Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-13 Thread Dennis Lipter

I am referring to the "magic" water written about on the site you referred to in
your post, to quote you "The Clustered Water it speaks of is available." I
thought you were referring to the water that cleans up toxic lakes mentioned in  which is called super ionized

Dennis wrote:

> In a message dated 7/13/99 4:18:47 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Edith :
>  Is the clustered water the same as the super ionized water mentioned on the
>  site? Do you use it? If so any results to report?
>  Dennis >>
> Hi Dennis,
> I don't know because I don't know what ionized water is.  I bought the
> Clustered Water from Dr. Len Horowitz back in April at the Mesquite
> Preparedness Expo.  He had a booth with there and tried to explain the
> process to me.  To make a long story short, said he had looked into it was
> thought it was very beneficial. But I only recently started using it.
> NOW what is ionized water?
> edith
> --
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1999-07-13 Thread Reid Smith
  A private phone conversation was overheard and here is the transcript.

Dr. Heartless : Hello Dr. Greed

Dr. Greed : Hello Dr. Heartless what have you been up to? 

Dr. Heartless : Well, Dr. Greed, I just gave another stupid postminoposal
woman estrogen. In a few years she'll be back in
here in with breast 
cancer. I told her that she was running a high risk of breast 
cancer taking estrogen so she can't suit me. I'm sure glad she 
doesn't know about the need for progesterone and trusts me.

Dr. Greed : Yea, we sure make a lot of money off of their ignorance.

Dr. Heartless : I wish there was some way to make more money off
of their ignorance. I can't wait until that woman gets
breast cancer and I get to make all that money cutting
her breasts off.

Dr. Greed : Well, Dr. Heartless, you know we could tell them that by 
cutting their breasts off early they can prevent breast 
cancer. That way we can make the money for cutting their
off now. Hey, we can still feed them the estrogen and later on 
we can cut them open for ovarian cancer. Since they don't
have any breasts anymore they won't be fealing for lumps.
By the time they figure out that they have ovarian cancer
it should be really matured.

Dr. Heartless : Sounds like a game plan to me. Let's get the comercials
going and get the ignorant women in here. I need the money,
my golf clubs are all ready a year old. 


P.S. Just another picture painting Dave.  

Take Care 

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CS>Just for a smile

1999-07-13 Thread Reid Smith
Dear friends,  I particularly liked this story.  I hope you enjoy it.
>A few years ago, at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine contestants, all
>physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the
>100-yard dash.  At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but
>with a relish to run the race to the finish and win.  All, that is, except one
>little boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times, and
>began to cry.  The other eight heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked
>back. Then they all turned around and went back. Every one of them. One girl
>with Down's Syndrome bent down and kissed him and said: "This will make it
>better."  Then all nine linked arms and walked together to the finish line.
>Everyone in the stadium stood, and the cheering went on for several minutes.
>People who were there are still telling the story. Why?  Because deep down we
>know this one thing:  What matters in this life is more than winning for
>ourselves. What matters in this life is helping others win, even if it means
>slowing down and changing our course.

   Pass it on...

Take Care 

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Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-13 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 7/13/99 4:18:47 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< Edith :
 Is the clustered water the same as the super ionized water mentioned on the
 site? Do you use it? If so any results to report?
 Dennis >>

Hi Dennis,

I don't know because I don't know what ionized water is.  I bought the 
Clustered Water from Dr. Len Horowitz back in April at the Mesquite 
Preparedness Expo.  He had a booth with there and tried to explain the 
process to me.  To make a long story short, said he had looked into it was 
thought it was very beneficial. But I only recently started using it.
NOW what is ionized water?


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CS>Re:5 min copper colloid

1999-07-13 Thread Mike Rhyner
Please tell us about the laser ablation method. Awhile back
I wrote the post below wondering how Water-Oz colloidals
were made using a laser. Is laser ablation the method used?

My post:
Awhile back someone said that the WaterOz colloidals
are made by using a laser which apparently "blasts"
the silver to make ultrafine particles. Does anyone
know the particulars of this process such as:

What type of laser is used, wavelength of light and power?

Is the silver submerged under water during this process?

Anyone know of any patents or other products which
use this method?  Thanks
  Mike Rhyner

P Yanko wrote:
 Anyone tried making this in a microwave ??
Reading about laser ablationand not having a laser, the best bombardment
method to hand was a microwave, wound a small coil of copper 1.5ml dia wire,
about 8 inchs long
1/2in spacing put in small jar boiled on low for 10 min.
many bubbles come from the wire at this point, lovely clean wire,

Found copper particles on the bottom of the jar, no visible copper in the
water, question how do i test the ppm of copper coloid ??
anyone know ?

_P Yanko

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Re: CS>Genetically engineered food

1999-07-13 Thread Sammark4
In a message dated 99-07-13 11:27:43 EDT, you write:

> "In the US, approximately 60 million acres of biotechnology-derived crops 
>  already have been planted, and that number is growing," Grabowski added.

I'm fairly sure the destruction of the American Farmer was no accident.

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Re: CS>[CS] DMSO as transport mech

1999-07-13 Thread JMarsh4185
Reid, thanks again, bananas, bananas, bananas.  janet

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Re: CS>marshall-fingers that when bent get stuck and hurt

1999-07-13 Thread JMarsh4185
Dear Nancy,

  I have 1 Togg, 1 Alpine, 2 LaManchiaa, all does, and I just have recieved 2 
Boer Bucks and 2 does.  I had some trouble,[still have] with urinary calculi 
in the bucks and now one is down in Cornell University due to the blockage.  
They had to operate.  I am not hopeful so far, h e has been there 8 days and 
I guess that 10 days is the cut off date to see if he will pee.  He has a 
catheter in him. The other buck is okay so far except that he grew too fast 
and his growth plates in the knees are inflammed.  He came from a CAE free 
herd, so it is feed related.  I am giving him acid in  his water to prevent 
stones.  I had 42 goats at one time and never had this problem.  I may need 
to have my water tested for nitrites.
  What do you have?  I love them except when I am drowning in milk and I am 
now even though I give away all I can.  Where do you live?  I live in NY.  
  Whoops, I forgot that I have 2 llamas too.  Will breed then this month.  

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CS>Evil Spirits in our tomatoes & Toddy Minerals

1999-07-13 Thread Piper
To share with all:
I found this very different website by searching on CG,
Let me know what you think!

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1999-07-13 Thread Susan Epstein
Hi James, I got your message about wanting info on psoriasis, but I need your 
mailing address, because I have printed material that I can't send through the 
computer. I don't have a scsnner or fax. I hope I'm sending this message to the 
right list. Susan Epstein

Re: CS>colloidal gold

1999-07-13 Thread Piper
Can anyone tell me what CG is used for, I bought some yesterday at
remarkable prices at GNC.

- Original Message -
From: Tom Trauberman 
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 2:53 PM
Subject: CS>colloidal gold

> Today I made CG. Here is how I did it. I snapped 10 - 9 volt batteries
> together, I hooked the + & - terminals with alligator clips to 2- 22
> gauge 24 carat wires each 6 inches long. In 6 inches of dw I rubbed the
> wires together causing continuous arching. After 5 minutes I checked
> tyndal with a laser pointer and saw a good beam through the solution.
> The batteries were heating up so I ended. The solution has a light
> golden color. Does anyone know if this can be taken with CS and if so
> are there any timing/sequences that need to be followed?
> Tom
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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Re: CS>Alkaline water Device

1999-07-13 Thread FEDTOLEDO
I have Sang Whang's book called "Reverse Aging" that discusses ph levels. 
He believes many diseases start or are caused by the acidic levels of our
body ph produced from our diets.To be brief, he suggests " drinking 5
glasses of 10 ph water daily will graduallly lower the bodies acidity and
enable the body to dispose of all the waste products produced daily and
then some.  Drinking inonized alkaline water is much better than taking
alkalline mineral tablets such as calcuim tablets." 

Sounds like the water you are getting would meet his approval with a ph of

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Alkaline water Device
> Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 1:00 AM
> In a message dated 99-07-11 02:29:23 EDT, you write:
> > Hey,
> >  That sounds like a great price!!  I have followed different threads
> >  this subject and it seems it is quite a good thing to do.  Someone
> >  explained the principle of just how it worked and that was very
> >  interesting.  However, I think I looked in on a site and the price was
> >  exorbitant, and I believe that this product was made in China.  So,
let me
> >  know what you find out.  I don't have many resources up here.  Wonder
> >  they ship these out?  Have you actually seen one to see the quality
> >  such as that.
> >  
> >  I'm interested for one.  Thanks for the info!
> >  Susan
> Hi Susan,
> He had two at the store, collecting dust.  I didn't pull the one out
> the box, but saw the top of it.  The instructions and explanations were
> in Korean except for one brief overview in English.  I can ask if he will

> ship one.  Overall, it looked like a nice double-barrelled coffee maker. 
> *thought* that sounded like a good price.  Admittedly, I didn't pay much 
> attention to the discussion of ionized water when it was going on a few
> back.  I'll be down his way this Wednesday or the next Wednesday.  I'll 
> inquire about the shipping  -- to see if it's a possibility.  :)
> Samm
> --
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CS>colloidal gold

1999-07-13 Thread Tom Trauberman
Today I made CG. Here is how I did it. I snapped 10 - 9 volt batteries
together, I hooked the + & - terminals with alligator clips to 2- 22
gauge 24 carat wires each 6 inches long. In 6 inches of dw I rubbed the
wires together causing continuous arching. After 5 minutes I checked
tyndal with a laser pointer and saw a good beam through the solution.
The batteries were heating up so I ended. The solution has a light
golden color. Does anyone know if this can be taken with CS and if so
are there any timing/sequences that need to be followed?


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Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-13 Thread Vilik Rapheles
At 05:16 PM 7/13/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Edith :
>Is the clustered water the same as the super ionized water mentioned on the
>site? Do you use it? If so any results to report?

By clustered water, do you mean the Flanigan product? I used that for
months and never saw any results


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Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-13 Thread Dennis Lipter
Edith :

Is the clustered water the same as the super ionized water mentioned on the
site? Do you use it? If so any results to report?

Dennis wrote:

> In a message dated 7/13/99 2:57:51 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Thank you so much. I visited the site. It sounds like it is not
>  available yet. Do you know any more?
>  ~^^V^^~
>   >>
> The Clustered Water it speakes of is available.
> edith
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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Re: CS>Re: degenerative arthritis

1999-07-13 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 7/13/99 2:12:45 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Dear Special Silver Group, Does anyone have any information about the
 effect of cs on degenerative arthritis? I have a close personal friend
 (only 32 yrr old) that has the knid of arthritis that attacks the organs
 in the body. The doctors gave him 3-5 years to live (as of yesterday) and
 at that in constant almost unbearable pain. His spinal column is fusing
 together. Any suggestions? I have not had an opportunity to read many
 recent digestsor do a thorough internet search..have been distraught,
 Thanks for any assistance.
 Paula in N Ga >>

I have a friend that had the same thing in her 20's.  Sometime when I saw her 
at church,
she could barely hobble around.  It affected har lungs and eyes alot.  She 
was on lots of medications.  She studied into health through diet which did 
not take place over night.
I think it took her 3 yrs to completely get off her med.  Her doctor told her 
to keep doing whatever she was doing and hoped her never saw her again.  She 
juices takes the powdered greens(barley etc) and eats a strict vegan diet.  
I'm so shocked at her health and stamina.  She recently took a second job as 
a waitress.  She has a regular 40 hr wk job.  She did tell me last week that 
if she didn't drink her 2qts of water daily that her hip that was so bad 
during her unhealthy period, would flare up and ache and with her waitress 
job that she couldn't allow that to happen.  I have personally watched this 
transformation in her life.  She is now 44.

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Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-13 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 7/13/99 2:57:51 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Thank you so much. I visited the site. It sounds like it is not
 available yet. Do you know any more?

The Clustered Water it speakes of is available.

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Re: CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-13 Thread Vilik Rapheles
At 02:29 PM 7/13/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear List-members,
>I have come accross some very interesting information on water-purification.
>It might seem to be somewhat new-age, but check it out. And please pass on
>the information.

   Thank you so much. I visited the site. It sounds like it is not
available yet. Do you know any more?


>Christian von Wechmar
>Stellenbosch, South Africa
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CS>The rest of the story

1999-07-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
OK, here is the story on L-Tryptophane:


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Re: CS>Re: degenerative arthritis

1999-07-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
Colloidal gold is reported to be more effective on arthritis than CS.  We are
coming out with a product which should be even better than pure colloidal
gold as soon as our patent attorney says it is ok discuss and give it out.

Hopefully I can send you some shortly for you to see how it does and tell you
exactly what it is..

Marshall wrote:

> Dear Special Silver Group, Does anyone have any information about the
> effect of cs on degenerative arthritis? I have a close personal friend
> (only 32 yrr old) that has the knid of arthritis that attacks the organs
> in the body. The doctors gave him 3-5 years to live (as of yesterday) and
> at that in constant almost unbearable pain. His spinal column is fusing
> together. Any suggestions? I have not had an opportunity to read many
> recent digestsor do a thorough internet search..have been distraught,
> Thanks for any assistance.
> Paula in N Ga
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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CS>Re: degenerative arthritis

1999-07-13 Thread paula99
Dear Special Silver Group, Does anyone have any information about the
effect of cs on degenerative arthritis? I have a close personal friend
(only 32 yrr old) that has the knid of arthritis that attacks the organs
in the body. The doctors gave him 3-5 years to live (as of yesterday) and
at that in constant almost unbearable pain. His spinal column is fusing
together. Any suggestions? I have not had an opportunity to read many
recent digestsor do a thorough internet search..have been distraught,
Thanks for any assistance.
Paula in N Ga

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Re: CS>**? Sucralose

1999-07-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
Opps sorry, high lighted the wrong link on the previous reply, should have


Debbie McDonald wrote:

> Hi all,
>   Does anyone have any info on sucralose? After aspartame, I am
> paranoid. Deb
> --
>Debbie McDonald
> --
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Re: CS>**? Sucralose

1999-07-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
Try and
for starters.  Looks like stevia is a much better alternative.  I am
planning on getting some today and checking it out.


Debbie McDonald wrote:

> Hi all,
>   Does anyone have any info on sucralose? After aspartame, I am
> paranoid. Deb
> --
>Debbie McDonald
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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Re: CS>Chem Trails

1999-07-13 Thread M. G. Devour
Marshall's comments below are the kinds of first hand experience I'd 
need to *know* for myself that something wierd was going on.

Some of the descriptions of "suspicious" activity I've read on the
web are indistinguishable from normal persistent contrails that I
have seen personally. The sort of things he is reporting do sound
suspicious, but I have not yet seen anything similar.

Marshall wrote:
> However the moderator asked us to stop discussing it on this list
> due to it being off topic. 

"Stop" is a little strong. I know it'll keep coming up, since there
is a lot of commotion out there. However, there is little we can do
to convince people one way or another whether the chem-trails are
real or hoax, dangerous or benign, until they've seen the evidence
themselves. That debate will always get us off topic pretty quick.

It is enough to report: this is what we've seen, this is how it 
affected us, CS seemed to help.

Thanks for giving us your story, Marshall. Be vigilant, folks.

Mike D.
silver-list owner

>>begin included message

> You are talking about con trails, and all this is true for them. Not
> same thing, we are talking about chemtrails.  Chemtrails occur at
> low altitudes, number of trails is almost always different than
> number of engines, and jets are always unmarked, military, and
> always put an X down first, then criss cross back and forth until a
> blue sky becomes totally overcast.  The trails would last for hours,
> then finally drop to ground level, and if you were outside at the
> time they would burn you, your eyes, and choke you.  We saw this
> every day for months, then around the first of this month, it
> stopped as suddenly as it started.  I have been with groups of
> people who all had to run inside and wash off when these things
> decended and begun burning them.
> True for contrails, but on chemtrails, the planes will typically fly
> across the city, then turn around and fly back, making a
> checkerboard pattern.  This is not point to point at all.  Very
> often the chemtail will be turned off as soon as they leave the
> boundry of the city and turn, then be turned back on when they come
> over the city limits again.  I have seen this many times.  Also if
> you look through binoculars you will see that the spray is coming
> from nozzles, not engines, often, but not always from a refueling
> boom from the bottom of the plane.


> All of us here have had much first hand experience here in
> Knoxville, lots of trails, lots of sickness. burns skin when it
> hits you and so forth. However the moderator asked us to stop
> discussing it on this list due to it being off topic.  Also it
> seems that the chemtrails stopped as quickly as they started here,
> they lasted 5 months, then sudden seemed to have stopped here.  My
> chapped lips that started last Feb when they started finally have
> healed as well, so it looks like it might finally be over.  The
> huge increase in the death rate here during that time, and the
> large numbers of people crowding the emergency rooms with flu like
> symptoms, pneumonia, encyphilits and so forth has also ended
> coincident with them.  ...

> With the ending of the chemtrails around here I have dropped my
> consumption of CS from the 4 oz a day I was taking back to the
> normal 1 oz a day.  Thank goodness for CS during that time, my
> family and friends who were taking it are about the only ones who
> were not sick repeatedly during that interval around here.

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Re: CS>**? Sucralose

1999-07-13 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi Debbie,
I don't know anything about sucralose, but are you familiar with Stevia.   
It is from the leaves of a plant originally grown in South America.   I
found out about it while trying to find something other than aspartame for
my mother who was diagnosed with diabetes last year.  

She is quite happy with it.  It is a lot stronger than sugar and requires
very little.  You can get it in drops, white powder or green powder.The
white powder is most common, but has been bleached.  My mom likes the
green, but says it dissolves a little slower.  Check your local health food
store.   Also much info on the internet under "Stevia."   In some countries
physicians apparently accually prescribe it for hypo and hyperglycemia as
it regulates the insulin from the pancreas in some patients.

Also, fructose is supposed to have a low glycemic index.
> From: Debbie McDonald 
> To:
> Subject: CS>**? Sucralose
> Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 10:52 AM
> Hi all,
>   Does anyone have any info on sucralose? After aspartame, I am
> paranoid. Deb
> -- 
>Debbie McDonald
> --
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Re: CS>[CS] DMSO as transport mech

1999-07-13 Thread Reid Smith
>Thanks Reid, will do that too.  How about a potassium supplement? janet

   Potatoes, colliflower, brokley, bannanas are alot better than 
suppliments. (excuse spelling) Eat them on an empty stomic and
stay away from acids like soda and tomatoes.

Take Care 

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Re: CS>RE: HELP needed! Getting Silver stains off Formica counter tops

1999-07-13 Thread Marshall Dudley

Bill Schramm wrote:

> You might try ammonia, if the stain contains silver compounds.  Silver is
> not very reactive with most things but forms coordinated compounds with
> ammonia as a ligand.

Do you mean coordinated compounds, or complexed compounds (complexes)?


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Re: CS>Chem Trails

1999-07-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
Anthony W. Nettis wrote:

> Someone recently posted a link to information on Chem Trails.  I had never
> heard of such a  phenomena but I followed the link (and then searched for
> others) and found a lot of interesting (and scary) information.
> Here is one interesting article that I came across:
> Does anyone on this list have any thoughts or additional information on
> whether this is just another internet folk tale or is their truth to this
> phenomena?
> Tony

All of us here have had much first hand experience here in Knoxville, lots of
trails, lots of sickness. burns skin when it hits you and so forth. However
the moderator asked us to stop discussing it on this list due to it being off
topic.  Also it seems that the chemtrails stopped as quickly as they started
here, they lasted 5 months, then sudden seemed to have stopped here.  My
chapped lips that started last Feb when they started finally have healed as
well, so it looks like it might finally be over.  The huge increase in the
rate here during that time, and the large numbers of people crowding the
emergency rooms with flu like symptoms, pneumonia, encyphilits and so
forth has also ended coincident with them.  Some say they are discussed
in Revelation 9 (I first heard this was woe one in Feb, and was waiting to
see if they would stop around July 1, which they seem to have), which says
that woe one will last 5 months. I guess we wiill really have to wait and see
to know for sure though. I suppose they could resume at any time.

With the ending of the chemtrails around here I have dropped my consumption
of CS from the 4 oz a day I was taking back to the normal 1 oz a day.  Thank
goodness for CS during that time, my family and friends who were taking it are

about the only ones who were not sick repeatedly during that interval around


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Re: CS>Hello

1999-07-13 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Monica,

> It is very confusing who has the best and correct generator

You are right on. The good news is, just about any of a dozen designs 
of generator will work. All the differences appear to be small 
benefits on top of something that's already pretty good.

The simplest setup of batteries, clip leads and silver wires in a 
glass of distilled water will generate a usable CS -- IF it is done 

There are a number of features that will make such a LVDC
(low-voltage direct current) setup a bit more reliable, convenient,
or consistent. But the basic setup seems to work, as shown by the
steady stream of good reports from people.

Now, you can get much more elaborate, all the way up to the
microprocessor controlled HVAC (hi voltage alternating current)
systems from CS Pro and similar units. They cost a lot more money 
than the simple set ups, but we've heard from plenty of satisfied 
customers on this list.

So the choice is up to you. Do a web search and visit a bunch of 
sites. I'll re-post the FAQ which will guide you through a few of 

You can try a simple home-made setup or inexpensive ready-made LVDC
generator, or even buy some CS from one of the vendors that has
gotten good reviews from customers here. Then you can move up to
whatever level of sophistication and cost you feel comfortable with.

Above all, though, once you've satisfied yourself that it is safe, 
then try some. 

Don't be shy about asking more questions, and please be patient with
all the confusion over the answers. 

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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CS>Genetically engineered food

1999-07-13 Thread DotsieBoo
Below is an article from the June 14, 1999 issue of PRWeek magazine.  I think 
the public relations spin has already started because they now call it 
biotechnology instead of genetically engineered food.

GMA kicks off $1m job to laud biotech foods
By Phil Rabin
Washington, DC:  Global food and pharmaceutical giants are planning a major 
PR campaign to champion the merits of biotechnology, in a bid to preempt the 
kind of anti-genetic modification backlash seen in Europe.

Biotech produced foods have come in for scathing criticism in Europe in 
recent months, with consumer activists and environmentalists claiming they 
may pose health threats or threats to nature.  

To prevent a repeat on this side of the Atlantic, the Grocery Manufacturers 
of America - representing 132 firms, including global giants such as Heinz, 
Kraft and Proctor & Gamble - is planning an educational campaign on the 
merits of foods developed from biotechnology, including corn, tomatoes, 
potatoes and canola.  

PRWeek has learned that three firms are in the finals for the GMA project - 
BSMG, Fleishman-Hillard and Porter Novelli.  The year-long effort is thought 
to be worth $1 million.

GMA's preemptive effort may begin later this month or next month, and will be 
designed to educate a number of audiences about food biotechnology, including 
retailers, policy makers, farmers and consumers.  He said the goal will be to 
provide "balanced information" to consumers.

GMA plans to "act before a potential crisis" hits, said Gene Grabowski, the 
organization's VP for communications.  He added that concerns overseas stem 
from people's lack of faith in technology, which results in activists 
fighting to block the biotech-developed foods.

"In the US, approximately 60 million acres of biotechnology-derived crops 
already have been planted, and that number is growing," Grabowski added.

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Re: CS>Chem Trails

1999-07-13 Thread M. G. Devour
Tony wrote:

> Someone recently posted a link to information on Chem Trails.  I had
> never heard of such a  phenomena but I followed the link (and then
> searched for others) and found a lot of interesting (and scary)
> information.

The chem-trails issue first came up last month and was dealt with at 
some length.

The upshot is this:

It may have a component that is real, but almost certainly *some* of
the sightings people are reacting to are normal contrails that are
frightening them only because of what they have read. 

Folks with aviation experience will tell you that persistant 
contrails are possible under a great many normal circumstances 
without nefarious goings on.

I don't claim that there is *no* bad stuff happening. Just be wary
what you believe and don't panic just because you see a contrail in
the sky. Look for evidence of something non-normal before you worry.

