Re: CSRe: ozone machines

2003-05-22 Thread FHLew

-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: ozone machines

 Re: CSRe: ozone machines
 From: CKing001 (view other messages by this author)
 Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 21:12:41

   amperage (am'p?r-ij, am'pîr'-)


   The strength of an electric current expressed in amperes.

   The American Heritage Dictionary


  The American  Heritage Dictionary is useful for many things,  but it
  is not an engineering text.

  Anyone who  studied engineering would use the  terms  Amp, Amps,
  Amperes, etc.

  Note the capitalization, which is used in all engineering parameters
  to denote the person who did the original work.

  Obviously, the person who wrote that entry never studied engineering.

  And neither has Harvey.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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Re: CSbird bath

2003-05-22 Thread Maja Hristozova
Silly,,, but mix it with blood???

--- Marshall Dudley wrote:
 How on earth would you get an adult mosquito to
 drink any CS?
 Malcolm Stebbins wrote:
  OTOH, would the CS cure the mosquitos of west
 nile virus - in their adult
  flying-biting phase?
  At 05:13 PM 5/21/03 -0500, you wrote:
  On Wed, 21 May 2003 06:09:05 EDT, wrote:
   Hello Fellow Rifers,
  Can anyone tell me if they have put CS
 in a bird bath to prevent
   mosquitoes from forming hatching?  If so how
 much and how often? The
   of course is the West Nile Virus.
   thanks so much,
  I don't think CS will do it.
  However, you might want to try a few drops of
 vegetable oil (maybe
  sunflower or flaxseed oil).  That should stop the
 larva from breathing
  and shouldn't harm the birds.  NOTE: only a few
 drops, not too much or
  the birds will get coated with the oil.
  -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF
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Re: CSOT Sea Silver

2003-05-22 Thread Jason Eaton

I hate to pessemistic about Sea Silver.  So I'll be optimistic about agreeing 
with you.

I'm a very big proponent of sea products for use in health.  Like Coral 
Calcium, it appears that marketeers are trying to harness the idea without any 
actual substance.  It's another case of scientific sounding that does not pan 
out in the practical world.  It sounds like Sea Silver should be both more 
bioavailable and bioactive.  I imagine that it probably suffices as a 
supplement, but for the price, I think one is best served doing far deeper 
research to get some real value for the amount of money spent.

An associate of mine who distributes another brand of supplements utilized 
Korilian Photography to show the lack of biological effect of Sea Silver ( he 
sells Sea Silver as well as the other supplements ).  While this method is 
certainly not scientific, the comparisons shown were hard to ignore.  
Photographs of individuals consuming Sea Silver showed absolutely no change, 
while photographs of individuals who consumed Wachter's supplments ( Futura 
2000 ) at the same time literally showed a marked change in the brightness in 
the aural images.  Significant and health-impacting metabolic responses to 
food sources don't always occur after digestion.  The best I've seen occur 
during digestion.  I'm actually beginning to believe that catalyst reactions in 
the body, from a healing standpoint, are more significant than the biochemical 
reactions that later occur.  The life-force inherent in living beings is very 
hard to narrow down to basic chemical chain reactions.  Science is well known 
for chasing the bullet rather than grabbing the gun ( so to speak - as this 
doesn't mean that catching or dodging the bullet has no value! ).

While I don't believe in utilizing supplements for the actual treatment of 
disease, I certainly do believe in supplementation.  Comparing the quality of 
different products is extraordinarily difficult to do.  However, I have 
determined based on the consistant results I experience with general 
supplements that I utilize, that one should be able to notice a difference 
within a very few short hours of use.  Quality supplement programs that contain 
synergistic blends of bioavailable substances should rapidly produce changes in 
the body's energy level and especially the color of urine at onset of use.  My 
opinion is that one should arrive as closely as possible at actually consuming 
a food source if at all possible.

Sadly, quality supplements are often very expensive.

I tested coral calcium and found it to be relatively worthless.  I consumed 
four bottles and experienced no noticeable effects.  I achieved the effects I 
was looking for with one bottle of HrX by Alpha Omega Labs in about 30 days.  
Barefoot has it embarrasingly backwards:  Restore the PH levels of the body 
first, and then address any remaining calcium problems ( if they remain! ).

Best Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 10:26 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOT Sea Silver 

  Hi Jay,

  It looks like snake oil to me. It contains no silver. The ingredients are 
aloe vera (a succulent that grows in my yard), seaweed, more aloe vera and 
seaweed, tree bark and cranberry juice. Check out The Business on their web 
page. It's a pyramid scheme.

  The below statement means they put ocean water or seaweed in it. Of course 
they don't tell you what PPM because they don't know. They just list all of the 
ingredients they can think of that might be beneficial.

  Sealogica contains every vitamin, macro mineral, trace mineral, amino acid, 
enzyme, and sea-veg phyto-nutrients in nature’s perfect balance.

  This is a good example of the greedy bastards the screw things up. It reminds 
me of Barefoot and his miraculous coral calcium.

  Sorry to be the pessimist again.

  Best wishes,
  Andy (^_^)

  From: Jay Ice
  Any knowledge on sea silver? Is this snake oil? It says it contains every
  miner vitamin known. I looked over the nutrient list. Is a mile long list.
  This is the link. It says it increases energy in 30 seconds.


Re: CSAn Interview With Dr. Stanley Jacob: Discussing DMSO

2003-05-22 Thread AScottSilver
repeated, bladder mouth, dilations at the hands of oil-field ruffian M.D.s 
some 35 years 
ago (they were using Size 28 Van Buren curves---slightly smaller than the 
index finger in diameter)

Thanks Brooks,

I feel much better now. That really helped me take my mind off of it. Now I'm 
thinking about having a sex change operation or having my bladder removed.

Kindest regards,
Andy (^_^)

RE: CSozone machine/ HDN explains bipolar resonant circuit

2003-05-22 Thread Harvey Norris

--- Mike Monett wrote:
 From: Harvey Norris
 Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 22:29:46
PS check your prices for 9 miles of 23 gauge
 wire, as that is what
these coils employ.
   There is  no need to pay catalog price. There are
 plenty  of surplus
   electronics places  that  keep  50  lb rolls  of 
 wire  in  the back
   storeroom, because nobody wants them. A little
 negotiation, and they
   sometimes take  what they can get to get rid of
 it. It might  not be
   the same gauge, but this doesn't matter.
 Gauge does matter because a magnetic field is
determined by amp-turns, so for a equal resistnace of
wire, a smaller gauge gives more amp turns of magnetic
field vs the source voltage input for both cases.
Magnetic field is (roughly) equivalent to inductance,
and also q factor proportionally speaking.
   Besides, there is no need for a 60 Henry choke and
 miles of  wire. A
   1 Henry  would  do exactly the same thing. The key
 is the  Q  of the
I'm sure you understand that Q is roughly the ratio of
inductive reactance to resistance,[X(L)/R] and that
inductive reactance is proportional to the inductance
L: but however L itself is not a linear relationship
to the amount of winds, also determined by R. Using 60
times less inductance does not imply the same Q factor
because of the non linear relationship of winds/vs
   It would  be  easy  to increase the Q by  using  a
  ferrite  or good
   quality iron  core. 
By theory yes: but ideal vs real performances do not
match theory at all. Iron cores simply do not resonate
well. I agree that some ferrites may do somewhat
better, but the ratio of predicted vs real
performances is very vast. Even the air core coils I
use suffer from this ideal vs real performance ratio
 Resonant transformers are
 often  used  in power
   regulation applications.  This would add the cost
 of  the  core, and
   reduce the amount of wire needed.
   But the  fact  remains. The circuit  presents  a 
 constant impedance
   between the variac and the silver cell.
   A simple 5 cent resistor would do exactly the same
Please explain how a resistor can have impedance
which is strictly a quality of inductance? 
Best Regards

Tesla Research Group; Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

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Re: CSbird bath

2003-05-22 Thread Henry Holland Simms

Jeff wrote:

namespaceuri=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags name=time 
 namespaceuri=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags name=date

Maybe this is the way to nip  West Nile in the bud. Cure the 
mosquito's and they won't infect us. 

-Original Message-
*From:* Malcolm Stebbins []
*Sent:*  month=5 day=21 year=2003 Wednesday, May 21, 2003  
hour=13 minute=28 1:28 PM

*Subject:* Re: CSbird bath

Perhaps they even got healthier?? Oh Darn!!

At  hour=10 minute=4210:42 AM  month=5 day=21 year=2003 
5/21/03 -0400, you wrote:

I put some CS in a container that had mosquito larva in it last year. 
I am sorry to report that the mosquito larva did not seem disturbed or 
killed by it.

Marshall wrote:

Hello Fellow Rifers ,
Can anyone tell me if they have put CS in a bird bath to prevent 
mosquitoes from forming hatching? If so how much and how often? The 
concern of course is the West Nile Virus.

thanks so much,

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Aren't birds intermediate hosts for west nile? Perhaps CS in birdbath 
will help the birds with their WN involvement and therefore the mosquito 
won't pass the virus to people. Just a sudden brain fart.


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Re: CSCS and BYU again

2003-05-22 Thread Ode Coyote

At 11:05 AM 5/20/2003 -0400, you wrote:

You've got me curious now...why is it not valid?

Let me re---phrase that

 At 12:34 AM 5/20/2003 -0700, you wrote:
 BYU lawyers have been very busy trying to have the study wiped from 
the face

 of the Earth.

   But the reason is probably not because the study is not valid [note 
double negatives]
 ie:  the study is valid but BYU is taking a lot of heat with 
everyone referring to it out of its true context as a 'test tube' 
study  using it as proof of their claims of  'in body' disease cures 
whereas it's not proof of THOSE claims  but could be construed as an 
'indication' that claims of cures 'might be' at least be 'somewhat' valid.
  OrThe mechanism works without fail [every exposed organism dies] 
but delivery in a more complicated system  than a dish of water can be 
problematic and those that claim that x  absolutely equals y don't consider 
a major difference in environments.
 Testimonials of  CS users overwhelmingly support the claims but still 
don't stand as proof of effectiveness and some people report no effect 
without considering delivery methods.

Kills x organizms  doesn't mean  'cures y diseases' only indicates a 
variable probablility. But huckster don't bother to point out the 
difference any more than officialdom points out differences between mega 
doses of silver compounds and Bredig Sol CS.

 All the 'official' studies are intent on killing the guinea pig...not 
curing it. [And have difficulties doing so at that.]
 The BYU studies are intent on killing microbes [And have no problem at 
all doing that]...not curing people.

I'll agree that a few grams of silver compounded with gunpowder, delivered 
all at once, can definitely kill a pig.

 so..silver is a deadly element?
 That silver is many many times more deadly to microbes than it is to 
mammals is a well established fact known and proven  for decades.

 Now, the reactionaries are going after the arsenic in treated wood.
  No one mentions that arsenic has been used to cure syphilis in people in 
the past, heartworms in dogs to this day and the Chinese are currently 
rediscovering its use in variety of cures including cancer and maybe 
Malaria...or that people don't generally eat treated wood all day every day.
 It's well known that arsenic will kill rats...but not so well known that 
rats can't throw up.  A bit of Portland cement and flour kills rats 
too.  People would toss their cookies before it sets up and a high dose of 
arsenic would make the cookies fly. Rats can't toss cookies.

 Moral?  If you feel ill, stop eating your deck. [Switch back to paint flakes]
 On that note, I've likely breathed a half ton of treated wood sawdust in 
my lifetime..certainly handled many tons of it... and feel just fine. [no 
parasites maybe?]

 Maybe it's a conspiracy to sell more wood. [ Hey! Don't kids eat 
playground equipment fast enough?]

or a 'Save the Termite' campaign?  [We all know that deterred termites kill 
children when they eat them, right?]


 Best Regards,
 - Original Message -
 From: Reid Harvey
 To: silver list
 Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 8:28 AM
 Subject: CSCS and BYU again
   Thanks to all for the links to the BYU studies, but it seems to me 
   should be a lot more to it.  Upto about a year ago there was a site 
   a table that directly compared CS to five popular 
antibiotics.  This was

   a very graphic comparison, CS clearly superior.  Has this site been
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 

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Re: CSRe: cold sores

2003-05-22 Thread tomy thomson
Just by coincidence yesterday morning I woke with a
cold sore starting on my lip, I followed tony's
directions putting a silver rod on each side of the
sore for only about 30 seconds, by the evening it was
gone and today no sign of it at all,

 --- wrote:  
 Using the cs rods and batteries without the water
 for zapping cold sores
 sounds alot like a Godzilla machine.  In fact, at
 the Godzilla site in
 their files section they have directions on making a
 one battery ziller
 using one 9 volt, 2 electrodes, a resistor, wire and
 tape (I don't remember
 the size of the resistor).
 I'm a big Godzilla fan and used in conjunction with
 CS - watch out germs.
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Re: CSLight sensitivity........

2003-05-22 Thread Ode Coyote

 That's not light sensitivity.
When CS ions lose the water that solvates them, the ions oxidize into 
silver oxide on exposure to the air.  The normal color of silver oxide is 
black but as i pointed out in a previous post, there at least 3 varieties 
of silver oxide. One may be reddish or deep yellow or dark orange.  I 
haven't seen a color notation on the differences.
 Silver oxide is inert. Dried metallic silver is immobile.  Both 
essentially ineffective for different reasons.

