CSCScancer cure

2000-07-25 Thread Wong111
Marshall I got web pages could not be displayed.

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Re: CSCScancer cure

2000-07-25 Thread Harvey Flatbush

At 02:43 AM 7/25/00 -0400, you wrote:

Go to:

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Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread M. G. Devour
I wrote
 I don't doubt that there *will* be an upper limit found for safe
 consumption of silver products -- perhaps not for the low
 concentration, small particle CS that most of us are making, but
 perhaps for the high ppm stuff of some of the other vendors...,

Roger replied:
 Mike: I would like to point out that based on my colloidal silver
 retention/elimination study there may indeed be NO upper limit to
 save consumption of colloidal silver.

Which is why I finished the above paragraph with the following:

...perhaps for the high ppm stuff of some of the other vendors, or 
merely the well known dangers of silver compounds.

Let us hope that your work points the way to the final result, at 
least for the easily made LVDC or HVAC varieties of CS.

When someone applies the same protocol to the differently made,
higher potency products like WaterOz, the mild silver protien
variants, or the lousy chemically precipitated bulk products sold in
some health food stores, then we'll establish more of the boundaries.

I suppose I should have emphasized that I was talking about *all*
silver products, even including the known hazardous silver compounds.

 This (albeit preliminary) conclusion is based on doing a silver
 balance on myself AFTER ingesting 2.3 mg CS/day for several
 months. What I found was that I was excreting silver just as fast
 as I was ingesting it, leaving my tissues (hopefully) saturated in
 colloidal silver so that presumably the CS would be present in any
 part of my body ready to scavenge any hostile bugs that had the
 misfortune to pass their way.

Yes, it's excellent work that needed to be done. Thank you.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSIons, chelation and Argyria

2000-07-25 Thread Ivan Anderson
Marshall writes, over three posts :

Argyria is caused by the same mechanism that is used when developing
photographs.  It is the same thing.  If you start with a salt of silver,
expose it to light, some of it will reduce to silver metal.  Then if you
a developer (caffine is a good developer) in an alkaline solution (blood
normally alkaline), additional silver will plate out from the compound
the metallic particles, making them grow.  That is the photographic
and that is how one gets argyria.

Now, the process requires silver salts.  There are no substitutes.
silver contains no silver salts.  Basically silver salts are what are in
unexposed film.  Silver colloid is what is in a developed photograph.
If you
put a developed photo into the sun what does it do.  It fades, it
doesn't turn
darker.  That is because a developed photo has no silver salts to add to
silver particles since it is already nothing but reduced silver

Thus colloidal silver cannot cause argyria.  Theoretically I guess one
take CS with sufficient ppm and in sufficient quantity to cause
but one would likely become sick from too much water first, as the
would be truely phenominal...

...If I recall the silveroz product claims that it is ionic silver, not
silver.  I questioned a year or so ago whether or not silver oz could
lead to
argyria on this very list, but at that time no one reported such

I do not believe the silver oz product is the same as what we consider

...Does anyone know if chelation acts on CS in your blood?  I believe
that chelation
only works on single atoms, but could be wrong.  If it worked on
clusters then it
should get rid of argyria, right...?

Marshall and all.

As far as I can ascertain, it is impossible to absorb metals (minerals)
in anything other than ionic form, ie single atomic ions, as opposed to
aggrigates, colloids or groups of metals.

Colloids and metallic clusters are ionised by the gastric juices so that
they may be complexed by metal transporters across the intestinal wall.

If this is true, it would tend to make most of the statements above

In the development of Argyria, I believe it is the total silver load
which is important not the source, as the silver, once absorbed, is
likely to be indistinguishable from one source to another.
 If silver is found in surface tissue in large amounts, as a result of
the overwhelming of the natural chelating mechanisms, then it will be
complexed by chlorine, sulphur or selenium etc. and may be photo-reduced
to form dark pigments.

I believe it is wrong to state that silver colloids cannot cause
Argyria, other than to say that the total silver load required is
unlikely to be achieved in the normal course of events.

There is no reason to think that silver will not be chelated as any
other monovalent ion. Different chelating agents have preferences for
different valencies (divalent, trivalent etc.), and it would be wise, in
my opinion, to forego silver intake during the course of the therapy so
that the therapy can be directed towards to removing toxic minerals,

Here is a representative abstract regarding mineral absorption :

The regulation of mineral absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Proc Nutr Soc 1999 Feb;58(1):147-53   (ISSN: 0029-6651)

Powell JJ; Jugdaohsingh R; Thompson RP [Find other articles with these
Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Rayne Institute, St Thomas' Hospital,
London, UK.

The absorption of metal ions in the mammalian single-stomached gut is
fortunately highly selective, and both luminal and tissue regulation
occur. Initially, assimilation of metal ions in an available form is
facilitated by the intestinal secretions, chiefly soluble mucus (mucin)
that retards hydrolysis of ions such as Cu, Fe and Zn. Metal ions then
bind and traverse the mucosally-adherent mucus layer with an efficiency
M+  M2+  M3+. At the mucosa Fe3+ is probably uniquely reduced to Fe2+,
and all divalent cations (including Fe2+) are transported by a membrane
protein (such as divalent cation transporter 1) into the cell. This
minimizes absorption of toxic trivalent metals (e.g. Al3+).
Intracellular metal-binding molecules (such as mobilferrin) may be
present at the intracellular side of the apical membrane, anchored to a
transmembrane protein such as an integrin complex. This mobilferrin
would receive the metal ion from divalent cation transporter 1 and, with
part of the integrin molecule, transport the metal to the cytosol for
safe sequestration in a larger complex such as ferritin or
'paraferritin'. beta 2-Microglobulin and HFE (previously termed human
leucocyte antigen H) may be involved in stabilizing metal
mobilferrin-integrin to form this latter complex. Finally, a systemic
metal-binding protein such as transferrin may enter the antiluminal
(basolateral) side of the cell for binding of the 

Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 7/24/00 11:00:32 PM EST, writes:

 I don't doubt that there *will* be an upper limit found for safe
 consumption of silver products -- perhaps not for the low
 concentration, small particle CS that most of us are making, but
 perhaps for the high ppm stuff of some of the other vendors...,
Mike: I would like to point out that based on my colloidal silver 
retention/elimination study there may indeed be NO upper limit to save 
consumption of colloidal silver. This (albeit preliminary) conclusion is 
based on doing a silver balance on myself AFTER ingesting 2.3 mg CS/day for 
several months. What I found was that I was excreting silver just as fast as 
I was ingesting it, leaving my tissues (hopefully) saturated in colloidal 
silver so that presumably the CS would be present in any part of my body 
ready to scavenge any hostile bugs that had the misfortune to pass their way. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi Mike,

A simple, I am not! has not been forthcoming.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   M. G. Devour []
Sent:   Monday, July 24, 2000 5:57 PM
Subject:Re: CSAgent provocateur, was  Reversable Blue

Hi Bob, friends,

 Went looking back over my own archives to find Michael or Mary.
 Way back. Sure did, doing the same thing they or he/she are doing
 now. Take it for what its worth. :-) Really don't think you will get
 any relevant information from them.

Playing list-owner here, I need to call a minor technical foul:

Something like an accusation of agent provacateur status ought to be
directed to me rather than to the list. I would like to consult
*privately* with Bob Lee and examine his evidence a bit. Please, Bob?

I've also had contact with mary who shares that account with a 
person named Michael -- no mystery there, it turns out.

She's in a tough spot since we don't know enough details of the cases 
she cites or of her practice and expertise to be able to evaluate 
them, and her, for ourselves. Until the time comes that we do, I 
counsel patience with one another. Okay?

I don't doubt that there *will* be an upper limit found for safe
consumption of silver products -- perhaps not for the low
concentration, small particle CS that most of us are making, but
perhaps for the high ppm stuff of some of the other vendors, or 
merely the well known dangers of silver compounds. 

Since our results will tend to be judged together with these others 
in the court of public opinion, it behooves us to document the cases 
and the distinctions between them.

We ought to examine Mary's reports closely. If she's a provocateur
it will come out, I'm sure. If not, I'd like to know we made sure we 
knew what was happening.

We need more information, which we will not get by adversarial means.
I respectfully request her cooperation, and all of yours.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSTumor - Desperately seeking an answer

2000-07-25 Thread Bob Squires
Dear Brenda;

Sorry for the delay I must have missed your post the first time .
I have had some of my customers use the Zapper with success for tumors. With
the first few days use they begin to shrink and they slowly wither away to
nothing . The problem here would be getting to it . Could I make you a probe
that can reach it ? I will be glad to try anything that can help and I think
the Zapper will help.

Let me know
Bob wrote:


 I wanted to see if anyone on the list has heard of anyone using Dr.
 Clark's protocol for large uterine Fibroid Tumors.

 I have the new book The Cure for Advanced Cancers (actually I have all of
 them and the Zapper)...but it seems Dr. Clark is mostly referring to
 cancerous tumors.  I have a fibroid tumor larger than a grapefruit...and
 seems to be growing every month.

 The protocols mentioned...the 21 day Cancer Curing Program and the Tumor
 Shrinking Diet.  Do they both have to be done or just the Tumor Shrinking
 Diet...since mine are not cancerous?
 Is it relatively safe to take the high dosage of B2 for such a large

 Does anyone know personally of anyone who has shrunk or totally gotten
 rid of a Fibroid Tumor this large?

 Any help would be appreciated...

 Thanks again,

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CS OT Horses and other nice things!

2000-07-25 Thread Garrett, Susan L
I've got his papers at home. I'll look at them tonight. His registered name
is Exxecutioner, sired by Exxpectation. I'm so into these bloodlines (smile)
I just like a kind, level-headed horse. I prefer people the same way..but
you never know what you'll get, huh?

-Original Message-
From: Marsha Hallett []
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 08:52 PM
Subject: Re: CS OT Horses and other nice things!

 I have a 4yo Arabian gelding, chestnut with 2 white socks. A real looker,
 with excellent bloodlines, but harder for me to work with since
 MS. My neurologist told me I may have to reconsider riding after my dx,
 this CS has given me incredible hope. My horse's name is Q-tip.He's bred
 endurance, so that's how we ride. Now, as soon as I get my endurance

Believe me, riding is the next best thing for MS, second only to CS! (IMHO)
 My gelding was named Markuba, and he was a blood-bay GGson of Witez II, one
of the horses rescued with the Lippizaners by the Americans just after WWII.
Disney`s Miracle of the White Stallions flick tells of that, but neglects
the Arabians and several other breeds also rescued.
 Email me with Q-Tip`s bloodlines, willya?? I`m fascinated...
Do you know of Khemosabi?? He`s MINE...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCScancer cure

2000-07-25 Thread Marshall Dudley
That site requires that www. in front, ie.

Marshall wrote:

 Marshall I got web pages could not be displayed.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Mike: I would like to point out that based on my colloidal silver
 retention/elimination study there may indeed be NO upper limit to save
 consumption of colloidal silver. This (albeit preliminary) conclusion is
 based on doing a silver balance on myself AFTER ingesting 2.3 mg CS/day for
 several months. What I found was that I was excreting silver just as fast as
 I was ingesting it, leaving my tissues (hopefully) saturated in colloidal
 silver so that presumably the CS would be present in any part of my body
 ready to scavenge any hostile bugs that had the misfortune to pass their way.

I may have missed this.  What routes of elimination did the silver take, and 
was the ratios?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIons, chelation and Argyria

2000-07-25 Thread Marshall Dudley
Katie Jay wrote:

 Hi Ivan,
 I have lyme disease and also need to get my mercury fillings removed. I was
 considering oral chelation during the mercury removal. Would taking CS
 hinder the work of the oral chelation. What if I took vitamin C and clorella
 instead of oral chelation during the time i am detoxifying from the mercury.

 Any thoughts would be appreciated.


I am taking the ageless ( ) oral
chelation right now.  They have you take the chelation before bed, and in the
morning, you take a mineral pill to replace the essential minerals the chelation
removed.  So what I am doing it taking my CS when I take the mineral pill in the
morning now.  Most of the CS will likely be gone by bedtime.  I can say that the
CS is not stopping the chelation.  I fell like cr*p in the morning until I can
get 24 oz or so of filtered water through my system to wash out the heavy metals
that have been released.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBeck's protocol

2000-07-25 Thread Marshall Dudley
Alvin Rose wrote:

 Hi Katie
 The clark zapper has nothing to do with blood electrification as the potential
 is to low to get conduction..It is a parasite killer which has a low level
 30 kc output and does not induce a current flow in the blood (50 to 100
 The Beck protocol required the blood purifier as well as the magnetic pulser
 and colloidal silver as well as oxygenized water.

We have a difference of opinion here. I believe they both work and preform
essentially the same.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSapricot kernals

2000-07-25 Thread Marshall Dudley
Do you have a phone number on these people?  Have a friend that was just
operated on for a brain tumor and it was cancerous.  He wants me to get
him some ASAP, and I don't want to wait for the mail service to deliver
a check.



Dave Perkins wrote:

 Here's one place that sells them:
 If you would like a brochure with more details, send $5.00 to:
 P.O. Drawer 548
 Ruidoso, NM 88345
 To order apricot pits, send $12.50 per pound, plus $2.00 SH to
 the same address.

 I ordered from them and got my pits.

 Dave Perkins
 enjoy being

 web site:

 - Original Message -
 From: Katie Jay
 Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 3:33 PM
 Subject: Re: CSapricot kernals

  Where do you get the apricot kernels? Do you buy fresh
  - Original Message -
  From: Dave Perkins
  Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 6:36 AM
  Subject: Re: CSapricot kernals
   Wrapping one in a paper table napkin (to contain the shell
   fragments) placing on the counter top and tapping with a
   works well for me.
   Dave Perkins
   enjoy being
   web site:
   - Original Message -
   From: hamilton williams
   Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 9:01 AM
   Subject: CSapricot kernals
 I have a very basic question about apricot kernels - how
do you get them out of the seed shell? It's inside the hard
right? I'd like to chew on them preventatively and it seems
   like it
would be simple, etc., but
Thanks much,
  I hold the kernal upright  on a concrete floor or
   and hit it
with a hammer. You can lay it flat ways against the floor
   , but
this tends to disintegrate the nut.
hamilton williams
The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
   colloidal silver.
To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS OT Horses and other nice things!

2000-07-25 Thread Marsha Hallett

- Original Message -
From: Garrett, Susan L
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 7:20 AM
Subject: RE: CS OT Horses and other nice things!

 I've got his papers at home. I'll look at them tonight. His registered
 is Exxecutioner, sired by Exxpectation. I'm so into these bloodlines
 I just like a kind, level-headed horse. I prefer people the same way..but
 you never know what you'll get, huh?

Dear Susan, Can you send me a private email? I tried to send one but it
bounced back. Got lots of stuff to say, but I`m sure the silver listers
don`t care about it...

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 7/25/00 10:29:30 AM EST, writes:

 I may have missed this.  What routes of elimination did the silver take, 
and what
 was the ratios?

Marshall: Initially, urine accounted for nearly all of the excreted silver (I 
also measures silver in fece, perspiration, nails and hair). However as time 
went on, fece accounted for a greater proportion of eliminated silver. I 
don't know why. Roger 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSapricot kernals

2000-07-25 Thread Henry Reed
Didn't Allison's Apothecary say he had them too?

Marshall Dudley wrote:
 Do you have a phone number on these people?  Have a friend that was just
 operated on for a brain tumor and it was cancerous.  He wants me to get
 him some ASAP, and I don't want to wait for the mail service to deliver
 a check.
 Dave Perkins wrote:
  Here's one place that sells them:
  If you would like a brochure with more details, send $5.00 to:
  P.O. Drawer 548
  Ruidoso, NM 88345
  To order apricot pits, send $12.50 per pound, plus $2.00 SH to
  the same address.
  I ordered from them and got my pits.
  Dave Perkins
  enjoy being
  web site:
  - Original Message -
  From: Katie Jay
  Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 3:33 PM
  Subject: Re: CSapricot kernals
   Where do you get the apricot kernels? Do you buy fresh
   - Original Message -
   From: Dave Perkins
   Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 6:36 AM
   Subject: Re: CSapricot kernals
Wrapping one in a paper table napkin (to contain the shell
fragments) placing on the counter top and tapping with a
works well for me.
Dave Perkins
enjoy being
web site:
- Original Message -
From: hamilton williams
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 9:01 AM
Subject: CSapricot kernals
  I have a very basic question about apricot kernels - how
 do you get them out of the seed shell? It's inside the hard
 right? I'd like to chew on them preventatively and it seems
like it
 would be simple, etc., but
 Thanks much,

   I hold the kernal upright  on a concrete floor or
and hit it
 with a hammer. You can lay it flat ways against the floor
, but
 this tends to disintegrate the nut.

 hamilton williams

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread Marshall Dudley
For your studies, were you able to determine the serum half-life?

Initially vs. as time went on:  Are we talking days, weeks, months or years 


Marshall wrote:

 In a message dated 7/25/00 10:29:30 AM EST, writes:

  I may have missed this.  What routes of elimination did the silver take,
 and what
  was the ratios?


 Marshall: Initially, urine accounted for nearly all of the excreted silver (I
 also measures silver in fece, perspiration, nails and hair). However as time
 went on, fece accounted for a greater proportion of eliminated silver. I
 don't know why. Roger

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSapricot kernals

2000-07-25 Thread Daniel Holly

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: CSapricot kernals

*E SHAN TANG* Chinese herbs in Boston have them. Apricot kernels are used in
Chinese herbal formulations. They presumably are not organic (I never asked)
but you can get them right away with a credit card. For accuracy I would
recommend getting their fax number and FAXING the order. They were charging
$8.00/lb last I spoke with them.

PHONE  617 787 3600

 Do you have a phone number on these people?  Have a friend that was just
 operated on for a brain tumor and it was cancerous.  He wants me to get
 him some ASAP, and I don't want to wait for the mail service to deliver
 a check.



 Dave Perkins wrote:

  Here's one place that sells them:
  If you would like a brochure with more details, send $5.00 to:
  P.O. Drawer 548
  Ruidoso, NM 88345
  To order apricot pits, send $12.50 per pound, plus $2.00 SH to
  the same address.
  I ordered from them and got my pits.
  Dave Perkins
  enjoy being
  web site:
  - Original Message -
  From: Katie Jay
  Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 3:33 PM
  Subject: Re: CSapricot kernals
   Where do you get the apricot kernels? Do you buy fresh
   - Original Message -
   From: Dave Perkins
   Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 6:36 AM
   Subject: Re: CSapricot kernals
Wrapping one in a paper table napkin (to contain the shell
fragments) placing on the counter top and tapping with a
works well for me.
Dave Perkins
enjoy being
web site:
- Original Message -
From: hamilton williams
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 9:01 AM
Subject: CSapricot kernals
  I have a very basic question about apricot kernels - how
 do you get them out of the seed shell? It's inside the hard
 right? I'd like to chew on them preventatively and it seems
like it
 would be simple, etc., but
 Thanks much,

   I hold the kernal upright  on a concrete floor or
and hit it
 with a hammer. You can lay it flat ways against the floor
, but
 this tends to disintegrate the nut.

 hamilton williams

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
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 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSOT - Brain Tuner

2000-07-25 Thread Katie Jay
Terry and list,

Can you all recommend the most cost effective way to get a blood electrifier
and magnetic pulser? What is a reputable company and what should I expect to
pay. I don't want to make them myself.


- Original Message -
From: Terry Wayne
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 11:30 AM
Subject: CSOT - Brain Tuner

 To those interested:
 The full run-down on the Brain Tuner (Lousy name, I
 know, my wife says it sounds like, Brain Tumor) can
 be found by listening to Bob Beck speaking at this

 The info, however, is astounding. I have currently
 just started using this apparatus, plus the Blood
 Electrifier  the Magnetic Pulser (my wife thinks I
 will start glowing in the dark; I tell her I will have
 an electrifying personality).
 I will report later when I know something.
 Terry Wayne

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 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 7/25/00 11:54:18 AM EST, writes:

 Subj: Re: CSAgent provocateur, was  Reversable Blue
 Date:  7/25/00 11:54:18 AM EST
 From: (Marshall Dudley)
 For your studies, were you able to determine the serum half-life?
 Initially vs. as time went on:  Are we talking days, weeks, months or years 

Marshall: 20 days. The last data point was 96 days from the time I stopped 
taking CS. At that point 3/4 of the silver eliminated was in fece. Roger

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Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

 In a message dated 7/25/00 11:54:18 AM EST, writes:

  Subj: Re: CSAgent provocateur, was  Reversable Blue
  Date:  7/25/00 11:54:18 AM EST
  From: (Marshall Dudley)

  For your studies, were you able to determine the serum half-life?

 Marshall: 20 days.

You are kidding!  I thought CS had a half life of about 8 to 12 hours, and take
it twice a day to maintain a reasonable serum level.   Maybe it is binding in
tissues delaying it's elimination.  It seems that I only have to go a day
without CS to start being vulnerable to things.


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Re: CSBeck's protocol

2000-07-25 Thread Katie Jay
Hi all,
I made the mistake of reading my emails (and deleting them) from most recent
to least recent and did not get the full benefit of the reactions to
Marshall's post.

In a nut shell, is there a lot of disagreement about M.'s observation
regarding the zapper vs. Beck's device (see below)?

I get overwhelmed with the technical discussions here sometimes and miss the
gist of things. Although I greatly appreciate the technical knowledge
available through this list!! You all are awesome.

With deep gratitude,

 Not according to Beck.  But I disagree.  I feel they are essentually
 equivalent, in fact I personally prefer the zapper.  My sister beat lyme
 the zapper for the electrification.


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Re: CSOT - Brain Tuner

2000-07-25 Thread Bob Squires
Dear KatieJay;

Go to   www.action   Good stuff reasonable


Katie Jay wrote:

 Terry and list,

 Can you all recommend the most cost effective way to get a blood electrifier
 and magnetic pulser? What is a reputable company and what should I expect to
 pay. I don't want to make them myself.


 - Original Message -
 From: Terry Wayne
 Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 11:30 AM
 Subject: CSOT - Brain Tuner

  To those interested:
  The full run-down on the Brain Tuner (Lousy name, I
  know, my wife says it sounds like, Brain Tumor) can
  be found by listening to Bob Beck speaking at this
  The info, however, is astounding. I have currently
  just started using this apparatus, plus the Blood
  Electrifier  the Magnetic Pulser (my wife thinks I
  will start glowing in the dark; I tell her I will have
  an electrifying personality).
  I will report later when I know something.
  Terry Wayne
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 7/25/00 12:44:27 PM EST, writes:

 You are kidding!  I thought CS had a half life of about 8 to 12 hours, and 
 it twice a day to maintain a reasonable serum level.   Maybe it is binding in
 tissues delaying it's elimination.  It seems that I only have to go a day
 without CS to start being vulnerable to things.

Marshall: I know little about biological sciences so I'm the last person to 
ask how to interpret my results. That being said, I thought it was equally 
odd that the silver in fece would constitute the major component of silver 
elimination after a couple of months. I would have thought that colon tissue 
(where else would silver in fece come from?) would have been the first area 
of the body to give up what little silver it had and that the urine would 
continue to remove the bulk of the silver (through normal elimination 
channels) until there was practically none left. So I'm at a loss to explain 
my results. Roger

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIons, chelation and Argyria

2000-07-25 Thread Katie Jay
Hi Ivan,
I have lyme disease and also need to get my mercury fillings removed. I was
considering oral chelation during the mercury removal. Would taking CS
hinder the work of the oral chelation. What if I took vitamin C and clorella
instead of oral chelation during the time i am detoxifying from the mercury.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


- Original Message -
From: Ivan Anderson
To: Silver-List
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 4:48 AM
Subject: CSIons, chelation and Argyria

 Marshall writes, over three posts :

 Argyria is caused by the same mechanism that is used when developing
 photographs.  It is the same thing.  If you start with a salt of silver,
 expose it to light, some of it will reduce to silver metal.  Then if you
 a developer (caffine is a good developer) in an alkaline solution (blood
 normally alkaline), additional silver will plate out from the compound
 the metallic particles, making them grow.  That is the photographic
 and that is how one gets argyria.

 Now, the process requires silver salts.  There are no substitutes.
 silver contains no silver salts.  Basically silver salts are what are in
 unexposed film.  Silver colloid is what is in a developed photograph.
 If you
 put a developed photo into the sun what does it do.  It fades, it
 doesn't turn
 darker.  That is because a developed photo has no silver salts to add to
 silver particles since it is already nothing but reduced silver

 Thus colloidal silver cannot cause argyria.  Theoretically I guess one
 take CS with sufficient ppm and in sufficient quantity to cause
 but one would likely become sick from too much water first, as the
 would be truely phenominal...

 ...If I recall the silveroz product claims that it is ionic silver, not
 silver.  I questioned a year or so ago whether or not silver oz could
 lead to
 argyria on this very list, but at that time no one reported such

 I do not believe the silver oz product is the same as what we consider

 ...Does anyone know if chelation acts on CS in your blood?  I believe
 that chelation
 only works on single atoms, but could be wrong.  If it worked on
 clusters then it
 should get rid of argyria, right...?

 Marshall and all.

 As far as I can ascertain, it is impossible to absorb metals (minerals)
 in anything other than ionic form, ie single atomic ions, as opposed to
 aggrigates, colloids or groups of metals.

 Colloids and metallic clusters are ionised by the gastric juices so that
 they may be complexed by metal transporters across the intestinal wall.

 If this is true, it would tend to make most of the statements above

 In the development of Argyria, I believe it is the total silver load
 which is important not the source, as the silver, once absorbed, is
 likely to be indistinguishable from one source to another.
  If silver is found in surface tissue in large amounts, as a result of
 the overwhelming of the natural chelating mechanisms, then it will be
 complexed by chlorine, sulphur or selenium etc. and may be photo-reduced
 to form dark pigments.

 I believe it is wrong to state that silver colloids cannot cause
 Argyria, other than to say that the total silver load required is
 unlikely to be achieved in the normal course of events.

 There is no reason to think that silver will not be chelated as any
 other monovalent ion. Different chelating agents have preferences for
 different valencies (divalent, trivalent etc.), and it would be wise, in
 my opinion, to forego silver intake during the course of the therapy so
 that the therapy can be directed towards to removing toxic minerals,

 Here is a representative abstract regarding mineral absorption :

 The regulation of mineral absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

 Proc Nutr Soc 1999 Feb;58(1):147-53   (ISSN: 0029-6651)

 Powell JJ; Jugdaohsingh R; Thompson RP [Find other articles with these
 Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Rayne Institute, St Thomas' Hospital,
 London, UK.

