Re: CS>Acid/alkaline silver generator?

2001-12-07 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 09:18:07 -0800, Ed Kasper 

>Quite a few years ago I recall a "miracle water" machine made by some
>engineer that used a "vortex" as part of his machine. It just hooked up
>under the sink. All stainless steel and a bit pricy for me so I never
>pursued that. The information sent to be (this was before the internet) was
>several pages of his creditenials and explanation of how it worked. I seem
>to recall that the super fast moving water was critical and maybe it moved
>around a magnet or something. Showed pictures before/after of plants, blood
>cells. A lot of details, sure wish I could find that. Sounds to me like the
>ORP you talked about.

This is something that Austrian guy discovered back in the '20's
(having a senior moment right now :)   I read about water conditioning
by using a vortex in "Secrets of the Soil" by Bird.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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CS>RE: a reason to buy 400ppm CS

2001-12-07 Thread Reid Harvey
Dear Ken,
Of course, you are right that in lots of places making CS is do-able,
but I'll give you an example of just how tough it is here in
Bangladesh.  I mentioned that several of us are putting together
generators based on Terry Chamberlain's design (BTW Terry, I hope you're
better!!)  It's taken the better part of two months, off and on, to get
the various components together, hiring people to source the various
materials. Finding things has been all the more difficult because this
is best accomplished in the Bengali language.

We located a jewelers supplier that sells .999 silver, processed in
Switzerland, and finally found someone in the market who could roll this
into the size strips we need.  And after a search in several of the
markets we were able to come up with locally blown, glass jars, each 4.5
liters. Fortuitously there is a locally made plastic lid that fits the
jar beautifully.  Now we finally located someone who can take our
220volts AC and convert this to 110DC, maximum 15 to 20mA.  But the
water is what has taken us the longest to source. (A big problem with
acid rain here makes solar distillation out of the question. You'd be
surprised how much air polution there is in less developed countries.)

Every brand of distilled water we have tested has been too high TDS to
do the job.  Even some of the de-ionized water is no good.  For a month
or so we thought we'd have to make our own de-ionized water, but then we
found somebody who sells this to a couple of industries. What luck!

But I consider Bangladesh to be highly developed when compared with most
of Africa.  A really good primer on why it is that nothing works in
Africa, and much of the third world, is the novel, 'Things Fall Apart,'
by the Nigerian author Chinua Achebe.  Take for example the millions of
tube wells that have been installed by UNICEF and other UN agencies.
The vast majority of these are unused and rusting, for the fact is that
when the very first part on the pump breaks, there are no parts to
replace this.  This phenomenon has lead to the new watchword of
developers 'sustainability.'  Perhaps 99.9% of all development ideas for
Africa have been rejected as unsustainable and wishful thinking.

Even if the resources were available most of the good ideas would
require staff who are dedicated, intelligent and posessed of a lot of
initiative. Such people can be a rarity. To make CS in Africa is
theoretically possible, but only if there is concerted effort. Then
again, a lot of education and awareness building would be key.  You
would also have to contend with health professionals who would be ready
to quote the FDA and WHO viewpoint on colloidal silver.  If the truth
can't come to light in North America, what about the dark continent?

Anyhow, I'm thrilled about our new Bangladeshi generators, because I
don't feel right about setting somebody up to sell expensive CS, then
exploit people.  We must teach people to make CS and to make CS
generators.  There's a saying in poor countries that if you teach
someone to fish you feed them for life.
Bye for now.
P.S. You asked the price of Microdyn and I do think it's about 10 cents
a gallon, once diluted.  But this is not generally available outside
Mexico and North America.

Ode Coyote wrote:
I'll bet that every village has at least one motor vehicle with a
battery. Even a marginal junk battery that won't start a car or motor
will do.
 Solar distillers, rain/dew collectors and the like are dirt cheap to
out of junk, if not absolutely free.  The only expense would be the
at $6 or so an oz. One oz .999 fine Bullion coins cost between $8 and
to literally make barrels of CS.
 If they have the infrastucture to get to the store or have things
in and the money to buy Microdyne, they can make their own CS a lot
cheaper...probably for less than 10 cents a gallon.
 How much does Mycrodyne cost?

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CS>Re: a reson to buy 400ppm CS

2001-12-07 Thread Reid Harvey
Dear Ole Bob,
I have no doubt that the particles are large.  What I am saying is that
diluting a CS  20:1 with water should be an indication that that CS is
indeed concentrated.  Perhaps I could concentrate even further and
ascertain the ratio where the T.E. goes away.

Ole Bob said:
Hi Reid,
Some time ago the technical source of light adsorption by particle size
cited on this list and as Marshall of Roger pointed out the the T.E. is
affected to the first power by the concentartion and the brightness to
thrid power of the particle size. Alos the color adsorption that happens

when white light is passed through it is a function of particle size.

So a bright T.E. and a green color screams "large particles."

The people on this list have been schooled that color means large
"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Acid/alkaline silver generator?

2001-12-07 Thread Kevin Nolan
Duncan, I had forgotten something previously gleaned at 
The desired species of hydrogen is H-, presumably occurring as a hydrated 
"cage" structure. This requires a double-reduction process at the cathode: 
H3O+ + e  --> H2O + H
H + e  --> H-

Maybe stirring is then not such a good idea? Anyone understand the 
electochemistry involved here?
It seems a little ironic that one of the touted benefits of "reduced water" as 
the electrolytically alkalized water it is also known, is it's ability to 
counteract the deleterious effects of oxidizing free radicals, chief among them 
being ozone and hydrogen peroxide! From that it's safe to assume one shouldn't 
be swigging reduced water while taking an ozone sauna!

regards, Kevin Nolan
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kevin Nolan 
  Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 9:48 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Acid/alkaline silver generator?

   That translates into maximising the level of dissolved hydrogen. What is not 
clear is whether the hydrogen is simply dissolved H2 or "nascent" hydrogen as 
single-atom H, but presumably it is the latter. In that case I would think 
vigorous stirring around the area of the negative electrode is advisable - 
sweep hydrogen away before it can combine to produce H2 gas. How much nascent H 
can water hold? 

Re: CS>Re: a reason to buy 400ppm CS

2001-12-07 Thread natural_essentials
Wow, what pops in my mind is the word "nonsequitur".  I merely said
"DOUBLE YUCK!".  You don't know me or my history, and you most certainly
know nothing about what I have been through and survived in my life. 
Therefore, it is ridiculous on your part to assume how I would react to
poor people or that I could not survive in such circumstances based on
the two words "DOUBLE YUCK!"
Perhaps you should be better prepared to defend your case rather than try
to defeat an opinion via personal attack.
Shame on YOU for passing judgement on ME!

Life is Good!   Sometimes in spite of those who try to make the path

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CS>Sea Silver

2001-12-07 Thread Val Q

Thank you for your input!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>FDA and FTC

2001-12-07 Thread Duncan Crow

What US suppliers are doing for Canadian customers who can't get certain
supplements that are unavailable in Canada, is to simply send them via
courier. It's the RECEIVING of the package that's illegal.

Until the dust settles on the silver issue, distribution from points north
(or south) of the border may be a viable option. It's a matter of

Also, the FTC and FDA have no authority over the content of Canadian or
foreign websites, and Health Canada is very reluctant to rule on anything
other than safety issues (but could be induced to).



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Re: CS>one more returned email

2001-12-07 Thread Kehoe
looks like you put a space between jon and nelson.  Just a thought.

- Original Message - 
From: "Terry Chamberlin" 
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 11:16 AM
Subject: CS>one more returned email

| I sent an email to, twice returned
| both times. Jon, What's happening!
| __ 
| Send your holiday cheer with
| --
| The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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| List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Acid/alkaline silver generator?

2001-12-07 Thread Duncan Crow
Hi Kevin;

I had read that you can separate ions by their charge by using either DC
potential, OR by using magnets. You don't need current.


It won't be catastrophic as I've been using it for a year now.
Disappointing? Well, it has enough power to hydrolize the water.


For hydrolizing the water, yes. But it is the potential that attracts/repels
the ions.

<<5: What exactly are we trying to achieve - is it alkaline pH, negative ORP
(oxidation/reduction potential), or "microclustering" of the water?>>

I want the ORP and the alkaline...both are easy to do.


When you split water you get OH- and other words the hydrogen keeps
an extra electron. That's why it gives a high ORP.


H- will be reluctant to go near another H-

<<6: There is one site that nicely provides the clues for making a cheap
unit - Notice that carbon
electrodes seem to be used.>>

Thanks for the link



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CS>one more returned email

2001-12-07 Thread Terry Chamberlin
I sent an email to, twice returned
both times. Jon, What's happening!

Send your holiday cheer with

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Acid/alkaline silver generator?

2001-12-07 Thread Ed Kasper
Kevin, thanks for those links. Makes more sense to me now especially where
others were talking about using C-S as the mineral necessary for
conductibility in distilled water, for a second stage Acid/alkaline silver
Quite a few years ago I recall a "miracle water" machine made by some
engineer that used a "vortex" as part of his machine. It just hooked up
under the sink. All stainless steel and a bit pricy for me so I never
pursued that. The information sent to be (this was before the internet) was
several pages of his creditenials and explanation of how it worked. I seem
to recall that the super fast moving water was critical and maybe it moved
around a magnet or something. Showed pictures before/after of plants, blood
cells. A lot of details, sure wish I could find that. Sounds to me like the
ORP you talked about.

Ed Kasper LAC
Santa Cruz, CA
  -Original Message-
  From: Kevin Nolan []
  Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 2:49 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Acid/alkaline silver generator?

  Hi, Duncan.
  Firstly, I'm a newbie to this game and have yet to
construct my own unit. Hopefully there are experienced users of
Acid/Alkaline makers that can contribute - hello Nina. Having said that, the
following observations may help.

  1: Magnets will do nothing in respect of separating ions in solution.
("Magnetic conditioning" of water is a separate field of which I have no
firm opinion on at this point).

  2: You seem to be referring to the DIY plans at when
talking about 12V as the suggested value. Attempting to use 4000 volts would
likely prove either catastrophic or disappointing, depending on the
available current draw. A potential (voltage) without current can do
nothing - it is current flow over time that matters. Optimum voltage - who
knows? I'd try about 30V initially, based on the following.

  3: The whole area is "wooley" - there are loose parameters such as
appropriate water conductivity, current draw, electrolysing time etc that
are just not properly discussed anywhere I have found. An example of trying
to "back-figure": Most commercial units seem to be rated at around 50-100
watts. Assuming 12 V DC at the electrodes, that works out at about 4-8 amps
current through the cell. That is supposed to be using just filtered tap
water. This seems way out. I have done a quick experiment, modifying my CS
unit. Two silver plate electrodes, each having a wetted area of 160mm X 40mm
X 2(both sides of plate included), separated by 62mm, with 23.7 V applied
between them, gave the following current draws:
  Distilled water:
1.5 mA
  Tap water:
21.3 mA
  Tap water plus 1/2 level tsp potassium citrate dissolved in: 393 mA
  While some vendors of batch type units recommend adding a pinch of sea
salt, it would have to be an awfully big pinch to get even 1 amp flowing. So
there are big question marks. Tap water conductivity will vary enormously
from one locale to another, which to me makes nonsense of any standard
procedure assuming tap water, which is just what most units do. Output must
be markedly dependent on input.

  5: What exactly are we trying to achieve - is it alkaline pH, negative ORP
(oxidation/reduction potential), or "microclustering" of the water? All
three are variously claimed to be "the" important factor. If it's pH, then
just adding a pinch of lime to plain water would suffice. If microclustering
is the thing, then despite the impression given by most vendors, only a tiny
fraction of the water could be converted, given the running times and likely
currents applying to their machines. I think the fellow at makes most sense - a highly negative ORP seems to be the
number one factor. That translates into maximising the level of dissolved
hydrogen. What is not clear is whether the hydrogen is simply dissolved H2
or "nascent" hydrogen as single-atom H, but presumably it is the latter. In
that case I would think vigorous stirring around the area of the negative
electrode is advisable - sweep hydrogen away before it can combine to
produce H2 gas. How much nascent H can water hold? How much is desirable?
What factors affect it's stability? I have not even seen these questions
asked let alone answered. So without solid parameters to aim for, I'm afraid
much is left to anecdotal accounts and vendor statements that often
conflict. Vendors can't be blamed for unwillingness to divulge all, but it
would help to get some really useful info!

  6: There is one site that nicely provides the clues for making a cheap
unit - Notice that carbon
electrodes seem to be used.

  Hope the above helps. Regards, Kevin Nolan

  Original message:

  Hi Kevin;

  The instructions for the alkaline water maker say that 12 volts is
  some instructions I saw somewhere indicate you could also use one or 2
  magnets to separate the wat


2001-12-07 Thread Harry J. J. O'Neill
Another way to induce sweating is to drink  a good quality soup.  I just happen 
to notice that if I am having chicken soup and I drink a lot of the broth, I 
just start sweating.  It's usually annoying but I guess it can be therapeutic.

Re: CS>***Re: Infrared saunas

2001-12-07 Thread Nina Silver

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: CS>***Re: Infrared saunas

>   OK , could be mistaken...but why the ground level atmospheric ozone
> warnings?
> Ken

Because the weather people are a bunch of IGNORAMUSES, that's why! They
NEVER thought to question the negative reports of "ozone," which was really
ozone COMPOUNDS. And they believe what the government tells them. It's like
the information all over the net about how Colloidal Silver causes argyria.
Now you and I and everyone on this list knows that the argyria is caused by
Silver COMPOUNDS, but does anyone take the trouble to check it out? NO! And
they don't think to.

What we need on the ground is MORE, not less ozone. Then at least there
would be a better chance of all those pollutants getting cleaned up.

You might want to join the oxyplus list.

Also, go to
and ask Dr. Saul Pressman for his free booklet. This will help to clear
out a lot of the misinformation.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: a reason to buy 400ppm CS

2001-12-07 Thread Ode Coyote
  I'll bet that every village has at least one motor vehicle with a
battery. Even a marginal junk battery that won't start a car or motor bike
will do.
 Solar distillers, rain/dew collectors and the like are dirt cheap to build
out of junk, if not absolutely free.  The only expense would be the silver
at $6 or so an oz. One oz .999 fine Bullion coins cost between $8 and $12
to literally make barrels of CS.
 If they have the infrastucture to get to the store or have things brought
in and the money to buy Microdyne, they can make their own CS a lot
cheaper...probably for less than 10 cents a gallon.
 How much does Mycrodyne cost?

At 07:22 PM 12/7/01 +0600, you wrote:
>Dear Ken,
>In the U.S. and Europe there is superb infrastructure (good roads,
>working phones, etc.) educated people, and vibrant markets.  But in less
>developed countries all of these things are lacking.  Stand back and try
>to imagine a completely different economy. None of the resources you're
>talking about are generally available.  The key is sustainability.  What
>can be accomplished with minimal rescources and infrastructure?  It is
>necessary to crawl before walking.
>Ode Coyote said:
>I fail to see how buying any commercial CS at any price could be cheaper
>than a couple of silver wires , a handful of batteries or the neighbors
>and a few cups of rain water or dew when the only real expense is the
>silver at $6 an oz and one ounce makes many many gallons of CS.
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-12-07 Thread Silver Data

Good morning All,

The Colloidal Silver Database website has been updated to include further 
information on the ongoing actions of both the FDA and the FTC regarding 
silver products.

The update includes:

*the letter written by

*an FTC letter sent to a site that contains information only on colloidal 

*a brief commentary on the FDA's actions to date

However, I am missing one of the FDA letters I saved.  The "cyber letter" 
that I have posted was written on Jan 1, 2001.  I saw ( and thought I saved 
) a RECENT FDA letter that contained different language than the original 
"stock" letter that had been sent out in the past.

There are a few key sentance changes, if I remember correctly, and I would 
very much like to highlight those changes.  If anyone ( James? ) has a copy, 
I would very much appreciate a copy ( ).

Thank You!


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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>***Re: Infrared saunas

2001-12-07 Thread Ode Coyote
  OK , could be mistaken...but why the ground level atmospheric ozone

At 07:12 AM 12/6/01 -0500, you wrote:
>- Original Message -
>From: Ode Coyote 
>Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 6:16 AM
>Subject: Re: CS>***Re: Infrared saunas
>>   I would be cautious with ozone [O3]  It is highly corrosive, will eat
>> tires right off your car, has high atmospheric level warnings in weather
>> reports for people with respiratory problems and probably acts as a very
>> potent free radical in the body...the sort of thing that people take
>> antioxidents for.
>> Ken
>It is absolutely not true that O3 acts as a free radical in the body. The
>only true statement is that O3 will corrode certain materials with time.
>As I said in a previous post, there is lots of misinformation about
>ozone--primarily based on experiments done almost 70 years ago with ozone
>COMPOUNDS. These compounds are what is at the ground level, and which the
>weather people make such a fuss about. Most writers--even those who praise
>ozone therapy--make the mistake of confusing the effects of PURE ozone with
>the effects of CONTAMINATED ozone, or ozone COMPOUNDS (one of which contains
>nitrogen). *Pure ozone is not toxic.* At high levels it will irritate the
>respiratory tract, in which case one should simply stop breathing it. But
>this is a lot different from your implication of a more generalized,
>inherent ozone toxicity.
>Parenthetically, many ozone generators do not emit pure ozone, which is why
>some people have a problem with them. A friend loaned me an "ozone" air
>purification unit and even at a low setting I could not tolerate it because
>it was so foul. This is not pure ozone. Ozone mixed with other gases is not
>There is a wonderful article by Clark E. Thorp, called "The Toxicity of
>Ozone: A Report and Bibliography" that originally appeared in Industrial
>Medicine and Surgery, 19:2, 45-57, February, 1950. He does an extensive
>review of the literature and goes into great detail about how and why the
>misconceptions about ozone took place. In fact, one researcher realized that
>a report he'd made about ozone was really about NITROGEN compounds; and then
>went back and redid the entire study.
>Ozone is unstable. When in the body, it breaks down into OXYGEN. This makes
>it so useful for fighting infections.
>I go into this in much greater detail in my upcoming *Handbook of Rife
>Frequency Healing.* There is a 10-page section in my book on oxygen
>therapies, for which I consulted some experts in the field.
>Nina Silver, Ph.D.
>Author, *The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing*
>Order the book on my website
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Acid/alkaline silver generator?

2001-12-07 Thread Kevin Nolan
Hi, Duncan.
Firstly, I'm a newbie to this game and have yet to 
construct my own unit. Hopefully there are experienced users of Acid/Alkaline 
makers that can contribute - hello Nina. Having said that, the following 
observations may help.

1: Magnets will do nothing in respect of separating ions in solution. 
("Magnetic conditioning" of water is a separate field of which I have no firm 
opinion on at this point). 

2: You seem to be referring to the DIY plans at when talking 
about 12V as the suggested value. Attempting to use 4000 volts would likely 
prove either catastrophic or disappointing, depending on the available current 
draw. A potential (voltage) without current can do nothing - it is current flow 
over time that matters. Optimum voltage - who knows? I'd try about 30V 
initially, based on the following.

3: The whole area is "wooley" - there are loose parameters such as appropriate 
water conductivity, current draw, electrolysing time etc that are just not 
properly discussed anywhere I have found. An example of trying to 
"back-figure": Most commercial units seem to be rated at around 50-100 watts. 
Assuming 12 V DC at the electrodes, that works out at about 4-8 amps current 
through the cell. That is supposed to be using just filtered tap water. This 
seems way out. I have done a quick experiment, modifying my CS unit. Two silver 
plate electrodes, each having a wetted area of 160mm X 40mm X 2(both sides of 
plate included), separated by 62mm, with 23.7 V applied between them, gave the 
following current draws:
Distilled water:
1.5 mA
Tap water:  
  21.3 mA
Tap water plus 1/2 level tsp potassium citrate dissolved in: 393 mA
While some vendors of batch type units recommend adding a pinch of sea salt, it 
would have to be an awfully big pinch to get even 1 amp flowing. So there are 
big question marks. Tap water conductivity will vary enormously from one locale 
to another, which to me makes nonsense of any standard procedure assuming tap 
water, which is just what most units do. Output must be markedly dependent on 

5: What exactly are we trying to achieve - is it alkaline pH, negative ORP 
(oxidation/reduction potential), or "microclustering" of the water? All three 
are variously claimed to be "the" important factor. If it's pH, then just 
adding a pinch of lime to plain water would suffice. If microclustering is the 
thing, then despite the impression given by most vendors, only a tiny fraction 
of the water could be converted, given the running times and likely currents 
applying to their machines. I think the fellow at makes 
most sense - a highly negative ORP seems to be the number one factor. That 
translates into maximising the level of dissolved hydrogen. What is not clear 
is whether the hydrogen is simply dissolved H2 or "nascent" hydrogen as 
single-atom H, but presumably it is the latter. In that case I would think 
vigorous stirring around the area of the negative electrode is advisable - 
sweep hydrogen away before it can combine to produce H2 gas. How much nascent H 
can water hold? How much is desirable? What factors affect it's stability? I 
have not even seen these questions asked let alone answered. So without solid 
parameters to aim for, I'm afraid much is left to anecdotal accounts and vendor 
statements that often conflict. Vendors can't be blamed for unwillingness to 
divulge all, but it would help to get some really useful info!

6: There is one site that nicely provides the clues for making a cheap unit - Notice that carbon electrodes seem 
to be used. 

Hope the above helps. Regards, Kevin Nolan

Original message:

Hi Kevin;

The instructions for the alkaline water maker say that 12 volts is enough...
some instructions I saw somewhere indicate you could also use one or 2
magnets to separate the water into ionic components, and that current was
not required; only the potential was.

Or are we interested in not only ionic separation, but hydrolization to get
those hydrogen ions?

The 12-volt thing takes several about if I was to try the 4000
volt microwave circuit I use to make colloidal silver?? Do you think I could
make a batch in several minutes?

Anyone got some details/ideas on this?

Duncan Crow