Re: CS machines

2000-06-29 Thread M. G. Devour
> Pamela Grant wrote:
> > I noticed that the directions for the use of saline was not part of 
> > your directions. Is that a thing of the past, no longer recommended 
> > and if so, why?

Marshall replied:
> Addition of salt can make silver chloride, a toxic compound that can
> photoexpose in your skin and turn you blue permanently.  Always use
> pure distilled water.  If you need a quicker start then warm it up,
> or add a little CS from the previous batch.

I'd like to rein in Marshall's enthusiasm just a *tiny* bit... 

Yes, silver chloride is toxic and can precipitate in the skin to
cause argyria. However, the very small quantities created and 
consumed by those using salt as an accelerant for making CS have 
*not* caused any cases of argyria and are unlikely to be able to.

Just do the figures... a few ppm of AgCl ... how many gallons of the 
product would you have to drink to amount to the several hundreds of 
milligrams of silver known to be required to cause a problem? 

And *that* assumes all the AgCl precipitates in the skin, when in
fact it is eliminated at a modest rate by the body, and only when
that mechanism is overwhelmed does precipitation occur. 

The best reason for not using salt in making CS is that the particles 
produced that way are known to be smaller and are presumed to be 
safer and more bioavailable.

Note that I fully *agree* that it's best to use distilled water. I 
just don't want to overstate the argyria issue. 

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>First Day uS Drop

2000-06-29 Thread Steve Young
Hi list,

I have noticed when I make CS (LVDC method, pure DW, no additives), the 
conductivity of the end product drops during the first day.  I measure the 
conductivity with the Hanna PWT immediately after completing and stirring a 
batch, then the next day.  Here are some readings to illustrate this.  They are 
after - next day, in microSeimens:  23.8 - 16.0, 19.2 - 10.5, 22.6 - 16.2, 10.0 
- 7.8.

What is going on during the first day to cause the drop in measured "strength"?


RE: CS>First Day uS Drop

2000-06-29 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Pure speculation.

1. Loss of charge, resulting in a lower reading.
2. Flocculation into larger particles with the same charge.
3. Precipitation, only if there is grey dust at the bottom.
4. Something else.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   Steve Young []
Sent:   Thursday, June 29, 2000 7:25 AM
To: Silver List
Subject:CS>First Day uS Drop

 << File: ATT0.html >> Hi list,

I have noticed when I make CS (LVDC method, pure DW, no additives), the 
conductivity of the end product drops during the first day.  I measure the 
conductivity with the Hanna PWT immediately after completing and stirring a 
batch, then the next day.  Here are some readings to illustrate this.  They 
are after - next day, in microSeimens:  23.8 - 16.0, 19.2 - 10.5, 22.6 - 
16.2, 10.0 - 7.8.

What is going on during the first day to cause the drop in measured 


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Polarity Switching & Stirring

2000-06-29 Thread Steve Young
Hi list,

I did some experiments with DC polarity switching which are interesting.  I use 
a constant current supply  of 1.67 ma into #12 silver electrodes 3.9" of 
weatted length spaced 1.25 inches apart.  "Brewing" time is two hours starting 
with 1.6 uS DW, no additives.  I can start drawing 1.67 ma immediately as the 
generator can keep a constant current up to several hundred volts.  Typical 
starting voltage is about 140, which drops over the two hours to around 12 
volts or so as the conductivity increases.

The control batch (no polarity switching) ended up measuring 16.2 uS.
Switching polarity every 17 seconds produced 7.8 uS.
Likewise, switching polarity every minute produced 7.8 uS.

The polarity switching does indeed keep electrode sludge buildup low, but at a 
cost of reducing the strength by about 48% for a given run time.

Question - why the dramatic reduction in strength from polarity switching, when 
all other conditions are the same?

It is interesting to monitor the voltage drop across the electrodes during 
polarity switching.  At the moment of switching, the voltage drops for a 
second, then rises above the nominal state value for 8 - 10 seconds, then 
returns to nominal.  Must be some interesting dynamic electrochemical 
"readjusting" going on when the polarity shifts. 

I did another batch with no polarity switching, but constant gentle stirring.  
It produced a 18.5 uS product (slightly "stronger"), but still had a bunch of 
sludge buildup.  But I have to agree with Trem, I think stirring has some 
benefits, but they are not very overwhelming.  I will see how the long term 
stability compares with the control batch.




2000-06-29 Thread MAMA2BEAR

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Chemtrail update

2000-06-29 Thread Marshall Dudley
Remember, CS should be effective against fungus!

Special To
Some Comments & Conclusions On Cassani
& Chemtrails
By William Thomas 

Erminia Cassani deserves thanks and congratulations for her long and
sometimes personally perilous investigations into low-level air drops of
pathogen-bearing gel and red powder over suburban neighborhoods in
Ontario, and across the USA. Throughout her research I have kept our
agreement on certain aspects of her work until she was ready to publish
her preliminary findings. It is time that we heard from this key researcher,
and I am glad she has come forward now.

After 19 months' investigation, I believe that the higher-level 'chemtrail'
operation involving 700 US Air Force tanker planes and some civilian
airliners is separate, though possibly related to, the splattering of
lab-tested bacteria, molds and fungi over homes from aircraft flying at
tree-top level.

Even more disturbing are recently witnessed deliberate spray attacks on
some vocal aerial observers' headquarters and homes. Seen in the context
of earlier low-level attacks against William Wallace and his wife Anne in the
remote mountains of Washington state (after Wallace went to the media
insisting they cover chemtrails) - these attempts at intimidation are
serious acts of military aggression that prove that something sensitive is
indeed going on.

But what?

I concur with Cassani's conclusions that it makes zero sense for a
government torandomly sicken its entire citizenry with air-delivered
organisms. Nor are repeated attacks of self-replicating bio-agents
necessary. If continued, such overt bio-attacks could destroy the US
economy, while risking rebellion from an armed and angry populace. More
to the point: no disease-causing organisms have ever been found in

While lab techs were startled and concerned by the biological organisms
and markers turning up in samples from low-level drops that left at least one
homeowner stricken with a heart attack, the molds and fungi that turned
up in the only tested sample of rainwater taken immediately after heavy
high-level chemtrail spraying were deemed by an independent Ontario lab
as entirely normal - 'with no one species predominating.'


What about an airborne 'cull' of the elderly and similar 'useless eaters'
burdening cash-strapped governments with their burgeoning needs for
subsistence and medical assistance? A little-publicized high-level summit
last January saw president Clinton (invited) and former heads and top
officials from Japan, Germany, the World Bank, security agencies and
major financial firms discussing the 'Impacts of Aging on Business'.
Corporate-controlled governments are extremely and increasingly concerned
about aging populations, which are seen as growing threats to corporate

Couple this concern with decades of documented US and British funding and
research into Nazi-copied 'eugenics' intended to selectively cull
unproductive resource consumers...and the high percentage of fatalities
among the elderly during two consecutive epidemics (1998-2000) of deaths
from Influenza-Like-Illness and related pneumonia and cardiac arrest
appear very sinister indeed.

Yet, why go to the expense and risk of blatantly spraying pathogens from
jets to get rid of older folks (he asks counting his own gray hairs)? A
less obvious and much cheaper course is to quietly encourage euthanasia
in hospitals across North America and Australia, where doctors and nurses
now admit that up to 40% of elderly patients are being deliberately killed -
without their consent, and in many cases without any terminal ailment

Another effective tactic is to scare people into lining up for experimental
vaccines often contaminated by pathgenic material. The constant hyping of
vaccines for the flu, migraines and meningitis symptoms often seen in the
wake of chemtrails is suspiciously coincidental.

It is clear that, at the very least, heightened death rates among the
elderly caught under heavy aerial spraying are being viewed as 'acceptable
collateral damage' to a program deemed essential to national-corporate
interests. For this reason, any official whistle-blower who dares to come
forward with verifiable documentation concerning chemtrails will face
legal repercussions that will make Daniel Elsberg's long incarceration for
exposing the fake Gulf of Tonkin 'attack' and other Washington lies
concerning Vietnam feel like a stay in a summer spa.

Unless we rally to support and protect this brave soul.


Let's look closer at the illness rampant among our families and
communities. While the corporate-controlled media continue to bleat about
the 'flu', the CDC has consistently reported blood tests showing that
between 65% and 99% of acutely ill patients jamming emergency rooms and
clinics do not have the flu. Instead, officials with that infectious
disease-tracking agency have publicly a

Re: CS>OT-Living in mold

2000-06-29 Thread Gdwny
In a message dated 6/28/00 4:32:16 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< If anyone can relate to this please help. I moved to a 2 bedroom condo 
 ground) 3 years ago. It looks perfect to the eye. I had been treated for 
 but was getting better. As time went on I felt worse. I think I knnow why. I 
 must have mold somewhere in here. Air blows out a vent in my bathroom and 
 smells like a old basement,musty smell. The bedrooms feel damp alot and a 
 dehumidifier takes out 40 pints of water a day.
 People and I are always sneezing and I get tons of "white goo" out my nose 
 every day. I take CS but am not seeing anything after being on it a year. I 
 am moving in August to above ground. Has anyone got any info on mold and 
 it does?
 Tami M >>
Fungus can be a serious problem and can cause may lung diseases. Plus, they 
can invade the body in other ways. It can be difficult to kill them when the 
environment for their growth is good. Warmth and high humidity being two. 
Just about the best way is to get away from that atmosphere. Fungi are very 
difficult to kill both in and out of the body. In fact, some of the drugs 
used to do so are as bad or worse than the fungi. CS is a killer but is a 
contact killer. Same with hydrogen peroxide. But both should not add to the 
problems that you have. Unlike many other recommendations that one will get.
But again, the best way is to eliminate their needs and so their growth. 

Gene Downey 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>First Day uS Drop

2000-06-29 Thread Marshall Dudley
Absorption of CO2?  See if pH changes as well.


Steve Young wrote:

> Hi list, I have noticed when I make CS (LVDC method, pure DW, no
> additives), the conductivity of the end product drops during the first
> day.  I measure the conductivity with the Hanna PWT immediately after
> completing and stirring a batch, then the next day.  Here are some
> readings to illustrate this.  They are after - next day, in
> microSeimens:  23.8 - 16.0, 19.2 - 10.5, 22.6 - 16.2, 10.0 - 7.8. What
> is going on during the first day to cause the drop in measured
> "strength"? --Steve

Re: CS>Polarity Switching & Stirring

2000-06-29 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/29/00 8:46:46 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj: CS>Polarity Switching & Stirring
 Date:  6/29/00 8:46:46 AM EST
 From: (Steve Young)
 Reply-to: (Silver List)
 Hi list,
 I did some experiments with DC polarity switching which are interesting.  I 
use a constant current supply  of 1.67 ma into #12 silver electrodes 3.9" of 
weatted length spaced 1.25 inches apart.  "Brewing" time is two hours 
starting with 1.6 uS DW, no additives.  I can start drawing 1.67 ma 
immediately as the generator can keep a constant current up to several 
hundred volts.  Typical starting voltage is about 140, which drops over the 
two hours to around 12 volts or so as the conductivity increases.
 The control batch (no polarity switching) ended up measuring 16.2 uS.
 Switching polarity every 17 seconds produced 7.8 uS.
 Likewise, switching polarity every minute produced 7.8 uS.
 The polarity switching does indeed keep electrode sludge buildup low, but at 
a cost of reducing the strength by about 48% for a given run time.
 Question - why the dramatic reduction in strength from polarity switching, 
when all other conditions are the same?
 It is interesting to monitor the voltage drop across the electrodes during 
polarity switching.  At the moment of switching, the voltage drops for a 
second, then rises above the nominal state value for 8 - 10 seconds, then 
returns to nominal.  Must be some interesting dynamic electrochemical 
"readjusting" going on when the polarity shifts.

Steve: Since you are reversing polarity, the electrochemical reactions are 
reversed. Previous to switching polarity, the boundary layer at the 
anode/electrolyte interface had a surplus of charged silver particles, and 
the boundary layer at the cathode/electrolyte boundary had a deficit of 
charged silver particles. (Thinking of this electrolysis as an electron pump 
at the electrodes may help understand what I'm saying.) The migration of 
these charged particles across either the cathode or anode, electrolyte 
boundary layer generally constitutes the rate limiting step for the 
corresponding electrochemical reactions. My guess is that the migration of 
oxidized silver away from the anode/electrolyte boundary layer constitutes 
the overall rate limiting step since that's where the whole process begins 
and initially it's very slow. When the polarity is reversed, you now have a 
silver ion (I'm using the 'Ivan approved' definition of 'ion' here) surplus 
where you had a deficit, and a silver ion deficit where you had a surplus, 
forcing your current controlled system to significantly lower voltage (while 
excess supplies or deficits last, i.e., while unsteady state conditions 
remain) to maintain constant current set by your controller. After that, it 
probably overshoots voltage a bit on its way towards reestablishing steady 
state. Roger


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2000-06-29 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/29/00 8:58:55 AM EST, writes:

<< Date:6/29/00 8:58:55 AM EST

List: The fact that some of us have (inadvertently or knowing) ingested 
sludge is important because if, under those rather extreme conditions, they 
suffered no ill effects, that fact begs the following question: Exactly under 
WHAT conditions will ingesting CS be harmful? Roger  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Help Save (what's left of the) Brazilian Rain Forest

2000-06-29 Thread ROGALTMAN
Hello everyone,
  Sorry this is a chain later, but its vital you
all add your names
- so please read!

Brazilian Congress is now voting on a project that
will reduce the
Amazon forest to 50% of its size. The area to be
deforested is 4 times 
size of Portugal and would be mainly used for
agriculture and pastures 
stock...All the wood is to be sold to international
markets in the form 
chips, by multinational companies...
The truth is that the soil in the Amazon forest is
useless without the
forest itself. Its quality is very acidic and the
region is prone to
constant floods. At this time more than 160.000 square
deforested with the same purpose, are abandoned and in
the process of
becoming deserts.
We cannot let this happen. Copy the text into a new
email, put your 
name in the list below, and send to everyone you know.
 (Don't just 
it cos then it will end up with rows of  >>>'s
If you are the 100th person to sign please send a copy
to you.
01-Fernanda de Souza Saviolo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ -
02-Nara Maria de Souza - Rio de Janeiro - RJ -
03-Julio Cesar Fraga Viana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ -
04-Monica Grotkowsky Brotto -Sao Paulo - SP - 23/08/77
05-Mauricio Grotkowsky Brotto - S*o Paulo -SP 29/09/78
06-Ricardo A. Corrallo - SP 16/08/7507-Sunny Jonathan
- SP 18/10/1970
08-Leonardo Larsen Rocha - SC 23/01/197209-Evandro
Sestrem - SC 
10-Marco Aurlio Wehrmeister - Blumenau - SC 18/06/1979
11-Angela Maria Gonalves - Blumenau -SC 25/07/1959
12-Alessandra Bernardino - Blumenau - SC - 25/12/1980
13-Pedro Carstens Penfold - Rio de Janeiro - RJ -
14-Annelena Porto Delgado - S*o Paulo - SP - 27/07/77
15-Erica Couto -S*o Paulo -SP 29/09/7816-Elaine Couto-
S*o Paulo - SP
17-Tatiana de Almeida Voivodic - S*o Paulo-SP
18-Solange B Furlanetto - S*o Paulo / SP
19-Marcos de Souza Mello - S*o Paulo / SP20-Eliane
Santiago - S*o Paulo 
/ SP
21-Francisca J. Bezerra Alves Ara*jo - S*o Paulo / SP
22-Carlos Alberto Dantas Junior - Rio de Janeiro / RJ
23-Daniel Rodrigues da Cruz - Rio de Janeiro / RJ
24-Gabriella Gaida - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 04/05/72
25-Ceclia Silva Teixeira Pinto - RJ - 03/06/7526-Tania
Santos Miguel
27-Celso Henrique Diniz Valente de Figueiredo - RJ -
28-Marcelo Lopes Rheingantz - Rio de Janeiro - RJ -
29-Rodrigo Tassinari de Oliveira - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
- 19/04/83
30-Andr Lobato Pinheiro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ -
31-Ismael dos Santos Silva - RJ - 28/08/79
32-Gustavo Alexandre Caetano Correa - RJ - 08/09/80
33-Juana Varella Barca de Amorim - Rio de Janeiro,
34-Nara Faria Silva -RJ- Rio de Janeiro , 15/12/82
35-Isabella Jaggi - SP - S*o Paulo, 03/12/82
36-Diana de Andrade Freitas - Rio de Janeiro - RJ -
37-Karina Dourado - S*o Paulo - 18/01/80
38-Pablo Genuncio Garcia - Rio de Janeiro - 27-06-81
39-Fabola Morais de Lucca - S*o Paulo - 03/02-78
40-Alexei Morais de Lucca - S*o Paulo - SP - 12/08/75
41-Renata Regina Roxo - S*o Paulo - SP - 03/11/74
42-Fernanda Teixeira - S*o Paulo - SP - 17/09/76
43-Patricia Freitas - S*o Paulo - SP44-Cintia Regina
K*rner - Alemanha 
- DE 
45-Wolfgang K*rner - Alemanha - DE46-Roseani Vieira
Rocha - San 
Francisco - 
47-Angela Ichimura - S*o Paulo - SP48-Assunta Viola -
Sao Paulo - SP
50-Marina Amaral - Alemanha - DE
51-Fabian Rodrigues Caetano - Sao Paulo - SP -
52-Luciana Cabrera- Santa Barbara- Ca53- Andrea
Torres- Lahaina, Hawaii
54- Carla Duarte- New York, NY55- Sergio Goes- New
York, NY
56- Itaal Shur - New York, NY57- Hiroyoku Sanada-New
58- Marianne Ebert-new york,NY59- Gloriana M. Calhoun
- New York, NY
60- Roger Jazilek - New York, NY61- Cheryl To - New
York, NY
62- Judy Mercer - Paris, France63- Evelyne Pouget-
Woodstock, NY
64- Hera-Woodstock, NY65- Nicos Peonides - Cyprus -
New York NY
66 - Fiona Cousins - new York, NY67 - Alistair
Millington - London, UK
68 - Edgar Craggs - Bristol, UK69 - Chris Hastie -
Nottingham, UK
70 - Adam Barley - Bristol, UK71 - Dawn Morgan -
Bristol, UK
72 - Lottie Berthoud - Bristol, UK73 - Julia Simnett -
Bristol, UK
74 - Lindsey Colbourne - Bath, UK75 - Wendy Lawton -
Bath, UK
76- Ruth Stevenson - Machynlleth, Powys77- Rod Edwards
- Machynlleth 
78 - Hayley Myles - Machynlleth  UK79 - Steve Batt -
Devon UK
80 - Angela Reid - Devon UK81 - Gordon Reid - Devon UK
82 - Carl Haggerty - Exeter, Devon UK (11/09/76)
83  -  Alan Watson  -  Somerset, UK84 - Steve Marriott
- Somerset UK
85 - Roger James Bristol UK86 - Tom Thurston, Bristol,
87 - Howard Brown - Birmingham, UK
88 - Alice Branston - Birmingham, UK
89 - Jo Prior - Camberley - UK
90 - Brett M. Cherwinski - Somerville , USA
91 - Claus M. Grutzka - Somerville, USA

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eski

Re: CS>Help Save (what's left of the) Brazilian Rain Forest

2000-06-29 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Roger,

Sorry, but the "Amazon deforestation" IS A MYTH!!  

Please read:

Here are the first 3 paragraphs of the article:

"Patrick Moore became an instant celebrity in 1977 when a photograph
showing him cradling a baby seal in defiance of arrest by Canadian
authorities was broadcast around the world. 

"As the front man for the environmental activist group Greenpeace, he
helped turn public opinion around on the high-profile issues of
whaling, seal hunting, nuclear power and chemical pollution. 

"Today the environmental scientist and leader of a group called
Greenspirit has a new cause -- alerting the public to what he calls
the "myth" that the Amazon rainforest is endangered by development and

On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 11:48:50 EDT, wrote:

>Hello everyone,
>  Sorry this is a chain later, but its vital you
>all add your names
>- so please read!
>Brazilian Congress is now voting on a project that
>will reduce the
>Amazon forest to 50% of its size. 

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Help Save (what's left of the) Brazilian Rain Forest

2000-06-29 Thread M. G. Devour
Roger, everyone,

As a couple of you have suggested to me in private e-mail, yes, it's 
not a good idea to post chain letters to the list. Also, this 
particular item is rather farther afield from CS, and even loosely 
related alt-health subjects, than we generally (hope) to go.

Dean's link to worldnetdaily does provide some interesting 
counterpoint to the eco-enthusiasts' claims.

Thank you both, gentlemen. The net effect probably positive if we
don't overrun the list with further discussion.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

Roger wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>   Sorry this is a chain later, but its vital you all add your
> names - so please read!
> Brazilian Congress is now voting on a project that will reduce the
> Amazon forest to 50% of its size. 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemtrail update

2000-06-29 Thread Marsha Hallett
Dear Marshall,
The day before yesterday I was watching "Unsolved Mysteries" on Lifetime
Channel and one segment was about a town in Washington getting some
gelatinous goo dumped on it, making folks sick. Talk about weird! I didn`t
see the segment when it first aired, so I don`t know how old it was. I
wonder if the town has had anything happen since then?
One of the citizens on the segment reported a lot of aircraft activity, and
even black choppers.
 I wonder...
PS, I printed out your post to show my sister, the ultimate disbeliever.
Won`t even use CS...

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS machines

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant
Thank you Marshall. I wish I had known that when I first started drinking
CS---though blue is my favorite color. Can you elaborate on the toxic
effects of silver chlorite?


>Addition of salt can make silver chloride, a toxic compound that can
>photoexpose in
>your skin and turn you blue permanently.  Always use pure distilled water.
>If you
>need a quicker start then warm it up, or add a little CS from the previous
>Pamela Grant wrote:
>> I noticed that the directions for the use of saline was not part of your
>> directions. Is that a thing of the past, no longer recommended and if so,
>> why?
>> >Simplest CS machine can be made for under $5.  Go to radio shack and
>> >purchase a
>> >9 volt battery clip, a nine volt battery, and a package of alligator clips.
>> >Acquire some .999 silver wire and a gallon of distilled water.
>> >
>> >Put the water in an 8 oz. glass.  Take the silver wire and bend it so
>>that it
>> >hangs over the sides with an inch or two in the water on opposite sides
>>of the
>> >glass.  Connect one end of 2 alligator clips to the wire, and the other
>>end to
>> >the battery clip.  Connect the battery and time the process.
>> >
>> >Marshall
>> >
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Mary, you should make your own.  I was given instructions by one of
>>the list
>> >> members and made a cs machine in about 20 minutes for about $15.00.
>>It was
>> >> unbelievably simple.  I have been making and using cs ever since.
>> >>
>> >> Diane M.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> >>
>> >> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>> >>  -or-
>> >> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>> >>
>> >> To post, address your message to:
>> >> Silver-list archive:
>> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Sluge

2000-06-29 Thread MAMA2BEAR
Bob, interesting.  I would recommend a thin sponge to keep the area moist 
with CS.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-06-29 Thread Bob Squires


One of my early cs machine customers told me that he had cured
skin cancer by using the black sludge from the electrodes directly on
the cancer on his hand along with keeping it moist with CS.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS machines

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant
How does one be SURE NOT to make silver chlorite---or is it just as simple
as NOT using salt?


>Addition of salt can make silver chloride, a toxic compound that can
>photoexpose in
>your skin and turn you blue permanently.  Always use pure distilled water.
>If you
>need a quicker start then warm it up, or add a little CS from the previous
>Pamela Grant wrote:
>> I noticed that the directions for the use of saline was not part of your
>> directions. Is that a thing of the past, no longer recommended and if so,
>> why?
>> >Simplest CS machine can be made for under $5.  Go to radio shack and
>> >purchase a
>> >9 volt battery clip, a nine volt battery, and a package of alligator clips.
>> >Acquire some .999 silver wire and a gallon of distilled water.
>> >
>> >Put the water in an 8 oz. glass.  Take the silver wire and bend it so
>>that it
>> >hangs over the sides with an inch or two in the water on opposite sides
>>of the
>> >glass.  Connect one end of 2 alligator clips to the wire, and the other
>>end to
>> >the battery clip.  Connect the battery and time the process.
>> >
>> >Marshall
>> >
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Mary, you should make your own.  I was given instructions by one of
>>the list
>> >> members and made a cs machine in about 20 minutes for about $15.00.
>>It was
>> >> unbelievably simple.  I have been making and using cs ever since.
>> >>
>> >> Diane M.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> >>
>> >> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>> >>  -or-
>> >> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>> >>
>> >> To post, address your message to:
>> >> Silver-list archive:
>> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-06-29 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi Roger,

I figure anyone quaffing about 50 liters of mine at one sitting will get 
just below the minimum level shown to cause harm in rabbits, when injected. 

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent:   Thursday, June 29, 2000 9:05 AM

In a message dated 6/29/00 8:58:55 AM EST, writes:

<< Date:6/29/00 8:58:55 AM EST



List: The fact that some of us have (inadvertently or knowing) ingested
sludge is important because if, under those rather extreme conditions, they 
suffered no ill effects, that fact begs the following question: Exactly 
WHAT conditions will ingesting CS be harmful? Roger

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS machines

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant
>The best reason for not using salt in making CS is that the particles
>produced that way are known to be smaller and are presumed to be
>safer and more bioavailable.

Thank you Mike. That is a good enough reason alone. Yes?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS machines

2000-06-29 Thread Marshall Dudley
Use distilled water with nothing added.


Pamela Grant wrote:

> How does one be SURE NOT to make silver chlorite---or is it just as simple
> as NOT using salt?
> PG
> >Addition of salt can make silver chloride, a toxic compound that can
> >photoexpose in
> >your skin and turn you blue permanently.  Always use pure distilled water.
> >If you
> >need a quicker start then warm it up, or add a little CS from the previous
> >batch.
> >
> >Marshall
> >
> >Pamela Grant wrote:
> >
> >> I noticed that the directions for the use of saline was not part of your
> >> directions. Is that a thing of the past, no longer recommended and if so,
> >> why?
> >>
> >> >Simplest CS machine can be made for under $5.  Go to radio shack and
> >> >purchase a
> >> >9 volt battery clip, a nine volt battery, and a package of alligator 
> >> >clips.
> >> >Acquire some .999 silver wire and a gallon of distilled water.
> >> >
> >> >Put the water in an 8 oz. glass.  Take the silver wire and bend it so
> >>that it
> >> >hangs over the sides with an inch or two in the water on opposite sides
> >>of the
> >> >glass.  Connect one end of 2 alligator clips to the wire, and the other
> >>end to
> >> >the battery clip.  Connect the battery and time the process.
> >> >
> >> >Marshall
> >> >
> >> > wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> Mary, you should make your own.  I was given instructions by one of
> >>the list
> >> >> members and made a cs machine in about 20 minutes for about $15.00.
> >>It was
> >> >> unbelievably simple.  I have been making and using cs ever since.
> >> >>
> >> >> Diane M.
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >> >>
> >> >> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >> >>  -or-
> >> >> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >> >>
> >> >> To post, address your message to:
> >> >> Silver-list archive:
> >> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemtrail update

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant
I had pneumonia last year--presumably from mycoplasma fermantens. I began
colloidal silver(can't remember exactly when--perhaps by May), but I did
not notice it to help the lungs---it did help other problems00which I
believe was due to exposure to chemtrails. I have read that ethylene
dibromide has given lungs problems to those exposed to fall-out(as it was
found to be in chemtrails during that period--don't know if any longer the
case)---perhaps both substances were culprits. Has anyone done any
experiments with CS and fungus---would love to hear of your results. Thank


>Remember, CS should be effective against fungus!
>Special To
>Some Comments & Conclusions On Cassani
>& Chemtrails
>By William Thomas 
>Erminia Cassani deserves thanks and congratulations for her long and
>sometimes personally perilous investigations into low-level air drops of
>pathogen-bearing gel and red powder over suburban neighborhoods in
>Ontario, and across the USA. Throughout her research I have kept our
>agreement on certain aspects of her work until she was ready to publish
>her preliminary findings. It is time that we heard from this key researcher,
>and I am glad she has come forward now.
>After 19 months' investigation, I believe that the higher-level 'chemtrail'
>operation involving 700 US Air Force tanker planes and some civilian
>airliners is separate, though possibly related to, the splattering of
>lab-tested bacteria, molds and fungi over homes from aircraft flying at
>tree-top level.
>Even more disturbing are recently witnessed deliberate spray attacks on
>some vocal aerial observers' headquarters and homes. Seen in the context
>of earlier low-level attacks against William Wallace and his wife Anne in the
>remote mountains of Washington state (after Wallace went to the media
>insisting they cover chemtrails) - these attempts at intimidation are
>serious acts of military aggression that prove that something sensitive is
>indeed going on.
>But what?
>I concur with Cassani's conclusions that it makes zero sense for a
>government torandomly sicken its entire citizenry with air-delivered
>organisms. Nor are repeated attacks of self-replicating bio-agents
>necessary. If continued, such overt bio-attacks could destroy the US
>economy, while risking rebellion from an armed and angry populace. More
>to the point: no disease-causing organisms have ever been found in
>While lab techs were startled and concerned by the biological organisms
>and markers turning up in samples from low-level drops that left at least one
>homeowner stricken with a heart attack, the molds and fungi that turned
>up in the only tested sample of rainwater taken immediately after heavy
>high-level chemtrail spraying were deemed by an independent Ontario lab
>as entirely normal - 'with no one species predominating.'
>What about an airborne 'cull' of the elderly and similar 'useless eaters'
>burdening cash-strapped governments with their burgeoning needs for
>subsistence and medical assistance? A little-publicized high-level summit
>last January saw president Clinton (invited) and former heads and top
>officials from Japan, Germany, the World Bank, security agencies and
>major financial firms discussing the 'Impacts of Aging on Business'.
>Corporate-controlled governments are extremely and increasingly concerned
>about aging populations, which are seen as growing threats to corporate
>Couple this concern with decades of documented US and British funding and
>research into Nazi-copied 'eugenics' intended to selectively cull
>unproductive resource consumers...and the high percentage of fatalities
>among the elderly during two consecutive epidemics (1998-2000) of deaths
>from Influenza-Like-Illness and related pneumonia and cardiac arrest
>appear very sinister indeed.
>Yet, why go to the expense and risk of blatantly spraying pathogens from
>jets to get rid of older folks (he asks counting his own gray hairs)? A
>less obvious and much cheaper course is to quietly encourage euthanasia
>in hospitals across North America and Australia, where doctors and nurses
>now admit that up to 40% of elderly patients are being deliberately killed -
>without their consent, and in many cases without any terminal ailment
>Another effective tactic is to scare people into lining up for experimental
>vaccines often contaminated by pathgenic material. The constant hyping of
>vaccines for the flu, migraines and meningitis symptoms often seen in the
>wake of chemtrails is suspiciously coincidental.
>It is clear that, at the very least, heightened death rates among the
>elderly caught under heavy aerial spraying are being viewed as 'acceptable
>collateral damage' to a program deemed essential to national-corporate
>interests. For this reason, any official whistle-blower who dares to come
>forward with verifiable documentation concerning chem

Re: CS>Chemtrail update

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant
Marsha, take a visit to

>Dear Marshall,
>The day before yesterday I was watching "Unsolved Mysteries" on Lifetime
>Channel and one segment was about a town in Washington getting some
>gelatinous goo dumped on it, making folks sick. Talk about weird! I didn`t
>see the segment when it first aired, so I don`t know how old it was. I
>wonder if the town has had anything happen since then?
>One of the citizens on the segment reported a lot of aircraft activity, and
>even black choppers.
> I wonder...
>PS, I printed out your post to show my sister, the ultimate disbeliever.
>Won`t even use CS...
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemtrail update

2000-06-29 Thread Trem

Hi Pamela, doesn't work for me.  Any ideas why?  Spelling correct?


At 03:25 PM 6/29/00 -0500, you wrote:

Marsha, take a visit to

>Dear Marshall,
>The day before yesterday I was watching "Unsolved Mysteries" on Lifetime
>Channel and one segment was about a town in Washington getting some
>gelatinous goo dumped on it, making folks sick. Talk about weird! I didn`t
>see the segment when it first aired, so I don`t know how old it was. I
>wonder if the town has had anything happen since then?
>One of the citizens on the segment reported a lot of aircraft activity, and
>even black choppers.
> I wonder...
>PS, I printed out your post to show my sister, the ultimate disbeliever.
>Won`t even use CS...
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Sluge

2000-06-29 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 15:10:17 EDT, wrote:

>Bob, interesting.  I would recommend a thin sponge to keep the area moist 
>with CS.

There's an ointment kit available that can make a thin ointment out of
CS.  It's made by Benchmark U.S.A., Inc in Salt Lake City (reading off
the jar that comes with the kit).  I got my kit from

The ointment will dry on your skin, holding the CS in place until you
wash it off.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemtrail update

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant

>Hi Pamela,
> doesn't work for me.  Any ideas why?  Spelling correct?
>At 03:25 PM 6/29/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Marsha, take a visit to
>> >Dear Marshall,
>> >The day before yesterday I was watching "Unsolved Mysteries" on Lifetime
>> >Channel and one segment was about a town in Washington getting some
>> >gelatinous goo dumped on it, making folks sick. Talk about weird! I didn`t
>> >see the segment when it first aired, so I don`t know how old it was. I
>> >wonder if the town has had anything happen since then?
>> >One of the citizens on the segment reported a lot of aircraft activity, and
>> >even black choppers.
>> > I wonder...
>> >Marsha
>> >PS, I printed out your post to show my sister, the ultimate disbeliever.
>> >Won`t even use CS...
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> >
>> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>> >  -or-
>> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>> >
>> >To post, address your message to:
>> >Silver-list archive:
>> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>lyme disease

2000-06-29 Thread Mary
What causes lyme disease? Is it caused by a vax? I know the story about the
ticks but I'm just wondering if there is another story we don't hear about.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemtrail update

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant
I certainly hope as mycoplasma fermentens alone is said to be responsible
for a slew of diseases(such as Lupus, Alzheimers,

>Remember, CS should be effective against fungus!
>Special To
>Some Comments & Conclusions On Cassani
>& Chemtrails
>By William Thomas 
>Erminia Cassani deserves thanks and congratulations for her long and
>sometimes personally perilous investigations into low-level air drops of
>pathogen-bearing gel and red powder over suburban neighborhoods in
>Ontario, and across the USA. Throughout her research I have kept our
>agreement on certain aspects of her work until she was ready to publish
>her preliminary findings. It is time that we heard from this key researcher,
>and I am glad she has come forward now.
>After 19 months' investigation, I believe that the higher-level 'chemtrail'
>operation involving 700 US Air Force tanker planes and some civilian
>airliners is separate, though possibly related to, the splattering of
>lab-tested bacteria, molds and fungi over homes from aircraft flying at
>tree-top level.
>Even more disturbing are recently witnessed deliberate spray attacks on
>some vocal aerial observers' headquarters and homes. Seen in the context
>of earlier low-level attacks against William Wallace and his wife Anne in the
>remote mountains of Washington state (after Wallace went to the media
>insisting they cover chemtrails) - these attempts at intimidation are
>serious acts of military aggression that prove that something sensitive is
>indeed going on.
>But what?
>I concur with Cassani's conclusions that it makes zero sense for a
>government torandomly sicken its entire citizenry with air-delivered
>organisms. Nor are repeated attacks of self-replicating bio-agents
>necessary. If continued, such overt bio-attacks could destroy the US
>economy, while risking rebellion from an armed and angry populace. More
>to the point: no disease-causing organisms have ever been found in
>While lab techs were startled and concerned by the biological organisms
>and markers turning up in samples from low-level drops that left at least one
>homeowner stricken with a heart attack, the molds and fungi that turned
>up in the only tested sample of rainwater taken immediately after heavy
>high-level chemtrail spraying were deemed by an independent Ontario lab
>as entirely normal - 'with no one species predominating.'
>What about an airborne 'cull' of the elderly and similar 'useless eaters'
>burdening cash-strapped governments with their burgeoning needs for
>subsistence and medical assistance? A little-publicized high-level summit
>last January saw president Clinton (invited) and former heads and top
>officials from Japan, Germany, the World Bank, security agencies and
>major financial firms discussing the 'Impacts of Aging on Business'.
>Corporate-controlled governments are extremely and increasingly concerned
>about aging populations, which are seen as growing threats to corporate
>Couple this concern with decades of documented US and British funding and
>research into Nazi-copied 'eugenics' intended to selectively cull
>unproductive resource consumers...and the high percentage of fatalities
>among the elderly during two consecutive epidemics (1998-2000) of deaths
>from Influenza-Like-Illness and related pneumonia and cardiac arrest
>appear very sinister indeed.
>Yet, why go to the expense and risk of blatantly spraying pathogens from
>jets to get rid of older folks (he asks counting his own gray hairs)? A
>less obvious and much cheaper course is to quietly encourage euthanasia
>in hospitals across North America and Australia, where doctors and nurses
>now admit that up to 40% of elderly patients are being deliberately killed -
>without their consent, and in many cases without any terminal ailment
>Another effective tactic is to scare people into lining up for experimental
>vaccines often contaminated by pathgenic material. The constant hyping of
>vaccines for the flu, migraines and meningitis symptoms often seen in the
>wake of chemtrails is suspiciously coincidental.
>It is clear that, at the very least, heightened death rates among the
>elderly caught under heavy aerial spraying are being viewed as 'acceptable
>collateral damage' to a program deemed essential to national-corporate
>interests. For this reason, any official whistle-blower who dares to come
>forward with verifiable documentation concerning chemtrails will face
>legal repercussions that will make Daniel Elsberg's long incarceration for
>exposing the fake Gulf of Tonkin 'attack' and other Washington lies
>concerning Vietnam feel like a stay in a summer spa.
>Unless we rally to support and protect this brave soul.
>Let's look closer at the illness rampant among our families and
>communities. While the corporate-controlled media continue to bleat 

Re: CS>Help Save (what's left of the) Brazilian Rain Forest

2000-06-29 Thread ROGALTMAN
Mike: Agreed. Roger

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-06-29 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all;

Its pot stirring time again

I contacted BYU about the report that was on the list several weeks ago
and have just received an answer from Prof. Ron W. Leavitt. The work was
done by one of his  graduate students, David Revelli. The material was
as commercial CS sold under the name of ASAP. As tested with a
Perkin-Elmers atomic adsorption instrument it was less then 4% ionic
silver and 96% elemental silver.. The majority of particles were about
10nm in size.

They are continuing the work and will submit for publiction.

Does that  raise some questions about polarity reversal and the H2O2
test for elemental silver???

"Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Colloidal Silver Ointment?

2000-06-29 Thread Morganstudio
To all list members:  
Has anyone ever made this ointment by Elixa and was successful with it's 
healing abilities?  Does anyone recommend a better or easier way (moneywise) 
to make another type of ointment.  I am asking this because I have a 6 year 
old who always has lots of boo boos to have soothed quickly!

This is from the Elixa online catalog:

1) 16 oz mixing/storage jar, (4) 1/4 oz storage jars, (5) bags of polymer, 
(1) dropper vial of triethanolamine, (1) wooden stir stick.
The kit contains enough ingredients to make 5 eight ounce batches of 
Colloidal Silver Ointment. 

To make CS Ointment, make 8 oz of Extra-strength Colloidal Silver by running 
it through 2 or 3 complete cycles with the device. The solution should be 
golden to dark brown in color. 

Using a coffee filter or cloth, strain the solution into the mixing jar and 
add 1 bag of polymer and stir well. Add 4 full droppers of triethanolamine 
and stir for 1-2 minutes. The mixture will thicken and turn into a smooth 
"golden" Colloidal Silver Ointment ready for use or storage. 
Diane M.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Ointment?

2000-06-29 Thread CKing001
Colloidal silver and aloe vera gel should give quick relief.
Check the archives 'cause this has been discussed before, with some good ideas
coming up!

No one expects the Spammish repetition  Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! 

On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 22:33:05 EDT, wrote:

>Has anyone ever made this ointment by Elixa and was successful with it's 
>healing abilities?  Does anyone recommend a better or easier way (moneywise) 
>to make another type of ointment.  I am asking this because I have a 6 year 
>old who always has lots of boo boos to have soothed quickly!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Ointment?

2000-06-29 Thread Jim Black
I have made the CS Gel with this ointment kit.  It works as described.  I
have not got any information yet as to it's effectiveness.  I do wonder
though why the information in the kit says you are not allowed to sell the
gel you make from the kit.

Ingredient wise this appears to be the same stuff used in Aloe Vera gel
available in stores.

I have not been able to locate any other source for these chemicals.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 9:33 PM
Subject: CS>Colloidal Silver Ointment?

> To all list members:
> Has anyone ever made this ointment by Elixa and was successful with it's
> healing abilities?  Does anyone recommend a better or easier way
> to make another type of ointment.  I am asking this because I have a 6
> old who always has lots of boo boos to have soothed quickly!
> This is from the Elixa online catalog:
> 1) 16 oz mixing/storage jar, (4) 1/4 oz storage jars, (5) bags of polymer,
> (1) dropper vial of triethanolamine, (1) wooden stir stick.
> The kit contains enough ingredients to make 5 eight ounce batches of
> Colloidal Silver Ointment.
> To make CS Ointment, make 8 oz of Extra-strength Colloidal Silver by
> it through 2 or 3 complete cycles with the device. The solution should be
> golden to dark brown in color.
> Using a coffee filter or cloth, strain the solution into the mixing jar
> add 1 bag of polymer and stir well. Add 4 full droppers of triethanolamine
> and stir for 1-2 minutes. The mixture will thicken and turn into a smooth
> "golden" Colloidal Silver Ointment ready for use or storage.
> Thanks,
> Diane M.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-06-29 Thread Fred

 At 10:28 AM 6/29/2000, MAMA wrote:
We all have a different opinion of what we consider is good
or safe for our body, and also what is good medicine!

As an engineer, I want to make the best medicine I can! I do
not want to make or take it diluted or mixed with trash. Since
Cs costs 60 cents a gallon, it means nothing to discard a

Sure, you won't die or become disabled or even hurt, but I have
a choice and I choose to avoid eating questionable or unknown

If we were making alcohol to drink, would you use the stuff your
neighbor filters thru bread? Do you eat the mold that grew on
top of the spaghetti sauce, the meat that fell on the floor, the soup
a roach just landed in!

They won't kill YA!

By the way Mama, 'YA' is not spelled properly!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-

with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS machines

2000-06-29 Thread Fred

At 10:28 AM 6/29/2000, you wrote:

> Pamela Grant wrote:
> > I noticed that the directions for the use of saline was not part of
> > your directions. Is that a thing of the past, no longer recommended
> > and if so, why?

Marshall replied:
> Addition of salt can make silver chloride, a toxic compound that can
> photoexpose in your skin and turn you blue permanently.  Always use
> pure distilled water.  If you need a quicker start then warm it up,
> or add a little CS from the previous batch.

I'd like to rein in Marshall's enthusiasm just a *tiny* bit...

Yes, silver chloride is toxic and can precipitate in the skin to
cause argyria. However, the very small quantities created and
consumed by those using salt as an accelerant for making CS have
*not* caused any cases of argyria and are unlikely to be able to.

Just do the figures... a few ppm of AgCl ... how many gallons of the
product would you have to drink to amount to the several hundreds of
milligrams of silver known to be required to cause a problem?

And *that* assumes all the AgCl precipitates in the skin, when in
fact it is eliminated at a modest rate by the body, and only when
that mechanism is overwhelmed does precipitation occur.

The best reason for not using salt in making CS is that the particles
produced that way are known to be smaller and are presumed to be
safer and more bioavailable.

Note that I fully *agree* that it's best to use distilled water. I
just don't want to overstate the argyria issue.

Be well,

Mike D.

Yes, Mike, a little won't hurt but you missed the bigger point
that silver chloride is a very weak source of silver, it being
nearly insoluble in water! Add a few grains of table salt to
a half ounce of your Cs and note it gets cloudy (assuming
you had some free ions to start with). That is the silver
chloride and it will usually grow into larger crystals and
settle out, looking like the salt crystals you added but
leaving you some plain old salty water, sans silver!

Back to my old complaint - "weak medicine (salt water
in this case) can be deceiving and thus indirectly harmful to
those that are relying on the Cs to treat a serious problem!"

If you are willing to take that stuff, any cure must come from
the power of faith, as it will with many people!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-

with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Ointment?

2000-06-29 Thread dave
I have made and used a thin gel using aloe vera gel as a
base,i put the 3/16th by 4 inch wet .999 silver at 1 1/4
inch spacing 27 vdc in 8 oz of the aloe gel and ran for 15
minutes stirring with a plastic fork constantly,it gets
working fast because of the aloes conductivity so watch it
close,then added 500 mg msm to it. kinda made me wonder as i
watched this process how much ionic or elimental silver was
actually going into it,the pos electrode showed definite
signs of degradation.. i have used this on burns cuts and
jock itch it appears to be doing a lot better job on toe
nail fungus than straight cs..kept jock itch down but not as
good as the comercial products,burn pain went away almost
instantly,cuts healed with little or no infections,,try it
you;ll like it..260dave..

