How wonderful for you.  Please let me know when the ebook is finished.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: carolG 
  Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 12:10 AM
  Subject: CS>LUPUS dog update: 4/410--RETURN TO NORMAL SELF.!!

  Thanks to all who have followed along the almost death of my dog, Molly who 
was diagnosed in March 2009 with Lupus.  Today she is doing GREAT and I am 
calling it recovered as she appears back to normal except her eating has gone 
from 50% okay eater to a 300% PIG!  She eats tremendous quantities.  

  Just wanted to let you know she is RESURRECTED from death and is ALIVE, 
ALIVE, ALIVE....every sign of being  back to normal other than running around 
like a manic on our acre. She is however back to scouting out rabbits, running 
after then again, but in moderation and watching the mules next door. For this 
she has to walk a distance and is able to do it.  Her hair is growing back 
greatly, her itch is pretty much gone and most times gone....

  Just wanted to thank all for their support.

  I'm believing I'll be writing an ebook.
  Carol Giambri
