CS>PPM question

2008-01-27 Thread Sharlene Miyamura
Would the level of ppm have any bearing on it's effectivenss on whether it
is a virus or bacteria?
I've heard another forum that the higher the ppm is, the less effective it
is on a virus but more effective on bacteria.
Is there any truth to this?  So some are preferring to go with the 10-14 ppm
rather than the 18 ppm.

Thank you for any information you can provide.

CS>A health question

2008-01-27 Thread marmar845
Hi Gang.  My cousin emailed me tonight, and told me that she recently had an 
episode of "arrythmia and rapid heartbeat" -- for the better part of an entire 
day.  She's been to a cardiologist before for this problem, and apparently 
isn't getting any help.  Seems to me that there's a *natural* solution for 
this, but darned if I can remember.  Any ideas?  MA

CS>CS maker models for home use

2008-01-27 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from "Silvia Messmer" : 

> I'm new here and trying to learn. There are so many models of CS makers for 
> home use. My question is this; if you didn't have a CS maker yet what would 
> be the model you would get? I've seen directions on how to make my own but 
> I'm so not a geek so that is not an option. 

 Hi Silvia.  I've been real happy with my Colloid Master from Synergenesis 
(www.wishgranted.com).  MA

CS>CS maker models for home use

2008-01-27 Thread Silvia Messmer
I'm new here and trying to learn.  There are so many models of CS makers for
home use.  My question is this; if you didn't have a CS maker yet what would
be the model you would get?  I've seen directions on how to make my own but
I'm so not a geek so that is not an option.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>MMs hoax or cure?/Forgot to mention

2008-01-27 Thread Marlene Hanson
Wayne I wrote you regarding the message about healing the brain. I have MS and 
would like any information you have.Thank You Marlene
  - Original Message - 
  From: Wayne Fugitt 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 7:22 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>MMs hoax or cure?/Forgot to mention

   No, I just wanted folks to know that my testimonial was not 
contrived, and hoped that by stating my profession it would lend some 
credibility to the message. 
 The Late, . Great  Jim Lambert would make all 
  that Crystal Clear.



2008-01-27 Thread Ernie Patai
Well I suppose if you are coming from a very bad place anything which is
better will aid in recovery. I'm a very healthy person blessed with great
genetics. So this is coming from someone who is athletic. I need the edge
when it comes to performance. I have a bag of whey and I plan to experiment
more because I don't want to throw it. People have to be careful what
products they buy because there are lots of fillers in them and often not


-Original Message-
From: Dee [mailto:d...@deetroy.org] 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 12:30 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Re

I am doing really well and feel so much better so will stick with the whey
for now at least.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: Ernie Patai 

Date: 27/01/2008 18:50:30 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: RE: CS>Re 


I've used Whey for a long time when I was body building and training heavy. 

But I found recovery always prolonged. I train differently now and use a 

Hemp based protein drink which I find gets into my system faster therefore 

Shortening the recovery time for my muscles. 


Try the other side of the fence .:-) 




The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-27 Thread Dan Nave
If colloidal silver turns into silver chloride in the 
stomach it should be easy to show that ingesting a 
comparable quantity of silver chloride as colloidal silver 
has the same effect.


Ode Coyote wrote:

  If the Ion gains an anion OH[-] it becomes a suspended Silver 
Hydroxide particle once the waters saturation point for AgOh is exceeded.
If it gains an Oxygen atom, it becomes Silver Oxide. That happens within 
the diffusion layer for the most part and as long as that layer isn't 
overloaded, it will stay there and stick to the electrode.

If the Ion gains an electron, it becomes a metallic silver particle.

 The "structure" of particles can be quite variable including nucleated 
lattices of similar particles growing around a dis-similar particle.
 Glass with metallic alloys [as glass is] could act as a oor solar cell 
and capacitor to donate electrons to ions that contact the glass.
 A Harvard study found that glass surfaces act as nucleation sites in 
Ionic Silver.

 All three can be and are produced along with "hydrated" silver ions 
being protected by the water against the OH anions and the ratios can be 

What happens to AgOH with stomach acid, I don't know.
 Metallic silver can be coaxed into ionizing... H2O2 is a catalyst and 
there may be many "battery effect" situations in the body where there is 
iron, silver and salt, for instance.
H2O2 will destroy certain Silver Oxides instantly... I've heard there is 
some of that produced by the cells?

Much is not known, but the stuff works anyhow.
If it's all in there, it doesn't really matter what did what and what 

It's likely that they all work on and with each other.
The bodies "chemical soup" provides myriads of opportunities for 
anything to happen...and..it's intelligent.

If Silver Chloride is made "in" the stomach, it deprives another of 
hundreds of other reactions of something which just may enhance the 
delivery of silver ions.
No one knows.  Many simplistic theories that can't possibly tell the 
whole story abound.
 Arguments about which one is the right one get stuck in "This OR that" 
and don't go into "This AND that, plus the other".
.which is just too plain complicated to even argue about and not get 

LOL  Sometimes we aren't quite as intelligent as our bodies are.

The body "works", doesn't matter why or how...till it doesn't.

Then we feed it silver to help it sort itself out again, right?

In the light of the silvery moon. could be it just drops its drawers 
and "moons" germs to death and the rest is about fashion and belt 
buckles vs elastic bands, pants down or dresses up.
 Well, even if the crowd is wearing different clothing, a moon is still 
a moon.


At 03:36 PM 1/26/2008 -0500, you wrote:

Oded has stated a number of times that every colloid begins life as an 
ion, so why are we comparing differences when there may not be any?
What is particle silver?  Thanks.  Faith G.

- Original Message - From: "Dee " 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

The consensus seems to be that ionic is just as good as colloidal; some
think better, but this is arguable.  Mostly, people think that mostly 

with about 10% seems to be the best mix.  Dee

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CS>Proteins, Amino Acids

2008-01-27 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Earnie,

??At 03:34 PM 1/27/2008, you wrote:

Well first off to those who think animal protein doesn't stress the body to
digest is wrong.

Some are stressed while others just coast along.

Are you talking about sick people or healthy people ?

I used to eat a 20 oz steak, go to the motel to read a magazine.
In about 1.5 hours at most, the steak was gone.  NO problems at all.

I would go out and get a malt and burger and then go to sleep.

If our ancestors did not eat a lot of animal protein, we would not be here 

Plant protein in adequate amounts is superior. Bottom line.
  I would like to see a list if 3 or 4 plant proteins that provide all the 
amino acids.

Do you even believe the Amino Acid principle ?

I study and talk about animals all the time.  They certainly survive on 
plant proteins  Little animals and the huge ones in Africa.

But they eat all the time, often eating 100 different plants in one day.

The average time in one area for some is 30 minutes.  A good reason for 
this also.

If you get the other amino acids, 3 to 5 hours apart,  they do not 
complement each other.  This is based on ten or thousands of hours 
observing animals.

Plus, the have more instinct about eating that humans do.

I have always has a superior digestive system.  Today I eat less meat, 
virtually none.  I eat seeds, nuts, and whey protein.

I have used many different kind or protein supplements also.

I eat some fish, salmon, and sardines.  A few shrimp at times.
Too much mercury in everything these days.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-01-27 Thread Geoecom
One thought as I have been following this  is
that for me I could not use whey as it is a milk product and 
milk products are the no. 1 allergy producing agent .

I have been off milk products for over 10 years and our doctors
during the 60's 70's suggested taking babys AND tottlers off milk
products when they had upper respatory problems, like sinus, and
the like..We use to give our kids soybean milk, and back then
it tasted and smelled bad. Today it is a great product to consider.


-Original Message-
>From: Dee  
>Sent: Jan 27, 2008 3:33 PM
>To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Subject: RE: CS>Re
>Have you got evidence to prove that plant protein is superior; for humans
>that is?  I suppose I shouldn't have asked this because I have a sneaking
>feeling that this is potentially one of those 'vegetarian versus meat eater'
>debates.  If this is so, then I am not joining it. Dee  
>---Original Message--- 
>From: Ernie Patai 
>Date: 27/01/2008 19:01:20 
>To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
>Subject: RE: CS>Re 
>Well first off to those who think animal protein doesn't stress the body to 
>Digest is wrong. Plant protein in adequate amounts is superior. Bottom line.
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
>To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
>The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-01-27 Thread Dee
Have you got evidence to prove that plant protein is superior; for humans
that is?  I suppose I shouldn't have asked this because I have a sneaking
feeling that this is potentially one of those 'vegetarian versus meat eater'
debates.  If this is so, then I am not joining it. Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: Ernie Patai 

Date: 27/01/2008 19:01:20 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: RE: CS>Re 


Well first off to those who think animal protein doesn't stress the body to 

Digest is wrong. Plant protein in adequate amounts is superior. Bottom line.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-01-27 Thread Dee
I am doing really well and feel so much better so will stick with the whey
for now at least.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: Ernie Patai 

Date: 27/01/2008 18:50:30 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: RE: CS>Re 


I've used Whey for a long time when I was body building and training heavy. 

But I found recovery always prolonged. I train differently now and use a 

Hemp based protein drink which I find gets into my system faster therefore 

Shortening the recovery time for my muscles. 


Try the other side of the fence .:-) 




The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>coment

2008-01-27 Thread Michael Zangari
Really, there is just so much to say about collodial silver and the uses.
It amazes me the things that still come up.
It's still a good list.
The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari 

- Original Message 
From: Sam Nowell 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 11:38:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>coment

Hi Samuel.
It use to be a pretty good colloidal silver list. They
seem to get off topic a lot. There are 2 group list on
yahoo groups and one on curezone that I know of. 
I have no control of what gets posted to the the list
as I'm not the list Owner. Mike Devour is the list
owner and he can be contacted at mdev...@eskimo.com  
You might want to contact him with your valid
complaints. I get tired of all the BS also but once in
a while a good topic about CS comes up, I just delete
the rest.

Good luck in your quest, CS isn't the magic bullet but
it does help in many cases. 

Sam L.
--- samuel albarran  wrote:

> I thought this list was about colloidal silver but
> after getting it for a few days I have not seen very
> much of it discussed. The topics covered vary from
> UFOs to politics. And bad language included. so I'm
> unsubscribing. Maybe you aught to change the group
> name, so as not to confuse newcomers. good luck.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.   

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

Re: CS>home-made colloidal silver

2008-01-27 Thread bbanever


 Why are you boiling the water before use?  I believe a stirrer might 
do the same thing if you're looking for Brownian movement.
- Original Message - 
From: "Yvonne Prete" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:14 AM
Subject: CS>home-made colloidal silver

Thanks to everyone who offered me answers to my questions.  I'll discuss 

ionic vs small particle question with SOTA and let you know what they say.

For several months I tested my home-made solution with an expensive and
tedious meter using n expensive solution.  As long as I used distilled
water, heated it to boiling. and left the silver wires in for twenty
minutes, I got 5 ppm of whatever I was making.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Questions about CS mA and use of H2O2

2008-01-27 Thread Ode Coyote


What H2O2 does to stabilized CS. [before and after micrographs,  thanks to 
Nancy Delise ]


At 11:00 PM 1/26/2008 -0600, you wrote:


1.)  I can't remember the exact amount, but I believe I have used up to 15 
or 20 drops (sometimes more) of 3% H2O2 for about 20 ounces of CS, 
depending on the strength of the CS.  Wait a few days after making the CS 
before adding H2O2. Also, if you cap the bottle the reaction continues 
longer if you are trying to get it to clear.

I think I have heard one teaspoon per gallon...  One quarter teaspoon is 
about 20 drops, one teaspoon is about 80 drops,  but drops vary in size so 
this is only approximate.

If you are using 35% food grade H2O2, that would only be a few drops 
(divide by 10 approximately).

2.)  Generally, people are recommending a maximum of 1 to 1.5 mA per 
square inch of wetted anode.  I think you could go higher, depending on 
how good your stirring is.  The thinking is that lower currents give you 
smaller particles, and higher currents cause agglomeration of silver into 
larger particles.

Using H2O2 after making as described above should break up these larger 

You should use the Faraday Equations spread sheet to determine how much 
silver you are releasing into the water.  The Equations will give you the 
*maximum* amount of silver released, but you will loose some as buildup on 
your electrodes unless you use polarity switching.


George Knoll wrote:

I have some questions.. as I want the most effective CS I can make
and the best quality..
No. 1.. When one adds H2O2 how much per quart...
then I assume you would multiply the by 4 for a gal.
No.2 I have 4 sq in of Silver bar in a qt jar and start
my current at 4 mA  on my power supply..
As the process continues over time the density
of silver builds up in the water and the mA will increase
to over 15 mA.  My question is would it not be better to
lower the mA back to 8 or less to have a better product?
Lowering the mA wil prolong the process. taking longer
but my goal is quality. Does it make a difference My voltage starting out
is 30 volts.  On my present setup to bring the mA down requires less
volts. I have order a 40 mA dc light bulb  and that will help
Let me know your thoughts.l I hope this also helps some new be CS makers

George Knoll
EarthLink Revolves Around You.

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-27 Thread Ode Coyote

  So, don't send it all there?
 Sip slowly...many small doses over a period of time.


At 01:47 PM 1/26/2008 -0600, you wrote:

The reason that I asked is that I have read that ionic will mix with 
stomach acid and end up as silver chloride and not do any good.

This may just be something that the particle people put out to sell their 


At 01:11 PM 1/26/2008, you wrote:

The consensus seems to be that ionic is just as good as colloidal; some
think better, but this is arguable.  Mostly, people think that mostly ionic
with about 10% seems to be the best mix.  Dee

---Original Message---

From: Gene Wolfe

Date: 26/01/2008 18:08:29

To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Subject: Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

Can someone tell me if there are advantages in ionic silver over particle
silver. I have read that particle is better. I have also read that particle
is much harder to make than ionic.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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2008-01-27 Thread Ernie Patai
Well first off to those who think animal protein doesn't stress the body to
digest is wrong. Plant protein in adequate amounts is superior. Bottom line.

I take a product called "VEGA." You can find this is any health store I
believe. It was created by a pro tri athlete: Brendan Brazier.
I've been experimenting with this for a bit now to see how I feel compared
to whey. Those who say whey is better are just uninformed and should try the
other side of the fence. :-)




-Original Message-
From: jessie70 [mailto:jessi...@optonline.net] 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 10:13 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Re

Ernie, how do you take the hemp protein? Jess

 Original Message -
From: "Ernie Patai" 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Re

>I have found Hemp Protein to be better then whey.
> More easily digestible, which means less blood to the stomach which means
> less work for the system. :-) Nutrient rich "whole food" in its natural
> state. It has a higher ph than many other proteins which is very important
> and often overlooked. 10 essential amino acids; has the same immune
> boosting
> function as whey. Has natural anti-inflammatory properties; key for
> speeding
> the repair of soft tissue damage caused by physical activity. It is raw
> and
> has natural occurring digestive enzymes which remain intact allowing to be
> used by the body with the greatest of ease. Therefore utilization is
> better
> requiring less protein. This = quality and not quantity. Because of its
> raw
> state hemp maintain their naturally high level of vits, min, fats,
> anti-ox,
> fibre and very alkaline chlorophyll. Not only for muscle regeneration, but
> also fat metabolism.
> Ernie
> -Original Message-
> From: Dee [mailto:d...@deetroy.org]
> Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 4:24 AM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Re
> Whey contains the precursor to glutathione I believe, and boosts the
> immune
> system.  It also helps stop sugar 'spiking' and builds muscle instead of
> fat
>  I am taking it now and have found my energy levels have increased
> significantly. Dee
> ---Original Message---
> From: faith gagne
> Date: 26/01/2008 21:00:36
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Re
> What do you mean? Who is taking whey and why? Thanks. Faith G.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-01-27 Thread Ernie Patai
I've used Whey for a long time when I was body building and training heavy.
But I found recovery always prolonged. I train differently now and use a
hemp based protein drink which I find gets into my system faster therefore
shortening the recovery time for my muscles.

Try the other side of the fence .:-)


-Original Message-
From: Dee [mailto:d...@deetroy.org] 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 9:57 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Re

Yes, we cannot get it here either as that is what I would buy for my hubby. 
Not me though, as I can't stand milk and find the whey quite horrible,
although I persevere as I feel better.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: bbanever 

Date: 27/01/2008 15:41:01 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: Re: CS>Re 




Another healthy food that contains the precursors to glutathione is raw 

Milk. I give it to my dogs on a daily basis and drink a small amount 

Myself. It isn't available everywhere though. 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-01-27 Thread jessie70
Ernie, how do you take the hemp protein? Jess

 Original Message -
From: "Ernie Patai" 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Re

>I have found Hemp Protein to be better then whey.
> More easily digestible, which means less blood to the stomach which means
> less work for the system. :-) Nutrient rich "whole food" in its natural
> state. It has a higher ph than many other proteins which is very important
> and often overlooked. 10 essential amino acids; has the same immune
> boosting
> function as whey. Has natural anti-inflammatory properties; key for
> speeding
> the repair of soft tissue damage caused by physical activity. It is raw
> and
> has natural occurring digestive enzymes which remain intact allowing to be
> used by the body with the greatest of ease. Therefore utilization is
> better
> requiring less protein. This = quality and not quantity. Because of its
> raw
> state hemp maintain their naturally high level of vits, min, fats,
> anti-ox,
> fibre and very alkaline chlorophyll. Not only for muscle regeneration, but
> also fat metabolism.
> Ernie
> -Original Message-
> From: Dee [mailto:d...@deetroy.org]
> Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 4:24 AM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Re
> Whey contains the precursor to glutathione I believe, and boosts the
> immune
> system.  It also helps stop sugar 'spiking' and builds muscle instead of
> fat
>  I am taking it now and have found my energy levels have increased
> significantly. Dee
> ---Original Message---
> From: faith gagne
> Date: 26/01/2008 21:00:36
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Re
> What do you mean? Who is taking whey and why? Thanks. Faith G.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re

2008-01-27 Thread Dee
Yes, we cannot get it here either as that is what I would buy for my hubby. 
Not me though, as I can't stand milk and find the whey quite horrible,
although I persevere as I feel better.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: bbanever 

Date: 27/01/2008 15:41:01 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: Re: CS>Re 




Another healthy food that contains the precursors to glutathione is raw 

Milk. I give it to my dogs on a daily basis and drink a small amount 

Myself. It isn't available everywhere though. 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-01-27 Thread Dee
According to Duncan, undenatured whey needs *no* digestion and can be given
to infants even.  I personally would rather take an animal protein than a
plant.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: Ernie Patai 

Date: 27/01/2008 15:00:41 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: RE: CS>Re 


I have found Hemp Protein to be better then whey. 

More easily digestible, which means less blood to the stomach which means 

Less work for the system. :-) 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-27 Thread Ode Coyote

  If the Ion gains an anion OH[-] it becomes a suspended Silver Hydroxide 
particle once the waters saturation point for AgOh is exceeded.
If it gains an Oxygen atom, it becomes Silver Oxide. That happens within 
the diffusion layer for the most part and as long as that layer isn't 
overloaded, it will stay there and stick to the electrode.

If the Ion gains an electron, it becomes a metallic silver particle.

 The "structure" of particles can be quite variable including nucleated 
lattices of similar particles growing around a dis-similar particle.
 Glass with metallic alloys [as glass is] could act as a oor solar cell 
and capacitor to donate electrons to ions that contact the glass.
 A Harvard study found that glass surfaces act as nucleation sites in 
Ionic Silver.

 All three can be and are produced along with "hydrated" silver ions being 
protected by the water against the OH anions and the ratios can be tweeked.

What happens to AgOH with stomach acid, I don't know.
 Metallic silver can be coaxed into ionizing... H2O2 is a catalyst and 
there may be many "battery effect" situations in the body where there is 
iron, silver and salt, for instance.
H2O2 will destroy certain Silver Oxides instantly... I've heard there is 
some of that produced by the cells?

Much is not known, but the stuff works anyhow.
If it's all in there, it doesn't really matter what did what and what didn't.
It's likely that they all work on and with each other.
The bodies "chemical soup" provides myriads of opportunities for anything 
to happen...and..it's intelligent.

If Silver Chloride is made "in" the stomach, it deprives another of 
hundreds of other reactions of something which just may enhance the 
delivery of silver ions.
No one knows.  Many simplistic theories that can't possibly tell the whole 
story abound.
 Arguments about which one is the right one get stuck in "This OR that" 
and don't go into "This AND that, plus the other".

.which is just too plain complicated to even argue about and not get LOST.

LOL  Sometimes we aren't quite as intelligent as our bodies are.

The body "works", doesn't matter why or how...till it doesn't.

Then we feed it silver to help it sort itself out again, right?

In the light of the silvery moon. could be it just drops its drawers 
and "moons" germs to death and the rest is about fashion and belt buckles 
vs elastic bands, pants down or dresses up.
 Well, even if the crowd is wearing different clothing, a moon is still a 


At 03:36 PM 1/26/2008 -0500, you wrote:

Oded has stated a number of times that every colloid begins life as an 
ion, so why are we comparing differences when there may not be 
any?What is particle silver?  Thanks.  Faith G.

- Original Message - From: "Dee " 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

The consensus seems to be that ionic is just as good as colloidal; some
think better, but this is arguable.  Mostly, people think that mostly ionic
with about 10% seems to be the best mix.  Dee

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS> Cold and hard

2008-01-27 Thread Ode Coyote

  No government has ever made a thing.
Every government lives off the efforts of the governed.

 Take their health care away and spread it out.. oh goodie!!
 My bottle of Aspirin just re-appeared and so did yours.
We're all OK now!

  Take that CEOs bonus and give it to the workers.
Nice six pack, Joe!
Too bad the CEO quit and you don't have a job.
Oh well, where there is beer there be hope.
I hear there's an opening for CEO, can you do it?

I sure as heck wouldn't want to, bonus or no bonus.
 "Target" ain't what I care to be.

I'd be glad to send my six pack to Washington if they would "create me a job".
 But, they don't create jobs,   they might fill some,. but 
Peoplemostly CEOscreate jobs.

 Thank goodness I have that bottle of Aspirin!
 Where there is beer, there be hangovers.

Those guys in Washington NEED good health care.
 They are, after all...the REAL sickos, right?
And we aren't, so we don't.

I hear beer is good for washington things out of my hair.
"Kapisht" [The sound of one pull tab clapping]

Health care insurance:  A lot cheaper with a $5,000 deductable.
Do you have $5,000 collecting interest or do you have a car loan sucking it 

I can take an old dead car and make it run perfectly for 100,000 miles for 
the price of 3 car payments or less.
I learned how by trying and failing till I didn't...one back in the woods 
with no house, no garage and no power to run the tools.

$150 and good transportation for 5 years. Even drove it to Alaska and back.


At 03:52 PM 1/26/2008 -0500, you wrote:

Ode, Nobody stays alive another year after their time is up.  There is not 
enough money in the world to do that for any of us.

Yup, nobody gets a heart transplant and machines don't pump blood till one 
comes around.  You are correct, there isn't enough money, but it gets done 

And as far as paying the piper, we ALL foot the bill.  Try figuring out 
what you really pay in taxes every year to your local, state and federal 
governments, above and beyond income and property taxes.   It'll take you 
a year and I bet you can't do it.  And your government reps get FAR better 
health care than you do, and they don't pay for it either.  You do.

Faith G.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>Alternative Health News Articles Ron Paul Speaks Out Against Dangerous Vaccines

2008-01-27 Thread Ode Coyote

  Gone OT for yet another scathing rant.

 Takes a dunderhead, to know a dunderhead?
 That's about right.

Con men taught me this: [It took a while and tens of thousands of $$, worth 
every penny and I set the price. ]

 I can be conned even while knowing I am *being* conned.
 Those who don't know that, haven't a prayer.


At 07:04 AM 1/26/2008 -0500, you wrote:

Ron Paul on the issues of health freedom, forced vaccinations, and the 
FDA. (Take note Ode)



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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-27 Thread Ode Coyote
  ##  Every "Establishment" commercial entity that sells a silver based 
product makes great effort to get silver to release ions, generally by 
using ion exchange resins. [Ag-ion tech is one, Silverlon, Acticoat, Curad 
Silver band-aids etc etc. ]



At 10:50 AM 1/26/2008 -0600, you wrote:

Can someone tell me if there are advantages in ionic silver over particle 
silver. I have read that particle is better. I have also read that 
particle is much harder to make than ionic.



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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re

2008-01-27 Thread Dee
Whey contains the precursor to glutathione I believe, and boosts the immune
system.  It also helps stop sugar 'spiking' and builds muscle instead of fat
  I am taking it now and have found my energy levels have increased
significantly. Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: faith gagne 

Date: 26/01/2008 21:00:36 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: Re: CS>Re 


What do you mean? Who is taking whey and why? Thanks. Faith G. 



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-27 Thread Gene Wolfe

Thanks, Sam. Everyone has been a big help.


At 08:17 AM 1/27/2008, you wrote:

Hi Gene.
http://silverpuppy.com/makes real nice 
generator and free shipping in the USA. The #2 Mag Generator is 
really nice. Or the
silvergen at http://www.silvergen.com/ 
looks like a good one although I never have owned one.

On Jan 26, 2008 9:53 PM, Gene Wolfe 
<ge...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

Thanks, Kathryn. Yes, these links answer my question.

Now, the obvious next question is what are some recommendations for 
machines that make small particle CS?


At 03:27 PM 1/26/2008, you wrote:

I posted some links that, upon reading will answer this question:


and www.fugitt.com/cs_notes or 
something like that. It was today or yesterday, you can check.

Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-27 Thread KENNETH TUURI
I agree the Silver puppy generater looks very good. I was on the website 
yesterday and ended up spending a few hours there. Alot of good info  with 
links to even more. A great site,

- Original Message -
From: "Sam L." 
Date: Sunday, January 27, 2008 6:28 am
Subject: Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

> Hi Gene.
> http://silverpuppy.com/makes real nice 
> generator and free shipping in
> the USA. The #2 Mag Generator is really nice. Or the
> silvergen at http://www.silvergen.com/ looks like a good one 
> although I
> never have owned one.
> On Jan 26, 2008 9:53 PM, Gene Wolfe  wrote:
> >  Thanks, Kathryn. Yes, these links answer my question.
> >
> > Now, the obvious next question is what are some 
> recommendations for
> > machines that make small particle CS?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Gene
> >
> > At 03:27 PM 1/26/2008, you wrote:
> >
> > I posted some links that, upon reading will answer this question:
> >
> >  www.silver-lightning.com
> >
> > and www.fugitt.com/cs_notes or something like that. It was 
> today or
> > yesterday, you can check.
> >
> >
> -- 
> A government big enough to give you everything you want is big 
> enough to
> take
> everything you have. Google Ron Paul

RE: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-27 Thread bob Larson
looks like a bad scene to me.  lots of money for not much.  and the "saline
starter solution" is the same as the old "pinch of salt" no no no no.   this
site has absolutely nothing going for it over the silverpuppy.

i do like the idea of a little solar panel to power a CS generator
times can get hard with no power or gas, and look like they just might.
silverpuppy and colloidmaster come in versions that run from 12v battery, so
a car dashboard lighter socket could be used.  i'll bet there's solar panels
putting out 12v that will power them on ebay pretty cheap ... i just looked,
there's plenty, and they'll also power/charge laptops, cellphones, ipods,

 -Original Message-
From: faith gagne [mailto:jitte...@gis.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 8:24 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

  There is one here you could look at:  http://www.thesilveredge.com/

  Faith G.

Re: CS>Re

2008-01-27 Thread bbanever


Another healthy food that contains the precursors to glutathione is raw 
milk.  I give it to my dogs on a daily basis and drink a small amount 
myself.  It isn't available everywhere though.
- Original Message - 
From: "Ernie Patai" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Re

I have found Hemp Protein to be better then whey.
More easily digestible, which means less blood to the stomach which means
less work for the system. :-) Nutrient rich "whole food" in its natural
state. It has a higher ph than many other proteins which is very important
and often overlooked. 10 essential amino acids; has the same immune 
function as whey. Has natural anti-inflammatory properties; key for 
the repair of soft tissue damage caused by physical activity. It is raw 

has natural occurring digestive enzymes which remain intact allowing to be
used by the body with the greatest of ease. Therefore utilization is 
requiring less protein. This = quality and not quantity. Because of its 
state hemp maintain their naturally high level of vits, min, fats, 

fibre and very alkaline chlorophyll. Not only for muscle regeneration, but
also fat metabolism.


-Original Message-
From: Dee [mailto:d...@deetroy.org]
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 4:24 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Re

Whey contains the precursor to glutathione I believe, and boosts the 
system.  It also helps stop sugar 'spiking' and builds muscle instead of 

 I am taking it now and have found my energy levels have increased
significantly. Dee

---Original Message--- 

From: faith gagne

Date: 26/01/2008 21:00:36

To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Subject: Re: CS>Re

What do you mean? Who is taking whey and why? Thanks. Faith G.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Silver peroxide

2008-01-27 Thread bbanever

M.G. Devour,

Interesting about silver peroxide.  According to the author there are 
several other substances added to the hydrogen peroxide besides colloidal 
silver... I wonder if that is true or he's just saying this as a decoy/ 
- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver peroxide

Sam L. wrote:
> Interesting article on Silver peroxide.
> Just make sure you add Hydrogen peroxide to he CS after it 2-3 days
> old
> http://www.silverperoxide.com/Introduction%20to%20Huwa-San.pdf

Also interesting is the following notice on the home page


All information relating to Huwa-San has been removed from this


Criminy. I wonder what corporate lapdog public agency came down on them
and why?

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>home-made colloidal silver

2008-01-27 Thread Yvonne Prete
Thanks to everyone who offered me answers to my questions.  I'll discuss the
ionic vs small particle question with SOTA and let you know what they say.

For several months I tested my home-made solution with an expensive and
tedious meter using n expensive solution.  As long as I used distilled
water, heated it to boiling. and left the silver wires in for twenty
minutes, I got 5 ppm of whatever I was making.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-27 Thread Sam L.
Hi Gene.
http://silverpuppy.com/makes real nice generator and free shipping in
the USA. The #2 Mag Generator is really nice. Or the
silvergen at http://www.silvergen.com/ looks like a good one although I
never have owned one.

On Jan 26, 2008 9:53 PM, Gene Wolfe  wrote:

>  Thanks, Kathryn. Yes, these links answer my question.
> Now, the obvious next question is what are some recommendations for
> machines that make small particle CS?
> Thanks,
> Gene
> At 03:27 PM 1/26/2008, you wrote:
> I posted some links that, upon reading will answer this question:
>  www.silver-lightning.com
> and www.fugitt.com/cs_notes or something like that. It was today or
> yesterday, you can check.

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to
everything you have. Google Ron Paul


2008-01-27 Thread Ernie Patai
I have found Hemp Protein to be better then whey.
More easily digestible, which means less blood to the stomach which means
less work for the system. :-) Nutrient rich "whole food" in its natural
state. It has a higher ph than many other proteins which is very important
and often overlooked. 10 essential amino acids; has the same immune boosting
function as whey. Has natural anti-inflammatory properties; key for speeding
the repair of soft tissue damage caused by physical activity. It is raw and
has natural occurring digestive enzymes which remain intact allowing to be
used by the body with the greatest of ease. Therefore utilization is better
requiring less protein. This = quality and not quantity. Because of its raw
state hemp maintain their naturally high level of vits, min, fats, anti-ox,
fibre and very alkaline chlorophyll. Not only for muscle regeneration, but
also fat metabolism.


-Original Message-
From: Dee [mailto:d...@deetroy.org] 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 4:24 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Re

Whey contains the precursor to glutathione I believe, and boosts the immune
system.  It also helps stop sugar 'spiking' and builds muscle instead of fat
  I am taking it now and have found my energy levels have increased
significantly. Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: faith gagne 

Date: 26/01/2008 21:00:36 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: Re: CS>Re 


What do you mean? Who is taking whey and why? Thanks. Faith G. 



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Cold and hard

2008-01-27 Thread Paula Perry

- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: CS> Cold and hard

> Devils Details aside:
>   To make it fair, either everything should be regulated, or, nothing
> should be regulated...and let consequence handle the balance like it used

That statement makes no sense to me. Drugs are synthetic man made chemicals
that always carry some level of toxicity that is not found in natural
products and supplements. Risk factors are thousands fold on the side of
drugs, including those sold over the counter. Saying you want MORE
regulation, government restrictions, and control of health options and
products. Unbelievable!

> But people say the Pharm and the FDA is evil, yet constantly tip the
> in favor of them every time they buy the product.
> Last I looked, almost everyone was voting FOR them and complaining about
> "their own" choice.

I don't think most people see Pharm and the FDA as evil. I think they
mindlessly worship at their alter. They don't seek out alternatives because
they have been taught that they really don't work by the massive marketing
and propaganda networks. Blind trust, unexamined.
> OK, go right ahead and finance the Devil in hopes you won't meet God.

Nope. Don't do legal drugs, illegal drugs, or over the counter drugs. I do
use Armour (natural) only because most of my thyroid was removed years ago.
That was before I knew about natural medicine.

> I don't think either one of them cares about smoke and noise.
>   The only thing that counts for anything at all, is what you DO.
> The whole point of these rantings is to point out that Blame doesn't
> control anything, but it does hold you helpless to take action.
> Blame is nothing less than *power of*,  given away.

Power is only given away when you allow yourself to be silenced by fear.
Constructive criticism is necessary to any democracy. When we are silenced
by fear and fear tactics and propaganda we are no longer a democracy and we
no longer can claim any liberty. Nor, are we perhaps due any.
Helplessness is actually "inaction" based on fear. Expressing power is
actually speaking your own  truth and valuing your own ideas, while working
toward the general good with integrity.. >
> The question is: How much are you willing to pay who, to stay alive
> year, after your time is up?
> Answer:  A LOT...so long as someone else foots the bill and you get to
> when they don't like it.

I don't plan on living forever. Just trying to stay healthier. Actually, I
am paying a lot for other people's healthcare since I do not make much use
of my insurance.
> Bottom line:  Like it or not,  YOU choose, who to pay, for what.
>   No matter how far the buck gets passed, it's still your buck.

Yep, and I want to keep it that way.
>   You think you have no power!

Is that a projection of your own feelings? I have said nothing to indicate
that I feel powerless. I would be powerless if I allowed myself to be
intimidated and believed your projections.

> But
> NONE of them can stay in your business without you.
> "They" CANNOT charge any more than you are willing to pay... NONE of

Oh, but they can and do. I'm NOT buying. The rest of your comments appeared
to be yet more projections of what you think. lt's about you Ode. It's what
you are telling yourself. You talk about freedom and then say you WANT more
regulation and restrictions placed on YOUR health options. Get a grip. You
are describing your own thoughts and fears. What are you afraid of? It's
almost like you are talking about out of body experience. Is that what you
are referring to? Are you having one?

> You can drop the whole enchilada like a hot potato, but you are afraid
> it'll roast your toes if you do and it's too hot to handle because you
> won't drop it out of the hands that heat it up with all that resistance to
> your own poweryour hands.

>   Want freedom from the whole danged thing?
> Then just be willing to meet God at HIS appointed time.
> You don't know when that will be no matter HOW much you pay ANYONE to help
> you fool yourself.
> Never mind. He will catch up and He has all of eternity to watch you
> torture yourself and STILL go from this place of fear deferred and
> This is a "small" place, way too small to contain forever... a TINY
> of your true mind.
> You want to stay because you are afraid to know how powerful you really
> and won't even use a small part of it to gain freedom while here, for the
> same reason.
> But, you cannot stay longer without suffering and you cannot stay.
>   A living slave to fear of the inevitable is better than what?
> You just don't remember what freedom is...and "this" is what that
> to the exact degree of the doing.
> In time, you will meet yourself outside of it.
>   As you will.
> Ode
> At 03:20 PM 1/25/2008 -0500, you wrote:
> >Ode,
> >You must have a lot of free time on your ha

Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-27 Thread faith gagne
There is one here you could look at:  http://www.thesilveredge.com/

Faith G.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Gene Wolfe 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 7:53 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>home-made xolloidial silver

  Thanks, Kathryn. Yes, these links answer my question. 

  Now, the obvious next question is what are some recommendations for machines 
that make small particle CS?


  At 03:27 PM 1/26/2008, you wrote:

I posted some links that, upon reading will answer this question:


and www.fugitt.com/cs_notes or something like that. It was today or 
yesterday, you can check.

Re: CS>Silver peroxide

2008-01-27 Thread M. G. Devour
> Sam L. wrote:
> > Interesting article on Silver peroxide.
> > Just make sure you add Hydrogen peroxide to he CS after it 2-3 days
> > old
> > 
> > http://www.silverperoxide.com/Introduction%20to%20Huwa-San.pdf

Also interesting is the following notice on the home page 

> All information relating to Huwa-San has been removed from this
> website. 

Criminy. I wonder what corporate lapdog public agency came down on them 
and why?

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour