Re: CSkerosene testimony pet and human

2012-12-29 Thread Dr. Matthias Weisser

Seems to be interesting,
is this book somewhere to get?
my mail is


Am 28.12.2012 20:17, schrieb dAVId:
Consumption of the Lungs and Kindred Diseases, Treated and Cured by 
Kerosene ... - Charles Oscar Frye - Google Books 
david lubbock tx.

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Marshall wrote:

This is an interesting site:

I would be very careful.  Most references list kerosene as being


On 12/28/2012 1:50 PM, vicki hood wrote:

Testimony please.  Kerosene for pets and people.  Did you use
it?  For what?  Your pets have healings?  Tumors?  Arthritus? 
Still use it? I would like to know if it worked and what dosage

to try.  Oh, I can see and hear the wrath of big pharma.  I
believe in Gramma. Sincerely,  Muttmom Vicki Hood

Re: CSOil of Oregano and colds Try a Hot Toddy BS Ep Salts bath

2012-12-29 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy‹I actually remember my mum doing this for us
when we were little.  I think people Œknew¹ things in the old days, which
have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.

I have changed my mind about the O of O as I did persevere with it and now I
find the cold is a lot better after a couple of days.  Mind you, I have also
been using large doses of CS and also spraying with it ­ so maybe the
combined frontal attack is working.  My daughter has been ill off and on for
six weeks with this bug, so if it gets cured in less than a week, then that
will surely be a cause for recommendation.  I am starting with a tight chest
though, so mustn¹t get too complacent!  Dee PS cant bath‹we only have a
shower here!

Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2012 12:42:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CSOil of Oregano and colds Try a Hot Toddy  BS  Ep Salts
Resent-Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2012 09:42:17 -0800

In a message dated 12/26/2012 4:22:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 Just  to say that I was told that oil of oregano would Œstop a cold in its
 tracks¹  but this is not true.  I have just started a cold and used this
 almost  immediately and the cold is getting steadily worse.  I am also using
 CS  with DMSO but still have the cold.  Just a snippet to say that natural
 remedies are not always successful either.  Dee
Dee , give this a try-That night Dan broke a massive sweat  the cold {
a bad one } is gone...
 When My kids were young  had a bad cold. ( before I found out about
colloidal silver} I would mix a little whiskey with honey  water  give
them a teaspoon or table spoon full before they went to bed. During the
night they would have a big sweat  in the morning be much better.  My Grand
mother told me to use it as she did with my Mom  uncle...I'm 75  now 
this was near 40 yrs ago as my kids are grown..{{ Gram's use was over 100
yrs ago.. likely more as her Mom most likely used it...}}
  My son has a bad cold so I did a search  found the whiskey honey use on
line as an old remedy. { we didn't use the lemon }   The wonderful Hot
Toddy  Mix piping hot water to a cup, 1/2 shot of whiskey, and 1 tea spoon
lemon juice, 1 tea spoon honey, mix well. The Alcohol has an
anti-inflammatory effect on mucous membranes. Also said to reduce fever, and
relieve muscle aches.
  Squeeze the juice from one lemon into a glass and add one large spoon  of
honey. { raw honey is the best } Add one large spoon of Scotch  whisky. Fill
glass with boiling water and stir to mix. Let cool  and drink.
Have one glass a day for three days.  !!  Lois
 { Oh  we use the after bath water to do a load of  laundry } -- :-)

FW: CSCure for cancer and hiv by using Vaccine

2012-12-29 Thread james
Hi again,


Maybe this is the original doctor that started explanation that cancer is
not a disease, It's a survivor mechanism


His name is Andreas Moritz

He wrote the book Cancer is not a disease, It's a Survivor Mechanism


You can google and find some radio interview videos in youtube 









From: james [] 
Sent: 25 December 2012 15:29
Subject: CSCure for cancer and hiv by using Vaccine


 Hi everybody,


I would like everybody to know about this research doctor who invented a
vaccine(s) that can cure diseases like HIV, cancer and others.



His name is SAM Chachoua


One of the youtube video is here


He really explains the cause of cancer.



Re: CSDill pickle juice 4 colds Try a Hot Toddy BS Ep Salts bath

2012-12-29 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

PS  cant bath—we only have a shower here!

If you can't do the bath, put the mix in a tub  soak your  feet  as much 
of your legs as you can.. Just like with Earthing, The feet  are a doorway...
  Here's a good one I got a long time ago from a news  letter I get . The 
writer said they haven't had a cold in 30 yrs using  it-Consume two 
tablespoons of cold Dill Pickle Juice each morning when you  get up-{ The 
protocol }  :-)
  The news letter writer did a search on it  found  that people also use 
dill pickle juice for upset stomach   hangovers...  { Just found it 
interesting.. I haven't had a cold for near 5  + yrs since I found out about 
CS. I 
take a big swig every time I go out where  there might be someone ill. }  Lois

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi  Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for 
us when  we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days, 
which have  been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.  

Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart  Your Cancer  
by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I  didn't know a 
lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5  yearsIf 
you die a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured   lots 

Re: CSOT - zapper burns

2012-12-29 Thread Ode Coyote

  I'm talking about zappers...what are you talking about?
What resonance does DC current have?


At 10:26 AM 12/28/2012 -0500, you wrote:
Salt has nothing to do with it.  The fast rising edge of the waveform has 
a lot of harmonics, some of which resonant with the DNA of the pathogen, 
and breaks the DNA apart.  Then the bias causes the pieced to get drawn 
apart before they can recombine, destroying the pathogen.  I have seen 
movies of bacteria getting blown apart by these resonances.

If what you were saying is true, then it would only affect the area near 
where the electrodes are placed, but fact is zapping kills everything 
within the field of the wave.


On 12/28/2012 7:14 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

  Salt is what produces the corrosive chemicals [hypochlorous acid and 
sodium hydroxide]...and that's the whole reason to use a zapper [change 
the PH of the blood in a localized area]

Try eliminating the salt in your blood.
The problem is that blood flow in the skin is not sufficient to reduce 
the concentration of corrosive chemicals being made out of the salt in 
the blood ..and/or being used as an electrolyteat the given rate
Gotta slow it down, spread it out or give it time to dilute with the 
blood flow rate available before it becomes concentrated enough to burn 
the skin.


At 11:40 AM 12/27/2012 -0500, you wrote:
I believe this is a correct analysis.  It might be worth while figuring 
out something that can be added to the water that will increase 
conductivity and not produce such corrosive chemicals.  Any salt, acid 
or alkaline will work.  I was thinking of either vinegar (acetic acid) 
or citric acid.  I believe that hydrogen will be released at one 
electrode and CO2 at the other.  The CO2 is probably not a problem, it 
will make carbonic acid, but the hydrogen will quickly react with most 
metals making a metal hydride.  So the choice of electrode material will 
be important.

I am looking at the pads on a TENS unit.  They appear to have a carbon 
conductive layer, and you use some type of gel with it.  Carbon would be 
a good choice if made like they are in the TENS unit.


On 12/27/2012 8:37 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:
The problem is that the electrochemicals being produced build up in the 
skin because the skin doesn't have much blood flow rate to dilute them 
as fast as they are being made.

Those are chemical burns.
5 ways to prevent..can all be used at once or any in part.

Reduce voltage [potentiometer]
Reduce electrolyte dilute it with more water [does the 
same thing as the pot, but in a different spot]
Increase electrode pad area to spread concentration of electro 
chemicals over a larger volume of blood flow.

Use zapper for a few minutes and take a few off.
Switch polarity to neutralize that particular electro-chemical with 
it's opposite.


If one applies a DC current to a bucket of salt water, it will split 
into Hypochlorous Acid and Sodium Hydroxide.[ an alkaline base...aka LYE ]
That substance was being promoted as a super duper house hold 
cleaner...with a very short shelf life.

The Hypochlorous Acid is a grand disinfectant.
The Sodium Hydroxide, a great de-greaser [like Formula 409 ]

Then, there is MMS [ Miracle Mineral Supplement...which looks like 
everything BUT that, having nothing to to with supplementing minerals ] 
made from Sodium Chlorite being used to get rid of parasites and germs 
in the blood stream..easy enough to over dose on and make you feel 
really ill. [Careful there]

THEN..there is the Godzilla Zapper, a very simple and cheap device that 
can be made using junk around the house...used for blood electrification.


Electricity doesn't flow through a conductive liquid like it would a 
metal wire, it transports electrons via chemical reactions 


The Zapper cannot be working by the method claimed...but there is much 
that indicates that it does work.

How could that be?!!!


So what is the human body but a bag of salt water ? [rather than a 
bucket of salt water]

If one electrode is Alkalizing and the other is Acidifying and you get 
salt when the two chemicals meet up and recombine, what could that 
potential be used for?

1] You have a MMS analog with it's own antidote being produced in vivo 
using a simple Zapper. [ A couple of AA batteries, some wire and a 
couple of sponges soaked with salt water]

too much? [burning and itching??]
Turn it down or shut it off. [let the build up dissipate]

2] You have an Alkaline situation at the OTHER electrode being made in 
vivo with ITs antidote lurking just around the bend..

Both made from existing salt, going back to salt.

That's chemo therapy with immediate dosage control and location control 
as well...and no toxins left over after recombination.

At 11:58 AM 

Re: CSDill pickle juice 4 colds Try a Hot Toddy BS Ep Salts bath

2012-12-29 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Do you think that might be something to do with vinegar Lois?  I must say
that I haven¹t had a cold for about seven or even eight years ­ but this bug
seems to be something else!  Probably a Œsuper bug¹ as they say.  dee

Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 08:00:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CSDill pickle juice 4 colds Try a Hot Toddy  BS  Ep Salts
Resent-Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 05:00:26 -0800

In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 PS  cant bath‹we only have a shower here!
If you can't do the bath, put the mix in a tub  soak your feet  as much of
your legs as you can.. Just like with Earthing, The feet are a doorway...
  Here's a good one I got a long time ago from a news letter I get . The
writer said they haven't had a cold in 30 yrs using it-Consume two
tablespoons of cold Dill Pickle Juice each morning when you get up-{ The
DPJ protocol }  :-)
  The news letter writer did a search on it  found that people also use
dill pickle juice for upset stomach  hangovers...  { Just found it
interesting.. I haven't had a cold for near 5 + yrs since I found out about
CS. I take a big swig every time I go out where there might be someone ill.
}  Lois

RE: CSDill pickle juice 4 colds Try a Hot Toddy BS Ep Salts bath

2012-12-29 Thread Bob Banever
Might be a combination of vinegar and the probiotics in the juice.  



From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 6:01 AM
Subject: Re: CSDill pickle juice 4 colds Try a Hot Toddy  BS  Ep Salts


Do you think that might be something to do with vinegar Lois?  I must say
that I haven't had a cold for about seven or even eight years - but this bug
seems to be something else!  Probably a 'super bug' as they say.  dee


Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 08:00:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CSDill pickle juice 4 colds Try a Hot Toddy  BS  Ep Salts
Resent-Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 05:00:26 -0800

In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

PS  cant bath-we only have a shower here!

If you can't do the bath, put the mix in a tub  soak your feet  as much of
your legs as you can.. Just like with Earthing, The feet are a doorway...
  Here's a good one I got a long time ago from a news letter I get . The
writer said they haven't had a cold in 30 yrs using it-Consume two
tablespoons of cold Dill Pickle Juice each morning when you get up-{ The
DPJ protocol } :-)
 The news letter writer did a search on it  found that people also use dill
pickle juice for upset stomach  hangovers...  { Just found it interesting..
I haven't had a cold for near 5 + yrs since I found out about CS. I take a
big swig every time I go out where there might be someone ill. }  Lois

Re: CSkerosene testimony pet and human

2012-12-29 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
My Amish friends use just a tiny dab of kerosene on the end of a q-tip 
to coat their tonsils or back of the throat when they feel an intense 
sore throat coming on.  It doesn't always work - seems to be most 
effective, strangely enough, with ones that test as strep.  Their doctor 
has suggested they not do it since its supposed to be toxic, but since 
he knows they're going to do it anyways, he sent some throat swabs home 
with them, asked them to use it before doing the kerosene and then come 
see him as soon as they could get to town.   The folks  that tested 
positive for strep prior to treatment were fairly frequently no longer 
testing positive on follow-up culture.  Its not fool proof, but with 
their difficulties in getting prompt transportation and such, it doesn't 
seem an unwise precaution to take.  Doctor just shakes his head, but he 
can't argue with my Amish friend's response that a whole lot of the 
medicines the docs give out are also toxic.  Sara

Am 28.12.2012 20:17, schrieb dAVId:
Consumption of the Lungs and Kindred Diseases, Treated and Cured by 
Kerosene ... - Charles Oscar Frye - Google Books   
david lubbock tx.

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Marshall wrote:

This is an interesting site:

I would be very careful.  Most references list kerosene as being


On 12/28/2012 1:50 PM, vicki hood wrote:

Testimony please.  Kerosene for pets and people.  Did you use
it?  For what?  Your pets have healings?  Tumors?  Arthritus? 
Still use it?  I would like to know if it worked and what dosage

to try.  Oh, I can see and hear the wrath of big pharma.  I
believe in Gramma. Sincerely,  Muttmom Vicki Hood

Re: CSkerosene testimony pet and human

2012-12-29 Thread Jim Holmes
From long memory, and possibly incorrect,  1/4 cup of Kerosene is enough to

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:41 AM, Sara Mandal-Joy smjl...@wavewls.comwrote:

  My Amish friends use just a tiny dab of kerosene on the end of a q-tip to
 coat their tonsils or back of the throat when they feel an intense sore
 throat coming on.  It doesn't always work - seems to be most effective,
 strangely enough, with ones that test as strep.  Their doctor has suggested
 they not do it since its supposed to be toxic, but since he knows they're
 going to do it anyways, he sent some throat swabs home with them, asked
 them to use it before doing the kerosene and then come see him as soon as
 they could get to town.   The folks  that tested positive for strep prior
 to treatment were fairly frequently no longer testing positive on
 follow-up culture.  Its not fool proof, but with their difficulties in
 getting prompt transportation and such, it doesn't seem an unwise
 precaution to take.  Doctor just shakes his head, but he can't argue with
 my Amish friend's response that a whole lot of the medicines the docs give
 out are also toxic.  Sara

 Am 28.12.2012 20:17, schrieb dAVId:

 Consumption of the Lungs and Kindred Diseases, Treated and Cured by
 Kerosene ... - Charles Oscar Frye - Google 
 david lubbock tx.

 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Marshall wrote:

  This is an interesting site:

 I would be very careful.  Most references list kerosene as being toxic.


 On 12/28/2012 1:50 PM, vicki hood wrote:

  Testimony please.  Kerosene for pets and people.  Did you use it?  For
 what?  Your pets have healings?  Tumors?  Arthritus?  Still use it?  I
 would like to know if it worked and what dosage to try.  Oh, I can see and
 hear the wrath of big pharma.  I believe in Gramma. Sincerely,  Muttmom
 Vicki Hood

Re: CSkerosene testimony pet and human

2012-12-29 Thread dennisth19

i cant find a link for unsubscibing from the list. where can i find?

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Jim Holmes wrote:

 From long memory, and possibly incorrect,  1/4 cup of Kerosene is enough
 to kill.

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:41 AM, Sara Mandal-Joy smjl...@wavewls.comwrote:

  My Amish friends use just a tiny dab of kerosene on the end of a q-tip
 to coat their tonsils or back of the throat when they feel an intense sore
 throat coming on.  It doesn't always work - seems to be most effective,
 strangely enough, with ones that test as strep.  Their doctor has suggested
 they not do it since its supposed to be toxic, but since he knows they're
 going to do it anyways, he sent some throat swabs home with them, asked
 them to use it before doing the kerosene and then come see him as soon as
 they could get to town.   The folks  that tested positive for strep prior
 to treatment were fairly frequently no longer testing positive on
 follow-up culture.  Its not fool proof, but with their difficulties in
 getting prompt transportation and such, it doesn't seem an unwise
 precaution to take.  Doctor just shakes his head, but he can't argue with
 my Amish friend's response that a whole lot of the medicines the docs give
 out are also toxic.  Sara

 Am 28.12.2012 20:17, schrieb dAVId:

 Consumption of the Lungs and Kindred Diseases, Treated and Cured by
 Kerosene ... - Charles Oscar Frye - Google 
 david lubbock tx.

 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Marshall wrote:

  This is an interesting site:

 I would be very careful.  Most references list kerosene as being toxic.


 On 12/28/2012 1:50 PM, vicki hood wrote:

  Testimony please.  Kerosene for pets and people.  Did you use it?  For
 what?  Your pets have healings?  Tumors?  Arthritus?  Still use it?  I
 would like to know if it worked and what dosage to try.  Oh, I can see and
 hear the wrath of big pharma.  I believe in Gramma. Sincerely,  Muttmom
 Vicki Hood

Freundliche Grüsse

Dennis Thurnherr


Fuchsenstr. 11
CH-9016 St. Gallen

Re: CSkerosene testimony pet and human

2012-12-29 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Usually at the bottom of every post, unless someone has removed it during a 

Send an email to

In the subject line put:  Unsubscribe

Leave the body of the email blank.

Sorry to see you go.


From: dennisth19
Sent: Sat, December 29, 2012 8:55:20 AM
Subject: Re: CSkerosene testimony pet and human


i cant find a link for unsubscibing from the list. where can i find?

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Jim Holmes wrote:

From long memory, and possibly incorrect,  1/4 cup of Kerosene is enough to 

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:41 AM, Sara Mandal-Joy wrote:

My Amish friends use just a tiny dab of kerosene on the end of a q-tip to coat 
their tonsils or back of the throat when they feel an intense sore throat 
on.  It doesn't always work - seems to be most effective, strangely enough, 
ones that test as strep.  Their doctor has suggested they not do it since its 
supposed to be toxic, but since he knows they're going to do it anyways, he 
some throat swabs home with them, asked them to use it before doing the 
and then come see him as soon as they could get to town.   The folks  that 
tested positive for strep prior to treatment were fairly frequently no 
testing positive on follow-up culture.  Its not fool proof, but with their 
difficulties in getting prompt transportation and such, it doesn't seem an 
unwise precaution to take.  Doctor just shakes his head, but he can't argue 
my Amish friend's response that a whole lot of the medicines the docs give out 
are also toxic.  Sara 

Am 28.12.2012 20:17, schrieb dAVId:

Consumption of the Lungs and Kindred Diseases, Treated and Cured by Kerosene 
- Charles Oscar Frye - Google Books   david lubbock tx. 

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Marshall wrote:

This is an interesting site:

I would be very careful.  Most references list kerosene as being toxic.


On 12/28/2012 1:50 PM, vicki hood wrote: 
Testimony please.  Kerosene for pets and people.  Did you use it?  For 
Your pets have healings?  Tumors?  Arthritus?  Still use it?  I would like 
know if it worked and what dosage to try.  Oh, I can see and hear the 
wrath of 
big pharma.  I believe in Gramma. Sincerely,  Muttmom Vicki Hood

Freundliche Grüsse

Dennis Thurnherr



Fuchsenstr. 11
CH-9016 St. Gallen

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread V
The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the
fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that
doctors are gods.
My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel
she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick
every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is
coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse.
I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely
interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to
sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined
to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the
information is what I focus on now.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for
 us when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days,
 which have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer 
 by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know a
 lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf
 you die a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread dennisth19
help needed!
where can i unsubscribe?

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:33 PM, V wrote:

 The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the
 fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that
 doctors are gods.
 My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel
 she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick
 every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is
 coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse.
 I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely
 interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to
 sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined
 to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the
 information is what I focus on now.

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for
 us when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days,
 which have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer
  by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know
 a lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf
 you die a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots


Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread ASL
I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 10 years
ahead with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's disease.
Just last year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she finally
admitted how just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic
doctors are ignorant or resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had
angry friends scolding me for suggesting such silly information not proven
by famous scientists.  Now I am slowly learning to release the need to
educate those who won't listen. I don't pretend to know everything, but I'm
a firm believer of alternative healing.


*Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature,
music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures,
beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.*

*--henry miller--*

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:

 The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the
 fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that
 doctors are gods.
 My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel
 she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick
 every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is
 coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse.
 I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely
 interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to
 sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined
 to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the
 information is what I focus on now.

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for
 us when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days,
 which have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer
  by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know
 a lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf
 you die a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread Kathy Tankersley
AMEN to both letters, I'm beginning to just keep my mouth shut also, its very 
fustrating, especially with my grandchildren and my grown children.  ...
  - Original Message - 
  From: ASL 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:25 PM
  Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

  I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 10 years ahead 
with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's disease. Just last 
year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she finally admitted how 
just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic doctors are ignorant or 
resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had angry friends scolding me for 
suggesting such silly information not proven by famous scientists.  Now I am 
slowly learning to release the need to educate those who won't listen. I don't 
pretend to know everything, but I'm a firm believer of alternative healing.  


  Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music 
- the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls 
and interesting people. Forget yourself.

  --henry miller--

  On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:

The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the 
fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that 
doctors are gods.
My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel 
she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick every 
single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is coughing 
her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse. 
I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely 
interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to sit 
back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined to dig 
in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the 
information is what I focus on now.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this 
for us when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days, 
which have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.  

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer  
by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know a lot 
of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf you die a 
day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots 

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread Lena Guyot
Hi Kathy,
The thing that discourages me is that not only do conventional, allopathic 
cancer treatments often fail and put their victims through hell, but they also 
do enough irreversible damage to make the promise of proven, alternative 
treatments less likely afterward. A dear friend of mine finally got a Rife 
machine, after the whole gamut of oncological disasters (her fourth cancer, 
obviously generated by earlier cancer treatments) She said to me, 'I waited too 
long, didn't I?' She died a month later. Too many people come to some of the 
proven alternatives as a last resort, after their systems have been totally 
broken down. I know that there ARE people who have come through standard cancer 
treatments and are 'survivors' but I also know a lot of oncologists wouldn't go 
that route it if happened to them, personally.

The same goes for long-term abx treatment of chronic Lyme. I've seen so many 
people straggle in to Lyme groups with awful relapses as the infections, driven 
into cyst form by abx are now coming back five-fold, making them sicker than 
the rest of us, with very compromised gut-function (which, after all is the 
main immune system)

It's hard to bite my tongue and not offer help, but even harder to witness 
actual harm being done.

Be well,
On Dec 29, 2012, at 1:45 PM, Kathy Tankersley wrote:

 AMEN to both letters, I'm beginning to just keep my mouth shut also, its very 
 fustrating, especially with my grandchildren and my grown children.  ...
 - Original Message -
 From: ASL
 Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 10 years ahead 
 with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's disease. Just last 
 year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she finally admitted how 
 just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic doctors are ignorant 
 or resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had angry friends scolding 
 me for suggesting such silly information not proven by famous scientists.  
 Now I am slowly learning to release the need to educate those who won't 
 listen. I don't pretend to know everything, but I'm a firm believer of 
 alternative healing.  
 Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music 
 - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls 
 and interesting people. Forget yourself.
 --henry miller--
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:
 The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the fraud 
 and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that doctors 
 are gods.
 My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel 
 she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick every 
 single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is 
 coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse. 
 I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely 
 interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to sit 
 back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined to 
 dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the 
 information is what I focus on now.
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:
 In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for us 
 when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days, which 
 have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.  
 Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer  by 
 Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know a lot 
 of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf you die 
 a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots 

: CSOT I feel so indebted to the moderators owners of the lists

2012-12-29 Thread ZZekelink
It is so sad that so many people will listen only to  Drs.  follow them 
like sheeple... 
  I am just so thankful for people like  Mike, This list,  The 
Electricgermkiller group, The DMSO group,  flaxseedoil2 group, iodine group, 
silverpets-- on   on..
   I do hope they know they save lives   all of us are Blessed to have 
them there !!!

Re: : CSOT I feel so indebted to the moderators owners of the lists

2012-12-29 Thread Sandee George
Well said Lois - in total agreement - thanks and best wishes for the wonderful 
2013 to all who use what they have learned to help others
Warmest regards
Attitude is everything !
AliveAgainSilver - Drops  Gel

Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...

Re: CSkerosene testimony pet and human

2012-12-29 Thread mborgert
great site 

From: Marshall
Sent: Fri, December 28, 2012 11:00:36 AM
Subject: Re: CSkerosene testimony pet and human

This is an interesting site:

I would be very careful.  Most references list kerosene as being toxic.


On 12/28/2012 1:50 PM, vicki hood wrote: 
Testimony please.  Kerosene for pets and   people.  Did you use it?  
what?  Your pets have healings?Tumors?  Arthritus?  Still use it?  
would like to know if it   worked and what dosage to try.  Oh, I can 
and hear the   wrath of big pharma.  I believe in Gramma. Sincerely, 
 Muttmom   Vicki Hood

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Re: CSDill pickle juice 4 colds Try a Hot Toddy BS Ep Salts bath

2012-12-29 Thread Rachel Hawkridge
Dill pickles have one or the other - probiotics (ferment) or vinegar, but
not both.  Vinegar is used in longterm storage, pantry pickles.  If it MUST
be refrigerated, it's a ferment, with live bacteria.

If pantry safe, it's vinegar.

And the vinegar is killed by canning.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:08 AM, Bob Banever wrote:


 Might be a combination of vinegar and the probiotics in the juice.  

 ** **

 *From:* Dorothy Fitzpatrick []
 *Sent:* Saturday, December 29, 2012 6:01 AM
 *To:* **
 *Subject:* Re: CSDill pickle juice 4 colds Try a Hot Toddy  BS  Ep
 Salts bath

  ** **

 Do you think that might be something to do with vinegar Lois?  I must say
 that I haven’t had a cold for about seven or even eight years – but this
 bug seems to be something else!  Probably a ‘super bug’ as they say.  dee


 *From: *
 *Reply-To: *
 *Date: *Sat, 29 Dec 2012 08:00:26 -0500 (EST)
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: CSDill pickle juice 4 colds Try a Hot Toddy  BS  Ep
 Salts bath
 *Resent-From: *
 *Resent-Date: *Sat, 29 Dec 2012 05:00:26 -0800

 In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 PS  cant bath—we only have a shower here!


 If you can't do the bath, put the mix in a tub  soak your feet  as much
 of your legs as you can.. Just like with Earthing, The feet are a doorway...
   Here's a good one I got a long time ago from a news letter I get . The
 writer said they haven't had a cold in 30 yrs using it-Consume two
 tablespoons of cold Dill Pickle Juice each morning when you get up-{
 The DPJ protocol } *:-)
 * The news letter writer did a search on it  found that people also use
 dill pickle juice for upset stomach  hangovers...  { Just found it
 interesting.. I haven't had a cold for near 5 + yrs since I found out about
 CS. I take a big swig every time I go out where there might be someone ill.
 }  Lois


*Peace . . .

Rachel Hawkridge
in a NE Seattle 'burb


RE: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread Neville Munn

The masses have been bombarded with such a multitude of mainstream propaganda 
pushing an ulterior motive via tv, radio, magazines, newspapers etc etc 
resulting in the removal of the capacity for an individual to think for 
him/herself.  *WE* are in the minority and increasingly are shunned as people 
with lower intelligence because we are still capable of thinking for ourselves 
and don't get sucked in by all those, so called, 'studies?'.  The masses have 
been institutionalised to worship the true God - the doctor - and only support 
one 'church' - the hospital and its preachings of pharmaceutical concoctions.
I too have given up on others, just look after number one and the family.  Poor 
old Bob Beck was absolutely correct when he said...People have a death wish.


Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 12:45:54 -0600

AMEN to both letters, I'm beginning to just keep my 
mouth shut also, its very fustrating, especially with my grandchildren and my 
grown children.  ...

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:25 
  Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big 
I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 
  10 years ahead with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's 
  disease. Just last year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she 
  finally admitted how just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic 
  doctors are ignorant or resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had 
  angry friends scolding me for suggesting such silly information not proven by 
  famous scientists.  Now I am slowly learning to release the need to 
  educate those who won't listen. I don't pretend to know everything, but I'm a 
  firm believer of alternative healing.  



  Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, 
  literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich 
  treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.
  --henry miller--

  On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:

  The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully 
aware of the fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still 
believing that doctors are gods.
My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can 
feel she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got 
every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is 
coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't 
I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is 
genuinely interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have 
learned to sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information 
if inclined to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail 
of all the information is what I focus on now.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually 
remember my mum doing this for us when we were little.  I think 
people ‘knew’ things in the old days, which have been forgotten now 
owing to the big pharma influence. 

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called 
  Outsmart Your Cancer  by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD 
  with it.. I didn't know a lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records 
  are kept for 5 yearsIf you die a day after the five years you are 
  listed as  cancer cured  lots moreYikes-Lois  


Re: CS OT health / Big pharma - 29 Dec

2012-12-29 Thread Sandee George
Never a truer word said Neville - have a wonderful 2013 which I think is going 
to be a very interesting year - I will be watching all the games from a far 
Attitude is everything !
AliveAgainSilver - Drops  Gel

Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread phoenix23002
One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things
about them (small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with
immature immune systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say
that developing cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to
play outside in the dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the
doctor's office for a magic pill every time they developed a little case of
sniffles.  Years ago, most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to
lower children's temps.  Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful
purpose.  I did say minor childhood diseases.. diseases  that are more
disruptive and aggravating (like chicken pox or mumps) than dangerous.
'They' say we, of all preceding generations, live in almost pristine,
sterile living conditions compared to our forefathers.  Has that made us
a healthier population?

There was an article in the news a few years back that stated that cancer
researchers discovered that people who took antibiotics were more likely to
develop cancer, the implication being that somehow, taking a lot of
antibiotics could cause cancer.  I think they got the cart before the
horse.  The fact that more people who took antibiotics developed cancer is
a given  if you reverse the theory.  That is...   because of a weakened or
immature immune system or response, these people would become sick more
often than others (requiring more antibiotic therapy)  and they would fall
prey to cancer also because of a weakened or immature immune system.  In my
opinion, if not for the immune response in human beings, the race would
have become extinct a long time ago.  So, between an immature immune system
and a toxic environment, we seem to be sicker than ever.   Lola H.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Neville Munn

  The masses have been bombarded with such a multitude of mainstream
 propaganda pushing an ulterior motive via tv, radio, magazines, newspapers
 etc etc resulting in the removal of the capacity for an individual to think
 for him/herself.  *WE* are in the minority and increasingly are shunned as
 people with lower intelligence because we are still capable of thinking for
 ourselves and don't get sucked in by all those, so called, 'studies?'.  The
 masses have been institutionalised to worship the true God - the doctor -
 and only support one 'church' - the hospital and its preachings of
 pharmaceutical concoctions.

 I too have given up on others, just look after number one and the family.
  Poor old Bob Beck was absolutely correct when he said...People have a
 death wish.



 Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 12:45:54 -0600

 AMEN to both letters, I'm beginning to just keep my mouth shut also, its
 very fustrating, especially with my grandchildren and my grown children.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* ASL
 *Sent:* Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:25 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

 I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 10 years
 ahead with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's disease.
 Just last year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she finally
 admitted how just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic
 doctors are ignorant or resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had
 angry friends scolding me for suggesting such silly information not proven
 by famous scientists.  Now I am slowly learning to release the need to
 educate those who won't listen. I don't pretend to know everything, but I'm
 a firm believer of alternative healing.


 *Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature,
 music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures,
 beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.*

 *--henry miller--*

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:

 The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the
 fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that
 doctors are gods.
 My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel
 she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick
 every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is
 coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse.
 I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely
 interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to
 sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined
 to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the
 information is what I focus on now.

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 

RE: CS OT health / Big pharma - 29 Dec

2012-12-29 Thread Neville Munn

Cheers Sandee, and I hope you have a bright and healthy 2013.
Hoo Rah and Oi Oi Oi for the Mighty Individualists and Free Thinkers of the 
world for *WE* are the one's who will eventually inherit the earth BG.  I'm 
by no means religious by the way, but it isn't a bad saying is it?
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to one and all, including those I may 
have upset in 2012, would be boring if we were all the same g.  Keep it safe 
out there, I wanna see everyone still around in 2013.

Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma  -  29 Dec
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 20:39:19 -0400

Never a truer word said Neville - have a wonderful 2013 which I think is going 
to be a very interesting year - I will be watching all the games from a far 

Attitude is everything !AliveAgainSilver - Drops  Gel

Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...

RE: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread Neville Munn

Absolutely 100% spot on, you've got my vote g.
I tackled a woman a couple of years ago who had a kid less than one year old 
and it already had 4 vaccines, and she was lining that kid up for a 5th.  I 
asked her if she knew that a toddler must develop it's own natural immunities 
to things as a kid and all those jabs would be doing is impairing or retarding 
the bodies natural immune development as the kid gets older.  Of course I was 
ignored and considered an idiot - the classic brainwashed dux of the class 
{opinion}.  She obviously had never considered the fact that the establishment 
has got it wrong on the odd occasion?
Facts don't lie, if we were helped so much by cholesterol pills, vaccinations, 
pharma medications blah blah we should be bouncing with health, in fact it's 
the reverse, cholesterol is causing concern, more people are losing their 
minds, more people are coming down with diseases that are starting to make a 
comeback etc etc, we as a civilization are becoming more and more unhealthy and 
dependant on medications in most cases to keep people alive and functional.
I'm the cook here and if I drop anything on the floor in food preparation it 
still goes into the pot, my wife goes ape but I ask her how the hell did we 
ever get past the Neanderthal age if they worried about dropping a leg of 
mammoth that had been char burnt on an open fire on a *dirt* floor in their 
caves?  It's become a joke on me here cos I tell the family to get a grip on 
reality, and besides, I'm helping them develop a great natural immunity, they 
should be thanking me - LOL.  Bring 'em up tough I say, no room for wooses in 
this world.

Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:27:43 -0500
Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the childhood 
vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things about them 
(small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with immature immune 
systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say that developing 
cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to play outside in the 
dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the doctor's office for a 
magic pill every time they developed a little case of sniffles.  Years ago, 
most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to lower children's temps.  
Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful purpose.  I did say minor childhood 
diseases.. diseases  that are more disruptive and aggravating (like chicken pox 
or mumps) than dangerous.   'They' say we, of all preceding generations, live 
in almost pristine, sterile living conditions compared to our forefathers.  Has 
that made us a healthier population?

There was an article in the news a few years back that stated that cancer 
researchers discovered that people who took antibiotics were more likely to 
develop cancer, the implication being that somehow, taking a lot of antibiotics 
could cause cancer.  I think they got the cart before the horse.  The fact that 
more people who took antibiotics developed cancer is a given  if you reverse 
the theory.  That is...   because of a weakened or immature immune system or 
response, these people would become sick more often than others (requiring more 
antibiotic therapy)  and they would fall prey to cancer also because of a 
weakened or immature immune system.  In my opinion, if not for the immune 
response in human beings, the race would have become extinct a long time ago.  
So, between an immature immune system and a toxic environment, we seem to be 
sicker than ever.   Lola H.