Re: CS>Lupus dog Carol G

2010-04-05 Thread Christina Mattson
I'm so glad to hear that! I can't wait for your e-book (no pressure)LOL. I am 
an animal lover and would love to learn what you know.

--- On Mon, 4/5/10, carolG  wrote:

From: carolG 
Subject: Re: CS>Lupus dog Carol G
Date: Monday, April 5, 2010, 10:08 AM

I can say if dog has ever been vaccinated before I adopted her at I can't say, 
but having her 9+ years she has not had any vaccinations.  I did use some CS 
for a while on her too.

She was diagnosed before CS was ever known by me, but used it for short season 
after diagnosis; she was diagnosed in Sept. and did have biopsy done.  Yes, she 
was so poisoned and very dead when doing the drugs for a short while.  The 
drugs are history---didn't work for her but just killed her 99% of the way. 
But,  now she's ALIVE and back to herself.

I see her actions back to normal, not doing any more tests on her, and that's 
enough proof for me and my neighbor.

Thanks for asking.


From: vicki hood 
Sent: Mon, April 5, 2010 11:51:40 AM
Subject: CS>Lupus dog Carol G

Onset (poor dog) just after a vaccine?  22 year old friend got her lupus (even 
though warned) week of vaccine at college.  Your dogs loss of hair and allergy 
symptoms all could be direct result of vaccine.   I got my MS immediately after 
a vaccine.  Auto immune disease rears up when poisons (vaccine) are pushed into 
a system.  Carol, had your dog been well-- vaccinated --then ill?  To those 


Re: CS>liposomal Vit C - again OT

2010-04-05 Thread cking001
I drink it when I make it, and use it for a snack mostly, 'cause I
drink the whole pint.

NORMAL? That the setting I use on my washing machine...

On 4/5/2010 8:00:57 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick ( wrote:
> Can someone tell me if you should drink this on an empty stomach or after
> food?  TIA  dee
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Re: CS>Lupus dog Carol G

2010-04-05 Thread carolG
I can say if dog has ever been vaccinated before I adopted her at I can't say, 
but having her 9+ years she has not had any vaccinations.  I did use some CS 
for a while on her too.

She was diagnosed before CS was ever known by me, but used it for short season 
after diagnosis; she was diagnosed in Sept. and did have biopsy done.  Yes, she 
was so poisoned and very dead when doing the drugs for a short while.  The 
drugs are history---didn't work for her but just killed her 99% of the way. 
But,  now she's ALIVE and back to herself.

I see her actions back to normal, not doing any more tests on her, and that's 
enough proof for me and my neighbor.

Thanks for asking.


From: vicki hood 
Sent: Mon, April 5, 2010 11:51:40 AM
Subject: CS>Lupus dog Carol G

Onset (poor dog) just after a vaccine?  22 
year old friend got her lupus (even though warned) week of vaccine at 
college.  Your dogs loss of hair and allergy symptoms all could be direct 
result of vaccine.   I got my MS immediately after a vaccine.  
Auto immune disease rears up when poisons (vaccine) are pushed into a 
system.  Carol, had your dog been well-- vaccinated --then ill?  To 

Re: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

2010-04-05 Thread carolG
Auntie Renee,
I am going to do that ebook for sure. Thanks--yes it helps others great.  Of 
course not medical person, but my own story before my eyes is amazing so that's 
to me proof and recovery besides actual biopsy.   I think I am good on this 
area of help, but if you have ideas for marketing I could be interested.  It's 
going to tie into humans, business and pet worlds.  May end up as 3 different 
books, but Molly story woven throughout.

I've been testing my market for her and telling all I am in contact with and 
all are dog lovers and excited.  Maybe her disease will not only help Lupus 
pets and owners but other disease owners as well.  Today looked at website 
saying no cure for her disease.  So we "all" here beat the odds by not quitting 

She's back to normal.  Truly a movie!
Carol, the mom to Molly and niece to Renee!

From: Renee 
Sent: Mon, April 5, 2010 10:51:44 AM
Subject: Re: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

Carol, I'm so happy for you and Molly.  Please do write your book.  It will 
help many, many beloved pets, and give owners great hope.  If you need any help 
with it, just let me know.
"auntie" Renee
---Original Message---
Thanks to all who have followed along the almost death of my dog, Molly who was 
diagnosed in March 2009 with Lupus.  Today she is doing GREAT and I am calling 
it recovered as she appears back to normal except her eating has gone from 50% 
okay eater to a 300% PIG!  She eats tremendous quantities.  

CS>Lupus dog Carol G

2010-04-05 Thread vicki hood
Onset (poor dog) just after a vaccine?  22 year old friend got her lupus (even 
though warned) week of vaccine at college.  Your dogs loss of hair and allergy 
symptoms all could be direct result of vaccine.   I got my MS immediately after 
a vaccine.  Auto immune disease rears up when poisons (vaccine) are pushed into 
a system.  Carol, had your dog been well-- vaccinated --then ill?  To those who 
need information on vaccines, forms for school to opt out  My 
vaccine damage has been helped with CS.  My animals all get CS.  Some of my 
animals have been vaccinated before i got them.  I also use homeopathic Thuja 
to counter vaccine damage.  


2010-04-05 Thread Annie B Smythe
Ahhh but there's a magic word called "class action 
lawsuit" and lots of money hungry lawyers that 
will take the suit if they smell money in the water;)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Lisa wrote:

Here here!

I SO agree...the only problem is that these small farmers don't have the
funds to take on Monsanto who will throw 20 or more lawyers at them. 

I so wholeheartedly agree though -- the farmers should be suing Monsanto for
contaminating THEIR heirloom corn with THEIR bogus GMO crap!


-Original Message-
From: Annie B Smythe [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:20 AM

To: CS List

What did I say not long ago? Yep, I believe ALL 
the GMO so called "test fields" were placed where 
they could contaminate "regular fields", not just 
rice. I'm waiting for the lawsuits against 
Monasanto. I hope so many farmers sue them they go 
bankrupt. Yeah, I know that's terrible but so is 
what those companies are doing to us, food crops, 
the entire environment, animals and insects.

An Arkansas court has ruled that Bayer CropScience 
"intentionally" contaminated US rice supplies with 
its unapproved GM rice. The court ordered the 
company to pay a farmer who suffered losses when 
his rice was contaminated with Bayer's GM product, 
a total of US$1.3 million.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

2010-04-05 Thread Renee
Carol, I'm so happy for you and Molly.  Please do write your book.  It will
help many, many beloved pets, and give owners great hope.  If you need any
help with it, just let me know.

"auntie" Renee

---Original Message---

Thanks to all who have followed along the almost death of my dog, Molly who was 
diagnosed in March 2009 with Lupus.  Today she is doing GREAT and I am calling 
it recovered as she appears back to normal except her eating has gone from 50% 
okay eater to a 300% PIG!  She eats tremendous quantities.  

Re: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

2010-04-05 Thread Bob Banever
carol that is GREAT!   How did you achieve this... by feeding CS only?
  - Original Message - 
  From: carolG 
  Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 9:10 PM
  Subject: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

  Thanks to all who have followed along the almost death of my dog, Molly who 
was diagnosed in March 2009 with Lupus.  Today she is doing GREAT and I am 
calling it recovered as she appears back to normal except her eating has gone 
from 50% okay eater to a 300% PIG!  She eats tremendous quantities.  

  Just wanted to let you know she is RESURRECTED from death and is ALIVE, 
ALIVE, ALIVEevery sign of being  back to normal other than running around 
like a manic on our acre. She is however back to scouting out rabbits, running 
after then again, but in moderation and watching the mules next door. For this 
she has to walk a distance and is able to do it.  Her hair is growing back 
greatly, her itch is pretty much gone and most times gone

  Just wanted to thank all for their support.

  I'm believing I'll be writing an ebook.
  Carol Giambri


Re: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

2010-04-05 Thread Day Sutton
That's wonderful!  Please tell us how you did it..

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:08 AM, needling around wrote:

>  How wonderful for you.  Please let me know when the ebook is finished.
> PT
> - Original Message -
> *From:* carolG 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Monday, April 05, 2010 12:10 AM
> *Subject:* CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!
>  Thanks to all who have followed along the almost death of my dog, Molly
> who was diagnosed in March 2009 with Lupus.  Today she is doing GREAT and I
> am calling it recovered as she appears back to normal except her eating has
> gone from 50% okay eater to a 300% PIG!  She eats tremendous quantities.
> Just wanted to let you know she is RESURRECTED from death and is ALIVE,
> ALIVE, ALIVEevery sign of being  back to normal other than running
> around like a manic on our acre. She is however back to scouting out
> rabbits, running after then again, but in moderation and watching the mules
> next door. For this she has to walk a distance and is able to do it.  Her
> hair is growing back greatly, her itch is pretty much gone and most times
> gone
> Just wanted to thank all for their support.
> I'm believing I'll be writing an ebook.
> Carol Giambri
> carolg
>  --
> **

Day Sutton

Re: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

2010-04-05 Thread Richard Goodwin
I must have missed the beginning of this saga -- what caused her recovery?

From: carolG 
Sent: Mon, April 5, 2010 12:10:29 AM
Subject: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

Thanks to all who have followed along the almost death of my dog, Molly who was 
diagnosed in March 2009 with Lupus.  Today she is doing GREAT and I am calling 
it recovered as she appears back to normal except her eating has gone from 50% 
okay eater to a 300% PIG!  She eats tremendous quantities.  

Just wanted to let you know she is RESURRECTED from death and is ALIVE, ALIVE, 
ALIVEevery sign of being  back to normal other than running around like a 
manic on our acre. She is however back to scouting out rabbits, running after 
then again, but in moderation and watching the mules next door. For this she 
has to walk a distance and is able to do it.  Her hair is growing back greatly, 
her itch is pretty much gone and most times gone

Just wanted to thank all for their support.

I'm believing I'll be writing an ebook.
Carol Giambri

Re: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

2010-04-05 Thread needling around
How wonderful for you.  Please let me know when the ebook is finished.
  - Original Message - 
  From: carolG 
  Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 12:10 AM
  Subject: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

  Thanks to all who have followed along the almost death of my dog, Molly who 
was diagnosed in March 2009 with Lupus.  Today she is doing GREAT and I am 
calling it recovered as she appears back to normal except her eating has gone 
from 50% okay eater to a 300% PIG!  She eats tremendous quantities.  

  Just wanted to let you know she is RESURRECTED from death and is ALIVE, 
ALIVE, ALIVEevery sign of being  back to normal other than running around 
like a manic on our acre. She is however back to scouting out rabbits, running 
after then again, but in moderation and watching the mules next door. For this 
she has to walk a distance and is able to do it.  Her hair is growing back 
greatly, her itch is pretty much gone and most times gone

  Just wanted to thank all for their support.

  I'm believing I'll be writing an ebook.
  Carol Giambri



2010-04-05 Thread Lisa
Here here!

I SO agree...the only problem is that these small farmers don't have the
funds to take on Monsanto who will throw 20 or more lawyers at them. 

I so wholeheartedly agree though -- the farmers should be suing Monsanto for
contaminating THEIR heirloom corn with THEIR bogus GMO crap!


-Original Message-
From: Annie B Smythe [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:20 AM
To: CS List

What did I say not long ago? Yep, I believe ALL 
the GMO so called "test fields" were placed where 
they could contaminate "regular fields", not just 
rice. I'm waiting for the lawsuits against 
Monasanto. I hope so many farmers sue them they go 
bankrupt. Yeah, I know that's terrible but so is 
what those companies are doing to us, food crops, 
the entire environment, animals and insects.

An Arkansas court has ruled that Bayer CropScience 
"intentionally" contaminated US rice supplies with 
its unapproved GM rice. The court ordered the 
company to pay a farmer who suffered losses when 
his rice was contaminated with Bayer's GM product, 
a total of US$1.3 million.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

2010-04-05 Thread Lisa
YEA! I've been following this thread and I'm so happy your Molly is better.


Having lost a favorite pet in my childhood - I can appreciate those that
take great care in their pet's lives doing what's best for them!


Hug her everyday :-)





From: carolG [] 
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 12:10 AM
Subject: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!


Thanks to all who have followed along the almost death of my dog, Molly who
was diagnosed in March 2009 with Lupus.  Today she is doing GREAT and I am
calling it recovered as she appears back to normal except her eating has
gone from 50% okay eater to a 300% PIG!  She eats tremendous quantities.  

Just wanted to let you know she is RESURRECTED from death and is ALIVE,
ALIVE, ALIVEevery sign of being  back to normal other than running
around like a manic on our acre. She is however back to scouting out
rabbits, running after then again, but in moderation and watching the mules
next door. For this she has to walk a distance and is able to do it.  Her
hair is growing back greatly, her itch is pretty much gone and most times

Just wanted to thank all for their support.

I'm believing I'll be writing an ebook.
Carol Giambri



Re: CS>FYI Wilson's Temperature Syndrome - adrenal support

2010-04-05 Thread Del

Perhaps this article will help.


- Original Message - 
From: "Rowena" 

Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 10:47 PM
Subject: Re: CS>FYI Wilson's Temperature Syndrome - adrenal support

I'm listening in closely to this thread - anyone like to chat about 
adrenal support for me to eavesdrop on?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>liposomal Vit C - again OT

2010-04-05 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Can someone tell me if you should drink this on an empty stomach or after food? 
 TIA  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

2010-04-05 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I'm so glad for Molly - and you of course carol.  x dee

On 5 Apr 2010, at 05:10, carolG wrote:

> Thanks to all who have followed along the almost death of my dog, Molly who 
> was diagnosed in March 2009 with Lupus.  Today she is doing GREAT and I am 
> calling it recovered as she appears back to normal except her eating has gone 
> from 50% okay eater to a 300% PIG!  She eats tremendous quantities.  
> Just wanted to let you know she is RESURRECTED from death and is ALIVE, 
> ALIVE, ALIVEevery sign of being  back to normal other than running around 
> like a manic on our acre. She is however back to scouting out rabbits, 
> running after then again, but in moderation and watching the mules next door. 
> For this she has to walk a distance and is able to do it.  Her hair is 
> growing back greatly, her itch is pretty much gone and most times gone
> Just wanted to thank all for their support.
> I'm believing I'll be writing an ebook.
> Carol Giambri
> carolg

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour