Re: CS>teeth-need help-cs

2004-03-01 Thread Marv Hacker

Perhaps your dentist could provide you with a sample of the material,
some scrap, then soak it in CS repeatedly for a few weeks/months until you
are satisfied with the results. Yours may be a "high classed worry", but
testing this way *may* prove it (not sure if the presence of saliva+CS would
make a difference).

Best regards,
  :) Marv

- Original Message - 
From: "a rose..." 
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: CS>teeth-need help-cs

Hi all,
Typing from my new location, the silver list on my own mail prog with a
real mail is wonderful, so much faster and I can stroll at my
leisure, not in a hurry to avoid the "you are over your
staff" that was a bane of my existence...

Two things, I have corresponded with Butch, who runs Anatolian
Treasures.  He is a wonderfully funny man with a down to earth sense of
humor and extremely picky about the crops he buys for distillation.  He
lives in Turkey btw...he won't sell his oils to Young Living because it is
a scam...and says any place that offers the same oils year after year is
not selling quality oils because sometimes the flowers and or plants are
peak, and sometimes they are not.  He also publishes the g something
reading...where it is tested for potency.

My question, long standing, but never ask is, I have acrylic fillings and
know that silver can turn plastic gray...has anyone used cs and had a
reaction to it filling wise?  This warning came to me when I was buying oz
silver, so this may be a mute question with homemade.  I have just been
leery to hold silver in my mouth and one day notice I have lovely gray

thanks in advance,

a rose...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Argyria Antidote ???

2004-03-01 Thread Charles Sutton

Overloading the body's natural eliminative systems with silver causes the body 
to store some excess silver in the face, which over time can result in a 
pronounced gray complexion. Argyria is strictly a nontoxic, cosmetic condition. 
However, argyria is quite serious in that it is thought to be permanent, much 
like a tattoo. 
A number of factors may put some individuals at much higher risk than others 
for developing argyria. 
1. Environmental Protection Agency documents suggest that people with low 
vitamin E and selenium levels are more susceptible to argyria. You may want to 
contact a licensed health care professional to correctly assess your health 
risk for contracting argyria. 
2. Individuals with slower metabolisms are at higher risk for argyria because 
their natural eliminative systems are working more slowly and can be more 
easily overwhelmed. Some drugs and medications, such as the antibiotic 
doxycycline, can also induce s lower metabolic rates. 
Available information indicates that low vitamin E and selenium levels may 
increase the risk of argyria by as much as a factor of 5. Therefore, I assume 
that low vitamin E and selenium levels in conjunction with doxycycline may 
increase the risk of argyria even more dramatically. If the following ceilings 
are exceeded, or continued for more than 30 days, I believe some researchers 
with low vitamin E and selenium levels could be at risk of contracting argyria. 
I estimate that no more than 16 ounces of colloidal silver, or silver chloride, 
at a concentration of 5 ppm should be ingested within 24 hours, or 64 ounces 
within 10 days. In addition, the ingestion of colloidal silver and/or silver 
chloride should be stopped for at least 5 days following any period of heavy 
consumption to lower the risk of argyria. 
Selenium binds with heavy metals, including silver. As the body eliminates 
these metals, it eliminates selenium along with them. It's logical to assume 
that anyone who is ingesting colloidal silver or silver chloride on an ongoing 
basis is slowly but surely eliminating selenium. While many believe it is 
impossible to contract argyria by ingesting colloidal silver, the facts 
indicate this may not be an absolute truth. Imagine that a man drinks one 
gallon of 10 ppm colloidal silver every day for a year. Some of that silver 
will bind with selenium. At first, it may appear that everything is going fine, 
but once selenium levels have dropped low enough, perhaps in three or four 
months, a small percentage of silver will be sent to the face for storage. As 
mo re selenium is depleted, a larger percentage of silver will be routed to the 
face. (In the most extreme case noted in one EPA study, eighteen percent of all 
silver ingested by an argyric individual was routed to the face.) The end 
result is that within a year the condition of argyria could be quite pronounced 
as a result of ingesting large amounts of colloidal silver. 
Argyria is normally a gradually incurred condition. It might appear to have a 
sudden onset if circumstances are just right. For example, an individual stays 
indoors for a month or two while ingesting large amounts of silver, some of 
which is deposited in the face. It might not be particularly noticeable until 
the silver becomes darker as a result of being oxidized by strong sunlight. The 
unsuspecting person goes to the beach one sunny afternoon and within a matter 
of hours develops a case of instant ar gyria. The oxidation of silver in the 
epidermal layers of the skin is part of the argyric process. It may be that 
argyria is normally associated with the face for the simple reason that the 
face receives more exposure to sunlight than any other part of th e body.

