Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread Silver Surfer
Yep I took two drops of liquid copper (RemeStat ) in 750ml of water three
times a day, I even upped it to 3 drops of the stuff in 750ml.
Cleared my gut problems in about a week & my blood tests show no sign of
Candida Albicans, thank the maker!

To be fair, CS did shift the Candida in my mouth, It was the Candida in my
gut that proved to be the bitch to get to.

I'm told the Zinc (RemeDay) & Copper solution will be available via free
phone & Internet mid-September in the US.
There will also be a web site, I will of course let you all know as soon as
it's up & running.

I'm taking the Zinc to halt the HIV virus.
The Colloidal Silver I'm taking has stopped all opportunistic infections.

Regards, Simon Caleb - The Silver Surfer

- Original Message -----

> Simon the Silver Surfer mentioned the copper colloid.  I believe he said
> took two drops.
> Taylor
> << << But recently it was reported, here I believe, that a
>   form of colloidal copper was EXTREMELY effective at
>   completely wiping out candida albicans, so it was for
>   this one, specific use that I was inquiring.>>
> << I thought it was zinc the guy mentioned fo candida.
>  edith>>
>   >>

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Re: CS>Metals

1999-07-03 Thread Silver Surfer
Hi All,
Ok I spoke to the creator of RemeDay (Retro Z)  RemeNite( Retro M) and
RemeStat ( copper)
They will be on sale in the UK soon.

These products will be offered in the US via internet and freefone by mid

& yes Ecol 2000 aka RemeStat will clear Candida Albicans brain fog.
It certainly cleared my sluggish mental state!

Regards, Simon Caleb - The Silver Surfer.

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Re: CS>Metals

1999-07-03 Thread Silver Surfer
Wow more questions for this guy!

I'll make a list & certainly ask him on Monday.

Regards, Simon Caleb - The Silver Surfer

- Original Message - 
From: Charles Marcus 
> Candida is one of my major probelms (it appears to be
> in my brain, causing a lot of brain fog). Does this
> stuff get rid of the candida even in the brain? And if
> Thanks!
> --
> Charles Marcus

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Re: CS>question for Simon

1999-07-03 Thread Silver Surfer
Hi Nancy,
I will speak to the creator on Monday & will ask him your question.

Will post a response ASAP.

Regards, Simon Caleb.

- Original Message -
From: Nancy Goldblatt 

> Where  can RemaDay  and Ecol 2000 be purchased?  Is it available in the
> Nancy  Goldblatt

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Re: CS>Metals

1999-07-03 Thread Silver Surfer
Hi Reid,
Excellent thoughts!
Someone has already made a Zinc product, It's smaller than colloidal, so It
will cross the blood brain barrier, it also appears to clear out HIV from
the lymph glands too!
It's called 'RemaDAY' in the US, as I mentioned in my last post I've been
taking it now for a few months via a trail here in the UK.

The same guy has created a Copper product 'Ecol 2000', similar to the Zinc
product in that it's smaller than colloidal.
Two drops of this blue liquid in 750ml of water a day cleared my Candida
Albicans in one week, my digestion improved 100% too. Warning - you must not
take Copper & Zinc liquid products at the same time as they bind together!

The scientist guy has tried to make a silver product with the same delivery
system (due to my own good results with CS!), but as yet he can't seem to
keep the silver in suspension, If anyone could suggest anything, I'll gladly
pass it on to him.

Larry a helpful person on this list sent me some interesting info recently,

found at


"Among a number of metal ions tested, Zn2+(zinc), Cu2+(copper), and
Ag1+(silver) were found to be the most effective inhibitors of renin
and the HIV protease (data not shown). Kinetic analysis revealed that
inhibition of renin by Ag1+(silver) is basically identical with that
seen with Zn2+(zinc), i. e., non-competitive, first order with respect
to the metal." Biochemistry, September 10, 1991.

>From this study, it seems that zinc and silver will work together to
destroy the HIV virus, both type 1 and type 2. Both kill HIV virus,
but don't compete against each other.

Sincerely, Simon Caleb - Silver Surfer

- Original Message -
From: Reid Smith 
>Here's a thought for all of you. Some where I read that there are
> three metals that the body uses quite alot. They are copper, silver,
> and Zink. Zink is allready proven to stop colds so makeing colloidal
> zink might be worth looking into. Maybe a mix of the three will really
> do a good job.
> Take Care
> Reid

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Re: CS>Re: Re: CSSuccessful uses

1999-06-29 Thread Silver Surfer

- Original Message -

> Hi,
> Yes, I actually use CS as a deodorant.  Simply pour some in your hands and
rub it under your arms - viola!  It kills the bacteria which cause the
unpleasant odors when you sweat.  I've been using it exclusively for several
weeks, even while doing yardwork in 90+ degree heat - no problems.  Only
limitation that I have found is it only works for about one day, and then
look out nose!  Also, it is not an effective antiperspirant.

I have found using 10ppm of CS @ 4 fluid ounces a day, I didn't need any
deodrant :o)
Even when gardening in the sun all day!

Regards, Silver Surfer

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Re: CS>Devil in doctor's uniform!

1999-06-29 Thread Silver Surfer

- Original Message -
From: Ivan Anderson 

> > I always got a laugh when mentioning Colloidal Silver, well that was
> until
> > my blood tests showed a huge viral load drop & CD4 count on the up.
> Great news Simon!!!
> All the best - Ivan

Hi Ivan,
Nothing has given me greater pleasure than to wipe the smirk off my HIV
doctors' faces!

I only wish I could spread the word to all those really sick looking people
that get wheel-chaired past me in the HIV clinics :o(
Sadly most people I try to talk to have bought into the whole 'My doctor
cares for me' bunkum.

Regards, Silver Surfer.

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Re: CS>HIV & Devil in doctor's uniform!

1999-06-29 Thread Silver Surfer

- Original Message -
> I've read a lot about AZT (anti-viral) being very harmful to patients.
> In fact, it was considered and rejected as a cancer treatment prior to its
> use in HIV patients because of its toxicity.
> Simon, when you say "undetectable" do you mean you might draw a
> result on an HIV test in the future?   How encouraging and miraculous that
> would be!
> Samm

I've personally known several people who died during the early days of AZT.
These HAART or combination therapy's are still in their early days, no one &
that includes most of the doctors, has a clue to the effects of long term

There does seem to be a pattern forming of immune system dampening down,
even unreversable damage with the above, so for me personally, the only way
forward is CS & a new liquid Zinc product originally called Retro Z, the US
name is RemaDAY for the zinc product & RemaNITE for the Magnesium.

I've been taking 15 drops of the Zinc twice a day first thing in the morning
& late afternoon, both times with food as the Zinc is the same pH as the

In order to sleep & slow my metabolism down, you have to take the pink
liquid Magnesium @ 15 drops a half hour before sleeping, no food is

I've spoken to the creator of RemaDAY & he told me his product stops the HIV
receptacles from clasping onto cells, he seems to think the CS I make does a
good job of killing the HIV virus & restoring my battered immune system.

The only side effect I have noticed is an increase of energy!
The down side is having to drink 2 litres of water a day to flush out the

Regards Simon Caleb - The Silver Surfer

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Re: CS>Devil in doctor's uniform!

1999-06-29 Thread Silver Surfer
Hi James,Thanks you for the link, I'll look it up!

I've given friends CS I've made myself & can report that the following have
been reduced or cured,

CD4 count - stuck at 250 for four years, my HIV positive friend has taken My
CS for two months (he changed nothing else) his CD4 increased to 400, he has
been on combination therapy for four years.

Genital Herpes - stopped overnight,
Impetigo - cleared completely in five days,
PMT - reduced by as much as 80%,
Cuts from gardening - healed on average 50% faster without scarring.
Mouth ulcers - cleared within two days,
Stomach ulcer - cleared within four weeks,
Ear infection - cleared in four days,
Warts on a dog - cleared after one week,
Warts on the fingers (human) - cleared after two weeks.
Hayfever - reduced by 90%,
Eye infection - cleared within two days.

With all of the above I simply called the CS "my miracle water", nearly all
had no faith in the water they were taking & still we had these amazing

Regards, Simon Caleb - The Silver Surfer.

- Original Message -
From: James Osbourne, Holmes 
> Simon,
> You may want to read Dr. Dusenberg's paper.   Makes the claim that AIDS is
> not caused by HIV.  Nonetheless, many people with the condition report
> improvement with CS.  Another "how-does-it-do-it?" issue.
> Another doctor, Dr.  Wilner, barnstormed the world shooting himself up
> freshly drawn gore from a positive.  On stage, no less.
> He died a couple of years ago from a very suspicious "heart attack".
> If you want to get Dusenberg's paper, to  Look for back
> issues of their print version, mail them and ask which issue it is in.  I
> think it is # 120.  Great web site, great journal.
> Congratulations on getting better!
> HI-O- Silver,  awy...
> James Osbourne, Holmes

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Re: CS>Devil in doctor's uniform!

1999-06-28 Thread Silver Surfer
Hi all,
Here in the UK, I have had several doctors say to my face, If I won't take
anti-viral therapy then they will not have my death on their hands & I
should go else where for my "alternative" treatment!

I always got a laugh when mentioning Colloidal Silver, well that was until
my blood tests showed a huge viral load drop & CD4 count on the up.
Yet both hospitals I visit every three months, still won't test the stuff I
make & they have no interest in discussing CS outside of the doctors office.

While mentioning this to some health advisors, one (of whom was about to
leave his job) blabbed about the bonus the doctors get for starting someone
on anti-viral therapy, with this info I figured my only hope is myself & my
own research.

Thanks to this list & all the helpful info, I have improved my health by at
least 90%, & I hope to be undetectable by next summer.

Just one last note, I've been taking 4 fluid ounces a day (10-15ppm) for
several months now & surprise I'm still not blue or grey :o)

Good health to you all, Simon Caleb - Silver Surfer

- Original Message -
From: James Osbourne, Holmes 

> The pharma-crooks spend about 4K/year/Doc on "promotional materials".
> James Osbourne, Holmes

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Re: CS>c/s verses tonsillitis,,,

1999-06-22 Thread Silver Surfer
I'm battling HIV infection & have had my fair share of throat infections, inc 
Tonsillitis with nasty pockets of puss (sorry!)
Anyhow, I find gargling for as long as possible with three teaspoons of CS 
(10ppm) three times a day & I do mean gargling for as long as possible, does 
the trick, well since taking four fluid ounces a day, I haven't had any health 
problems :o)

Simon Caleb - The Silver Surfer

  aka Jhon wrote: 

Hi gang,,got an 18 daughter with enlarged,inflamed tonsils w/ pus 
pockets.She has been taking around one ounce of silver a day for 
months,,howevershe has a continuing problem.I believe that that is not 
enough,,but she wants tohear it from the 'list' before she increases her 
dosage.What to do...Thanks in advance...(cs'ers are the best list going)