Re: CS>The origin of back pain

2005-01-05 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Luckily I have no back problems,  but I recently purchased from Costco 
their own brand of urethane mattress overlay.   It was about 1/5 the 
price of the famous brand,  and seems of similar quality.   (The dollar 
price is about $90 I think.)

The first day after using it,  I woke up and it seemed that every 
vertebrate in my back pleasingly cracked when I stood up.

Surprised?   Yes.I felt very good.   My spine is definitely more 
flexible.I sleep better and my posture is improved.   It is worth a 
try for those who have back problems.

On Tuesday, Jan 4, 2005, at 22:48 Asia/Tokyo, Lagoon wrote:

my sitting and standing posture is now much enhanced and all back 
pains are


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Re: CS>The origin of back pain

2005-01-05 Thread himagain

At 10:52 PM 04/01/05, you wrote:
My observations and ideas may be wrong.  If anyone has a better 
explanation, please tell us about it.

We could say,  "The mainstream LIES causes back pain".

Hello Wayne!  Wondered about you lately!

Here are a couple of "food4thoughts":
1.  Not only did a little exercise never kill anybody - too little exercise 
*does* kill everybody!
2.  *Most* back pain is related to toxicity.  Simple "yellow system" 
reaction ( liver, kidneys, gallbladder etc due to diet AND without work)
3.  Most back pain is exacerbated by simple fear - or "stress" as it is 
called these days.
4. Never met a serious Cancer sufferer that didn't have chronic feet/back 
pain. (Including me, then)
5.  Concrete and tar is a foot killer. We were never meant to walk on 
utterly flat ground.  VERY IMPORTANT FACT.
6.  Never meant to wear rigid shoes. In fact, we were never meant to wear 
7.  How do we get talked out of being like kids on a beach? Or in a 
park?  Enjoying working the body and feeling alive?



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CS & Milk Tests

2005-01-05 Thread himagain

Hi there folks,

The Site about Microsilver  - despite its rotten design and presentation 
and rip-off pricing, - actually frightened me when I first went there and 
read it.
The key point being the difference between in vitro and in vivo,  (or in 
the lab Petrie dish and the body) WAS very convincing!
Luckily, I was able to rush back here and get a different view - and 
especially Marshall following up on my own unsophisticated  Milk Test.

Then another colleague reminded me that the "base samples" need to be as 
matched as possible and asked were my samples A1 or A2 or maybe mixed?

So, here is an update about  the cows themselves:
The Company that started the "A1 vs A2"   controversy.
An interesting dual-side article
The biotech company called in to do the fiddling for the USA market.

There has been a severe shortage of  raw milk here over Xmas - so what we 
got we drank! I will re-run my experiments in the new year, but 
essentially, they were in vitro. They will be again.

There is no question that adding my homebrew  had a very measurable effect.
( Mine is made with  Fine Silver Maple Leaf Coins in 2 litre lots using 
a 6v DC for 9 hours with a fishtank bubbler stirrer and vacuum distilled H20)
(At 9 hours there is a dark grey/black film on the diode coin which is 50% 
Tindall is very fine but distinct and nothing large floats around or 
I have no idea what I'm making really but am about to restudy the whole 
thing and create a simple English Guide for the non-technophiles.
But not being real smart myself, I tend to look to practical science - 
experimental results.
These I have been getting and not on a placebo effect - but perhaps on 
. a metaphysical plane??

 Anyone else interested in doing simple tests?

Marshalls Early Test results:

Here are the results thus far, times are length of time to clabbering,
longer is better:

1. Plain milk - 42 hours
2. EIS added - 51 hours
3. EIS with a pinch of salt added - 42 hours
4. Ionic silver added - 60 hours
5. colloidal silver added - not yet clabbered but stated 24 hours later
6. EIS + H2O2 added - same as 5

Now, the last two were started 24 hours later to allow the EIS with salt
added to settle out in the fridge. Not all had settled, so #5 was
additionally filtered with filter paper.

#6 was done at the same time as #5 although using EIS because I did not
think of doing that earlier. They are both about 38 hours into the
experiment right now.

Now, the results I got are at the least stunning! I am planning on
repeating as soon as I can, and I hope someone else will repeat it as
well.  I cannot figure out the results at all!  It appears that the
colloidal part of the EIS not only does nothing at all, but actually
retards the ionic portion from working! On top of that it seems that
adding a pinch of salt makes the EIS no different than plain milk with
nothing added!  Keep in mind that the ionic #4 was about 50% as strong
as the ionic portion of the EIS as determinated with adding salt to it
and the titrating the original EIS to get the same milkyness at the
original EIS, yet was more effective than the original EIS.

This raises several questions.  First, if adding NaCl to form silver
chloride makes the EIS ineffective, then how the heck does EIS work for
both stomach ulcers, food poisoning, and anything else internal.
Unfortunately I have no answer for that one, I need to do some more
testing.  My guess is that with something in the stomach, other things
happen, maybe the silver reacts with the bacteria, or proteins before or
instead of it forming silver chloride.  As far a when it gets in the
blood, the best guess at this time is that it becomes fulminating silver
when it reaches the blood, then becomes pairs of silver particles when
it reacts with glucose in the blood.  This can be tested for as well.

But these results are so far out of line with what I would expect, I
want to rerun the tests, and hopefully have someone else run them as
well to verify.  Maybe some of the glasses were contaminated with
bacteria that the others were not, so some got a head start.  When I
rerun the test I plan on letting the milk sit out for 12 hours before
dividing, and using alcohol to disinfect each of the glasses to minize
initial conditions affecting the results.  Also the first 3 glasses are
slightly larger diameter than the last 3, so they would have had more
air exposure. Although I did put paper towels over all the glasses to
keep out dust, maybe the additional oxygen from increased surface area
allowed the bacteria to replicate faster.  That is one more reason to do
it all again.

So keep in mind this is preliminary, until we confirm it with additional
experiments don't take it as gospel.  It is entirely possible I screwed
up somehow.




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2005-01-05 Thread Hanneke
Only recently I got around to reading a book ( Word 6 document) by Thomas  
Griner, called 'What's really wrong with you'.

Below an excerpt:



What's Really Wrong With You?


If you suffer from back pain, asthma, chronic fatigue, or any other common 
illness, you are undoubtedly aware of your symptoms. But do you know what 
really causes them?


In the first three chapters of this book, you will learn that the culprit in 
back pain, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome and many other common conditions is 
muscle spasm. If you find this difficult to believe, Chapter 1 may change your 
mind. It presents case histories of patients with varying conditions, some 
considered untreatable, whom I have successfully healed.


In Chapter 2, I examine contemporary beliefs about exercise and health which 
are misleading or untrue. Aerobics and bodybuilding, for instance, are 
celebrated as keys to health and beauty. Yet, in reality, they are major 
contributors to muscle spasm and the many illnesses that result from it.


Chapter 3 provides a detailed explanation of the physiology of muscle spasm. It 
outlines how spasm develops and discusses its impact on the body.




A Breakthrough Treatment That Really Works


This book is going to ask a lot of you. First, you're going to have to let go 
of many beliefs about the body, about fitness, and even about the relationship 
of mind and body, that may be integral parts of your view of life. Once we've 
stripped away this foundation of misconceptions, you're going to have to delve 
into some fairly detailed anatomy and physiology. So before we embark on such a 
demanding journey together, I want to demonstrate why the information in this 
book is vital to you.


What I do is based on well-established scientific fact. There is nothing 
mysterious or mystical about it. There is nothing that must be taken on faith. 
I don't work with esoteric channels or auras or energies. 

For those suffering from back pain, or if you just interested in learning more 
about his approach,  please send an email to  with in the 
subject line Book Griner. 


Hanneke ~ Australia

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Re: CS>The origin of back pain

2005-01-05 Thread Ode Coyote
  A friend of mine had chronic back pain and eventually had to get a couple
of discs fused. He'd be fine, then bend over to pick something up and
collapse on the ground and be bed ridden and on pain pills for a week.
 He went with me one year to plant trees, basically carrying a 30 pound
back pack for 5 miles a day, swinging an adze like tool and bending over up
to 4,000 times a day 6 1/2 days a week.
 He had no back problems then or for almost a year afterwards. Being a disc
jockey, sitting around, was hell on his back.
Myself, it took over 10 years for my back to show any signs of debilitation
after no longer planting trees.
 I did continue to do construction work and cut/split wood by hand though.
 Now, no longer framing and hauling lumber, I have to do bending spine
twisting exercises every day in order to be able to stand at the lathe and
turn out parts for more than an hour or two at a time.
 One day recently I discovered that I had knee pain when climbing ladders.
My knees had never hurt before!  
 Doing 20 deep knee bends twice a day cured that. It took a week of trying
before I could do one.

 Good muscles will do a lot to compensate for bad bones.


At 06:43 AM 1/4/2005 -5, you wrote:
>> I'm wondering if anyone knows a good, effective way to get to the root
>> of back pain. I am constantly straining my aching back, and am wondering
>> if there's a reason why some people have a tendency for it while others
>> do not.
>> And for that there a good cure?
>> ~Nathan
>Excellent questions, Nathan.
>One way I reduced my back problems was to use a chiropractor. I'll 
>leave it to you to research how to find a good one. I was lucky enough 
>to have decent luck with the first guy I went to.
>I hobbled into their office barely able to stand up, with my back 
>locked and causing a lot of pain.
>After some testing and a round of x-rays he gave me an adjustment. I 
>walked out of there a little bit sore from the unaccustomed 
>manipulation of my neck and spine, but standing straight, able to move 
>freely, and without the debilitating pain I'd suffered for days.
>I had regular visits for 2 or 3 years and had few if any problems.
>Later, I learned from reading on the web that diligent use of 
>stretching and twisting exercises can, if done properly, yield most or 
>all the benefits of the chiropractic adjustments.
>I have since managed to avoid serious back problems with irregular 
>though frequent short sessions of exercises to twist and stretch my 
>spine. I could be more diligent, but have gotten by without 
>chiropractic for the last several years. 
>If cost is an issue, investigate this option. If not, chiro is likely a 
>bit more comprehensive.
>Hope that helps.
>Mike D.
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>[Speaking only for myself...   ]
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>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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Re: CS>The origin of back pain

2005-01-05 Thread Nathan Filyk
I think I may stay in Vietnam and try the traditional medicine they have here. 
Rumor has it they are better in curing chronic disease than China or Korea. I 
lived in Korea for a year and my health condition worsened. But I have heard of 
people with arthritis and chronic back pain cured by the Vietnamese hospitals 

Christine Carleton  wrote:
Judy and Nathan,

My experience:  L4&5 out 5/8", continuous central nerve pain 
damage which looked like could not stand still, sit still, or rest.
Calcification and osteoporosis throughout lower spine.   Also a broken
clavicle from the assault (Jan 31.2001) that healed in standard time,
but exasperated the situation for 3 months.  Previous bulging C2-3-4
which surgeon said surgery within the week - I didn't listen to him.
Could not walk more than a block. Weight bearing - credit card and key
were heavy to carry.  'Miserable' --- too generous a word.  After 1 yr. 3
months, my other body systems were exhausted too.  Doc said it was 
too much weight - I said 'Explain why until the minute of the assault, 
my back had never hurt, at any time, for any reason?'  He said the injury 
was permanent and I was poor a surgical risk.  Chiro said she had seen 
one person recover partially in all her years with similar challenge.
Physio made it worse.  Not the same as yours but similar.

Fast forward Jan 4, 2005.  Range of motion in stride has gone from 12
inches to 3 feet.  Forward bend - can touch floor - with palms flat.
Pain level .5/10 only when I overdo it, otherwise miniscule pain .01 or
.02/10 - probably because I look inside at a cellular level and watch
it continue to heal.  Weight bearing - can lift 2 cube moving boxes.
Twisting - good by some measures - cannot do a decent yoga twist yet.
Overall twist - excellent by dr. standards and age, but then how many
can do a decent twist that have not had a back injury - few, very few!  
Walking about 1 mile every other day at a faster than average speed.

What did I do?   Sessions with a talented BodyTalk practitioner. Now I'm
one.  Had my abdominal breathing restarted - it had been frozen off 40 
yrs before with paralytic polio.  Breathing improved circulation. In 6 mo. 
I certified in the BT process and pain level was about 30% (Sept 2002).

What do I know?  It took connections to the organs, endocrine, body
parts including the brain, meridians, Vivaxis, Wei Qi, circulation,
central nervous system, energies (including thought forms from others),
Chinese five elements, clocks, family genetics, etc.  Also restarted
deep sleep.  A bit too much to explain here.

Water is very important, however if the cells are not hydrating, it's
all but useless.  So tweaking the hydration be it in specific organs,
endocrine, whatever is critical.  And a bit of sea salt daily on the
tongue.  A lot of my systems were beyond functioning appropriately 
with water, and had to be addressed.

THE BODY KNOWS HOW TO HEAL.  Are you prepared to do the work?  
Go natural. The key is to LISTEN TO IT --- in the sequence it wants the
healing done, not what your mind/ego/ or person in power (dr. etc.)
tells you to do. Listen within or contact someone who knows how to 
deal with these issues.  I used no meds.  At a molecular level the body's
DNA spins clockwise, phamaseuticals spin counter clockwise. In my
experience they add undue stress.  I avoided even baby aspirin.

Repeating strains, accidents, patterns?  From what I've seen, it's in
the mind too.  Pain is about consciousness.  We are multi-dimensional
beings with emotional grids, mental grids, and spiritual grids that are
impacted or carry distorted information.  These need to be addressed
also.  Einstein said there is no time or distance.  BodyTalk can be
done one to one, or via distance.  It's effective.  If you want to know
more, contact me.

Warmly with eHugs,


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk? Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association (under construction, up by mid Jan)

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CS>The origin of back pain

2005-01-05 Thread Nathan Filyk
They don't have chiros where I live. I am in Vietnam. I used to have a good 
chiropractor and masseuse in Canada. But they never cured the problem...just 
treated it (albeit very well). I think that traditional Asian medicine might 
have a cure...

"M. G. Devour"  wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone knows a good, effective way to get to the root
> of back pain. I am constantly straining my aching back, and am wondering
> if there's a reason why some people have a tendency for it while others
> do not.
> And for that there a good cure?
> ~Nathan

Excellent questions, Nathan.

One way I reduced my back problems was to use a chiropractor. I'll 
leave it to you to research how to find a good one. I was lucky enough 
to have decent luck with the first guy I went to.

I hobbled into their office barely able to stand up, with my back 
locked and causing a lot of pain.

After some testing and a round of x-rays he gave me an adjustment. I 
walked out of there a little bit sore from the unaccustomed 
manipulation of my neck and spine, but standing straight, able to move 
freely, and without the debilitating pain I'd suffered for days.

I had regular visits for 2 or 3 years and had few if any problems.

Later, I learned from reading on the web that diligent use of 
stretching and twisting exercises can, if done properly, yield most or 
all the benefits of the chiropractic adjustments.

I have since managed to avoid serious back problems with irregular 
though frequent short sessions of exercises to twist and stretch my 
spine. I could be more diligent, but have gotten by without 
chiropractic for the last several years. 

If cost is an issue, investigate this option. If not, chiro is likely a 
bit more comprehensive.

Hope that helps.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[ ]
[Speaking only for myself... ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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RE: CS>The origin of back pain

2005-01-05 Thread Nathan Filyk
What is your opinion about using distilled water? It doesn't have all the 
minerals, but maybe that is a good thing?

Judydownmaine  wrote:
"The people who cast the votes decide
 nothing. The people who count the votes 
decide everything." - Joseph Stalin
-Original Message-
From: ransley []
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 9:16 AM
To: The Silverlist; Nathan Filyk
Subject: RE: CS>The origin of back pain

I have been diagnosed by a Neurosurgeon using MRI & Myelogram to have 3 
ruptured disks (L4-5, C3-4, C4-5) near critical cervical stenosis, lumbar 
stenosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Degenerative Disk Disease; plus, below the 
L5 vertebra, the Doc said that "Everything below there is pretty rotten". You 
know the sick feeling you get when a mechanic looks under your hood and lets 
out a long whistle? I've been whistled at by a Neurosurgeon.
I can't remember how many days I've spent flat on my back with my wife 
attending to every need. I don't even want to remember. Neither does she.
I've spent thousands on Chiropractors and everyone of them did something good 
for me, but at last I learned how to duplicate everything they did for me and 
no longer need to go to them. Besides, no DC in his right mind would touch my 
neck. After my last DC learned of the full extent of my injuries, he was shaken 
that he had ever adjusted my neck. That's the only criticism I have of them- 
they rely on mostly x-rays or trained judgement, when they need better 
diagnostic tools. To be fair, that's not all their fault, as the mainstream 
MD's control the access to those tools.
That was just to say that I'm more than a little familiar with back pain.
The number one treatment is WATER!!! (non-chlorinated, non-flouridated) It will 
help to swell your disks back to proper shape and size so your muscles aren't 
straining to hold your bent back in line. But water alone may not be enough.
The number two treatment is Amino Acids and protein. It will strengthen your 
muscles and ligaments so they can do the job. You can get relief in this area 
by eating more meat, but it's not enough. Many body-building amino acid 
supplements will help; the best I've ever found is Whey Protein. It won't help 
enough if you don't drink enough water.
Number three is in making sure you get enough raw trace elements. There are 
ways of getting them in concentrated form, and this delves into a subject most 
have never heard of, so I will keep it off list. If you're not too bad off, you 
may get enough from taking Laminaria Digitata Kelp. If that's not enough there 
are other things to take. It won't help enough if you don't get enough water. 
As you can see, I can't say enough about water. Eliminate all soft drinks with 
aspertame, phosporic acid and caffeine. Limit your intake of coffee, tea and 
alcohol. I need to get 2 quarts of water a day to maintain my back. Sometimes 
less, but that's an average. Every time I fall off the water wagon I suffer.
A Crock Device helped me with back pain.
I may not elude surgery all my life. I'm far too far gone for the common 
surgeries of today, and I've found more than enough relief for now, so I'm 
biding time and making good use of it. If you have a protruding disk that has 
not ruptured, you can avoid surgery. If it's fairly newly ruptured and can be 
saved by surgery, I would do that before it becomes stenosis. I'm way too gone 
for all that.
My diagnosis is for 3 diskectomies. I won't do that until it's the only option. 
There are better alternatives on the medical horizon. Diskectomy is a highly 
personal choice, and it's a very tough procedure.
I have one friend who is a paraplegic from back surgery. One friend is dead 
from same, and his demise was slow and painful; his family suffered much. 
Another friend had surgery then had to have another to stop the complications 
of the first. My mother, father and brother have all had back surgeries with 
different levels of success and complications. I've seen enough.
Drink water.

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Re: CS>RE: C/S

2005-01-05 Thread Ode Coyote
 CS at the store is typically $7 an oz and is usually Mild Silver Protein [MSP] and sometimes Chemical Precipitate CS rather than Electrically Isolated Silver [EIS] as we on this list espouse.

There is better cheaper EIS CS online but even then, you don't really know what you're getting all the time and there's still shipping time to deal with.

People who are a "mess" often go through up to a quart  a day.
The best home generators to make your own [EIS] CS for $1 a gallon that's usually much better than the store stuff would cost less than one days worth of storebought.

There are 3 good reasonably priced easy to use generators on Earth that I know of.  You 'can' pay a lot more and not get anything as good or as easy to use.
There are cheaper generators out there that will "work" after a fashion...even work well up to a point with some skill applied and you can make one yourself like that for  even less. They're pretty simple. [James Allison] sells one of those at a reasonable price, I believe.

I believe all three of the below automatic generator makers have an absolute satisfaction or your money back policy too. [One will even refund the shipping...almost never happens.] [Vince] [Trem] [Ken..aka Ode] [ A version of the silverpup unit made for Australia..David]


At 06:59 AM 1/3/2005 -0800, you wrote: 

Hi all,
I am new to this list and to C/S. I have been lurking and am ready for some advice from the group. My husband has fibro... rheumatoid arthritis, possible lupus. He is a mess. Lots of pain. He was taken off all meds to give his liver a "rest". I would like to try this C/S on him and will need to buy it at the health food store. Can anyone recommend how much dosage for him? Are there different kinds at the store? etc... Thanks in advance for all your suggestions.

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2005-01-05 Thread Judy Snider


 DB wrote: >

I can't wear cheap shoes with flat insoles, must have built in arch support.
Yet I've never found an arch support insert that I can wear for 3 minutes,
and I've bought a bunch of them.



I have had low back pain for several years and someone suggested arch
supports for me.  I have a very high arch and bought all kinds of supports.
I bought a pair form Foot EFX.  They are expensive, but guarantee for life,
small price considering what I had paid for all the ones that did not work.
The web site is  .  This will tell
you about them and directed you to a store near you.  I think you have to be
fitted for them.  But I never go without them, easy to fit into my shoes and
they really have made a difference for me.  I love shoes but had to give up
my high heels but these arch supports are very thin but very supportive, so
easy to use with all typed of shoes.  You may have tried this one, but if
not it may be worth looking into.



RE: CS>Urinary tract infection

2005-01-05 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Nancy and Tel,

Thank you for your very helpful input to this Site! A Happy, Healthy,
Prosperous NEW YEAR to you and ALL!

I agree with your observations re: CS in UTI. Audrey (my beautiful bride of
58 years) suffered with a chronic UTI about every 3 to 4 weeks for a number
of years (even after using CS faithfully: then Brooks Bradley--one of the
generous Experts on this Site--shared that in his Lab, it was found that 1
part CS + 2 parts Gatorade (as an electrolyte) carried CS deeper into
tissues than CS could go alone; She added the Gatorade to her CS and Praise
God, she has NOT had a UTI attack in over a year. Being a graduate of UF I
enjoy sticking to Gatorade to enrich their royalty funds from Gatorade,
though many search for other electrolytes to replace it.

As Tel observed, Nothing can replace Water intake. One friend wisely
observed, " Had God intended us to drink quantities of substitutes (such as
Coke, Sprite, Tea, Coffee, etc., He would have placed Springs of these
liquids all around--and I've never seen such a thing!"

Please check my New Site--including the Blogspots--comments appreciated.

Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711
-Original Message-
From: nancymike []
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Urinary tract infection

 A very good product for UTI's is an amino acid d-Mannose.
- Original Message -
From: Tel Tofflemire
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Urinary tract infection

CS>CS for yeast

2005-01-05 Thread Gregory
My worry about using CS for fungal infections, especially candida, is that it 
will destroy my beneficial organisms.  Is this true?

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2005-01-05 Thread Matthew McCann
Hi, Ode,

Thanks for the concise overview!

It might be added that for those who use a quart or more
a day, a home distiller may pay for itself in one year or
less. Furthermore, rebrewing can reduce the cost of DW
usage. And pre-heating  feedstock water with a separate
heater using less expensive or free fuel might be
worthwhile (e.g. in remote areas in an underdeveloped

Best regards,


Re: CS> orthotics, foot pain

2005-01-05 Thread Trem
Thanks for theh information Tel.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tel Tofflemire 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 10:05 PM
  Subject: Re: CS> orthotics, foot pain

  HI Trem,
You do not understand the Berkinstock Store in Mesa , AZ.  
The lower floor is full of Dr.'s and there they are foot specialist who 
take molds of your feet after a thouro examination, and if your out of 
alienment or 
have a special pedeactric problem, arespond acordinly .
I talked to people from all over the world who were in the waiting room.
Most repeat coustmers, geting a new fit or style.
I just got the Berkinstocks off the shelf, because I was younger and it 
fixed my problems,
and I did not need new shoes or sandles every, I just wanted them for 
the style.,
 I very seldom wear the same footwear twice in a week. I seen The  
Berkinstock  fad 
Back in the Sandal 60's, I was still in Western Boots.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

From: Marshalee
Date: 01/04/05 18:52:14
Subject: Re: CS> orthotics

Orthotics helped me immensely, too!
Now I walk straight, with much less pain. If I could lose 100 pounds,
I`d really be fine!

> Trem wrote:
>  > Hi DB,
> I suffered all my life trying to find shoes that I could wear
> comfortably.  I also bought every type arch support available.  About
> ten years ago I was talking with a person that had the same problem
> and she said the cure for her was orthotics.  I went to a podiatrist
> and he made a set for me and I tell you it was a Godsend!!!  I cannot
> put shoes on without inserting them.  Without them I don't last more
> than a few minuteswith them I can walk and stand for hours.
> They cost me a couple of hundred dollars and they're worth every
> cent.  They work! <
> Thanks Trem, I had heard the term but never looked into it, so I found
> this:
> The illustrations seem to show exactly what my problem is. I'll have
> to dig deeper into this. Sheesh, I never knew about this!
> I'm a firm believer in spending a few more bucks to head off larger
> expenses (like buying shoes all the time). I'm really sick and tired
> of this, and maybe it could save me money and trouble.
> I just today replaced a set of insoles in a very nice and good looking
> set of Rockports, but I saw the wear pattern on the bottom beginning
> to show, and I know they will soon meet the usual fate. Next in line
> for insole replacement are 3 sets of RedWings ($$$!!!). Maybe custom
> orthotics will fix this.
> I just counted up $1000 in shoes & boots I own right now, because I
> can't wear one pair of shoes more than twice a week. Before my
> "miracle" started, 5-1/2 years ago, I had $1500 worth of shoes/boots,
> changed shoes 4 times daily, and had to soak my feet and/or walk on
> massaging sandals or pea gravel every night. I tell ya it's no way to
> live.
> Thanks again, DB

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2005-01-05 Thread Jim Holmes

Re: CS>Tsunami

2005-01-05 Thread Christine Carleton

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CS>purification of water

2005-01-05 Thread himagain

Hi folks,
I clipped this from this very list some unknown time ago - very fascinating 
in the light of the Tsunami tragedy.

From(Principles of Pharmacy--Arny-Fischeles). From Remington's
Pharmaceutical Sciences 17th edition:
Iodine is one of the three best all-around antiseptics. It is active against
bacteria, fungi, yeasts, protozoa, and viruses. Iodine may be used to
"purify" drinking water. 5 to 10 drops of 2% iodine tincture to a quart of
water left for 1 hr. is both amebacidal and bactericidal. Some communities
use iodine in lieu of chlorine for water purification because organic matter
has little effect to antagonize iodine, as it does chlorine, and
carcinogenic compounds are not generated.

Related topic:  I read in a great Reader's Digest hardcover book on a
"back to nature"  theme that the best, simplest water purification kit
for hikers and survivalists is a small, clear screw-top jar with five
grams of resublimated iodine crystals.   I have never heard the term
"resublimated"  and hope our pharmacist Mr. R. Harris can enlighten us.

Bottom line:  one bottle of these crystals can be used ONE THOUSAND
TIMES.   Fill up the jar with any old water and shake it.   Three tsps.
  of shaken water can purify a quart in 20 minutes.   Remarkable,  I
think.Seems to be a modest supply of these crystals would last the
average family for decades.They are available only from a pharmacy
I read.

What a good idea to use our contacts to get this AND CS information to some 
of the aid agency people? Anyone?

BTW:   SUBLIMATED: Having passed from the solid to the gaseous state (or 
vice versa) without becoming liquid.  RE-sublimated?



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>purification of water

2005-01-05 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
I read yesterday that 200,000 liters of sodium chloride have been 
distributed in Indonesia;  this is enough to purify water for one 
million persons, the article said.   I am totally unfamiliar with 
sodium chloride,  but this is what is on the scene.

I still want to get a supply of those resublimated iodine crystals 
mentioned below,  but I have not yet stumbled on a source of them.


On Thursday, Jan 6, 2005, at 09:43 Asia/Tokyo, himagain wrote:

Hi folks,
I clipped this from this very list some unknown time ago - very 
fascinating in the light of the Tsunami tragedy.

From(Principles of Pharmacy--Arny-Fischeles). From Remington's
Pharmaceutical Sciences 17th edition:
Iodine is one of the three best all-around antiseptics. It is active 

bacteria, fungi, yeasts, protozoa, and viruses. Iodine may be used to
"purify" drinking water. 5 to 10 drops of 2% iodine tincture to a 
quart of
water left for 1 hr. is both amebacidal and bactericidal. Some 
use iodine in lieu of chlorine for water purification because organic 

has little effect to antagonize iodine, as it does chlorine, and
carcinogenic compounds are not generated.

Related topic:  I read in a great Reader's Digest hardcover book on a
"back to nature"  theme that the best, simplest water purification kit
for hikers and survivalists is a small, clear screw-top jar with five
grams of resublimated iodine crystals.   I have never heard the term
"resublimated"  and hope our pharmacist Mr. R. Harris can enlighten us.

Bottom line:  one bottle of these crystals can be used ONE THOUSAND
TIMES.   Fill up the jar with any old water and shake it.   Three tsps.
  of shaken water can purify a quart in 20 minutes.   Remarkable,  I
think.Seems to be a modest supply of these crystals would last the
average family for decades.They are available only from a pharmacy
I read.

What a good idea to use our contacts to get this AND CS information to 
some of the aid agency people? Anyone?

BTW:   SUBLIMATED: Having passed from the solid to the gaseous state 
(or vice versa) without becoming liquid.  RE-sublimated?



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>purification of water

2005-01-05 Thread Matthew McCann
Is the news report reliable? It would seem to me that
a solution of sodium hypochlorite would be a much
better treatment to make raw water potable.


CS>purification of water

2005-01-05 Thread Matthew McCann
Hi, Himagain,

Three grams of iodine crystals might treat thousands of
quarts of water, but it might not last for decades.
Iodine crystals will again vanish by sublimation.

The Remington treatise recommends a tincture, which
I think is safer than the crystals. Too much iodine is
unsafe, and a tincture has a controlled, known amount.



2005-01-05 Thread Betsy Coffey
I am not sure but I think I have addressed this
question before. Can someone tell me what is in
gaterade that makes it a good carrier of CS? I am
really curious about this.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>gaterade

2005-01-05 Thread John W
I believe it's the "Electrolites" (spelling probably wrong:-) They carry the 
silver with them to the cell level. (or something like that) this was 
discussed a few years ago.


- Original Message - 
From: "Betsy Coffey" 

Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 10:15 PM
Subject: CS>gaterade

I am not sure but I think I have addressed this
question before. Can someone tell me what is in
gaterade that makes it a good carrier of CS? I am
really curious about this.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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