CS>colloidal silver maker

2001-10-06 Thread RingDance
Looking for an inexpensive, reliable colloidal silver maker.  Any 
recommendations or suggestions?

Harry Davis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS and antibiotics

1998-10-19 Thread RingDance
If one is already taking an antibiotic -- e.g. clindamycin -- is it safe to
also take colloidal silver at times when not taking the antibiotic?

Thanks for your help.

Harry Davis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Off topic: biopsies

1998-10-09 Thread RingDance
I have heard that a biopsy will cause the cancer fluids (cells) to spread
throughout the body.  Is this true?

If a biopsy consists of excising a small piece of tissue from the affected
area, how can this cause the spread of cancer fluids (cells).

I also understand that a dark field microscopic examination of the blood can
determine if their are cancer cells in the blood.  Is this as reliable -- or
more reliable -- than a biopsy?  Are their other methods that can give
reliable determination of the presence of cancer cells in the body?

Thanks for your help.

Harry Davis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS nasal spray

1998-05-19 Thread RingDance
In a message dated 98-05-06 10:19:38 EDT, you write:

 Has anyone out there used CS as a nasal spray for any length of time?
 (To be truthful, the account of the "blue lady" has caused me to
 question the wisdom of using the nasal spray approach).

My family and I have used CS nasal spray for about a year and a half.  If the
CS is a 25 ppm batch, we usually fill the spray bottle half with the CS and
half with distilled water.

We have found that it certainly helps alleviate sinus infections.

Good luck.

H. Davis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

etherized silver

1998-04-13 Thread RingDance
Members of this list should be interested in reading about "etherized silver
in harmonically-balanced water."

They can do so at:  http://www.svpvril.com/OSW.html";>Sympathetic
Vibratory Physics - Our Silver Wo... 
URL: http://www.svpvril.com/OSW.html

Harry Davis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

TDS-1 measurement

1998-04-01 Thread RingDance
On March 23, 1998, I made some colloidal silver solution using exactly the
same procedure that I had previously used to make colloidal silver solution in
January, 1998.  I had samples of the Jan.98 solution tested for ppm at a local
The results showed 25 to 27 ppm.

On March 31, 1998, I used the TDS-1 to test my tap water and it showed 124
ppm.  I then used the TDS-1 to test the colloidal silver solution made on
March 23, 1998.  That test showed 27 ppm.

H. Davis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: What about colloidal gold?

1998-03-20 Thread RingDance
In a message dated 98-03-18 00:33:41 EST, you write:

 Thoughts, all?

I would like to see an initial discussion of colloidal gold on this list.
Afterwards, as you suggest, a separate list might be appropriate, depending
upon what evolves from the initial discussions.

Regards to all

Harry Davis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Fwd: Colloidal solution testing

1998-02-22 Thread RingDance
It appears that the right-hand column did not post correctly; so I am
reposting the part that includes the right-hand column and hope that it comes
through okay.

In a message dated 98-02-21 12:36:44 EST, ringda...@aol.com writes:

 Following are the results of colloidal silver solution preparation made on
 January 26, 1998:
  A2X   B1Y
 1. ounces of boiled,distilled water:  8   6   6
 2. ounces of starter solution:  8   2   2

 3. duration of process (minutes):   18  10 11
 4. ambient (room) temp in 
 degrees Fahrenheit:  77 77 77
 5. weather:sunnysunny   sunny
 6. electrode separation (inches):   3/8 1/2   3/8
 7. temperature in degrees
 Fahrenheit of water that bottle 
 is placed in:170170
 8. approx. time of day (p.m.)2:30   3:00 3:30
 9. number of times electrodes
 cleaned:   31

 10. color of final solution:   golden,   golden, golden
11. ppm as measured by 
   Aqualab, Tucson, AZ: 25 34   36
 a.  Sample A2X was the starter solution.
 b.  The lower half of the bottle containing the colloidal silver solution was
 placed in a pan of heated water.  The water was heated over a natural gas
 c.  The electrodes (99.99% pure) used were those supplied by Action
 d.  The electrodes were approxately 90% covered by the colloidal silver
 e.  Electrode separation was measured at the end of the electrodes.  The
 electrode separation at the beginning was about 1/8 inches.
 Hope that the above information helps in our research.

--- Begin Message ---
Following are the results of colloidal silver solution preparation made on
January 26, 1998:

 A2X  B1Y

1. ounces of boiled,distilled water:  8  6

2. ounces of starter solution:  8  2

3. duration of process (minutes):18   10   11

4. ambient (room) temp in 
degrees Fahrenheit:  77   77

5. weather:sunny  sunny

6. electrode separation (inches):   3/8   1/2  3/8

7. temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit of water that bottle 
is placed in:170  170

8. approx. time of day (p.m.)2:30 3:003:30

9. number of times electrodes
cleaned:   3  1

10. color of final solution:   golden,  golden,

11. ppm as measured by 
  Aqualab, Tucson, AZ: 2534


a.  Sample A2X was the starter solution.

b.  The lower half of the bottle containing the colloidal silver solution was
placed in a pan of heated water.  The water was heated over a natural gas

c.  The electrodes (99.99% pure) used were those supplied by Action

d.  The electrodes were approxately 90% covered by the colloidal silver

e.  Electrode separation was measured at the end of the electrodes.  The
electrode separation at the beginning was about 1/8 inches.

Hope that the above information helps in our research.

Harry Davis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

--- End Message ---

Colloidal solution testing

1998-02-21 Thread RingDance
Following are the results of colloidal silver solution preparation made on
January 26, 1998:

 A2X  B1Y

1. ounces of boiled,distilled water:  8  6

2. ounces of starter solution:  8  2

3. duration of process (minutes):18   10   11

4. ambient (room) temp in 
degrees Fahrenheit:  77   77

5. weather:sunny  sunny

6. electrode separation (inches):   3/8   1/2  3/8

7. temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit of water that bottle 
is placed in:170  170

8. approx. time of day (p.m.)2:30 3:003:30

9. number of times electrodes
cleaned:   3  1

10. color of final solution:   golden,  golden,

11. ppm as measured by 
  Aqualab, Tucson, AZ: 2534


a.  Sample A2X was the starter solution.

b.  The lower half of the bottle containing the colloidal silver solution was
placed in a pan of heated water.  The water was heated over a natural gas

c.  The electrodes (99.99% pure) used were those supplied by Action

d.  The electrodes were approxately 90% covered by the colloidal silver

e.  Electrode separation was measured at the end of the electrodes.  The
electrode separation at the beginning was about 1/8 inches.

Hope that the above information helps in our research.

Harry Davis

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-02-09 Thread RingDance
This is a test to see if I am still subscribed to the silver-list.  Haven't
received any postings from that list for three days.

Harry Davis

Fwd: Temp of water

1998-02-05 Thread RingDance
In a message dated 98-02-05 18:27:16 EST, mariedo...@worldnet.att.net writes:

<< Just a quick question.  When I boiled my water the last time I had a temp
reading of 130 degrees.  I then put the container onto a hot plate.  The
process would not start.  I then proceeded to let the water cool to 120
degrees, the process finally started.  With the initial temp of 130 I waited
for about 45 minutes and got nothing.  Has this happened to anyone else?  Why
does temp have such a bearing on the outcome of the product.
 T >>

After bringing the distilled water to a boil, I immediately set the container
(glass jar containing the boiled distilled water) in a pan containing water at
170 degrees.  Monitoring the water temperature with a thermometer, I held the
water (in the pan) at 165 to 170 degrees throughout the process.  I made a
starter solution then the other solutions.  The color of the colloidal silver
water varied from a light amber/gold to a medium amber/gold.  I sent three
samples to a testing lab for ppm measurements and should have the results
within the next few days -- and will post them on this list

Harry Davis

--- Begin Message ---
To All,
  Just a quick question.  When I boiled my water the last time I had a temp
reading of 130 degrees.  I then put the container onto a hot plate.  The
process would not start.  I then proceeded to let the water cool to 120
degrees, the process finally started.  With the initial temp of 130 I waited
for about 45 minutes and got nothing.  Has this happened to anyone else?  Why
does temp have such a bearing on the outcome of the product.
Donna Earnest

--- End Message ---

Fwd: Cure For Lyme!

1998-01-22 Thread RingDance
In a message dated 98-01-22 06:04:31 EST, m...@flash.net writes:

<< Hi List
 Is anyone interested in knowing how to get rid of the herxheimer

Yes.  How does one get rid of the herxheimer reaction?


My son has been diagnosed with MS for some 18 years.  Can you give more
details of Dr. Farber's  treatment for his MS?

Thank you for your help.

May the Light continue to guide and protect you and your family.

Harry Davis

 --- Headers 
 Received: from  relay30.mail.aol.com (relay30.mail.aol.com [])
by  >>

--- Begin Message ---
CHawtho111 wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am writing to tell all of you who suffer from Lyme disease that you
> should have complete confidence in the CS for the treatment of Lyme disease.
> If the CS is taken in large enough doses and long enough the disease will be
> irradicated from your body.
> The process of getting well is not pleasant and at times quite
> frightening.  I experienced stiff sore joints, popping of the hips and
> knees,nausea, depression, paranoia and at times could hardly remember my own
> name I was so ill.  You literally have to get in bed and just rest. At times
> would have strange and unusual pains, jaw, teeth, one night it felt like
> someone was putting an ice pick through the left side of my head. I knew of
> course that all these strange aches and pains were due to the Lyme being
> killed off.
>The Herxheimer reaction is our only barometer of how the CS is working,
> along with all the other symptoms. The awful thing about this disease is you
> get just as sick or sicker while getting well as you do getting sicker. But
> you should feel worse than ever when you first start the CS.
>The dosing and length of treatment are imperative to achieve complete
> wellness. The doses should be increased at regular intervals about every ten
> days. I will post the dosing information below, please use it this is what
> made the difference in my treatment.
>I know can do what ever I want, I have even started exercising on my
> stepper three times a day. Folks this works it works, bottoms up.
> Dosage Must Coincide
>  "With Body Weight"
> The initial 1st (first) week dosage in all cases should only be 1/2 (one-
> teaspoon only once (1) a day in the morning as the Colloidal Silver at 30
> is so effective that if you start the therapeutic dosage of more than 1/2
> (one-half) teaspoon per I (one) day you may put yourself into bed with a
> severe Herxheimer or Candida reaction from all the dead bacteria piling up
> waiting to be expelled from your bloodstream.
> Thereafter your dosage of Colloidal Silver "absolutely must" correspond to
> your body weight for the protocol to be successful as Colloidal Silver is
> allopathic-the more you take the better it works and conversely the less you
> take for your body weight the less it will be able to do for you. Again: The
> dosage can be more but not less than that required for your body weight for
> to work and for this protocol to he successful.
> The dosage baseline of 4 (four) teaspoons (20 ml.) morning immediately upon
> arising I (one) hour before breakfast, and 4 (four) teaspoons (20 ml.)
> 2 (two) hours after supper, is based on an average infection for a 120 (one
> hundred and twenty) pound individual.
> The dosage also must be tailored to the severity of the infection, which
> you must increase the dosage (after you have adjusted the initial dosage to
> your weight), if you have had a chronic, severe, or long-term infection.
> It is crucial that:
> Your starting-beginning baseline dosage ("before" you tailor dosage to your
> symptoms) must correspond to your body weight. This means the baseline
> must be increased a minimum of I (one) teaspoon (5 ml.) every time you take
> dosage, to accommodate every 30 (thirty) pound increment in body weight.
> For example: A 210 lb. individual must increase their baseline dosage to 7
> (seven) teaspoons = (35 ml.) in the morning and 7 (seven) teaspoons (35 ml.)
> in the evening.
> The following outline is the basic initial dosage reference:
> 120 lb. man, woman or child   4 (four) tsps. morning and 4 (four) tsps.
> evening.
> 150 lb. II  II  = 5 (five) tsps. morning and
5 (five) tsps. evening.
> 180 lb.  = 6 (six) tsps. morning and
6 (six) tsps. evening.
> 210 lb. = 7 (seven) tsps. morning and 7 (seven)
tsps. evening.
> Just to confirm:
> A 60 (seventy) lb. child would respectively require a dosage of 2 (two)
> teaspoons [10 (ten) ml.] in the morning and 2 (two) teaspoons [10 (ten) ml.]
> in the evening.
> Respective dosage you then stay at that dosage until you ameliorate all of
> your symptoms If because of the severity or the chronic

Fwd: Cure For Lyme! How about multiple sclerosis?

1998-01-20 Thread RingDance
In a message dated 98-01-19 21:01:25 EST, syen...@clearwater.net writes:

 I don't know about the evidence, perhaps someone else will.  I have
 found this with MS.  The more you relieve your immune system of adjuvancy
 (that is the things that it reacts to and tries to fix,) the better it
 functions.  I believe in my case that I am really a lot better when I am
 adequately treated for opportunistic organisms.  Among these are fungus and
 parasites as well as overgrowth of bacteria from a paralyzed gut.
Do you take supplements that are designed to enhance immune system function so
that the immune system can react better to "adjuvancy?"

 I can see better and walk better and feel things better with this regimen
 which includes taking CS on a continuig basis, first to be therapeutic and
 then to maintain.  Hope this helps
From the attachment you sent regarding the use of CS for the treatment of Lyme
disease, I assume that you have followed -- and are still following -- that
protocol to help alleviate symptoms of MS.  Am I correct?  If so, did you
experience any Herxheimer reactions.

Have you tried the "beesting therapy?"  My son (age 47) has been diagnosed
with MS for some 18 years.  He used the beesting therapy for some 9 months and
within the first month or two, the shaking or trembling of his hands had
lessened considerably.  He stopped that therapy for several weeks but I think
he now plans to continue it on a once a week basis; and at the same time, take
CS along with some form of "zapper" electronic pulse therapy.  His main
problem is with his legs.  He was walking with a cane; but after a bout with
the flu a few weeks ago, his legs feel very weak and he has to use a walker.

Thank you for your message, Susan.  If you want any additional information
about my son's treatment protocol, just let me know.

Take care.

Harry Davis

--- Begin Message ---
Harry Davis wrote:
>Is there any evidence available that CS taken in small or large doses will
>alleviate any or all symptoms of multiple sclerosis?
Harry I don't know about the evidence, perhaps someone else will.  I have
found this with MS.  The more you relieve your immune system of adjuvancy
(that is the things that it reacts to and tries to fix,) the better it
functions.  I believe in my case that I am really a lot better when I am
adequately treated for opportunistic organisms.  Among these are fungus and
parasites as well as overgrowth of bacteria from a paralyzed gut.

Mine is like a paraplegic though I still can walk.  I also completely
changed my environment--no toxic stuff including perfumed soap and washing
powder, dish soap, no cleaners, Hepa filters and ozone from ultaviolet
light and removal of dust and mites.  I do a rotating diet and only eat
once a day because it takes too much energy to digest anymore than that.  I
drink gallons of good water when I can.

Stay away from all petroleum products and so forth.  My clothing is cotton
or silk.  My sheets are cotton flannel and there isn't anything in my
bedroom except a metal bed and wooden chest.  Doors to closet are closed
and most outdoor things don''t go into my room.  No books etc.  The idea
here is to have a place at least eight hours a day where there is nothing
for your body to do but sleep, nothing to react to.

I can see better and walk better and feel things better with this regimen
which includes taking CS on a continuig basis, first to be therapeutic and
then to maintain.  Hope this helps

>Hi All,
>I am writing to tell all of you who suffer from Lyme disease that you
>should have complete confidence in the CS for the treatment of Lyme disease.
>If the CS is taken in large enough doses and long enough the disease will be
>irradicated from your body.
>The process of getting well is not pleasant and at times quite
>frightening.  I experienced stiff sore joints, popping of the hips and
>knees,nausea, depression, paranoia and at times could hardly remember my own
>name I was so ill.  You literally have to get in bed and just rest. At times
>would have strange and unusual pains, jaw, teeth, one night it felt like
>someone was putting an ice pick through the left side of my head. I knew of
>course that all these strange aches and pains were due to the Lyme being
>killed off.
>   The Herxheimer reaction is our only barometer of how the CS is working,
>along with all the other symptoms. The awful thing about this disease is you
>get just as sick or sicker while getting well as you do getting sicker. But
>you should feel worse than ever when you first start the CS.
>   The dosing and length of treatment are imperative to achieve complete
>wellness. The doses should be increased at regular intervals about every ten
>days. I will post the dosing information below, please use it this is what
>made the difference in

Fwd: Cure For Lyme! How about multiple sclerosis?

1998-01-19 Thread RingDance
In a message dated 98-01-19 18:31:45 EST, chawtho...@aol.com writes:

 I am writing to tell all of you who suffer from Lyme disease that you
 should have complete confidence in the CS for the treatment of Lyme disease.
 If the CS is taken in large enough doses and long enough the disease will be
 irradicated from your body.

Is there any evidence available that CS taken in small or large doses will
alleviate any or all symptoms of multiple sclerosis?

Thanks for your help.

Harry Davis

--- Begin Message ---
Hi All,

I am writing to tell all of you who suffer from Lyme disease that you
should have complete confidence in the CS for the treatment of Lyme disease.
If the CS is taken in large enough doses and long enough the disease will be
irradicated from your body.

The process of getting well is not pleasant and at times quite
frightening.  I experienced stiff sore joints, popping of the hips and
knees,nausea, depression, paranoia and at times could hardly remember my own
name I was so ill.  You literally have to get in bed and just rest. At times I
would have strange and unusual pains, jaw, teeth, one night it felt like
someone was putting an ice pick through the left side of my head. I knew of
course that all these strange aches and pains were due to the Lyme being
killed off. 

   The Herxheimer reaction is our only barometer of how the CS is working,
along with all the other symptoms. The awful thing about this disease is you
get just as sick or sicker while getting well as you do getting sicker. But
you should feel worse than ever when you first start the CS.  

   The dosing and length of treatment are imperative to achieve complete
wellness. The doses should be increased at regular intervals about every ten
days. I will post the dosing information below, please use it this is what
made the difference in my treatment.

   I know can do what ever I want, I have even started exercising on my stair
stepper three times a day. Folks this works it works, bottoms up.

Dosage Must Coincide
 "With Body Weight"

The initial 1st (first) week dosage in all cases should only be 1/2 (one-half)
teaspoon only once (1) a day in the morning as the Colloidal Silver at 30 PPM
is so effective that if you start the therapeutic dosage of more than 1/2
(one-half) teaspoon per I (one) day you may put yourself into bed with a
severe Herxheimer or Candida reaction from all the dead bacteria piling up
waiting to be expelled from your bloodstream.

Thereafter your dosage of Colloidal Silver "absolutely must" correspond to
your body weight for the protocol to be successful as Colloidal Silver is
allopathic-the more you take the better it works and conversely the less you
take for your body weight the less it will be able to do for you. Again: The
dosage can be more but not less than that required for your body weight for it
to work and for this protocol to he successful.

The dosage baseline of 4 (four) teaspoons (20 ml.) morning immediately upon
arising I (one) hour before breakfast, and 4 (four) teaspoons (20 ml.) evening
2 (two) hours after supper, is based on an average infection for a 120 (one
hundred and twenty) pound individual.

The dosage also must be tailored to the severity of the infection, which means
you must increase the dosage (after you have adjusted the initial dosage to
your weight), if you have had a chronic, severe, or long-term infection.

It is crucial that:

Your starting-beginning baseline dosage ("before" you tailor dosage to your
symptoms) must correspond to your body weight. This means the baseline dosage
must be increased a minimum of I (one) teaspoon (5 ml.) every time you take a
dosage, to accommodate every 30 (thirty) pound increment in body weight.

For example: A 210 lb. individual must increase their baseline dosage to 7
(seven) teaspoons = (35 ml.) in the morning and 7 (seven) teaspoons (35 ml.)
in the evening.

The following outline is the basic initial dosage reference:

120 lb. man, woman or child   4 (four) tsps. morning and 4 (four) tsps.
150 lb. II  II  = 5 (five) tsps. morning and 5 
(five) tsps. evening.
180 lb.  = 6 (six) tsps. morning and 6 
(six) tsps. evening.
210 lb. = 7 (seven) tsps. morning and 7 (seven) tsps. 
Just to confirm:

A 60 (seventy) lb. child would respectively require a dosage of 2 (two)
teaspoons [10 (ten) ml.] in the morning and 2 (two) teaspoons [10 (ten) ml.]
in the evening.

Respective dosage you then stay at that dosage until you ameliorate all of
your symptoms If because of the severity or the chronic state of your
infection you plateau and have a stubborn symptom that you cannot knock out at
this dosage 4 then increase your dosage by I (one) teaspoon additional in the
morning and 1 (one) teaspoon additional in the evening for 2 (two) weeks.

This should make a big difference to your r

salt/no salt

1998-01-09 Thread RingDance
I just finished making two batches of colloidal silver using Beck's (Action
Electronics) device.

I am starting from scratch; I have no previous colloidal silver solution to
use as a starter solution.

In making one batch, I did not add any salt to the 8 oz of distilled
(Arrowhead brand) water.  I left Beck's device on for 5 minutes; then turned
it off.  During that 5 minutes, I did not see any "clouds" form or appear to
be "steaming off" from the silver electrodes.  I did observe "bubbles" form
all along one of the silver electrodes.

In making the other batch, I did add one drop of the salt solution previously
recommended by Beck.  The instant that I turned on the Beck device, I could
easily see "milky clouds" steaming off from the silver electrodes and that
continued throughout the five minutes.  At the end of five minutes, I turned
off the Beck device.


1.  Does the absence of "milky clouds" indicate that colloidal silver is not
being generated?

2.  Why did Beck change his recommended procedure and decide not to add a drop
of salt to the 8 oz of distilled water?

I am going to check Peter Lindemann's article and see what he says about salt.

Thanks for the help.

H. Davis

Fwd: SILVER: does the temper (soft, soft-hard, hard) matter?

1998-01-09 Thread RingDance
In a message dated 98-01-09 20:48:36 EST, mdev...@mail.id.net writes:

 Why are you going to a smelter, when there are mail-order places
 that'll sell .999 or better wire by the foot or the ounce for not
 too much more than bullion cost?

What are the addresses of some of these mail-order places, Mike?

Also, Mike, thanks for taking over the silver list.  

May the Light continue to guide and protect you.

Harry Davis

--- Begin Message ---
On  8 Jan 98 at 14:45, silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:

> I was talking with a nearby smelter, trying to get a price quote.
> They asked me what temper I wanted; I don't remember all the
> options, but soft, soft-hard and hard were some of them. Does the
> temper matter? IE. does a soft temper result in a shorter time
> required to get colloidal silver, or is temper irrelevant?

I'll bet you're getting into uncharted waters there, Fred! My guess 
is that it isn't important, unless the tempering process manages to 
contaminate things.

My biggest concerns are you knowing the purity of what they cast for 
you, and spending way more than you have to. 

Why are you going to a smelter, when there are mail-order places
that'll sell .999 or better wire by the foot or the ounce for not
too much more than bullion cost?

I hate to imagine you paying setup costs on a small batch run to
make wire.

> Also, I was asking for 14 gauge wire. I was asked what shape (round,
> square, etc). Does the shape matter? IE. does a square shape (larger
> surface area) result in a shorter time required to get colloidal
> silver, or is shape largely irrelevant?

People have used several different gauges of round wire, I've seen
flat strip electrodes, and others have taken a silver coin or ingot
and cut it in half and dangled the pieces in the water!

By far, most people are using round wire in the 12-14-18 gauge range.

I am sure the shape and surface area have some effect on rate, but I 
doubt it matters a whole lot. Stick with the simple and try not to 
spend money you don't *have* to. Save your money for testing your 
final product for concentration (ppm) at a lab.

Can somebody re-post the addresses of mail order silver vendors and 
ppm testing places for Fred?



[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

--- End Message ---

Fwd: Use of salt solution for making CS

1998-01-09 Thread RingDance
In a message dated 98-01-09 11:07:07 EST, m...@rnet.net writes:

 Action Electronics no longer recommends using salt solution.  They use a
 starter solution to speed up the making the CS.
Do they say what is in the starter solution?

Quoting from instructions:  "Since this is the method that Bob Beck is now
 recommending and prefers, we will no longer be supplying the sea salt or
 dropper bottle as we had previously."

Did they say why Beck is now recommending a different procedure with no sea
salt added?

Thanks for your help.

Harry Davis

--- Begin Message ---
Action Electronics no longer recommends using salt solution.  They use a
starter solution to speed up the making the CS.

Quoting from instructions:  "Since this is the method that Bob Beck is now
recommending and prefers, we will no longer be supplying the sea salt or
dropper bottle as we had previously."

> From: RingDance 
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Use of salt solution for making CS
> Date: Thursday, January 08, 1998 6:00 PM
> In a recent post to the list I recall that I said that the Beck
> that I had did not mention adding salt to the distilled water.  In going
> through my files again, I find that I was incorrect and that the
> received from Action Electronics does mention adding a salt solution to
> distilled water.
> Quoting from the instructions:
> "Then place the silver electrode wire into a tall, narrow glass
containing 8
> oz of distilled water and a drop of saturated salt solution.'
> The instructions then go on to say:
> "Making a saturated salt solution for distilled water.  This is made from
> salt such as 'Light Gray Celtic Sea Salt' from the Grain and Salt
> P.O. Box DD, Magalia, CA 95954.  Do not use table salt as it contains
> additives like iodine, aluminum and silica desiccates.  Mix one and
> teaspoons of salt in one ounce of distilled water.  Let stand for a few
> and filter off the top liquid.  The salt must be dissolved in water
> using.  The salt solution may be stored for repeated use in a 1 oz brown
> dropper bottle.  Add a little silver colloid to this to prevent bacteria
> growth.  Then use only 1 drop of this saline solution each time you make
> silver colloid.  It is important that you do not use excess salt or you
> not be making silver colloid but silver chloride. As more salt solution
> added, the silver comes off the electrode faster, but the micron size
> gets larger.  Using one drop per 8 oz water is the best for making a
> size than can be absorbed more thoroughly.  As little as 4 drops can
> the chemical formulation into silver chloride."
> H. Davis

--- End Message ---

Use of salt solution for making CS

1998-01-08 Thread RingDance
In a recent post to the list I recall that I said that the Beck instructions
that I had did not mention adding salt to the distilled water.  In going
through my files again, I find that I was incorrect and that the instructions
received from Action Electronics does mention adding a salt solution to the
distilled water.

Quoting from the instructions:
"Then place the silver electrode wire into a tall, narrow glass containing 8
oz of distilled water and a drop of saturated salt solution.'

The instructions then go on to say:

"Making a saturated salt solution for distilled water.  This is made from pure
salt such as 'Light Gray Celtic Sea Salt' from the Grain and Salt Society,
P.O. Box DD, Magalia, CA 95954.  Do not use table salt as it contains
additives like iodine, aluminum and silica desiccates.  Mix one and one-half
teaspoons of salt in one ounce of distilled water.  Let stand for a few hours
and filter off the top liquid.  The salt must be dissolved in water before
using.  The salt solution may be stored for repeated use in a 1 oz brown glass
dropper bottle.  Add a little silver colloid to this to prevent bacteria
growth.  Then use only 1 drop of this saline solution each time you make
silver colloid.  It is important that you do not use excess salt or you will
not be making silver colloid but silver chloride. As more salt solution is
added, the silver comes off the electrode faster, but the micron size also
gets larger.  Using one drop per 8 oz water is the best for making a particle
size than can be absorbed more thoroughly.  As little as 4 drops can change
the chemical formulation into silver chloride."

H. Davis


1998-01-04 Thread RingDance
Good morning (here in Tucson, Arizona anyway), Douglas:

Enjoyed your recent posting to the silver list this morning.  I do have a
couple of questions/comments.

1.  In the instructions that came with the Beck colloidal silver maker that I
purchased from Action Electronics the following comments are made:

a. "Since silver is slowly eliminated from the body, this article advises
short term use.  It further states that many people report using a daily
amount of 1 teaspoon of 3 ppm colloidal silver, which contains about 15
micrograms (1,000 micrograms = 1 milligram).  Any amount above 30 micrograms
(2 teaspoons @ 3 ppm) may be considered a high dose."

b. "Silver operates best in the body when the particles are as small as
possible, and suspended as separately as possible.  It has been suggested that
finer particles ensure best absorption and are used by the body as a trace
mineral.  These parameters are met when you make your silver colloid for 3-5
minutes in 8 oz. of distilled water."

Comment:  I am assuming from the above that if one uses the Beck colloidal
silver maker for from 3-5 minutes that the result will be a colloidal silver
solution containing approximately 3 ppm.

Question:  do you know if the amount of ppm generated per unit time by a
colloidal silver maker is dependent upon the design of a particular maker?
For example, the voltage, etc.?

2.  In your posting, you say that "the result is a good yellow colour after
about 45 minutes.  This solution I keep as a concentrate and dilute into my
daily drinking habits in the ratio of 4:1.  So I'm drinking 5 - 15ppm/20ppm on
a daily basis and average consumption would be at least a pint of CS a day."

Question:  how did you arrive at the ppm estimate?

Another question:  have you found any "best" way of cleaning the silver

3.  I am not familiar with the "PA Lindemann 6 x A4 page info."  Can you post
a copy to me?

Thanks, again, Douglas.

May the Light guide and protect you and your family.

Harry Davis