CS>tooth pain

2007-04-02 Thread zeb caffe
If you consider removing the tooth, be sure that the oral surgeon  uses 
adequate measures to remove the peridontal ligament and uses proper procedures 
to clean out the socket. Some people have problems after teeth extractions with 
infection due to improper methods done by dumb dentists who are in a 
hurry.(hope that there are no dentists on the forum)
Finding fabulous fares is fun.
Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and hotel 

Re: CS> Tooth ache stopper !!!! 2 April

2007-04-02 Thread Sandee George
One of the best products I know is Clove Oil, if you rub some on the gum
where the
tooth is aching the pain is gone within a half hour, you should be able
to purchase some  at a health food store !

Peace is easy ... it is a Mindset

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>(no subject)

2007-04-02 Thread sol
Prabably about the same as CS stored in clear bottles.that is, a 
very long time. I have some CS in a glass jar stored in a closet that 
has been in storage now for about 3 years. The uS reading on my PWT has 
gone up slightly. It now reads just over 39 uS. I assume the actual 
total silver content has lowered because the jar shows some plating and 
some drop out (which is particles dropping/plating out I guess). However 
the ionic portion has been extremely stable over the years of storage.
This is an ongoing experiment in the stability of high ppm clear CS. 
When I made this batch it measured 37.9 uS, and as I said that was at 
least 3 years ago.


bs25s...@aol.com wrote:
What is the life of colloidal silver if stored in a dark bottle at room 
temperature.  Bill

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>(no subject)

2007-04-02 Thread Marshall Dudley

bs25s...@aol.com wrote:
What is the life of colloidal silver if stored in a dark bottle at 
room temperature.  Bill

See what's free at AOL.com 

Indefinite.  From a few days to decades depending on the initial quality.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-04-02 Thread jessie70

-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave [mailto:dan.n...@nilfisk-advance.com]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 12:56 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>DMSO

DMSO is a liquid solvent made from wood pulp.  It can penetrate the skin
from a topical application, and can cause other chemicals to penetrate
the skin with it.  It is used in conjunction with CS if you want it to
penetrate into the skin or mucous membranes, etc.  It is good for
reducing the effects of sprains and bruises.  It has been used
medically, so should be safe unless contaminated.  Don't use around
poisonous products like weed killer, insecticide, or makeup.  You can
buy it over the internet, or in animal feed stores, etc.  Marked not for
human use...


-Original Message-
From: jessie70 [mailto:jessi...@optonline.net] 
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 1:22 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>

Keep seeing DMSO here. Is this a liquid product good for infection or
What is it exactly? Can you buy in health food stores? Thanks, Jess

-Original Message-
From: noblemet...@bellsouth.net [mailto:noblemet...@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 9:59 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: Re: CS>Stomach ulcer

I had a similar problem last week-- swallowed a temporary crown and
broke some enamel off a molar on a Girl Scout cookie. I had to use Cs
with a little DMSO to make the pain go away in 2 days. The tooth beside
the crown decided to flame up and I had pain down my neck.  Finally saw
a dentist to get some  x-rays.  Had a conference with him for 20
minutes.  Young dentist-but old school.  He swore  Hg amalgams were 100
% safe.  He wanted to do a root canal on two teeth.  I expressed my
concerns very civilly and asked him about  ozone dentistry and the
connection of caries to heart disease.  He was unaware.

He wanted to give me antiobiotics.  I told him  I used CS  and a 336kz
device to kill the bacteria.  He was stunned. Two days later I got a
nice letter "firing" me as a patient.  He said we could never agree on a
treatment protocol.  Iwas fired by a doctor I went to for some tests. He
said I was a better patient  than he was a doctor. I asked about 10
questions he could or would not answer.  Same for the dentist on the
questions.  He had never heard of Huggins or Oromedics-- or ozone.

 The masses are really being injured by the "doctors"

Impeachment is Patriotic!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>(no subject)

2007-04-02 Thread Bs25ss28
What is the life of colloidal silver if stored in a dark bottle at room  
temperature.  Bill

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.


2007-04-02 Thread Dan Nave
DMSO is a liquid solvent made from wood pulp.  It can penetrate the skin
from a topical application, and can cause other chemicals to penetrate
the skin with it.  It is used in conjunction with CS if you want it to
penetrate into the skin or mucous membranes, etc.  It is good for
reducing the effects of sprains and bruises.  It has been used
medically, so should be safe unless contaminated.  Don't use around
poisonous products like weed killer, insecticide, or makeup.  You can
buy it over the internet, or in animal feed stores, etc.  Marked not for
human use...


-Original Message-
From: jessie70 [mailto:jessi...@optonline.net] 
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 1:22 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>

Keep seeing DMSO here. Is this a liquid product good for infection or
What is it exactly? Can you buy in health food stores? Thanks, Jess

-Original Message-
From: noblemet...@bellsouth.net [mailto:noblemet...@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 9:59 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: Re: CS>Stomach ulcer

I had a similar problem last week-- swallowed a temporary crown and
broke some enamel off a molar on a Girl Scout cookie. I had to use Cs
with a little DMSO to make the pain go away in 2 days. The tooth beside
the crown decided to flame up and I had pain down my neck.  Finally saw
a dentist to get some  x-rays.  Had a conference with him for 20
minutes.  Young dentist-but old school.  He swore  Hg amalgams were 100
% safe.  He wanted to do a root canal on two teeth.  I expressed my
concerns very civilly and asked him about  ozone dentistry and the
connection of caries to heart disease.  He was unaware.

He wanted to give me antiobiotics.  I told him  I used CS  and a 336kz
device to kill the bacteria.  He was stunned. Two days later I got a
nice letter "firing" me as a patient.  He said we could never agree on a
treatment protocol.  Iwas fired by a doctor I went to for some tests. He
said I was a better patient  than he was a doctor. I asked about 10
questions he could or would not answer.  Same for the dentist on the
questions.  He had never heard of Huggins or Oromedics-- or ozone.

 The masses are really being injured by the "doctors"

Impeachment is Patriotic!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Colloidal copper

2007-04-02 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Terry,

My son, Terry, a Desert Storm 1st Armored Division Vet--was injured during
that War and finds that after several surgeries, he can soak nightly in his
hot tub for 30 minutes and obtain much good pain relief without taking
strong pain medicines. I suggested that he use NO Chlorine treated water
(since that's hard on the skin and the fumes are NOT good for the lungs or
health); I make for him a gallon of strong CS (now EIS) and a quart of
strong CCu to which he adds about 8 oz.3% H2O2 to the water about every 4
weeks when he drains his hot tub--He requires that anyone going in the tub,
take a shower first and NOT pee in the tub so as to keep the water as clean
as possible. 

To make the CCu, I use two 6 inch lengths of the largest copper wire I can
get and with low dc current and steam-distilled, ozonated water make a quart
at the time--after 3 or 4 hours, it turns light brown and a red laser light
looks like a super highway. He also obtained a copper bar with silver
soldered around it and places this bar in the tub, which he feels helps to
maintain freshness. I would not estimate the CCu strength; however, if I
wanted to take some CCu internally, I'd dilute it quite a bit. I do use some
of this CCu in a Skin Lotion that I make in addition to Aloe and a few other
items which my lady customers describe in glowing terms.

Thank you, for this small opportunity to help pay you back for all of the
Wonderful, Helpful Information you so generously share with "us seekers"!
I include You in the list of generous Experts found on these Sites! Thanks,


Dr. Richard Harris, PD
59 years FL Pharmacist  

-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin [mailto:tcj...@yahoo.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 6:00 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Colloidal copper

Can anyone tell me how to make homemade colloidal


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Tooth Pain

2007-04-02 Thread Dan Nave
This is the normal practice for these type of fillings.  You can't pack
them in like amalgam and they don't hold their shape well until cured.
You wrote:

From: Cinder Ella [mailto:mcomfy...@yahoo.ca] 
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 7:51 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Tooth Pain

The band was a metal form he put around my teeth much like a mold so he
could fill it up with filling.  When the tooth was filled he took the
band off and shaped the tooth.  

RE: CS>Tooth Pain

2007-04-02 Thread jessie70
A spiritual teacher from India, Paramahansa Yogananda, advised teeth tapping
also to strengthen them. Jess
  -Original Message-
  From: Dan Nave [mailto:dan.n...@nilfisk-advance.com]
  Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 9:38 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: RE: CS>Tooth Pain

  To tighten teeth, try tapping them together 24 times once or twice a day
(don't overdo it, use your judgment about how hard to tap...) .  Is supposed
to tighten up teeth and joints.  A Taoist technique...


  From: Cinder Ella [mailto:mcomfy...@yahoo.ca]
  Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 11:00 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CS>Tooth Pain

  The last few weeks I had pain under a major filling (amalgam) and I
started brushing with a stop of oregano oil on my toothbrush.  Then I zapped
with a frequency generator and a zapper.  The two teeth were painful and
when I zapped them they throbbed seriously for about a minute and then the
pain was gone.  I used the oregano oil to keep it that way (although it
tastes like crap).  The two teeth in question were painful to brush with the
toothbrush and this subsided after the above regime.  When I went to the
dentist he drilled out the amalgam and I brought my own cs and asked him if
he minded if I rinse with that instead of his tap water.  He was intrigued
and said "sure".  After all that he put a plastic white filling in and
haven't had a problem since then.  The tooth was so bad he had to put a band
around it to reshape the one tooth, actually both teeth.  I am now pain free
but the both teeth are wobbling.  I think I'll look for a frequency that
stimulates bone growth and see if my jaw bone will grab those teeth again
and stabilize them.  Pain free though and still in need of a crown


2007-04-02 Thread jessie70
Keep seeing DMSO here. Is this a liquid product good for infection or pain?
What is it exactly? Can you buy in health food stores? Thanks, Jess

-Original Message-
From: noblemet...@bellsouth.net [mailto:noblemet...@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 9:59 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: Re: CS>Stomach ulcer

I had a similar problem last week-- swallowed a temporary crown and broke
some enamel off a molar on a Girl Scout cookie. I had to use Cs with a
little DMSO to make the pain go away in 2 days. The tooth beside the crown
decided to flame up and I had pain down my neck.  Finally saw a dentist to
get some  x-rays.  Had a conference with him for 20 minutes.  Young
dentist-but old school.  He swore  Hg amalgams were 100 % safe.  He wanted
to do a root canal on two teeth.  I expressed my concerns very civilly and
asked him about  ozone dentistry and the connection of caries to heart
disease.  He was unaware.

He wanted to give me antiobiotics.  I told him  I used CS  and a 336kz
device to kill the bacteria.  He was stunned. Two days later I got a nice
letter "firing" me as a patient.  He said we could never agree on a
treatment protocol.  Iwas fired by a doctor I went to for some tests. He
said I was a better patient  than he was a doctor. I asked about 10
questions he could or would not answer.  Same for the dentist on the
questions.  He had never heard of Huggins or Oromedics-- or ozone.

 The masses are really being injured by the "doctors"

Impeachment is Patriotic!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lavender and Tea Tree Oil: Estrogen Mimics

2007-04-02 Thread Dan Nave
Lavender and Tea Tree Oil: Estrogen Mimics


-Original Message-
From: laquerenci...@sbcglobal.net [mailto:laquerenci...@sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 2:04 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Tooth Pain

Greetings everyone - I posted this once before but will mention it again
in case it was skimmed over, because I know how bad dental problems can
be.  Its what I would do first: dip a Q-tip into diluted dmso, then into
tea tree oil and rub directly onto the affected area - repeat. Swish and
hold EIS/CS in your mouth several times a day, then drink a little as
well. Take mega doses of VitC - up to 10K units at at time until it
produces the runs, then back off a bit, keep it up for a few days. Drink
lots of water. This allowed both my 83 yr. old mother with a hugely
swollen jaw and my hubby with an abscess forming under bridge work to
completely avoid dental visits. they have not had any recurrence in the
6 months since.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Huggins/thyroid Ruth Carpet Mold

2007-04-02 Thread ruth strackbein
Will try to find a way, Debbie.  We do clean up what is visible, but the 
invisible stuff is just beyond my finances and energy to attempt, Am 
exploring moving which has its problems in this area which is bound to be 
mold prone.  I sent a different post to another party today, on this topic, 
Thanks , Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: Deborah Gerard 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS> Huggins/thyroid Ruth Carpet Mold
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2007 17:26:10 -0700 (PDT)

You get rid of that mold your body will feel alot better...debbie

ruth strackbein  wrote:  Hi, Debbie, thanks for 
your idea of using a mold test. I will see if our

hardware store carries on. Or maybe the drugstore in the next town, when I
get there. Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

>From: "JES AM & PM "
>Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Subject: Re: CS> Huggins/thyroid Ruth Carpet Mold
>Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 22:45:13 -0400
>I know the attorney that won the case he is in Atlanta. I spoke to 

>about 18 months ago. He told me how horrific it was... I never looked up
>case law on it, but they were very much harmed health wise, their jobs, 

>whole nine yards... I will tell you his name if you email me privately.
>On 3/29/07, Deborah Gerard wrote:
>>They call it Sich House Syndrome when mold is a problem and it will make
>>you deathly ill...you can go to the hardware store and by a mold test 

>>all you do is set on your counter and it will tell you what you are
>>with ...it comes in a petre dish...debbie
>>*Rowena * wrote:
>>Ruth, I really don't like the thought of you having the same carpets 
>>have been down since before all the damp problems. Mold, dampness etc. 

>>like poison.
>>I can't vouch for this story, though some of you may know about it. It 

>>told to me by a friend, and concerns somone living in America.
>>A family with a very expensive house, all the extras, experienced
>>The insurance company didn't want to pay up. While the arguing was going
>>on, the family continued to live in the house, and the son and husband
>>became ill. On a plane trip the wife happened to sit next to an expert 

>>mold. Later, she decided to call him in to examine the house. They were
>>told to get out of the house immediately, and not take anything at all
>>the house with them, as there was a very bad kind of mold there. The son
>>improved in health, but the husband is permanently damaged. I may not 

>>full or correct details, but that is the gist of it.
>>If anyone has a link to the full, correct story (there could be a
>>of a TV program or something) I'd like to have it.
>>Best wishes
>> --
>>Finding fabulous fares is fun.
>>Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel
>>find flight and hotel bargains.

Interest Rates near 39yr lows! $430,000 Mortgage for $1,399/mo - Calculate
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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Finding fabulous fares is fun.
Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and 
hotel bargains.

Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon. 

Re: MOLD Home/ Offices SME here in chimes in Re: CS> Ruth Carpet Mold

2007-04-02 Thread ruth strackbein
Hi, all who are responding about mold,  As I have said before, I have a 
definite problem with mold in my house.  My next problem is, where to move ? 
 Most of the Senior living facillities around here are built on ground that 
was formerly swampland.  I would look for something at the top of the hill 
here in Gibbon, except I did live in several houses at the top of this 
"rise" for about 5 years before buying my present home.  They were also 
affected by mold.  Also I lived for 5 years in the Western Highlands of 
Papua, New Guinea, where mold was rampant!  It was just a fact of life with 
120 inches of rainfall a year.  I think that's a ball park figure.  We lived 
in houses made of "bush"materials, most of the time.  My body is probably 
saturated with mold.  I suspect my daughter has the same problem with her 
home 8 miles from here. Neither of us has money enough, or borrowing power 
enough to hire anyone to clean up our homes, so I guess will need to 
research directions for self help.  There are probably some directions 
already in my files on hotmail.  Trouble is, I don't have the energy nor she 
the time to do alot.  Thanks for all the input. Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: Clayton Family 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: MOLD Home/ Offices SME here in chimes in Re: CS> Ruth Carpet 

Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2007 11:30:22 -0500

This is very interesting. I was told to leave my home, but if I did that, 
the next person would get just as sick as I, and it would probably be 
children, as that is the neighborhood we live in, and I could not in good 
conscience do that. Not to mention that I was way to sick to go anywhere. 
It was here when we moved in, and sickened one of the kids living here at 
that time at least. And all of us next.

So I had the clean up done, we got a second mortgage to cover it, and I 
hope that I can recover enough to be able to go back to work and help pay 
for it. Since there was no one to blame, I did not even consider trying to 
get insurance to cover it, and I guess it is a very good thing. It cost 
maybe 20 or 30 grand ( maybe more, I am too chicken to figure it all out) 
to get it cleaned up, and that is by hiring it all done, and I had it 
inspected when we were done by a toxic mold inspector, and we are clean 
now. I had the inspection done for my own peace of mind.

When I was on the mold lists, usually the first thing people want is to sue 
someone, and I can see that if it is an apartment building where they know 
about it ahead of renting to you. But really, stuff happens, and there is 
not always someone to blame. Who knew that paper faced sheetrock will grow 
stachybotris mold? No one knew it, and now that we do, it is up to us to do 
what we can to solve our problems in the here and now and not get stuck 
looking backwards.

Where there is a real problem is in the building industry. The standard 
practices lend themselves to rotting buildings and molding houses. Sealing 
in a house built out of paper and composite wood products is a recipe for 
disaster. Houses need to breathe much more than is standard now.


On Apr 1, 2007, at 7:12 AM, JES AM & PM wrote:

Ok I have to chime in here.
As a former facilities manager, for over 6 major branches in the USA and 
including one in London; for the 2nd largest insurance re-insurer in the 
world, I had to do something in 2002 (part of my absence from this list) 
that I have never heard many building managers have to do:
 Perform a full in-situ ( that means in place) environmental cleanup with 
all employees in place, all equipment in place - yet moved around, with 
air particulates enough to cause extreme physical contamination and harm 
to life (BTW my MCS is worse as a result as I was the head person and 
COULD Not leave !!)
 What we had was corporate espionage by a competitor - they unleashed 6 
fire extinguishers directly into all the officers' offices, directly onto 
the IT / server room, on the brand new PBX/ room; all under 2 weeks old. 
We had just moved into the building.
 Since I assisted and was asst. project manager to the top 6 SuperFund 
EPA cleanup sites in the nation over a 4 year period I had to call a PHd 
friend in Washington to see if I had to evacuate the building.  The answer 
was yes, unless I could save human life safely. Which I did.

I did and the media never got a hold of this.
BUT the morale of the story to tell you all this.  I had air emissions 
machines, all over the offices, it took 4 complete removal of all 
equipment, and people to accomplish this and yet there was residue... 
keeping in mind - we had no mold.  This cleanup was over $250K.

SO if you want to accurately test mold or other particulate in your homes 
or office - a kit from the hardware store WILL not do it - they might take 
your money, but that is about all folks.
Contact me privately off list, you have a really serious problem and have 
plenty of money and I

Re: CS> the EIS/dmso/xylitol nansal spray

2007-04-02 Thread noblemetals
I make and sell Xyllergy to health food stores.  It is simply a .2molar 
solution of xylitol in  CS. Make it yourself.  Use ~ 1 teaspoon xylitol in 8 
> From: Max Sanders 
> Date: 2007/03/31 Sat PM 10:26:45 EST
> To: Silver-list 
> Subject: CS> the EIS/dmso/xylitol nansal spray
> Can anyone recall a formula for sinus spray that includes EIS/DMSO/xylitol?  
> It was mentioned here some time back.  I'd love to try it at this time since 
> I am fighting some sort of infection.  I do use EIS/DMSO spray and it does 
> work well - if I can keep it up.  But the xylitol may be an improvement.  
> I'd greatly appreciate  a formula with  experiences using this or other 
> nansal sprays to deal with sinus  issues of unknown cause (viral, bacterial, 
> fungal) .  This is a repeat issue that I'd love to eliminate completely.
> Gracias,
> Maz 
> -
> Need Mail bonding?
> Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users.

Impeachment is Patriotic!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Re: CS>Stomach ulcer

2007-04-02 Thread noblemetals
I had a similar problem last week-- swallowed a temporary crown and broke some 
enamel off a molar on a Girl Scout cookie. I had to use Cs with a little DMSO 
to make the pain go away in 2 days. The tooth beside the crown decided to flame 
up and I had pain down my neck.  Finally saw a dentist to get some  x-rays.  
Had a conference with him for 20 minutes.  Young dentist-but old school.  He 
swore  Hg amalgams were 100 % safe.  He wanted to do a root canal on two teeth. 
 I expressed my concerns very civilly and asked him about  ozone dentistry and 
the connection of caries to heart 
disease.  He was unaware.

He wanted to give me antiobiotics.  I told him  I used CS  and a 336kz device 
to kill the bacteria.  He was stunned. Two days later I got a nice letter 
"firing" me as a patient.  He said we could never agree on a treatment 
protocol.  Iwas fired by a doctor I went to for some tests. He said I was a 
better patient  than he was a doctor. I asked about 10 questions he could or 
would not answer.  Same for the dentist on the questions.  He had never heard 
of Huggins or Oromedics-- or ozone.

 The masses are really being injured by the "doctors"

Impeachment is Patriotic!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Tooth Pain

2007-04-02 Thread Dan Nave
To tighten teeth, try tapping them together 24 times once or twice a day
(don't overdo it, use your judgment about how hard to tap...) .  Is
supposed to tighten up teeth and joints.  A Taoist technique...

From: Cinder Ella [mailto:mcomfy...@yahoo.ca] 
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 11:00 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Tooth Pain

The last few weeks I had pain under a major filling (amalgam) and I
started brushing with a stop of oregano oil on my toothbrush.  Then I
zapped with a frequency generator and a zapper.  The two teeth were
painful and when I zapped them they throbbed seriously for about a
minute and then the pain was gone.  I used the oregano oil to keep it
that way (although it tastes like crap).  The two teeth in question were
painful to brush with the toothbrush and this subsided after the above
regime.  When I went to the dentist he drilled out the amalgam and I
brought my own cs and asked him if he minded if I rinse with that
instead of his tap water.  He was intrigued and said "sure".  After all
that he put a plastic white filling in and haven't had a problem since
then.  The tooth was so bad he had to put a band around it to reshape
the one tooth, actually both teeth.  I am now pain free but the both
teeth are wobbling.  I think I'll look for a frequency that stimulates
bone growth and see if my jaw bone will grab those teeth again and
stabilize them.  Pain free though and still in need of a crown

Re: CS>Tooth Pain

2007-04-02 Thread Ode Coyote
  Even a microscopic crack in a tooth will make it expand and contract 
unevenly with heat and cold... OUCH!


At 08:51 PM 4/1/2007 -0400, you wrote:

The band was a metal form he put around my teeth much like a mold so he 
could fill it up with filling.  When the tooth was filled he took the band 
off and shaped the tooth.  Even though he gave me two needles when he was 
drilling I almost went through the roof in pain because he touched the 
nerve.  It is possible that one of two things is happening.

There might be a crack and daily more bugs are getting in and touching the 
nerve.  I didn't have an inflammation around my gums either.  You maybe 
can't keep up with the amount of bugs.

Second, maybe you didn't hit the right frequency.  I used the zapper 
(Hulda Clark) and it didn't really do anything until I used my frequency 
generator at 20Hz.  Then I felt the nerve throb for under a minute and 
then it was gone and my tooth was no longer sensitive.  My tooth only 
really hurt when I brushed it.  Otherwise I didn't really notice 
much.  Now I'm good to go.


Pat Lawrie  wrote:
I really do not feel it is an infection as I have zapped (Clark handheld), 
CS'd, DMSO'd, H202'd (peroxide), and finally antibiotic'd. There was never 
any infla. at the gum area. I also used CS as a rinse at both dentist's 
offices. However, I think it's a mechanical issue with a horizontal crack 
right at the gum where floss catches on it. So that it's an exposed area. 
That's why I mentioned the bonding. But can you give me any more info on 
the band you got? What is it made of? I just gotta find someone who knows 
about it. I live in Mexico. I really want to avoid a root canal or a tooth 

Thanks for everyone's input. I will look for Oil of Oregano tomorrow.


Cinder Ella  wrote:
The last few weeks I had pain under a major filling (amalgam) and I 
started brushing with a stop of oregano oil on my toothbrush.  Then I 
zapped with a frequency generator and a zapper.  The two teeth were 
painful and when I zapped them they throbbed seriously for about a minute 
and then the pain was gone.  I used the oregano oil to keep it that way 
(although it tastes like crap).  The two teeth in question were painful to 
brush with the toothbrush and this subsided after the above regime.  When 
I went to the dentist he drilled out the amalgam and I brought my own cs 
and asked him if he minded if I rinse with that instead of his tap 
water.  He was intrigued and said "sure".  After all that he put a plastic 
white filling in and haven't had a problem since then.  The tooth was so 
bad he had to put a band around it to reshape the one tooth, actually both 
teeth.  I am now pain free but the both teeth are wobbling.  I think I'll 
look for a frequency that stimulates bone growth and see if my jaw bone 
will grab those teeth again and stabilize them.  Pain free though and 
still in need of a crown eventually.


Pat Lawrie  wrote:
I went to dentist after a broken amalgam filling and had it replaced with 
composit a month ago. Ended up with worse pain than before, so went to 
another dentist and had filling taken out and a temporary one

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