Ode [ken[]

At 02:12 PM 5/20/2003 -0400, you wrote:

What does light sensitivity mean. I know when I spray it on me and it drips
on my white tank top it turns a rust color. Does that mean it is

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Re: CSinjecting CS....

2003-05-22 Thread Ode Coyote

 Use a single AAA cell [1.5 volts]
Ode [ken]

At 03:59 PM 5/20/2003 -0400, you wrote:

Yep it was on the corner of my lip. Now tingle a bit Man that ain't the
word! lol. My whole mouth jolted and twitched and I could sqare my head ache
is gone too. This is also a battery test. I thought I needed new
batteries...guess not. Thanks so much for that info. I really like that. I
think this method also has like a zapper effect.

Tony wrote:

 It will tingle a bit.

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CSsubjective experience with Sea Silver

2003-05-22 Thread Jan Bolen
Dear list,
I can only answer to my own subjective experience with Sea Silver. It does have 
an impressive array of vitamins and minerals and other substances listed, it 
doesn't taste bad, but it is fairly expensive. I was given two bottles of Sea 
Silver to try, I took them following directions, but in the time I took them, 
with no other changes in my routine, I did not notice an increase in energy or 
an improvement in my health condition. So, from my own personal experience I 
can't say it was bad, but I did not feel the expense was justified.
Jan Bolen

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Re: CSLight sensitivity........

2003-05-22 Thread Marshall Dudley

Ode Coyote wrote:

   That's not light sensitivity.
 When CS ions lose the water that solvates them, the ions oxidize into
 silver oxide on exposure to the air.  The normal color of silver oxide is
 black but as i pointed out in a previous post, there at least 3 varieties
 of silver oxide. One may be reddish or deep yellow or dark orange.  I
 haven't seen a color notation on the differences.
   Silver oxide is inert. Dried metallic silver is immobile.  Both
 essentially ineffective for different reasons.

Ag2O - brown-black
Ag2O2 - Grey - Black
AgO - Grey - black

All are cubic crystal structures, like NaCl.


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Re: CSAids - Biological Warfare

2003-05-22 Thread Marshall Dudley
Ah yes, I have followed Bearden's work for years.  I have also tried to
build some machines using his zero point energy information, but have been
unsuccessful in obtaining any excess energy.

I find the chapter on biological transmutation interesting.  I have the book
Biological Transmutations, and it does seem to me a pretty well proven
case that this is not only possible, but going on around us all the time.

One very interesting problem in this area is the CO poisoning of people who
are exposed to hot iron.  It can be a big problem with welders and
steelworkers, and even a pot belly stove can cause it if it is allowed to
get too hot.  Apparently when N2 comes into contact with very hot iron, it
goes into a metastable state.  After a period of time it returns to stable
N2, but if it is breathed in the hemogloben somehow causes it to mutate into
CO, which then raises the blood level of CO.  Tests have shown that the air
contains no CO, yet the blood will gain sufficient CO to kill a person under
these conditions.

The huge amounts of calcium in the ocean and other limestone deposits are
also explained through biological transmutation as are many other long
standing mysteries, such as how a field left fallow will regain it nutrients
if there is good bacterial counts in the soil.

Very interesting stuff.


Brooks Bradley wrote:

  I believe there are more than a few inquiring minds
 interested in the type of work being done by Tom Bearden and his
 associates.  Interested parties should find the brief comments under the
 heading A possible cure for Aids,  listed under Chapter be
 quite intriguing.  Especially those familiar with the work of Dr.
   William Campbell Douglas.
  Additionally, there are several other real 
 mind-sretchers broached by Bearden, in this work.

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RE: CSbird bath

2003-05-22 Thread Jeff
Maybe this is the way to nip West Nile in the bud. Cure the mosquito's
and they won't infect us. 
-Original Message-
From: Malcolm Stebbins [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: CSbird bath
Perhaps they even got healthier??  Oh Darn!!

At 10:42 AM 5/21/03 -0400, you wrote:

I put some CS in a container that had mosquito larva in it last year. I
am sorry to report that the mosquito larva did not seem disturbed or
killed by it. 

