hello Sean,

You could try

who advertisee .999 silver wire at $10 per pair.

Arnold Start wrote:
> 1.
> >From what I can tell form the many web pages I have visited, 30v dc seems to 
> >be the best voltage.  On the output what should be the amp.
> 2.
> I have seen very few detailed "how-to" instructions regarding building a CS 
> generator. Everyone has one for sale though.
> What is the opinion of the one located at: 
> htttp://
> It was developedby Weeks Parker.
> 3.
> Any recommendations on other sites with "how-to" building instructions?
> 4.
> Good source for .999 or . silver rods?
> Thanks,
> Sean
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Re: Wasp Sting

1998-05-01 Thread Dave & Caroline

> From: Gig A Watt 
> To:
> Subject: Re: Wasp Sting
> Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 9:39 AM
> >A quick testimony: A wasp just stung me on the arm. I applied yellow
> >CS liberally for about 3 minutes. The pain stopped instantly and the
> >swelling has gone. Good stuff this CS.
> Here's something else that works... take a piece of an asprin, and rub it
> into
> the Wasp Sting wound... and it will also stop the pain..
> Gig

Another treatment for just about any type of sting is heat. Hot wash rag or
hot coffee cup, whatever is handy. I've even been known to grab someone's
cigarette. Don't touch the coal to the sting, just close to it. Use as much
heat as the person or yourself can stand. Keep applying until sting quits
stinging. There will be almost no welt. This is a good application
especially for someone who is highly allergic and needs instant treatment,
and is also good used in combination with an emergency shot. What the heat
does is kill the enzymes in the toxin. They are all excited"lets go
..yeah..yeah..and then bloop their they lose their oomph. This has been
a real handy thing for me to remember. Has worked well on many an occasion.

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Re: Blood & Urine pH testing help needed

1998-05-01 Thread jeinert
> Date:  Fri, 01 May 1998 19:57:59 -0400
> From:  CJ 
> To:"" ,
> Subject:   Blood & Urine pH testing help needed
> Reply-to:

> I need to test for the pH of urine and blood.  In scouring the local
> pharmacies I was unable to find any reagent strips for testing pH.  Was
> only able to find strips to test for glucose and/or ketones in urine.
> The only product I found for blood was for use only in the various
> glucometers.  As retired nurse I recall that one brand of reagent
> strips  - MultiStrips (?) - did test urine for RBC's, WBC's, protein.
> ketones, etc.  Now I'm unable to find such an item, even at the larger
> pharmacies catering to home health supplies.
> So, on the way out of the last pharmacy I spied some thing in the
> seasonal aisle.  Pool and Spa Test Strips.  Tests for free chlorine,
> total alkalinity AND pH.  I thought that since it tests a liquid for
> these items, them why can't it test urine and blood (a liquid)???
>  Anyone have any thoughts on this???
> Thanks,
> Carl
It should work, as I use some liquid pH chemicals which can also be 
found in the pool section at times. I don't buy mine from pool 
suppliers, but same chemical test solutions are used. As long as the 
pH range is good enough to test the full range you need to test.
Also, do a search on the web for Pike Agri Labs. They sell pH test 
paper, chemicals and electronic testers. These all work well on urine 
and most work for saliva as well. Some of the electronic testers need 
more than a drop or two of solution to test.
If you need more help, let me know. I do the Ream's urine/saliva 
test, which tests for pH as well as a few other things to find where 
the body chemistry is. Then I use food and supplements to bring the 
chemistry back to where it should be.
Good luck!
Jim Einert, N.D.

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Re: 250ppm

1998-05-01 Thread Debbie McDonald
Donna wrote:

> I also had my gallbladder taken out about a year ago, that is when I first
> started with the CS.  I took it right through the surgery.  I recovered
> rather quickly also.  What do you take your CS for?
Hey Donna,
  I originally started taking it for toxicity. I had symptoms like
stomach cancer and really  just very toxic and I used it for weeks for
this. It also got rid of the aches in my knee and toes it would appear??
Nono of my docs are into nutrition at all, just treat the symptoms and
make more in the process. I also had aspartame poisoning and all those
symptoms blurred in and scared me very badly.  Deb 

 Debbie McDonald

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Blood & Urine pH testing help needed

1998-05-01 Thread CJ
I need to test for the pH of urine and blood.  In scouring the local
pharmacies I was unable to find any reagent strips for testing pH.  Was
only able to find strips to test for glucose and/or ketones in urine.
The only product I found for blood was for use only in the various
glucometers.  As retired nurse I recall that one brand of reagent
strips  - MultiStrips (?) - did test urine for RBC's, WBC's, protein.
ketones, etc.  Now I'm unable to find such an item, even at the larger
pharmacies catering to home health supplies.
So, on the way out of the last pharmacy I spied some thing in the
seasonal aisle.  Pool and Spa Test Strips.  Tests for free chlorine,
total alkalinity AND pH.  I thought that since it tests a liquid for
these items, them why can't it test urine and blood (a liquid)???
 Anyone have any thoughts on this???

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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-01 Thread Susan M. Yensen

I read a study in which heart disease pateints where given COQ 10- after by
pass and the other half weren't the results showed 30% or so less
recurrance os symptoms and morbidity in the COQ10 group it was alot of
milligrams.  Also friend is using it in conjunction with breat cancer
treatment at the behest of her doc and taking 400mgs aday.

I think that I still don't know the answers.  I think you need to get
online with the library or go browsing through and get some good
well bibliogaphied books and teach yourself about this.  then you would be
informed about the truth.  You could read all the pro's and cons.  My doc
who is feigning at being a liitle open poopooed COQ10, I find it helps me.
Certainly the people who studied it wanted to know it it made a heart more
efficient in the way it used oxygen.

MSM is a sulpher.  Look up in the library all the vegetables that are
sulphur containing vegetables.  I wager if they are grown organically or
gosh who knows anymore.  Iknow what i grow when I can grow is good b/c I
put the minerals and kelp and cottoneseed meal into the soil--how do you
know otherwise?  Perhaps if they are fresh you have to trust you are
getting the right thing.

The only thing that boithers me about MSM is that is has  methane molecule
on the end of it.I simply don't know how that would affect me as is this
manufactured to "be like" the sulpher we get mnormally and is the sulphur
we get nomally methane???  Maybe someone knows.

I use the things I do b/c I have researched them.  I cannot at this time
access that information imn my brain.  I have gobs of stuff around here to
get the "whole "picture but I am not strong i=enough to dgo through it
again.  I know what these do to me and why I take them and what my illness
is and what is mainly wrong that needs help.  I don't know yours, but you
do and can know how these affect you.  I take a couple of newsletters.  Not
the hype ones,  they over the years have stimulated me to learn a little
more.  With the net and medline you should be able to access this stuff in
your own home and print in out or get online with a University and get them
to fax stuff to you.  they are great!!!  If I were really well and knew
that I could put all your factors together I would say this or that.  So
far I use magnesium and COQ10 for my heart along with a little potassium
now and then  I don't know what to do for your heart or your BP.

I am talking like this b/c it is hard for me to imagine anyway that
antio=xidants can hurt a h=eart or blood vessel unless you area llergic to
it.  Perhaps it is with the pill and renders it inactive as it goes through
the body cleaning up toxins and you see those drugs would be seen as toxins
to the natural body system even if they control your BP.  for instance
digitalis leaf is a poison.  For years it has been used to make the heart
beat slower and with greater strength thus increasing ejection fractions.
Good drug long old drug,  The new guys didn't get the message that litle
old people have to have dig levels done regularly and so their patients got
digitoxic so they changed them to some other beta blocker or something in
large doses, knocked em out, and said they were getting old and senile.
The problem.  too much drug.  We rescued a little old lady from the nursing
home who was "demented " all of a sudden(her daughter and me in spirit)
took her off everything fed her hydrated her and got the right tiny little
bit of medicine for her heart and she is home baking bread for the
neighbors and walking to the post office everyday to get her mail.  Seee!!

So don't depend on me and my memory when you have all this stuff you can
find out for yourself.  It is empowering and you may save your own life or
someone else's.  Now detoxing I can tell you b/c I am doing it.  See the
difference.  I hope you do.  Good Luck

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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1998-05-01 Thread Donna
>Hey all,
>  Speaking of ppms, I have had to buy all mine (CS) from the health food
>store up till now. It says on the bottle it is 250 ppm. I wonder if
>someone here could test it? I live near the person that had the ppms
>testers but emailed and never got a response, is he still here? I quit
>taking it when I had some pain in the liver area, (but could be my gall
>bladder, did not want to risk it with surgery looming) and that is

I also had my gallbladder taken out about a year ago, that is when I first
started with the CS.  I took it right through the surgery.  I recovered
rather quickly also.  What do you take your CS for?

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1998-05-01 Thread Donna
>I hate to be the barrer of bad tidings but the twitches are caused
>by the nurves short circuiting and it takes one year for a nurve to heal.
>The twitching subsiding is good but don't expect it to quit real soon.
>Take Care 
  Thanks for that info.  That is good news to know.  Compared to what it was
in the beginning it is very weak now so maybe that is one symptom I can
chalk up the saying that time heals all??
Donna Earnest

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Re: Newbie questions

1998-05-01 Thread Bruce K. Stenulson wrote:
> 1.
> >From what I can tell form the many web pages I have visited, 30v dc seems to 
> >be the best voltage.  On the output what should be the amp.
> 2.
> I have seen very few detailed "how-to" instructions regarding building a CS 
> generator. Everyone has one for sale though.
> What is the opinion of the one located at: 
> htttp://
> It was developedby Weeks Parker.
> 3.
> Any recommendations on other sites with "how-to" building instructions?
> 4.
> Good source for .999 or . silver rods?
> Thanks,
> Sean

Please read my website info on CS generation, and why less than 30VDC
may work even better:

you can make your own system easily & simply - you don't have to buy
one. I haven't built out a page yet on the subject; time taken up by
many other R&D projects, plus all that's necessary to keep paying the

Be Well



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1998-05-01 Thread Donna
>Just checking, Donna:  You're taking similar size doses now but of 
>the higher ppm CS? Did you ever determine if you had taken large 
>enough doses of the 7 ppm stuff it might have worked just as well?
>It is one school of thought that large enough quantities of even 3-5 
>ppm CS will do as much good as higher ppm, and be easier to make to 
>boot. That's why we have kidneys, doncha know! 
>If your experience differs it would be good to analyze why.
>Be well,
>Mike D.
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]

  I did continue to take the same amount of the higher ppm.  I would have to
take alot of the lower dose ppm to make up the difference.  I would probably
spend my entire time making CS as to the fact I am not the only one that
takes it here.  That would be a good thing to find out though.

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Newbie questions

1998-05-01 Thread class-e

>From what I can tell form the many web pages I have visited, 30v dc seems to 
>be the best voltage.  On the output what should be the amp.


I have seen very few detailed "how-to" instructions regarding building a CS 
generator. Everyone has one for sale though.
What is the opinion of the one located at: 
It was developedby Weeks Parker.


Any recommendations on other sites with "how-to" building instructions?


Good source for .999 or . silver rods?


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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-01 Thread Transfix
   I was told that it is counter productive to the medication I am taking.  In
other words if the medication is meant to slow down my heart rate and open up
the blood vessels, the antiocident would do the opposite. Specifically they
mentioned the Coq10, Ghinko, and a couple others. I'm really not sure aabout
the paarticulars.  Anything about the MSM I mentioned? Thanks,

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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-01 Thread Cat3walker
Thanks for the info. on the TDS meter.  Hopefully, I can purchase one from
someone to figure out the ppm I am ending up with.  I go to 2 other docs next
week-one for cfs and one an allergist.  I am continuing the rocephin and the
CS taking antioxidants and drinking tons of water.  It is so discouraging
because I thought I was getting better.  I know it is just a matter of time.
I appreciate the contact.  


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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-01 Thread Cat3walker
Thanks for all the specifics on how to help with the herx.  I have someone who
can help me get all of the items you mentioned.  Is a good health food/vitamin
store going to have most of these things?  Thank you so much.  I am determined
to get better.
Peace to you,

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Re: pools?

1998-05-01 Thread Debbie McDonald
M. G. Devour wrote:

> Silver sanitizes the water and copper kills the algae.
> Here's the URL of one company that makes metal ionizer type pool
> water treatment equipment:
Many thanks Mike, you are the greatest. Well, we should have a pretty
good water supply on hand if we do this . Deb

 Debbie McDonald

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Re: CS and the stomach

1998-05-01 Thread Christian von Wechmar
Hi Susan,

At 02:43 PM 4/30/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Also CS is an astringent so that if you take it on an
>empty stomach before you go to bed, you may eventually end up with some
>inflammation of the mucosal lining of your stomach. I use George's
>Distilled Aloe Vera Juice for this and then I don't take it that way.

Now I know why my stomach is sensitive lately. I have been taking about 30
- 45 ml of CS daily. I typically take 2-3 teaspoons three times per day on
an empty stomach about an hour before meals. I take the silver neat because
I reasoned that if I take it with juice or food, it will end up in my
intestine and kill of the friendly flora. Are you saying that you take your
CS with the Aloe Vera juice? Any other thoughts?

Be well,

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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-01 Thread It's not me
Thanks for the information.  If you do get that article back, I would love a
copy of it.  Thanks again.

-Original Message-
From: Susan M. Yensen 
Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 2:10 AM
Subject: Re: insight/herx

>>Tell me some more about these digestive enzymes that you take.  I haven't
>>seen a thing about them cleaning out toxins and such and would be
>>to read anything that you could direct me toward.  Are they Papaya,
>>Bromelain, and the like?  I didn't quite follow the part about the candida
>>infections.  Does the enzyme combat candida infection?  I have a friend
>>has a systemic candida infection and he can't seem to beat it.  I would
>>appreciate any info that you could provide.
>I had the article and sent it with a friend so she would understand what I
>am saying to her.  It has a good bibliogralphy for you.  I will see if I
>can get it back from her and post it for you.
>Megazymes by Enzymatic tharapy are good for me b/c I can tolerate them
>whereas others I cannot that is why I say this brand.
>It is Pancreatic enzymes (10X) 325 mg (full strength undiluted and uncut)
>Units of activity*
>Protease 96,580
>Amylase 98,780
>Lip[ase 24,496
>Trypsin75 mg
>papain 50mg
>bromelain (1.200 M.C.U.) 50 mg
>amylase 10 mg
>lipase 10 mg
>lysozyme 100 mg
>chymotrypsin 2mg
>About Candida, you can eradicate it with CS done slowly and carefully
>according to your health state.  WHen a single celled organism, or parasite
>or the spirochete of which we read so much dies, it's death releases a
>toxin that was inside the organism heretofor.  So when [people get treated
>for Candida and are not properlu educated about the Jarisch Herxheiomer
>reaction--the body'e reaction to the toxin released at the death of the
>organism, oftentimes they feel worse and stop taking the medication and may
>say they are allergic or whatever b/c we don't get the same thing painfiul
>reactions with antibiotic therapy for common micro organisms. As a matter
>of fact many doctors don't understand this.
>Funguses are very different creatures docs in 3rd world countries are the
>best at recognizing these things and treating them. Although we are
>catching up. Funguses have the ability to change forms according to their
>replication cycle and unless you are in this cycle they will not be found
>in the blood, they can be budding yeast which looks like cottage cheese or
>mycelia which can travel from organ to organ with out the use of the
>vascular system. When you are in this replication cycle you feel worse and
>crave sweets or fermented things.  The yeast need more carbohydrate to
>live. Yeast Canndida and monilia are basically the same for the purpose of
>this post.
>What the enzyme does ON AN EMPTY STOMACH is get readily absorbed into the
>bloodstream and "eat up 'the toxins released by the dying fungi or
>spirochete.  It is a good add on for treatment of Candida but will not kill
>candida.  It will alleviate the pain as do the other things I delineated in
>a previous post.
>Now, the article had several subtitles and said in effect that in studies
>done--double blind no  less that it has been found that they relieve the
>pain of inflammation better that then ensaids so commonly prescribed which
>are poison to me.
>They also discovered a use for these in autoimmune disease like MS and so
>forth is that they discovereed that the enzymes will also eliminate
>circulating immune complexes.  this is important for peopole like me for
>instance b/c the immune complexes I have are anti myelin ones and attack
>the lining of the nerves and it is painful process.
>Also good in allergies for precisely the same thing they will digest
>allergens, reduce swelling (anti inflammation effect)  tThe anti
>inflammation effect is accomplished as the enzymes soften and digest the
>fibrin and other substance and catecholamines in the infalammatory
>reaction, including arachidonic acid which is the culprit that causes pain.
>So It may be a while before I can get that bibliography up b/c I can't
>leave the mountain just now and I will have to get her to bring it to me.
>These also aid in digestion taken with food.  Many people have
>malabsorption problems once things are set into motion of being a disease
>that is multi organ. Leaky gut syndrome needs to be addresed in you rfriend
>proabably after a long siege of intractable Candida. There is a special
>diet for that too.  It is an ordeal but it can be done.
>Hope this answers your question for now.
>Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer
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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-01 Thread It's not me
I don't know what the cause of the original poster's twitches were, but
sometimes the twitches can be from a lack of calcium and magnesium.  This
works wonders for some people.  It can even help some people with restless
legs.  Worked for me.

-Original Message-
From: Reid Smith 
Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: insight/herx

>>Oh Yeah,  The twitches in you muscles, I have them to but they are finally
>>subsiding, hopefully to be gone for good soon.  Hang in there.  When
>>gets back she can offer her story to and If Candace reads this she is a
>>Always here,
>I hate to be the barrer of bad tidings but the twitches are caused
>by the nurves short circuiting and it takes one year for a nurve to heal.
>The twitching subsiding is good but don't expect it to quit real soon.
>Take Care
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>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: Wasp Sting and other usages

1998-05-01 Thread NCOAMA
In a message dated 98-04-30 12:40:34 EDT, you write:

<< >A quick testimony: A wasp just stung me on the arm. I applied yellow
 >CS liberally for about 3 minutes. The pain stopped instantly and the
 >swelling has gone. Good stuff this CS.
 Here's something else that works... take a piece of an asprin, and rub it
 the Wasp Sting wound... and it will also stop the pain..
 Gig >>

Some extra tid bits that you may want to add to your list of nice things to
know.  :-)

My family and I have used CS for almost everything from killing fungus on
plants to brushing our teeth. If we had to buy it we would have to be
millionares, but thanks to a man in New york (and I never learned his real
name) I learned how to build my own CS maker (as I call it). 

Anyhow, Adding to the wasp sting usage of CS above I want to add the

1) When someone has had surgery, put CS on the stich area. It takes he pain
away and speed healing. It works the same on the cut areas too but some are
afraid to mess with that area. If there is an infected area - I would suggest
giving CS a try. It seems better to me to dab on  CS rather than take

2) CS works wonders on a Sun Burn. Just rub on or, if you want to be nice,
spray it on the burn. Try it you'll like it. :-) But don't just use it once,
use it repeatedly. Your working against burnt flesh here and time and
application is the answer.

3) CS will kill Moles and worts. Just dab it on and let it work. It does take
time, but it took time for them to grow so don't expect over night results.

4) I had a cancer type growth on my arm. I say cancer type because I didn't
have a doctor look at it, but I have seen skin cancer on may of my friends,
I'm 52, and if any thing looked like skin cancer what I had fit the bill.
Anyhow, I put CS on it each morning and evening and in two weeks it was gone.
NOTE: it returned when I stopped treating it so that is a warning about
stopping a treatment. I'll treat the area again for about 6 months (morning
and evening) and see if it returns after that.

5) Many members of our church have suffered with strep throat and so I have
had the opportunity to see what CS will do in may cases. Some it killes it
right off, but in some it doesn't do the trick. Yes it seems to do great for a
day or two but then the strep seems to come back two fold. But in all cases CS
and Antibiotics working together knocks it out in short order.

6) Believe it or not but CS taken daily has stopped my snoring. I don't know
if it is because it killed off some parasite (sp?) or what, but my wife is a
very happy camper because of it. She use to say that I could wake the
neighbors but now I sleep as quiet as a baby. This took about 2 month of using
CS at a rate of 4 oz per day - 2 oz in the am and 2 in the pm. 

That"s all for now, I'll share more some time later

God bless you, and I thank God for the man (who ever he was) that introduced
me to CS and how to make it.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Replacing/renewing the silver electrodes

1998-05-01 Thread Gig A Watt

>For what it is worth, I just take my two leads and grip them with two cloth
>pins and connect them to my home made 3 each 9 volt battery unit with clips
>and set the pins on the mouth of the jar I use to make silver colloid in.
>Seems to work well for me and allows me to clean the leads without any

...and this is what I do I have even made CS with one nine volt
but three batteries, in series... to make 27 volts, does it a little


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Replacing/renewing the silver electrodes

1998-05-01 Thread NCOAMA
For what it is worth, I just take my two leads and grip them with two cloth
pins and connect them to my home made 3 each 9 volt battery unit with clips
and set the pins on the mouth of the jar I use to make silver colloid in.
Seems to work well for me and allows me to clean the leads without any

Simple as it is, it works. The only problem I can see with me approch is that
the gap between my silver wires is never any close than the width of half the
two pins, but still I seem to make some darn good batches.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour