
1998-08-25 Thread Carl J.
What does a blood (serum?) Amylase level of 297 (norm is 25 - 115) mean?
Been on Pancreatin for awhile.
My texts refers to amylase as a cl;ass of enzymes that slpit or hydrolyze
starch.  One form present in saliva and PANCREATIC JUICE splits
polysacharides.  He stopped eating for about a week so we've been giving him
whey protien powder shakes - either with milk, yogurt or fruit juice
(pineapple).  The admiting nurse asked if her had an ulcer due to the high
amylase.  Could this be an affect of the Pancreatin?  And if so, is it good
or bad?
Just got home from putting Dad in the hospital; for dehydration and anemia.
Hemoglobin of 8.4 (14 - 18 is norm), and a hematocrit of 26.9 (norms are
42 - 52).  Started on IV fluids and will recieve 2 units (forget if it will
be packed cells ort whole blood 0 more likely whole blood for the volume).
Also hasd a WBCX of 18.2 ( norms are 4.8 - 10.8)

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1998-08-05 Thread Carl J.
And the burning river!


>Yeah... Cleveland. But at least we *do* have the Rock'n Roll Hall Of
> wrote:
>> OK, to all the sensitives who're - or will be - retaliating because I
>> mentioned Texas in a sarcastic way, COOL IT... it's no big deal. I only
>> meant that it's been so damn hot there lately one may do better in HELL.
>> Besides, I live in Cleveland, so you can all start laughing now.
>> Dameon
>CLEVELAND, !!   You mean the ARMPIT of America  Ha, Ha ha ha! 

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Columbus, Ohio

1998-07-31 Thread Carl J.
In need of a RR/RB device in Columbus Ohio.  Advanced uterine cancer -
metastasizing.  Doctors have given up on her.
Thank you,

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Ozonated water

1998-07-22 Thread Carl J.
Need info on home-made ozonators.  I've seen plans for one and am confident
that I can build one.  But need a source for a corona wire ozonator (not UV
light).  Have called around to various salt water aquarium stores and they
can get one for me.  However they want to know the specs I want.  I don't
know what to say.  They also want to know which brand(s).  Any answers out
there?  Have you built one or are aware of someone building one?
Also in the results of web searching spa ozonators have turned up.  Ant
opinions on these???


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Ozonated water

1998-07-22 Thread Carl J.
Need info on home-made ozonators.  I've seen plans for one and am confident
that I can build one.  But need a source for a corona wire ozonator (not UV
light).  Have called around to various salt water aquarium stores and they
can get one for me.  However they want to know the specs I want.  I don't
know what to say.  They also want to know which brand(s).  Any answers out
there?  Have you built one or are aware of someone building one?
Also in the results of web searching spa ozonators have turned up.  Ant
opinions on these???


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Ozonated water

1998-07-22 Thread Carl J.
Need info on home-made ozonators.  I've seen plans for one and am confident
that I can build one.  But need a source for a corona wire ozonator (not UV
light).  Have called around to various salt water aquarium stores and they
can get one for me.  However they want to know the specs I want.  I don't
know what to say.  They also want to know which brand(s).  Any answers out
there?  Have you built one or are aware of someone building one?
Also in the results of web searching spa ozonators have turned up.  Ant
opinions on these???


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Re: Wound Care - LONG!!

1998-07-11 Thread Carl J.
Thanks for the response.

> Only thing I can say is to use 1/2 strength h2o2.

Oh yeah, forgot about that part - been along time since I did wound care.

>  In wounds that are open and necrotozing this is better, leave longer then
> rinse and do more often.
> Some of the new cells are not impervious to the h2o2 and the full strength
> would also affect them and since you don't no which is ewhich for a while,
> well anyway trued and true.

Ever use Dakin's solution on a wound - I've used a modified version - just a
week bleach solution (I forget the ratio - 1:10 )  It worked well in
removing dry, hard or stringy eschar.  Have to stop it early though as you may
debride healthy tissue as well.

> Also, in debriding in this way, I believe success is garnered not only in
> keeping the wound clean and uninfected, but by the blood supply to the area.
> I don't know how to judge blood supply to the tumor vs blood supply to the
> healthy tissue,

Supposedly the tumor has cut off it's own blood supply, as it has grown too
large. So any fresh blood from surrounding tissue would be 'good'?

> If this tumor is totally lysed and oozing, would it be a consideration to
> have it surgically debrided first?

Hasn't opened yet.  I want to be prepared just in case I get a call from Dad.
I've been told that it won't open, just dissolve as much as it can and we'll be
left with a core of scar tissue about 1/4 size of the original tumor size.  But
I look at it on the same premise as a decubitus (bedsore).  If tissue beneath
intact skin is dead or dying, the the toxin's will undermine and destroy the
health layer above and eventually it will open up in the body's attempt to rid
it's self of the mess.  The skin is still intact, blanches well with a 5 second
return.  Skin color is ruddy, warm to the touch, no increase in warmth as
related to surrounding skin.  Non tender.  Skin is looser (?) than previously
noted - stretched or from tumor shrinkage??  Location of tumor makes surgery
'iffy' - it is on (L) jaw line and has apparently invaded/surrounded TMJ and
jaw bone (he is unable to yawn), also facial nerve involvement.  Although his
lower lip was nearly pushed all the way over to the (R), it has receded to very
near normal position, in response to our treatments.  His speech is no longer

> Full strength h2o2 is good for everything that is outside the body, tho.
> Life is Fragile.

It sure is

> Handle with Prayer

It works!


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1998-07-11 Thread Carl J.
I've 'heard' that Melaleuca trees are 'taking over' portions of the Everglades -
think I saw this on some PBS science show.  Are these the same type of tree as
the ones you speak of?  If so, then why can't they be harvested/utilized for Tea
Tree Oil products - less expensive perhaps.  Or are these the wrong type of
Just wondering,

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Wound Care - LONG!!

1998-07-09 Thread Carl J.
Will soon be facing an open draining wound from a necrotizing
(dying) squamous cell carcinoma tumor of the jaw.  I am an LPN (inactive
status) and will be doing wound care on the site.  It hasn't opened yet,
but I want to be prepared.
My objectives are simple:  to keep the wound clean (free of
debris), free from infection, pain free, and to facilitate healing while
minimizing scaring.  While I know that it would be difficult to heal
completely due to the nature of the beast - I want to optimize wound
management.  While supplies such as bandages, tape, etc. are readily
available from local pharmacies.  I need your help/experience in wound
management using herbal methods.  Don't really want to go towards
'normal' pharmaceuticals i.e. Neosporine, etc.  I believe once you begin
that route you end up in a circle of killing some organisms while
quietly growing another.  I want to keep the wound clean from the get-go
and thus minimize the chance of infection and thus having the expense of
obtaining a wound culture & sensitivity (C&S).
Normal wound care involves cleansing/irrigating the wound with H2O2,
if debris is present, and then rinse with normal saline.  I intend to
cleanse with Colloidal Silver, apply a herb based ointment/salve for
healing and to apply a Telfa (non-stick) type pad, and bandage as
My question is this:  In reading through "NATURAL HEALING WITH
HERBS" by Humbart Santillo B.S., M.H.  I've come across many various
herbs for wound care and need some guidance.   Any sources on the web?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Wound Care - LONG!!

1998-07-08 Thread Carl J.
Will soon be facing an open draining wound from a necrotizing
(dying) squamous cell carcinoma tumor of the jaw.  I am an LPN (inactive
status) and will be doing wound care on the site.  It hasn't opened yet,
but I want to be prepared.
My objectives are simple:  to keep the wound clean (free of
debris), free from infection, pain free, and to facilitate healing while
minimizing scaring.  While I know that it would be difficult to heal
completely due to the nature of the beast - I want to optimize wound
management.  While supplies such as bandages, tape, etc. are readily
available from local pharmacies.  I need your help/experience in wound
management using herbal methods.  Don't really want to go towards
'normal' pharmaceuticals i.e. Neosporine, etc.  I believe once you begin
that route you end up in a circle of killing some organisms while
quietly growing another.  I want to keep the wound clean from the get-go
and thus minimize the chance of infection and thus having the expense of
obtaining a wound culture & sensitivity (C&S).
Normal wound care involves cleansing/irrigating the wound with H2O2,
if debris is present, and then rinse with normal saline.  I intend to
cleanse with Colloidal Silver, apply a herb based ointment/salve for
healing and to apply a Telfa (non-stick) type pad, and bandage as
My question is this:  In reading through "NATURAL HEALING WITH
HERBS" by Humbart Santillo B.S., M.H.  I've come across many various
herbs for wound care and need some guidance.   Any sources on the web?

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Re: Bladder Problems, need help

1998-04-03 Thread Carl J. Jasinto

Saw your posting on bladder problems and am curiuous/concerned regarding
possibly inducing an electrolye imballence via ingesting large amount of sodium
bicarb and water??  Is this techniques safe for all or just thise not on any
cardiac/anti-hypertensive meds?

>  So when you have
> symptoms take a teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water every
> 20-30 mins until your syptoms go away(symptoms are burning urethra, burning
> when urinating, aching in the pelvis--you know the drill)  Oh and keep
> drinking gobs of water this whole time to get the stuff where it needs to
> be.
> I Well we know to alkalinate the body helps rid it of allergic reactions and
> the first line is sodium bicarb, calcium carbonate and potassium
> bicarbonate all mixed together they are called tri-salts.  Without the
> sodium of the bicarb of soda they are called bi-salts.  You should be able
> to get these at a drug store and make yourself.  Use 1/2 potassium
> bicarbonate than the other two.  so like 1/2 tsp soda bicarb, 1/2 tsp
> calcium carb. and 1/4 tsp potassium bicarbonate.  Or just use baking soda
> if the salt doesnt bother you.  the three together are nice because of the
> calcium, and in liquid form in small amounts they are absorbed.

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Which machine?

1998-02-26 Thread Carl J. Jasinto
I need to make CS, and am nearly overwhelmed by the various machines
offered for sale on the net.
What machines/devices/makers have YOU had experience with??
Whats good?
Whats bad?
Which to stay away from?

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Re: MS- A breakthrough!

1998-02-25 Thread Carl J. Jasinto
Hi Susan,
Read your posting on the Silver-List.  I am a newbie here and have a few
questions if you'd be so kind as to answer for me.

> an antimetabolite on you for your pain and it might work, but it will destroy
> your immune system
> and maybe that is what you want.  I bet he wouldn't take it himself--he'd
> use opiates.

What analgesics are considered anti metabolites??  Give me opiates any day

> --I sent you the body weight dosage
> material.  What ppm did you get?  YOu can make this for pennies per gallon
> once you are set up.  You will need alot of it and to buy it is costly I
> understandd,  Some go on a maintenance .  I have upped my dose a wee bit
> and did have a reaction to it and now have less pain.

Could you send me the body weight dosage??  Also - do you make your own or buy
it.  I've surfed various web sites and have seen various machines at various
prices.  Couldn't I make my own??  The technology seems do-able from my family's
point of view.  Also - what type of reaction did you have??


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1998-02-24 Thread Carl J. Jasinto
Hello all,
I need to know how to make colloidial silver for my self.  Also any
good web sites for further info?  Also I have a need for an operating
Rife/Bare machine in Ohio.  I live in Lorain - 30 miles west of
Cleveland - on the lake front.  Please e-mail me directly r/e the

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