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Poison Ivy

2000-06-29 Thread Fred

(delayed transmission due to got stuck in out box)

I want a microscope for similar studies Bob - what is the
maximum resolution and rough cost? Been afraid to buy one
and then find I don't have enough resolution!

I would think you could use one of the low light level digital
cameras that or other electronic parts houses
sell for under $100. An email to their sales dept. would
probably get a quick response, as  I am sure they have had
the same request before.

At 05:34 PM 6/27/2000, you wrote:

 Dear fearless leader;

CS has worked on Poison ivy, ticks and chiggers and spider
bites and others for years for our whole family. I use brown plastic
spray bottles from Wall Mart for everything . About a year ago I began
spraying it on my once bald head and the hair is growing back. If you
spray it on warts they will also go away . I had a man with a terrible
foot infection that the hospital was just making worse after several
months. I made a quart of Colloidal Silver and it immediately began to
heal . It took only two weeks for it to be gone and mostly healed and
out of danger.
My wife begins the spring season by eating a couple of small
ivy leaves several times and has no more trouble with it . She tears
them up and puts them in a piece of bread.
I have some of these machines in Africa and from the
preliminary reports CS will cure Malaria . Blackberry season is about
upon us here every year we make juice and put a lot away for later use .
We use large plastic soda pop bottles and put in a table spoon of CS It
will never ferment and lasts fine . Be sure to use enough and mix it
I have a new microscope same as in the university science
lab ,from China. Does any one know where a video attachment may be had
and an idea of the price. I would like to show every one the results of
blood treatment using Cs and the Zappers and the Beck machine. With this
you can watch as very contaminated blood with almost no white cells and
all red cells stacked up to where none are effective. It takes about 4
to 5 weeks and the blood is like a new born babies. We had a black man
from Africa that had blood that looked like sewer water. If there was a
disease he had it , 5 weeks they were all gone.
I want to put all. of the various bacteria and parasites where
everyone can see for themselves as the change takes place. Believe me it
does, big time. This is the greatest medical advance ever in my mind .
Drugs are poison and petroleum based chemicals have no place in our

With Gods Love to all

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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>First Day uS Drop

2000-06-29 Thread Fred

At 10:28 AM 6/29/2000, you wrote:

I have noticed when I make CS (LVDC method, pure DW, no additives), the
conductivity of the end product drops during the first day.  I measure the
conductivity with the Hanna PWT immediately after completing and stirring a
batch, then the next day.  Here are some readings to illustrate this.  They
are after - next day, in microSeimens:  23.8 - 16.0, 19.2 - 10.5, 22.6 -
16.2, 10.0 - 7.8.

What is going on during the first day to cause the drop in measured


I would check it after an hour and 4 hours also. If most drop is in the
first hour you did not mix it well! If a steady drop thru 4 hours and 24
then you have crystals and they are growing (stealing the ions). Is
there any drop after a few days? Make and keep it in glass or plastic?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Computer Worm discovery

2000-06-29 Thread Judith Thamm
I discover that I may have been sending out a worm since June 17th.

>From Dr Mercola's newsletter... dated 25 June...
"If You Use Outlook Express, last week a worm virus was sent out that
only affects Outlook Express users. This is clearly the minority of
people reading this newsletter. All viral definitions were updated and
hard disks cleaned of the infection, so this should not recur. "

As the Newsletter that came out on June 17 was the one in question,
I'm trying to notify anyone that I emailed after 21:43 hours on the
17th.  My apologies if this affects you - I only read the latest
newsletter today and was horrified to find the thing on my computer.

This is what to look for first:

Here is the information from the site where you can download a cleaner
if you need it:

What is WScript.KAKWorm?

KAK is a Win32-based e-mail worm. It alters a file that your computer
uses whenever you send out an email message or newsgroup posting so
that every message that goes out has the virus attached to it. It does
not corrupt any data on your hard drive, however it is designed to
shut your machine down on certain days which may inadvertantly result
in a loss of data.

How do I get it?

KAK arrives as embeded script within an email message. Just opening
the message infects your computer. You'll know you have it when you
see strange messages start to pop-up such as:

"Do you want to allow software such as ActiveX controls and plug-ins
to run?",
"Kagou-Anti-Kro$oft says not today!", and
"S3 driver memory alloc failed"

Your machine may also shut itself down on its own.

Who's at risk?

People running Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express and Internet
Explorer 5.0. Those running MacOS and WebTV are immune to the virus.

What exactly does the virus do to my computer?

When you open an infected message the following lines are written to
your Autoexec.bat file:

@echo off>c:\windows\STARTM~1\Programs\Startup\kak.hta
del c:\windows\STARTM~1\Programs\Startup\kak.hta

The following files are installed on your machine:

(this # is derived from the first eight characters of the subfolder
located at:
c:\Windows\Application Data\Identities\)
c:\windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\kak.hta

Plus all the bits in the registers and so on.

go to and download the KAKCLEANER.

It will also tell you to download another file from Microsoft to stop
reinfection.  Then you run the cleaner and the computer is fixed.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>BYU CS Test

2000-06-29 Thread Ivan Anderson
Hi there Ole Bob,

96% elemental, 4% ionic!
I have been privy to test results which show ionic silver to be much
more effective in the test tube than elemental.

Perhaps it is a further indication that in order to be absorbed silver
is ionised in the body.

I'm not sure what you are getting at here,  "Does that  raise some
questions about polarity reversal and the H2O2 test for elemental
silver???", but I should think the ASAP would fizz like crazy.

A link to American Silver, the producers of ASAP used in these test.

I notice that it is stated that the test results done on this product
are to be freely available!

Also American Silver has filed a patent application for their process.


- Original Message -
From: "Robert L. Berger" 
To: "silver-list" 
Sent: Friday, 30 June 2000 14:09
Subject: CS>BYU CS Test

> Hi Ya'all;
> Its pot stirring time again
> I contacted BYU about the report that was on the list several weeks
> and have just received an answer from Prof. Ron W. Leavitt. The work
> done by one of his  graduate students, David Revelli. The material was
> as commercial CS sold under the name of ASAP. As tested with a
> Perkin-Elmers atomic adsorption instrument it was less then 4% ionic
> silver and 96% elemental silver.. The majority of particles were about
> 10nm in size.
> They are continuing the work and will submit for publiction.
> Does that  raise some questions about polarity reversal and the H2O2
> test for elemental silver???
> "Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour