2000-09-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 9/6/00 6:45:09 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: CS>HVAC CS
 Date:  9/6/00 6:45:09 PM EST
 From: (Tommy & Coni)
 I was wondering how to make HVAC CS.  I have a 15,000 volt neon
 transformer and silver electrodes.  What else is needed and what is the
 protocol (i.e.: cooking time, proper Distilled Water, stirring )
 Thanks in advance

Tommy: Review the silver list archives then contact me off list with any 
questions. Roger

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2000-09-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
Chuck: What was the wire gauge you used and what was the distance from the 
immersed wire to the one held slightly above the water? Roger

 Here's a repost of how I did it over a year ago:
 My son came up with a 9kv neon xfmer for me today, so I was anxious to
 try a HVCS setup.
 I took a wide mouth jar that seems to hold 2/3 gal. Cut a tapered plug
 for the mouth out of a piece of 5/4 oak on the bandsaw, and drilled 2
 tiny holes to be able to slip the silver wires thru.
 I made the first run using tap water, just to see what to expect.
 One wire is about 10" long, goes to the bottom of the jug with the
 excess coiled on the bottom.
 The other wire is about 5" long and is adjusted to be about 1/8" above
 the water surface.
 Clip leaded the xfmer leads to the silver and let "er rip. >>

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2000-09-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 9/6/00 7:51:57 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS>HVAC CS
 Date:  9/6/00 7:51:57 PM EST
 From: (Marshall Dudley)
 Either put the electrodes above the water and let the voltage suck the water
 up to it (CS Pro method), >>

Marchall: Did you mean to say both electrodes above the water? If so, what is 
the advantage of doing that as opposed to immersing one and leaving the other 
above the water as you stated? Roger

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Re: CS>need zapper info

2000-09-07 Thread Ivan Anderson
Sounds like a Hulda Clarke zapper, Dave.


- Original Message - 
From: "dave" 
Sent: Thursday, 7 September 2000 18:34
Subject: CS>need zapper info

> sorry,i know a bit off topic again but,know someone on this
> list can help..
> Today i found a device at the local Good Will thrift store,3
> bucks.. Made by Elmo Loomis in WV. USA from what i can tell
> by the little instruction sticker on the back. It is a 4in.
> by 7.5 in. by 1.25 in. tan box, off on switch,LED,and two
> jacks for banana plugs,runs on 9 volts,output shows 3.6 vdc
> or 7.3 vac. 
> does anyone have any further info on this kind of
> zapper,used one ,web site,frequencies looks like a
> 555 timer and a few other radio shack components
> inside..thanks in advance..
>  oh by the way CS and MSM nose spray cleared up my sinus
> infection..  260dave..

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CS and other health products mentioned on Sightings

2000-09-07 Thread Fernwoods
After someone mentioned CS being the topic of a Sightings story, I did a 
search and found one where they discussed a number of useful health products. 
 It was interesting that Rife was on the list too. I was wondering if anyone 
would like to comment on what they think of the others that were discussed 
especially Essiac, Oxy-C, blue green algae, and the magnetic sleep pad.  My 
email is  Thanks for sharing your experiences. 

Flor-Essence Herbal Tea (Essiac) The world's best body detoxifier, it has 
helped tens of thousands back to vibrant health by itself. A must. You can 
buy the liquid ready to drink, but it is far cheaper to buy the dry product 
and brew your own supply 

Benefin Shark Cartilage William Lane is the man who figured out that sharks 
don't get cancer and that consuming shark cartilage will, in many cases, shut 
off the blood supply to tumors which die and ultimately turn into scar 
tissue. Buy the powder form and mix it in berry smoothies to mask the fish 

Enzyme Co Q-10 Used first for people with serious heart disease, it was then 
noticed that many of these people were suddenly being cured of cancer. 
Capsules or tablets. RDA for cancer patients is said to be 300 mgs per day. 
Need 97% pure Q-10. Water content should be below 2% 

Dr. Kelly, dying of pancreatic cancer, began taking massive doses of 
pancreatic enzymes which killed his tumor by breaking down the 'foreign' 
protein coating of the malignant cells. The tumor was then dissolved by his 
own immune system. Pancreatin (health food stores) is commonly used. Many 
others take combinations of proteolytic enzymes. Capsules or tablets 

Oxy-C (Oxygen in a capsule) These capsules are a major oxygen source for the 
body. Originally developed by Dr. Eugene Blass in the early part of this 
century, this product is known generically as 'homozone' and breaks down into 
oxygen in your digestive tract. Oxy-C not only introduces oxygen to the 
bloodstream but cleans the digestive tract and colon wonderfully. Another 
good way to oxygenate the body is by using stabilized liquid oxygen drops 
(Aquagen, etc.) in water which are commonly available in health food stores. 
Remember, cancer cells have stopped using oxygen and instead ferment sugar 
for their energy. Eating sugar of any kind from high fructose corn syrup to 
white or brown sugar is just great for cancer growth 

Colloidal Silver (liquid) There has been mountains of material written about 
this natural antibacterial-antiviral substance which is nothing more than 
tiny particles of pure silver electrostatically charged to repel themselves 
in a base of pure water. Silver in this form is fatal to more than 600 known 
bacteria and viruses and is primarily used by placing a teaspoon of the 
liquid under the tongue 1-3 times per day, depending on need. The ideal ratio 
of the silver to water is 3-5 ppm at a size of .001 micron. 

Udo's Perfected Oil Blend; Missing Link; & Digestive Enzyme Blend Fats from 
oils are essential. However, there are very good oils - and very bad oils. 
Udo Erasmus has taken all the mystery out of oils in foods. These are great 
products and easy to use. In fact, the only oil in the supermarket that you 
should purchase is extra-virgin olive oil. Every other oil has been processed 
and is bad, especially partially hydrogenated oil of any type. Canola oil is 
one of the worst and is showing up in more packaged foods all the time. 
Note: If your local health food store doesn't carry these, ask that they add 
them. Or, you can order direct by calling Flora, Inc. at: 1-800-446-2110 

Super Blue Green Algae This is a fine product manufactured by Cell Tech and 
commonly available through independent sales agents. Algae is low on the food 
chain and is a pure source of nutrients. There are some other excellent Algae 
products in health food stores...ask store nutritionist. Available in 
capsules and powder form for smoothies. 

Ultimate Basic Smoothie Recipe One banana (slice it and freeze it); 8-10 oz 
Rice Dream (Enriched Vanilla, Carob, etc.); one scoop Spiru-Tein protein 
powder; one scoop Super Blue Green (Algae) Super Sun Smoothie powder; one 
tablespoon of Udo's Perfected Oil Blend; one tablespoon Udo's Missing Link; 
one measure of Greens+ (or Vibrant Green). Mix in blender. If you don't like 
this, you probably won't like anything. 
Other excellent 'powder' supplements which might be added: All One, Ultimate 
Meal, Green Magic. 

Purified Water Is there any reason to clarify the necessity of this? Some 
people 'get well' simply by beginning to drink plenty of clean, pure water! 

Live Juices (wheat grass to carrot) and fresh fruits and vegetables. 
Get a good commercial juicer. Although time-consuming and rather expensive, 
juicing is an excellent way to nourish the body and is the basis of the 
Gerson and other 'natural' therapies in dealing with cancer and other serious 

Eliminate Meat, Dairy Products, and Su

Re: CS>selling colloidal silver

2000-09-07 Thread Carol Webb
Hi George,
In which country do you reside, as I think laws 
You don't need amber bottles, most listers use 
coloured and clear. I use wine bottles with a 
cork. A lid would indicate a jar.
Kind Regards

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2000-09-07 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

> In a message dated 9/6/00 7:51:57 PM EST, writes:
> << Subj: Re: CS>HVAC CS
>  Date:  9/6/00 7:51:57 PM EST
>  From: (Marshall Dudley)
>  Reply-to:
>  Either put the electrodes above the water and let the voltage suck the water
>  up to it (CS Pro method), >>
> Marchall: Did you mean to say both electrodes above the water? If so, what is
> the advantage of doing that as opposed to immersing one and leaving the other
> above the water as you stated? Roger

I have never seen one of these machines, so can't say for sure, but I thought
both go above the water.  The high voltage gradient is necessary to pull the
colloid away from the wire sufficiently for it to not get sucked back into the
wire on the next half cycle.  Thus I believe that using both wires above the
water will produce CS on both, but with one submerged, only one will be 
CS.  Net effect, twice the production rate.  But as I said I have no experience
with this method.


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Re: CS & ozoning

2000-09-07 Thread Ivan Anderson

Silver mesh (or sometimes crystals) allows for oxygen adsorption on its
surface, which forms an ionised superoxide and forms the intermediary
for many catalytic reactions

The type of catalytic reaction you are referring to (as above) is
relevant only to the bulk material silver metal, and is not relevant, I
believe, to the silver as found in vivo, which is primarily silver ions
and silver compounds. Furthermore, there is very little free oxygen gas
in the human body, most being bound to haemoglobin, myoglobin and other

The silver - oxygen catalytic reaction relies on the fact that silver
does not like to give up electrons! In fact silver is second only to
gold in its non-reactivity to oxygen.
In the reaction, the oxygen radical is lightly bound to the silver metal
and more or less immediately reacts with some other element or compound.
If this were to take place in the body, it would be downright
dangerous...causing tissue and cellular damage and the mobilisation of
superoxide dismutase (SOD) to bind with and neutralise the free radical.

Unless there is some idea that silver can exist in the human body in the
metallic, non-ionic form, then your postulation is not possible, in my
view, as it is most unlikely that any oxygen gas can share the second
ionisation electron, which the silver holds on to three times more
tightly that the first, and atom to atom reactions do not share the same
characteristics as found in bulk metal reactions.


- Original Message -
From: "Marshall Dudley" 
Sent: Wednesday, 6 September 2000 06:28
Subject: Re: CS & ozoning

> Ivan Anderson wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Marshall Dudley" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Sunday, 3 September 2000 15:18
> > Subject: Re: CS & ozoning
> >
> > > My take on this is that ozone does not react with colloidal
> > but
> > > tends to be attracted to it, and electrostatically stick to it
same as
> > > oxygen.  I believe that one of the reasons that CS is so effective
> > that
> > > it pulls the O2 apart and singlet O sticks to it, but doesn't
> > react
> > > with it.  Then when it contacts a pathogen, it reacts with the
> > pathogen
> > > killing it.  An O3 on the surface of the CS particle would likely
> > more
> > > toxic to a pathogen than the O.  I believe, but have no proof that
> > is
> > > enhanced by bubbling O3 through it.  I do it myself at times.
> > >
> > > Marshall
> >
> > Marshall,
> >
> > None of what you have written is likely to be found in fact.
> > Ozone has a very short life in water, a few minutes at room temp.
> > Oxygen (O2) is neutral and is unlikely to be attracted to SC.
> Oxygen is neutral and interacts very strongly with fine silver
particles as
> a catalyst.  This is well documented.
> > Silver
> > ions do not have the energy to pull O2 apart, and besides, the half
> > of the O- radical is milliseconds, and is more likely to pull
> > electron from the silver ion, if it could not find a more willing
> > of electrons (which it will).
> All bets are off when you have O on the surface of a catalyst.  We
depend on
> it finding a more willing donor of electrons than silver, that is what
> it a great catalyst.
> >
> >
> > Bubbling Ozone through CS would, I suspect enhance the CS do some
> > degree, if only by the formation of H2O2, which becomes stable in
> > presence of silver ions.
> >
> > Ivan.
> Silver particles are known to be an excellent oxidizing catalyst.
> O2 shares 2 electrons so that the outer shell is filled, making it
> Silver particles love to give up electrons and become positive.  When
an O2
> atom comes in contact with the Silver particle, two electrons can
> from the silver atom to each atom of the O2, filling the outer layers.
> this is done, the two O atoms no longer have an affinity for each
other, and
> are free to move around the SURFACE of the silver particle.  That is
why it
> is such a good catalyst, because singlet O is much more active than
O2.  The
> silver does not pull them apart at all, it simply supplys the
electrons so
> that they are no longer sharing electrons, and they no longer have an
> affinity for each other.
> But reactions of this sort are normally reversable, so singlet O can
> back into contact with another singlet O, become O2 and leave the
> However if O3 reaches the silver particle, a singlet would I think
> stick to the silver.  In that case the particle would have an odd
number of
> O singlets, so that it would impossible for all the O to leave the
> without reacting one of the singlets with something.
> Marshall

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To p

Re: CS>pH strips

2000-09-07 Thread Stephen Hessler

June try  I do business with them and they are a
scientific supply house and reasonible as far as I can find out.

At 05:37 PM 9/4/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I am in need of finding pH strips in larger than average quantities.
>Any sources to share?
>Thank you,
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2000-09-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 9/7/00 8:58:01 AM EST, writes:

<< I have never seen one of these machines, so can't say for sure, but I 
 both go above the water.  The high voltage gradient is necessary to pull the
 colloid away from the wire sufficiently for it to not get sucked back into 
 wire on the next half cycle.  Thus I believe that using both wires above the
 water will produce CS on both, but with one submerged, only one will be 
 CS.  Net effect, twice the production rate.  But as I said I have no 
 with this method.

Marshall: Thanks for that info. You know, since I'm using the "sputtered arc" 
method, I always thought I had to settle for CS production only from the 
arc-generating electrode. Now, however, I realized that I can put the other 
electrode just above the water so that it will "suck-up" the water into a 
spout and generate a little more production. BTW, I have been perfecting my 
sputtering technique, and I can control it much better now. I estimate 
"sputtering-type" production is on the order of 50% -- possibly allowing me 
to generate a ~50 PPM product instead of my usual 25-30 PPM. This type of CS 
may work better for systemic ailments. Roger

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Re: CS>selling colloidal silver

2000-09-07 Thread George Kruest

- Original Message - 
From: Carol Webb 
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: CS>selling colloidal silver

> Hi George,
> In which country do you reside, as I think laws 
> differ.

  We reside in the USA.

> Kind Regards
> Carol

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CS>Re: Breathing Ozone

2000-09-07 Thread n8ipp
Hello All,

I wanted to say Thanks to all who weighed in on my question about
breathing ozonated air.  It helped me to understand more about the
subject and make a decision not to purchase the Ozonated Air machine.  I
would probably be doing myself more harm than good.  Thanks again for all
your responses.  


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>rain water from thunder storm??????

2000-09-07 Thread Fernwoods
In a message dated 09/04/2000 7:19:21 AM Romance Daylight Time, writes:

<< I would LOVE to see this expanded to include "structured" water.
 Healers hands, homeopathy, rain water from a thunderstorm, Flanagan (I think
 he's a phoney, but I'm a minority), etc...
I agree!  Tell me more, especially about rain water from a thunder storm, 
by private email, or the list, which ever is considered appropriate.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Beck protocol for cancer

2000-09-07 Thread spiroflx
September 7, 2000


I think you can still obtain copies of published articles by the physicist
Bob Beck PhD and other researchers dealing with the experimental use of CS,
electrical currents, magnetic impulses, ozonized water and the electrical
activity of leukocytes in the human body.

I recently sent 12 dollars to Action Electronics, 1300 E Edinger Ave, Santa
Ana CA 92705-4425 [].  I told them I was interested in
any reprints of published reports/articles/abstracts written by researchers
pertaining to experiments in the general field of electromedical research
and the functioning of the human immune system --- anything that they could

I understand that Action Electronics passed my request and my money on to
someone else.  After about ten days or more I received around 40-45 pages of
reprints of articles and research reports in a large envelope that had no
return address.

With the permission of copyright holders it is still legal to pass around
reprints of published articles --- a right protected by the First Amendment
to the USA Constitution --- if it is kept "properly separated" from the sale
of devices so as not to be construed in the eyes of the FDA and the FTC as
the labeling of devices for sale for a use not duly approved by the FDA.
"Fair use" privileges of copyrighted material also may apply here.

Action Electronics personnel will not discuss with you any possible
experimental medical uses of the devices that they sell.  They WILL discuss
with you the design of their devices.  Some of the experimental devices that
they sell are clearly labelled "not approved for use on humans" and some
experimental devices offered by Action Electronics are said to be
design-approved by Bob Beck.

- Original Message -
From: "Bradley Kirby" 
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 2:15 AM
Subject: CS>Beck protocol for cancer

> I need to construct a protocol for liver cancer using the four Beck
> machines. Any suggestions welcome. Also if any one has a copy of the 50
> Beck pamphlet that printed pre FDA action.
> Thank You

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Breathing Ozone

2000-09-07 Thread mfinney
Dear Maruce,

If you were talking about one of those room filters, I really did not know
that much about them.  MY daughter has recently been using one.  Check with
her on her impressios.  SHe is reachable at  tell her mom
sent you.

Michael Lee Finney

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2000-09-07 Thread CKing001
I believe it's 14 gauge, WAG 2 inches.
Since then, I've inserted series resistance to limit current to ~2ma.
Now the water doesn't heat up and run time can go to 24 hrs.
Tyndall is very light with no color change in the water.
I suspect the product is improved, at least it still works.
That's really my only criteria. I'm a nerd until I reach my objective.
Then, I'm merely interested.
The little engine that philosophized  I think I am! I think I am!

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 07:39:01 EDT, wrote:

>Chuck: What was the wire gauge you used and what was the distance from the 
>immersed wire to the one held slightly above the water? Roger

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Argyria on the counter top

2000-09-07 Thread MAMA2BEAR
Hi, Listers,
I spilled a little CS on my butcher block countertop and now I have a 
blue-gray spot.  Bleach won't remove it.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS list subject line

2000-09-07 Thread MAMA2BEAR
Hey, people, it's not a sin to change the subject line when the subject 
changes.  Makes it easier to find things according to topic.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Argyria on the counter top

2000-09-07 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi MB,

I have heard that hydrogen peroxide will work.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent:   Thursday, September 07, 2000 1:39 PM
Subject:CS>Argyria on the counter top

Hi, Listers,
I spilled a little CS on my butcher block countertop and now I have a 
blue-gray spot.  Bleach won't remove it.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

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2000-09-07 Thread harvey norris

--- wrote:
> Chuck: What was the wire gauge you used and what was
> the distance from the 
> immersed wire to the one held slightly above the
> water? Roger
>  Here's a repost of how I did it over a year ago:
>  Well,
>  My son came up with a 9kv neon xfmer for me today,
> so I was anxious to
>  try a HVCS setup.
>  I took a wide mouth jar that seems to hold 2/3 gal.
> Cut a tapered plug
>  for the mouth out of a piece of 5/4 oak on the
> bandsaw, and drilled 2
>  tiny holes to be able to slip the silver wires
> thru.
>  I made the first run using tap water, just to see
> what to expect.
>  One wire is about 10" long, goes to the bottom of
> the jug with the
>  excess coiled on the bottom.
>  The other wire is about 5" long and is adjusted to
> be about 1/8" above
>  the water surface.
>  Clip leaded the xfmer leads to the silver and let
> "er rip. >>
I have done a similar thing just to see the effects of
electrical disharge. The more ball like discharge is
shown at

I did not however use a NST(neon sign transformer) I
used super large air core induction coils of 56 henry,
each in series resonance @ 60 hz, each also 180 out of
phase and the water arc between them. Only a 440
transformer was used in input to the coils, and the
system only drew 20 to 30 ma on the high voltage side,
making it only about a 13 watt process. The q of the
combined coils system gives 30, which means a 30 fold
increase of the 440 volts before discharge.Scope forms
of the coils maganetic field action are also
contained,and one of the unusual things about taking
pictures with a VHS camera of a scope form  a these
frequency sweeps is that lines or traces that werent
on the original taping appear on the recording as
anomalous traces, going right off the scope screen. I
am having trouble accessing the site today, but it
always worked before. HDN

Binary Resonant System

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Argyria on the counter top

2000-09-07 Thread Carol Webb
Does anyone know if CS is supposed to stain in 
this way? I just dropped some of my CS onto a 
piece of untreated wood, left it for a minute or 
two, and wiped it off. There was no stain. I'm 
having a crisis of confidence in the quality of my 
Kind Regards

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Argyria on the counter top

2000-09-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
Carol Webb wrote:

> Does anyone know if CS is supposed to stain in
> this way? I just dropped some of my CS onto a
> piece of untreated wood, left it for a minute or
> two, and wiped it off. There was no stain. I'm
> having a crisis of confidence in the quality of my
> CS.

If you wipe it off it should not stain.  If you let it evaporate, then the
colloid aggregates into larger particles and stains.


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2000-09-07 Thread Robert L. Berger

When I used the aec method for CS it generated up to 80  ppm of NO3 with ia one
big NO NO!. I solved the problem with the use of a SO2 blanket in the freeboard
of the brew cell.

I can make high ppm  (25 in 2"30") with about 0.8 ppm of NO3 using 12 kv and a
7/16" arc gap. It appears that the amount of submerged electrcode is relative
unimportant. One person uses two 3" x 6" electrodes. I have used two 1" x 5 1/2"
electrodes and also two #14 wires shielded with glass and only the lower 2 1/2"
of silver exposed.  According to Dr. Bill Biagilio the FDA limit is 20 ppm of

If the conductance goes over about 100 uS I d not use it even though it is
crystal clear and with a weak T.E. Genetally the conductance is 50 to 80 uS as
measured with a one cubic centimeter probe. The T.E.  is always weak to very

My experience with the cone method has been very unsatifactory as I could not 
more than 9 ppm without yellow or fall out, or bright T.E.

"Ole Bob:

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Re: CS>Argyria on the counter top

2000-09-07 Thread Marshall Dudley

Marshall wrote:

> Hi, Listers,
> I spilled a little CS on my butcher block countertop and now I have a
> blue-gray spot.  Bleach won't remove it.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.
> --
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2000-09-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
"Robert L. Berger" wrote:

> Roger;
> When I used the aec method for CS it generated up to 80  ppm of NO3 with ia 
> one
> big NO NO!. I solved the problem with the use of a SO2 blanket in the 
> freeboard
> of the brew cell.

SO2?  That plus H2O gives H2SO3, sulfurous acid doesn't it?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-09-07 Thread harvey norris

--- "Robert L. Berger"  wrote:
> Roger;
> When I used the aec method for CS it generated up to
> 80  ppm of NO3 with ia one
> big NO NO!. I solved the problem with the use of a
> SO2 blanket in the freeboard
> of the brew cell. 

What is SO2 blanket and freeboard?
Thanks for this info, as I was thinking of making some
CS water myself with a high voltage AC method. So that
makes N03 bad, what about hydrogen peroxide? Should we
expect minute amounts of this to be created, I have
heard this is also healty, although most only gargle
the food grade. Plants are also said to respond to
minute mixtures of H202. I am new to list, forgive
many questions HDN
> I can make high ppm  (25 in 2"30") with about 0.8
> ppm of NO3 using 12 kv and a
> 7/16" arc gap. It appears that the amount of
> submerged electrcode is relative
> unimportant. One person uses two 3" x 6" electrodes.
> I have used two 1" x 5 1/2"
> electrodes and also two #14 wires shielded with
> glass and only the lower 2 1/2"
> of silver exposed.  According to Dr. Bill Biagilio
> the FDA limit is 20 ppm of
> NO3,
> If the conductance goes over about 100 uS I d not
> use it even though it is
> crystal clear and with a weak T.E. Genetally the
> conductance is 50 to 80 uS as
> measured with a one cubic centimeter probe. The T.E.
>  is always weak to very
> weak.
Can you define uS which I thought was microseconds?
Also what is T.E. Isnt conductance in mho units or
> My experience with the cone method has been very
> unsatifactory as I could not get
> more than 9 ppm without yellow or fall out, or
> bright T.E.
> "Ole Bob:
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion
> of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an
> e-mail message to: 
>  -or- 
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the
> SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>Argyria on the counter top

2000-09-07 Thread Carol Webb
Dear Marshall,
Is this why I must dry CS impregnated 
bandages in the oven, and not allow them to dry 
naturally. If I did they would go grey?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>need zapper info

2000-09-07 Thread dave
Thanks Ivan and all,after looking at a few schematics and
parts lists it does appear to be a classic Hulda Clarke
zapper.Guess i'll hook it up and see what happens huh..the
instructions on the back suggest to wrap hand holds (3/4''
copper pipe) in wet paper towels ,,7 minutes on 20 minute
rest,repeat 3 times..does that sound about right,i have seen
so much conflicting info..Thanks again,,260dave..

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-09-07 Thread Robert L. Berger
Error   CO2 carbon dioxide

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Argyria on the counter top

2000-09-07 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Carol,

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 22:48:41 +0100, "Carol Webb"

>Is this why I must dry CS impregnated 
>bandages in the oven, and not allow them to dry 
>naturally. If I did they would go grey?

The grey is silver oxide (called tarnish when on silverware).  I can
identify it, but I sure don't know how to get it out of countertops.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-09-07 Thread Robert L. Berger

Typo error, it should be CO2 or carbon dioxide or dry ice, Free board is
the space between the water surface and the top of the brew cell. The
idea is to exclude all air as it is nitrogen and oxygen.

If there is NO3 present then the chances of having silver nitrate is
very real and that causes people to turn blue !!!

"Ole Bob"


Re: CS>Argyria on the counter top

2000-09-07 Thread MAMA2BEAR
Thanks to everyone for your comments.  It's a very small spot.  I will try 
the sandpaper or maybe steel wool.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS Bandages

2000-09-07 Thread Itssuzy2
TO BROOKS BRADLEY, in a note to Carol you wrote:

P.S.  If you have a serious interest in becoming aware of a very
economical means of employing "home-made" CS for fabricating your own "silver 
bandages", do contact me off-list. 

Have been looking for your email for two days, are you comfortable providing 
an email address.  

Would making CS bandages be a process someone would be comfortable describing 
in detail?  Thanks.

Understand the CS bandages have now received FDA approval also.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Recent article on fluoride

2000-09-07 Thread MAMA2BEAR
If anyone still has the article on fluoride that appeared in August would you 
please send it to me?  It's for a young friend whose bones are deteriorating, 
and her dentist wants her to use fluoride.  Thank you.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Recent article on fluoride

2000-09-07 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi M2B,

For enough information on the entire fluoride debacle to make you aware of 
just how bad it is, and what their motives are, go to 
  Note, org, not com.  Search the site for "fluoride" and "chemical 
manipulation of humans".  It is a massive site, and takes some work to get 
around in it, but it is worth it in available information.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent:   Thursday, September 07, 2000 9:39 PM
Subject:CS>Re: Recent article on fluoride

If anyone still has the article on fluoride that appeared in August would 
please send it to me?  It's for a young friend whose bones are 
and her dentist wants her to use fluoride.  Thank you.

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