Re: CS>Fluoride - for Sandee

2007-03-29 Thread Cinder Ella
I used to get fluoride treatments until I left home and didn't have medical 
coverage thru my parents anymore.  After a few years I got my own medical 
coverage and continued but now I have a different story.  My dentist says on my 
x-rays my bones look healthy and great but I am in the process of having all 
the amalgam fillings removed and "plastic" put in.  After doing 6 out of 9 
fillings, I noticed that in every one where the mercury has come out of and has 
been replaced, my teeth are wobbling in their sockets!  Does anyone have a clue 
what is happening and how to stop this?  Will drinking cs fix this problem?

Sandee George  wrote:
  Hi There Pat - from my personal experience and research - when, like you
as a child,
we were given the fluoride treatment which was the rage then - I
understand that the
fluoride is not excreted from the jaw bone after the treatments are over,
yes it does
cut down on the fillings in young teeth, however with age the bone starts
to crumble
which is exactly what has happened to me. Luckily for me I found
Colloidal Silver
as a result, some four years ago now, which with daily use is keeping my
teeth in my 
jaw bone and is stopping further decay/erosion etc., so your dentist is
slightly mistaken
in his conclusions - to put it mildly !

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Re: CS> Huggins/thyroid Ruth Carpet Mold

2007-03-29 Thread JES AM & PM

I know the attorney that won the case he is in Atlanta.  I spoke to him
about 18 months ago. He told me how horrific it was... I never looked up the
case law on it, but they were very much harmed health wise, their jobs, the
whole nine yards... I will tell you his name if you email me privately.

On 3/29/07, Deborah Gerard  wrote:

They call it Sich House Syndrome when mold is a problem and it will make
you deathly can go to the hardware store and by a mold test that
all you do is set on your counter and it will tell you what you are dealing
with comes in a petre dish...debbie

*Rowena * wrote:

Ruth, I really don't like the thought of you having the same carpets that
have been down since before all the damp problems. Mold, dampness etc. are

like poison.

I can't vouch for this story, though some of you may know about it. It was

told to me by a friend, and concerns somone living in America.

A family with a very expensive house, all the extras, experienced
The insurance company didn't want to pay up. While the arguing was going
on, the family continued to live in the house, and the son and husband
became ill. On a plane trip the wife happened to sit next to an expert in
mold. Later, she decided to call him in to examine the house. They were
told to get out of the house immediately, and not take anything at all
the house with them, as there was a very bad kind of mold there. The son
improved in health, but the husband is permanently damaged. I may not have

full or correct details, but that is the gist of it.

If anyone has a link to the full, correct story (there could be a
of a TV program or something) I'd like to have it.

Best wishes


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Re: CS> Huggins/thyroid Ruth Carpet Mold

2007-03-29 Thread Deborah Gerard
They call it Sich House Syndrome when mold is a problem and it will make you 
deathly can go to the hardware store and by a mold test that all you 
do is set on your counter and it will tell you what you are dealing with 
comes in a petre dish...debbie

Rowena  wrote:  Ruth, I really don't like the thought of 
you having the same carpets that 
have been down since before all the damp problems. Mold, dampness etc. are 
like poison.

I can't vouch for this story, though some of you may know about it. It was 
told to me by a friend, and concerns somone living in America.

A family with a very expensive house, all the extras, experienced flooding. 
The insurance company didn't want to pay up. While the arguing was going 
on, the family continued to live in the house, and the son and husband 
became ill. On a plane trip the wife happened to sit next to an expert in 
mold. Later, she decided to call him in to examine the house. They were 
told to get out of the house immediately, and not take anything at all from 
the house with them, as there was a very bad kind of mold there. The son 
improved in health, but the husband is permanently damaged. I may not have 
full or correct details, but that is the gist of it.

If anyone has a link to the full, correct story (there could be a transcript 
of a TV program or something) I'd like to have it.

Best wishes


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Re: CS>faecal worm cure?

2007-03-29 Thread sol

  Well I did say "some of the links". I thought all were interesting 
though, and I do think it is also interesting to consider that there may 
be adverse consequences to being parasite free. Not that I plan to drink 
any tapeworm eggs anytime soon..LOL. I'm not THAT interested!


Marshall Dudley wrote:
Some of the links below would say that some

worm parasites of humans DO have beneficial effects.
I don't see anything in this article to indicate that tapeworms are of 
any benefit to humans, but can make them sick and kill them.,,1702692,00.html
Interesting, kind of like hitting your hand with a hammer to relieve the 
pain in your back. It works, but has other consequences.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Re: CS>Re: C.S. Nicotene Detox

2007-03-29 Thread Teri Johnston
I just had saved the post and fowarded the one that was on the list 
previously.  I did not use this as I had quite a couple of years 
ago.  Hubby used it and it took him about a month to quite.


Teri Johnston
Fireside Welsh Springer Spaniels
Young Living Essential Oil
Distributor #935975
Natures Pharmacy  

Re: CS>faecal worm cure?

2007-03-29 Thread Marshall Dudley

sol wrote:

Marshall Dudley wrote:

 As far as parasites,

none of those are required, and none are beneficial.

I really wonder if that is true. We have co-evolved with our parasites 
for millions of years. It is entirely possible that some parasites do 
have beneficial effects. Some of the links below would say that some 
worm parasites of humans DO have beneficial effects.
I don't see anything in this article to indicate that tapeworms are of 
any benefit to humans, but can make them sick and kill them.,,1702692,00.html
Interesting, kind of like hitting your hand with a hammer to relieve the 
pain in your back. It works, but has other consequences.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>to ian

2007-03-29 Thread zeb caffe
Do you know what properties are in the Miracle soap that actually kill or 
expell worms? I have read the ingredients but cannot figure out which one of 
them would be anti parasite.Alot of people seem to like this soap for various 
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Re: Re: CS>Re: C.S. Nicotene Detox

2007-03-29 Thread Jodi W Menard

Teri, that's amazing!! 
I've got to try it. I wonder why it has to be only at night though...? 
It would be 
alot easier for me to put it in my morning O.J. instead.  I hope it
doesn't matter when you take it, as 
long as you do.  Have you noticed any side effects from doing this?  
Thank you so much!   Jodi

Teri Johnston wrote on 3/29/2007, 9:44 AM:

  This was discussed on another list i am on and
they recommended 1
teaspoon cream of tarter in an eight ounce glass of orange juice every
night, for some reason it works, in the morning you eliminate nicotine
when you go to the bathroom, you continue smoking, but as you release
nicotine the craving goes down until you are no longer wanting a
cigarette.  I am in my third week of it and am down to maybe having
2 or 3 cigarettes a day and that won't be for much longer = it does
to work.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Re: CS>Re: C.S. Nicotene Detox

2007-03-29 Thread Shelli
I told my brother about this and he was wondering if he could do it the morning 
as well as at night. I guess he's thinking more often might be better. Opinions?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Teri Johnston 
  Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:44 AM
  Subject: Fwd: Re: CS>Re: C.S. Nicotene Detox

This was discussed on another list i am on and they recommended 1 teaspoon 
cream of tarter in an eight ounce glass of orange juice every night, for some 
reason it works, in the morning you eliminate nicotine when you go to the 
bathroom, you continue smoking, but as you release nicotine the craving goes 
down until you are no longer wanting a cigarette.  I am in my third week of it 
and am down to maybe having 2 or 3 cigarettes a day and that won't be for much 
longer = it does seem to work.
  Teri Johnston
  Fireside Welsh Springer Spaniels
  Young Living Essential Oil
  Distributor #935975
  Natures Pharmacy 


Re: CS>Colloidal copper

2007-03-29 Thread Marshall Dudley
No that would not be colloidal copper.  It would most likely be copper 
sulfate, but could be copper chloride or another copper salt, depending 
on what acid is in the water.


Pat wrote:

When one has acid well water and copper pipes, there is a blue green stain 
where water drips out of the faucet.  Is our water the same as colloidal copper 
when that's happening?  We got a filter which raises the ph.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Fwd: Re: CS>Re: C.S. Nicotene Detox

2007-03-29 Thread Teri Johnston

X-Mailing-List:  archive/latest/97621

This was discussed on another list i am on and they recommended 1 
teaspoon cream of tarter in an eight ounce glass of orange juice 
every night, for some reason it works, in the morning you eliminate 
nicotine when you go to the bathroom, you continue smoking, but as 
you release nicotine the craving goes down until you are no longer 
wanting a cigarette.  I am in my third week of it and am down to 
maybe having 2 or 3 cigarettes a day and that won't be for much 
longer = it does seem to work.


Teri Johnston
Fireside Welsh Springer Spaniels
Young Living Essential Oil
Distributor #935975
Natures Pharmacy  

CS>OT nicotine craving

2007-03-29 Thread claire shaw
I have somehow lost the "recipe" for the cream of tartar & orange juice
combo which reduces nicotine cravings for people who want to quit smoking.
Would someone please repost this? 

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