2000-06-29 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all;

Its pot stirring time again

I contacted BYU about the report that was on the list several weeks ago
and have just received an answer from Prof. Ron W. Leavitt. The work was
done by one of his  graduate students, David Revelli. The material was
as commercial CS sold under the name of ASAP. As tested with a
Perkin-Elmers atomic adsorption instrument it was less then 4% ionic
silver and 96% elemental silver.. The majority of particles were about
10nm in size.

They are continuing the work and will submit for publiction.

Does that  raise some questions about polarity reversal and the H2O2
test for elemental silver???

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>BYU CS Test

2000-06-30 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Fred;

All I know is what I put on the list. I have since asked Ron Leavitt several
questions and hope to get a reply. He said that the ASAP is a true colloid
!!! And that most of our stuff is not. I need an input from Stephen Quinto.

"Ole Bob"

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CS>PDF files

2000-06-30 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all;

Will someone please tell me what program I need and how to open a PDF

"Ole Bob"

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CS>Urinary Infections

2000-07-01 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi  Ya"all;

Another anecdotal CS success. Yesterday noon I walked my Great Pyrenees
dog 100+ pounds and she squatted 8 times to urinate. Again at 3 ppm the
same thing so I fixed her a dish with 3 teaspoons of ice cream and 4 oz
of 9 ppm CS. by 8 pm the frequency  of urination had deceased to three,
so I fixed her another disk. This morning things were back to normal.
Gave her another for good measure.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>effect of distillation on PPM?

2000-07-02 Thread Robert L. Berger

Just run the generator longer, why f--t asrpoound with boiling the CS???

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>OT: Allergies

2000-07-06 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Mike,

I suffered from allergies for about 70 years and then I found Dr. David
Williams publication "Alternatives" Vol.4, No.12, June 1992, where he
recommends 35% food grade H2O2 diluted according to a schedule. I followed
it and it worked wonders for and even improved my heart arrhythmia.
Mountain Home Publishing, P.O. Box 829, Ingram, TX 78025

Its too long to type out, but if you send me your s-mail address I will mail
you a copy. IT WORKS !!!

"Ole Bob"


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2000-07-06 Thread Robert L. Berger

This might seem a bit drastic, but remove the wire from one spark plug
on your car. Then start the engine and using a piece of plastic, zap the
carpal tunnel area with several jolts.

Sounds weird, well a former  missionary in Mexico told me that they all
carry stun guns to take care of poisonous snake bites.
I have a 20 kv zapper that I used to de-static color film and I have
used it on carpal tunnel problems as well a wasp stings.

This small zapper was also used to remove the dust from the old vinal
records. The unit was made in England.

When I told my hunter son about it, I was advised that they all knew

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

2000-07-06 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi David;

Yes it worked. Its not a forever cure but it stops the pain instantly and I
use the 20 kv gun when my left knee with no cartilage causes the muscles to
flare up. I go from hardly walk to walk ok. Temporary of course for day or

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>heavy metal

2000-07-06 Thread Robert L. Berger

There are three noble metals, gold, silver, and platinum.

The  heavies start at an atomic weight of 200 with mercury, lead, etc.

You might try the Encyclopedia Britannica (sp) which is on line.

"Ole Bob"


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Re: CS>heavy metals

2000-07-08 Thread Robert L. Berger

As an IV chelation user I see no reasons to worry about both of them. Chelation
did wonders for me and several people that I know of personally.  If you are
doing it for heart problems remember that after you finish the course you will
need to take chelation once or twice a year as things build up in the blood
vessels. I  KNOW! Started chelation in 1983 and took about 50 bottles, went
back for boosters for several years then quit. Well in 1997 I had to have four
bypasses. I knew better than to have the bypasses but when they asked me I was
half drugged and easily convinced. SNEAKY.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>heavy metal

2000-07-09 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Pamela;

Scrub-it. It is anti alternative medicine.

Been there and downloaded it.  BIGOTRY  at its best.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>washing your vegetables in CS

2000-07-09 Thread Robert L. Berger

Wash with plain water to remove pesticides etc., and soak in watermwith about 1
or 2 oz of CS for about 6 minutes.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>New

2000-07-09 Thread Robert L. Berger

Make your own genterator, all you need is a DC power source, a digital
multimeter, stirring motor, and two pieces of #14 sliver .999 or better and
some clip leads.

Contact me off list and I can probvide more detailed info.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>New

2000-07-09 Thread Robert L. Berger


"Ole Bob"

John L Maurath wrote:

> Really?  You can make your own?   Where do you buy the
> kit?  Thanks.
> John

Re: CS>Does C/S have odor / taste????

2000-07-09 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi  LFZBizLdy,

Properly made CS of up to about 15 PPM (real ppm) is tasteless. If you have a
bright T.E. it will taste lilke metal. If the T.E. is almost  nonexistant the
CS will ot taste.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Fw: [Fwd: CS>New to Group--Help]

2000-07-09 Thread Robert L. Berger
Yes John,

It works, only that it is a little bit simple without any controls, which you
can add.

"Ole Bob:

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Re: CS>Silver toxicity

2000-07-09 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Devnull;

It is not the silver that is the problem it is the mercury that is used to make 
amalgam for the filling.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>H2o2

2000-07-11 Thread Robert L. Berger

Yes H2O2 can be ingested, but be careful and avoid the H2O2 that has stablizers
in it. If you can find 35% food grade H2O2 it can be used DILUTED !!  It is
very strong and will burn the skin but not scare it.

When you get to about 6 drops of 35% H2O2 in about 4 ounces of water it tastes
like "Hell" So when I used it I would chug-a-lug it and have a half stick of
sugar free cinnamon gum ready to pop into my mouth without breathing.   Chew
lilke crazy for a few seconds and then breath.  If you don't, YAK.

"Ole Bob"

Re: CS>H2o2

2000-07-12 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Inga;

You might find "food grade" at your local health food store. Anything that you
can buy  over the counter in a drug store has stablizers in it and it will be
clearly marked "FOR EXTERNASL USE ONLY."

You might call Jim Haigh 1-612-937-2354. Back in 1992 he was sellong and the
phone # was good.

"Ole BoB"

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Re: CS and Salmonella poisoning

2000-07-14 Thread Robert L. Berger

Why not give it a try? It can't hurt anything and may speed up the healing.

"Ole Bob"

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CS>Away too long

2000-07-14 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all;

I have been away too long. I see people are still fiddling around with
heated water. I work at 67 deg .F.and very seldom make an off color CS.

It appears impossible to kill the idea of using salt which makes  silver
chloride if that  is what you want. The use of a previous run of CS has
been on the list many times. People must have a short memory.

Next item if you do not have a cs generator with auto-shut-off then you
need a digial current meter in one lead  of your brew cell or you know
absolutely nothing that is going on in your system, and you will make
more junl thasn good cs.

"Ole Bob"  :-o(

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Re: CS>Away too long

2000-07-14 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Alvin,

If I were to do a design with automatic shut-off in a constant current system
I would monitor the voltage as it dropped and when it reached a predetermined
level shut the powe off. This would require the use of some of the newer 8 pin

O n a constant voltage system then monitor the current as it increases.

Both would require a fixed system of electrodes and stirring.

Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>an air circulating CS invention anyone?

2000-07-15 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

M y wife and I have been using the ultrasonic vaporizer (about $24.00 at
Walgreen's drug store) for some time when we hve bronchial problems.  It
takes about a gallon of 10 ppm CS. No dilution.

"Ole Bob"


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Re: CS=alkaline?

2000-07-15 Thread Robert L. Berger
Sorry but CS is not neutral. LVDC cs is about 5 to 5.5 pH

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Away too long

2000-07-15 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Erwin;

I haven't found out how to program a relay with a selectable window for 

Given me a schematic and I will paly with it.

No doctor just a crotchy old guy'

"Ole Bob"


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Re: CS=alkaline?

2000-07-16 Thread Robert L. Berger

Don't expect much until at least six bottles of EDTA. I have had over 50 and it
has gretly help me. I have met a munber of people that have had remarkable
cures with it. One old codger who as legally blind from diabetes is now driving
his car and as 20/40 vision.  After 30 bottles they did the non invasive blood
flow tests and the flow rate had increased more tan 150 to 400% in various
parts of my body.  That test was part of the initial physical that I received
at the McDonagh Mediacal Center in Gladstone Mo. (Kansas City) If you didn't
get a very compete physical when you started then you will never know what has

"Ole Bob"


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Re: CS>Off Topic BUT Dirty Pool, you better check this out.

2000-07-16 Thread Robert L. Berger

My firewall has protoected me for literally hunderds of attemps to read
my machine. One time I had 87 hits in 1/2 hr.

Got to zonelabs.com and download there free firewall.

"Ole Bob"

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CS>Structured Water

2000-07-17 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

When the discussions on structures water I thought that you all were a
bunch of "loony Tunes"!!
Thanks to Ivan for the patent number. I went to "patents.ibm.com" and
downloaded Lorwnzen's latest patent dated March 7,200. It describes the
equipment and how to make it. All you need is about $10,000 to get
started. The glass work is not simple as one might suspect and then one
needs a press chamber and shaker table.

Oh I don't want to forget the "clean room" requirement. Then when you
use the stuff it must be diluted 10^3 to 10^ 20 to be safe. The
preferred dilutant i triple distilled water.

Oh yes, one needs an MRA at 100 giga hertz and a O MNR at 25 to 125
Hertz. Then don't forget the conductivity meter and the surface tension

Other than that it is a very simple process if you can get the right
magnet material inside of the first still column.

Next I want to look up John Wlillard's patents and see what gyrations he
goes through for his product.

Happy structuring.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>for the eyes?

2000-07-19 Thread Robert L. Berger
Come on, CS kills bacteria!  That is why we make it.

"Ole Bob"


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Re: CS>Generators and Methods

2001-07-08 Thread Robert L. Berger

On this list HVAC generally means using a 12 kv of 15 kv NST.

>From my investigations of HVAC, I have tried the two wet electrodes, the one
wet with the other slightly above the surface of the due so as to form a cone,
an the arc method where the arc electrode is about 0.40" above the DW.

The smallest particle size and most stable is with the arc method. I do not
sell machines. I just investigate and give away CS.

>From the T.E.M. the HVAC ARC method also produces a structure in the water.

To use the arc method there are two ways;
1. The arc electrode is a Bosch platinum spark plug and no cover gas. I
personally have not had much success with that although there is a person that
is selling HVAC gens that use it.

2. The use of dry ice in an enclosed chamber with an opening into the free
board above the DW, and using a silver arc electrode. I f you want instructions
just ask.  Without the CO2 one forms whole bunches of NO3, and that is not very

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Virus

2001-07-08 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

"Ole Bob" hee uses Netscape 4.7 and while people talk about virius, at this
point I have never seen on. It maybe because I have Zone Alarm running. Its
free so maybe some of you should install it.

Before I put it in the background on one saturday morning Itpicked up 80+ hits
in about an hourwhere people were trying to read my machine.

"Ole Bob".

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Re: CS>Generators and Methods

2001-07-08 Thread Robert L. Berger

WHY do you boil the water  It is not needed.

The gold color says large particles. Did you continually stir the CS?? If not
then you got what you have. Stirrin gis some form is a must.  WQhat di the
T.E. look like before and after the color change??

I don't know where you got your instructions but go back in to the archives
and learn something about making CS.

"Ole Bob:

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Re: CS>Intro - Allergy or Herxheimers? - General Advise Please

2001-07-09 Thread Robert L. Berger

When you post all I ever receive is three strange characters. Why???

"Ole Bob"

Stephen Hessler wrote:

> ÿþ<

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2001-07-09 Thread Robert L. Berger
Roger Daymude;

Your ignorance is showing !! I suggest that you look into shipping costs. The
6 pounds for the two liter bottles for the gatorade test is about $8.50 plus
$1.34 for the box. Now add in the plastic peanuts, the label, and taking them
to the post office is not free.

Maybe I better double up on the colloidal gold to get rid of the "grumpies"

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>CG question

2001-07-10 Thread Robert L. Berger

As of today no one has been successful in making CG with DC.

"Ole Bob"

jrowl...@nctimes.net wrote:

> Do you think 2 gold electrodes, 27 volts DC, and distilled water, will
> give
> one ppm for each minute of charge?
> Thanks,
> jr
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fish tank bubblier

2001-07-11 Thread Robert L. Berger

How many square inches of wet electrodes to you have to support 300 ma at 30

Are you sure its not 30 ma or 3 ma or 300 micro amperes

One more item, how are you measuring the ppm of your CS, with a Hanna meter?

"Ole Bob"

Arthur Rambo wrote:

> I use the bubbler and get completely clear, up to 30ppm with little or
> no debris.
>  (30 v, 300ma)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fish tank bubblier

2001-07-12 Thread Robert L. Berger

Unless you have had your CS tested by AA or spectrophotometricly  you have
no idea of what you are making.

I do the spect. method.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Fish tank bubblier

2001-07-12 Thread Robert L. Berger

Hanna makes a single frequency spect for about $150.00 and the chemicals for 50
tests is about $105.00. You will need several other items which I will not go 
here. If anyone is interested in buy the Hanna unit I will help them get 
It is not difficult but time consuming to establish a base line for testing.

If one does not keep the wet electrodes polished then things will not always be
the same. For example I had been running 2 gallon lots with my HVAC unit and
getting 15 ppm in 2 1/2 hrs. Suddenly the 2 1/2 hr run produced 5 ppm!! the wet
was covered with a white film. After cleaning with a scrubbie things returned to

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Fish tank bubblier

2001-07-12 Thread Robert L. Berger

I did not say your meter is worthless,only that until you have established a
benchmark with a true ppm measurement can you infer a meaning to the

Many people use them but only the ones who have had their product check over
a period of time can say with reasonable doubt what the ppm of the CS really

If you have not calibrated your meter with a known standard then the 1.5 ppm
reading is questionable.

"Ole Bob"

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CS>Lupus help needed!!

2001-07-13 Thread Robert L. Berger
Greetings Ya'all.

Does anyone have information as to the safety of using CS when a person
has Lupus??

The present medicine is to stop the autoimmune system from attaching and
destroying her vital organs.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Question for Brooks Bradley - CS interaction with Warfarin?

2001-07-20 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Coyote.

Coumaden is warafrin!

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fwd: Yikes

2001-07-21 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Gallen,

Yes, Dr. Bill Biagioli NMD at, an...@webworkz.com, has cured staph A
infections with CS.

There should be a post of mine in the archives to that effect. Look it

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Newbie: My Brief Intro

2001-07-22 Thread Robert L. Berger

This web site does not like Netscape 2-4 versions.
It is a worthwhile learning site but hopefully those who view it will
advance "to it right."

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Virus warnimg

2001-07-26 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

There is new virus that just hit the #1 offender rating. Its is called

It hides in your "waste basket" it also carries a double extension
file.doc.exe" Empty your waste basket.

Go into microsoft explorer and look at "MY Docments" . Expand the name
column to see the full name and extensions. If there are any files with
a double extension delete them.

I have had it come in three times and it has had two attachments to
open. DON'T. The first attachment will ask you for help

Such as "Hi! How are you? I send you this file in order to have your
advise See you later!

You can read about it a twww.wired.com/news/technology.

Be careful.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fibermylysia (SP)

2001-07-27 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

Has anyone had any success treating fibermylysia (sp) with CS? If so
what protocol is recommended.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: distilled Water

2001-07-28 Thread Robert L. Berger

I have very serious questions on your testor.

Wal-Mart and Walgreen Drugs sell excellent DW. I measure with a conductance
meter not a cheapie PWT They are not worth the powder to blow them up.

Wal-Mart checks in a 0.02 to 0.03 uS/cc. Your PWT can't read that low.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RE: pH tester

2001-07-28 Thread Robert L. Berger

Try Grainger.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Did Moses make colloidal Gold?

2001-07-29 Thread Robert L. Berger
"Strawed,"  Hebrew is "zarah"  (zar raw) meaning to toss about.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Help spend $$$$$$$'s

2001-07-29 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

I have funds to support about 38 volunteers for the Gaterado-CS

If you newbies don't know what it is all about then go to the archives
and find Roger Altman's post of Tue,17 Jul 2001 13:18:37 -0700.

I can't have this money in my company account at tax time.

"Ole Bob"

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Help spend $$$$$$$'s

2001-07-29 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ted,

Send me your post office address and two bottles will be on the way by

"Ole Bob"

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CS>O.T. CO2 effect

2001-07-29 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

After reading all 27 pages of this report I had to put the URL on the

In case anyone on the lsit is a "greenie" this will be most distrubing
as it recaps the data for 66 published papers on the
value of increased CO2 !! It has been a boon to humanity.

Print it out and read it.

www.sitewave.net/pproject. Then select on the left hand margin
"Enviromental effects."

Happy reading !

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Distilled water (#676)

2001-07-29 Thread Robert L. Berger

PWT means Pure Water Tester. Absolutely pure water will not conduct
electricity. It is very difficult to make as water is a universal solvent.
Pure water would measure in many many millions of ohms. In fact it could not
be measured. However water
that pure will leach glass or any  metal until it reaches a lower value of

As to what is measured depends on the material used in the condensing coils
of the still. Some stills use copper, others use stainless steel and some
use a borosilicate glass (hard glass like pyrex). So one has ions of some
material in the water that has reduced its resistance or increased its
conductivity. These terms are reciprocals.

Does that answer your question?

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS 101

2001-07-30 Thread Robert L. Berger

DeadTiredCaregiver ,:

> Does 2 teaspoons of 50 ppm equal 1 teaspoon of 100 ppm?
> Yes, but where are you going to find 100 ppm CS or even 50 ppm???

I would be very carefull of it!!

"Ole Bob"


Re: CS>Where to find 50 ppm......

2001-08-01 Thread Robert L. Berger

H2O2 attacks only the metallic silver particles, not the ionic silver. The T.E.
beam that you see when the laser pointer is shown thru the CS is caused by
"particles" and not ions as they are in solution. A true ionic solution has no
TE. My HVAC ARC CO2 Cs has almost no T.E. even in a black room.

"Ole Bob"

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ionic silver

2001-08-01 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all;

I have found that Brook's method of 20% DMSO and 80% ionic silver does a great
job of penetrating both layers of the skin.
That puts the CS where you want it, ina both layers and inside.

My dog, a Great Pyrenees, had some red spots on her stomach about a 1/2" dia. I
sprayed it with straight CS  three times a day for several days and they went
away. When I stopped spraying they came back. So I made the 20% DMSO solution
and sprayed it abut three times and they are gone for good.

So for me all surface applications will be with the DSMO mixture.

"Ole Bob"


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Where to find 50 ppm......

2001-08-01 Thread Robert L. Berger

I have the data sheets and theTEM for CS made with 380 v dc. the CS is 
colorless just like water but the TEM from Texas
show particle size ranging form 18 nm to about 86 nm. Somuch for particle size 
and color. If you want a pix of it I will send to individuals as it exceeds 
Mike's bandwidth.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>help for orchard

2001-08-03 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi  Lynda;

There is a citrus grove in Hawaii that has used a 1% CS to great
advantage for tree spray.

"Ole Bob"

Lynda Khula wrote:

> need any info,,, have fruit trees and they have brown rot which from
> all the reading I am doing is a fungus any one know if the cs will
> help that just a thought.Lynda

Re: CS>What Happens to CS Particle Size & Distribution When H2O2 isAdded

2001-08-03 Thread Robert L. Berger

The moral is LEAVE THE H2O2 ALONE !!

"Ole  Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Ionic silver

2001-08-03 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

Just some more "fuel for the fire" on the subject of ionic silver. My
HVAC ACR CS is almost pure ionic.

Went to the dentist with a sore tooth. The X-rays showed some infection
on the tip of the root. Gave me 28 penicillin pills and said come back
in 7 days for tooth cleaning. By the 7th day the sensitivity of the
tooth had gone.  Two days after the pills run out the sensitivity came

So I started taking 4 oz of CS 4 times a day. Drank about 3/4th of it
and swished the the 1/4 for at least two minutes.
After the second dose I could tell the difference in the pain threshold.
I will keep it up until the pain is entirely gone or a root canal takes
its place.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ionic silver

2001-08-04 Thread Robert L. Berger

She did not indicate any pain symptoms.

"Ole Bob:

Dottie Glenn wrote:

> Ole Bob - Did your dog seem to experience any kind of pain when you
> sprayed on the cs/dmso mix?  I wanted to use it on my cats ears that
> are at the moment looking pretty infected and rough.  He has cancer in
> his ears - twice actually cut out, but keeps returning.  I'm afraid it
> will burn him or cause him pain.
> Dottie
> Dottie Glenn----Original Message Follows
> From: "Robert L. Berger"
> Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>ionic silver
> Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 12:50:47 -0500
> Hi Ya'all;
> I have found that Brook's method of 20% DMSO and 80% ionic silver does
> a great
> job of penetrating both layers of the skin.
> That puts the CS where you want it, ina both layers and inside.
> My dog, a Great Pyrenees, had some red spots on her stomach about a
> 1/2" dia. I
> sprayed it with straight CS three times a day for several days and
> they went
> away. When I stopped spraying they came back. So I made the 20% DMSO
> solution
> and sprayed it abut three times and they are gone for good.
> So for me all surface applications will be with the DSMO mixture.
> "Ole Bob"
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
> to:
> silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive:
> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour
> ---
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: CS>help for orchard

2001-08-04 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Nina;

That should have been 1 ppm. the material that was sent was 12 ppm HVAC ARC CS.

If you wan to know what you are making in you "standard" process send me a
sample, my fee isn't excessive.

"Ole Bob"

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>questions about CS

2001-08-06 Thread Robert L. Berger

The 250 ppm that you have is a silver protein and not colloidal silver. It is
very unusual to find a true CS over about 20 ppm.

Most people make a water clear CS that ranges from about 5 to 15 ppm.
Unfortunately none of them have a true measuring instrument, so they guess at
what they have with a Hanna meter. It will work well enough after one has a
stabilized process and have correlated with standard means of testing so that
they can get a feel of what they have.

"Ole Bob"

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V101 #697; re mycoplasmas

2001-08-06 Thread Robert L. Berger


If you test high for lead and cadmium then you need to take IV chelation. It 
strip that stuff out of you body in no time.

"Ole Bob"

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>MRSA - Help

2001-08-08 Thread Robert L. Berger

What do you have to loose other than the persons life with the progress of the

Dr Bill Baigoli NMD has cured Staph A in wounds with 12 ppm CS.

CS will not hurt anything, and it does kill many diseases.

"Ole Bob"

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>truth about CS?

2001-08-10 Thread Robert L. Berger

The "blueness," Argyia (sp) is caused by silver compounds. and not CS. When are
you people going to learn this

The archives have discussed this many times. MD's really stands for "Mighty
Dumb." They are pawns of the pharmaceutical industry and all they know is what
a "detail man" tells them.

"Ole Bob"   :-(

Re: CS>(no subject)

2001-08-11 Thread Robert L. Berger

Dishwasher clean is not clean enough to make CS

Rinse several times with very hot water and do not dry with anything.
Just let it air dry upside down.

"Ole Bob"

gallen4...@aol.com wrote:

> I have been making CS for about two years, the past year using a
> silverpuppy
> generator, which I find eminently satisfactory. During the last couple
> of
> months, however, a thread of material hangs on to the leg that has the
> bubbles. When I remove the generator the thread falls to the bottom of
> the
> glass.  It ends up as a small, but quite noticeable amount of white
> powder on
> the bottom of the glass. I use only steam-distilled water which I make
> myself
> and the glass is cleaned in a dishwasher.
> Anybody have an idea what is happening here and what the powder might
> be?
> Allen

Re: CS>What I Really Meant Was - - - -

2001-08-13 Thread Robert L. Berger

As one engineer to another, GET OVER IT!!!  You will never see a table
published like you want

Maybe people on this list will share their data to you "off list". The
stuff is innocuous. If one is not sick then you can drink it by the
pint. If you are sick the one tablespoon twice a day for several days
and then increase. The only problem that you may face is Herximeer
reaction or "herx". That is a flu like symptom that happens when the CS
kills the pathogen faster than the body can expel it. Then back off for
several days, drink lots of water and restart at about half the previous

Some people drink a quart per day. If you can't live with this kind of
flexibility then forget CS.

Check the archives andmake your own table.

"Ole Bob"
Retired Reg. P.E. with an EE.


Re: CS>Exposure of Dentists and Technicians to Mercury

2001-08-14 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

During my stint as Engineering department Chief of Electron tube
manufacture at Western Electric in Lee's Summit, Missouri, we made
mercury vapor rectifiers (big ones) and we constantly monitored the area
for mercury fumes. The equipment was so sensitive that one could measure
mercury vapor in the mouth of those who had amalgum filings.

One normally does not think that a liquid metal has a vapor pressure at
room temperature but it does.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Getting ready to brew!

2001-08-14 Thread Robert L. Berger

When CS first came out people used tap water.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>What I Really Meant Was - - - -

2001-08-14 Thread Robert L. Berger

If one is sick and starts with BIG doses they will most certainly get a
"Herx" reaction, so its best to sneak up on it, increasing the dose as
one goes. If one is well then drink CS as water.

In regards to charting. Roger is right, we need a standardized method of
making CS. About 3 years ago I suggested standardizing the making of CS,
and you should have seen the posts. As my mother used to say, "every
crow thinks her babies are the blackest." In simple language, my method
works so leave me alone. That is called a "closed mind."

"Ole Bob"

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CS>Newbies understanding T.E.

2001-08-14 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

There is much confusion on this list about ionic vs particle CS. So in
an attempt reduce the confusion, I am presenting the following.

My  HVAC ARC processed makes almost pure ionic silver, and Frank Keys'
Mesosilver is almost pure particles. Frank has supplied me with a sample
for evaluation so here are the results.

As I reported several weeks ago about reducing the pain of a tooth
infection by prolonged swishing of ionic CS in the mouth. This was later
confirmed last week by another listee that prolonged swishing helped his
infection. Someone on the list mentioned that the mouth has about 200
proteins in the salvia and that the body can only assimilate metal ions
as a metalloprotein, which appears to be reasonable.

Ionic silver on the skin did not reduce under arm odor or scalp and ear
itch. However the application of Frank's material has done a very good
job at solving this problem.

By enlarge the LVDC makes a mixture of both types and an indication of
what you are making can be had through the use of your laser pointer.
For your given process, if the T.E. beam is very bright then you have a
large portion of  particles. If you modify your process so the the T.E.
beam is very weak then you have more ionic silver. So by adjusting your
process you can make two types of CS, one for internal and one for
external.  This is for the "purest" maker. All types seem to work very

One can augment particle production by reducing the amount of stirring.

"Ole Bob"

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CS>Need Steve Radcliff email address

2001-08-14 Thread Robert L. Berger
Can anyone supply Steve's email address?


"Ole Bob"

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2001-08-14 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Chris,

Yes, the part that goes into the DW is ceramic, and is availbe at any
aquarium supply store.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Exposure of Dentists and Technicians to Mercury

2001-08-14 Thread Robert L. Berger

That all happened back in 1962 era. Please do not expectme to remember that bit 
of data.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>What I Really Meant Was - - - -

2001-08-14 Thread Robert L. Berger

Just be careful. If you have something seriousyou will have a Herx reaction. At
least you nowknowwhast to do if it happens.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Terry on filtering

2001-08-15 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Terry;

If you have to filter then your process is away out of control!!!

If you have junk in the CS just slowly decant and leave the residual

Filtering with coffee filters is bad news. If you have a Hanna meter
check the conductivity before and after filtering to see how much junk
you are adding.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-15 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hear ye, hear ye all newbies et al,

In my four years of investigation of various protocols for making CS I
have made and data logged over 400 runs of CS, using voltages from 12 v
dc to 380 v dc, 780 v ac to 15,000 v ac. I test every batch with my

All of this is to say that I have just tested three batches of CS made
using Dr. Jon's process, and the results are not very good.

So if you are using the process listen-up!

Test #1, 5 hrs., conductivity = 30 uS/cc, PPM = 1.1, xtal, clear, very
weak T.E. with few sparkles.

Test #2, 3 hrs., conductivity =10 uS/cc, PPM = 0.42, xtal clear, very
weak T.E. with few sparkles.

Test #3, 1 hr., conductivity = 15 uS/cc, PPM =  0.84, xtal clear, very
weak T.E. with few sparkles.

The inversion of test data for #2 and #3 says that the process is not in

If you are using Dr. Jon's process or thinking about it, then forget
it.  With only 6 volts one cannot get the current necessary
to do a good job in a reasonable time frame.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-15 Thread Robert L. Berger
Arthur et all,

The three tests tha I reported on were supplied by one individual.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Terry on filtering

2001-08-15 Thread Robert L. Berger

I make my readings with a 1 cm X 1 cm X 1cm probe (hoem made with brass
electrodes). Powered by a regulated
10 v ac supply and I measure the ac current. When all of the math is wrung out
one ma is one microSeimen per cc.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Terry on filtering

2001-08-16 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Grant,

My basement stays 68 to 70 year round. That' pretty close to the Std. 20 Deg C.

"Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>Ionic silver

2001-08-16 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi there Nancy,

I have not found an instantaneous dentist appointment book. Have you??

When the tooth became sensitive to pressure I made my appointment. I was using
CS with extended swish time.

When the second dentist started a root canal she showed me the puss from the
dead nerve, which had been dead for sometime. Evidently the CS held the pain
symptoms below threshold.

"Ole Bob:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re >CS & Silver coins

2001-08-16 Thread Robert L. Berger

How can you mke sure that buying foreign silver has the desired purity? If
it conatins nickel you are endangering peoples lives.

I pay $32.00 for 10 ft #14 gauge,.999, in KC from the Jules Borel co.

"Ole Bob

Stephen Hessler wrote:

> Hi Cris,  Where can you get Mexican Silver and how much cheaper?  TIA
> h...@mcmo.net
> Stephen K. Hessler, N.M.D.
> HC  1  Box 175
> Centerville, MO 63633
> 573-924-2254 (usually home after 8 pm)
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-16 Thread Robert L. Berger

Pardon my  French but why in the H-ll are you worried about cost

Ten feet of #14 gauge cost $30.25 plus postage here in KC MO. Coins present a
holding problem, and wire solves this very effectively. Ten feet of #14 will
make several thousand gallons of CS, and that is more than you could every

You talk about cost effectiveness and you are using batteries at about six
bucks a battery ($18+) when a wal-wart for 120 v to 30 v dc is only $695 plus

I think that you are gagging at a nat and swallowing a camel!!

"Ole Bob" :-(


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-16 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi there Quietcove,

What you THINK makes better quality CS is for the "birds."

Whether its .999 or .9 the end result is the same.

If you want an answer as to particle size all you have to due is send a sample
to Stephen Quinto and he will do a T.E.M. for only $75.00. That's cheap for the
information that you will get.

Hanna meters are only good for testing water until you have had several AA or
spectrophotometer ransomed on your process.

Knowledge is never cheap.

I am not really grumpy, it's that I get upset when the information is available
and people wont use it or look for it.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Price of Silver Wire

2001-08-17 Thread Robert L. Berger

There will be be not "ill effects" from any CS unless it has nickel in it and
even them people would probably no suspect nickel poisoning, which could be

To check your wire size #14 is 0.63 " diameter.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-17 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Eleanor,

Fortunately any process to make CS makes a material that worksd wonders. There
happens to be peole like me who have
engineering degrees and industrial experience that like to squeeze the "last
ounce of juice" out of an orange. i.e. to make a process as effective as

I quess that is the reason I object to using coins is the "best" production rate
of making  LVDC CS, from my studies, shows
that a current density of 1 to 2 ma per square inch of wet area gives the best
production rate at the smallest particle size and weakest T.E.

Now if people don't care about that it is ok, they still are making a good

When I cook, I like to use the real thing called butter!!! It makes things taste
great, and at my age why not enjoy it??

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-17 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Eleanor,

I answered you post before reading this one. That 17 volt adapter probably has
about 19 to 20 volts and it will work great.
Maybe a little slower but that is no problem. If you want to make small lots
i.e. 14 oz then get the clear SOLO cups from the
paper section of your grocery store, 18 for $1.80. Make a plastic lid for it and
space the #14 wires about 2" to 2 1/2" apart.

If you use stirring, mechanical or bubbler place the item so the motion is
between the electrode. Some people are squeamish about using brass for one
electrode as long as it is definitely connected to the negative side of the
power supply there is no problem. The silver comes from the positive electrode
and the negative electrode merely supplies the electrons that makes the whole
thing work.

"Ole Bob

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Re: CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-17 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Bill,

My supplier is the Jules Borel Co. Order desk is 1-800-776-6858. The stock
number is IN 844-14/FS.

It usually ships the same day.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>No distilled water

2001-08-17 Thread Robert L. Berger

DO NOT USE COPPER TUBING unless you want about 6 ppm of copper in your CS!!

"Ole Bob:

Ed Kasper wrote:

> for cheap steam distilled water try hooking up a tea kettle. Run copper
> tubing out the top and up about 2-3 feet. Keeping the water just at boiling
> (not rapid) helps keep the heavy minerals from steaming up with the water,
> as does the length of the tubing. reduce at top and spiral down to a
> collector. You can use the same set up as they do for making alcohol - but
> much easier.

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Re: CS>No distilled water

2001-08-17 Thread Robert L. Berger

There is nothing wrong with a good stainless boiler. The porblem comes in with
the steam which is hghly reactive, not the hot water.

"Ole Bob"

Nina Silver wrote:

> Does anyone have a suggestion on where to buy a good, CHEAP distiller whose
> chamber doesn't outgas (if it's plastic) or contaminate the water (because
> it's metal)? I've looked all over for units with glass chambers and haven't
> found any.
> Thanks.
> N
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Price of Silver Wire

2001-08-17 Thread Robert L. Berger

Rigth on ole boy. Poor typing.

"Ole Bob"

Gaston wrote:

> Hi "Ole Bob"
> Do you mean 0.063 " instead of 0.63 " concerning the wire size # 14 ?
> The 1/2" diameter seems to be large.  Must be a typo error.
> The table seems to indicate 0.063 "
> American Wire Gauge (AWG)
> AWGInches  mm
>  14 0.0641 1.63
> Regards
> Gaston
> ==========
> - Original Message -
> From: "Robert L. Berger" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 11:17 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Price of Silver Wire
> > Wayne,
> >
> > There will be be not "ill effects" from any CS unless it has nickel in it 
> > and
> > even them people would probably no suspect nickel poisoning, which could be
> > fatal.
> >
> > To check your wire size #14 is 0.63 " diameter.
> >
> > "Ole Bob"
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> > silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>Price of Silver Wire

2001-08-17 Thread Robert L. Berger

Why fiddle around with such a complex circuit when all you need is an LM317T
and one resistor connected between the ADJ. and the OUTPUT with the output
voltage taken off the the ADJ terminal. The value of the resistor is as

R = 1200/ desired limited current. For 2 ma. the R= 1200/2 = 600 ohms.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-18 Thread Robert L. Berger

In the USA only Admriality brass has zinc. The standard brass is copper tin.

"Ole Bob"

Ivan Anderson wrote:

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Robert L. Berger [mailto:bober...@swbell.net]
>  Some people are squeamish about using brass for one
> > electrode as long as it is definitely connected to the negative
> > side of the
> > power supply there is no problem. The silver comes from the
> > positive electrode
> > and the negative electrode merely supplies the electrons that
> > makes the whole
> > thing work.
> >
> Ole Bob,
> Just as well to be aware that if brass or copper electrodes are left
> suspended in the water WITHOUT the power connected, that silver ions in the
> solution will plate out onto the brass or copper electrode and release
> copper or zinc or any other metal ions (which have a lower reduction
> potential) into the water.
> Ivan.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ppm tester

2001-08-18 Thread Robert L. Berger

I am sorry but there is not inexpensive way to measure PPM. The cheapest
instrument is the Hanna single frequency spectrophotometer for $150.00 plus
another hundred for chemicals.

DO NOT use color as an indicator for PPM , it is telling you that your CS is
forming large particles.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-19 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Beverle,

"Ole Bob" stands corrected. That was my second mistake that day. The first
was getting out of bed!!!

"Ole Bob"

Beverle Sweitzer wrote:

> Sorry Bob - copper/tin is bronze - brass is copper/zinc.
>   I have been a metal finisher and plater for 22 years and this I DO know
> about.
> Beverle
> --
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> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>What is the right mA (current) in making CS?

2001-08-19 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hello Lim,

The drop in your metere reading is not unusual for LVDC CS. Add so form of
stirring, set the electrode spacing to about 2" to 2 1/2". I f you are using
constant voltage then  limit the final current to about 3 to 4 ma. Based on 14
ounces of DW with 5" of wet length using #14 silver wire. As for timing 1 to
1.5 hours should be enough.

How do you get such high current readings?

"Ole Bob"

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ionic/metallic

2001-08-19 Thread Robert L. Berger

You need to supply more data about the cat and how it was treated.

Ionic silver is a fantastict would dressing. In an earlier web page they
had pictures if the resukts if using silverlon. I have the pictures on
my hard drive. Unfortunately they are too large for the list, the best
one is of a finger that was chopped off behind the nail and three months
it had grown back. The photos are quite graphic. The ionic silver
converted the base cells in the end of the finger to stem cells and the
finger regrew complete with the finger nail. There is also a foot burn
and a forehead auto accident wound in the series.

Dr. Bill Biagioli NMD, healed a deep "staph A" wound in 5 weeks with
HVAC ARC CS, and it is almost entirely ionic.

I think every one should visit the www.silverlon.com/compare.html. It is
an eye opener.

"Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ionic/metallic

2001-08-20 Thread Robert L. Berger

The cut-off finger is not there andsome new ones added.

One need to go the the bottem item on the left hand "clinical ..."

"Ole Bob"

Ivan Anderson wrote:

> These pictures can be found at www.silverlon.com

"Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>AG+ and AG0

2001-08-21 Thread Robert L. Berger

It looks like we have revived "the dead horse" again. i.e.. Ag+1 vs Ag0.

I thought that the main burn dressing used by the MD's is Silverdine which is 
containing Ag+1.

The Silverlon bandage yields ionic silver, Ag+1.

No one that I know of makes Ag0 except Frank Keys. Where are the anecdotal 
for its efficacy?

No one has offered anything but conjecture that Ag+1 forms AgCl in the stomach 
blood. Just wishful thinking.
A number of us have reported pain reduction when swishing CS (Ag+1 or a 
combination of
both) for several minutes
in the mouth.

Compounds of silver can cause Argyia by the same mechanisms that photography 
Apparently compounds
of silver are antibacterial, but not nearly as much so as pure silver metal in 
colloidal state.

What is the proof of this statement?

Your photograph analogy is flawed as they use silver nitrate, what other 
compound has
this property. The work done by Stephen Quinto shows that in vitro the Ag+1 is

I would guess that your CS is particulate rather than ionic. Send me a sample 
for a
free PPM check.

Since no one will every know which is best for what application I would suggest 
the MESS be dropped.

"Ole Bob" :-(  :-(

Re: CS>generators

2001-08-22 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi  Tracy;

If you want to do four times the voume of water then have four times the amount
of wet silver and four times the current.

Making CS does scale up.

"Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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