Ask a Good Question 
In any field of endeavor, it's important to ask the right questions. Sometimes 
good questions produce even better answers. I once asked myself this question: 
What is the one thing that could happen regarding colloidal silver that would 
change everything if it happened? 
While I think it is critical that all people learn how to make silver colloids, 
I still worry about the remote possibility of negative experiences. For 
example; when silver medicines were commonly used, the occurrence of argyria 
was also more common. If the general public of today begins making unlimited 
amounts of colloidal silver, there may be some people who get themselves into 
trouble, either by ingesting fantastic amounts, or simply by being deficient in 
selenium and vitamin E. Argyria is permanent and irreversible. That's what all 
the medical books say. At the moment, argyria is still a rare and archaic 
condition. So, when was the last time any doctor took a serious look at curing 
argyria? Sixty years, seventy years or more? 
In looking over EPA data on argyria, I began to think about the powerful 
properties of vitamin E relative to the human face. Vitamin E removes 
lipofuscin deposits, commonly known as liver spots. I learned

Re: CS>Argyria Antidote ???

2004-03-01 Thread Charles Sutton
I copied these some time ago. wish I had kept the links also..

Hiya Ken: 
You said: 
..and extremely high doses and prolonged use of silver chloride 'could' result 
in a case of agryria. [Not likely but possible]

I'm almost willing to believe at this point that high doses and prolonged use 
of silver chloride actually IS likely to cause Argyria, based on the last two 
cases I've reviewed! 
However, argyria is now reverseable: 
The formula used to reverse argyria, as referenced in the above link: 
3 Vitamin E 1000 mg 100% Natural d-alpha Tocopheryl 
1 Selenium 100mcg yeast free 
2 vegetarian Vitamin C 1000 mg 
1 teaspoon MSM organic 
1 super potency Vitamin B 100, 
1 teaspoon of Kelp powder:

Taken every morning with 2 16oz glasses of water, with close to 3/4 of a gallon 
drinking water a day. 
Reversal Time: 6 months 
Best Regards, 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Matthew McCann PE 
  Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 7:59 PM
  Subject: CS>Argyria Antidote ???

  Hi, Members of the List!

  A search of the archives revealed that NAC,
  N-Acetylcysteine, an antioxidant and a variant of
  the amino acid L-Cysteine, has been mentioned
  on occasion in the context of alleviating the side-effects
  of chemotherapy, the toxic effects of overdoses of
  APAP (N-Acetyl-p-Aminophenol) and perhaps some
  other conditions.

  In the Journal of Clinical Pharmocology, 13, 332-336,
  "Clinical Application For Heavy-Metal Complexing Potential
  Of N-Acetyl Cysteine," the author Lorber et al reported
  that their in-vitro studies demonstrated that NAC 
  effectively complexes gold, silver and mercury.

  Does anybody know whether in-vivo studies exist that
  indicate whether or not NAC might possibly arrest
  argyria ???

  Thanks in advance for your comments.


Re: CS>Help for broken wrist

2004-03-01 Thread Brickeyk

As I peck left handed at my computer due to a broken wrist I seem to recall
someone has posted about supplements to help with this type of
healing.  Any suggestions?

See for a PEMF pulsed magnet for about $200.  In Europe they 
are called bone stimulators and work great to heal faster fractures.  They 
also work for horses and dogs, the day I picked my probe up DR Gordon sold 500 
units to a veterinarian.  My unit even says for your pet on it.  I have a cold 
medical laser which I have used on myself, cats etc. since the early 80's.  
Still works but it is not portable like the EM- Probe and I leave the probe on 
24/7.  Vets. also used the cold medical laser.
My asthma and sinus infection seems to be improving using the Wallgrens 
ultrasonic vaporizer with CS,DMSO and MSM 5 minutes four times per day.  Also I 
left Yuma and moved closer to the ocean.  Cholesterol dropped from 267 to 200 
with 11 Chelations and back to 3 tablespoons of flax seeds per day.  I was only 
using 1 tablespoon flax  per day. I also stopped the Atkins diet and most of my 
lost weight returned.

Re: CS>teeth-need help-cs

2004-03-01 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 2/29/04 11:57:00 PM EST, writes:

<< I have acrylic fillings and 
 know that silver can turn plastic gray...has anyone used cs and had a 
 reaction to it filling wise? >>

I have an acrylic filling in one of my front teeth.  I use CS on a daily 
basis as a mouthwash, and also take it orally for colds, flu, etc. -- and hold 
CS in my mouth for a bit before swallowing.  My acrylic filling is still the 
same lovely shade of white that it was when it was put in.  Also, I was 
supposedly a candidate for *root planing* sometime back because I had gum 
A little more attention to flossing and using CS as a mouthwash has reversed 
all of that.  My dentist tells me (a little nervously, I might add) -- "boy, 
you sure turned THAT situation around!!   :-)MA

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>teeth-need help-cs

2004-03-01 Thread a rose...
Thanks for your first hand experience.  I doubt I could go back the the 
dentist that did the original work as he screwed up so many things it has 
been a task to right what was wronged.  I know that the warning I got with 
silver and plastic was with the oz rep, and at that time oz silver was 150 I know not to use oz silver...although it does work...preferring 
my own homemade brew.  I have mild gum receding which comes with age and 
health related issues...and have wanted to hold the silver in my mouth for 
several minutes a couple of times a collecting hands on 
experience.  I don't expect anyone to be able to give me a definitive, just 
poking around.  Of course, what good would my teeth be gray or not if they 
came out lol...and you give me confidence to try.  I have used oregano oil 
and find it very effective for bacterial maintenance, but the healing 
properties of silver, ie using on burn areas to speed healing, not to 
mention can speed bone mending...well, the prospects are far reaching for 
speeding healing.

Thanks for replying

a rose...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Argyria Antidote ???

2004-03-01 Thread Matthew McCann PE
Hi, Charles, and Jason!

Thank you very much for your excellent, thoughtful
and thought-provoking remarks. It is a great service
to everyone.


CS>Re: Europe Getting Closer to Severe Supplement Restrictions

2004-03-01 Thread sandee George
Excuse  me who says so ?Have you not seen the
new proposed need for prescriptions for natural
alternative products - so we had all better keep
our ears, noses etc., to the ground and stop what
may be coming down the pike !!!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Europe Getting Closer to Severe Supplement Restrictions

2004-03-01 Thread l
Check out the original text ;

Re: CS>Europe Getting Closer to Severe Supplement Restrictions

2004-03-01 Thread l
Opinion On Toxicological Data on Colouring Agents for Medicinal Products: E 174 
Silver ;

RE: CS>Chelation Therapy

2004-03-01 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Julius,

There is an M.D. in Ovieda, FL by the name of Dr. Roy Kupsinel, who I'll bet
would order a Rx for your injectable solutions if explained to him. He is
quite into Alternative medicines and a really nice Dr.

Richard harris, 56 yr Fl Pharmacist

-Original Message-
From: Julius Kabrun []
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 8:24 AM
Cc:; Shirley Cirlin
Subject: CS>Chelation Therapy

Hi llmor,

This therapy has interested me for 5years & I have had 28 treatments over
time.   I tried to get a firm to make me pyrogen free CaNa2EDTA/ EDTA IV
solutions but they would not do it without a doctor's prescription & the
nurse would not inject it without written permission so though I have both
EDTA's I am unable to get these things done because most conventional
allopathic doctors don't believe the therapy works for anything except heavy
metal poisoning,  which I have , & the others want to charge you high fees
to do the therapy so they don't give you a prescription either.

Presently I go to a doctor who has invented a solution that induces the body
to grow new blood vessels around any area that has strongly diminished or no
circulation.At last count he has saved 440 patients with gangrene from
losing legs.   I didn't wait till I got gangrene but when the Diabetic Foot
Clinic (now closed) told of that danger because of the lack of circulation
below the  ankle I started out  trying to do chelation therapy , ran into
problems, & had to go to doctors for therapy which cost the arm & a leg I
was trying to save.   Eventually I decided to buy my own equipment to filter
for pyrogen-free sterile  solutions  & thus was led by the Master of the
World to the right doctor who has induced new blood vessels.I was grey
,pasty faced & looked as bad as I felt;  now I belie the way I feel.   I
look pink cheeked & I am a bit more energetic-  but I look well!   This
therapy is not registered yet & may never be because among other things he
has no scientific proof of how & why it works.  It is not enough that no
diabetic, gangrene-ridden & in fear of losing his limbs within hours has
ever lost a limb- you can't explain so you can't treat .

Sorry to be so verbose but I see that you in the States are also in danger
of losing certain rights to the pharmaceutical companies.   They want us
paying until we run out of money then treatment stops , a treatment that
attacks symptoms not causes.   Here we had a group called Pharmapact
fighting to preserve natural / complementary healing  but we got nowhere
fighting the billions that these people can deploy.

Thank you for your interest.
Best Regards,
Julius Kabrun

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2004-03-01 Thread Jan Stoeten
Hi everyone,

I've created a zipped Word document of Le Magazine's most recent web document, 
Death by Medicine. If you would like it emailed, let me know. I will be placing 
it on my future website in full. 

All the best,
Jan Stoeten, the Netherlands


2004-03-01 Thread Nancy Venzon
Yes, Jan please share the document, thanks, Nancy

Jan Stoeten  wrote:Hi everyone,
I've created a zipped Word document of Le Magazine's most recent web document, 
Death by Medicine. If you would like it emailed, let me know. I will be placing 
it on my future website in full. 
All the best,
Jan Stoeten, the Netherlands


2004-03-01 Thread tornado

Hi Jan,

Kun je mij dit rapport doormailen en je website.



At 23:23 01-03-2004 +0100, you wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've created a zipped Word document of Le Magazine's most recent web 
document, Death by Medicine. If you would like it emailed, let me know. I 
will be placing it on my future website in full.

All the best,
Jan Stoeten, the Netherlands

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2004-03-01 Thread Jan Stoeten
I would like to append the following offer by requesting all of you to include 
your private email address. Otherwise everything will end up on the eskimo 
list. Thanks.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jan Stoeten 
  To: Silver List 
  Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 11:23 PM

  Hi everyone,

  I've created a zipped Word document of Le Magazine's most recent web 
document, Death by Medicine. If you would like it emailed, let me know. I will 
be placing it on my future website in full. 

  All the best,
  Jan Stoeten, the Netherlands

CS>Re: silver-digest Now QUESTION?

2004-03-01 Thread Marian & Hounds
Since 'Wells' have been mentioned, it made me think of a question I'd 
been meaning to ask.   A friend bought a place with a well and she says 
they can't drink it, as it has Giardia in it.They found that out 
after the entire family got very sick, and it was recommended by their 
doctor to check their well water.

Anyone know if C/S has been used by someone for this purpose and if it 
worked.She's been told to use chlorine in the water, but
even that takes so darned long to take out of the water and I don't 
know how long it actually stays in the well.   They tried that a long

time ago, but the Giardia just came back.

Any tips, hints, etc.I don't mind her coming over and filling jugs 
w/well water from here, but what a pain in the XXX for her to do on a 
daily basis.   There has to be a better way.


On Feb 29, 2004, at 6:19 PM, wrote:

Hi Ken;  we had this problem with the iron bacteria where I used to 
live.  Since it was necessary to pump the water 280 feet plus vertical 
to the storage tank for the uphill people on the spring, I rigged a 
spray (smashed 1/4" copper tube end, creative vise-gripping) from the 
output side back into the spring.  This broke up the colonies, stirred 
and aereated the spring water, and worked pretty well as long as the 
copper tube end was reworked every coupla weeks; it tended to plug up 
otherwise.  Previous water-lackey had used bleach once a week, which 
would turn Kool-aid absolutely clear in about 5 minutes for the next 
day.  I think your air injection would work very well.

Take care,  Malcolm

At 08:17 AM 2/17/04 -0500, you wrote:

  Not quite as mixed up as somewhat ignorant.
 I have only observations to go by as any info I've found on the 

starts  at chlorine injection and ends with 'Pay me for chemicals and
equipment while you deal with chemicals in your water that are worse 

the bacteria'
 Thanks Dude!

 The majority of minerals in this area are red clay [iron], quartz and
chist [sedimentary]
 BTW, since dumping a gallon of CS into the well, the majority oof 

left over from boiling have changed from red to mostly white [calcium
probably] as it was before the rock quarry [granite] re-opened.
 I'm a little concerned about what's going on in the septic tank with 

that CS in the water.
 The change may have something to do with how cold it is lately too.

 Do you think that bubbling air through the water while it's in the 
will take the bacterium out of the cycle?  129 PSI is fairly easily 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2004-03-01 Thread David S Osborne
..or, one could go here and get it:

On Tue, 2 Mar 2004 00:06:43 +0100 "Jan Stoeten" 
I would like to append the following offer by requesting all of you to
include your private email address. Otherwise everything will end up on
the eskimo list. Thanks.
- Original Message - 
From: Jan Stoeten 
To: Silver List 
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 11:23 PM

Hi everyone,

I've created a zipped Word document of Le Magazine's most recent web
document, Death by Medicine. If you would like it emailed, let me know. I
will be placing it on my future website in full. 

All the best,
Jan Stoeten, the Netherlands

Re: CS>teeth-need help-cs

2004-03-01 Thread sandee George
May I beg your pardon the Oz Colloidal Silver is
mostly 15 ppm !!!

The best thing to hit the Internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Now QUESTION?

2004-03-01 Thread Stuff
A close friend said it took 3 weeks of 10 ppm to knock 'em out of his 
system. Don't know how many times

a day he took it and what quantities.

Just keep at it.


At 04:04 PM 3/1/2004 -0800, you wrote:
Since 'Wells' have been mentioned, it made me think of a question I'd been 
meaning to ask.   A friend bought a place with a well and she says they 
can't drink it, as it has Giardia in it.They found that out after the 
entire family got very sick, and it was recommended by their doctor to 
check their well water.

Anyone know if C/S has been used by someone for this purpose and if it 
worked.She's been told to use chlorine in the water, but
even that takes so darned long to take out of the water and I don't know 
how long it actually stays in the well.   They tried that a long

time ago, but the Giardia just came back.

Any tips, hints, etc.I don't mind her coming over and filling jugs 
w/well water from here, but what a pain in the XXX for her to do on a 
daily basis.   There has to be a better way.


On Feb 29, 2004, at 6:19 PM, wrote:

Hi Ken;  we had this problem with the iron bacteria where I used to 
live.  Since it was necessary to pump the water 280 feet plus vertical to 
the storage tank for the uphill people on the spring, I rigged a spray 
(smashed 1/4" copper tube end, creative vise-gripping) from the output 
side back into the spring.  This broke up the colonies, stirred and 
aereated the spring water, and worked pretty well as long as the copper 
tube end was reworked every coupla weeks; it tended to plug up 
otherwise.  Previous water-lackey had used bleach once a week, which 
would turn Kool-aid absolutely clear in about 5 minutes for the next 
day.  I think your air injection would work very well.

Take care,  Malcolm

At 08:17 AM 2/17/04 -0500, you wrote:

  Not quite as mixed up as somewhat ignorant.
 I have only observations to go by as any info I've found on the subject
starts  at chlorine injection and ends with 'Pay me for chemicals and
equipment while you deal with chemicals in your water that are worse than
the bacteria'
 Thanks Dude!

 The majority of minerals in this area are red clay [iron], quartz and
chist [sedimentary]
 BTW, since dumping a gallon of CS into the well, the majority oof deposits
left over from boiling have changed from red to mostly white [calcium
probably] as it was before the rock quarry [granite] re-opened.
 I'm a little concerned about what's going on in the septic tank with all
that CS in the water.
 The change may have something to do with how cold it is lately too.

 Do you think that bubbling air through the water while it's in the well
will take the bacterium out of the cycle?  129 PSI is fairly easily do-able.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
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Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2004-03-01 Thread Jan Stoeten
There is a big difference: the document you mention is stretched out over 6 
consecutive web pages. The document I refer to is single page view and rather 
neatly put together. That is of course not an attempt to diminish the quality 
of the web document. On the contrary, their site is neatly structured and very 
well designed. The only thing is, if you want to save the web document, you 
have to save 6 seperate webpages. If you want to forward the web document, you 
have to include 6 different files. Just right for people who have nothing to do!

All the best,
Jan Stoeten, the Netherlands
  - Original Message - 
  From: David S Osborne 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 2:08 AM

  ..or, one could go here and get it:

  On Tue, 2 Mar 2004 00:06:43 +0100 "Jan Stoeten"  writes:
I would like to append the following offer by requesting all of you to 
include your private email address. Otherwise everything will end up on the 
eskimo list. Thanks.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jan Stoeten 
  To: Silver List 
  Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 11:23 PM

  Hi everyone,

  I've created a zipped Word document of Le Magazine's most recent web 
document, Death by Medicine. If you would like it emailed, let me know. I will 
be placing it on my future website in full. 

  All the best,
  Jan Stoeten, the Netherlands

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Now QUESTION?

2004-03-01 Thread Garnet
Not sure of using CS, but I do know you can put concentrated H2O2 in an
injector made for chlorine. I have one on my well and looked into using
35% H2O2 instead. Hot Tubs use it as a substitute for Chlorine or


On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 18:04, Marian & Hounds wrote:
> Since 'Wells' have been mentioned, it made me think of a question I'd 
> been meaning to ask.   A friend bought a place with a well and she says 
> they can't drink it, as it has Giardia in it.They found that out 
> after the entire family got very sick, and it was recommended by their 
> doctor to check their well water.
> Anyone know if C/S has been used by someone for this purpose and if it 
> worked.She's been told to use chlorine in the water, but
> even that takes so darned long to take out of the water and I don't 
> know how long it actually stays in the well.   They tried that a long
> time ago, but the Giardia just came back.
> Any tips, hints, etc.I don't mind her coming over and filling jugs 
> w/well water from here, but what a pain in the XXX for her to do on a 
> daily basis.   There has to be a better way.
> marian
> On Feb 29, 2004, at 6:19 PM, wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi Ken;  we had this problem with the iron bacteria where I used to 
> > live.  Since it was necessary to pump the water 280 feet plus vertical 
> > to the storage tank for the uphill people on the spring, I rigged a 
> > spray (smashed 1/4" copper tube end, creative vise-gripping) from the 
> > output side back into the spring.  This broke up the colonies, stirred 
> > and aereated the spring water, and worked pretty well as long as the 
> > copper tube end was reworked every coupla weeks; it tended to plug up 
> > otherwise.  Previous water-lackey had used bleach once a week, which 
> > would turn Kool-aid absolutely clear in about 5 minutes for the next 
> > day.  I think your air injection would work very well.
> > Take care,  Malcolm
> >
> > At 08:17 AM 2/17/04 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >>   Not quite as mixed up as somewhat ignorant.
> >>  I have only observations to go by as any info I've found on the 
> >> subject
> >> starts  at chlorine injection and ends with 'Pay me for chemicals and
> >> equipment while you deal with chemicals in your water that are worse 
> >> than
> >> the bacteria'
> >>  Thanks Dude!
> >>
> >>  The majority of minerals in this area are red clay [iron], quartz and
> >> chist [sedimentary]
> >>  BTW, since dumping a gallon of CS into the well, the majority oof 
> >> deposits
> >> left over from boiling have changed from red to mostly white [calcium
> >> probably] as it was before the rock quarry [granite] re-opened.
> >>  I'm a little concerned about what's going on in the septic tank with 
> >> all
> >> that CS in the water.
> >>  The change may have something to do with how cold it is lately too.
> >>
> >>  Do you think that bubbling air through the water while it's in the 
> >> well
> >> will take the bacterium out of the cycle?  129 PSI is fairly easily 
> >> do-able.
> >>
> --
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Re: CS>teeth-need help-cs

2004-03-01 Thread a rose...

Hi Sandee...

Begging  yours...or did you mean because it is silver citrate?

tested by Frank Key...results, silver citrate...

a rose...

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CS>Re: Colloidal Silver ppm reading in Oz

2004-03-01 Thread sandee George
I was answering the person who said that the
C.S. in Oz read at 150 ppm I think - have just been
looking for the e-mail and cannot find it, must have deleted it after I
clicked reply, so I do not remember who wrote it, but it was to do with
the topic of - 
argyria caused by over dozing on C.S. or for those
with selenium and Vit E deficiencies.   My other
question is how many glasses of water were/was
the person in question drinking if they were drinking
less than 8 - 8 oz glasses per day then anything is
possible because healthy elimination cannot take
place !!!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Colloidal Silver ppm reading in Oz

2004-03-01 Thread a rose...
Well, probably several post then from various sources, as I posted recently 
about cs and acrylic fillings...having been warned that silver turns 
plastic gray, then said it was at the time I was buying oz silver, at 150 
ppm.  I remember the woman who wrote to the list about her argyria, had a 
few pms with her.  Since she felt she got nowhere with oz, I called the rep 
I always dealt with and sent her copies of the information.  Shortly after 
that the ppm was reduced to 100 ppm...when I inquired as to why got a big 
"dunno" and the label was changed to take only for limited time, instead of 
take every day and this will never hurt you sort of thing.  That was the 
beginning of my disillusionment with oz...they originally told me I could 
take tons of silver with no ill effects, just to be aware that it turns 
plastic, formica etc, gray.  So naturally  I never used it as a hold in 
your mouth wash.  After lots of research, and discussion on the list, and 
Frank's test results, came to the understanding the silver I make is the 
best for me.  That is why I now want to try it for a mouth wash...but had 
still wondered if anyone got gray teeth...
According to the oz site I checked tonight it is still being sold at 100 
ppm.  They also sell a concentrate (one quart = a gallon) that is 400 ppm. 
Curious as to where you got the 15 ppm?

a rose...

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CS>double post

2004-03-01 Thread a rose...

sorry everyone, don't know why my post are doubling...first the silver 
robot tells me I am not subscribed, then it double sends my messages...

will check with mike...

a rose...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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CS>Economical Survival Foodstuff

2004-03-01 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Thanks Brooks and David,

At 09:55 AM 2/29/04, you wrote:

Their homepage is

  Here is another article with a few growing facts such as seeding rates 
and yields per acre.

The protein content ranges from 20 to 23 percent.

I would like to see an amino acid profile on this food.

USDA did not reply to "paul oats", so I simply looked at regular oats 
for a review of amino acids.

The amino acid looks better than I expected.

Would anyone suggest that this food will be metabolized as a "complete 

Not sure this link will 

One may have to do the search to see the report I got at the above link.


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Re: CS>Re: Colloidal Silver ppm reading in Oz

2004-03-01 Thread Lynda Khula
just to put my two cents in here, my daughter just moved into a new house
and I spilled some cs water on her new sink in her bathroom and it turned a
dark grey and I put straight clorox on it several times before it went away
not sure what the sink was made of
I came home and dropped it on my sink and left it there all day and nothing

- Original Message -
From: "a rose..." 
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Colloidal Silver ppm reading in Oz

> Well, probably several post then from various sources, as I posted
> about cs and acrylic fillings...having been warned that silver turns
> plastic gray, then said it was at the time I was buying oz silver, at 150
> ppm.  I remember the woman who wrote to the list about her argyria, had a
> few pms with her.  Since she felt she got nowhere with oz, I called the
> I always dealt with and sent her copies of the information.  Shortly after
> that the ppm was reduced to 100 ppm...when I inquired as to why got a big
> "dunno" and the label was changed to take only for limited time, instead
> take every day and this will never hurt you sort of thing.  That was the
> beginning of my disillusionment with oz...they originally told me I could
> take tons of silver with no ill effects, just to be aware that it turns
> plastic, formica etc, gray.  So naturally  I never used it as a hold in
> your mouth wash.  After lots of research, and discussion on the list, and
> Frank's test results, came to the understanding the silver I make is the
> best for me.  That is why I now want to try it for a mouth wash...but had
> still wondered if anyone got gray teeth...
> According to the oz site I checked tonight it is still being sold at 100
> ppm.  They also sell a concentrate (one quart = a gallon) that is 400 ppm.
> Curious as to where you got the 15 ppm?
> a rose...
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: silver-digest Teeth-Need Help- C/S

2004-03-01 Thread Marian & Hounds

Geepers Rose,

I just realized that the stirrer in my Generator is already grey where  
it goes into the water while the CS is brewing.   Now *I* also need to  
know about this.   And if it does change color, how can you change it  
back?(so many smart folks here, I expect to get answers to both  


On Mar 1, 2004, at 9:04 AM, wrote:

My question, long standing, but never ask is, I have acrylic fillings  
and know that silver can turn plastic gray...has anyone used cs and  
had a reaction to it filling wise?  This warning came to me when I was  
buying oz silver, so this may be a mute question with homemade.  I  
have just been leery to hold silver in my mouth and one day notice I  
have lovely gray teeth.

thanks in advance,

a rose...

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