Re: CS>re(2): CS>PHN

2005-03-07 Thread V.Jean.G.
Hi Nancymike:
While CS has greatly benefited, you, husband and many others, please
keep in mind some aren't helped. Everyone has a different body
chemistry, what works for some may not work for another. When Vitamin C
was heavily promoted as a cure for a cold and flu, it worked for some
but not all. No one seems to know if CS is effective against a viral
epidemic. During the 1914-1918 era, millions died from an epidemic
researchers still know little about.  Healthy young men went to work but
collapsed and dead by noon. 

 According to a Professor of Neurology at Columbia University, there's
thousands of viruses out there seperated into eight categories. If there
was only one virus, they couldn't be categorized. It's the viruses that
are maiming, disabling and killing us right and left but no research on
viruses except Aids and Hepatitis.  Millions donated to cancer research
through the years but on the increase as never before. Contact your
representatives and ask for research on viruses. The root cause of many


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2005-03-03 Thread V.Jean.G.
Hi Himagain:
Is there really no cure for cancer, or because the pharmaceutical
companies don't want a cure? The love of money is the root of all evil.


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CS>re(2): CS>PHN

2005-03-03 Thread V.Jean.G.
I need to clarify my comments on shingles. I agree, there's a cure for
everything that hasn't exceeded the point of no return. Ramsay-Hunt
Syndrome is no different; however, when RHS is merely ignored since 1907
and no research of any kind, how can there ever be a cure for a disease
that maimes, disables and kills equals to Aids? I've spoken to
university professors but all say this disease is too complex and
instead opt to study the "easy" things. As you know, pharmaceutical
companies would lose billions if a cure to the common cold (a virus)
were found. Many complications come from a cold.  Same scenario for
Parkinsons, Alzheimers, ALS, MS, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Epstein
Barr, etc, etc.  I know people who first contracted shingles as a
teenager and still fighting it at age 80.  They've tried everything
available to them  without success. I don't doubt the many who've said
CS has helped them; however, once CS is stopped, or any other Western or
alternative medicine, the symptoms always return and the virus remains.
There can be no cures to these diseases unless there's research on the
thousands of viruses out there. There are eight categories of viruses.
With all due respect, you have your opinion and I have mine.


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2005-03-02 Thread V.Jean.G.
There's no cure for shingles; however, Famvir, an expensive anti-viral
prescription drug, may help to control the disease but won't cure it.
Shingles is caused by Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome. It starts in the ear,
affects the eyesight, tear ducts, hearing, facial muscles, swallowing,
speech, hair loss, vertigo, high anxiety, and slowly progresses to vital
organs and lastly the brain. Massachusetts General Hospital has
estimated over a million suffer from shingles in the U.S.  Why no one
has studied this disease, discovered in 1907, is truly mind boggling.
Contact your state and federal representatives  and ask for research on
Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome.


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CS> Another Microbiologist Murdered

2005-01-14 Thread V.Jean.G.
I'm convinced there are medical professionals, pharmaceuticals, and
possibly the U.S. government that do not want cures. There are at least
16 microbiologists murdered in 2004 which doesn't seem like random but
planned acts. The late Dr.Hunt, an "icon", discovered the virus that
starts in the ear and treated patients for nearly 30 years before his
untimely death in 1937. Yet, today, very few heard of this brilliant
doctor or know about the disease he discovered. Everyone's sick
nowadays. More medical clinics and hospitals built to keep up with
demand. CDC is useless.  Can't even supply us with enough flu vaccine
making it necessary to get it from foreign countries. We could find
cures if it weren't for the "greedy" individuals who do a good job of
preventing it. The love of money is the root of all evil.


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CS>thank everyone - update on sick kid

2004-12-16 Thread V.Jean.G.
Lea Ann,
I agree with your doctor, ninety percent of  illness are caused by
viruses and ten percent bacteria. When these viral infections aren't
detected or treated, surgical intervention may be required. Viruses have
the capabililty to spread to vital organs, and lastly the brain. There
is medicine for bacterial infections but nothing to fight back viruses.
Anti-biotics help to a degree but not strong enough to kill viruses.
People are left to fend for themselves.

The world is a cesspool of contamination and we're doing little to
nothing to clean up the environment.  At this time, many animals are
getting sick too. The only thing we get from Government is talk and no
action. I seriously doubt there's only one or two cases of Mad-Cow
Disease in the U.S.  Mankind is doing it to themselves, all we need is
an epidemic and the rest is history.


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CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

2004-12-14 Thread V.Jean.G.
I bought my first CS from a well-known lab. I spoke to a chiropractor
and asked what dosage I should take to fight back a viral infection. I
don't know how knowledgable he was on CS but suggested I take 3
teaspoons, 3 times a day between meals. He warned not to take more than
this or may change the color of my skin. Just repeating what I'd been


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CS>silver-digest Digest V2004 #963

2004-12-08 Thread V.Jean.G.
I've posted here once before, and the medical training I've had, is
through the school of hard knocks.  The symptoms you describe appear to
be a viral infection.  I don't know, but assume colloidal silver would
be helpful since it fights infections. Viruses affect people in
different ways, one person may suffer from arthritis, while the other
has diabetes or vision and hearing loss, or a myriad of other symptoms.
Except for Aids and possibly hepatitis, few understand viruses. Since
viruses usually move into cells, and not circulating in the blood, they
rarely show up in a blood test. Many doctors tell patients, they're in
good health when nothing could be further from the truth.  It's the
viruses that are killing us, but haven't found anyone yet willing to
study them, including NINDS of the National Institutes of Health in
Bethesda. This is a goverment-research lab funded by the taxpayer FOR
the taxpayer. Ho,ho,ho! I've been searching nearly twelve years for
someone to study me but no one interested in finding cures. Congress
appropriates billions overnight to fight a war, but when the people need
it; suddenly, there's little money left to help the disabled and sick,
even though the taxpayer pays most of Uncle Sam's bills and brag
democracy to the world. Third-world countries do a better job at
research than here, the richest nation in the world. No research, no
cures. Simple as that. The power lies with the people, will Americans
ever wake up before it's too late

V.Jean G

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2004-11-01 Thread V.Jean.G.
I've increased Colloidal silver to 3 teaspoons 3x's a day for the
sleeplessness, imbalance, tinnitus, memory and vision loss. Slight
improvement but may need more CS. Can someone tell me where to find
instructions on how to make my own CS and where to buy the equipment to
make it? Been buying 5ppm CS in 4 oz. bottles.
Thank you to all who respond.


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CS>colloidal silver

2004-10-21 Thread V.Jean.G.
Since I had no directon other than on the bottle label, I took one
teaspoon colloidal silver daily and got worse. I have a serious
neurological disease caused by a virus. Been seeing doctors for forty
years but still haven't found help. In the past three weeks, symptoms
increased involving the eyes, sleeplessness, imbalance, tinnitus, and
numbness. I would appreciate information on colloidal silver for a viral
Thank you!


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