They don't have chiros where I live. I am in Vietnam. I used to have a good 
chiropractor and masseuse in Canada. But they never cured the problem...just 
treated it (albeit very well). I think that traditional Asian medicine might 
have a cure...

"M. G. Devour" <> wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone knows a good, effective way to get to the root
> of back pain. I am constantly straining my aching back, and am wondering
> if there's a reason why some people have a tendency for it while others
> do not.
> And for that there a good cure?
> ~Nathan

Excellent questions, Nathan.

One way I reduced my back problems was to use a chiropractor. I'll 
leave it to you to research how to find a good one. I was lucky enough 
to have decent luck with the first guy I went to.

I hobbled into their office barely able to stand up, with my back 
locked and causing a lot of pain.

After some testing and a round of x-rays he gave me an adjustment. I 
walked out of there a little bit sore from the unaccustomed 
manipulation of my neck and spine, but standing straight, able to move 
freely, and without the debilitating pain I'd suffered for days.

I had regular visits for 2 or 3 years and had few if any problems.

Later, I learned from reading on the web that diligent use of 
stretching and twisting exercises can, if done properly, yield most or 
all the benefits of the chiropractic adjustments.

I have since managed to avoid serious back problems with irregular 
though frequent short sessions of exercises to twist and stretch my 
spine. I could be more diligent, but have gotten by without 
chiropractic for the last several years. 

If cost is an issue, investigate this option. If not, chiro is likely a 
bit more comprehensive.

Hope that helps.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[ ]
[Speaking only for myself... ]

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