 The absorption of metal ions in the mammalian single-stomached gut is
 fortunately highly selective, and both luminal and tissue regulation
 occur. Initially, assimilation of metal ions in an available form is
 facilitated by the intestinal secretions, chiefly soluble mucus (mucin)
 that retards hydrolysis of ions such as Cu, Fe and Zn. Metal ions then
 bind and traverse the mucosally-adherent mucus layer with an efficiency
 M+  M2+  M3+. At the mucosa Fe3+ is probably uniquely reduced to Fe2+,
 and all divalent cations (including Fe2+) are transported by a membrane
 protein (such as divalent cation transporter 1) into the cell. This
 minimizes absorption of toxic trivalent metals (e.g. Al3+).
 Intracellular metal-binding molecules (such as mobilferrin) may be
 present at the intracellular side of the 

Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Marshall: I know little about biological sciences so I'm the last person to
 ask how to interpret my results. That being said, I thought it was equally
 odd that the silver in fece would constitute the major component of silver
 elimination after a couple of months. I would have thought that colon tissue
 (where else would silver in fece come from?) would have been the first area
 of the body to give up what little silver it had and that the urine would
 continue to remove the bulk of the silver (through normal elimination
 channels) until there was practically none left. So I'm at a loss to explain
 my results. Roger

I think the key here is the liver.  It dumps into the colon.  Here is my guess.
CS contains a broad range of sizes from monoatomic, to clusters of 100 or more
atoms.  The atomic (and maybe small clusters) are quickly removed by the 
and the larger clusters are removed much more slowly by the liver.  Or maybe 


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2000-07-25 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all;

When you reply to a message PLEASE PLEASE  high light and delete all or
some of the message that you are responding to. For example Daniel
Holly's last post requires 3 pages and only the top 1/2 of page one is
of value.

Ole Bob

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSsota instruments

2000-07-25 Thread Henry Reed
Hope this is posted to the correct list!!  We bought a silver pulser
unit from Sota just a few days before the gov't hammered them.  The
return address for the instrument is   Sota Instruments Inc., PO Box
866, Point Roberts, WA 98281-0866.  I doubt that contact can be made
thru this but maybe.   Sharing Health From the Heart Inc. return address
is  PO Box 1817, Oroville, WA 98844.  Thought some of you might be

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread Bob Squires
Roger , this proves it you're weird

Bob wrote:

 In a message dated 7/25/00 12:44:27 PM EST, writes:

  You are kidding!  I thought CS had a half life of about 8 to 12 hours, and
  it twice a day to maintain a reasonable serum level.   Maybe it is binding in
  tissues delaying it's elimination.  It seems that I only have to go a day
  without CS to start being vulnerable to things.



 Marshall: I know little about biological sciences so I'm the last person to
 ask how to interpret my results. That being said, I thought it was equally
 odd that the silver in fece would constitute the major component of silver
 elimination after a couple of months. I would have thought that colon tissue
 (where else would silver in fece come from?) would have been the first area
 of the body to give up what little silver it had and that the urine would
 continue to remove the bulk of the silver (through normal elimination
 channels) until there was practically none left. So I'm at a loss to explain
 my results. Roger

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 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-07-25 Thread Daniel Holly
I'm real sorry about that. 
I rarely post here and got carried away with all the excitement.

- Original Message - 
From: Robert L. Berger
To: silver-list
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 2:57 PM

 Hi Ya'all;
 When you reply to a message PLEASE PLEASE  high light and delete all or
 some of the message that you are responding to. For example Daniel
 Holly's last post requires 3 pages and only the top 1/2 of page one is
 of value.
 Ole Bob
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIons, chelation and Argyria

2000-07-25 Thread Katie Jay
Thanks, Marshall!

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: CSIons, chelation and Argyria

 Katie Jay wrote:

  Hi Ivan,
  I have lyme disease and also need to get my mercury fillings removed. I
  considering oral chelation during the mercury removal. Would taking CS
  hinder the work of the oral chelation. What if I took vitamin C and
  instead of oral chelation during the time i am detoxifying from the
  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

 I am taking the ageless ( ) oral
 chelation right now.  They have you take the chelation before bed, and in
 morning, you take a mineral pill to replace the essential minerals the
 removed.  So what I am doing it taking my CS when I take the mineral pill
in the
 morning now.  Most of the CS will likely be gone by bedtime.  I can say
that the
 CS is not stopping the chelation.  I fell like cr*p in the morning until I
 get 24 oz or so of filtered water through my system to wash out the heavy
 that have been released.


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 7/25/00 3:20:59 PM EST, writes:

 Roger , this proves it you're weird
 Bob wrote:
  In a message dated 7/25/00 12:44:27 PM EST, writes:
   You are kidding!  I thought CS had a half life of about 8 to 12 hours, 
   it twice a day to maintain a reasonable serum level.   Maybe it is 
binding in
   tissues delaying it's elimination.  It seems that I only have to go a day
   without CS to start being vulnerable to things.

  Marshall: I know little about biological sciences so I'm the last person to
  ask how to interpret my results. That being said, I thought it was equally
  odd that the silver in fece would constitute the major component of silver
  elimination after a couple of months. I would have thought that colon 
  (where else would silver in fece come from?) would have been the first area
  of the body to give up what little silver it had and that the urine would
  continue to remove the bulk of the silver (through normal elimination
  channels) until there was practically none left. So I'm at a loss to 
  my results. Roger

Bob:  Fred says I make weird CS. You say I have a weird physiology. All I 
have to say is, anyone who agrees with my wife can't be all bad. Rog 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread CKing001
I before E except after C.
Now, that's WEIRD!
It's not that I don't believe in the system--I don't believe that there IS a
system !

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000 16:34:01 EDT, wrote:

Bob:  Fred says I make weird CS. You say I have a weird physiology. All I 
have to say is, anyone who agrees with my wife can't be all bad. Rog 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT - Brain Tuner

2000-07-25 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Katie,

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000 17:20:37 -0700, Katie Jay

Thanks for pointing me to the site. Am I to understand that the only blood
electrification device Action Electronics has is a combination blood
electrifier and CS maker? I couldn't tell   :o)

They're almost the same thing.  Both should be current limited to 1
milliampere of current -- but that won't work with the blood
electrifier (IOW, it allows too much current to flow into the body,
IMO).  Both use around 35 volts.  So saying it has both functions is
sorta correct.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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Re: CSAgent provocateur, was Reversable Blue

2000-07-25 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Tue, 25 Jul 2000 16:52:09 -0400, wrote:

   I before E except after C.
   Now, that's WEIRD!
It's not that I don't believe in the system--I don't believe that there IS a
system !

You didn't finish the quote.  It ends:  or when sounded as AY, as in
neighbor or weigh.  'course, I don't know where that puts weird.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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CSApricot Kernels

2000-07-25 Thread HelenW8262

I have a lb. of organically grown  Apricot Kernels in my refrigerator in a 
zip lock bag that have been there for at least 2 or 3 years, just now opened 
them and they smell OK and they taste the same. Do they have to be really 
fresh to do any good?

Thanks,Mary H.

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Re: CSOT - Brain Tuner

2000-07-25 Thread Katie Jay
Dear Bob,

Thanks for pointing me to the site. Am I to understand that the only blood
electrification device Action Electronics has is a combination blood
electrifier and CS maker? I couldn't tell   :o)


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Re: CSsota instruments

2000-07-25 Thread Alvin Rose
Hi Henry
you will find that the sota website is up again now.
a few changes..not much

-Original Message-
From: Henry Reed
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 12:35 PM
Subject: CSsota instruments

Hope this is posted to the correct list!!  We bought a silver pulser
unit from Sota just a few days before the gov't hammered them.  The
return address for the instrument is   Sota Instruments Inc., PO Box
866, Point Roberts, WA 98281-0866.  I doubt that contact can be made
thru this but maybe.   Sharing Health From the Heart Inc. return address
is  PO Box 1817, Oroville, WA 98844.  Thought some of you might be

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS and the meat you eat

2000-07-25 Thread Pamela Grant
Does anyone soak store-bought meat in CS? This idea I got after reading the

To: list
Subject: Tumor Meat



Meat from diseased animals approved for consumers
Scripps Howard News Service
July 14, 2000

WASHINGTON - The federal agency overseeing food inspection
is imposing new rules reclassifying as safe for human consumption
animal carcasses with cancers, tumors and open sores.

Federal meat inspectors and consumer groups are protesting the
move to classify tumors and open sores as aesthetic problems,
which permits the meat to get the government's purple seal of
approval as a wholesome food product.

I don't want to eat pus from a chicken that has pneumonia.
I think it's gross, said Wenonah Hauter, director of Public
Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project. Most Americans don't
want to eat this sort of contamination in their meals.

Delmer Jones, a federal food inspector for 41 years who lives
in Renlap, Ala., said he's so revolted by the lowering of food
wholesomeness standards that he doesn't buy meat at the
supermarket anymore because he doesn't trust that it is safe
to eat.

I eat very little to no meat, but sardines and fish, said Jones,
president of the National Joint Council of Meat Inspection
Locals, a union of 7,000 meat inspectors nationwide affiliated
with the American Federation of Government Employees. He
said he's trying to get his wife to stop eating meat. I've told
her what she's eating.

The union is battling related Agriculture Department plans
to rely on scientific testing of samples of butchered meats to
determine the wholesomeness of meat, rather than traditional
item-by-item scrutiny by federal inspectors. A 1959 federal law
requires inspectors from the Agriculture Department's Food
Inspection and Safety System to inspect
all slaughtered animals before they can be sold for human

The Agriculture Department began implementing the new policy
as part of a pilot project in 24 slaughter houses last October, and
plans to expand the system nationwide covering poultry, beef and
pork. The agency this month extended until Aug. 29 the time for
the public to comment on the regulations, and won't issue final
rules until after the comments are received.

In 1998, the inspections and safety system reclassified an array
of animal diseases as being defects that rarely or never present
a direct public health risk and said unaffected carcass portions
could be passed on to consumers by cutting out lesions.

Among animal diseases the agency said don't present a health
danger are:

- Cancer;

- A pneumonia of poultry called airsacculitis;

- Glandular swellings or lymphomas;

- Sores;

- Infectious arthritis;

- Diseases caused by intestinal worms.

In the case of tumors, the guidelines state: remove localized
lesion(s) and pass unaffected carcass portions.

They just cut off the areas,'' said Carol Blake, spokeswoman
for the Agriculture Department's inspection and safety system.

But Jones and consumer groups say production lines are moving
so fast that they can't catch all the diseased carcasses, and some
are ending up on supermarket shelves.

When I started inspecting, inspectors were looking at 13 birds
a minute, then 40, and now it's 91 birds a minute with three
inspectors. You cannot do your job with 91 birds a minute,
Jones said.

The Agriculture Department is also experimenting with proposed
rules that would require federal food inspectors to monitor what
the plant employees are doing, rather than inspecting each
carcass individually. They are aimed at bringing a new scientific
approach to federal meat inspection to cut down on E. coli
bacteria and other contamination.

The inspection and safety agency says a survey of pilot plants
using the new system concluded that less than 1 percent of the
poultry examined at the end of the production line and released
for public consumption was unwholesome.

At a public hearing on the findings this year, Karen Henderson
of Agriculture's division of field operations admitted that
defective carcasses are being approved for human use under
the pilot program.

Absolutely. There's no system that we are aware of that is
capable of removing every defect from the process, she said.

Felicia Nestor, director of the Government Accountability
Project, a Washington watchdog group, said the pilot project
found chickens with higher levels of fecal and other
contamination than in traditional methods of inspecting.

A lot of diseased animals are going out, she said.

A. Raymond Randolph, a federal appeals court judge, this month
said federal food safety laws require meat and poultry inspectors
to examine every carcass that moves through slaughterhouses and
processing plants.

The laws clearly contemplate that when inspections are done,
it will be federal inspectors, rather than private employees,
who will make the critical determination whether 

CS and vaccines

2000-07-25 Thread Pamela Grant
Any knowledge, opinions, or testimonials out there as to any effect CS may
have on the detrimental efects of vaccinations?

Instead of blowing billions pushing questionable
vaccines on innocent, unsuspecting children, why aren't we
addressing the safety issues that exist right now, today?

Here's the tip of the iceberg:  Since 1988 autism increased
273% in California and a startling 571% in Florida. Some
researchers suspect the incidence rate is tied to MMR vaccine.
What are we doing about it? Fifty percent of all reported
adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccine have been listed as
serious vs. the typical 15% serious rate of other vaccines.
What's wrong? Japan isn't into mandated infant vaccinations,
rarely mixes vaccines, and dramatically altered their schedule
to avoid adverse reactions. The Japanese now enjoy the lowest
infant mortality rate in the world. The U.S. rate is a distant,
embarrassing number 25. How come?

Shouldn't we find out the reasons why before we accept even
1 more of the 35 new vaccines heading our way? There's so
much money in the toxic brew that some 150 more are in
various stages of development. Other than the pharmaceutical
companies, who the hell wants them?

Why are our children being mandated into human guinea

Amazingly enough, people roll up their sleeves - and those of
their children - without even batting an eyelash. Please listen
carefully to the words spoken to me by the mother of a
seriously vaccine-injured child.

It never occurred to me that once you squirt it in, you can't get
it out. My daughter will pay the penalty for the rest of her life.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Autistic children caused by MMR vaccine

By Julie Foster © 2000

A report by Dr. Harold Buttram, a practicing physician in
Quakertown, Pa., suggests the recent increase in the number of
autistic children could be caused by the combination measles,
mumps and rubella, or MMR, vaccine routinely given to
children at age 18 months -- a phenomenon the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention claim is highly unlikely.

In a past study of autistic children, researchers found that 84
percent of the children had antibodies against a certain type of
brain tissue, indicating that the immune system was destroying
brain cells. The researchers also found the brain tissue antibody
to be very similar to the antibody that's formed against the
MMR vaccine. Additionally, MMR antibody was found in
59 percent of the autistic children compared to 10 percent in
normal children.

Buttram also noted some experts believe certain childhood
illnesses including measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox
are a necessary and helpful step in strengthening the immune
system. Because the vaccines are given by injection, the immune
response of the mucous membranes, through which these
diseases enter the body, is not challenged and strengthened.
Those who support the theory also attribute the use of vaccines
to the great increase in cases of asthma and eczema, both of
which are diseases of the mucous membranes.

Buttram was quick to point out that measles and other diseases
may result in complications that cause brain injury. Therefore,
physicians and government officials may be choosing between
the lesser of two evils.

It is true that there may be situations where extreme measures
may be justified, as the lesser of two evils, to preserve life
and health, Buttram wrote. The basic question, therefore, is
whether the benefits of current childhood vaccines outweigh
the harm, or whether the reverse is true.

The incidence of autism in California increased 273 percent
from 1987 to 1998, and a growing number of medical
professionals are questioning the FDA's vaccine safety tests.

A small but growing minority of physicians and scientists are
becoming aware that safety testing for the various vaccines has
been woefully inadequate, Buttram wrote.

He cited a 1994 National Academy of Sciences review of
the safety of the hepatitis B vaccine. The review was done to
investigate five possible adverse effects of the vaccine. However,
conclusions could not be made about four of the effects due to
a lack of enough research.

Dr. Bernard Rimland, founder and director of the Autism
Research Institute in San Diego, Calif., told, There are no data on the triple

When the institute opened in 1967, Rimland noticed that a
number of parents had mentioned that the diptheria, pertussin
and tetanus, or DPT, vaccine seemed to have an adverse effect
on their children.

In the late '70s and early '80s, we began hearing the same
thing about MMR, he said.

Rimland pointed out that triple vaccines can put additional stress
on the body. A person's immune system usually deals with one
virus at a time. Combining the individual measles, mumps and
rubella vaccines into one package results in a much more
dangerous vaccine, he said.

Rimland also noted that doctors can report adverse effects of