Re: CSJust me...

1998-11-16 Thread Debbie McDonald
HI Mike,
  Isn't it time for us to chip in some moo-lah for this list's operational
costs?? Seems like it has been a very long time. Deb 

   Debbie McDonald

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Re: CSLess is Better?

1998-11-16 Thread Bruce K. Stenulson
Dean  List,

I had a conversation a while back with an individual from Eastern Canada
who said that concentrations up to about 15 PPM were tested to have held
their poennct for two years, but that higher concentrations
'deteriorated' faster...  This should relate back to the fact that small
charged particles are known to be the most biologicly active / toxic to
micro-organisms; The 'clumping' issue may well be coming into play at
higher concentrations I'll try t follow up on the statement that a
couple dozen University studies of CS had been done in Canada; would
dearly love to get coppies of that data!

Be Well!


 Dean Woodward wrote:
 Hi Mike, Bruce, Bob, etc. etc.
 I have been experimenting with CS for awhile now, and found it very
 useful. I don't (to my knowledge) have any major infections, so have
 been using CS topically for athlete's foot and jock itch which I
 have fought most of my life. It really helps. So, take what I say here
 as it applies to topical uses - I don't know if the same thing would
 apply for internal use.
 Recently I started making higher concentrations (usual 3 9-volt
 batteries, wire from Marsha, current-limiting bulb, etc.) of 35to
 40 ppm (Hanna WP1), and started to see decreasing effectiveness in the
 CS. Recently was in Needville and arranged to visit with Bob Lee
 (hi-Bob), who has authored so many really well-thought-out posts on
 this list. Bob commented that lower concentrations seem to work
 better. That, coupled with my recent experience with less
 effectiveness from higher concentrations, led me to try very low
 concentration. I made a batch that tested at 5 ppm, and barely made a
 Tyndall trace with red laser pointer. Have tried it on the jock itch,
 and the result has been startlingly good. Makes me wonder if less
 really is better, and if so why. Could it be that the silver particles
 are far enough apart in the colloid that they have less inclination to
 floculate, and therefore are available to function.
 I would be very interested in the experience of others in this regard,
 and in any theories to support the observations.
 Regards to all from Aggie-Land (How about those Aggies!!!)
 Dean Woodward

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Re: CSLess is Better?

1998-11-16 Thread Brian McInturff

   Makes me wonder if less really is better, and if so why. Could it be
   that the silver particles are far enough apart in the colloid that
   they have less inclination to floculate, and therefore are available
   to function. 

I don't know what causes it, but the CS I make when using minimal
time (like going 10 minutes after the cloud starts to form)
and is clear tastes more metallic and stronger than that I
leave going for a half hour, until it just begins to turn
yellow.  I guessed it was from forming silver oxide,
but I really had no idea why.


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Re: CSLess is Better?

1998-11-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Dean Woodward wrote:

 Makes me wonder if less really is better, and if so why. Could it be
 that the silver particles are far enough apart in the colloid that
 they have less inclination to floculate, and therefore are available
 to function. 

Vern wrote:

 I questioned some of the more is better thinking and got a few
 responses that questioned my intelligence. 

Sorry to hear that, Vern. With the ignorance we all suffer from on 
this subject there is little grounds for questioning anyone's 
intelligence! grin

 The funny thing is that the literature that came with the unit I
 have states that when the the concentration gets above 5-6 ppm, the
 particles begin to clump together.  It makes sense to me and in
 fact I have had super results with my little 5-6 ppm solution.

This is why I've been hoping to get a chance to do some electron 
microscopy and/or optical spectroscopy to get a handle on particle 
size distribution. I'd expect that as the conductivity and current 
increase, the particle size would change. If clumping occurs, you 
should certainly see some indication in the spectra.

We'll never *know* this stuff until we learn how to measure it. In 
the meantime, thanks for the anecdotal results.


[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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