Re: CS>skin popping

2003-06-12 Thread Formedz
I know something about injecting vit. c, since I did so on my dog.  the Vit. 
C has to be injected slowly into the additional input on an IV while the IV is 
dripping into the bloodstream.  Straight vit. c directly into the blood and 
done quickly can cause severe side effects.  The Vit. C has to be a special 
liquid form that is made for injection.  My vet ordered it for me and charged 
twice the cost.
I would think that if one were to inject CS, it would have to be a very 
purified form since injecting anything directly into the blood can cause 
But then again,
people who inject drugs are injecting much contamination along with their 


Re: CS>baby bird - update

2003-06-07 Thread Formedz
I see I was too late in responding about the baby bird.  I just got to 
reading my mail today for the first time in more than a week.  Sorry.

Re: CS>baby bird - update

2003-06-07 Thread Formedz
I've raised quite a few baby birds, some newly hatched.  I raised a couple of 
newborn starlings that thrived on a mixture of dog food, egg yolk and de 
fatted wheat germ.
The dog food was a regular canned beef based food.  The egg yolk was hard 
boiled and added to the dog food.  I'm not sure of exact proportions, but say a 
tablespoon of dog food, a tablespoon of egg yolk, and some wheat germ sprinkled 
in.  Then I added some spring water so it was not too dry.  It had a wet 
consistency, but it was together enough to form a little ball and put on the 
of a drink mixer. I used the drink mixer as a feeding device to get the little 
ball of food into the babies mouths.
They only take a couple or so balls of food at a time.  You must not overfeed 
But, and here's the hard part, when they are naked nestlings, they have to be 
feed at least every half hour from sunrise to sunset.  Some feed every hour, 
and that is the absolute maximum time that can elapse between feedings at that 
early age.  I was doing it every 20 min.  They let you know if they are 
hungry or not.  Mine were healthy, so they would open their mouths and scream 
to be 
fed.  When they were full after 2 or so little pea size balls of food, they 
would just shut their mouths and not cry for any more.  As they get older and 
get feathers, the feedings can be farther apart.  They MUST be kept warm.  That 
is extremely important.  They should be put in a room that is around 85 
degrees.  A good nest is a coffee filter filled up with Evercare paper cat 
It's very soft and nontoxic.  It must be changed all the time to be kept 
Do not try to give them drinks.  Give  moisture by dipping the little balls 
of food in water before putting it into the mouth.
You have no idea what kind of bird it is?  The same food would be appropriate 
for sparrows, starlings, etc

Re: CS>Stomach ulcers

2002-12-14 Thread Formedz

Where can I read about it please?   Summer

CS>Stomach ulcers

2002-12-14 Thread Formedz
I'd like to know if anyone has used CS successfully for stomach ulcers.  
Since it has been discovered that stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria, I 
thought it might be useful to use CS to heal them.
If anyone has used CS for this, I'd appreciate hearing about it and just what 
your protocol was.

Re: CS>Re:CS>where we are from

2002-10-17 Thread Formedz
Summer Rayner from Bensalem, PA

Re: CS>CS and gatoraide

2002-09-25 Thread Formedz
I just went to the link about Gatorade and CS comments but could find no 
explanation as to WHY the Gatorade makes the CS more available to the body.
Does anyone know please?


CS>CS and gatoraide

2002-09-25 Thread Formedz
I've read here that taking CS with Gatorade improves assimilation.
Why is that?  What's in the Gatorade that does that, and is there some other 
option that drinking Gatorade?  
Also, how much Gatorade to how much CS?

Re: CS>Pay-Pal Rejects my Web-site due to selling Illegal Products

2002-09-25 Thread Formedz
How can CS be considered illegal if it's sold in retail stores?


2002-08-25 Thread Formedz
If one takes in no caffeine whatsoever, is it safe to assume they cannot 
develop agryria?  
If the silver can deposit like this to be seen in fingernails and skin, then 
how do we know it doesn't t do the same thing internally where we can't see 
And if it does, is it harmful in any way?



2002-08-24 Thread Formedz
How long is one supposed to stay on the lemonade diet?

CS>Want to get rid of mole

2002-08-17 Thread Formedz
I read the comments here about getting rid of moles with CS.  My mother has a 
very large mole on her thigh.  Doctor said it wasn't malignant but that 
there's no way to get rid of it.  
I'm thinking using CS would be worth a try.  Does she have to keep it soaked 
with CS constantly, for example soaking a cotton ball and taping it to the 
Should she use a CS salve instead of liquid CS or maybe in addition to?


Re: CS>Another question about the MSP

2002-07-30 Thread Formedz
> There are quite a few things that could or might or sometimes happen in the 
> body with ionic silver.  I've spoken with a number of chemists regarding 
> the subject.  No chemist I have spoken with ( save one ) was willing to 
> venture a guess on what might happen from A to Z with ionic silver, and the 
> resulting compounds, as the silver makes its way through the body.
> Never-the-less, the fact remains that if silver ions can reach the site of 
> the infection, they are more effective
>  Jason,
Do you know what is in Sovereign Silver?  They claim it's so pure it's one of 
the few that can be injected.  They also say it's effective orally. I'll have 
to go back to their site and see if I can get more out of their explanation.  
They might indeed say what is in it besides the silver.  I don't recall 
seeing that info though.
Maybe a good combo for oral use would be the Sovereign Silver and Meso 
Silver, with the Sovereign being all ionic, (I think), and the Meso being 80 
percent colloidal.


Re: CS>Intravenous CS

2002-07-29 Thread Formedz

> The big advantage that some of the Mild Silver Protein vendors have is 
> that their product is well enough characterised and similar enough to 
> pre-FDA preparations that conventional physicians 
> What exactly is Mild Silver Protein and how does it differ from the 
> colloidal and ionic silvers that are out there?
> Summer

Re: CS>Intravenous CS

2002-07-29 Thread Formedz
Hi Farah,
That is interesting about your patient.  My boyfriend doesn't really have 
symptoms except some high liver enzymes.  We don't have alot of money so I'm 
trying to figure out the best way to deal with this.
We wasted money going to someone who was using kineseology to tell him what 
herbs he needed.  His herbs were very expensive and after many months of 
treatment, the virus was still there and much higher than before.  So I 
decided to do as much research as possisble on my own and come up with some 
kind of protocol.
Many of the natural protocols cost hundreds of dollars per month to do, and 
we cannot afford that.
If you could expand on how much silver to use, I would appreciate it.
Would you mind me e-mailing you privately to tell you what products I have 
come up with for him to take, and get your opinion?
I don't want to clog up the list with all of that here, since this is for 
silver discussion.


CS>Another question about the MSP

2002-07-29 Thread Formedz
You say that there is a difference between creating silver chloride before a 
substance enters the bloodstream, and upon entering the bloodstream.
What is the difference?  One of the products out there which is just about 
100 percent ionic, Sovereign Silver, would turn into silver chloride upon 
entering the blood, would it not?  Would it also turn into silver chloride 
once in the system at all?
I'm confused about the fact that we have such different silver products out 
there claiming to be the best.  Sovereign promotes it's purity, but then 
others say that ionic silver isn't utilized by the body.  Even after much 
more reading , I can still not come to a conclusion as to what is correct.
I'm leaning towards the idea that one needs to take silver in colloidal form 
orally, but would need a pure ionic form for injection.
> < a substance enters the bloodstream, and UPON entering the bloodstream ( in 
> terms of ultimate effectiveness against pathogens ).>>
>  ( this may not be the case with MSP, as MSP is not nearly as effective as 
> its superior counterparts ).
What are the superior counterparts?  If the MSP is so concentrated then 
wouldn't one experience the reaction with the MSP as opposed to a less potent 

I have so much to learn about.  



Re: CS>Intravenous CS

2002-07-29 Thread Formedz
Thank you for your reply with so much information.  My boyfriend does intend 
to take silver orally first.  I just wondered why the MSP seemed to be 
considered different from all the rest.
>From your response, I get that it's due to the high concentration.  I have 
seen some colloidal silver in healthfood stores that are 400 to 500 ppm 
So would they be considered unsafe also?

Oh yes, what exactly is the  herxheimer reaction?  Is that due to too many 
pathogens dying off at once?  Or something else?

It's hard to know which product would be best to start with.

>From all of my reading, I'm thinking about Meso silver which claims to be 80 
percent colloidal and 20 percent ionic.


Re: CS>Intravenous CS

2002-07-28 Thread Formedz

> < what everyone is saying??...Robb>>
What is it about MSP that isn't safe?  I must have missed posts, but I don't 
recall reading any of that.

Re: CS>Intravenous CS

2002-07-28 Thread Formedz
In a message dated 7/27/2002 10:58:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> < Cheaper for doctors and veterinarians.
> If at first this cost seems excessive, please take into consideration that 
> for instance, I started at 30 cc's and built up to 65.  The oral 
> maintenance dose is one quarter to one half tsp. daily.>>

How many teaspoons would be in the 50 dollars worth?  Is the same silver 
taken orally and also by iv?
I imagine this silver is ionic since it's being injected.

For oral use, is this silver better than others? If one had to take a couple 
of tablespoons a day for a few months, I would like to know what it would 
cost per week.
My boyfriend has Hepatitis C and needs to start trying this, but there's no 
point in starting it if he can't keep it up due to cost.


Re: CS>Reiki

2002-07-14 Thread Formedz
I'm wondering, do you do long distance healing too?  From your description of 
healing dogs it sounds like you have some powerful healing going on there.

I've always thought than in-person hands on healing is more effective than 
long distance.  Any thoughts?

I'm in PA and would love to find a really good hands on healer that could 
work on my pets and also humans.


Re: CS>Re: Cat-Urinary Infection?

2002-07-09 Thread Formedz
I have a cat who has had urinary problems in the past.  He totally blocked 
twice , and the 3rd time he was partially blocked by bladder stones that had 
passed into his urethra.  He was passing some blood because the stones were 
sharp.  He required bladder surgery to get them out.  A few of the stones 
remained in the bladder, and the rest of them were in the urethra.

CS>Md's injecting silver

2002-06-30 Thread Formedz
You mention corresponding with Md's who inject silver for Hep. C.  
How many doctors do you know of who are doing this?  
Any in Pennsylvania?

Can you tell me more about side effects like bleeding and neuro?  You said 
"if not used properly"those things could occur.   What would an example 
of it being used improperly.  


CS>Sovereign silver

2002-06-29 Thread Formedz
Sovereign Silver claims to be very pure, but in analysis reports, I read that 
it's mostly ionic, yet Sovereign Silver still calls their silver Colloidal.
Does anyone have personal experience with Sovereign Silver working?

Thanks, Summer

Re: CS>pariculate/ionic

2002-06-29 Thread Formedz
Hi Jason,
I don't know what to believe about colloidal vs. ionic silver.  I am 
continuing to research it, and testimonials like yours are of great interest 
to me.  If ionic works, then what I'm reading must not be true. Here is some 
of what I've read.  Any comments on it would be welcome.  Summer

argyria, a permanent discoloration of the skin.For those who are interested 
in the more technical aspects and want to understand the technical terms 
involved, see the extensive";>Definition of 
Terms. Also see the";>FAQ for answers 
to common questions about ionic silver.What is important to know about silver 
chloride?Silver chloride is a compound that is formed when silver ions 
combine with chloride ions. It is an insoluble compound which means once it 
is formed in the human body, it remains as a compound and does not dissolve. 
The human body is filled with an enormous amount of chloride ions, in fact 
chloride is the single most prominent anion in the human body owing to high 
levels of sodium and potassium chloride. Silver ions and chloride ions have 
such a strong attraction for each other that it is almost impossible to keep 
them apart. Once they find each other they form the silver chloride compound. 
Because ionic silver forms silver chloride inside the human body it cannot 
exist as a ionic silver for more than a few seconds. This means that the 
ionic silver content of colloidal silver products will turn into silver 
chloride once inside the body leaving only the metallic silver particles to 
circulate in the blood stream to kill pathogens. Silver chloride has no 
antibacterial properties, it is a useless waste product which the body expels.
What about silver particles?Metallic silver particles are unaffected by 
chloride ions and will circulate in the bloodstream where they work their 
magic and kill pathogens they encounter. The particles will slowly be 
eliminated from the body and do not build up. Since it is the particles that 
do the important work of killing bacteria and other pathogens, it is 
important to know how much of the colloidal silver product is in the form of 
particles. The nanometer size particles of metallic silver that comprise 
Mesosilver will not cause";>argyria.How
 to determine how much of the products 
is actually silver particles.A typical colloidal silver product that is 10 
ppm (parts per million) of total silver has 90% of the silver in ionic form 
and only 10% in particle form. That means you are  getting only 1 ppm of 
silver particles in a product advertised as 10 ppm. That is assuming 10% 
particles. The products that are only 1% particles, would yield only 0.1 ppm 
of particles. It is easy to see that for the greatest effectiveness you want 
to look for a product that has most of the silver content in the form of 
particles not ions.How can you tell looking at the product if it is mostly 
ionic silver?Colloidal silver that is mostly ionic silver looks just like 
water. It is clear because silver that is dissolved in water looks just like 
sugar or salt that is dissolved in water; it looks just like water. Colloidal 
silver that has a high concentration of silver particles does not look like 
water because silver particles, even very small particles  block light from 
passing through, making the liquid appear darker. The producers of ionic 
silver solution will tell you that colloidal silver should look like water. 
That is because that is what their product looks like. They just don't know 
how to make a true colloid.Why are some many products mostly ionic silver?
Because ionic is silver is very simple to make. So simple, in fact, a child 
can do it. All it takes to make ionic silver is a nine volt battery and some 
silver wire. It is simplicity in the extreme. Most producers do not use a 
nine volt battery, but a high voltage AC source because it makes a more 
stable ionic solution. The high voltage AC product is just as simple to make, 
but takes a little more equipment. In either case, the process is a form of 
electrolysis. The electrolysis  process produces mostly ionic silver and is 
the process by which the vast majority of companies are producing what they 
call colloidal silver, but in fact it is mostly an ionic silver solution. It 
is just like calling a drink orange juice when it only contains 10% real 
orange juice and 90% something else. Regardless of claims made to contrary, 
if the product is made by electrolysis, it not a true colloid, it is mostly 
ionic silver. By comparison a true colloid  has a high concentration of 
particles and little or no ionic silver. To make a true colloid is difficult 
in the extreme. That is why there are so many ionic silver products and only 
one Mesosilver. To find out the actual ion


2002-06-26 Thread Formedz

>From what I have read, it's important for your colloidal Gold to be 100 
percent colloidal.  Ionic gold is supposed to be neuro toxic.  I would 
imagine it's true, because some sites are sure to inform that their Gold is 
100 % colloidal.  That is supposed to be RED.  I would not take a chance on 
anything but 100 percent just in case it's true that ionic gold is neuro 
toxic.  I would like to get an explanation as to why ionic gold is toxic.  So 
far I have not been able to find one. 
I would imagine that if a company does not inform that their's is 100 percent 
colloidal, then it's probably not and could be dangerous. 
I'm just going by what I've researched so far. 

>From what I've been researching about silver, it really seems that colloidal 
is the only kind that is utilized in the body.  I've read that ionic silver 
is turned into silver chloride in the body right away, rendering it useless. 
Meso Silver claims their silver is 80 percent colloidal and 20 percent ionic. 
Advanced colloidal makes that claim also. 
There's a product out there which claims to be extremely pure, so pure that 
it can be injected, BUT it's almost 100 percent IONIC!  I just don't know 
what to believe, but for NOW I'm going with the belief that it's the 
colloidal which is utilized and beneficial to the body.   
I am interested in Colloidal Copper also, but have concerns about copper 
being toxic. 
I must do more research on this.  Anyone have info on copper? 


CS>colloidal color

2002-06-17 Thread Formedz
I just switched my subscription to this new e-mail so I will have all of my 
silver info in one place.
Does anyone have opinions on color?   Some companies say only the brown 
silver is good,and others say only the totally clear is good and to NEVER 
take the brown.

Also, ionic vs. colloidalI've been reading that ionic cannot be used 
internally because our digestive system destroys it before it can do any 
good, and that we need to take the colloidal instead.  Some companies list 
the breakdown of the silver and what percentage of it is colloidal and ionic.
Any thought on this?

Also, someone on this list mentioned knowing about doctors using it and even 
injecting it.  Where can I find these doctors?
