Re: CS>Free book for you

1999-12-29 Thread Britta Jones
Thanks Marshall, I sent them my snail mail location.

Also, at that website, if you click on "Your Health", on the homepage,
whoever wants to can find a publication and audio tape from Larry Wayne
Harris, reasonable.  I have heard him on radio some time ago and he stated
that CS does work, I may still have my taping of the program, will search
for it.

Hulda Clark makes 4 consecutive references to:
"Bacillus anthracis (anthrax)" in her "Frequency Chart" on page 563 of her
book "The Cure For All Diseases", but I have not made an attempt to figure
out whether a certain frequency is needed to "zap that bacillus"! (Ah ain't
that smart!).
For Freedom .Independence

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Re: CS kill anthrax

1999-10-21 Thread Britta Jones
Hi all, Marshall
Thanks for the y2knewswire url, good info.  How can we
make informed decisions without good information?  In
my search for "good information", whether related to
Codex Alimentarius, or the "Bill of Rights", I came upon
these urls, from University of Texas:  as well as although
they are not related specifically to CS, the info is totally
relevant because it tells how we got to the point of having
to worry about having to kill anthrax.

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Re: CS>Allergies>Marie

1999-10-12 Thread Britta Jones
Hi Marie

Per Peter Lindeman's article: *A Closer Look*:
"The word *Ionic* refers to a condition where a particle has an
electric charge. In the case of *electro-colloidal* silver, this electric
charge is ALWAYS posi-
tive.  Silver will not form a negatively charged ion.  So,
the truth is that electro-colloidal silver  is BOTH, colloidal
and ionic.  It is considered ionic because of the particle CHARGE.  In fact,
most of the biological studies suggest it is colloidal silver's ionic
characteristics that make it such a good germicide"

As to your Lyme, --I"m lost.

Freedom --- Independence.

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Re: CS>sea salts or not

1999-10-11 Thread Britta Jones

When I first made CS I used a few grains of *canning salt*
the silver came off the electrode in quite large, billowing
clouds.  A couple days later that CS began to turn grey
and at the bottom of the jar were tiny little grey particles.
I didn't think that to be ideal, especially in light of the fact
that the son of the man who made my generator has been
making and taking it that way for 4 months already for an
ulcer.  He still has the ulcer, but otherwise seems to be
no worse off.

Even though *canning salt*  is supposedly pure salt with
no other  minerals or additives, I stopped using it for CS.
(I know that most of us are apparently somewhat dehydrated and I use 1/4
teaspoon salt to a qt of regular
water, 2-3 times a day, which really helps me) but to me
it seems that even topically it doesn't make sense to put
salt in a wound unless, of course, saltwater is the only thing available in
an emergency situation.

I began to make the CS with nothing but the best distilled
water I could find, the .999% silver electrodes and a little
extra time, I began taking it 1 teaspoon a day, under my tongue, swish it
around in my mouth before swallowing,
and after a week I upped it to 1 tablespoon a day.  The CS looks better,
cleaner, and I know it made a difference
for the better to my body.

Evaluate the reason for the use of salt, any salt, stated in
your manual.  If it's simply to make the CS quicker, be wary.
(Freedom ...Independence)

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Re: CS>rose color cs

1999-10-10 Thread Britta Jones
Although I am new at experimenting with CS I have done weeks of studies
reading and trying  out just about every
recommendation , on the internet, about how to make CS, there are over 300
sites and I lost track after 140 of them, but sorted through everything I
printed out, read the
articles a second and even a third time, highlighted the most *important*
aspects and put it all in two notebooks
for reference.

