Hi Tel
Actually it is quite common mostly women 75% woman to 25% men. The hard part is 
diagnosing it.You need a good specialist in the field of parathyroid.
I don't know why u say not to use CS
I am close to getting the diagnoses but 4 months waiting to get surgery from 
parathyroid  surgeon
Thank you for your prayers

Bless your Heart Carrole, I can nor imagine what its like to suffer like you 
When I seen your post on the CS site . I looked it up and what a very rare 

 You have its like a very rare ailment.
I advised you not to take Colloidal Silver, I thought Lugol's Iodine would 
work, but that would be like putting log's on the fire.   I just pray you can 
get in to see a Dr. real soon.  Wish I could help you.

Tel Tofflemire