The relevance to Colloidal Silver is that *if* there are any
irritants, toxins or pathogenic stuff being dropped on our heads, CS 
may help us to resist or recover from it. Thus we include chem-trails 
among the many, often frightening things that the preparedness 
oriented folks are concerned about, for which a low cost, simple 
home-made remedy like CS might be useful. 

Like, how about getting laid off from your job and losing your
medical insurance? Hmmm?

I don't think we need to revisit the whole issue. Nor can we or 
should we avoid mentioning it entirely. It's going to keep coming up.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS>tyndall

1999-07-13 Thread boberger
Hqave you ever seen the particles floating in air in a drkened room and a
sunbeam is shinning  through a small hole or slit? The reflected light is
called the Tyndall Effect. One sees the same thing when a beam of light is
shown thruogh a collidial suspension.


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Re: CS>Chem Trails

1999-07-13 Thread Marshall Dudley

Griz Adams wrote:

> At 09:14 AM 7/13/99 -0400, Anthony W. Nettis wrote:
> >Someone recently posted a link to information on Chem Trails.  I had never
> >heard of such a  phenomena but I followed the link (and then searched for
> >others) and found a lot of interesting (and scary) information.
> >
> >Here is one interesting article that I came across:
> >
> >
> >Does anyone on this list have any thoughts or additional information on
> >whether this is just another internet folk tale or is their truth to this
> >phenomena?
> >
> As a retired military pilot, I can tell you that web page was packed full
> of inaccuracies. Contrails are dependent on a number of things including
> temperature and moisture content of the air.

You are talking about con trails, and all this is true for them. Not same
thing, we are talking about chemtrails.  Chemtrails occur at low altitudes,
number of trails is almost always different than number of engines, and jets
are always unmarked, military, and always put an X down first, then criss cross
back and forth until a blue sky becomes totally overcast.  The trails would
last for hours, then finally drop to ground level, and if you were outside at
the time they would burn you, your eyes, and choke you.  We saw this every day
for months, then around the first of this month, it stopped as suddenly as it
started.  I have been with groups of people who all had to run inside and wash
off when these things decended and begun burning them.

> I've seen them generated in airport traffic patterns on a cool, humid day
> when enough G-Forces were
> generated.

Once again you are talking about contrails.  We are talking about chemtrails.
Chemtrails occur on dry days mainly, since there appears to be some problem
with degragation of the chemicals on moist days.  The planes putting these down
usually avoid days in which the wind is over 20 mph (the chemicals get blown
off target probably), or overly cloudy.

> As to their assertion that airlines only travel on approved
> corridors, that is not true. Most of the traffic does follow along jet
> routes but with the advent of excellent navigational devices such as GPS, a
> lot of aircraft are being cleared to go direct from point to point. My dad
> said to me once, "Son, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Those
> folks seem to prove his point.

True for contrails, but on chemtrails, the planes will typically fly across the
city, then turn around and fly back, making a checkerboard pattern.  This is
not point to point at all.  Very often the chemtail will be turned off as soon
as they leave the boundry of the city and turn, then be turned back on when
they come over the city limits again.  I have seen this many times.  Also if
you look through binoculars you will see that the spray is coming from nozzles,
not engines, often, but not always from a refueling boom from the bottom of the


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Re: CS>No Subject

1999-07-13 Thread boberger

To stop the cloudly problem stop boiling the DW. If you will switch the wires on
the silver electrodes every 4 to 5 minutes you should make clear CS with its 
particles. That is the way my CS generator works. It wsitches every minute, and 
have never made colored or cloudy CS with DW.


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Re: CS>marshall-fingers that when bent get stuck and hurt

1999-07-13 Thread Scharbach

Janet wrote:

>Dear Nancy,  I am the one with bad fingers.  I am going to the Health food
>store tomorrow and get some,  I have a hard time milking my 2 goats with
>these fingers.  How many milligrams do I get?  Thanks janet

You have goats?   How cool!   Me too.   What kind?

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Re: CS>To J. Marshall- bent fingers from N. Goldblatt (Cat's Claw cure)

1999-07-13 Thread JMarsh4185
Nancy, Thank you so much, my fingers are so bad this AM.  Will let you know 
in a few weeks as I know it will not do it immediately.  janet

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Re: CS>Chem Trails

1999-07-13 Thread Griz Adams
At 09:14 AM 7/13/99 -0400, Anthony W. Nettis wrote:
>Someone recently posted a link to information on Chem Trails.  I had never
>heard of such a  phenomena but I followed the link (and then searched for
>others) and found a lot of interesting (and scary) information.
>Here is one interesting article that I came across:
>Does anyone on this list have any thoughts or additional information on
>whether this is just another internet folk tale or is their truth to this
As a retired military pilot, I can tell you that web page was packed full
of inaccuracies. Contrails are dependent on a number of things including
temperature and moisture content of the air. I've seen them generated in
airport traffic patterns on a cool, humid day when enough G-Forces were
generated. As to their assertion that airlines only travel on approved
corridors, that is not true. Most of the traffic does follow along jet
routes but with the advent of excellent navigational devices such as GPS, a
lot of aircraft are being cleared to go direct from point to point. My dad
said to me once, "Son, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Those
folks seem to prove his point.

Jim Adams, President
LifeTek Corporation

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CS>Chem Trails

1999-07-13 Thread Anthony W. Nettis
Someone recently posted a link to information on Chem Trails.  I had never
heard of such a  phenomena but I followed the link (and then searched for
others) and found a lot of interesting (and scary) information.

Here is one interesting article that I came across:

Does anyone on this list have any thoughts or additional information on
whether this is just another internet folk tale or is their truth to this


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS> MUST READ - Super-Ionized Water

1999-07-13 Thread Christian von Wechmar
Dear List-members,

I have come accross some very interesting information on water-purification.
It might seem to be somewhat new-age, but check it out. And please pass on
the information.


Christian von Wechmar
Stellenbosch, South Africa

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Re: CS> water ionizer?/bought one/manufacturer

1999-07-13 Thread Sammark4
In a message dated 99-07-12 22:38:13 EDT, you write:

> > So, does this sound
>  > >like a real water ionizer?  I have no experience with them whatsoever.
>  > >Samm
>  > >~~~
>  > I guess the "proof in the pudding" will be checking the water to see the 
> pH.
>  > 
>  > ~^^V^^~
>  Where can I get one?
>  Ron

The device is manufactured by "Sunbong Trading Company, C.P.O. Box 4063, 
Seoul, Korea, Tel 753-4841"  The product is the "Super Ion-Q, IW-501".  This 
is the info that came with the box, and the box is OLD!!  
Please don't take this info as a recommendation on my part because I 
don't know if it works yet!   
Some of you may be able to take this info to your local Korean Food Store 
and see if they can order it for you.  For others who would like my source to 
ship it .
The store owner said she could send these UPS for under $10 shipping (US, 
I presume).  Mine came to $63.13 with tax (without shipping, duh).  She 
wanted me to tell her how many of my friends wanted one so she could place 
the order and give me an estimate of the time involved.  But it won't be fair 
to her if I tell her a certain number and some don't want it when they 
arrive, so I'll clear it with her tomorrow to have those of you interested 
contact her directly and secure the payment arrangements or whatever.
  I've listed the names below of 4-5 people I'm pretty sure of who want 
more info.  Private email me if I should add anyone else's name.  I think we 
should take this topic off-list now. (Susan M. Yensen) (Vilik Rapheles) (RON BRENNEN) (Ivan Anderson) I think you mentioned an interest, Ivan? (Katarina)


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CS>To J. Marshall- bent fingers from N. Goldblatt (Cat's Claw cure)

1999-07-13 Thread Nancy Goldblatt
Try taking 2 or 3 capsules a day (540mg capsules)  I use Solaray brand. It's
also known as Una De Gato.  The Cats Claw herb  gets its name from the fact
the leaves look like a cats claw.

After you have taken it for awhile and your fingers are better you can cut
down to one a day.  It also helps carpel tunnel since it is a natural

Let me know if it helps.  Nancy  G

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1999-07-13 Thread Tim Lunsford
will someone explain the tyndall process again for me thanks

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