Marshall wrote: 

Hello Fellow Rifers, 
   Can anyone tell me if they have put CS in a bird bath to prevent
mosquitoes from forming hatching?  If so how much and how often? The
concern of course is the West Nile Virus. 
thanks so much, 

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CSRe: Aids - Biological Warfare

2003-05-22 Thread jrowland
 ...I have also tried to build some machines using his 
 zero point energy information, but have been
 unsuccessful in obtaining any excess energy.---Marshall

...After some experimentation, the team found that a 
small amount of electricity passed through a mixture 
of water and potassium carbonate - potash - released 
an astonishing amount of energy...
(Filed: 18/05/2003 with illustration)

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Re: CSRe: Aids - Biological Warfare

2003-05-22 Thread Marshall Dudley
Yes, I saw that yesterday. They don't give a lot of information on it
though.  Is the electricity DC, or pulsed, and if pulsed at what frequency.

Also they don't give any voltage or current.  They talk about sparks passing
between the electrodes, which implys high voltage (opps, voltage should not
be used just like amperage, oh well), but potash and water is very
conductive, so to get sufficient voltage to spark over would require very
large currents.  But a high voltage and amperage, would mean a high power,
but they say a very low power.

So something here does not quite compute. :

Marshall wrote:

  ...I have also tried to build some machines using his
  zero point energy information, but have been
  unsuccessful in obtaining any excess energy.---Marshall

 ...After some experimentation, the team found that a
 small amount of electricity passed through a mixture
 of water and potassium carbonate - potash - released
 an astonishing amount of energy...
 (Filed: 18/05/2003 with illustration)

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Re: CSOT Sea Silver

2003-05-22 Thread Frank Key
Jay wrote:

 Any knowledge on sea silver? Is this snake oil? It says it contains every
 miner vitamin known. I looked over the nutrient list. Is a mile long list.
 This is the link. It says it increases energy in 30 seconds.

Notice that the label does not specify any concentration for the claimed
minerals. Perhaps they mean parts per trillion, but if it is not specified
it cannot be proven. At the parts per trillion or even parts per billion
level one could make the same claims for tap water in most parts of the

Our lab has equipment (ICP-AES) whose detection threshold is generally in
the parts per billion range and it was unable to find any concentration of a
handful of minerals we tested for. This could be explained by the fact that
the concentration is below the detection limit of our instrument, meaning
parts per trillion, or it could be that the minerals do not really exist as
claimed. If the minerals are present but only in concentrations of parts per
trillion one could get the same mineral content from tap water.

We consider it a red flag when a product claims mineral content but does
not specify concentration.

frank key

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Re: CSinjecting CS....

2003-05-22 Thread Tony Moody
OOOw Wow, My CS gen is only 9v and most of you use 27v. Sorry about that. 
Should have thought of the difference.
Well maybe you have the cure for migraine. The people on the godzilla list 
quite happily put 27v in their mouths and on their teeth.

On the other hand I cured a serious sinus bout by waving a 1.5v battery 
across my face. No voltage, just the field from the end of the AA battery. I 
move the battery in a cross from near jaw, up across cheek, under the eye 
past top of nose, to the other forehead. Same on the other side. Could feel 
the sinus squirm and hear it sort of crunchy click; and then produced 
copious stuff sliding down my throat a short time later. OK I was standing 
in front of the mirror. I discovered this 'cos was going to use a laser pen 
but the batteries were dead. Putting in new batts. noticed the sinus click.


Jay Ice wrote:

Yep it was on the corner of my lip. Now tingle a bit Man that ain't the
word! lol. My whole mouth jolted and twitched and I could sqare my head ache
is gone too. This is also a battery test. I thought I needed new
batteries...guess not. Thanks so much for that info. I really like that. I
think this method also has like a zapper effect.

Tony wrote:

It will tingle a bit.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Aids - Biological Warfare

2003-05-22 Thread David Bearrow
If that was true then you could set it up to heat a boiler and drive a 
steam generator which would charge a battery which would supply the 
electricity to keep the cell operating and have enough left over to do 
other things. All you would have to do is initially jump start it. It would 
be a source of free energy. I was always taught that there ain't no such 
thing as a free lunch. So I'll believe it after more people have been able 
to duplicate the experiment.

At 12:29 PM 5/22/03, you wrote:

 ...I have also tried to build some machines using his
 zero point energy information, but have been
 unsuccessful in obtaining any excess energy.---Marshall

...After some experimentation, the team found that a
small amount of electricity passed through a mixture
of water and potassium carbonate - potash - released
an astonishing amount of energy...
(Filed: 18/05/2003 with illustration)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

+-   Bentonite Clay for sale-+
¦  David Bearrow ¦
¦  ¦
+  Phone: (972)722-8319  +

CSRe: Aids - Biological Warfare

2003-05-22 Thread jrowland
 They talk about sparks passing between the electrodes, 
 which implys high voltage...but they say a very low power.
 So something here does not quite compute---Marshall
Hmmh---sparks...spark-plug?  Wouldn't THAT fix big oil!
Also, an interesting electrode configuration in the diagram.
 According to the Gardner Watts team, it will take about 
 six months to carry out tests putting the reality of the 
 effect beyond all doubt...

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CSgoodbye, thanks, prayers

2003-05-22 Thread Skylake
Hi Everyone,

I've asked Mike to remove me from the silver list because I need to 
concentrate on the cancer discussion groups.

I want to thank all of you who helped me.  This list is a generous group full 
of astonishingly helpful information.  I miss it when I am off list.

Today my sister, whose husband Steve (you'll recall) was diagnosed last month 
with stage III lung cancer, found out that one of her 24 year old identical 
twin boys, Louie, has lymphoma.   I'm writing to ask for your prayers for these 
two remarkable people.  Steve is an episcopalian minister, and Louie an 
aspiring actor, making progress off Broadway.  

If a while from now you come across any information you think might be 
helpful for Steve and Louie, I'd appreciate it if you would take a moment to 
send it 
on to me.  

With love  light,

Re: CSgoodbye, thanks, prayers

2003-05-22 Thread d.linen

This list is for cancer patients. Dr.Budwig's flaxseed oil and cottage
cheese diet has worked to reduce cancer for many people. It takes a
dedicated effort to make the changes in one's diet but the success rate
is worth it. 

If you can, join the list and ask questions of the people and they are
wonderful in that they will give lots of ideas to help people. 


  Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] Basics
  Sat, 3 May 2003 19:07:06 +0200
  Peter Fackelmann

I forgot something.

The standard expression here is FO/CC as an abbreviation for
flax oil with cottage cheese.
This is incomplete, the ground flax seed is missing.

The recipe for the Budwig muesli is:

  1 tsp honey (I use agave juice - lower GI*)
  3 Tsp raw milk (I use water - no animal fat, IGF*)
  3 TSp flax oil
100 g   quark
  2 Tsp flaxseed
Fruit (sometimes I use a spicy filler like paprika sauce)

* Dr Budwig is too easy here.

Flaxseed contains 370 mg/100 g of the lignan Secoisolariciresinol
(SECO), an absolute record value.
SECO is one of the 7 most studied phytoestrogens in food samples:
daidzein, genistein, biochanin A, formononetin, coumestrol,
matairesinol and secoisolariciresinol.

While the metabolism of lignans is not yet fully understood, their
efficacy is already proven - I only refer to the flaxseed muffins
study (no flax oil!).

May I suggest not to forget flaxseed and perhaps use an elucidating
term to describe the correct and likewise necessary recipe?



At 1:28 Uhr +0200 03.05.2003, Peter Fackelmann wrote:
Diane -

imo flax oil and cottage cheese alone is wasted.
It must fit in a corresponding whole diet.
My wife never looks into Dr Budwig's diet book, but she cooks in
the same spirit:
No animal fats, no vegetable oils, in general food with low
glycemic index and high antioxidant value.
From animals only the quark/cottage cheese and seafish.
Useless to eat meat, chocolate etc.
Sugar is an absolute killer.
Some people keep their eating habits and have the Budwig muesli
like a kind of antipasti.
They cannot score.



At 0:23 Uhr +0200 03.05.2003, Free Minded wrote:
I will read again Dr. Budgwig book and use as I have started using coconot
oil organic one too.

It gets complicated to follow the diet.  I usually uses only the cc/fo but I
would like to loose weight too, then the vegetarian part should help. wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I've asked Mike to remove me from the silver list because I need to
 concentrate on the cancer discussion groups.
 I want to thank all of you who helped me.  This list is a generous
 group full of astonishingly helpful information.  I miss it when I am
 off list.
 Today my sister, whose husband Steve (you'll recall) was diagnosed
 last month with stage III lung cancer, found out that one of her 24
 year old identical twin boys, Louie, has lymphoma.   I'm writing to
 ask for your prayers for these two remarkable people.  Steve is an
 episcopalian minister, and Louie an aspiring actor, making progress
 off Broadway.
 If a while from now you come across any information you think might be
 helpful for Steve and Louie, I'd appreciate it if you would take a
 moment to send it on to me.
 With love  light,

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