CS>DON'T MISS IT --Mon 3/ 26 at 9:00 pm

2001-03-23 Thread BILL D

26th at 9:00 pm
Subject: Trade Secrets: A Moyers Report on PBS - March 26th at 9:00 pm
In TRADE SECRETS: A MOYERS REPORT, correspondent Bill Moyers and producer
Sherry Jones uncover how our health and safety have been put at risk and
why powerful forces don't want the truth to be known. This investigative
report, accompanied by a PBS.org Web site, is based on a massive archive of
secret industry documents as shocking as the "tobacco papers."
TRADE SECRETS provides everyone working on toxic chemicals and
environmental health issues a tremendous education and outreach
opportunity. To help maximize that opportunity, the Environmental Health
Fund, the Environmental Working Group, the Center for Health, Environment
and Justice and Women's Voices For the Earth are launching Coming Clean, a
project aimed at cleaning up the chemical industry's contamination of our
food, our bodies and our environment.
Coming Clean is working with groups across the country to organize local
TRADE SECRETS viewing events. For more information about how you can
organize a viewing event in your community, please contact Ann Long at
annl...@shentel.net, Charlotte Brody at cbr...@chej.org, Bryony Schwan at
s...@wildrockies.org or Monica Rohde at mro...@chej.org or visit
Whatever you do, make sure you're watching PBS on March 26th. And make sure
everyone you know is watching with you. To be forewarned is to be
forearmed. Thanks to Bill Moyers, we're about to get one of our biggest and
best weapons yet in the fight against a poisoned planet.

CS>Cost-cutting drug plan struck down

2000-12-27 Thread BILL D

   Cost-cutting drug plan struck down
   Law that would import cheaper drugs won’t be implemented

   WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 — A new law aimed at
   cutting prescription drug prices by allowing them
   to be reimported from Canada won’t be
   implemented by Health and Human Services
   Secretary Donna Shalala

IN A LETTER Tuesday to President Clinton, Shalala said the law had “serious 
flaws and loopholes.” Those concerns “make it impossible for me to 
demonstrate that it is safe and cost effective,” she wrote.
“As such, I cannot sanction the allocation of taxpayer dollars to implement 
such a system.” Signed by President Clinton before Election Day, the law 
was an attempt to address the clamor for cheaper prescription drugs — 
particularly among the elderly.
Lawmakers were unable to agree on a more sweeping plan to add prescription 
drug coverage to Medicare.
Drugs manufactured in the United States can be purchased for much less in 
Canada, principally because the government regulates prices, a solution 
fiercely resisted here.
For example, the allergy-sinus medication Flonase Nasal costs $46 in the 
United States, but just $23 in Canada.  Likewise, 45 pills of the 
anti-depressant Prozac can cost about $106 in the United States and $43 in 
The law was vigorously opposed by the pharmaceutical industry and 
Democratic critics called it a Band-Aid fix for the country’s troubles with 
prescription drug prices, manufactured to give political cover to those who 
opposed broader solutions.
Advertisement The Presidential Election and Other Cool Facts No Ordinary 
Time by Doris Kearns Goodwin Other books by Doris Kearns Goodwin Shalala 
was directed by the legislation to review the law and determine whether it 
was cost effective and safe.
Shalala said she would not request $23 million available to establish a 
system for overseeing the importation of drugs from Canada.
She argued that the law raises safety issues because there’s no guarantee 
that imported drugs will carry labels approved by the Food and Drug 
Administration.  And she complained that the law did nothing to keep drug 
manufacturers from strong-arming distributors into raising prices on 
imported drugs.
But Sen.  Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., a co-author of the legislation, said the 
administration simply “chickened out.” “The best approach would have been 
to say, we’ll pass a law that does something and then we will wait and see 
how the drug companies react,” Dorgan said.  “If they start playing games 
then at least we’ll all know who the villain is.
But this makes no sense at all.  Now we know the drug companies will do 
nothing because we’re doing nothing.” Chris Jennings, Clinton’s top health 
policy aide, said Shalala’s stinging assessment was on target.
“We have an obligation not to raise hopes with false promises,” he 
said.  “There are loopholes that allow the intent of the legislation to be 
completely thwarted. 

CS>Gateways and Publications

2000-12-11 Thread BILL D

 Here is a comprehensive list of govt health web sites which
 may benefit everyone  in some way..be well.. Bill D

1. Gateways and Publications
This comprehensive site is the federal government`s gateway to consumer
health and human services information
With over 9 million biomedical journal article abstracts, Medline is
highly regarded by medical professionals. Plus links for health topics,
dictionaries, organizations, news, and more
The Surgeon General
Visit the virtual office of the Surgeon General of the United States
Reports of the Surgeon General
Reports on smoking, suicide, nutrition, physical activity and health, and
HIV/AIDS, to name a few
National Institutes of Health
Easy access to the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) 25 institutions
and research trials (an NIH site specifically devoted to cancer trials is
Health Topics A to Z
Health Topics A to Z from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
provides a listing of disease and health topics found on the agency's Web
Links to State and Local Health Departments
Click on your state or selected counties
Health Web Links
Health consumer information from the Federal government
Government and Consumer Publications on Health
General health information from the Federal Consumer Information Center in
Pueblo, Colorado
Healthcare Cost & Utilization Project
Identify, track, analyze, and compare statistics on hospitals at the
national, regional, and state level
2. Food and Nutrition
Food Information Gateway
Consumer information on food from the Federal government
Interactive Healthy Eating Index
Provides a quick assessment of the quality of your diet, including
nutrition information targeted to your specific score
Gateway to government food safety information
Nutrition Navigator
A rating guide to nutrition Web sites
Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition
Food and nutrition information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Recommended Dietary Allowances
>From the National Academy of Sciences
Local Farmers Markets
Click on your state to find a local farmers market
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Online access to the fifth edition of Nutrition & Your Health: Dietary
Guidelines for Americans, a joint publication of the U.S. Departments of
Health & Human Services and Agriculture
3. Specific Topics or Concerns
Healthfinder Hot Topics
Healthfinder's monthly top search topics and perennial favorites are
highlighted here for quick and easy searches. Topics include AIDS,
diabetes, allergies, depression, pregnancy and alternative medicine
Help with Substance Abuse or Mental Health Problems
This site has resources to help you with a mental health or substance
abuse problem, including directories of service providers, referral
hotlines, and mental health/consumer survival resources
Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
A look at mental illness as a critical public health problem
Help with Stress and Anxiety
Review the publications or use the search function to find information on
dealing with stress and anxiety and other issues
Asthma and Indoor Environments
Basic information about asthma and reducing common asthma triggers in your
Diet, Health and Fitness
Consumer education publications in English and Spanish on topics such as
dieting, indoor tanning, vision correction procedures, and infertility
services to name a few
My Medicines
Advice for women on using medicines wisely
Special Collection: Health and Literacy
Links to easy-to-read publications on HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, alcohol,
pregnancy, infant care and more, including information in Spanish
Travelers' Health
How to protect yourself from disease when traveling outside the U.S. and
alerts about disease outbreaks
Gateway to the most recent and accurate cancer information from the
National Cancer Institute
Clinical Trials

CS>Hydrazine sulfate

2000-12-05 Thread BILL D

Dec. 4 —  A controversial compound favored by
   some cancer patients and available for purchase
   on the Internet has been blamed for causing the
   death of a 55-year-old man.

BUT ONE of the compound’s proponents is highly critical of the report, 
which is igniting a new dispute over whether the substance is harmful, and 
rehashing the discussion of whether it even works.
Hydrazine sulfate, a component of rocket fuel that’s available in pill 
form, has been embroiled in controversy since its application against 
cancer in the 1960s.  Supporters cite medical studies that show it counters 
both cancer and the wasting caused by the disease, called cachexia.  But 
opponents, including the National Cancer Institute, insist there is no 
evidence of effectiveness, pointing to three NCI-sponsored studies.

This latest report, which appears in Tuesday’s issue of the Annals of 
Internal Medicine, is unlikely to quell the controversy.

In the journal, Dr.  Mark I.
Hainer of Moncrief Community Army Hospital in Fort Jackson, S.C., and 
colleagues describe the case of a 55-year-old cancer patient who died of 
liver failure at the hospital.  The man had been diagnosed with cancer of 
the left sinus cavity.  He declined conventional therapies, including 
radiation, surgery and chemotherapy.
Instead, he selected the alternative therapy hydrazine sulfate, which he 
reportedly obtained on the Internet, and took about 180 milligrams per day 
for four months after his diagnosis.
When he arrived at Moncrief Community Army Hospital, he had a rash, 
itching, progressive malaise and jaundice for two weeks.
As soon as the rash had appeared, the patient stopped taking the hydrazine 
sulfate.  Hainer noted in the case report that he could not obtain samples 
of the compound the man had taken, nor did he test his blood for the 
presence of hydrazine sulfate.

The man was admitted to the hospital for liver and kidney failure, and 
later died.  An autopsy revealed destruction of the kidney and liver 
tissue.  But, wrote Hainer, “No evidence showed tumor metastasis or 
preexisting liver disease.” Hainer concluded the man’s liver and kidney 
failure “most likely were caused by the ingestion of hydrazine sulfate.” He 
based this on direct and indirect evidence, namely that versions of 
hydrazine have been linked to liver damage.  Also, Hainer wrote that the 
autopsy descriptions of the patient’s liver and kidney damage “are 
consistent with direct kidney and liver injury from the ingestion of a 
toxin.” But Dr.  Joseph Gold, director of Syracuse Cancer Research 
Institute, Inc.  in New York (not affiliated with Syracuse University), 
isn’t convinced.  He first proposed using hydrazine sulfate to treat cancer 
patients in the 1960s.
“There’s never been a report of liver failure or death since its inception 
in clinical use in 1973,” he said.
Gold faulted the case report on several grounds: No samples of the compound 
were analyzed, the man’s blood was not tested, and the form of hydrazine 
Hainer said was toxic to the liver is different from the hydrazine used in 
the hydrazine sulfate alternative therapy.
“There’s no direct or indirect evidence [that hydrazine sulfate caused the 
death],” he said.  “They didn’t even do the blood studies.” In an 
accompanying editorial, Dr.  Martin Black of Temple University Hospital in 
Philadelphia, noted that reports of hydrazine toxicity to the liver and 
kidneys in humans are scant.  He said that hydrazine is considered to be 
free of toxic effects in humans.  “In some ways, this is a fluke,” he said.

But Hainer and Black used this case as a warning against patients 
self-medicating with drugs, especially those that have not been approved by 
the Food and Drug Administration.  “Taking this drug without supervision — 
that’s not a wise thing to do,” Black said.
Gold agreed with this point.  “We don’t believe in any patient taking the 
drug other than under a doctor’s supervision,” he said.
“Anybody who purchases the drug on the Internet is crazy,” Gold added, 
recommending people instead obtain hydrazine sulfate from compounding 
Gold asserted this wouldn’t be an issue if it were not for resistance by 
the National Cancer Institute.  “That hydrazine sulfate has been forced to 
[resort to] the Internet is the fault of the NCI and the FDA,” he said.
Gold pointed to clinical trials that he said support the ability of 
hydrazine sulfate to either arrest the growth of cancer and/or limit the 
effects of cancer-linked cachexia.
But three NCI-sponsored clinical trials reportedly showed no significant 
survival or anti-cachectic benefits.
“All three were negative,” said Mary McCabe, director of the NCI’s office 
of education and special initiatives.
“Three randomized studies have been done.  Those studies were negative.” 
Advertisement In the continuing back-and-forth of this debate, Gold 
criticized the design of these studies, which h


2000-11-27 Thread BILL D

Healthy Limbs Amputated,
Wrong Kidney Removed:
UKs Medical Victims
By Margareta-Erminia Cassani

LONDON (AFP) - Twenty-seven year old Vicki Gilbert has
one leg. Doctors
the northern English city of Birmingham amputated her
other leg for a
cancer she never had.
Horror stories like Vicki's, where British patients
are left
scarred through medical error, are slowly but surely
filtering into the
here, with associations springing up to fight for the
rights of the
There's the case of Jennifer Cormack, a 63-year old
nurse who underwent
double masectomy -- for breast cancer she never had.
In another much-publicised accident, 70-year old
Graham Reeves died in
January after doctors at a hospital in Wales removed
his one healthy
and left him with the one they were supposed to take
"It's been very much a hidden problem," says Liz
Thomas, policy and
manager at Action for the Victims of Medical Accidents
"Until this year there really has been no
acknowledgement that it is a
problem within the NHS, that adverse events happen in
every (hospital)
across the country every day."
Now, Thomas says: "We have had a first step. They have
recognised that
mistakes are being made."
What is hard is getting the health authorities here to
tackle the
she says.
Last year the National Health Service (NHS) was forced
to pay out 400
pounds (570 million dollars) to compensate the victims
of medical
Officials estimate it could be liable for another 2.4
billion pounds
billion dollars) from existing claims.
Vicki has been awarded 1.2 million pounds (1.7 million
dollars) in
compensation. She is not the only one to get some form
of financial
recognition of her fate.
Since the beginning of this year, the courts here have
ruled in favour
three other victims of medical error.
The authorities here are only too aware of what effect
medical error
stories have on public confidence in the NHS, the
country's biggest
with a workforce of one million.
Chief Medical Officer Liam Donaldson decided to play
it clean -- and
hopefully regain trust -- in June when he had a report
medical error.
The report was called an "Organisation with a Memory"
-- and memory was
precisely what it said hospitals did not have.
It said reports on medical accidents were sent out to
so many different
bodies that the information hardly ever got to those
on the frontline,
hospital staff, and vital lessons are not learnt.
When an accident happens, the authorities want a quick
scapegoat -- a
or a medical officer to blame -- but not enough
attention is paid to
conditions in which the accident took place and which
could have caused
the report said.
It said there was a "blame culture" which could
"encourage people to
cover up
errors for fear of retribution and act against the
identification of
the true
causes of failure."
Many here point to understaffing problems in the
health service and the
that doctors and nurses are often overworked and
Thomas agrees. "The evidence will suggest that if you
are running wards
fewer staff... there are chances you are going to get
more accidents
There are currently vacancies for 15,000 nurses in the
British health
Emma and Ed Fogg have experienced the tragic
consequences of staff
The couple recently recounted in the British press the
night they took
22-month old son Jacob to hospital in London. He was
running a
and appeared lethargic.
They were seen by a doctor so tired "he was blinking
to stay awake and
tiredness blotches under his eyes." The doctor said
their son had a
case of influenza.
A few hours later, Jacob was dead. He was in fact
suffering from
meningococcal meningitis -- an inflammation of the
membranes covering
brain and spinal cord which has fever as one of its
early symptoms.


2000-11-26 Thread BILL D

"In the court of common sense, Kimball was convicted
in federal court for helping people to overcome
degenerative disease without federal approval."
Abused in custody: Jay Kimball needs your help now
See links and contact information below.

By The Idaho Observer
TAMPA-- After his October 19, 2000 conviction for
violating U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
labeling laws, Liquid Deprenyl Citrate (LDC) developer
Jay Kimball, 60, while in the custody of the U.S.
Marshal's Service, was handcuffed, waist-chained,
leg-ironed and, for no apparent reason, transported
150 miles from the Hillsborough County Jail (HCJ) here
to the Hendry County Jail in LaBelle. Kimball was
returned to HCJ Nov. 20 with numerous injuries.
An HCJ employee reportedly stated that Kimball must
have been transported in error as, considering his age
and the nature of his conviction, he should never have
been sent to LaBelle. LaBelle is a facility that has
been described as a deplorable, inhumane and
bacteria-infested hell hole.
Kimball was sentenced by Florida District Federal
Judge Richard Lazzara to serve 13 years for
"misbranding" LDC-a crime which would ordinarily earn
a three-year prison stay. On one hand the judge said
to the prosecutors, "you had thousands of names and
phone numbers, you failed to produce one complaint of
harm or loss, to the contrary I have seen testimony
and received letters about how good the product is. NO
Then on the other hand he states "Mr. Kimball does not
respect authority, he does not respect the law. "
Lazzara also stated that Kimball's actions were
"ANARCHY" in order to justify sentencing Kimball to
serve more than four times federal sentencing
guidelines for such a crime.
Though the FDA has been persecuting Kimball since LDC
became available to victims of degenerative diseases
such as Parkinson's in 1990, the federal agency admits
that there has never been one consumer complaint or
even one reported adverse reaction attributable to
LDC. To the contrary, the court and the FDA have been
provided with the results of 3,000 clinical case
studies conducted by the University of Toronto which
proved the product's safety and efficacy. The court
was also provided hundreds of letters from LDC users
who have had their quality of life returned to them
with the help of the natural nutritive plant product
derived from the ephedra plant.
After Lazzara arbitrarily passed sentence on Kimball
based primarily on his defiance of non-scientific
federal authority, U.S. marshals took custody of the
60-year-old man and justified further abuse with a
false charging report produced by the Hillsborough
County Sheriff's Department.
The report, which follows Kimball through the
"justice" system, stated as of 11/20/00 that Kimball
had been convicted in federal court for manufacturing,
distributing, dispensing and possessing cocaine.
The speedometer in the transport van containing six
male and two female prisoners with no seat belts in
the vehicle except for the marshals, reportedly
reached 100 mph as it careened through traffic en
route to LaBelle. Kimball was catapulted out of his
seat two times and suffered injuries to his shoulder
for which he was denied medical attention when he
arrived at the LaBelle facility. He also lost his
voice and experienced difficulty breathing but was not
allowed to see a doctor the entire time he was behind
bars in LaBelle.
U.S. Marshal Vasquez, one of the transport deputies,
reportedly subjected Kimball to a five-minute stream
of extremely profane verbal abuse in front of LaBelle
officials immediately prior to Kimball's return trip
to Tampa. During the return trip Vasquez caused
Kimball to fall again and injured his tailbone.
Kimball did receive proper medical attention upon his
return to HCJ.
Robin Hill of the U.S. Marshal's Service office in
Tampa refuses to comment on her agency's treatment of
Kimball but she did see to it that the charging report
was changed. The report, which is available on-line at


has been changed to reflect a conviction for the
manufacture, distribution and possession of
"synthesized narcotics" -- which is also false as
Kimball was not convicted of that crime and LDC is not
a synthesized narcotic.
The U.S. Marshal's Service is apparently insistent
upon incorrectly identifying the nature of Kimball's
conviction so that hardened prison officials who only
know Kimball by what the "official" report tells them
will treat him in the worst possible manner. In the
court of common sense, Kimball was convicted in
federal court for helping people to overcome
degenerative disease without federal approval. Since
his conviction for having the courage to continue
helping people regardless of his own safety, he has
been physically and mentally tormented by a prison
system that believes him to be a convicted drug
Attached for your consideration are two art

CS>To all Clark supporters:

2000-11-15 Thread BILL D

To all Clark supporters:
Yesterday I sent out an e-mail that started out "I have in front
of me excerpts from Dr. Clark's newest book, called simply "The
Lab Manual."
I had no idea I'd get that many responses that quickly. So, for
now, I'm going to mass-answer the common questions.
(1) I don't know the "qualifications" Dr. Clark wants for the
"lab assistants." I spoke to her this morning about the sheer
volume of responses, and we've set a time to re-discuss this
program. She is very pleased with all of your interests, and
would like to figure out a way to accomodate, and get help, from
all of you.
(2) We're just starting on the arrangements for the seminar.
I've got this "secret person" looking at superb sites in a great
city. I need an idea of how many of us are coming. I'll set up
a special e-mail address for sign ups and let you know.
(3) "Final Editing" means just that. Somebody (several people)
always has to read the book carefully before it goes to press to
make sure their are no words added or missing., and everything is
in the right order. The book will be 8 1/2 by 11 (lab manual
(4) The experiments are progressive and designed to be followed
in order using the syncrometer. And here are Dr. Clark's exact
words on that: "There are two purposes in publishing this lab
manual, one scientific and the other practical. This laboratory
manual contains the experiments that led to the statements made
in my other books. They constitute the science underlying the
new concepts and testing methods (plus treatments) advanced in
those books."
(5) No, the quackbusters will not be allowed to disrupt the
discussion group. Any of them that make the attempt will be
immediately removed from the list, get a letter from our attorney
immediately - the first time - and a subpeona (or a warrant) the
second. They will be warned ahead of time about "criminal
harassment." Nor will they be allowed to disrupt the seminar.
They will be warned ahead of time - and will be arrested on site
if they make the attempt.
(6) Yes, Dr. Clark has been innundated. I'd guess she gets as
many FAXes every day at the research clinic as we get e-mails.
She'd like to help everybody but she can't. That's where YOU
come in. You don't need to be a doctor to basically understand
her theories and deal with your own health through a
"self-health" program. And then, you can teach others...
(7) Yes, I personally think Dr. Clark is wonderful person. She
is very personable. I've enjoyed our trips together, and I like
her attitude, and the way her mind works. Her family is first
rate. I can see where she got her value structure. She is what
she seems. I am privileged to know her.
Tim Bolen
JuriMed - Public Relations and Research Group


2000-11-15 Thread BILL D

An Interview with
Thomas Elias, author of
The Burzynski Breakthrough
(Nov. 15) The Burzynski Breakthrough is veteran reporter Tom Elias' second
book since he co-authored The Simpson Trial in Black and White. Elias first
became involved with the story of Houston physician Stanislaw Burzynski,
M.D., Ph.D., when Elias was approached by a neighbor who believes her life
was saved by Burzynski's controversial "antineoplastons" cancer treatment.
The book, published in August 2000 and extensively revised from an earlier
edition, details how the medicine works by manipulating genetic switches
that can stop or start a tumor. It explores why Burzynski became the target
for an FDA vendetta, and why a medicine that seems to be effective for a
wide range of cancers has been suppressed for more than a decade. (more at
http://naturalhealthline.com )

CS>The Lab Manual.",Dr. Clark's newest book

2000-11-14 Thread BILL D

To all Clark supporters:
I have in front of me excerpts from Dr. Clark's newest book,
called simply "The Lab Manual."
Although I respect all of her works, I think this one is the
best. It has, before final edit, 134 experiments to take Clark
enthusiasts to a new level of understanding and ability. It is
designed to work at any level of expertise. It is simple enough
to follow, and complicated enough to teach.
Dr. Clark has assigned us several functions over the new book.
(1) Set up a two-day seminar for 200 to 500 people around the
first week of March, 2001 in the central US, and (2) set up an
internet discussion group we'll call Clark Workshop dedicated
only to work through the experiments in the book.
We are already started on both projects. On number (2), we are
looking for four, or more, "lab assistants" to help others
through the experiments. Volunteers can contact us at our e-mail
I repeat - this is the best book of all...

Tim Bolen
JuriMed - Public Relations and Research Group


2000-11-13 Thread BILL D

 by Tim Bolen
Everyone in the American Health movement knows about the legal
troubles (the Indiana case) dumped on Hulda Regehr Clark - and
the outcome. What many don't know is that there is, and was, a
plot to cause her these problems - and that there is one specific
individual, a kingpin, an aging propagandist, behind it all. His
name is Stephen Barrett, and he is a de-licensed MD, operating
out of his basement in Allentown, PA. Barrett is now, and has
been, conducting a "wild-eyed" onslaught against world health
humanitarian Hulda Regehr Clark. PhD, ND.
Early in 1999, Barrett ordered his minions, including his
personal attorney Christopher Grell, to mount an all-out,
anything goes, attack against Clark.
Clark's books had been selling well, far better than Barrett's
With big promises of financial reward, Barrett had advertised on
his website (quackwatch.com) for, and found, a female plaintiff
to claim that Clark had somehow damaged her at Clark's research
clinic in Mexico - a bogus lawsuit against Clark and twenty one
other defendants.
Barrett's attack against Clark didn't stop with just that bogus
lawsuit. Barrett goes far further than that. He mounted an
all-out attack, one that if Clark supporters hadn't been prepared
for, might have worked.

(1). Apparently, in early 1999, Barrett ordered attorney Grell
to file criminal charges against Clark with the Federal Bureau of
Investigation in San Diego. The FBI declined to investigate
(they had better things to do), but did run an NCIC check which,
we all know, ended up in Clark's arrest on seven year old
charges, which were later dropped, in Indiana.
(2). During the case activity, Barrett sent an emotionally
disturbed man, who blames Clark for his mother's death of cancer,
to a Clark rally for the express purpose of disrupting it. The
man claims that although his mother never did Clark's protocol
(he wouldn't let her), that somehow Clark is still responsible
for his mother's death. Barrett, who has had Psychiatric
training (although never Board Certified), was well aware that
this man had said in public "I don't know what I'd do if I ever
met Clark." Barrett sent him anyway, and did not notify police
of the potential danger to Clark, and her supporters.
Fortunately, Clark supporters, monitoring Barrett's chat group
(healthfraud.ssr), intercepted the discussion, and alerted
authorities. The man was ordered off the property, and Clark was
kept safe.
(3). Barrett's heir apparent to the "quackbuster" throne is, I
believe, Terry Polevoy, MD, a "pimple doctor" in Canada. Polevoy
is now, and has been, under investigation by Canadian authorities
for a number of reasons. According to the Canadian press,
Polevoy entered Canada as a draft dodger from the United States.
Polevoy stalked Canadian Radio personality Christine McPhee for
months, and other females for shorter periods of time. Polevoy
may have ceased his clandestine following of McPhee, and others,
after police raided his home late one night, questioning his
activities. Canadian medical authorities are investigating
allegations of mental instability and professional misconduct
against Polevoy. Polevoy could lose his medical license.
Polevoy operates a "hate" website where he specializes in attacks
against leading-edge health professionals that spurn the heavy
prescribing of dangerous drugs. Polevoy conducted such a
virulent attack against Clark in Canada that Clark Supporters
felt it necessary to put an armed cordon around Clark when she
was the guest speaker in Toronto. Toronto police were standing
by to assist. Polevoy's website was turned off by his original
provider, but he has since found space for his virulence from
another fringe group..
(4). Barrett conducts an internet campaign to disrupt Clark's
activities and her support network. (a) Barrett has set up a
system whereby when someone "searches" for Clark information on
the internet, they are sent to a series of websites, including
his own and Polevoy's, where virulent dis-information is thrust
at the reader as authoritative. The websites are run by a house
painter in Ohio, a 22-year old veterinary student (who works with
Polevoy) in Canada, an unemployed computer consultant (whose wife
supports him) in Australia - not by anyone with credentials. (b)
Barrett minions have infiltrated and disrupted the Clark
discussion groups. Several of Barrett's hate-mongers have
infiltrated the drcl...@egroups list and verbally truncheon Clark
supporters and those interested in information on Clark's
protocols. (c) Barrett threatens lawsuits against anyone who
tells Clark supporters the truth about Barrett's activities. (d)
Barrett is making false statements, and providing
mis-information, to internet service providers in attempts to
damage the Clark network. (e) and more...

San Francisco based lawyer Christopher Grell is Stephen Barrett's
personal attorney, and has represented him, AND 

CS>Genentech/American Heart Association Connection

2000-11-10 Thread BILL D

Busted: the Genentech/American Heart Association Connection
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
For years, Genentech Inc.'s clotbuster drug tPA has been used to treat
heart attacks.
Last year, the American Heart Association published guidelines for
physicians advising that tPA be used to treat strokes.
Whether these new guidelines will help stroke patients or not is an open
question. Whether it helps Genentech's bottom line is decided -- it will.
Dr. Jerome Hoffman, professor of medicine at the UCLA Medical School, sat
on the American Heart Association panel that hashed out the new
guidelines. He was the only member of the panel who raised serious
questions about recommending using tPA to treat strokes.
Dr. Hoffman says there is clear-cut evidence that clotbusters are helpful
in treating heart attack patients.
But when it comes to treating stroke, there is a great deal of
controversy. While clotbuster drugs do some good in treating stroke, they
also can cause bleeding in the brain.
"The Food and Drug Administration approved this drug to treat stroke on
the basis of a single study by the National Institutes of Health, which I
find worrisome," Dr. Hoffman said. "The study shows a marginal benefit in
a very small number of stroke patients. Furthermore, I believe that study
conflicts with evidence from some other studies that show increased risks
with use of these drugs."
In the previous version of its guidelines, the American Heart Association
recommended using clotbusters for stroke. "But they gave it a guarded
recommendation," Dr. Hoffman told us. "Last fall they were reconsidering
it. And a proposal had been made to upgrade it to a class one
recommendation -- slam dunk -- definitely use it."
The American Heart Association calls itself "the largest voluntary health
organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke."
According to the group's 1999 annual report, it has received $1 million or
more from some of the nation's largest pharmaceutical companies, including
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Hoechst Marion Roussel, Novartis, Pfizer,
AstraZeneca, SmithKline Beecham -- and Genentech.
Curious to find out more details, we called on the Association acting
science chief Dr. Rodman Starke.
Dr. Starke said that over the past 10 years, Genentech had given more than
$10 million to the American Heart Association, including $2 million to
build the Association's conference center in Dallas, Texas, making it one
of the group's top corporate donors.
Did Genentech get anything in return for building the conference center?
"We put up a plaque inside the conference center thanking Genentech for
its contribution and have allowed the company to hold a meeting of its
sales reps at the conference center," Dr. Starke said.
We questioned whether Genentech's largesse created an environment
conducive to the writing of guidelines calling on physicians to treat
stroke with Genentech's tPA -- over the informed objections of one of the
panelists -- Dr. Hoffman.
"Poppycock," Dr. Starke says. "There is no influence of any corporate
supporters of what the guidelines are going to say. The guidelines
wouldn't be any good if people would point to them and say -- well these
were bought."
We asked Dr. Hoffman whether he believed that the Genentech money
influenced the American Heart Association on tPA.
"I don't have reason to believe that there is a quid pro quo with anyone
in the American Heart Association," he said. "On the other hand, many of
the volunteers on the panel have worked for drug companies, and while
people who do research for drug companies often deny that this has any
affect on their science, studies show it does have an effect -- results
tend to be better for proprietary research than for non-proprietary
Dr. Starke said he would get us the conflict information on the people who
developed and wrote the guidelines for treating stroke. But then an
American Heart Association spokesperson called us to say that the conflict
reports were "confidential," and that we couldn't have them. Instead, he
would set us up with a Mary Fran Hazinski, a co-editor of the guidelines.
She would give us what we needed to know about possible conflicts.
Hazinski said she wanted us to know that the guidelines went through 10 or
11 layers at the American Heart Association before being released.
She said that she didn't have access to the conflict statements for all of
the people involved in the process, but that she recalled that one or two
of the panelists may have received a grant from Genentech.
She wasn't sure, she said, whether the people involved in the process were
required to disclose any and all money -- speaking fees, for example --
received from Genentech. She said she didn't even know about Genentech's
$10 million in contributions to the American Heart Association -- until we
told her -- and she was writing and editing the guidelines recommending
tPA for stroke.
"I think it is wonderful that I never knew about the Genentech 

CS>Chemtrails - E-ThePeople Petition

2000-11-09 Thread BILL D

Subject: Chemtrails - E-ThePeople Petition for Congressional Hearings
Please go to the following URL and sign the petition for Congressional
Hearings to uncover the mysteries of Aerial Chemtrail Spraying.

 the following URLs from another source:
http://www.egroups.com/group/VancouverChemTrails - Vancouver Chem-Trail
study group
http://contrailconnection.com - Pictures
http://www.chemtrailcentral.com - NEWS reports
http://www.islandnet.com/wilco - Local reporter
http://www.carnicom.com - Blood cells in samples


2000-10-10 Thread BILL D

Delivered-To: libertyw...@mjx.listcommanders.net
From: "LibertyWire" 
To: "Subscriber" 
Subject: ACTION ALERT: Online Poll (MSNBC)
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 16:09:24 -0700
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
Sender: distribut...@mjx.harrybrowne2000.org

L i b e r t y W i r e   ~   A C T I O N  A L E R T


Today MSNBC's "Equal Time" is conducting a poll on
its web site featuring the following question:

   "If the election were held today,
who would get your vote?"

Please take a moment right now to visit
http://www.msnbc.com/news/419965.asp and
vote for Harry Browne. (Please note that
this poll appears to end at midnight.)

Then forward this message to a friend.

And thank you!


L i b e r t y W i r e
is the official e-mail newsletter of
Libertarian presidential candidate Harry Browne
and vice presidential candidate Art Olivier.

Site:  http://www.HarryBrowne2000.org/lw
Email: Mailto:i...@harrybrowne2000.org

CS>Aspartame popularity soaring < bad news>

2000-10-10 Thread BILL D


Aspartame popularity soaring
10/10/2000 Americans' preference for convenience is helping spur growth in 
the food additive and preservative industry.  New strategic research from 
Frost & Sullivan (www.frost.com), "U.S.  Food Additive and Preservative 
Markets" shows the industry had more than $3 billion in revenue in

1999.  Frost & Sullivan projects revenues to top $5 billion by the year 2006.

"Consumers are increasingly substituting non-nutritive sweeteners such as 
Sweet `N Low or NutraSweet for sugar in an effort to reduce their caloric 
intake and reduce or maintain their body weight," says Frost & Sullivan 
analyst Dr.
Bradley Watkins.  Aspartame and saccharin are more popular than ever, and 
the list of artificial sweeteners may continue to grow, pending Food and 
Drug Administration (FDA) approval.  This will provide a boost to the 
artificial sweetener industry.

Frost & Sullivan presents the 2000 Marketing Engineering Awards to 
companies that have worked hard to make a positive contribution to the 
U.S.  food additive and preservative industry.  The Market Engineering 
Leadership Award was presented to McCormick & Company.
The Merger & Acquisition Strategy Award was given to Warner 
Jenkinson.  Adams Extract Company received the Distribution Strategy 
Award.  Ashland Chemical Company, a division of Ashland Incorporated was 
given the Customer Service Innovation Award, and Velsicol Chemical 
Corporation received the Vertical Integration Award.

Frost & Sullivan (San Jose, CA) is a global leader in international 
strategic market consulting and training.  Frost & Sullivan's industry 
experts monitor the food chemicals industry for market trends, market 
measurements and strategies.
This ongoing research is used to complement the Food and Beverage Custom 
Subscription, which includes studies on the U.S.
Proteins Ingredients Market and the European Enzymes for Food Applications 
Markets.  Along with publishing in-depth strategic market consulting 
research, Frost & Sullivan also provides custom consulting needs to a 
variety of national and international companies.

For more info about U.S.  Food Additive and Preservative Markets Report: 
7438-88, Date: October

2000: Robert Spurlock, 210/348-1032, rspurl...@frost.com. 


2000-06-25 Thread BILL D

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration
of Independence?
Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before
they died.
Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in
the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured.
Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary
They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred
honor. What kind of men were they?
Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were
farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated.
But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the
penalty would be death if they were captured.
Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept
from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay
his debts, and died in rags.
Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his
family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his
family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty
was his reward.
Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton,
Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.
At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr., noted that the British General
Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters.
He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was
destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.
Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his
wife, and she died within a few months.
John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13
children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to
waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to
find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from
exhaustion and a broken heart.
Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates. Such were the stories and
sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild-eyed,
rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education.
They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight,
and unwavering, they pledged: "For the support of this declaration, with
firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge
to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."
They gave you and me a free and independent America. The history books never
told you a lot about what happened in the Revolutionary War. We didn't fight
just the British. We were British subjects at that time and we fought our own
Some of us take these liberties so much for granted, but we shouldn't. So,
take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and silently thank
these patriots. It's not much to ask for the price they paid. Remember:
freedom is never free!
I hope you will show your support by sending this to as many people as you
can. It's time we get the word out that patriotism is NOT a sin, and the
Fourth of July has more to it than beer, picnics, and baseball games.
The doorway to freedom is framed in muskets!

CS>: World-wide ban on alternative health information planned by CODE

2000-06-13 Thread BILL D


Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 10:43 AM
Subject : World-wide ban on alternative health information planned by CODEX
Well, now we have it. The monstrous Codex masterplan is emerging once
again. And, the threat is not merely to reduce dosages, like we have been
thinking. It's to eliminate all circulation on information related to
medicine. Imagine that. And, the plan unfolds in one week's time in Berlin
on June 19th.
The purpose of the CODEX meetings on June 19 - 23, is to establish a
ban on health information concerning natural healing methods This is a
mortal threat
to the very existence of health advisory groups, all radio programs on
medicine, all multi-level marketing of natural products, all internet chat
According to Dr. Matthias Rath, "laws to be enacted in all the countries of
the world
are being prepared with the aim to prohibit ALL statements concerning the
healing effects of vitamin and natural therapies" .
75% of the representatives meeting at the Codex meetings are paid by
pharmaceutical companies. How do you think the interests of the public
are going to fare?
Please check out Dr Matthias Rath's website below, register your protest,
and forward to one and all.


2000-05-25 Thread BILL D

From: "Kerry Boytzun" 
Subject: Amazing: CHEMTRAILS - Did An Airline Mechanic Stumble Upon The Truth?
Date: Sun, 21 May 2000
CHEMTRAILS - Did An Airline Mechanic Stumble Upon The Truth? (5-17-00)
(Note - We cannot confirm the following statement but the implications are
enormous, and we expect there will be serious efforts to investigate and
evaluate these allegations quickly. -ed.)
For reasons you will understand as you read this I can not divulge my
identity. I am an aircraft mechanic for a major airline. I work at one of
our maintenance bases located at a large airport. I have discovered some
information that I think you will find important.
First I should tell you something about the "pecking order" among mechanics.
It is important to my story and to the cause to which you have dedicated
Mechanics want to work on three things. The avionics, the engines, or the
flight controls. The mechanics that work on these systems are considered at
the top of the "pecking order". Next come the mechanics that work on the
hydraulics and air conditioning systems. Then come the ones who work on the
galley and other non-essential systems. But at the very bottom of the list
are the mechanics that work on the waste disposal systems. No mechanic wants
to work on the pumps, tanks, and pipes that are used to store the waste from
the lavatories.
But at every airport where I have worked there are always 2 or 3 mechanics
that volunteer to work on the lavatory systems. The other mechanics are
happy to let them do it. Because of this you will have only 2 or 3 mechanics
that work on these systems at any one airport. No one pays much attention to
these guys and no mechanic socializes with another mechanic who only works
on the waste systems. In fact I had never thought much about this situation
until last month.
Like most airlines we have reciprocal agreements with the other airlines
that fly into this airport. If they have a problem with a plane one of our
mechanics will take care of it. Likewise if one of our planes has a problem
at an airport where the other airline has a maintenance base, they will fix
our plane.
One day last month I was called out from our base to work on a plane for
another airline. When I got the call the dispatcher did not know what the
problem was. When I got to the plane I found out that the problem was in
waste disposal system. There was nothing for me to do but to crawl in and
fix the problem. When I got into the bay I realized that something was not
right. There were more tanks, pumps, and pipes then should have been there.
At first I assumed that the system had been changed. It had been 10 years
since I had worked on one. As I tried to find the problem I quickly realized
the extra piping and tanks were not connected to the waste disposal system.
I had just discovered this when another mechanic from my company showed up.
It was one of the mechanics who usually works on these systems. I happily
turned the job over to him. As I was leaving I asked him about the extra
equipment. He told me to "worry about my end of the plane and let him worry
about his!"
The next day I was on the company computer to look up a wiring schematic.
While I was there I decided to look up the extra equipment I had found. To
my amazement the manuals did not show any of the extra equipment I had seen
with my own eyes the day before. I even tied in to the manufacturer files
and still found nothing. Now I was really determined to find out what that
equipment did.
The next week we had three of our planes in our main hanger for periodic
inspection. There are mechanics crawling all over a plane during these
inspections. I had just finished my shift and I decided to have a look at
the waste system on one of our planes. With all the mechanics around I
figured that no one would notice an extra one on the plane. Sure enough, the
plane I choose had the extra equipment!
I began to trace the system of pipes, pumps, and tanks. I found what
appeared to be the control unit for the system. It was a standard looking
avionics control box but it had no markings of any kind. I could trace the
control wires from the box to the pumps and valves but there were no control
circuits coming into the unit. The only wires coming into the unit was a
power connection to the aircraft's main power bus.
The system had 1 large and 2 smaller tanks. It was hard to tell in the
cramped compartment but it looked like the large tank could hold 50 gallons.
The tanks were connected to a fill and drain valve that passed through the
fuselage just behind the drain valve for the waste system. When I had a
chance to look for this connection under the plane I found it cunningly
hidden behind a panel under the panel used to access the waste drain.
I began to trace the piping from the pumps. These pipes lead to a network of
small pipes that ended in the trailing edges of the wings and horizontal
stabilizers. If you look c


1999-12-31 Thread BILL D

The Month After Christmas...

'Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house Nothing would
fit me, not even a blouse.
The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste At the holiday parties had
gone to my waist.
When I got on the scales there arose such a number! 
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).
I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared; The gravies and sauces and
beef nicely rared, The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese And
the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please." 
As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt And prepared once again to do
battle with dirt--- I said to myself, as I only can "You can't spend a
winter disguised as a man!" 
So--away with the last of the sour cream dip, Get rid of the fruit cake,
every cracker and chip Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
"Till all the additional ounces have vanished.
I won't have a cookie--not even a lick.
I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.
I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie, I'll munch on a carrot
and quietly cry.
I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore--- But isn't that what January
is for?
Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet! 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1999-12-10 Thread BILL D



Your medical privacy is under attack
by politicians' Unique Health Identifier

WASHINGTON, DC -- There's less than a month left to block a
federal regulation that will permit thousands of businesses and
government agencies -- including banks, the FBI, and even the
Environmental Protection Agency -- to examine your private medical
records without your consent, the Libertarian Party warned today.

And equally ominous: The same regulation will mandate that each
American get a "Unique Health Identifier" -- a Social Security
Number-style identifier from the government that will follow you
throughout your life and be permanently attached to all your medical

"If these proposals are enacted, you might as well post your
health history on the Internet, because nearly anyone who wants that
information will have access to it," said Steve Dasbach, national
director of the Libertarian Party. "These proposals are a devious
attempt by the government to diminish your medical privacy -- while
claiming to protect it."

The new rules were unveiled by the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) in the Federal Register last month. The
Clinton Administration claimed the proposals would "safeguard"
Americans' medical privacy by making health-care companies responsible
for any privacy lapses or violations.

But the real result will be to throw your private records wide
open to dozens of government departments, for-profit businesses, and
law enforcement agencies, said Dasbach -- while stripping individuals
of their right to file lawsuits to protect their medical privacy.

"The government claims these rules are designed to protect
you," he said. "But trusting politicians to protect your medical
privacy is like hiring Bill Clinton as night watchman at a girls'
dormitory. The only way to protect your health records is to make sure
the government doesn't have them."

And because of the mandatory "Unique Health Identifier"
provision, accessing health records could become "just as easy and
convenient as accessing your credit history is now," he warned.

"The list of people who could read your medical records is like
a Who's Who of people you don't want to see them," said Dasbach.

Included on the list: Banks, state insurance commissions, the
Department of Justice, the FBI, criminal defense attorneys, federal
welfare agencies, the Health and Human Services' Office of Civil
Rights, the Social Security Administration, the Department of
Education, OSHA, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Is there anyone who wouldn't have access to your medical

"Yes -- you!" said Dasbach. "The regulation doesn't guarantee
that individuals can access their own medical records in all
circumstances. Plus, there is no statutory authority for you to take
action if your medical privacy is breached. The government apparently
believes that federal bureaucrats and police have a greater right to
your medical records than you do."

But the prognosis isn't all bad, said Dasbach: There may still
be time to stop the proposal.

"We have a few weeks left to try to protect medical privacy,"
he said. "The Libertarian Party is working with other groups to stop
this medical spy scheme before it starts -- by encouraging Americans to
inundate the HHS with comments, and demand that politicians back down
from this malignant proposal."

The HHS is accepting public comments until January 3, 2000. If
the proposal isn't terminated by then, it will go into effect in
February 2000.

"When it comes to medical privacy, the government is the
disease," said Dasbach. "Stopping this proposal is one way we can keep
our medical privacy -- and liberty -- a little bit healthier."

To comment via e-mail, visit the special "Medical Privacy" link
on the Libertarian Party's website: www.LP.org.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1999-12-09 Thread BILL D

Food poisoning increases as imports rise Study blames World Trade
Organization policies, quotas By Jon E.  Dougherty © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com
A new study blames the rising number of food poisoning cases throughout the
United States on World Trade Organization-style import/export rules that
prohibit government inspection agencies from adequately examining food

The Paragon Foundation, a New Mexico-based conservative think tank, says
the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta is reporting "an all-time high
in food poisoning," and added that those statistics "continue to rise." The
suspected cause is the poor content-labeling practices used by other
nations, the inability of government inspectors to examine enough imported
meat and produce, and the globalization of food production. 

"America historically has enjoyed the safest food supply in the world," Jay
Walley, the foundation's communications director, told WorldNetDaily.  But
he said researchers at Paragon concluded the phenomenon was largely due to
quotas imposed by the World Trade Organization, as well as "a WTO ruling
that it is illegal for a government to ban a product based on the way it is
produced, according to (World Trade Organization Director General Michael)

The report noted that trade globalization politics are so intense 
-- as evidenced at the recent World Trade Organization summit in Seattle --
"that U.S.
regulatory agencies have largely ignored the quality and safety of
foodstuffs arriving on our shores." 

"Additionally," the study said, "there is lack of action by most elected
representatives to support current legislation that would enable consumers
to identify where food is produced." 

Walley said the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organization that
examines health and environmental issues, reported a much higher number of
import violations than the United States Department of Agriculture. 

According to government figures, import violations on produce and meat
products occur in about 3.1 percent of imports. 

However, the working group found that "violation rates were high for many
important sources of major fruits and vegetables, including Mexican
strawberries (18.4 percent), Mexican head lettuce (15.6 percent),
Guatemalan blackberries (14.6 percent), Argentine pears (12.9 percent),
Mexican carrots (12.3 percent), Chilean kiwi (11.7 percent), Mexican leaf
lettuce (11.3 percent), and Mexican green beans (9.4 percent)." Also, the
study said, "nearly 49 percent of the pears imported from Korea were
contaminated with illegal pesticides, as were 40.8 percent of green peas
from Guatemala, and 34.1 percent of the peas from China." See chart. 

In his Mar.  16 testimony to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on
Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies, Centers for Disease
Control Director Dr.  Jeffrey P.  Koplan said that despite the country's
historically secure food supply, "we continue to face challenges to the
safety of our food." 

Americans "now consume more fresh produce and seafood and demand a constant
supply throughout the year," Koplan said.  "To meet the demand, an ever
increasing proportion of our food is imported, especially from developing
parts of the world.  As a result, we are being exposed to pathogens not
commonly found in the United States, as demonstrated by the Cyclospora
outbreaks associated with raspberries imported from Guatemala." 

Koplan said the Centers for Disease Control, in conjunction with other
federal agencies, has developed a new outbreak surveillance system known as
FoodNet, designed to "to capture a more accurate and complete picture of
trends in the occurrence of illness caused by priority foodborne pathogens." 

This increase in food poisoning in the United States was predicted by the
World Health Organization two years ago.  In the October-December 1997
issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases, World Health Organization
researchers concluded that "a consequence of the increase in transnational
trade, travel, and migration is the greater risk of cross-border
transmission of infectious diseases." 

"With more than one million people crossing international borders every
day, and with the globalization of food production, manufacturing and
marketing, the risk of infectious disease transmission is greater," the WHO
study said.  "Food, a major trade commodity, is also an important vehicle
for transmission of infectious diseases.  Because food production,
manufacturing and marketing are now global, infectious agents can be
disseminated from the original point of processing and packaging to
locations thousands of miles away." 

One recent CDC study concluded that "foodborne diseases cause approximately
76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 
5,000 deaths in the United States each year." 

Rep.  Helen Chenoweth-Hage, an Idaho Republican, believes more needs to be
done to ensure the safety of imported food.  In a speech delivered to the
House Agricultu


1999-09-06 Thread BILL D

Hi list, do we really need this, idon`t think so..

The Clinton/Gore administration has been
aggressively helping Monsanto promote ag-biotech, bypassing
U.S. health and safety regulations to promote new, untested
gene-altered products.

A key component of the U.S./Monsanto plan to dominate world
agriculture with genetically modified seeds is the absence of
labeling of genetically engineered foods. All U.S. foods carry
labels listing the ingredients: salt, sugar, water, vitamins,
etc. But three separate executive agencies -- U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency -- have ruled that
genetically-modified foods deserve an exception: they can be
sold without being labeled "genetically modified." This strategy
has successfully prevented consumers from exercising informed
choice in the marketplace, reducing the likelihood of a consumer
revolt, at least in the U.S., at least for now.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1999-08-25 Thread BILL D

This might be considered off topic, however it is very MUCH RELATED, and
should be read by all..
We are what we eat!!!

Campaign for Food Safety News #21  August 24, 1999
News and Analysis on Genetic Engineering, Factory Farming, & Organics
by: Ronnie Cummins & Ben Lilliston
Campaign for Food Safety 

Affiliated with the Organic Consumers Association  

Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods and Crops: Why We Need A Global

by: Ronnie Cummins, Campaign for Food Safety/Organic Consumers Association

The technology of genetic engineering (GE), wielded by transnational "life
science" corporations such as Monsanto and Novartis, is the practice of
altering or disrupting the genetic blueprints of living organisms--plants,
animals, humans, microorganisms--patenting them, and then selling the
resulting gene-foods, seeds, or other products for profit. Life science
corporations proclaim, with great fanfare, that their new products will
make agriculture sustainable, eliminate world hunger, cure disease, and
vastly improve public health. In reality, through their business practices
and political lobbying, the gene engineers have made it clear that they
intend to use GE to dominate and monopolize the global market for seeds,
foods, fiber, and medical products.

GE is a revolutionary new technology still in its early experimental stages
of development. This technology has the power to break down fundamental
genetic barriers--not only between species--but between humans, animals,
and plants. By randomly inserting together the genes of non-related
species--utilizing viruses, antibiotic-resistant genes, and bacteria as
vectors, markers, and promoters--and permanently altering their genetic
codes, gene-altered organisms are created that pass these genetic changes
onto their offspring through heredity. Gene engineers all over the world
are now snipping, inserting, recombining, rearranging, editing, and
programming genetic material. Animal genes and even human genes are
randomly inserted into the chromosomes of plants, fish, and animals,
creating heretofore unimaginable transgenic life forms. For the first time
in history, transnational biotechnology corporations are becoming the
architects and "owners" of life.

With little or no regulatory restraints, labeling requirements, or
scientific protocol, bio-engineers have begun creating hundreds of new GE
"Frankenfoods" and crops, oblivious to human and environmental hazards, or
negative socioeconomic impacts on the world's several billion farmers and
rural villagers. Despite an increasing number of scientists warning that
current gene-splicing techniques are crude, inexact, and unpredictable--and
therefore inherently dangerous--pro-biotech governments and regulatory
agencies, led by the US, maintain that GE foods and crops are
"substantially equivalent" to conventional foods, and therefore require
neither mandatory labeling nor pre-market safety-testing. This Brave New
World of Frankenfoods is frightening.

There are currently more than four dozen genetically engineered foods and
crops being grown or sold in the US. These foods and crops are widely
dispersed into the food chain and the environment. Over 70 million acres of
GE crops are presently under cultivation in the US, while up to 500,000
dairy cows are being injected regularly with Monsanto's recombinant Bovine
Growth Hormone (rBGH). Most supermarket processed food items now "test
positive" for the presence of GE ingredients. In addition several dozen
more GE crops are in the final stages of development and will soon be
released into the environment and sold in the marketplace. According to the
biotechnology industry almost 100% of US food and fiber will be genetically
engineered within 5-10 years. The "hidden menu" of these unlabeled
genetically engineered foods and food ingredients in the US now includes
soybeans, soy oil, corn, potatoes, squash, canola oil, cotton seed oil,
papaya, tomatoes, and dairy products.

Genetic engineering of food and fiber products is inherently unpredictable
and dangerous--for humans, for animals, the environment, and for the future
of sustainable and organic agriculture. As Dr. Michael Antoniou, a British
molecular scientist points out, gene-splicing has already resulted in the
"unexpected production of toxic substances... in genetically engineered
bacteria, yeast, plants, and animals with the problem remaining undetected
until a major health hazard has arisen." The hazards of GE foods and crops
fall basically into three categories: human health hazards, environmental
hazards, and socioeconomic hazards. A brief look at the already-proven and
likely hazards of GE products provides a convincing argument for why we
need a global moratorium on all GE foods and crops.

Toxins & Poisons

Genetically engineered products clearly have the potential to be toxic and
a threat to human health. In 1989  a genetically engi