CS>Epstein Barr virus using EIS

2018-04-15 Thread Carrole Orme
Does anyone know if EIS will help get rid of Epstein Barr virus?  I also have 
I have been making EIS for many yrs and take it quite often but I’m not sure if 
I’m taking enough and how much for how long
I have been very sick with fatigue and pain for so long. I’m not getting  very 
good help from doctors,isn’t that a surprise
I can hardly get out of bed and do very much. My quality of life really sucks
I am in Canada and on a senior pension so don’t have very much money.
I try to do research but very hard to know what really works and with brain fog 
plus get too fatigue to read very long
It’s hard to explain what severe fatigue does to u , simple things r very hard.
I live alone so it makes things extra hard. 
If anyone has any help,ideas or anything please would appreciate it
I have been a member for many yrs but haven't written
Thanks Carrole

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>parathyroid taking CS

2012-07-14 Thread Carrole Orme

Hi Tel
Actually it is quite common mostly women 75% woman to 25% men. The hard part is 
diagnosing it.You need a good specialist in the field of parathyroid.
I don't know why u say not to use CS
I am close to getting the diagnoses but 4 months waiting to get surgery from 
parathyroid  surgeon
Thank you for your prayers

Bless your Heart Carrole, I can nor imagine what its like to suffer like you 
When I seen your post on the CS site . I looked it up and what a very rare 

 You have its like a very rare ailment.
I advised you not to take Colloidal Silver, I thought Lugol's Iodine would 
work, but that would be like putting log's on the fire.   I just pray you can 
get in to see a Dr. real soon.  Wish I could help you.

Tel Tofflemire

CS>parathyroid taking CS

2012-07-13 Thread Carrole Orme
Yes Tel is right it is different from thyroid and very frustrating.I have done 
my research and the best site is parathyroid.com that Dr Norman has.He is the 
best for this disease but I don't have the money to go to Tampa Bay and pay for 
him to do it.
The hard part is getting Drs to believe u know anything.U have to go through 
the stages of seeing different Dr's and test that is not needed while u keep 
having your body being ruined by too much calcium in the body.
There is no other disease that is so easy to cure which has such a huge impact 
on a person's overall health and their quality of life"  Dr James Norman, 2011 
address to the American College of Surgeons. It makes u so tired u can't 
believe it and your mental ability keeps going down hill which makes it hard 
for me to email and make sense as well as remembering.there are lots of 
symptoms some get a few some get a lot depending how long u have had it.

I am still trying to get the diagnoses done so I can have the surgery and then 
there is a waiting list
I was asking about taking CS because I want to do what I can to save myself and 
my body until I can get surgery.I have been taking it but I don't like to take 
it unless I need to.I figured that there would not be a answer whether it would 
help or not.
I don't think it will hurt so I guess I will take it as I need all the help I 
can get.the symptoms can kill u
Please forgive me if I am hard to understand or have not put this together 
Thank you for trying to help.Carrole

CS>Want to know if CS will help

2012-07-09 Thread Carrole Orme
I was wondering if I have parathyroid disease will taking CS help while I am 
waiting to get what ever needs done. I don't know if it will do any good or 
not. I have a machine and I am in Canada
Thanks for any advice. Carrole

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Has anyone heard of Stevia

2009-05-06 Thread Carrole Orme
I was wondering if anyone knows anything about Stevia a sugar substitute?

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CS>Dog limping for over a yr

2009-04-15 Thread Carrole Orme
My Boston Oreo is 2 yrs and has been limping for over a yr
She will stop limping for awhile then start up again
I think it is Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head which stops blood flow to 
the ball part of the hip joint
That is what is the closes to what it seems to be
She doesn't seem to show a lot of pain but I would like to get it better as it 
could lead to arthritis as well as being awkward for her and uncomfortable
I though when she 1st did it she injured herself and would get better
It can happen with an injury or hereditary also prevalent with small dogs 
I don't know if CS Will help it
You are very knowledgeable people here that is why I have posted it
I do belong to silver pets and will go there but I have a lot of respect for 
you people  so I thought I would ask
I really like to use more natural ways and things that Vets never think of or 
I seem to get pretty good results with out all the cost that Vet's seem to pile 
I must say I have a hard time with dealing with Vets and Dr's
Is there anything that you can think of that might help if not CS
Thanks Carrole

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CS>CS for pets

2009-04-03 Thread Carrole Orme
I just put CS in regular water for my dogs and birds
I never thought it would be a problem
It doesn't turn colour or anything I do wonder how much will work diluted like 
If they have a more serious illness I give it to them by mouth individually
I find it too expensive to use disstilled water as I have to buy it

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CS>Using an air purifyer with CS in it

2008-10-23 Thread Carrole Orme
I have a air purifyer and air feshener by Thermax
I want to put CS in it.It is a very simple machine.It does not have a filter 
and it is not that big
I don't know if I should use straight CS or mixed with water
Does it make a lot of difference if I mix it with water?
It doesn't get a film on anything.It is a very light amount of water coming out 

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CS>cat with seizures

2008-09-27 Thread Carrole Orme
I was wondering if CS would help my sons cat as it is having seizures 
He is really worried
Any help out there?
Thanks Carrole

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CS>Unidentified subject!

2008-08-15 Thread Carrole Orme
 Why do you think you aren't making strong CS???
Hi Ode
I think I am making CS but not very strong It is very clear absolutely no 
fragments I use to get some
  It use to taste a little more metal now nothing
The beam is very faint and when I had checked after the 1st few months it was 
quite strong
also about the blackining of the rod
I said or meant some blackening it was not a lot but more then now 
I have never seen what anyone elses looks like 
I would say it was not heavy 
You would just see some on the rod
 I really don't know if it was one or both rods I never payed attention to that

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CS>adding cs to next batch

2008-08-14 Thread Carrole Orme
Hi Steve
I was wondering if you add CS to your next batch what do you do with the batch 
after that
If you use some of that CS again aren't you using some of the same cs over and 
over again 
I will make quite a bit of CS because I have a quart size jar I guess I could 
use a bigger jar but I am more comfortable with this quart size right now and 
would like to get this perfected 1st
I was also having trouble keeping my silver rods from not going to the wall of 
the jar or moving too much so that I couldn't keep them straight or as close as 
I would like
I have got a plastic top which I cut a slice into to put rods in
It does help but I still can have trouble
sometimes I am not sure I have them lined up very well because of them moving
I do not get black on rods just a faint amount
thanks for every ones help I am trying to take it in I am not that great with 
always understanding some of the more complicated things with making CS but I 
am trying to make the best CS I can

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CS>Silver rods

2008-08-13 Thread Carrole Orme
I tried the light through the container and got a faint beam
I am wondering if my silver rods are not putting out much silver 
Could this be possible?
I want to know what might be wrong with not getting as much CS
in my containers
In the beginning I seen particules and when I wiped the silver rods off there 
was black stuff
Now I get hardly nothing
I would like stronger CS
Could anyone help me figure out what is going on with my CS and be able to make 
stronger CS?
Thanks Carrole

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CS>TDS meter how to use

2008-08-11 Thread Carrole Orme
I have a TDS meter and not sure about how I am using it.
I put it in my CS jar and I wasn't getting anything just o
I was wondering how long I have to leave it and how deep 
I was told to stir it
I got a meter because my CS seems so clear I can't see any particles in it
when I was 1st using it for a couple of yrs I did get particles from it and 
black stuff
I don't get really anything
I am worried because I have a sick dog and I'm giving her a lot
Appreciate some help

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CS>CS for cateracts

2008-08-05 Thread Carrole Orme
Do you have to use DMSO as I don't have any?
My dog has cateracts and I want to try it
The other recipe I don't have the 3rd ingredient either

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2008-06-23 Thread Carrole Orme
Does anyone know anything about the Colloidial Master Generator?
Thanks Carrole

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CS>CS debate

2008-03-15 Thread Carrole Orme
  My son Byron has got back to me about what I have
sent him to do with
 CS and how good it is or rather that he does not feel
it is what
 everyone thinks itis
  I haven't given him everything yet because there is
a lot and I know
 he only has so much time
  This email seems to be more directed to Marshall
  Byron's email
  Unfortunately I am so busy I barely get time to
research this stuff

I would be happy if you forwarded this email on to
Marshall as a
 response to what he responded to.

First off. He was right about the term I used "Heavy
Metals" the
 chemistry sites I visited called heavy metals too
ambiguous a term to be
 useful. Silver is listed as a Transition Metal in
wikipedia. I don't know
 if there is a difference between Transition and
Transitional as Marshall
 termed it. I assume not.

So I will go on to review the rest of his comments.

I see so much misinformation, as you know, and I
struggle to get to
 "correct" information like we all do. I am a
layperson but quite

Here are the things that concern me so far about
Silver as in all its
 incarnations for now.

The claim of curing 650 different diseases.
The difficulty finding a medical institution that
readily acknowledges
The proliferation of it on the internet and in MLM
The pharmaceutical companies, FDA and FTC don't want
you to know about
 it. (Conspiracy Theory)
Some legitimate organizations offering warnings.

A bit of research I came up with.


Marshall Mentions that Anecdotal evidence is a valid
source of
 information. See point # 4. Point #5 also. These
don't indicate to me that
 Colloidal Silver is bad, but I am looking for
evidence to prove that
 ingesting it has any benefit since there may be a
risk involved. Anecdotal
 evidence doesn't tell me accurate about the
risk/reward potential.




"claims of colloidal silver's antimicrobial potency
are misleading and
 there is no place for it as an antiseptic."

"High concentrations of colloidal silver kill many
bacteria in vitro
 (that is, under laboratory conditions, rather than in
the human body) and
 the topical (or external use) of colloidal silver to
kill microbes is
 well established. Though colloidal silver was a
prescribed treatment in
 the U.S. Navy's corpsman's manual until 1973, the use
of colloidal
 silver as an ingested medication remains


Dr Robert Becker advocates Reverse Speech?

Neutral info:


Silver Nanoparticles
I am taking this somewhat out of context. But since
Marshall used
 Nanobiotechnology to emphasis his point about Silver
working on HIV. I think
 that is a stretch to compare it to EIS or home brewed
There would be some very specific methods for creating
nanoparticles as
 they mention.
"We found that both the citrate concentration and the
 temperature play an important role in the formation
of the silver nanorods."
I am not sure how close silver nanorods and silver


This site seems to present even minded and I would
willingly review
 their sources for information and any evidence to
support it.


Perhaps Marshall could point to the section of this
site that states
 clearly the effect of Silver and HIV-1. Or any
relationship between this
 and a homemade CS or EIS formula.

I look forward to debating this with Marshall.

So here are some counter points to the things he
noticed in my email.

1) Tylenol is safe.  I will admit wholeheartedly that
there are risks
 with tylenol. And the risks, as far as I know, are as
he stated.
 However, he is using scientific evidence to state
that it is not safe. I can
 come up with hundreds of anecdotal accounts,
including my mother who has
 used tylenol for almost 3 decades, that have had no
known adverse
 effects. She and I know that tylenol helps improve
life by removing pain,
 this is also established in scientific proof. Still
neither of us would
 want to use it any 
more than we have to, knowing that there are risks
involved. I would
 want to be extra sure of the risks involved with
Silver. And measure that
 against the benefits to determine whether it is worth
it or not. I do
 agree th

CS>Thanking everyone

2008-03-08 Thread Carrole Orme
  I just want to let everyone know how great everyone has been in sending 
information and stories about CS to help me convince my son that CS is great 
  I was surprised myself at what good information you all came up withplus the 
stories I really liked hearing about how CS has helped you
  I really appreciate all your help
  I am interested in how he will reply to all of this
  I don't know how he has a leg to stand on but you never know
  This has been great stuff
  Thanks again

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CS>still need help convincing my son believe in CS

2008-03-07 Thread Carrole Orme
  Can anyone come up with some good debate on the positive side of CS?
  He thinks it's dangerous
  this is his words
  If someone says that something works, they should be able to prove it or show 
you someone who has proven it.


Water is not patentable, yet that hasn't stopped many bottlers of making 
millions selling tapwater.

Tylenol does not have an existing patent anymore. Still produced cheaply, 
safely and profitably.

Regarding negative people. Luckily, science is non partisan. It can either be 
proved or not. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or whether other people 
believe it and tell stories of how it helped others. That is called anecdotal 
evidence and it is pretty unreliable.

The conspiracy theories are always out there.

People can be quite passionate and well spoken, they can be making no money 
from what they say, and they can still be dead wrong.

Silver is a heavy metal and it's consumption is cumulative. This means that 
over 20 - 30 years it does not leave your body.

I would be interested if your CS members could actually cite some proof that CS 
works. Then we can debate that better.

I am doing more research at present. Just starting, but sources are always 
difficult to get that aren't tainted by well intentioned people who don't know 

I am always doubtful of "wonder" drugs. Things that cure soo much and have no 
side effects.

I don't believe these things exist.

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CS>Need help my son has given me some negative information

2008-03-07 Thread Carrole Orme
  My son has given me this site that talks about this lady being gray

  I know about all that but he keeps thinking it is not good to take it
  I would like some help giving him some real truthful information
  Please help me out with this I would like him to belive CS is a good product
  All my other kids use it and are fine about it

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Re: CS>coment

2008-01-25 Thread Carrole Orme
  I am a little confused as to why you emailed me

samuel albarran  wrote:
  I thought this list was about colloidal silver but after getting it for a few 
days I have not seen very much of it discussed. The topics covered vary from 
UFOs to politics. And bad language included. so I'm unsubscribing. Maybe you 
aught to change the group name, so as not to confuse newcomers. good luck.

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