RE: Sears Water Distiller

1998-06-13 Thread Dean Woodward
I have purchased one of the 'Sears water distillers, and am extremely
pleased with it. I am making all of the water we use for coffee and cooking,
as well as all of our drinking water, and the water I use for CS production,
with the unit. With all this I am only running it perhaps 25% of the time. I
consider it a well designed unit and no major drawbacks. The only
replaceable parts are the little carbon filter envelopes, which last for
months and are quite inexpensive.

If I can be of further assistance just let me know.


-Original Message-
From:   Fidget []
Sent:   Saturday, June 13, 1998 7:36 PM
Subject:Re:  Sears Water Distiller

The Sears water distiller sale ends Thursday, June 18.

I plan on looking at the unit tomorrow as I am interested in purchasing

Can anyone guide me as to what I should be looking for in the way of a
good unit/bad unit?

I phoned the local Sears store and asked if there were any product specs
and was told "whatever is written on the box".

As I have no knowledge of these machines, can anyone guide me as to what
I should look out for?  Any specific parts of the machine that break or
wear down quickly.  Should I buy any extra parts/pieces (is there any)?

Guess I will find out tomorrow, but are there any rubber hoses, or other
material, that these machines use?  Are they of a material that would be
toxic that I should watch out for?

Sorry for all the questions people...just want to be prepared to make a
wise purchase.


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re:FWD globalisem...DISREGAURD!!

1998-06-13 Thread bjs1779
DEAR List:
The first part of it was interesting, but I jumped the gun
on posting it. I did not read the final part of it before
I posted. I am embarassed that my credibilty in doing that
is no doubt, damaged. Offensive conspiracy talk is not my
passion either.

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Re: Sears Water Distiller

1998-06-13 Thread Fidget
The Sears water distiller sale ends Thursday, June 18.

I plan on looking at the unit tomorrow as I am interested in purchasing

Can anyone guide me as to what I should be looking for in the way of a
good unit/bad unit?

I phoned the local Sears store and asked if there were any product specs
and was told "whatever is written on the box".  

As I have no knowledge of these machines, can anyone guide me as to what
I should look out for?  Any specific parts of the machine that break or
wear down quickly.  Should I buy any extra parts/pieces (is there any)?
Guess I will find out tomorrow, but are there any rubber hoses, or other
material, that these machines use?  Are they of a material that would be
toxic that I should watch out for?

Sorry for all the questions people...just want to be prepared to make a
wise purchase.  


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[Fwd: Re: globalism under LITERAL attack as Rioters Erupt in Geneva]

1998-06-13 Thread bjs1779
--- Begin Message ---

On Fri, 5 Jun 1998, John Hammell wrote:

> At 04:04 PM 6/4/98 -0700, you wrote:
> >John,
> >This just in:
> >
> >Geneva, Switzerland--In the worst public disturbances in Switzerland
> >in memory, thousands of anti-globalist protesters rampaged through the
> >streets here May 16-17, smashing shops and cars and fighting with police
> >and Swiss army personnel brought in as reinforcements
> > 
> >   Of particular shock to the Swiss government was the presence of many
> >Swiss citizens among the protesters.  The protesters targeted all the
> >most representative emblems of globalism such as big banks, big
> >multi-national corporations, big international bureaucracies such as the
> >International Labor Organization and the World Trade Organization.
> >
> >Many Swiss people and foreigners were amazed that the three day riot
> >was only covered in their local newspapers and television.  Damage to
> >the city was calculated in the millions.
> >
> >>From the June 1st edition of THE SPOTLIGHT
> I wish I'd been there to help out! Would be FUN to blow up a few banks and
> HQs of multinational scum, along with offices of the WTO, etc, etc, who the
> hell do these people think they are? What should happen is that a few
> hundred thousand people from all over Europe should storm Geneva and be
> prepared to take out any Swiss troops that try to stop them. They should
> set fire and burn every single office the globalists and their corporate
> cronies have in Geneva. They should also take out the HQ of the Codex
> Alimentarius Commission in Rome, Italy. Our best defense is a good offense!
> I'm glad to know that Geneva suffered millions of dollars worth of damage.
> This is a good sign!
> I'm sure I'll receive some flack from my list for holding this view of
> things, and some people on my list may want to unsubscribe and not
> associate with me. Thats fine! There are too many mewling, puking babes and
> despicable wimps who aren't prepared to do what it takes to defend liberty.
> We are bound by common decency to at least TRY to bring about the changes
> we seek via the ballot box and conventional lobbying, but the NWO is
> clearly out of control and it very well might reach a point where we won't
> have any option but to kill the bastards before they can kill us. I wonder
> how many people on my list have read the book "Votescam" by the Collier
> Brothers? We aren't living in a free country here in Amerika, we're living
> in a police state right now and the NWO wants to turn the whole world into
> one big plantation, with all of us as their slaves.
> More people on this list should read the book "America's Secret
> Establishment" An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones, by Anthony
> C. Sutton ISBN 0-937765-02-3   George Bush was a "Bonesman" The Skull and
> Bones is the Illuminati. Anyone on this list who doesn't believe we are
> fighting directly against Satan should read this book. Anyone who doubts
> that Satan is real won't be able to hold that view after reading THIS book.
> The book explains WHY the West built the Soviets AND Hitler; WHY we go to
> war; WHY Wall Street loves Marxists AND Nazis; WHY the kids can't read; WHY
> the Churches have become propaganda founts, WHY historical facts are being
> suppressed; WHY politicians lie, and a thousand other whys
> **
> Donations Needed- Need Help to Keep Helper On
> International Advocates for Health Freedom
> John C. Hammell, Legislative Advocate
> 2411 Monroe St. Hollywood, FL 33020 USA
> 800-333-2553, 954-929-2905, FAX 954-929-0507, 
> j...@iahf.com

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--- End Message ---

Re: Off-Topic: Aloe cure for cancer

1998-06-13 Thread Joyce Inouye

The Aloe herb is the oldest recorded medicinal plant in literature that I
know of.  About 4,000 years ago in the Old Testament, it was recorded: 
"And God made Aloe." Another verse states that "God made herbs for
medicine."  It is reputed that live Aloe plants were a part of the
"hospital" of conquering Roman armies. Virtually all cultures the world
over have used Aloe for its healing properties.

The early scientific research on Aloe which proliferated in the 1980's
gave contradictory results, from miraculous to zero ratings (about 50:50) 
for its healing properties.  A breakthrough came when a scientist from
Carrington Lab read a paper where Aloe was used to treat severe radiation
burns (not healable by scientific classification). The results showed that
(1) the irradiated skin of rats treated with fresh Aloe recovered 100%; 
(2) the irradiated skin of rats treated with 4-day-old Aloe never healed;
(3) the irradiated skin of the untreated controls also never healed.

Upon investigation, the scientists at Carrington found that when the Aloe
plant is harvested, it releases an enzyme which "cuts up" the functional
polysaccharide into smaller units, thus leaving the Aloe with none of its
acclaimed healing properties.( Most of the Aloe sold in health food stores
fall into this category.) The scientists then found a way to deactivate
the enzyme and began to study the polysaccharides.

The scientists eventually identified the functional component as a
betamannan molecule, known also as acemannan or Manapol(TM). If you'd like
to see a picture of this molecule, go to:

The scientist who researched betamannan at Carrington helped start the
company Emprise, now called Mannatech, which has the sole rights to mix 
this molecule in products for the next 16 years or so. 

Studies in the 1980's showed that the betamannan molecule was effective on
HIV patients, increasing their killer cells. The molecule acts on the
macrophages, which in turn, starts the whole immunologic pyramid of immune
responses. This molecule enhances the affects of other compounds (whether
drugs or nutrients) so less is needed to achieve the same results. Because
the molecule helps cellular communication, its beneficial effects are not
limited to just one disease (like a drug usually is), but to a wide
spectrum of conditions.  Another cellular communication product is
Ambrotose, which has 6 glycoproteins.

The betamannan molecule has already been approved for HIV in animals, and
about three years ago I heard it was being tested for cancer in animals,
and HIV in humans. Aloe is often included in cancer diets; if you go to
the above web site and click on "Books" you will find many cancer books,
some of which have cancer diets.

There are miraculous stories on the product, when it is taken WITH OTHER 
NUTRITIONAL SUPPORTS essential for optimal immune function.  There is a
video which shows an AIDS patient with 17 tumors/cancers on his liver who
was given only a few days to live. He took nutritional supplements and has
totally recovered.  [I think the nutritional supplements were the same as
the ones used in a research study because the video comes from one of the
authors of the study; the nutrients were (1) a quality powdered mixture
(complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids,
etc.), (2)  essential fatty acids, and (3) Aloe juice from Carrington.]

Note that the QUALITY of these nutrients is KEY to a stronger immune
system, not the name of the nutrient. One Aloe brand may contain the
betamannan, another may not. The powdered mixture used in the research
costs $70 for a small barrel; another product with almost identical
ingredients sold in the drug store for less than $6, but the $70 was
clearly superior--I FELT the difference.  But even these nutrients won't
work well if the body is overcome with heavy metals and toxins, so it may
be wise to clean out one's digestive track and body fluids, and to also
take super-antioxidants to protect against free radicals which are
prevalent in diseased states. 

In another Aloe testimony, an acquaintance told me of a woman who took
some of Mannatech's products to the hospital where her brother was
dying--doctors had given up on him. She opened the capsules and put the
nutrients in the liquid food which was being fed to him through a tube
into his stomach.  The brother got better and left the hospital.

:)  Joyce Inouye   

Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 14:22:44 +0200
From: "Raul Vergini, MD" 
Subject: Off-Topic: Aloe cure for cancer
Resent-Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 05:28:53 -0700 (PDT)


Recently I knew of a cancer therapy with Aloe.  The recipe was brought
here by a catholic missionary. It originate from Brasil. There are many
people here in Italy using it. I knew of it many months ago, but I didn't
pay much attention/interest to it. Then a frie

Stomach Ulcers

1998-06-13 Thread bjs1779
Has anyone here know of anyone that has used CS on
stomach ulcers with any favorable results? A lof of
ulcers are now said to be caused by a bacteria.

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Re: Sears Water Distiller Sale

1998-06-13 Thread George Martin
If anyone is planning on purchasing one of these or maybe going by 
local Sears store, I'm wondering if they would mind picking one up for me.  As 
may be able to tell by my e-mail address I am in Japan (US Navy).  It is very 
difficult to find commercial distilled water here.  I have a connection at one 
of our 
ship repair shops that has been getting me distilled water but it is really a 
pain and 
I can only get about 1 gallon at a time.  Please contact me off-list.  Thanks.

George Martin

On Sat, 13 Jun 1998 12:17:49 -0400, Wayne Laurents wrote:

>The Sears distiller is on sale for $109.

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Sears Water Distiller Sale

1998-06-13 Thread Wayne Laurents
The Sears distiller is on sale for $109.

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Aloe Vera recipe

1998-06-13 Thread George N. Allen
Yes, please post the recipe to the list.



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Aloe recipe for cancer

1998-06-13 Thread Raul Vergini, MD
Here is the Aloe recipe:

Start from a fresh Aloe Arborescens plant (it should be at least 5 years
old). You should find it in "tree nursery" or maybe it grows spontaneous in
some part of lower USA. If taken from "tre nursery" please make sure it is
organically grown.
Take some leaves from it. It should be at least one week after the last
rain (or water on the leaves, because no water must enter in the recipe and
the leaves are very "permeable" to water). 
The leaves you need should reach, together, about one meter in length (so
they can be only two if they are big, or more if they are littler).
Clean the leaves from dust with a dry or slightly wet towel, but don't wash
them with water.
Cut away the thorns from the sides of the leaves.
Cut the leaves in pieces without peeling them.
Put them in an electric beater together with:
500 grams of natural bee honey, and
50 ml of a distilled liqueur (wodka, brandy, whisky, etc.)
Beat all very well and the product is ready for use.
Keep it refrigerated in a dark close jar.
1 tablespoonful 20-30 minutes before meals (3 times/daily). Shake before
taking it.
After ending the jar, one should make a 5-10 days pause (not mandatory) and
then begin another jar. Repeat this until cure. If after 4 jar you don't
see appreciable results, you should double the dosage (2 tablespoonful
before meals three times daily). 
Often the results begin during the first jar.
There could be an Herxeimer-like reaction.
This therapy (one jar only) is advised also as a cancer preventive (once a
This therapy could also be useful in other chronic conditions.
Hope this help
Let me know
P.S. sorry my bad english

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Re: Off-Topic: Aloe cure for cancer

1998-06-13 Thread M. G. Devour
On 13 Jun 98 at 14:20, Raul Vergini wrote:

> Recently I knew of a cancer therapy with Aloe. ...  a friend of
> mine told me that he is using it with his mother (70yo) that has a
> kidney cancer with pulmonar metastasis. ... she had a clear
> amelioration, more energy, willing to do all her domestic works,
> no pains, etc. ... a thick zone under the metastasis (edema?) is
> clearly reduced. I will follow the case to see what happen. The
> Aloe used in this therapy is ... Aloe Arborescens. ... If someone
> is interested in it, I can email to the group the recipe with
> directions. 

By all means, please post the directions. We may not wish to become
the "every-possible-alternative-treatment-list", but I'm sure I would
like to have it in my archives, as would others.

Thank you, Raul.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: How much?

1998-06-13 Thread M. G. Devour
On 12 Jun 98 at 1:28, wrote:

> We are using a variety of methods to 'treat' my father's cancer and
> subsequent die off from Rife/Bare sessions.  We want to keep giving
> him CS but are having a hard time with compliance. 

Damn, that brings back not-so-distant memories! My Dad, bless his 
soul, spent the last umpteen years of his life taking so many 
prescription meds that compliance was a major focus of his energy.
Towards the end, he really hated "all the damn pills."

The good news is, your father has *you* caring for him and supporting 
him. You might not be able to appreciate right now just how blessed 
you are. Or, then again, you might. 

> He is mentally overwhelmed by alot of the modalities we are using
> and I want to simplify his regime as much as possible.  He lives
> alone at present (fiercely independent old cuss!) 

As long as he cooperates with you, then keep on with what you're
doing. The familiarity of his home is more important to him than you
and I can imagine. The idea of adding cs to his water is perfect.

> My question is this:  How much home made CS should we put in the 1/2
> gallon bottle of water?  

> Please don't ask what the PPM is of the CS - we don't know - just
> presume that it is 'normal'.

I have to ask: What PPM is it?  Or at least, how are you
making it (electrode length and spacing, voltage, water temp and 
volume, salt or no, production time (with bubbles visible), etc.) ?

If you can make the bottles 3-5 ppm or so you'd be going right along
with some of the precedent we've heard about. Was it Bob Beck or Dr. 
Becker who's been drinking a half gallon a day of 3-5 ppm CS for some 
while now to good effect?

If we can guesstimate the ppm we can figure out how much you need to
add to get it up to at least those levels. It also should not affect
the taste or color much, either, which may help with compliance.

> Respond off list if you wish.

This is right on topic...

Good luck,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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1998-06-13 Thread brains
G'day Mike ..yes I am on the Rife List(1 of about 16 ) and yes I have
let Jennifer know .
Brian in OZ


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Off-Topic: Aloe cure for cancer

1998-06-13 Thread Raul Vergini, MD
Recently I knew of a cancer therapy with Aloe. 
The recipe was brought here by a catholic missionary. It originate from
Brasil. There are many people here in Italy using it. I knew of it many
months ago, but I didn't pay much attention/interest to it. Then a friend
of mine told me that he is using it with his mother (70yo) that has a
kidney cancer with pulmonar metastasis. After adding Aloe to her regimen
(that included pancreatic enzymes and potassium ascorbate, with not very
good results) she had a clear amelioration, more energy, willing to do all
her domestic works, no pains, etc. A x-ray of her lungs showed no change in
the round metastatic lesion, but a thick zone under the metastasis (edema?)
is clearly reduced. I will follow the case to see what happen.
The Aloe used in this therapy is not Aloe vera, but Aloe Arborescens.
The missionary published a small book here with several case histories from
Brasil and Israel (where he lived) with addresses and telephone numbers of
the patients.
If someone knows of this therapy I will be happy to exchange opinions.
If someone is interested in it, I can email to the group the recipe with

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1998-06-13 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Brian,

Jennifer sent a message on that subject that came through on the 
silver-list a day or so ago. Notice that the header below indicates 
this came by way of the rife-list. If you're not on the rife-list, I 
wonder if it is a result of the original being crossposted. Did you 
respond to Jennifer's message?

Other than some slowdowns in the Digest version of the list and an
overall low volume of discussions for the last week or so, there's
been nothing unusual happening.

Let me know if the wierdness continues, Brian.

Mike D.

On 13 Jun 98 at 16:18, Brian in OZ wrote:

> I have had several messages like the following with text turn up on
> my private email recently .is there a problem with list or the
> sender
> Subject:
>  FDA Attack of product names that imply theraputic use
>  Resent-Date:
>  Fri, 12 Jun 1998 16:28:48 -0700 (PDT)
>  Resent-From:
> Date:
>  Fri, 12 Jun 1998 18:17:04 -0500
> From:
>  Jennifer Ruby 
>   To:
>  "" 
>  CC:
>  Bob & Gail Francis 
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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How much?

1998-06-13 Thread CJ
We are using a variety of methods to 'treat' my father's cancer and
subsequent die off from Rife/Bare sessions.  We want to keep giving him
CS but are having a hard time with compliance.  We finally got him on a
regime of drinking distilled water,  we give him 2 half gallon bottles
at a time and tell him to drink at least one of the bottles a day.
(Yes, I know he should/must drink more but this is the best we can do).
My question is this:  How much home made CS should we put in the 1/2
gallon bottle of water?  He is mentally overwhelmed by alot of the
modalities we are using and I want to simplify his regime as much as
possible.  He lives alone at present (fiercely independent old cuss!)
Please don't ask what the PPM is of the CS - we don't know - just
presume that it is 'normal'.

Respond off list if you wish.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: Easy experiment - what about yogurt culture

1998-06-13 Thread Joyce Inouye

Dr. Rife talked about pleomorphism, whereby he bacteria change into fungi
or into viruses, and back again to bacteria.  Go to web site:

and click "Rife Instrument" --- It may lead you to stories about Dr. 
Rife's observations where he saw harmless bacteria become cancer-causing
ones. By changing the environment (introducing "toxins"), Dr. Rife could
cause bacteria to change from "friendly" bacteria to cancer-causing ones.

> > 
> > I'm not quite following all the talk about converting bacteria.
> > Haven't the
> > in vitro tests shown CS to kill the bacteria or virus rather than
> > convert
> > it?  I realize that this is different than in vivo, but why would we
> > assume
> > that the results would be to convert rather than kill?  I'm curious
> > how this
> > idea originated.  Could you give me some more info. (research or
> > theory)
> > that could enlighten me a bit on this.  Also, how much magnification
> > is
> > needed to see the acidophilus bacteria?  Thanks,
> > 
> > Vern

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1998-06-13 Thread brains
I have had several messages like the following with text turn up on my
private email recently .is there a problem with list or the

 FDA Attack of product names that imply theraputic use
 Fri, 12 Jun 1998 16:28:48 -0700 (PDT)
 Fri, 12 Jun 1998 18:17:04 -0500
 Jennifer Ruby 
 Bob & Gail Francis 

Brian in OZ


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Rheumatoid Arthritis

1998-06-13 Thread Jennifer Ruby
Hello !

Has anyone had any especially good luck with any particular  treatment
with Rheumatoid Arthritis?   I have been talking to a older gentleman
about the concept of Rife, Oxy therapy, Herbs and Enzymes,  as he is in
a lot of pain.
He's had this most of his life, but recieved DMSO IV treatments  in
Mexico when he was quite a bit younger, and he was in remission for
years.  Now, it's back with a vengence.  Anyone know of anyone who does
This treatment, here in the states, preferably in Texas, or another one
that would perform equally? ? ?

Thanks in advance,

Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :
 May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers


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