Re: CSback after seven years

2010-07-20 Thread arthur rambo
I am not a proponent of drugs either. However, I will make exceptions for a 
that has zero side effects, and gets excellent results. This is the case with 

 People with immune related disorders are getting relief with this, when other 
efforts aren't paying off. I agree that raw food diet may be what they need, 
they may be desperate for relief, and RFD  isn't practical for some reason. 
LDN is credited with having a child with hepatitis b- sero-convert to negative. 

From: carolG
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 10:00:55 PM
Subject: Re: CSback after seven years

I shared link of video for MS healing earlier today.  It was dietary and no 
talked of.  Here it is again:

Also I have seen and heard of others who got healed of MS, and other 
diseases.  May search their testimonies.


From: Tad Winiecki
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 8:43:11 PM
Subject: Re: CSback after seven years

Dave Darrin wrote:
Reid- there are many good reports on LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) for MS and also 
for other autoimmune diseases like Lupus, and also Parkinson's, and cancer.  
Google should give you some websites, Yahoo has some groups.

 On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 10:39 AM, A. Reid Harvey wrote:
    Hi all!
          After all of these years I'm back with a pressing question,
    concerning multiple sclerosis. An acquaintance I've mine is
    afflicted with this, and I'm recalling the sage words of many on
    the list, that *there are no incurable illnesses; only incurable
          From back when I was on the list I seem to recall that blood
    electrification could greatly assist victims of MS. Is this true,
    and if so, how? I also recall a regime that made use of three nine
    volt batteries, daisy chained, with terminals on either side of
    the artery at the wrist. I'd also like those on the list to know
    that I've assisted several friends with BE. In several cases these
    friends were able to remedy serious toothaches, using BE.
          Incidentally, about CS, I continue to take this regularly, and
    believe that my not having had a cold in eight years, can be
    attributed to this. And as a ceramist I've put into practice more
    of what I learned on the list. Following my on list communication
    of seven years ago I assisted in startup of production and use of
    silver treated pottery candle filters, in Nepal, Kenya and
    Indonesia.  These are low cost filter systems, and for example, in
    Kenya there's a slum in which our silver treated systems are in
    use in nearly 1,000 HIV-AIDS households.
          Now I want to remain on thie list for a while, mostly to further
    refine my understanding.  For now my question is: does BE assist
    with those who suffer from MS? or is there another remedy?
          Reid Harvey


Re: CSback after seven years

2010-07-19 Thread arthur rambo
I was also going to suggest LDN, it works as an immune modulator. No side 
effects. Best taken at 9pm, in  3.5 mgs  Yahoo also has a group for it.

From: Roger Barker
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 2:08:28 PM
Subject: Re: CSback after seven years

Hi Reid, you might like to check out the use of LDN (low dose naltrexone) at 

I've no personal experience using it for MS but from what I've read it does 
to work for many people.

Cheers, Roger B

On 20/07/2010, at 5:39 AM, A. Reid Harvey wrote:

Hi all!
After all of these years I'm back with a pressing question, 
concerning multiple 
sclerosis. An acquaintance I've mine is afflicted with this, and I'm recalling 
the sage words of many on the list, that *there are no incurable illnesses; 
incurable people.*
From back when I was on the list I seem to recall that blood electrification 
could greatly assist victims of MS. Is this true, and if so, how? I also 
a regime that made use of three nine volt batteries, daisy chained, with 
terminals on either side of the artery at the wrist. I'd also like those on 
list to know that I've assisted several friends with BE. In several cases 
friends were able to remedy serious toothaches, using BE.
Incidentally, about CS, I continue to take this regularly, and believe that my 
not having had a cold in eight years, can be attributed to this. And as a 
ceramist I've put into practice more of what I learned on the list. Following 
on list communication of seven years ago I assisted in startup of production 
use of silver treated pottery candle filters, in Nepal, Kenya and Indonesia.  
These are low cost filter systems, and for example, in Kenya there's a slum in 
which our silver treated systems are in use in nearly 1,000 HIV-AIDS 
Now I want to remain on thie list for a while, mostly to further refine my 
understanding.  For now my question is: does BE assist with those who suffer 
from MS? or is there another remedy?
Reid Harvey

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Re: CSCrystals in ear canal

2010-06-19 Thread arthur rambo
I have been dealing with a plugged ear for a couple weeks. I few drops of 
common peroxide 3% does wonders. 

 I was in China a few years back; lost my hearing in the same ear; went the 
hospital, and they used a device to flood the canal several times, until a huge 
amount of wax came out. I was surprised to see this size and yet no pain when 
coming out. They just kept flooding and then drawing several times. 

From: Tony Moody
Sent: Sat, June 19, 2010 12:57:11 AM
Subject: Re: CSCrystals in ear canal

On 18 Jun 2010 at 14:37, Deborah Gerard wrote about :
Subject : CSCrystals in ear canal

 My mom lost her balance and fell today. She said she was extremely dizzy. 
 Went to ER and after some tests they said she had crystals in her ear
 canal. Any suggestions would be so appreciated, Thanks Debbie

An idea is to clear the eustacian tubes.

Sniff salt water (1/4 teaspoon per cup warm water)

Or Sniff vitC and bicarb solution.
    Can add CS to either of the above

A bowl of hot water, a drop or two friars balsam ; put a towel over head
and breathe in the steam.

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List Owner: Mike Devour


CSbenzene air conditioning

2010-06-09 Thread arthur rambo
Sorry for hijacking this thread, I just don't know how to post a new one. 
Thought it might be helpful though.

A simple thing to do, may improve your health, open your windows before 
turning on the car airconditioner.  I certainly will after reading this. 

 Car Air-conditioning - MUST READ!!

This has been checked on Snopes.comand there is truth to the article below.  
Again it's not saying NOT to use your air conditioner but that we should 
open our windows to let out the harmful fumes (Benzene) prior to turning on 
the AC.

No wonder more folks are dying from cancer than ever before.  We wonder 
where this stuff comes from but here is an example that explains a lot of 
the cancer causing incidents.  Hmmm.  Many people are in their cars first 
thing in the morning and the last thing at night, 7 days a week.   As I read 
this, it makes me feel guilty and ill.  Please pass this on to as many 
people as possible. Guess its not too late to make some changes

Car A/C (Air Conditioning) MUST READ!!! 
Please do NOT turn on A/C as soon as you enter the car.

Open the  windows after you enter your car and turn ON the AC after a couple 
of minutes.

Here's why:

According to a research, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emit 
Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin 
(carcinogen - take time to observe the smell of heated plastic in your car).

In addition to causing cancer, Benzene poisons your bones, causes anemia and 
reduces white blood cells.

Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer.

Can also cause miscarriage.

Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50mg per sq.ft.
A car parked indoors with windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene.

If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the 
Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level.

People who get into the car, keeping windows closed will inevitably inhale, 
in quick succession, excessive amounts of the toxin.

Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver.. What's worse, it is 
extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.

So friends, please open the windows and door of your car - give time for 
interior to air out -dispel the deadly stuff - before you enter.


'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, 
you have a moral obligation to share it with others.' 



From: Neville Munn
Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 5:46:06 AM
Subject: RE: CSSilver List, or what?

[A week, or more, I postd a question about brown CS]
-Unless I missed something in translation, the post I read referred to *yellow* 
 Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 07:25:16 -0400
 Subject: Re: CSSilver List, or what?
 You have two choices the archives for a question answered 
 a hundred times...or ask again in such a manner that someone will notice.
 Be specific enough about your process to not be demanding an encyclopedia 
 addition be re- written to cover many possibilities.
 You aren't the only lazy one.
 At 05:43 PM 6/8/2010 -0700, you wrote:
 Is this a silver list, or what? I see every kind of post imaginable, but 
 seldom one on Colloidal Silver, and reports of successful usage. Is anyone 
 monitoring this list? I'm am thinking that the silver people have gone 
 somewhere else. A week, or more, I postd a question about brown CS, but 
 not one answer?
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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 List Owner: Mike Devour

Find it on Need a new place to live? 


Re: CSHep C

2010-05-22 Thread arthur rambo
I used homemade (correctly made) cs for 2 years; I never did seem to benefit. 
as with all methods, delivery is the key, I think. 
  I also have used ozone for 15 years, finding it to be the best, however, the 
method of delivery was a chore, until I learned to use ozonated saline 
solution, by IV. Nothing I have tried has worked this well, as far as 
management, no side effects,  effectiveness, and ease.
 I had one doctor hold up a vial of what he said was silver, when he said, this 
will cure you, but my lawyer says I can't give it to you. (This is fun 

From: Shirley Reed
Sent: Fri, May 21, 2010 8:17:34 PM
Subject: CSHep C

    Might want to check out for info on this and other 
things as well.  Good site!!  pj


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List Owner: Mike Devour


Re: CSasthma

2010-03-31 Thread arthur rambo

Keep in mind that MMS is oxidative. You want to counter the effects with 
anti-oxidants. I hear people warn about taking mms too close to C, etc, but I 
think both are equally important, and that the mms does its thing in a short 
time(like in the first hour, although effects may continue) so if mms were to 
be done long term, there is no problem with juggling the two, unless you're not 
getting results you want; then you have to increase or decrease, depending. 

From: Kathy Tankersley
Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 11:37:36 AM
Subject: CSasthma

I want thank all you wonderful caring people for answering my plea for help 
with asthma, each hint/tip I am researching.  I'm really leaning toward MMS as 
a start, does anyone have a comment on this?    Thanks you so much for your 
help,  ...Kathy


Re: CSasthma

2010-03-29 Thread arthur rambo
I think vitamin c deficiency might be involved. I can tell you for sure, that 
those times that I would do 80,000 mg IV bags of vitamin c in saline solution, 
I would begin to take very deep breaths. 
  I am a shallow breather unless I focus on improving it, due to smoking for 30 
years. might be a good place to look. 

From: Richard Goodwin
Sent: Mon, March 29, 2010 11:18:51 AM
Subject: Re: CSasthma

I have had asthma since I was a kid.  The ONLY thing I have ever found that 
eliminates it is to get ALL allergens out of my life, one way or another.

Taking desensitization shots never worked completely, but did work some.

But the only foolproof thing for me has always been avoidance.

But allergies are just one of several possible causes of asthma.  Other 
possible causes include infections (which CS certainly ought to help with -- 
drink CS and also inhale CS spray from a nebulizer or sprayer), cold air (avoid 
it or at least take it easy until your asthma gets better), exercise (avoid it 
or at least take it easy until the asthma gets better), and stress (get it out 
of your life, both the stressors and your reaction to stress).

And of course several of those causes can add together if they are all present 
at the same time, so think about getting rid of all of them.

There may be other causes.  There may be other cures.  I too would love to hear 
more about the subject.


From: Kathy Tankersley
Sent: Mon, March 29, 2010 12:01:19 PM
Subject: CSasthma

I am at my wits end with this asthma, I just got out of the hospital after 
receiving massive doses of steroids, high powered anti-botics.  There is got to 
be a better way:  Is there anyone on the list that has 'lived' thur ths and had 
any progress with CS or any other herb, etc.?  I am ready to drink poison if it 
would help. If you have had any experience with what I am describing, please 
help.  Thanks, Kathy


Re: CSAtten: Arthur Rambo

2010-03-18 Thread arthur rambo
Atomidine is a reduced form of iodine. No stain.

Sent: Thu, March 18, 2010 3:17:04 PM
Subject: Re: CSAtten: Arthur Rambo

In a message dated 3/18/2010 11:53:48 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
I am trying to figure out how to keep using it without staining my skin.
Why not a foot bath with iodine and DMSO? After the foot bath dry off before 
wearing socks.
I tried a foot bath with some black walnut extracted with 100 proof vodka. I 
had brown toenails but they did not effect my socks.
Still have the toenail fungus as continual re-infection seems to be happening. 
So it is more like a control rather than a cure.


Re: CSAtten: Arthur Rambo

2010-03-17 Thread arthur rambo
Hi Mary, yes, the solution was 50/50, kept together in one small bottle, only 
put on bandaid pad and applied to the one nail.  I look forward to hearing 
about your success. 

From: MaryAnn Helland
Sent: Tue, March 16, 2010 5:56:44 PM
Subject: CSAtten: Arthur Rambo

Hi Arthur.  I now have my products, and have mixed the DMSO and Atomodine -- 
and am ready to solve my problem.  Since this conversation took place in 
November, I now have a fungal infection on my left thumb too!!  I'm ready to be 
done with this!!  

Just want to clarify -- you mixed the DMSO and Atomodine and then used this to 
wet the pad on a bandaid, and then placed over the toenail.  Do I have this 
correct?  You didn't apply further down -- to the cuticle, or down to the 
second joint of the toe as some folks have suggested?

Thanks for your help.  I'll keep everyone posted on the results of this.

From: arthur rambo
Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 7:45:46 PM

Maryann, the results were immediate. It took as long as a new nail takes to 
grow; can't think of another way to say it. It was a toenail that just all of a 
sudden dropped off. Now, it looks as good as any. All look healthy. (I only put 
the bandaid, with solution, on each night. I didn't wear it during the day

 From: arthur rambo

I used Atomidine (iodine) with DMSO 50/50, on a bandaid each night. Worked 


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Re: CSAtten: Arthur Rambo

2010-03-17 Thread arthur rambo
I reported my quick success with dmso and atomidine, 50%/50% to regrow a 
toenail that just dropped off one day, using these on a bandaid each night, on 
the toe. It took as long as it takes to grow a nail. (Its still one of the best 
looking in the bunch) 8^)

Sent: Wed, March 17, 2010 12:32:09 PM
Subject: Re: CSAtten: Arthur Rambo

Hi Arthur and MaryAnn,

I could not find the rest of this thread in the list archives, so it must have 
got lost somewhere- Is it possible you could throw some background out here for 
it, or a link to it, if it's there and I just didn't see it somehow (Maybe the 
thread topic was different,  since I didn't see the original thread, I don't 
know what it was?)?

I have a dear friend who is desperately trying to get rid of a toenail fungus 
and nothing is working, the nail is now ruined; I would like to try this with 
him if that is what you are working with...

Thanks a bunch for posting!

Stay well,

Linda :)
-- Original message from arthur rambo 


Re: CSGlutathione via nebulizer?

2010-02-19 Thread arthur rambo
I was buying and using iv glutathione from a lady in the Phillipines named  I was getting 10 vials for $90 - had to send $130 by 
WU; I bought about 6 packs until the economy went south; they were all 
professionally done and effective. I mixed them with about 10,ooo mg of sodium 
ascorbate in a saline solution each time. Can't guarantee anyone will have the 
same result, but I trust her. 


From: Deborah Gerard
Sent: Fri, February 19, 2010 2:07:10 PM
Subject: Re: CSGlutathione via nebulizer?

hey thanks Steve...

From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Fri, February 19, 2010 4:06:38 PM
Subject: Re: CSGlutathione via nebulizer?

Some good source info on making suppositories:

Sample source of disposable mold:,2183.html

- Steve N

From: Deborah Gerard 
Sent: Thu Feb 18 19:48:22 2010
Subject: Re: CSGlutathione via nebulizer? 

How would one go about making glutathione suppositories?
thanks Deb

From: Annie B Smythe
Sent: Thu, February 18, 2010 6:54:07 PM
Subject: Re: CSGlutathione via nebulizer?

No suppositories. Sorry but ick!
I know they make pure liquid Glutathione for IV use but I think you have to 
have a prescripyoion for that. If I can find some pharmaceutical grade 
somewhere, it just might work.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Norton, Steve wrote:
 It might. You might also consider making your own glutathione suppositories. 
 can buy them but they are pricey.
  - Steve N

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: [RE]CSArthritis- ? for Brooks B.: TARDY RESPONSE

2010-02-18 Thread arthur rambo
I was taught years ago, by a Naturopath to use this method to stay hydrated: 
drink 1/2 cup of water (4 oz) every half hour to create a steady supply, rather 
than large doses- while trying to make up for dehydration. (I have not always 
done as taught, of course) but this makes sense, rather than a flood that 
increases urination. I am battling the sciatica and herniated discs as well. I 
checked out where I put sciatica and herniated disc in the 
search box, and it was mentione that salty is essential as well as water, to 
alkanilize the cells. 
 I am now mixing msm, sea salt, and c to put in capsules and take 2 with the 
water. Will report back  soon. I will try to add gelatin too. 

From: Dan Nave
Sent: Thu, February 18, 2010 10:53:34 AM
Subject: Re: [RE]CSArthritis- ? for Brooks B.: TARDY RESPONSE

Do you think that the gelatin would work as a substitute for glucosamine?


On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Brooks Bradley wrote:
 Dear Patty,
 Please accept my apologies for this belated responseI just lost your
 email in the melee of life.
 First, if you are considering using supplemental gelatin as a continuing
 protocol (not a bad idea for many people), I woujld suggest you make an
 Internet inquiry for bulk gelatin. Several suppliers offer it for less than
 $13.00 per lb. The recommended dosagegiven by several of the
 suppliers is one level tablespoon mixed into water or your preferred
 juice, cold drink, etc..on a daily basisas a prophylactic protocol.
 For circumstances where one is experiencing brittle fingernails and/or
 constantly-splitting ends (many times an indication of low systemic
 protein).this protocol worked best (for us) when used 3 times
 dailyuntil noticeable improvement (usually about 7 days) and then
 reduced to the prophylactic
 dosage. Beef gelatin is approximately 90% protein, and highly digestible by
 human beings. Gelatin derivatives make up a very high percentage of all
 chitin-based material found in the human body (e.g. fingernails, between
 articulating joints, etc.).
 As a majority of the U.S. population seems to ingest insufficient protein
 (mostly the result of excessive refined carbohydrate intake)increasing
 numbers of various health-based challenges seem to present with each passing
 Our animal evaluations (circa 2003) involving Celebrex, resulted in VERY
 NEGATIVE resultssome involving health presentations of a VERY
 threatening nature. Our undesirable results began to appear AFTER the second
 or third week of use and continued to increase with usage time increases.
 Interestingly, human evaluations by other...mainstream
 researchers...(published at a later date) revealed to confirm some of our
 most disturbing findings.
 Ancillary Comment: I noted that someone commented in a post to the
 list...that MSM tasted bitter to them. That is an unfailing characteristic
 of MSM. ALL MSM has a very bitter tastewhen it comes into direct contact
 with the linings of the mouth and upper throat. This characteristic is
 tolerated in various degree by the human community. To some---like me---it
 is quite tolerablebut still demonstrably bitter. To others MSM is so
 bitter that it generates a very strong gag-reflex (in which case the better
 alternative is to take the MSM in capsule form). Taking MSM in pill form is
 another...but sometimes uncomfortable, option. The reason being, that the
 1000 to 1500 mg tablets are quite large and constitute a REAL challenge for
 some. to swallow.
 Ref your gelatin/water question. The gelatin is the active agent, but cannot
 properly react in the system without a sufficiently hydrated environment.
 Shortest answer: They are BOTH important.
 Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

 -[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : CSArthritis- ? for Brooks B.

 Date : Wed, 3 Feb 2010 20:35:55 -0800 (PST)

 From : Pat

 To :

 I've been thinking about using gelatin, but it's been so busy the last
 several weeks with my daughter and her family visiting. Now, holding the
 small box which contains four packets, I'm wondering what to do with it.
 Would it be effective to make it into jello using juice and water. That
 would require four packets of gelatin and four cups of liquid. That would be
 two cups more per box than what you consumed, wouldn't it? But no way could
 I eat that four times a day! Do you think the gelatin is effective or is it
 mostly the increased intake of water? How long would one need to use this?

 I'm doing well with using Thorvin kelp. Luckily, I like the lecithin,
 because the kelp tastes way too fishy for me, but I have no trouble getting
 a teaspoon of each down once a day.

 I just started taking my glucosamine, chondriotin, and MSM today, once
 again. A friend of mine has been able to 

Re: Re: CSauto immune hepatitis

2010-01-19 Thread arthur rambo
Cindy, I have hepatitis c, and I am sure that glutathione would be very good 
for auto immune hep. You would need ivs from a doctor. Oral will not do the 
job. I buy glutathione from overseas and do it myself iv, mixed with vitamin c- 
the 2 compliment each other. 
 The liver cleanse is essential for long term improvement, as well. 
  I also believe that every household should have an ozone gen. and use it for 
these conditions, but it seems not everyone shares that view. 
  Also, you might look into the hepatitis CAM @ yahoo.groups where low dose 
naltrexone is used by every member with positive results in modulating the 
immune system. Some members have successfully got their numbers down to normal 
from where yours are. 

From: Acmeair
Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 11:37:21 AM
Subject: Re: Re: CSauto immune hepatitis

several people have asked about doing the liposomal protocol on Alpha Lipoic 
Acid. does anyone have any info on this protocol?

how about  Liposomal  methyl-B12 ?    and also  Liposomal curcumin ?

Jan 19, 2010 11:13:03 AM, wrote:

You may want to consider Alpha Lipoic Acid, which was recently
mentioned in posts by Brooks Bradley. Also, see a quote from the
abstract, below:

These results show that ALA prevents fatty liver disease through
multiple mechanisms, and suggest that ALA can be used to prevent the
development and progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in
patients with insulin resistance.

Loosing weight can't hurt either...


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Re: CSLoss of Smell Signals Alzheimer's

2010-01-14 Thread arthur rambo
I have a diminished sense of smell from HCV, never goes away completely. Also  
some loss of taste, increases/decreases. 12-15 years that I have tracked. 

From: Day Sutton
To: Silver Post
Sent: Thu, January 14, 2010 7:03:17 AM
Subject: CSLoss of Smell Signals Alzheimer's

Day Sutton


Re: [RE]CSSpinal Arthritis

2009-12-23 Thread arthur rambo
Brooks, Thank you for taking the time to post this. After first reading it, I 
bought the Know gelatin, and took 2 packets with vit c and the glucosomine 
condroitan, and actually got relief from the severe pain within a couple hours, 
for the first time in weeks. 
   I see the additional list of ingrediants, but I still can't figure out what 
the CMO is, can you elaborate? Thanks. 

From: Brooks Bradley
Sent: Mon, December 21, 2009 6:55:48 PM
Subject: [RE]CSSpinal Arthritis

Dear Steve, 
Your wife has my heartfelt sympathy. I suffered from PRONOUNCED ankylosing 
for many years (between ages of 30 and 50), during which interval the 
allopathic community failed to gain ANY distinct relief.for me. My case was 
considerably aggravated by the fact I have a congenital deformation of the 5th 
lower lumbar (a region which very often presents a major insult). Circa about 
1980, I was forced to start sleeping on an inclined 
2 X 12 X 8' wooden plank..with the head-end resting on the outer edge of 
a heavy captain's order to obtain any measurable degree of pain 
relief-not to mention sleep. By 1990 (via continual pain killers, hot 
saunas and a HIGH-tenison, compression-type spinal brace), the 
discomfortand outright pain, although episodic in naturehad reached a 
point that nothing I attempted effected any measurable pain reductionfor 
any extended period of time (hours). Quite serendipitously, I stumbled across a 
medical article by some Chinese researcheron the benefits of utilizing 
gelatin obtained from cattle carcasses (plain 
Knox-type) aiding in the re-establishment of eroded cartilage-type tissues. As 
a drowning man would grasp at a straw, I initiated a protocol which included 
a pronounced intake of Knox gelatin (about four small boxes daily). I began to 
enjoy noticeable improvement within 5 daysand PRONOUNCED 
improvement-within 20 days. Overjoyed, I informed my associates of this 
splendid turn of events. Several of them (five, in fact) were experiencing 
similarif not as overpoweringdisagreeable spinal presentations. All 
five initiated my basic protocol. When two of them reported similar WONDERFUL 
as minethree reported little, if any, marked relief. Puzzled, I closely 
interrogated each as to their EXACT protocol. At first I could determine NO 
detectable variationbut upon more refined questioning, I determined there 
was one, fundamental difference. That, being that the two positive responders 
were consuming a second glass of water with each dosage (with 8 ounce glasses, 
this equals 32 ounces of additional water). As this research occurred some 
years prior to Dr. Batmanhelidj's seminal work on the very powerful effects 
of systemic dehydration upon the human had never occurred to me 
(OR the allopathic medical community) that chronic dehydration was such a 
powerful player in a very large number of chronic/systemic afflictions suffered 
by humans.most especially OLDER ONES. Upon repeating the original protocol, 
with the addition of the added water intake, 
all three of the volunteers experienced very powerful improvements. Two enjoyed 
considerably better gains in general relief over the next 30 days, and the 
third individual did gain what he described as enormous pain abatement. Four 
of the five original subjects required no additional address, of any kind, 
other than a scheduled increase in daily water consumption. The fourth, gained 
very significant relief, but continued to backslide on maintaining his 
increased water intakeresulting in periodic relapses. 
Additionally, I was spurred to investigate the condition of chronic dehydration 
in the elderly (65 and over), and was shocked to find that the thirst reflex 
in persons (especially men) diminishes as much as 50%-and, sometimes, is 
life-threatening -- 
without ANY recognizable medical or behavior symptoms. 
I hasten to advise that over the immediately past 17 years we have learned of 
other improvements in personal healthcare which have resulted in a vast 
improvement in addresses for arthritis..especially articulating-joint 
presentations. I do not have the time, at present, to elaborate in detail, on 
all of our useful discoveries (the bulk of which are at present known to the 
entire alternative community), but will add a brief statement as to what we 
have experienced to be one of the most effective and 
economical.generalprotocols, for supporting acceptable joint health in 
human beings. 
One simple regimen is as follows: MSM---6 grams as a prophylactic); Glucosamine 
Sulphate2000 mg; Chrondroitin---3000 mg (either as a purchased supplement 
or in the form of a nutritional gelatin); 1 heaping teaspoon of marine kelp 
(acts as a wide-spectrum catalyst--for many systemic reactions; while optional, 
the following is 

Re: CSSpinal Arthritis

2009-12-20 Thread arthur rambo
I am finding that oxidative stress is causing me severe back pain. (sciatic 
nerves) I am experimenting somewhat to learn if this is true, by using 
intravenous glutathione, which stops the pain within a couple hours, and then, 
when I do intravenous ozonated saline solution, the pain increases. So my best 
guess is that my anti-oxidation system is overwhelmed. 
    This is approx the third time I have noticed that IV Glutathione stops 
nagging pain from joint injuries. Last time this happened, a shoulder injury 
healed up. 

From: Donna
Sent: Sun, December 20, 2009 1:57:15 PM
Subject: Re: CSSpinal Arthritis

I have the same thing also and need info on what to take to help me! Doctor 
said all the years of lifting my handicapped daughter.
Donna ACS
 My wife has been diagnosed with arthritis of the spine, as confirmed by MRI. 
 This causes her severe pain, compounded by the effects of fibromyalgia.
 Question for list: CMO helps with arthritis of joints, and the spine is a 
 series of connected joints. Does anyone know if CMO, or any other similar 
 “medication”, can help with spinal arthritis?
 Steve Y.

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Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)

2009-12-01 Thread arthur rambo
Sorry about that. MMS is Miracle Mineral Solution. Not really a miracle, but 
its sodium chloride. It is an oxidizing chemical akin to chlorine, but not 
chlorine. Google Jim Humble 

From: Steve
Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 10:50:51 PM
Subject: Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)

Do we have a file on this group that explains all of the buzzwords and acronyms?

I'm not sure what MMS is.


--- On Mon, 11/30/09, arthur rambo wrote:

From: arthur rambo
Subject: Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)
Date: Monday, November 30, 2009, 9:32 PM

I developed the blue moons after a few years of cs, as well. They faded in the 
fingers after beginning MMS. for a year. Now I only have slight on the thumbs. 

From: john freese
Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 9:14:33 PM
Subject: CSBlue Moons (Help)

I have been taking about 1to 1 1/2 ounces of crystal clear per day of 12 to 15 
PPM CS for about 3 years with no problems. But about 3 weeks ago my wife (the 
non believer in CS) noticed the moons on my fingers were turning blue. I had 
not noticed this before she said something. I was under the impression 
ingesting this amount and strength would not turn your moons blue. Could the 
blue moons come from something other than CS? I stopped taking my CS that day 
and started taking selenium, and oral chelation. 3 weeks laterthe moons appear 
to be darker. I would appreciate any input. Thank you, John. 



Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)

2009-12-01 Thread arthur rambo
I took the mms for a year and half; got up to about 21 drops per day. Found it 
to be too oxidizing for me, because I have ox-stress already; so I switched to 
occasional ozone IVs, and am trying to use glutathione (GSH) ect to work on 
that. I used lemon juice to activate each time; I tried citric acid and got 
serious liver pain from that. Don't know if it was a bad batch, too high dose, 
or my condition, but it was bad news. Lemon juice is best imho. 

From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Tue, December 1, 2009 11:21:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)

How much MMS are you taking. Are you taking it activated or inactivated?


arthur rambo wrote:
 I developed the blue moons after a few years of cs, as well. They faded in 
 the fingers after beginning MMS. for a year. Now I only have slight on the 
 *From:* john freese
 *Sent:* Mon, November 30, 2009 9:14:33 PM
 *Subject:* CSBlue Moons (Help)
 I have been taking about 1to 1 1/2 ounces of crystal clear per day of 12 to 
 15 PPM CS for about 3 years with no problems. But about 3 weeks ago my wife 
 (the non believer in CS) noticed the moons on my fingers were turning blue. I 
 had not noticed this before she said something. I was under the impression 
 ingesting this amount and strength would not turn your moons blue. Could the 
 blue moons come from something other than CS? I stopped taking my CS that day 
 and started taking selenium, and oral chelation. 3 weeks later the moons 
 appear to be darker. I would appreciate any input. Thank you, John.

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Re: CSRe: Ozonated Saline Solution

2009-12-01 Thread arthur rambo
Ooops, forgot to mention the low dose naltrexone. I've been taking it since 
march, and it does help. I started at night, seemed to develop insomnia, 
switched to AM, and I'm going to switch back to pm tonight, to see if it will 
be more effective. It works by stimulating endorphin production at peak times 
during the night, which in turn stimulates the immune system. Its becoming a 
mainstay for ms, aids, hcv, and more. 

From: Garnet
Sent: Tue, December 1, 2009 3:07:42 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Ozonated Saline Solution

Low Dose Naltrexone is used to treat Hep C



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Peter Converse wrote:
 Hi Arthur,
  I have a friend who is doing his best to recover from Hep-C. Would you be 
able to elaborate on your ozonated saline solution?
  In case you haven't seen it yet, I'll just mention to you a very helpful 
book for immune restoration techniques which can be applied in cases of HIV, 
Hep-C, HHV6-A, CFS, Candidiasis, Lyme Disease, cancer, etc... It is aptly 
called the Immune Restoration Handbook and can be purchased here:
  Best regards,
    - Original Message -
    *From:* arthur rambo
    *Sent:* Monday, November 30, 2009 3:50 PM
    *Subject:* Re: CSH202 - Snopes
    I've injected ozone directly, 50cc, once per day, 300+ times. Got
    the viral load down to 66,000, but couldn't quite finish on acount
    of the oxidative stress.  Anti-oxidants should be stressed to
    counter the oxidative effects.  I now use ozonated saline solution
    1-2x a week to treat hcv, and find this is the friendliest and
    effective of all, except this much sodium 500ml, introduced in a    short 
time, raises the blood pressure,  So I can only do a couple
    per week.
    *From:* Richard Goodwin
    *Sent:* Mon, November 30, 2009 3:26:01 PM
    *Subject:* Re: CSH202 - Snopes
    Hi -- I believe ozone is O3, and H2O2 is Hydrogen Peroxide.
    *From:* Dorothy Fitzpatrick
    *Sent:* Mon, November 30, 2009 2:48:28 PM
    *Subject:* Re: CSH202 - Snopes
    Is ozone H202?  dee
    On 30 Nov 2009, at 15:44, Norton, Steve wrote:
       I think you are right that they are referring to intravenous use.
       A second technique is to introduce the ozone directly into the
       bloodstream via intravenous injection. The idea of intravenous
       has raised concern with some people concerning the notion of gas
       embolism which might lead to a heart attack or blockage in the lungs.
       Gas embolisms, however, do not occur with pure ozone. Air, which is
       largely composed of 80% nitrogen and 20 % oxygen, will create a gas
       bubble in the blood at atmospheric pressure, but not ozone. Nitrogen
       will create a gas bubble in the blood at atmospheric pressure,
    but not
       ozone. The rate of ozone delivery and the very small needle used to
       inject the ozone, guarantee no possibility of gas embolism. Do
    not allow
       this bogus fear tactic to keep you from investigating this highly
       effective and safe therapy!
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    The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
    List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)

2009-12-01 Thread arthur rambo
Thanks Garnet, I have done the multi-supplement route without much progress, 
including the best alpha l acid I could find. I have used the 
Glutiathione, (gsh)which works very well. Just can't afford much these days.  I 
do lots of c, juice and just started to increase milk thistle seeds, ground, 
and added to juice; economical that way. My herbalist friend told me this is 
the best way to take them. 

From: Garnet
Sent: Tue, December 1, 2009 3:11:59 PM
Subject: Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)

Alpha Lipoic Acid might be helpful for you. It raises
Glutathione levels and stimulates stem cells in the

Bert Burkson MD uses it with LDN for Cancer and has
used it for liver toxicity as a researcher in charge of
ALA research at the NIH. He has a book out called
the Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough

Best to buy high quality and not the ALA produced in
China. European produced is best. In some countries
it is actually a prescription but in the US it is a supplement.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

arthur rambo wrote:
 I took the mms for a year and half; got up to about 21 drops per day. Found 
 it to be too oxidizing for me, because I have ox-stress already; so I 
 switched to occasional ozone IVs, and am trying to use glutathione (GSH) ect 
 to work on that. I used lemon juice to activate each time; I tried citric 
 acid and got serious liver pain from that. Don't know if it was a bad batch, 
 too high dose, or my condition, but it was bad news. Lemon juice is best imho.
 *From:* Marshall Dudley
 *Sent:* Tue, December 1, 2009 11:21:04 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)
 How much MMS are you taking. Are you taking it activated or inactivated?
 arthur rambo wrote:
   I developed the blue moons after a few years of cs, as well. They faded in 
the fingers after beginning MMS. for a year. Now I only have slight on the 
   *From:* john freese
   *Sent:* Mon, November 30, 2009 9:14:33 PM
   *Subject:* CSBlue Moons (Help)
   I have been taking about 1to 1 1/2 ounces of crystal clear per day of 12 
to 15 PPM CS for about 3 years with no problems. But about 3 weeks ago my wife 
(the non believer in CS) noticed the moons on my fingers were turning blue. I 
had not noticed this before she said something. I was under the impression 
ingesting this amount and strength would not turn your moons blue. Could the 
blue moons come from something other than CS? I stopped taking my CS that day 
and started taking selenium, and oral chelation. 3 weeks later the moons 
appear to be darker. I would appreciate any input. Thank you, John.
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSH202 - Snopes

2009-11-30 Thread arthur rambo
I've injected ozone directly, 50cc, once per day, 300+ times. Got the viral 
load down to 66,000, but couldn't quite finish on acount of the oxidative 
stress.  Anti-oxidants should be stressed to counter the oxidative effects.  I 
now use ozonated saline solution 1-2x a week to treat hcv, and find this is the 
friendliest and effective of all, except this much sodium 500ml, introduced 
in a  short time, raises the blood pressure,  So I can only do a couple per 

From: Richard Goodwin
Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 3:26:01 PM
Subject: Re: CSH202 - Snopes

Hi -- I believe ozone is O3, and H2O2 is Hydrogen Peroxide.


From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 2:48:28 PM
Subject: Re: CSH202 - Snopes

Is ozone H202?  dee

On 30 Nov 2009, at 15:44, Norton, Steve wrote:

 I think you are right that they are referring to intravenous use. See:
 A second technique is to introduce the ozone directly into the
 bloodstream via intravenous injection. The idea of intravenous injection
 has raised concern with some people concerning the notion of gas
 embolism which might lead to a heart attack or blockage in the lungs.
 Gas embolisms, however, do not occur with pure ozone. Air, which is
 largely composed of 80% nitrogen and 20 % oxygen, will create a gas
 bubble in the blood at atmospheric pressure, but not ozone. Nitrogen
 will create a gas bubble in the blood at atmospheric pressure, but not
 ozone. The rate of ozone delivery and the very small needle used to
 inject the ozone, guarantee no possibility of gas embolism. Do not allow
 this bogus fear tactic to keep you from investigating this highly
 effective and safe therapy!

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSBlue Moons (Help)

2009-11-30 Thread arthur rambo
I developed the blue moons after a few years of cs, as well. They faded in the 
fingers after beginning MMS. for a year. Now I only have slight on the thumbs. 

From: john freese
Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 9:14:33 PM
Subject: CSBlue Moons (Help)

I have been taking about 1to 1 1/2 ounces of crystal clear per day of 12 to 15 
PPM CS for about 3 years with no problems. But about 3 weeks ago my wife (the 
non believer in CS) noticed the moons on my fingers were turning blue. I had 
not noticed this before she said something. I was under the impression 
ingesting this amount and strength would not turn your moons blue. Could the 
blue moons come from something other than CS? I stopped taking my CS that day 
and started taking selenium, and oral chelation. 3 weeks laterthe moons appear 
to be darker. I would appreciate any input. Thank you, John. 


Re: CSToenail fungus

2009-11-05 Thread arthur rambo
Maryann, the results were immediate. It took as long as a new nail takes to 
grow; can't think of another way to say it. It was a toenail that just all of a 
sudden dropped off. Now, it looks as good as any. All look healthy. (I only put 
the bandaid, with solution, on each night. I didn't wear it during the day)

From: MaryAnn Helland
Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 7:49:16 PM
Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

Hey Bob!  Thanks!!  Caycecures, eh?  Interesting..MA

From: Bob Banever
Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 10:19:03 AM
Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

 Atomidine is available at some health food stores.  It is made by Heritage 
Products (  It is a liquid.
- Original Message - 
From: MaryAnn Helland 
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 2:02 AM
Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

Hi Arthur.  So you're saying that this is personal experience, not a friend of 
a friend?  And that it actually worked?  Great!!  How long did it take?  Do 
you now have normal nails?  

Now -- is Atomidine liquid?  And is it available at health food stores?  
Thanks.  MA

From: arthur rambo
Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 9:06:49 PM
Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

I used Atomidine (iodine) with DMSO 50/50, on a bandaid each night. Worked 

From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 8:50:15 PM
Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

Didn't someone on the list cure toenail fungus with EIS and DMSO by soaking in 
a footbath? Did he lose his toenails too?
 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: julie martin
Sent: Tue Nov 03 18:44:33 2009
Subject:  CSToenail fungus

 i have heard David Wolfe say that the
 fungus does not live only in the nail.  he reports that
 it enters the second joint below the nail..  he has
 suggested that one would need to paint the toe (or finger)
 from the tip of the nail all the way down, up to and
 including the second joint below the affected nail with #1.
 tincture of Pau d' Arco followed immediately by #2.
 DMSO.  one would then wait until the area is completely
 dry before donning socks or shoes.  this experiment
 should continue until the new nail has grown in as any
 remaining fungus can re- root and re- enter the nail. 

 i have heard one person report that after trying many
 things for years this method did in fact work.  i began
 the protocol, but did not complete it and noticed that the
 old nail does at least sometimes pull away from the
 toe.  this was not painful and i found a small new nail
 growing in it's place. 
 julie m


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List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSToenail fungus

2009-11-03 Thread arthur rambo
I used Atomidine (iodine) with DMSO 50/50, on a bandaid each night. Worked 

From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 8:50:15 PM
Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

Didn't someone on the list cure toenail fungus with EIS and DMSO by soaking in 
a footbath? Did he lose his toenails too?
 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: julie martin
Sent: Tue Nov 03 18:44:33 2009
Subject:  CSToenail fungus

 i have heard David Wolfe say that the
 fungus does not live only in the nail.  he reports that
 it enters the second joint below the nail.  he has
 suggested that one would need to paint the toe (or finger)
 from the tip of the nail all the way down, up to and
 including the second joint below the affected nail with #1.
 tincture of Pau d' Arco followed immediately by #2.
 DMSO.  one would then wait until the area is completely
 dry before donning socks or shoes.  this experiment
 should continue until the new nail has grown in as any
 remaining fungus can re- root and re- enter the nail. 

 i have heard one person report that after trying many
 things for years this method did in fact work.  i began
 the protocol, but did not complete it and noticed that the
 old nail does at least sometimes pull away from the
 toe.  this was not painful and i found a small new nail
 growing in it's place. 
 julie m


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Re: CScan anyone make a suggestion about an open wound

2009-10-23 Thread arthur rambo
For what its worth, I had a broken leg that was slow to heal, mainly because I 
wouldn't stay off of it, but it healed very fast when I began to take silica 
gel. I got mine from Whole Foods; probably everyone has it. 

From: Garnet
Sent: Fri, October 23, 2009 1:42:47 PM
Subject: Re: CScan anyone make a suggestion about an open wound

Calendula is a great herb for healing wounds. I like the salve
from Herb Pharm called Herbal Ed's Salve, works really fast
to close a wound. She can make a calendula tea and compress
the area as well.

I have used the salve many times to close wounds rapidly
and to heal chapped lips. It works in 24 hrs sometimes on
chapped lips which for me is fast.

Herbal Ed's salve has other goodies in it too, like Plantain.

Some Whole Food stores carry it.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Bernadette wrote:
 My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer.  They discovered it on a 
 Thursday and on the following Tuesday she was operated on and everything 
 female was taken out.  They closed up her belly-button since a lymph node 
 was pushing through (that is how they found out about the ovarian cancer). 
 Now the incision will not heal properly.    She is on chemo for 1 year - 
 going once a week (three weeks on and one week off).  Other than the cancer 
 she is in excellent health.  She is 66 years old.  Would CS help heal this 
 type of open wound?  She wrote the following:
 As far as my opening the Dr. said that there is nothing more he can do. TO 
 reopen it they would have to stop the cemo and that becomes a real problem in 
 the chances are the cemo would not work. So we will go with the cemo and hope 
 that maybe this will close on its own. There is that chance. It is not in 
 fected at this time and if I keep it clean it should be fine.
 She is willing to try different approaches - I would like to give her some 
 suggestions and then she can make up her own mind as to try them or not. 
 Thank you for any help you could afford her.
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Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

2009-10-20 Thread arthur rambo
For what its worth, I just came from a home where swine flu is suspected,  
started feeling something come on very soon after getting home; have been 
taking 30-40,000 mg vit c each hour since; the head feeling keeps recurring, 
but subsides minutes after each dose. I've done this in the past with success 
in modulating the flu so I was able to keep working with only mild symptoms. ( 
I was not in a place with people; I worked alone)
   I must have something, because I have not had so much as a rumble with all 
this c. 

From: Clayton Family
Sent: Tue, October 20, 2009 12:25:56 PM
Subject: Re: CSEuropeans reject swine flu vaccines

Thanks, Dad!

On Oct 20, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:


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Re: CSHelp! asthma, again

2009-10-03 Thread arthur rambo
My first thoughts are to mega dose on vit c. I smoked for about thirty years, 
and was shortwinded until I began to supplement, and got particular relief when 
I did vit c IVs. For the allergies, I would use Glutathione. I am a big fan of 
the Glut. from I used to have a lot of sneezing, especially if I 
went into stores with lots of activities, and clothes, especially thrift 
stores. Now, there is no reaction.

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2009 8:50:26 AM
Subject: Re: CSHelp! asthma, again

I thought I read that proteolytic enzymes can help with asthma.  Have you 
checked out Dr William Wongs site on enzyme therapy?  Also, Enzyme.stuff  dee 

On 2 Oct 2009, at 19:26, Clayton Family wrote:

The question becomes what is causing her attacks? 

Is she allergic to cats, mold, pollen, etc? 

It is equally important to protect her from whatever she is allergic to in the 
first place.


On Oct 2, 2009, at 12:28 PM, Gina Moore wrote:

So, my daughter is having yet another asthma attack.  The last couple she’s 
had, I was able to fend off with nebulizing silver and giving her ½ a cup or 
more a day in her drinks.  This one isn’t responding to the silver.  I have 
Xeopenex and Budesonide… should I give her that too?  Or should we just head 
to the hospital?  She retracting pretty bad, although I have seen her be much 
worse.  I’m at that point where I want to do what’s best for her, but I don’t 
really want to put her in the stupid hospital.  Ugh…
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Re: CSCalcium Hydro -you might want to google it first

2009-09-13 Thread arthur rambo
 I don't know.  Looks like some wicked stuff

--- On Sun, 9/13/09, Leslie wrote:

From: Leslie
Subject: Re: CSMMS news
Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 7:47 PM

Best be ready to walk in Divine Health.
- Original Message - From:
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS news

 You're gonna love government-run health care.
 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:35 AM , Bob Banever wrote:
       I'm normally a peaceful, law abiding citizen but this sort of medical 
fascism and genocide makes my blood boil.  If I have to I will become a 
criminal in short order... no one is going to force me or my family to take a 
flu shot of any sort,  PERIOD.  My new motto will become... Don't Tread On Me.
 - Original Message - From: Leslie
 Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 8:03 PM
 Subject: Re: CSMMS news
 Thanks. This has concerned me for awhile, but here is something very 
 important at this time so wonder what might stop the action of this vac.
 For those of you who do not believe that the Government is going to 
 Quarantine anyone for not having the N1H1 Swine Flu vaccination,
 I would like for you to watch this video, even if you think that there is a 
 possibility of it please watch. This was just released yesterday
 9/11/09 on Youtube during a conference in Texas.
 - Original Message - From: SJY
 Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 9:46 PM
 Subject: RE: CSMMS news
 Even nicer to learn about MMS2:
 Anyone have any personal opinions about it or experience with using it?
 Steve Y.
 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 7:48 PM
 Subject: CSMMS news
 Nice to know this about MMS
 God will forgive me. That's his job, after all.
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.94/2366 - Release Date: 09/12/09
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2009-08-31 Thread arthur rambo
Since mms is an oxidizer, and lecithin is a fat, you would wind up with rancid 
fat. Transdermal MMS would be a better way to go. 

--- On Mon, 8/31/09, paul catania wrote:

From: paul catania
Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 7:31 PM

Dear Alan and Bob,
Alan wrote.
I'm pretty sure that guy doesn't sell the oil, and I'm pretty sure it's 
illegal.  Too bad.
Bob wrote...
Your friend might wish to consider marijuana oil as a potential cure for his 
cancer.  It is backed by solid research.  He would need to consume 60 grams 
over a 90 day period of the oil.  Go to for more info and just 
google it as well.  Watch Run from the Cure.  Good luck.

No, he doesn't sell it to my knowledge, but it's not illegal everywhere. 
In some states, like mine (Nevada) you can get a permit to grow enough to make 
your own. But, assuming they approved his application and his reasons for it, 
by the time he would get the permit, grow it, and process it, he would be gone. 
(Dr.'s give him 3 months to live)


Re: CSLiposomal Encapsulation

2009-08-27 Thread arthur rambo
LivonLabs uses grain alchohol as 12% of the solution in their liposomal c. That 
solvent might be the key. However, I want to avoid alchohol. 
  I am not having success with the USC either. Maybe a tiny bit is 
encapsulated, but not the desired amount. 

  Maybe the lecithin should -not- be disolved prior to adding. Seems like 
if the lecithin is saturated with water already, it can't uptake any more. 
Perhaps a higher concentrated mixture of sodium ascorbate in water would help. 
  I've read that vitamin c has a large molecule. This was mentioned in a thread 
where someone was suggesting to mix C with DMSO to use on skin cancer. 
  I used this mix on a couple suspicious spots that did respond; don't know if 
it was the c, dmso, or both. 

--- On Thu, 8/27/09, paul catania wrote:

From: paul catania
Subject: Re: CSLiposomal Encapsulation
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 1:08 AM

Thank you Gail, Steve, Lin and all.
I'm sorry that no one seems to be successful at this, but I'm glad that we are 
all trying and talking about it.
I'm sure that if we all keep experimenting and keep the dialogue going, we can 
and will become more proficient at this.
p.s. A very close friend of mine, that I grew up with, was today diagnosed with 
stage-4 lung and brain cancer. I hope I can get this process working and I hope 
that he will be open enough to give it a try.

- Original Message - From: Gail Rice
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: CSLiposomal Encapsulation

Paul, I also made a batch of unencapsulated vitimin C. I have reread
the suggested protocol and am sure I didn't vary any step except that
my machine cycled for two 3min cycles instead of three 2min cycles.. I
did use distilled water. I made sure all equipment was clean and dry
before I began. I used a new pkg. of lecithin granules. They dissolved
well into the water after several minutes. I used new ascorbic acid
and it also disolved well into its water. I combined them in a brand
new clean U S cleaner.  (stirred slowly w/straw) When I tested a 4 oz
sample in a 12 oz tumbler, it foamed like mad (about 2 inches).

I tried re-running the U S cleaner on the remaining solution - still
no noticable encapsulation.

I wondered if there was a problem with my U S cleaner or one of the

Tonight I will try again with a different ultrasonic cleaner.
If that fails, I will try a new package of lecithin.
If that fails, I'll have to try new vitamin C.

If I succeed at any point, I will inform you with details.

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Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

2009-08-27 Thread arthur rambo
Can you specify how much water/alchohol, and which kind? Grain, isopropyl,? 

--- On Thu, 8/27/09, Karen and Jerry Conrad wrote:

From: Karen and Jerry Conrad
Subject: Re: CSsoap for teeth cleaning
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 7:59 AM

#yiv1249984285 DIV {

We use his tooth soap, it is great, my son does not brush hardly at all ever, 
yet, when he went to the dentist for a cleaning, the hygienist was amazed at 
how easy his cleaning went. a company called tooth soap makes Dr Judd's 
products, we get the liquid grape flavor, its great, my son will use that now, 
it is the only product he will use. Dr Judd also advocated the use of alcohol 
(breathing it in) as a cure for viruses such as flu and pneumonia, it WORKS, 
Unfortunately, he passed away several years ago.but I have several publications 
he wrote.You boil the alcohol on the stove and breathe it in 10-12 breaths at a 
time every few hours. He recommended  using the mouthwash Cepacol rather than 
straight alcohol, that way you could also gargle with it and kill any virus in 
the throat too. HTH. Blessings Karen Conrad

- Original Message - 
From: Ken  Nancy Bagwell 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:44 AM
Subject: CSsoap for teeth cleaning

Hi all,

A few questions:

Does anyone have any experience using soap for brushing teeth?

Also, what type of soap is used? Can it be made at home?

I just read some info from a guy named Gerard F. Judd.  Not sure what to make 
of it all at this time.

-Ken Bagwell

avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean. 
Virus Database (VPS): 090826-0, 08/26/2009
Tested on: 8/27/2009 6:01:35 AM
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Re: CSLiposomal Encapsulation

2009-08-27 Thread arthur rambo
 I just now made a batch this way- put 1 rounded tablespoon sodium asorbate in 
1  1/2 cup distilled water, with 1 drop dmso. turned on the USC for about half 
a cycle; started adding 2 tbsp dry lecithin. Ran several cycles until slightly 
 It seemed to mostly mix into a milk, except for a minor amount of Lec.
 The only way to test this is drink a lot, and see if bowel distress develops. 
But it seems that if you only have vit c/water, -that is the only thing that 
the lecithin will absorb.

--- On Thu, 8/27/09, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Subject: Re: CSLiposomal Encapsulation
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 6:17 AM

I wish him all the best Paul.  dee

On 27 Aug 2009, at 06:08, paul catania wrote:

Thank you Gail, Steve, Lin and all.
I'm sorry that no one seems to be successful at this, but I'm glad that we are 
all trying and talking about it.
I'm sure that if we all keep experimenting and keep the dialogue going, we can 
and will become more proficient at this.
p.s. A very close friend of mine, that I grew up with, was today diagnosed with 
stage-4 lung and brain cancer. I hope I can get this process working and I hope 
that he will be open enough to give it a try.


Re: for Jim Holmes CSheat and vitamin c

2009-08-25 Thread arthur rambo
My Ultrasonic cleaning  unit sometimes runs on without stopping, and the liquid 
heats up a bit. I am wondering if it might cause the ascorbic acid to 
degenerate. Any opinions?

--- On Tue, 8/25/09, Sam L. wrote:

From: Sam L.
Subject: Re: for Jim Holmes CSMy first batch of Liposomal vit-C
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 12:19 AM

In our recent researches evaluating this technology and, consequently, in 
searching for possible process improvements/modifications which might 
facilitate the lay person an opportunity for a DIY methodology achievable in 
a home environment---we did achieve some notable progress. 
First, a brief summary of our exploratory activity. Our literature searches 
revealed several companies actively exhibiting valid capability in this area 
Typical, and demonstrably capable, is a company named MICROTEK. 
Helpful information is available here. 
One fact became obvious, early on, to wit: The truly striking feature of LET 
was a NATURALLY-occurring characteristic.. and not a man-made process, that 
was driving this encapsulation process. That is, this process is a function of 
an automatic, natural tendency of certain substances (e.g. phospholipids in 
this case) to form tiny vacoules or 
bubbles---called liposomeswhen in a aqueous solution under certain 
The keystone activity is that these liposomes automatically fill themselves 
with whatever aqueous solution they were inbefore they were formed. This 
type of bubble, called a membrane, forms a protective barrier around virtually 
every cell in the human body. 
Livon Labs has perfected a process which employs a high-pressure (1700 p.s.i.) 
discharge system which directs a liquid stream against a forming plate. The 
high impact forces the phospholipids (soy lecithin in this case) to form 
liposomesso small they require an electrom microscope for viewing. This 
technology does not create the LET activityit just enhances it. In our 
personal researches we have determined the key to exploiting the LET phenomenon 
appeared to be Livon's application of intense force in their mixing 
Enter the enlightening moment. Searching for a method of achieving liposomal 
encapsulation, it occurred to us to explore ultrasonic stimulation as an 
option. It worked...maybe not quite as well as Livon's high tech brute force 
approach...but about 70% as well. Plenty efficient for our purposes. 
Our vitamin C liposomal encapsulation protocol is as follows: 
Using a small (2 cup) Ultrasonic cleaner, (Item #03305, obtainable from Harbor 
Freight @ about $30.00), we performed the following: 
1. Dissolved 3 level tablespoons of soy lecithin in 1 cup of water (preferably 
2. Dissolved 1 level tablespoon of ascorbic acid powder (Vit. C) in 1/2 cup 
of water. 
3. Poured both solutions together in the ultrasonic cleaner bowl and turned the 
unit on. Using a plastic straw (leaving the top of the cleaner opened), gently, 
slowly, stirred the contents. Note: The cleaner will, automatically, self-stop 
about every 2 minutes. Just push ON button to continue. Repeat for a total of 3 
series (6 minutes). By that time the entire solution should be blended into a 
cloudy, homogeneous, 
milk-like mixture. The LET solution is now formed. 
4. This protocol furnishes about 12 grams (12000mg.) of vitamin C product. At 
70% encapsulation efficiency, 8400 mg would be of the LET type. This solution 
will keep, acceptably, at room temperature for 3 to 4 days. Refrigerated, it 
will keep much longer. We use it so fast around our place...there isn't enough 
left to be concerned over storage. The homogenizing effect is so powerful 
that after 3 days at room temperature, no precipitation or solution separation 
appears evident. This type of sequestered vitamin C has demonstrated to be, 
at least 5 times more effective (per volumetric measure) than any other form of 
orally-ingested vitamin cthat we have tested. Additionally, it appears to 
be even more rapid in tissue-bed availabilitythan IV applications. An 
astounding revelationto us. We estimate the DIY researcher can produce the 
active LET portion of this solution for 15 cents per gramas against about 
$1.00 per gram from commerci! al
It is my hope that this, limited, explanation of our activities in this area, 
is of some value to our do-it-yourself health-maintenance researchers. In any 
event, this protocol has demonstrated to be n on-toxic and most helpful to OUR 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
p.s. A larger, more powerful, ultrasonic cleaner is now available at Harbor 
Freight. Item number 91593. 2+ liters, for about $60.00. Both units have 
performed quite well for us. Almost as well as our $500.00 lead zirconate 
titanate, research grade, unit. 

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 12:41 AM, Jim Holmes wrote:

Hello All,


Re: CS the OT list brouhaha

2002-04-30 Thread Arthur Rambo
Funny, I unsubscribed from this list, but still get emails. Oh well, the
reason I unsubscribed is gone anyway. 

 Actually, I agreed with Greg almost completely on his views.  
 The problem I had with him was he was reminding me of a little dog who
bites at everyones ankles. 
It comes as a surprise and can even be a little amusing at first, but
wears thin soon.   If you try and chastise the dog, he bites your ankles

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Re: CSReichspatent 538 028

2002-04-29 Thread Arthur Rambo
I had 2 bad experiences with the bottled Kombucha. 
 Two bottles from differet batches both had a bacteria in them that made
me extremely naseous. 
 I think there is something about the storage that promotes bacteria.

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Re: CSReichspatent 538 028

2002-04-29 Thread Arthur Rambo
Bill, I've brewed Kombucha many times the correct way you mentioned, and
I had no problems; actually, I noticed my hair was becoming darker after
2-3 months. 
 I've heard that this is due to a correction of an enzyme deficiency in
the gut-(which is the reason for grey hair to begin with, because the
gut stops producing the melanin needed to color the hair)
 However, I tried t take a short cut, and bought it from the store later

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Re: CSCS not so great/(delivery?)

2001-11-24 Thread Arthur Rambo
 It seems that delivery might be the problem. The CS may not be
penetrating the mucuos- mucous being a protective reaction?
  Maybe drinking a large quantity and using a nebulizer/ air brush will

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Re: CSalkalizing/Carey Reams/ OT?

2001-11-24 Thread Arthur Rambo
At this site, the whole lemon/olive oil drink is the center piece of all
the therapies. 

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CSCommercial sales/ certification

2001-11-12 Thread Arthur Rambo
 Spoke with the staff at my local Health Food Co-op tonight in an effort
to get them to carry CS made by me. 
  The issue of Health Department Regs. and certification/ inspection
etc. came up. 
 One scenario described was that a health inspector might walk through,
and if a bottle has a plain, or homemade looking label, then the
inspector would want to investigate the origin of the CS. 
 If it had a decent loooking label, then they might pass it by. 
  Does anyone have experience with this kind of situation? 
 What is required in most cases to bottle CS for commercial sales?

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CSNebulizer Vs inhaler

2001-11-10 Thread Arthur Rambo
  People have asked me several times; why wouldn't an inhaler work to
deliver CS as well as a nebulizer? 
  Anyone have an opinion?

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Re: CSwhat the WHO says about CS saturated water filters

2001-11-09 Thread Arthur Rambo
It does make sense that just having water roll by and make quick
contact is not enough.

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Re: CSDead batteries/chaining adaptors

2001-11-03 Thread Arthur Rambo
Terry, are you saying that intwining  the output wires of  (for
example), three,  9 volt adaptors  will give you 27 volts?

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RE: CSHello List/ Pipette- reverse psycology

2001-11-03 Thread Arthur Rambo
  I changed my mind; I don't want to know what a pipette is... 

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RE: CSHello List/ Pipette-/ (drinking amounts)

2001-11-02 Thread Arthur Rambo
Litre? That does it; start the revolushun!

  BTW, the Canadian roofing shingle industry made a mess when they
introduced metric sized shingles in the U.S. in the late 70's, early
  Roofs that normally would be re-roofed (new shingles installed over
old) had to be completely removed to accomodate the American standard
type,   costing an approx. average 30% increase. 
(but) Maybe that's not such a bad thing.  

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RE: CSCS renal failure

2001-11-01 Thread Arthur Rambo
Using the pwt meter, which I'm told will measure the conductiviy of the
water by sensing particles in the water (correct me if I'm off on this,
please), I find that my city tap  water measures 180.4, or roughly 120
parts per million.
   When run through the counter top filter, it reads 172.2 or roughly
118 ppm.
  My CS measures 31.4 or roughly 18 ppm. 
  I tend to think that the metal in the tap water would be the larger

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Re: CSHello List/ Pipette-/ (drinking amounts)

2001-11-01 Thread Arthur Rambo
Hello Igor, what is a pipette? I have drank approx. one liter per day
for several months, and had benefits as well

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Re: CSHello List/ Pipette-/ (drinking amounts)

2001-11-01 Thread Arthur Rambo
Okay, I'll bite; a liter(metric) is a little bit less than a quart.( U S
 Or two cans of coca cola. 

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Re: CSAs forretold here,,,,,

2001-10-29 Thread Arthur Rambo
This news was reported in the Wash. Post about 6 months ago. They also
alluded to the fact that this is being de-classified, and the more soph.
weapons could not be discussed. 

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Re: CSAs forretold here/Robb

2001-10-29 Thread Arthur Rambo
 Robb, I think you may have hit on something. Everyone who has behaved
themselves throughout history has always come out smelling like a rose;
we should institutionalize good behavior in the form of a club or
organistion, to publicise our movement.
 Call it the good behaviorist fellowship. Our motto could be Whatever
you saywe say okay...

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Re: CSAs forretold here/Robb

2001-10-29 Thread Arthur Rambo
Just kidding him, Mike.I couldn't resist. 

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Re: CSAs forretold here/Robb

2001-10-29 Thread Arthur Rambo
Robb, I was only kidding; I really meant no offense. It was all tongue
in cheek.

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Re: CSHCV and CS

2001-10-23 Thread Arthur Rambo
I have done the rectal insufflation as well, and gotten normal liver
function after approx. 100 treatments or more
 I am now on day 14 of IV o3, 50cc; 21 days in the series, then get
 I will be posting the results.
 If I don't get the desired results in 21 days, I'll do several

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Re: CSHCV and CS

2001-10-22 Thread Arthur Rambo
Yes, by all means, use distilled water
 And, a small air bubbler(like the kind for a fish tank) works to stir
the water, and then no need to switch polarity.

 What method of ozone did you use?

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Re: CSAnthrax in New York

2001-10-15 Thread Arthur Rambo
Many days I have drunk a quart (Approx. 1 liter, (or slightly larger) of
15ppm CS.


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RE: CSAnthrax in New York

2001-10-15 Thread Arthur Rambo
Hello Dr Torres, I have sent a couple emails to you, but gotten no
  Can you get in touch? thanks

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Re: CSNebulizer Ideas

2001-10-12 Thread Arthur Rambo
I have a sister-in-law who has been  prescribed,  medical oxygen for her
condition (some type of bronchial infflamation. She has 4 small and one
large tank less than 8 feet away, and alternates between dosing on o2,
and smoking Marlboros. Husband smokes too.Same room. :-)

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Re: CSDeVilbiss Nebulizer

2001-10-09 Thread Arthur Rambo
Don't know about that one, but I'm satisfied with the one I got for $99
 Model # NE-C16

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CSSaving silver powder for bandages

2001-10-04 Thread Arthur Rambo
 I've been using the natural coffee filters to pour my CS thru. I use a
large plastic funnel and strap the filter onto the bottom, and stand
this into a bottle. I usually have a bit of particulates left on the
paper, so I began to save these in a baggie and keep in the refrigerator
to keep them from drying out.
 I came down with a case of poison ivy yesterday and put the bandages
on it, and soon after the itching stopped. 
 I also put one on a cut that was borderline in need of stitches, and
it healed rather well.  

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Re: CSI'm looking for a helpful CS list

2001-10-02 Thread Arthur Rambo
I think every list goes through ups and downs. I've come to expect that.
I'm on several. Why not just delete what does not interest you, or
better yet, begin a subject that does?
   The disagreements on this list are extremely mild compared to some
forums. I guess that's where I learned to overlook nonsense, and got a
little bit thick-skinned. I recommend participating in an uncensored
forum for a while. It will give one an appreciation for this level of

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Re: CSList Management Feedback

2001-10-02 Thread Arthur Rambo
That's funny; I just don't read it the same way. 
  Suggesting that a newcomer look in the archives seems like a very
helpful way to prompt some research. It would seem like a newcomer would
be thankful to be pointed in the right direction. 
  I've never seen a rude reply to a request for help. Maybe I'm missing
  The list has a couple wise guys who make some wise cracks, but geez,
we need a sense of humor too, don't we?

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Re: CSList feedback

2001-09-29 Thread Arthur Rambo
I beg your pardon, Bill; if you are wise to a superior grade of CS,
please share it with the rest of us. I'm surprised that you would
withhold that information in the first place. 

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Re: CSRising to the Challenge?

2001-09-28 Thread Arthur Rambo
Jan, it seems that this story, or a variation of it has been addressed
here several times already. 
  Are you suggesting to contact Oprah or some other idea? 
   My first hunch tells me that you should be prepared to deal with the
quackbuster types who will surely slither out of the woodwork, if so.

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Re: CSRising to the Challenge?

2001-09-28 Thread Arthur Rambo
Very good point, Judy. 
 BTW, I was cut by a piece of roofing slate on the arm last week. Poured
CS into the fairly deep wound(almost needed stitches) and pulled it back
together with tape; two weeks later, it looks like a minor scratch had
taken place. 

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Re: CSSilver against Viruses?

2001-09-25 Thread Arthur Rambo
Goran, CS has been effective in relieving my symptoms of hepatitis c. I
drink approx a quart (almost a liter) a day of approx 10-15 ppm. 

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Re: CS Questions

2001-09-17 Thread Arthur Rambo
That makes sense Roger. In those days, I was churning out some strange
and wonderful stuff. 
   My son was having swollen lymph nodes as well; a seemingly hard place
to reach (my guess)

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Re: CSOsmar bin Laden

2001-09-13 Thread Arthur Rambo
 I think asking any and all questions is the right thing to do,
regardless of your feelings. Sorry if some were offended. 

 If we were satisfied with the official version of CS, we wouldn't be
here either.

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Re: CSPEACE Please

2001-09-11 Thread Arthur Rambo
Duncan, I have thought along this thread all day, but trying to make the
pieces fit that theory is hard; you would have to employ at least 4
zombies to carry it out. 
   Oklahoma City has been called a Reichstag,  referencing when Hitler
called his best generals together, and then bombed the building to blame
anti Nazi factions.
   But 4 simultaneous suicide bombers is  a pretty remote possibility.  

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Re: CSHello Arthur, Dean,Jack

2001-09-03 Thread Arthur Rambo
Jack, I got mine from SOTA Instruments. 

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RE: CSVitamin C revisited

2001-08-27 Thread Arthur Rambo
Dean the 180,000 mg was the main ingrediant in a IV protocol.(at twice
per week, each bag costing $100)
 Glutathione, zinc, and some others were in there as well.
 But thanks for the tip. 

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Re: CSVitamin C revisited

2001-08-27 Thread Arthur Rambo
Dean, I gotta tell you the Beck blood purifier is what clears my sinus
congestion every time. It's a zapper type that you put on your wrist for
a couple hours a night. 
  Sota Instruments has it for $176 

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Re: CSVitamin C revisited

2001-08-26 Thread Arthur Rambo
Hi Dean, I was getting 180,000 mg of Vitamin C IV twice a week last year
for hcv. Got normalized results, 
  But I couldn't keep up the $200 per week bill. 
 Still, thats better than the $2,000 a week for the chemo drugs that
conventional medicine prescribes and (insuurance pays for)-(they won't
pay for vit C)

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Re: CSHow To Respond To This?

2001-08-25 Thread Arthur Rambo
Ask him to show the actual reports of Agyria and dying people. 
   Surely the quackpot on Quackwatch would have them all lined up.

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CS and o3

2001-08-20 Thread Arthur Rambo
 Hi all, I'm wondering; Does anyone have an opinion regarding the
effects of o3 on CS? 
 I'm drinking o3 water, and CS but not together; does it see likely that
both together would more beneficial or less?

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Re: CS maker and distiller needed for sick friend

2001-08-20 Thread Arthur Rambo
Bill, I'd like to get some Microdyn if possible. I have hcv, and the CS
I make is helping, but if the Microdyn sounds even better. 
  you can email me with the info. at

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Re: CSRense on CS Blues

2001-08-18 Thread Arthur Rambo
I sent a letter to the editor and cut a few defensive replies. She
insisted on picking an argument about particle size in her lastest  3rd

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CSFwd: Re: Colloidal Silver

2001-08-18 Thread Arthur Rambo
... didn't think you knew what you purport.

One last chance:


Hope you aren't the phoney you seem, so far, to be.


I know plenty about CS, and plenty about the harm done from presenting a
subject in an uninformative light, as well.
 You have joined the ranks of quackwatch with your guilt by
association presentation.

---End Message---

CSFwd: Re: Colloidal Silver

2001-08-18 Thread Arthur Rambo
Your poor fellow.

Just to help you along:

The SAFE silver particle size range for the relatively routine use of
colloidal silver is .01 to .001.  Anything larger is not advised.

And before you shoot your keyboard off again and make a bigger fool
of yourself, go to the Health-Medicine DataPage and skim the stories
to see the 7 year treasury of alternative therapy/medicine stories
we have covered.  This site has been waging war against the pharmaceutical
and medical establishment forever.

You also might want to work on your attitude and do a little actual
research before sticking your feet in your mouth.


I haven't made any claims that would appear phony; I think you realize
the poor judgement of posting this article, and are feeling a bit
 I have nothing to prove, just stating my opinion.
  It doesn't matter to me that you think I know something or not.
I think if you know what you claim, you also know that suppression
of alternative therapies is rampant, and this article appears like the
kind designed to steer the novice with fear,  rather than inform.

---End Message---

RE: CSRe: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-17 Thread Arthur Rambo has the wire and ribbon for a tiny bit less.

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CSThanks Bob

2001-08-17 Thread Arthur Rambo
 I recieved the speed control motor in th mail today. I see now why it
was beyond my ability to make one. It's a bit more sophisticated than I
   And the price was better than outstanding as well. Thanks again; 

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Re: CSRe: Dr. Jon's CS process

2001-08-15 Thread Arthur Rambo
Bob, did one of those test belong to me? just curious to know if you
tested firther, and found something wrong

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RE: CS questions

2001-08-11 Thread Arthur Rambo
James, your email is unreadable again. It's blue on black.

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Re: CSMessage Colors

2001-08-11 Thread Arthur Rambo
Could be the webtv. James corrected it awhile ago, but now it's
happening again (for me)

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RE: CS 101

2001-07-30 Thread Arthur Rambo
This one shows like the rest. readable

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RE: CS 101

2001-07-30 Thread Arthur Rambo
James, your blue on black background is unreadable.

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RE: CS 101

2001-07-30 Thread Arthur Rambo
To clarify...It's better, now it shows like everyone elses

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RE: CS 101

2001-07-30 Thread Arthur Rambo
No, this one is black bg with white text.

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Re: CSRE: pH tester

2001-07-28 Thread Arthur Rambo
Trem, not trying to start trouble, but Ole Bob is not a big fan of the
hanna ppm tester. 
 Can you offer a defense of why the layperson would find the tester
good enough to use as a guage?
 I realize that everythng has a purpose and limit, so I'm not looking
for a sophisticated appliance if a simple thing will get the job

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Re: CSeliminating CS

2001-07-20 Thread Arthur Rambo
I'm one of the people that suspect CS makes me constipated when I drink
 When I stop. and begin Pro biotics, and plain yogurt, I straighten out.
 This is probably due in part to the condition of my liver, It is not in
the best of shape. 
 I plan to get it well with ozone and other means, and resume testing in
the fall.

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Re: CSHerpes Whitlow Recurrence

2001-07-18 Thread Arthur Rambo
Ihave gotten fever blisters on my lips and by accident discovered that
baking soda dries them up very fast. They of course have to be open and

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Re: CSBeck Pulser

2001-07-14 Thread Arthur Rambo
Heh, heh, heh. 
 The first day I used the BP, was a day that I was exposed to some toxic
smoke at work. Thinking that it was a small amount, I used the BP and
was unusually ill for a couple days. 
   However, I have used the BP after drinking coffee; no extra effect.
 I used it after an IV 50,000 mg Vitamin C and no extra effect.
(although I really didn't expect one)  

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Re: CScandida

2001-07-13 Thread Arthur Rambo
Hi Jacqui, just to compare notes; can you tell a little more about the
o3 iv? I am planning to do the same soon. 
  Where did you have it done? What was the schedule? And anything else
that comes to mind, please.

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Re: CSFish tank bubblier

2001-07-13 Thread Arthur Rambo
Ode, I'm not sure what you are saying.
 I'm measuring the distilled water before starting. The meter is showing
from 1.2- 1.9 
  During the process, I'm getting  various readings.
  Usually, at around 30ppm, I start to get debris, so I choose to stop. 
 I'm reading Ionic as - an electrically charged atom- or group of atoms-
is that a problem?

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RE: CScandida

2001-07-13 Thread Arthur Rambo
you are such a tease; I am all excited

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Re: CScandida

2001-07-13 Thread Arthur Rambo
Thanks Jacqui, can you tell me a little about the size of syringe, the
rate at which the o3 was injected, any side effects?

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Re: CSFish tank bubblier

2001-07-12 Thread Arthur Rambo
Bob, My mistake; It's 30v 400ma.
 I have used two silver ribbons, extending 6, and wrapped around 2
maple leaf coins.

 I have also used a Beck silver pulser with silver wire only.

 Yes, I am using a hanna ppm tester. It is showing  approx. 1.5 ppm
distilled water to start with. Why?

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Re: CSBeck Pulser

2001-07-12 Thread Arthur Rambo
The BPs main purpose is designed to zap parasites as they swim by in
the bloodstream, by emitting an alternating, pulsed elect. current,
applied to the wrist over the 2 arteries.
  It runs on a nine v battery, which converts the current,(I think from
9v to 27v, alternatively), similar to the way stunguns do.
   The current jumps from one electrode to the next in split seconds.
It makes an excellent CS generator. but cost approx. $180 

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Re: CSFish tank bubblier

2001-07-12 Thread Arthur Rambo
I'm reading the bottom of the transformer.
 It's just an ordinary toy train type, that I picked up at a yard
   30 v, 400ma
 I have other 12v, 300 ma from radio shack as well.

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Re: CSFish tank bubblier

2001-07-12 Thread Arthur Rambo
Bob, I do know that I have 1.5 ppm in the beginning, and variations of
ppm during each process, depending on length of process.
 Are you sayig my meter is worhless?

 It also shows my tap water to be approx 150 ppm, and after running thru
a counter top type filter, it measures approx. 130 ppm. 

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Re: CSFish tank bubblier

2001-07-12 Thread Arthur Rambo
I'm not all that technically inclined, Marshall. I'm using the bubbler
for that reason, as well. I don't have the know how to wire a stirring
 But, I am making CS, and it works. Yes, I would like to know the true
PPM, but since I'm not selling any, I don't really have to know.

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Re: CSFish tank bubblier

2001-07-12 Thread Arthur Rambo
Bob, I'm getting the approx. same reading from the same brand of
distilled water. From 1.2 to 1.9 range.
  My 10ppm taste less metalllc than my 30 ppm(I know that's not
reliable, but it seems consistent with the mixture)

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