Remember, CS should be effective against fungus!

Special To
Some Comments & Conclusions On Cassani
& Chemtrails
By William Thomas <>

Erminia Cassani deserves thanks and congratulations for her long and
sometimes personally perilous investigations into low-level air drops of
pathogen-bearing gel and red powder over suburban neighborhoods in
Ontario, and across the USA. Throughout her research I have kept our
agreement on certain aspects of her work until she was ready to publish
her preliminary findings. It is time that we heard from this key researcher,
and I am glad she has come forward now.

After 19 months' investigation, I believe that the higher-level 'chemtrail'
operation involving 700 US Air Force tanker planes and some civilian
airliners is separate, though possibly related to, the splattering of
lab-tested bacteria, molds and fungi over homes from aircraft flying at
tree-top level.

Even more disturbing are recently witnessed deliberate spray attacks on
some vocal aerial observers' headquarters and homes. Seen in the context
of earlier low-level attacks against William Wallace and his wife Anne in the
remote mountains of Washington state (after Wallace went to the media
insisting they cover chemtrails) - these attempts at intimidation are
serious acts of military aggression that prove that something sensitive is
indeed going on.

But what?

I concur with Cassani's conclusions that it makes zero sense for a
government torandomly sicken its entire citizenry with air-delivered
organisms. Nor are repeated attacks of self-replicating bio-agents
necessary. If continued, such overt bio-attacks could destroy the US
economy, while risking rebellion from an armed and angry populace. More
to the point: no disease-causing organisms have ever been found in

While lab techs were startled and concerned by the biological organisms
and markers turning up in samples from low-level drops that left at least one
homeowner stricken with a heart attack, the molds and fungi that turned
up in the only tested sample of rainwater taken immediately after heavy
high-level chemtrail spraying were deemed by an independent Ontario lab
as entirely normal - 'with no one species predominating.'


What about an airborne 'cull' of the elderly and similar 'useless eaters'
burdening cash-strapped governments with their burgeoning needs for
subsistence and medical assistance? A little-publicized high-level summit
last January saw president Clinton (invited) and former heads and top
officials from Japan, Germany, the World Bank, security agencies and
major financial firms discussing the 'Impacts of Aging on Business'.
Corporate-controlled governments are extremely and increasingly concerned
about aging populations, which are seen as growing threats to corporate

Couple this concern with decades of documented US and British funding and
research into Nazi-copied 'eugenics' intended to selectively cull
unproductive resource consumers...and the high percentage of fatalities
among the elderly during two consecutive epidemics (1998-2000) of deaths
from Influenza-Like-Illness and related pneumonia and cardiac arrest
appear very sinister indeed.

Yet, why go to the expense and risk of blatantly spraying pathogens from
jets to get rid of older folks (he asks counting his own gray hairs)? A
less obvious and much cheaper course is to quietly encourage euthanasia
in hospitals across North America and Australia, where doctors and nurses
now admit that up to 40% of elderly patients are being deliberately killed -
without their consent, and in many cases without any terminal ailment

Another effective tactic is to scare people into lining up for experimental
vaccines often contaminated by pathgenic material. The constant hyping of
vaccines for the flu, migraines and meningitis symptoms often seen in the
wake of chemtrails is suspiciously coincidental.

It is clear that, at the very least, heightened death rates among the
elderly caught under heavy aerial spraying are being viewed as 'acceptable
collateral damage' to a program deemed essential to national-corporate
interests. For this reason, any official whistle-blower who dares to come
forward with verifiable documentation concerning chemtrails will face
legal repercussions that will make Daniel Elsberg's long incarceration for
exposing the fake Gulf of Tonkin 'attack' and other Washington lies
concerning Vietnam feel like a stay in a summer spa.

Unless we rally to support and protect this brave soul.


Let's look closer at the illness rampant among our families and
communities. While the corporate-controlled media continue to bleat about
the 'flu', the CDC has consistently reported blood tests showing that
between 65% and 99% of acutely ill patients jamming emergency rooms and
clinics do not have the flu. Instead, officials with that infectious
disease-tracking agency have publicly attributed epidemic death rates to
an 'unknown pathogen.'

Now the CDC is reporting that this mystery killer is a 'parasite'. For
'parasite' read 'fungus'. Based on extensive research - including input
from experts on fungal symptoms and outbreaks - I fully concur with
Cassani that we are in the midst of a massive fungal invasion fueled by warmer,

wetter temperatures from a rapidly heating atmosphere.

The rapid extinction of amphibian 'canaries' confirms this - and should
sound an urgent warning. Chytrid fungus has just been implicated as a
probable cause of 50% amphibian die-offs in pristine areas around the

Fungus among us is no joke. The same mycotoxins present in the fungi
growing silently in many North American homes and offices have been
cultivated, air-dried and delivered to American soldiers in the warheads
of SCUD missiles by the world's most experienced proponents of biological
warfare - the Iraqi Chemical Corps. There is no difference between biowar
mycotoxins and domestic Stachybotrys (pronounced Stack-ee-bot-ris) - an
especially lethal black mold now proliferating wildly across the USA.


Exposure to fungal infections leads to the same symptoms seen in
sufferers from Chemtrail-Related Illness (CRI). These include: acute asthma and

allergies, joint pain, headaches, bloody noses, abdominal pain, gas and
bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, gastritis
extreme fatigue and severe headaches - as well as depression, anxiety, sudden
mood swings, lack of concentration, drowsiness, lethargy, insomnia, memory
loss, and 'spacey' light headedness.

In a recent survey among 179 patients reportedly suffering from
chemtrail-related illness, naturopathic Dr. Joseph Puleo found that fully
99% were found to have fungus in their blood.


In regards to Erminia Cassani's hypothesis, why are certain neighborhoods
being hit with fungal 'cocktails'? These are obviously not attempts to
wipe out pot plantations grown in more remote areas with killer fungi now
being bred and tested for this purpose. Yet, fungal outbreaks in suburban
settings dire enough to require aerial intervention with anti-fungi fungi
would certainly be apparent to residents and local media.

Most likely, these are tests. The low-level splattering of fungi-filled
'gel' and red powder appears to be an outgrowth of potentially lethal
'open air' biowarfare tests that have carried out on hundreds of US,
Canadian and British cities since 1949.


Whatever the threat - or imagined threat - nobody I know has been
notified, or asked for their vote or opinion.

The entire issue of chemtrails and a concurrent low-level spray program
rests on informed consent. Regardless of what is going on - or why such
hazardous projects are deemed necessary by a silent, unseen elite - these
daily violations of the Nuremberg Principles constitute war crimes against
public citizens by their own elected government, and the military hired
and sworn to defend them.


I believe that Erminia Cassani is also on the right track when she calls
chemtrails a solar shield. In recent weeks I have independently arrived
at a similar conclusion. Based on all available evidence, including:

* a call by Edward Teller for an aerial 'sunscreen' to reflect 1% of
incoming sunlight away from Earth in order to cool out-of-control
greenhouse warming...

* a study by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where computer
climate models showed this could be done at a cost of $1 billion a

* a patent issued to aerospace giant, Hughes Aircraft Company to spray
highly-reflective aluminum oxide aloft 'to reduce global warming'...

* falling local temperatures and greatly reduced UV radiation levels
measured under chemtrail overcasts...

my best guess is that the deliberate overcasts caused by repeated chemtrail
obscuration of 'blue sky days' is a desperate attempt to head off the
Superstorms, floods and droughts of global warming - without reducing
fossil fuel burning and harming the balance sheets of all businesses
enmeshed in a petroleum-powered economy.

Insurance companies bigger than Big Oil and the international arms trade
are being hammered by catastrophic storm losses caused by a rapidly
heating atmosphere. They are telling Washington, Whitehall, Ottawa and other
allied nations over which the spray planes are appearing, to cool global
- or else. If the big insurers go down, so will the money markets in which
they invest so heavily. And so will the banks that back them.

Follow the money. It leads, in every case, to corporate interests - a
tune to which all governments must dance.

You can be certain that chemtrails are not being spread for your own good.
Whatever their intended purpose, which I now believe to be atmospheric
modification, this unprecedented aerial assault is further amplifying wild
weather swings - while sickening millions of people, pets and other
animals. And killing a significant number of elderly, along with others
made vulnerable by weakened immunity.


The sole disease-causing agents we know to be found in chemtrails come from
rainwater samples tested at an independent lab by the Ontario Ministry of
Environment following heavy chemtrail spraying over Espanola, Ontario.

* The filament strands of radar-reflecting 'chaff' (used to track
dispersal) is highly toxic and can lead to severe allergic reactions.

* The mica and carbon black used by the US Air Force to form rainclouds
is also toxic if inhaled.

* But the principle component of the tested Ontario sample was found to
be aluminum - at seven-times government safe levels. High enough, said the
lab, 'to kill fish'.

The aluminum called for the Welsbach patent issued to Hughes Aircraft for
atmospheric modification was intended to be put into the fuel of jet
airliners. If it is added to the plane's auxiliary fuel tanks, chemtrails
will appear only at cruising altitudes after the flight crew switches to
aux tanks. Switching to main tanks for take-off and landing will leave no
chemtrail clues close to the ground. (Disturbing videotape showing an
MD-80 commercial airliner laying a distinctive chemtrail is included in my
definitive documentary video, 'CHEMTRAILS - MYSTERY LINES IN THE SKY' due
for release in July, 2000.)

Similarly, tanker aircraft observed switching sprays on and off are
probably switching fuel tanks.

According to a former engineer for Alcoa, aluminum oxide in the size ranges
called for in the sunscreen patent, would polish jet turbine blades without
harming them. These compounds would form brilliant white plumes in the

But the engineer warned that metallic particles intended to remain aloft
for a year could settle quickly to the ground. High levels of aluminum have
been blood-tested in CRI sufferers in Toronto and Vancouver. I now urge
that more chemtrail patients insist on being screened for aluminum


Among other signs, medical text symptomology states that aluminum
toxicity 'can lead to gastrointestinal disturbances, headaches, forgetfulness,
speech disturbances, memory loss, weak, aching muscles.'

By preventing nerve impulses from being correctly carried to and from the
brain, this potent neurotoxin also causes 'dizziness, impaired coordination
and a loss of balance and energy.'

Whether a chemtrail or commercial flight, it is possible and even probable
that pseudomonas (which dines on fuel) and various molds and fungi
routinely grow inside cavernous aircraft fuel tanks - to rain down on
everyone along these flight paths, along with dozens of other toxic benzene
derivatives. Aluminum and other sprayed compounds can also serve as a
matrix for fungal growth that may be activated rather than attenuated by
increased UV levels at spray altitude.


Anyone worried that the New World Order is about to enslave us all needs
a reality check. We are already virtually enslaved by giant corporations
whose control of extremely sophisticated media mesmerization techniques
has turned most citizens into somnambulists who refuse even to look up at
what is taking place right over their heads.

Fear of 'terrorist attack' is manufacturing consent to dangerous and
illegal abrogation of constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, while the
threat of unemployment is being used very effectively to silence debate
and dissent.

Meanwhile, the fully documented cynical importation of banned narcotics
by CIA aircraft to finance covert operations, and the widespread sale of
other soporifics keeps an increasingly edgy public pacified.

In this mockery of democracy, no one ever gets to vote for the few folks
really calling the shots. Instead, we are treated to flag-waving
distractions by a military-industrial-entertainment complex that must
continue to manufacture threats requiring ever-increasing expenditures on
weapons whose deployment threaten us all. (Ask a sick Gulf War veteran
how she or he feels they've been treated for serving their country and the
word they most often use is 'treason'.)

As the first journalist to break the chemtrails story back in January,
1999, I have stayed with this frustrating and often infuriating
investigation knowing that its answers will ultimately go far beyond aerial
spraying to address the fundamental democratic issues of public consent
and political accountability. The hour is very late for people everywhere to
reclaim control over their destinies and daily lives - as well as the
future freedom and well-being of our children.

But there is still time. And because they are so blatantly and
consistently in our face, chemtrails could be that catalyst.


Again, my deepest thanks to Erminia Cassani for her unstinting work on the
low-level attacks against North Americans. While so many others ought to
be included on this roster of gratitude, Jeff Rense deserves special notice
for his support and regular web updates on this issue. Clifford Carnicom
must also singled out for his web-published investigations into cobweb-like
filaments found draped over mountain forests, oil rigs, porches,
powerlines, highways and police cruisers across the USA.

The presence of human blood cells on these artificial filaments cannot be
explained as 'weather control'. They do, however, match the findings by a
hospital lab tech of similar human cells on gel-material splattered over
Oakville, Washington in August, 1994.


In late June, 2000 we can say with certainty that an unprecedented aerial
spray campaign high over at least 13 allied nations is causing serious
illness and fatalities on the ground, while interfering with local cloud
cover and weather patterns. Whatever their original intent, once the
perpetrators of both high- and low-level spraying know that high numbers
of sick, dying and dead people follow in the wake these missions - all
further spray flights become deliberate attacks.

After nearly two years of dogged research by some very dedicated people,
we now have some answers to the chemtrail conundrum.

At the very least - without any suppositions or allegations - chemtrails
captured on thousands of photographs and seeming miles of videotape
constitute a severe air qualtiy and public health threat that must be
thoroughly investigated by respective responsible agencies.

Dangerous flying by formations of heavy aircraft over populated areas also
contravenes many flight regulations - requiring a response from the FAA
better than "flights from Japan," "flights from Russia," and "delayed
Christmas traffic".

No matter how heartfelt and courageous, anonymous emails from
'mechanics', 'managers' and 'pilots' aren't enough. Despite the penalties for
breaching 'National Security' laws, we can only pray that a 'whistle-blower'
enough to come forward will soon present verifiable evidence of what is
really going on. While the US Supreme Court has ruled that the commands
of military commanders supersede even civilian law, the Military Code of
Justice still stipulates that carrying out illegal orders is...illegal.

Most of all, we need these high- and low level aerial attacks to cease
while we are informed of their purpose and decide as sovereign citizens
how best to proceed in light of whatever threats - or elite agenda - presents

It does not take evil intent to result in evil consequences.

William Thomas


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