I can tell you that the general consensus is that the color
should be if not *clear* then a *light yellow* to *pale amber*.  A few
recommendations are for *white* CS, which always has added salt or baking
soda.  I have made and tasted all types.  The *clear* and the *white*
tastes like clean water,  from *pale/light yellow* onwards
it tastes a little bitter and has a mild sting to it, but it works and is
palatable.  It is claimed by  many that the darker the color the bigger are
the particles and the less
accessible to the body-cells, and that makes sense when
you consider that a particle that can't penetrate the cell walls is either
useless or can even be harmful in large amounts/over long period of time.
If the *amber* CS you are buying doesn't have a slightly
bitter/metallic taste it could mean the product is mislabeled, is filtered
or has an additive.  I personnally
would not feel comfortable with that.
I probably should add that I do not make CS commercially and have no intent
to do so. Since one of
the most important points is that the particles carry a tiny electric charge
in order to do the most good, but that this charge can be lost, or at least
diminished over a very short period, or through exposure to light, heat, or
cold temperatures, I believe that in order to be sure and have
confidence in the goodness or effectiveness of a product, wherever possible
I try to produce it for myself,
and it's well worth it with even the most basic generator
and good grade of pure silver wires or strips and the
best distilled water you can find (it pays to read the labels), and also
very important to be able to, sometime,
be able to pick the brain of someone who's been there, done that, (like this
forum). Thanks guys and girls.

Freedom's the Word (and I mean INDEPENDENCE)

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Re: CS>Sudden change in CS

1999-09-29 Thread Britta Jones
To Katarina W.

I've had this happen to me when I ran several test batches,but I figured it
was because I kept reversing
the electrodes (switching them back and forth from
positive to negative for each batch test).

Lindeman said, some days are like that.

Freedom's the Word

P.S. I still would like to know if the writer who is
 "oozing on the muggy shores of the gulf coast
 is on my side of the gulf.  After reading his humor
 post tonight, I laughed till I cried.

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CS>Thanks from CS newbie re:Agent Orange

1999-09-24 Thread Britta Jones
Hi all:

Just thought I'd do a quick and dirty and say thanks for the responses I got on 
my first posting, and most
especially to "Edith" and "Charles King's" reassuring

As I said before I'm relieved to know you're all there
and are willing to share your experience and knowledge
especially in light of the recent FDA ruling.  Although 
I haven't read the whole thing yet, knowing from other examples what these 
unelected bureaucrats are allowed
to impose I can well imagine how far it'll eventually
go.  Last weekend I saw a program (cable or C-band satellite) by America's 
Voice TV, they featured a story
about a man who makes a liquid soap, which he sells by
the gallon.  The last item he mentions on the label is
about cockroaches, indicating that this soap might be
detrimental to cockroaches.  Well, the EPA has zeroed in on him, saying that 
he's claiming that the soap is
a pesticide because it might kill cockroaches.  This
man is looking at a possible fine of $100,000 if he
doesn't change that.

Another company makes a pet shampoo and as a joke they
put on the label that before you use this shampoo on
your dog, or whatever, you might want to try and find another host for your 
dog's fleas.  The EPA didn't think that was funny and they're after them too!

My first thought was, after hearing that, maybe they ought to enthrone the EPA 
in the white house or the capitol, maybe they can "enforce the Law" there too.
But then I figured well, one can always grovel, and
get off with a rap over the knuckles, so to speak.

As far as I can tell, since I signed up, nobody is 
giving any medical advice, it's a discussion forum
and personal experiences.  And then again, Geo. Orwell
was only off by a couple of years wasn't he?

I especially liked "Chuck's" sign-off lines, I kept
laughing the rest of the evening about the "beating
their swords into plowshares" and hitting a man over
the head, etc.  Even though the actual verse is quite
serious, it's even posted at the U.N. building by the
wish of the Soviets, the way you put it Chuck it was
hilarious. And so are the ones since then.

I hope I can contribute subject-specific soon, in the meantime I'll be reading 
up and listening to you.
Thanks guys.
Sincerely, Brita
"Freedom's the Word" 

CS newbie re-Agent Orange

1999-09-22 Thread Britta Jones
Hi all,

This is Brita.  I joined the list 5 days ago and read about 200
postings in the last couple days in addition to reading approx.
120 websites re: CS this past weekend.  I am very much relieved
to know y'all care.

Several years ago I heard about CS from Dave Hinkson's radio program. Although 
it sounded real good, I didn't buy any because
I had no symptoms of any disease.  Then menopause set in, (now I
gave my age away), anyway I began to get heartburn, on a daily
basis, and I got a little concerned.  Finally I decided to buy
some CS. I bought some from "Kaire", 20 ppm, and a Qt of "Silver Mineral Water" 
from a retailer, who I believe uses the "Wateroz".
I felt it was safe to give it a try rather than have some white-robed guy stick 
a large hose down my throat and then ask me to pay for that torture (my 
symptoms weren't that bad).

I never got to try the "Kaire" because one day a bobcat mauled one
of my pet baby chicks and literally ripped a 4" square patch of skin
off it's side, in addition to several major scratches on the rest of it's 
little body.  All I had at hand was the CS.  I poured the whole
bottle (2 oz) of 20ppm "Kaire" on the wounds of my little beastie, took it in 
the house and kept it in a small box with food and water.
For the next three days I used up the second bottle of "Kaire", just
to make sure, because the wound dried up like magic (well almost), and it even 
seemed to form a thin film, dry, but like a transparent skin.  Bleeding had 
stopped immediately, and after the third day this little chick was running 
around with the rest of the brood as 
if nothing had ever happened to it.  (That was it's downfall: the bobcat came 
back and ate it after all.)

Since then, an aquaintance of mine built me a most basic generator,
3 9V batteries, mounted on a little piece of wood, a small lightbulb, a couple 
of wires with alligator clips, and two 1/4" silver strips, not wire, supposedly 
and based on test batches, appa-
rently 99.9%.  All this gentlemen knew was how to make the "white"
CS.  But we did buy a book, Mark Metcalf's I think, I tried out his
recommendations, but did not try to make the yellow kind.  In the 
past I had heard some of the controversy over the two types. 

Since this past weekend, especially after having read the Lindeman article, and 
also Bruce Stenulson's pages I made a whole bunch of
test batches with distilled water, nothing added, heated water, and room 
temperature water. Depending on the length of time processed, 
and the time depended on the amount of water used (8 or 16 oz) it
always came out in some shade of yellow, very light to golden amber,
except the room temperature water (distilled, storebought) it turned
pink. I discontinued that process and set it in a dark cabinet for
comparison and to keep track in writing the next day.  The next day
this pink water had turned yellow, like a "post-it" note.  All batches showed 
the Tyndall effect, without a doubt.  I was happy.
But I have no idea how I can test the ppm, if I used 8 oz of water
the process took approx. 40 minutes, when I used 16 oz of water it took 60 
minutes, however, all batches were quite a bit darker yellow
the next day. Also, when I poured the solutions out of the jars I had made them 
in, the jars had a thin, amber, mirrorlike film on the
inside of them, which I really had to scrub, to get it off.
Therefore I ask, is this to be expected?   Is it harmful?

But above that I have an even more urgent question.  My son had told
a Viet Nam vet friend of his that I make CS, and when this man ran out of his 
store -bought solution, he asked if I could help him out
and make some for him?  He appears to be suffering from the effects of  AGENT 
ORANGE, pretty badly at that, but he has confidence in the
CS  but also takes prescription meds for it.

I would be very happy to help the guy out temporarily but even that
scares me because I don't know what ppm I'm getting and if it is even 

Do any of you know of someone, or have firsthand knowledge with
regard to CS and Agent Orange?  Would CS actually represent a boost to his 
immune system, in your opinion?  If so, would you be so kind
and tell me how and why you think it would?

Being  the wife of a military vet myself, and by now knowing a whole lot more 
than I did then, I sincerely believe that many of these suffering veterans have 
been shafted too much, too long, and wishing
someone well, even prayer, for someone who is starving or slowly
dying just doesn't cut it, it just isn't enough effort on my part.

Although my computer is ancient and the hard drive only has 500MEG
I invite your opinions whether by list or regular e-mail to me, if you would, 

 Sincerely, Brita in Florida
P.S. Is the person that's "oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast" by any 
chance on my side of the gulf coast?
The bobcat ain't around any more either!