2005-01-13 Thread Stephen Summers -SilverGenesis
Dear Members
A healthy and prosperous 2005 to one and all.
We produce very good quality CS and a friend of ours in an avid user.
She has expressed concern about taking it while she is pregnant.
Although I'm convinced it is perfectly safe - and will even aid the
developing foetus in growth and health - as well as easing the mother's
delivery and recovery - I'm not sure how to reassure her.
My main concern is that she may be taking certain prescription drugs,
whose side-effects may cause complications. If that happens, heaven
forbid, and her doctor finds out she's been taking CS, he may be quick
to blame any problems on CS.
Has anyone ever heard of any adverse reaction for pregnant women?
Thanks in advance.

Re: CS>[IP] SARS resources and comments - Paramyxovirosis?

2003-03-26 Thread Stephen Summers
Hello Listers

SARS sounds like another lie and scam created by the pharmaceutical drug
cartel, just like the ridiculous scare and media hype about foot & mouth
disease and anthrax.

Pneumonia is not caused by a virus - but by a bacteria, I believe.  That's
why penecillin was such a hit when it first came out. Robert Becker writes
about it.

Paramyxovirosis has nothing to do with humans. It is one of about thirty
strains of Newcastle disease that effects birds and poultry.

It is a virus that affects the nervous system of pigeons, in particular, and
is highly contagious. Antibiotics are uselss against a virus.

We breed racing pigeons and encountered the paramyxovirus in our loft about
two years ago. Interestingly enough, the birds infected were babies whose
parents had recently been imported and had been vaccinated against
paramyxovirus as part of the import protocol. We immediately began treating
them with our electro colloidal silver at 10 ppm -  20 ml through the mouth
into the crop with a syringe every four hours. They recovered rapidly over
about three days and today are the picture of health.

On another occasion, we also eliminated pox (a lethal bacteria) which
infected virtually the entire loft. This was done by spraying in the birds
eyes and mouths over about  four days.

Whatever SARS is, correctly produced ECS will stop it fast.

Regards, Steve.

- Original Message -
From: "Brooks Bradley" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[IP] SARS resources and comments

> Dear James,
> I believe that" para-mix-o-vira-day" will get you
> Best redgards,   Brooks.
> James-Osborn: Holmes-Junior wrote:
> > Hi C,
> >
> > Do you have any commentary on the potential for nebulized CS, or CS/MSM
> > CS/DMSO to neutralized this viron?
> >
> > Do you know the phonetic pronunciation?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > JOH
> > -Original Message-
> > From: C Creel [mailto:ccr...@eagle1st.com]
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 1:37 PM
> > To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Subject: Re: CS>[IP] SARS resources and comments
> >
> > Archive Number 20030318.0679
> > Published Date 18-MAR-2003
> > Subject PRO/EDR> Severe acute respiratory syndrome - worldwide (08)
> >
> > Killer virus identified
> >
> > **
> > A ProMED-mail post
> > 
> > ProMED-mail is a program of the
> > International Society for Infectious Diseases 
> >
> > Date: 18 Mar 2003
> > From: "Henry L Niman, PhD" 
> > Source: Hong Kong Standard 19 Mar 2003 02:16 AM [edited]
> > 
> >
> > Killer virus identified
> > ---
> > A team from the Prince of Wales Hospital and Chinese University of Hong
> > have identified the virus that has caused the recent outbreak of severe
> > acute respiratory syndrome worldwide, confirming that the current
> > treatment applied to patients has been the right choice. Identifying the
> > virus as a member of the Paramyxoviridae family, Professor John Tam of
> > department of microbiology of the Chinese University said it was
detected by
> > electron microscopy. The finding, announced late last night, was further
> > confirmed by a molecular technique that revealed the nucleic acid
> > of the virus.
> >
> > Asked if the virus was curable, Tam reiterated that the finding last
> > had indicated that the current treatment applied to patients suffering
> > the syndrome, more commonly known as atypical pneumonia, had been the
> > choice. But he added that they still needed to monitor individual
> > reactions before they could conclude that the virus was curable.
> >
> > Lo Wing-lok, Medical Association president and legislator, said the
> > Paramyxoviridae family incorporated different viruses that could affect
> > humans and, as such, further studies were needed to establish whether it
> > a new virus. Earlier it was revealed that at least 6 patients were
> > responsible for spreading the pneumonia in Hong Kong. Health chief Yeoh
> > Eng-kiong also said that a mainland professor who died in [Hong Kong]
SAR on
> > 4 Mar 2003 was a victim of the atypical pneumonia.
> >
> > The new information from officials indicated the disease had been more
> > widespread in the SAR than originally believed. Yeoh said the pneumonia
> > suspected cases had now been isolated into 6 "clusters". Yeoh again
> > the government was not hiding anything. He insisted there was no sign of
> > outbreak at the community level.
> >
> > [byline: Matthew Lee and Georgina Lee]
> >
> > --
> > Henry L Niman, PhD
> > Department of Bioengineering
> > Shriners' Burn Center
> > 51 Blossom Street, Room 422
> > Boston, MA 02114 USA
> > 

CS>Re: CS & kidney stones

2002-11-25 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear members

A friend of ours was wondering whether CS would have any effect on kidney 
stones. Have not seen any case histories or testimonials on this.

If so, what is the best method for getting to the site and do you know of any 
other complimentary natural protocols that could be used for this condition?

Many thanks


CS>Re: CS, Mycoplasma, Arthritis, CFS & Fybromyalgia

2002-11-11 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear Members

Here is an extract from a report by the Health Sciences Institute in South 


Mycoplasmas are tiny micro-organisms, even smaller than bacteria. They are 
commonly found in the saliva and mucous membranes of the mouth or nose, and 
they; werre once dismissed as relatively harmless organisms. However, we now 
know that mycoplasmas can penetrate into your blood cells, where they are far 
from harmless. Your painful joints could be caused by a systemic infection of 
this tiny micro-organism. Researchers have made the surprising discovery that 
mycoplasmal infections occur in approximately half of the patients with certain 
chronic diseases - including arthritis.


Although its relatively simple to test for mycoplasmas on mucosal surfaces like 
the mouth, once they get inside cells connventional antibody tests are usually 
useless, and they are extremely dificlut to culture.

Fortunately, a newly developed and specialised test, called a forensic PCR-DNA, 
is able to detect fragments of mycoplasmas insdie the white blood cells. the 
white blood cells scavenge those pieces as they clean up debris in the tissues 
and blood. If the DNA of a mycoplasma is found in your white blood cells, an 
active infection exists.


So what can you do if you test positive for mycoplasmal infection? Darryl See 
has been treating patients with such infections for several years at the Centre 
for Special Immunology and also at the Chronic Fatigue Sundrome and 
Fybromyalgia Clinic at UC Irvine in the US, which he co-directs.

In his own practice, Dr See has observed that patients' PCR-DNA tests can turn 
from positive to negative with the use of colloidal silver.

You can also use selenium and oxygen supplements to cobat a mycoplasmal 
infection, both of which are widely available. A recommended dose of 200 to 400 
micrograms of selenium as a dietary supplements has been shown to arrest the 
growth of the invaders. Also, because mycoplasmas prefer an environment low in 
oxygen, providing extra oxygen through magnesium-peroxide supplements will 
inhbit their growth.

The research on the mycoplasmal/arthritis connection has just begun - but it's 
already clear that these mysterious creatures play an important role in 
arthritis. If mycoplasmas are attacking your joints, eliminating them from your 
system may help yoiu beat arthritis for good.

Emerging and Infectious Diseases. vol. 3 no. 1 pp.21-32, 1997
JAMA, vol 273, pp 618-619. 1995
G. and N. Nicholson, Written testimony at the Committee on Government Reform 
and Oversight, Subcommittee on Human Resource and Intergovernmental Relations, 
United States House of Representatives, June 26, 1997.

Re: CS>Re: CS reaction with stainless steel valve in heart

2002-11-06 Thread Stephen Summers
Thank you Marshall, Brooks & James for your replies.

I could also not think of any problems the CS would cause with a stainless 
steel heart valve, but we are reluctant to advise them to give the old lady CS, 
since this could be blamed in the event of her having a downturn or side effect 
caused by any other medication she may be taking.

We are not prepared - at this stage - to have any altercations with the 
alleopathic medical establishment. Most of them do not even know what a colloid 
is, never mind CS.

Keep the faith everyone. One day the tide will turn.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall Dudley 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 3:35 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Re: CS reaction with stainless steel valve in heart

  I believe there is some possibility that silver could plate out on the 
stainless steel valve.  This should make the valve incapable to support the 
growth of any pathogens, not a bad thing. I cannot think of any problems it 
would cause, but of course cannot support that view. 

  Stephen Summers wrote: 

Dear members We have had an enquiry about someone's mother who is 84 yrs 
old and has a stainless steel valve in her heart. Does anyone know whether CS 
would react with this device - bearing in mind that silver ions are transported 
by metalloproteins to the sites where they are needed. Please also note that we 
produce a very high quality CS i.e. crystal clear with no silver oxide or 
silver chloride. Thanks in advance. Steve  

Re: CS>Re: CS reaction with stainless steel valve in heart

2002-11-05 Thread Stephen Summers
This is a repeat sending of my original posting. Did not receive any replies. 
If anyone of you wise folks can shed some light, we would be most appreciative.

Many thanks, Steve
  - Original Message - 
  From: Stephen Summers 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 4:30 PM
  Subject: CS>Re: CS reaction with stainless steel valve in heart

  Dear members

  We have had an enquiry about someone's mother who is 84 yrs old and has a 
stainless steel valve in her heart. 

  Does anyone know whether CS would react with this device - bearing in mind 
that silver ions are transported by metalloproteins to the sites where they are 

  Please also note that we produce a very high quality CS i.e. crystal clear 
with no silver oxide or silver chloride.

  Thanks in advance.


Re: CS>Where We're From

2002-11-05 Thread Stephen Summers
I am from South Africa.

Sorry I didn't respond to your first request, but we moved premises at the
end of October and I didn't check the list for about two weeks.

Am working through it now and found your original post.


- Original Message -
From: "Bill Missett" 
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 7:43 PM
Subject: CS>Where We're From

> Listers:
> Responses to the question were less than overwhelming -- only 70 of some
> list members responded, only a 16 percent response.
> Listers from 10 nations -- Australia, Austria, Canada, England, Japan,
> Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Scotland, and the U.S. responded.  Fifty
> were from various U.S. states.
> Mike, did you receive any off-list to add to this compilation?  If so, you
> can send them to me, and I'll add them to the list.
> The weak response tells me the chances of forming a viable organization to
> promote the efficacy of CS from this list alone is unlikely.  But at least
> we know where some of us are located, for whatever that's worth.
> Regards,   Bill Missett
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Has anyone had success with CS and LUPUS?

2002-11-05 Thread Stephen Summers
A friend of ours who is now a practicing homeopath, had systemic lupus. He
was in a wheelchair. He cured himself with CS taken intravenously.

As a homeopath, he stresses that to effect any cure, one first has to get
the pH level of the body correct i.e 7.5.

- Original Message -
From: "f.capezzuto" 
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Has anyone had success with CS and LUPUS?

> Very good point.  Dr. Brown in 1988 (and before) was putting a high
> percentage of cases of JRA in remission with ABX treatment.  His theory
> that most cases of JRA was caused by mycoplasma and other infections like
> Lyme and co-infections such as Babs and HGE.  He was even on Good Morning
> America.
> Just read this on the Arthritis Foundation's webpage.
> ent.asp
> No mention of a possible cause.  And if you see, the treatment is only
> supportive.  No mention of a cure.  Or even options.  It's pretty pathetic
> how these organizations don't tell all of the facts when they are out to
> make a buck.  They don't base there treatment on science at all.
> Considering the anti-inflammitory drugs cause more damage to you in the
> run.
> Just visit the Roadback foundations website (they are one of the few good
> organizations), they will show all of the people who were put into
> from RA with long term ABX treatment.  Dr Brown stated a 90 percent
> rate" for RA sufferers.
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 11:36 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Has anyone had success with CS and LUPUS?
> Lupus is an auto immune disease.I have a hard time believing all these
> millions of perfectly formed bodies are "attacking themselves for no
> This does not make any sense at all.  It is my understanding  the
> that is hidden in your own cells is the cause of the attack on yourself.
> If you kill the mycoplasma with the CS, you are in effect stopping the
> disease.  I'm convinced most auto immune disease are caused by the
> mycoplasma "hiding" in your own cells.  So you see, Your body is not
> attacking itself, it is attacking the mycoplasma.  I have had two people
> had Lupus drink my CS.  After several months, they have no longer had any
> "attacks".
> - Original Message -
> From: Marshall Dudley
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 9:13 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Has anyone had success with CS and LUPUS?
> "f.capezzuto" wrote:
> Depending on the cause of the Lupus.  Lupus itself is not a single
> It's not a disease that has one cause.  Some of the things that can cause
> Lupus are: - Iron Overload.- Infections like HIV and Lyme Disease.-
> Reactions to drugs.- Genetic metabolic disorder.- Reaction to a chemical,
> like DDT or a pesticide.- Vaccine reaction. Even a food allergy to bread
> cause Lupus like symptoms.  Diagnoses usually happens after they find a
> "butterfly rash" and elevated ANA, and SED rate. Now, with CS, to be
> It won't work for all cases for Lupus for a cure.  Like If you have a
> allergy, or a reaction to a drug.  You can take CS till the cows come
> and it won't do you much good as far as a cure.  It may help with
> opportunistic infections, since people that have Lupus, usually have
> immune systems. Now, most cases of Lupus are not caused by genetics.  Most
> cases of Lupus are caused by environmental factors.  And most of the
> environmental factors that I have found that can cause Lupus, are mostly
> to infections like Lyme, HIV, Hep C, microplasma and stealth viruses. If
> that case of Lupus, is cause by a pathogen, then CS should be able to kill
> off the invador is administered properly.  I have heard of HIV cases being
> put into remission from IV CS. So yes, depending on the cause, a
> of Lupus victoms can be cured.
> It is my understanding that lupus is an autoimmune response to assaults as
> you list above.  Thus one can stop the assault, and the lupus may stop
> advancing, but as long as the immune system is attacking ones own tissue,
> the CS will be of limited value.  I wonder if CMO would help reset the
> immune system for lupus. That is why I had said earlier that CS might be a
> great preventative, but not necessarily an effective cure.
> Marshall
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: CS as skin conditioner

2002-11-04 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear members

Does anyone know of any documented scientific research on CS as a skin 
conditioner and natural astringent?

Since CS works so well in healing burns with no scarring, one would imagine 
that it would be a marvellous for the skin and complexion as an anti-bacterial 
agent and conditioner.

All replies are appreciated.


Re: CS>CS And Emphysema

2002-11-04 Thread Stephen Summers
A friend of ours suffered from chronic emphysema for 8 years. Here is letter
she sent us:

"As Karen has told you, I am feeling absolutely wonderful. I have so much
energy and I just want to be on the go all the time. Before I started on the
CS. life was such a drag, everything was such an effort - all I ever wanted
to do was sit and watch the television in the evening - I just don't know
how my husband put up with me - I must have been impossible to live with.
Since starting the CS my whole outlook on life has changed. I want to be
everywhere and do everything that's going on. It most definitely has nothing
to do with my little stay in Milpark hospital because I was discharged on
exactly the same medication that I was using when I was admitted despite the
fact that the doctor laughed at my "1970 medication". After all the tests
and scans and the bad reaction to their fancy medication, they said my body
had become conditioned and was well controlled with the medication that I
was taking, so best just to stay with it.
I have been taking early morning walks, (not miles and miles - Just a block
or two), but I would never have had the inclination to do that before. I
still get breathless, but I just stop for a minute or two, gather myself and
then carry on. You must appreciate that for the last 8 years I have done
absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing!! So I am extremely unfit besides
having lousy lungs.
I am taking 50ml of CS in the mornings and 50ml in the evenings and I am
inhaling it through my nebuliser twice a day. Just lately, over the past 10
days I have come into contact with at least five people with REALLY bad flu.
Now before, literally if someone walked passed my door with a cold, I would
catch it and I am not kidding. To date, nothing, it is quite amazing.
I do not expect the CS to repair the damaged tissue in my lungs - that is
too much to hope for, but the mere fact that it gives me such energy and
general well being, I think it is the most wonderful product".

- Original Message -
From: "Heidrun Beer" 
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 11:25 AM
Subject: CS>CS And Emphysema

> I once read on a Dr. Clark list that a case of lung emphysema
> has been healed (the holes in the lung refilled with healthy
> tissue), but I don't recall what was the protocol used.
> In the doctor's book, emphysema is irreversible...?!?
> Does anybody here have any experience with lung emphysema and CS?
> Heidrun Beer
> Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training
> http://www.sgmt.at
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: CS reaction with stainless steel valve in heart

2002-11-04 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear members

We have had an enquiry about someone's mother who is 84 yrs old and has a 
stainless steel valve in her heart. 

Does anyone know whether CS would react with this device - bearing in mind that 
silver ions are transported by metalloproteins to the sites where they are 

Please also note that we produce a very high quality CS i.e. crystal clear with 
no silver oxide or silver chloride.

Thanks in advance.


CS>Re: CS and plastic contraceptive loop

2002-09-12 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear members (Brooks, Marshall, James et al?)

A friend of mine who is a medical pathologist, has a sickly daughter who uses a 
plastic contraceptive loop (not the old "Copper-T" contraceptive loop).

She maintains that this plastic contraceptive loop works by creating a low 
grade infection - so if a fertilized egg comes into contact with the loop, it 
is infected and rendered useless. She says that no medical doctor will tell you 
this, but this is apparently how this loop works. 

The question is this: Will CS clean out the infection (I am certain it would) 
and thus render the loop useless in its contraceptive function? . She says 
she'd rather have her daughter sick than pregnant! (at this stage).

Can anyone shed more light on this?


CS>CS Re: good question - Contraceptive Loop

2002-09-05 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear members

A friend of mine who is CS devotee asked me a very good question. She has a 
grown-up daughter who is a bit of a hypocondriac, so she is really trying hard 
to get her onto CS. However, the daughter has a conctraceptive loop fitted.

As a medical pathologist, my friend is pretty knowledgable about diseases and 
various medical treatments. She maintains that the contraceptive loop works by 
creating a low grade infection - so if a fertilized egg comes into contact with 
the loop, it is infected and rendered useless. She says that no medical doctor 
will tell you this, but this is apparently how a loop works.

The question is this: Will CS clean out the infection (I am certain it would) 
and thus render the loop useless in its contraceptive function? .

She says she'd rather have her daughter sick than pregnant! (at this stage).

BTW, I've heard that they used to make these loops out of copper - which would 
also be anti-bacterial. (This tends to confuse the issue even more)

Can any of you informed members shed some light on this dilemma? 

Any and all replies will be appreciated.


CS> Motor-neuron - Lou Gehrig's Disease

2002-08-29 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear Members

I have a friend who has been diagnosed with a motor-neuron disease commonly 
known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.

In medical terms it is known as Amotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

Would anyone know whether CS would be good for this condition? Since it helps 
for things like Fybromialgia and MS, one would think it would be.

Alternatively, does anyone know of good natural or herbal remedies to treat Lou 
Gehrig's Disease.

Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.



2002-02-01 Thread Stephen Summers

- Original Message -
From: "Brooks Bradley" 
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: CS>DMSO

> Dear Nina,
> A cautionary note.  While DMSO may be safely used
> full strength for topical applications on animalsas well as human
> beingsI would be reluctant to do so without strong cause.  The reason
> that DMSO...at full strengthproduces in many cases, a mild, but quite
> uncomfortable,  blistering effect.  And in some cases a very  rapid onset
> blisteringeven on skin surfaces void of hair covering.  This
> effect is not easily alleviatedeven by topical dilutionas the
> penetration effect of the DMSO through the moisture-ladened tissues
> ahead of the remedial protocol.  If in doubt add some 2% Lidocaine to the
> mixture.before application.  One should be advised that full-strength
> is a high-speed heat-liberator in the presence of a wide variety of
> (even low levels of sweat and skin moisture).most especially water.
> doubting this should just pour some concentrated DMSO into a small glass
> water and hold the glass in their bare hand.
>While short-hair animals such as horses are
> to less discomfort from copious applications of high-strength DMSO, I feel
it is
> somewhat presumptuous to assume dumb animals possess less sensitivity than
> humans.especially to the extent of making arbitrary decisions for them
> relating to pain and discomfort levels, without full knowledge of the
> thresholds involved.  Additionally, if one is to use high-percentage DMSO
> and higher) I believe they would be well-served to shave off as much of
the hair
> covering as is nominally feasiblebefore applying the DMSO.
> These are just my personal observations...but
founded on
> 35 years of personal use/experienceof DMSO.
> Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> Nina Silver wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: DJG 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 12:03 AM
> > Subject: CS>DMSO
> >
> > >...it seems if you use 99.99% pure DMSO, it must be diluted with DW.
> > in mind that DMSO will carry through the skin whatever is mixed >with
it, to
> > an extent.
> >
> > I am wondering how to use DMSO on a dog with tendonitis at the knee
> > She is limping on three legs most of the time. Any suggestions? Do I
have to
> > shave her fur in order to get the DMSO into her system? How much should
> > use?
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Nina
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> > silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Good non-toxic substance to clean electrodes?

2001-11-19 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear Members

We produce very good CS using LVDC. When the process is complete, there is no 
silver oxide residue in the water at all.

All that remains is a very thin film of black oxide on the electrodes (silver 
ions having bonded with any free oxygen in the water) which one simply wipes 
clean with a tissue or paper towel once the electrodes have been removed.

After some time, however, the electrodes go a little dull in colour. Does 
anyone know of a good non-toxic cleaning liquid or substance that one can apply 
to restore the shiny clean surface of the silver? I know one can use a little 
steel wool or scouring pad, but I'm trying to avoid that since it is rather 
harsh on the surface of the electrodes.

Any feedback will be appreciated.



CS>Good quality CS in the UK?

2001-08-23 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear Members

I am looking for a supplier of proven good quality CS in the UK to recommend to 
friends and family who live there.

Any feedback regarding producer name/s and telephone number/s from members who 
reside in the UK will be greatly appreciated.



CS filtered through carbon, cotton or resin bed?

2001-07-31 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear Marshall, Ivan & other members

Would there be any reaction in a CS solution that is filtered through a carbon 
filter, cotton filter or resin bed?

The idea would be to clean out any oxides or other impurities which may have 

To put the question differently: What would be the best filter to use for this 

All feedback will be much appreciated.

Many thanks 


CS>Question for Brooks Bradley - CS interaction with Warfarin?

2001-07-19 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear Brooks and List Members

A naturopath who we supply with CS has asked us a question.

One of her elderly patients has been advised not to take CS with "Warfarin" - 
an anti-coagulant or blood thinner. 

Our understanding is that CS has no interaction with any prescription 
medication, but we thought we'd consult the list members before advising her 
further. Can Brooks Bradley or other members please clarify this for us?

BTW, we have discovered that Warfarin is an active ingredient in rat poison!

Any feedback on the above question will be most appreciated.



Re: CS>Newbie: My Brief Intro

2001-07-17 Thread Stephen Summers
Hello Anne

Check out the following site for completely objective and v.g. info on CS


Best wishes,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Anne Louise 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 8:06 PM
  Subject: CS>Newbie: My Brief Intro

  Hello List,

  I'm new here and just wanted to post a short introduction.  My name is Anne 
and I learned about this group from an e-friend on another e-group.  

  I'm afraid I'll have nothing to contribute--at least at first--as I'm a total 
neophyte when it comes to CS.  I have heard about it periodically doing my 
reading on natural care for cats.  Thanks to homeopathy and a homemade diet, I 
was able to eliminate ALL symptoms of a terrible case of irritable bowel 
disease in my cat.  Needless to say, the experience of being able to turn 
around the health of a beloved animal 180 degrees using none of the usual 
medications (steroids, antibiotics, etc.) has really opened my eyes to 

  I'm afraid that my 'expertise' is really in feline diets and not CS, but I 
very much look forward to slogging through some of the MANY great past posts 
and learning.  If anyone can point me to a nifty site to do some very basic 
reading on CS (sort of a "CS for Dummies") I'd be most grateful.  


  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year!

Re: CS>Herxheimer's response

2001-07-10 Thread Stephen Summers
Hello GT

Herewith, a good piece on the Herx effect sourced from the Metabolic Solutions 

Regards, Steve

The Herxheimer Effect

Named after German physician Karl Herxheimer, M.D.,
Herxheimer's Effect, also called the Janish-Herxheimer
effect (or Herx, for short) basically can be a side
effect of any antibiotic treatment, be it Grapefruit
Seed Extract (GSE), pharmaceutical, herbal, or
colloidal silver. When it kills pathogens faster than
your eliminative organs are able to remove them from
the system, it manifests itself generally with
flu-like symptoms. These can include headaches,
soreness/swelling in joints, swollen glands, bloating,
constipation, skin rashes, diarrhea and numerous other

Many people are in good enough physical/systemic
condition to not have any noticeable indication of
Herx. Those who are generally well (but not totally
healthy, and many do not realize this), are surprised
by and anxious to get rid of the discomfort. Relief
will generally come within a day or two of stopping
the medication/therapy and drinking large amounts of
distilled water to help the system flush the toxins
out. Hopefully they will resume the treatment at a
lesser dosage, then slowly increase the dosage. 

However, many who have experienced long term chronic
illnesses look forward to these side effects, as an
indicator that what they are doing/taking is working,
and try to maintain a tolerable level of discomfort
until they effect submission/remission of their

Long-term Candida sufferers are likely to experience
this effect of the 'die-off' of large numbers of
pathogenic organisms. This is because Candida is so
often overlooked and therefore has ample time to wreak
havoc on the immune system and digestive tract,
reducing the ability of one's body to adequately
handle the 'die-off'. Many Candida victims have
reported no undue symptoms, but it is well to be
prepared mentally for the possibility. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: G. T. 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 6:54 AM
  Subject: CS>Herxheimer's response

  Could someone please explain the Herxheimer's response?  Is it just itching, 
or is it a rash?Thanks.  GT

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  -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. 
To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your 
message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Silver-list archive: 
http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS: Reaction with Poly Ethyline

2001-07-04 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear Members

Does anyone know whether CS would react with poly ethyline or perspex if it is 
made in such a container?

Thanks for any feedback.


Re: CS>Best ways to Administer CS

2001-06-07 Thread Stephen Summers
We have two cases of people who had chronic emphysema who have virtually
cured themselves (80% improvement) with CS using an oxygen nebulizer.

The nebulizer comes with a mask you inhale through and a little cup at the
bottom in which to put the CS. It has a wall plug which electrically
atomises the CS into a fine mist.

I personally think this is an excellent way to administer CS as it enters
the lungs immediately and is distributed from there through the bloodstream.



- Original Message -
From: James Osbourne, Holmes 
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 1:22 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Best ways to Administer CS

> What type of asthma nebulizer is dangerous to use with CS, and why is it
> dangerous?  Thanks in advance to any who offer info.
> James-Osbourne: Holmes
> -Original Message-
> From: Nick Grant [mailto:nwgr...@inet.net.nz]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 3:08 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Best ways to Administer CS
> Hi there
> I was all set to us a asthma nebuliser, when someone posted a message
> they are dangerous to use CS in... so I didn't... what do you recommend to
> use CS in that causes a fine mist?
> Thanks
> ]
> Tracy
> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, 5 June 2001 23:23
> Subject: CS>Best ways to Administer CS
> > In a message dated 6/4/01 11:14:34 PM EST, nwgr...@inet.net.nz writes:
> >
> > << What do you think I could have suggested that would have worked in a
> case
> >  like this?  I thought that amount of CS would have worked well.
> Obviously
> >  not.
> >
> >  In case it happens again, and they are running out of options, could
> anyone
> >  tell me what might work next time?
> >
> >  Thanks
> >
> >  Tracy >>
> >
> > Tracy: We haven't had good luck drinking CS to get rid of systemic
> > infections, or specific infections for that matter. What seems to work
> us
> > to get CS into the bloodstream so it can work systemically is to inhale
> > fine CS mist through the nose repeatedly during the day. If the
> is
> > really bad repeat this procedure every 15 minutes, but beware of a Herx
> > reaction. As far as topical use is concerned, put gauze over the
> > area and keep is moist with CS. Roger
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> > silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS and Pacemaker (Brooks Bradley?)

2001-05-22 Thread Stephen Summers
Reply from SS: Of course it has. In fact, there are literally trillions of
silver ions in properly made CS, each one carrying a tiny positive charge
(we are talking nano amps here). Silver is an excellent conductor of
electricity and this is the basis of the electromagnetic process - as well
as the basis for CS's amazing efficacy. Read "The Body Electric" by Dr.
Robert O Becker.

Quote from Dr. Valerie Hunt, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Physiological
Sciences, UCLA. "We used to think, and some still do, that life came from a
chemical soup. Now we know that unless there is an electrical charge, there
is no life. Life then, is electrical. And when electrical systems go,
although the chemistry is still there, the life does not exist."

- Original Message -
From: d.linen 
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS and Pacemaker (Brooks Bradley?)

> > Stephen Summers wrote:
> > 3. Parkinson's Disease - A friend's father has this. Would the
> > electrically charged silver ions in CS have any effect on this
> > condition? And what other protocols could be followed?
> Are you sure that CS has electrically charged silver ions?
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS and Pacemaker (Brooks Bradley?)

2001-05-22 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear Brooks and List members

I have a number of important questions which I hope you can help me with.

1. I have read and heard that CS should not be taken by anyone with a pacemaker 
or defibrillator. The thinking being that CS would plate with stainless steel 
or other metal in the pacemaker. Can anyone shed any light on this?

2. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Would CS be effective in treatment of ADD? 
In addition, what other protocols would be effective for treating children with 
this problem. It is of great concern to us, since children are being prescribed 
Ritalin - a highly addictive Schedule 7 drug which is effectively turning our 
children into drug addicts from a very early age!

3. Parkinson's Disease - A friend's father has this. Would the electrically 
charged silver ions in CS have any effect on this condition? And what other 
protocols could be followed?

4. Chrone's Disease - If I'm not mistaken, this is a form of colitus which can 
be successfully treated with CS. Does anyone have any experience with CS and 
Chrone's Disease?

Any and all feedback will be much appreciated!

Thanking you in advance.


Re: CS> Efficacy on plants

2001-04-25 Thread Stephen Summers
Hello Serita

We have had very good results spraying CS at 12 ppm for powdery mildew on
squash plants. The plants leaves were rapidly turning into a blue-green
powder before spraying and did not have much longer to live.They were
sprayed throughly (top and bottom of the leaves) one time only. The recovery
was immediate and very positive. The diseased leaves continued to die, but
did not turn to the powder. New leaves immediately grew clean and they very
soon bloomed and bore several good fruit. I was particulary surprised that
plants near the diseased plants did not catch the infection.

Have also heard from several sources that adding a capful (25ml) to the
water for cut flowers can make them last up to two weeks longer.

We are planning more tests on plants and will post results to the list.

Best wishes


Herewith, the posting from Brooks Bradley regarding the tests he conducted

Several years ago we performed some, limited,
plant-oriented evaluations utilizing colloidal silver.  Our initial
investigation involved experiments designed to determine if CS would yield
beneficial effects on "Fire-blight" associated with pear trees and
pyracantha shrubs.  The only effective protocol we had found, prior to our
CS evaluations, was the application of streptomycin (water soluble form) in
an aerosol spray.  A solution of 10 ppm strength CS mixed at the rate of 1
pint CS to 2.5 gallons of water and 1/4 teaspoon household detergent was
applied to affected trees (in various states of challenge, from 10% to 50%
foliage involvement).  Visually detectable improvement manifested within 48
hours.  Marked improvement and pathogenic stabilization evidenced within 72
hours.  New leaf growth---in former areas of heavy attack---started to
appear within 7 days of the initial treatment. This protocol was repeatable
(we performed it 4 times).
We chose fire-blight because of its pernicious
nature and rapid progress on victim trees.
Our greenhouse evaluations did not reveal ANY direct
growth stimulation on ANY forbs/flowers/grass-like plants.  Marked plant
general health  improvements did occur in some cases..but were usually
directly traceable to the germicidal effect of the CS.not to any direct
effect (detectable by us) upon plant metabolism or fertilizing phenomenon.
To attempt to market colloidal silver as a plant
fertilizer or direct growth stimulant (in its own right) would be, in my
estimation, a very risky  endeavor---unless you had (in hand) documented and
repeatable  evidence to verify such claims.
I wish you well in your endeavors to increase the
useful applications of colloidal silver.   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
Terry Wayne wrote:

> Listers,
> I have repeatedly read that CS is a plant-growth
> stimulator. Does anyone know where that idea came
> from? Any research findings? Would it be reasonable to
> assume that I could advertise and sell CS as a Plant
> Growth Stimulator and feel safe that I would not be
> harrassed by Them-That-Must-Be-Obeyed (sic)? It may
> come to that, eh?
> Terry Wayne

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Plumeria

> Hello Beverle,
> Yes, I'm going to try zapping a few plants with CS this summer, also.
> Someone on the list a few months ago talked about spraying some sort of
> fruit trees. I wonder if it could be mixed into a dormant oil spray for
> spraying trees. Does anyone know?
> Serita
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS and Osteoporosis

2001-04-10 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear Brooks, Marshall or anyone else who can assist

A medical doctor in Zimbabwe recently phoned us in amazement at results from CS 
sent there by us. He has been treating a patient for skin ulcers for 20 years 
and had tried everything possible (incl. natural remedies) His patient came to 
him with CS and told him she wanted to try it.

Since they'd tried everything else, he said to go ahead. Within two weeks the 
one ulcer had cleared up and the other was on the way out. He is amazed and has 
taken photographs before and after and says he'll be publishing the results in 
a respected medical journal.

He has now contacted us with some further questions. He's read some info we 
provided on Dr. Becker's experiments with bone growth and bone healing and 
wants to know of any CS research/results with osteoporosis. Has CS got any 
effect on bone density?

I wasn't sure whether to put him in direct contact with yourself, Brooks, since 
I appreciate you are extremely busy.

Any feedback on CS & Osteoporosis will be appreciated.

Many thanks


CS and pregnancy

2001-04-02 Thread Stephen Summers
Dear Listers

I have read somewhere that CS aids in the development of the foetus and assists 
the mother's delivery and recovery.

A friend of mine is pregnant and has also developed a candida infection. I have 
recommended CS to her but would like a little more feedback and/or confirmation 
regarding CS and pregnancy.

And  feedback or references would be appreciated.

Many thanks 
