CS>bird flu

2006-03-15 Thread deborah byron
Putting animal waste back into the food chain as animal feed is apparently  
state of the art now.  Wonder if this could have something to do with the  
emergence of diseases like avian flu and mad cow...

(warning: I've edited this down so that it meets the length requirements  
for this list.  Tried to post the LA Times article on bird flu yesterday,  
was notified it was too long--unfortunately today you have to register at  
the website to read it).

Pro-Cal Turns Waste to Feed
By Laura Bruegge
Northwest Arkansas Business Journal - 3/13/06

Previously, the waste fat skimmings — a byproduct of poultry processing —  
were “hard to handle.” They had to be mixed with other materials, such as  
soybean meal, if they were going to be used as feed for domestic animals  
such as chickens and cows.

In January, Simmons opened a $10 million, 125,000-SF commercial production  
plant in Southwest City, Mo., dedicated to making Pro-Cal.

Currently, the wastewater is pumped from poultry kill rooms to a treatment  
plant where the DAF skimmings are recovered. The blood, fat and protein  
material is then pumped or trucked to the Pro-Cal plant. It is blended,  
mixed and heated. From there, more water is extracted before the product  
goes into the dryer. The end product is a rust-colored powder.

Previously, Simmons added cooked blood from its slaughter operations to  
its feather meal. About six loads of DAF skimmings had to be hauled away  
every day from Simmons’ processing plants in Southwest City, Jay, Okla.,  
and Siloam Springs. Those plants combined process 3 million broilers and  
355,000 breeder hens per week, Haid said. The plant has the capacity to  
handle ten 50,000-pound loads of DAF per day.

If Simmons costs associated with land applying DAF skimmings were applied  
to the average weekly poultry slaughter rate of about 168 million birds  
nationwide (based on Watt Poultry USA 2005 data), it would mean a cost  
savings of about $588,000 per week or $30.6 million annually.

Simmons is currently producing about 350 to 400 tons of Pro-Cal per week,  
Haid said. The plant has the capacity to produce 17,000 tons per year,  
which could be doubled with an additional dryer. The majority of the  
product is fed internally to about 17 to 18 million of Simmons’ birds  
weekly. The balance is shipped to dairy operations of about 5,600 head of  
cattle in western Kansas.

Gene Woods, president of Pro-Cal, said Pro-Cal is valuable in a dairy  
cow’s diet because of its quality as a bypass fat and protein.

“Basically, they are taking a waste product that has been a nuisance and  
making it a valuable feed ingredient,” Waldroup said.

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CS>bird flu

2006-03-15 Thread deborah byron
This scholarly article from the LA Times challenges the idea that wild  
birds or backyard poultry are to blame for avian flu epidemics and warns  
that a misguided mass destruction of both could result.


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CS>bird flu

2006-03-14 Thread deborah byron
This article further connects some of the dots regarding the spread of  
bird flu.
I think its important to remember that, as with smallpox and other  
epidemics, there are people who for some reason don't get these diseases  
and others who survive after being quite ill.  The fear being generated by  
all the hype is certainly another vector and one we have some control over.


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CS>purifying water

2006-03-07 Thread deborah byron
In all the many previous discussions on water purification, I don't recall  
the British Berkfield water filter ever being mentioned and yet it is the  
one that uses silver.


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CS>power sources for CS generators

2006-03-07 Thread deborah byron
Would there be a way to power the SilverGen and Silverpuppy generators off  
batteries in case of an electrical outage?  What kind would be needed--a  
car battery?


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CS>Castigation of Iron

2006-03-05 Thread deborah byron
I think the key to getting the right kind of iron is that it has to be in  
a form metabolized by a plant to be useful--a botanical source rather than  
from cast iron cookware.  Iron from skillets can't be taken up by the body  
in the right way--but I'm not sure that its all that toxic.

That's my understanding anyway,

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Re: CS>honeybees & CS?

2006-02-21 Thread deborah byron

Hi Wendy,

As for using CS in beekeeping, I would definitely not do it based on what  
I've read here.  Most of the diseases and parasites wouldn't be likely to  
respond anyway since they're not bacterial.  From what I've heard however  
I wouldn't hesitate to use formic acid--it occurs naturally in the insect  
world after all.  As I understand it, you spray it on them only at very  
specific times for the varroa mites.  Paired with crisco patties, lots of  
beekeepers have had success in getting away from toxic chemical  
management.  However there seem to be so many variables--climate, weather  
patterns, proximity of other hives etc.--that the only reasonable thing is  
to find someone using holistic hive management in your area and see what  
works there.

It is so heartbreaking to lose a hive.  The decision we've made is to  
abandon selling honey and relying on bees as a money-maker until the bee  
population can rebuild and recoup.  Oddly enough we want to see healthy  
bees swarm back into the wild. But we're in a minority and it'll be a long  

All the best to you and your husband,

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2006-02-20 Thread deborah byron
Problems with tracheal mites as well as other diseases can certainly be  
seen as symptoms of a weakened constitution, the same sort of holistic  
perspective we apply to human illnesses. In fact some observers of  
commercial beekeeping practices predicted as early as the 1920s the demise  
of honeybees that has occurred in the last 15 years. All bees, including  
wild ones, have most definitely been affected by big Ag. with it's  
pesticides and the overall degradation of their environment. Its  likely  
that the phenomenon of swarming has gradually affected wild bee genetics  
as well.  By the time mites showed up, the bees were already struggling  
and thus less able to develop defenses.  Of course, conventional  
beekeeping as taught at the agricultural extension services virtually  
refuses to recognize environmental sources of harm, much less that any of  
the methods they promote might be detrimental.


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Re: CS>Fingernail Ridges

2006-02-19 Thread deborah byron
As a hobbist beekeeper I'd like to suggest that everyone consider  
following the very good suggestion to use alternatives and avoid the bee  
products.  The honeybee populations have become so severely weakened by  
bad beekeeping methods, such as over-harvesting pollen, propolis, royal  
jelly, taking all their honey and giving them back refined sugar  
syrup--not to mention flawed methods of queen propagation.  In fact we  
should all avoid buying honey from the large commercial bee-yard companies  
who are the worst violators and search out locally made.  Consider paying  
a little more and encourage local bee-keeping in your area.There's a  
reason the honeybees have become so susceptible to every disease and  
predator that comes down the pike.


On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 05:47:11 -0600, Paula Perry  wrote:

For B vitamins you can take Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly or black strap  
I think Spirulina is also loaded with B's. All very cheap and easy. I  

it works better to take the B's in a natural form. Just my opinion.

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Re: CS>super cure ? / Liquid Zeolite

2006-02-15 Thread deborah byron

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 23:44:35 -0600, Deborah Gerard wrote:
have you heard of the alkaline testing tape?..

Please do elaborate on this and how its connected with mercury fillings.

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CS>Silverpuppy question

2006-01-09 Thread deborah byron
I too bought a Silverpuppy a couple of years ago but am still not clear  
about the stirring issue.  Mine is one of the light-bulb-warmer base  
units.  I see that now there's a more recent evolution that has a magnetic  
component to promote circulation.  My question is whether there's a  
difference in efficacy in these two methods.  Why the change?


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CS>Almond milk

2006-01-09 Thread deborah byron
We make delicious almond milk by simply whizzing them with good water in a  
blender and then straining through muslin.  You can run the first batch of  
the remaining meal through again to get everything possible out of the  
almonds.  I find no need to cook the almonds, no fancy equipment needed  
either this way.


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CS>CS as a preservative

2006-01-06 Thread deborah byron
I'd like to know if anyone here makes their own cosmetics, lotions, etc.  
and has figured out how to use CS as a preservative.


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CS>Diatomaceous earth

2006-01-05 Thread deborah byron
Does anyone here use DE to combat pantry moths at home in your organic  
seeds and flours etc.?  How much would you add to, say, five pounds of  
flour after transfering it to a jar?


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CS>Food Poisoning (quote-unquote)

2005-12-20 Thread deborah byron
A story about food poisoning--a few weeks ago many parents here were  
reporting that large numbers of kids were out of school with the 'flu'.  
Being interested in the whole avian flu issue, I started looking in at the  
Weather Channel's website which carries what I assume are Center for  
Disease Control flu report statistics on a state-by-state basis.  Guess  
what--not one report of the flu in that 2-week period and hardly any at  
all since.  Which leaves me wondering just how often salmonella type food  
contaminations occur in the schools and are mislabeled, at least by the  
general public. And why doesn't this make the news--hundreds of kids out  
at a time isn't news?


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CS>an update on cansema application

2005-12-10 Thread deborah byron
Given that I'm in the process of my first use of cansema salve, I've very  
much appreciated this discussion.  Not sure but I may have applied a bit  
too much, though I tried to follow the instructions I had--a small dab on  
the pencil-eraser sized bump and then covered with a bandage for 24 hrs.   
Since I felt no sensation at the 24 hr. point, although a quarter-sized  
reddened circle had appeared, I cleaned it with 3% hydrogen peroxide and  
then decided to reapply the salve to the whole enlarged area and then  
loosely bandaged as before to allow air circulation.  *Then* it got  
cooking right away, but never more than a strong stinging that required no  
meds.  Cleaned it again at the 48 hr. point.  There was never any weeping  
that required a covering after that.  The wound looks very similar to the  
description Gunar just provided--like a large smallpox vaccination, with a  
central flat yellowish spot surrounded by a more swollen inflammed scab  
which has slowly become drier and scabbier.
During the first 48 hours I did apply some aloe vera straight from a plant  
to relieve the stinging and itching.  After that I kept it dry for a week.

I'm guessing that this course of events suggests one of the lesser serious  
skin cancers.  Unfortunately my camera also acted up but I will try to  
document the next few applications I plan to make--some of which are on my  
brow-line and temples.  Will take those very slowly and carefully.  My  
partner seems surprised at my ecstatic reaction to this --I think he's  
worried that I now "have cancer".  Is that true?Surely there's a  
difference between something caused by too many sunburns versus an  
internal development).  Any wisdom on this?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>The healing properties of cats

2005-12-10 Thread deborah byron
Stress is a major causal factor in schizophrenia in conjunction with  
genetic predisposition--the kind of constant, grinding stress that can  
make a person vulnerable to any number of health problems.  Healthy people  
don't get parasites, right


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2005-12-05 Thread deborah byron
Since this has been mentioned, I wanted to say that I am now in Day-4 of  
using this salve on what was most likely a non-melanoma type skin cancer  
on my shoulder.  For years it was a small pencil-eraser sized spot with  
constantly flakey skin that eventually stopped flaking and became a  
subcutaneous bump.  When it recently began to itch a little, I decided to  
go ahead with the salve.  It has worked so far in a textbook manner with  
no pain management needed at all. Really a wonderful alternative to have  
in the medicine cabinet.

Very pleased indeed,

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CS>Vitamin C Therapy

2005-10-24 Thread deborah byron
Does anyone know, concerning rosehips, whether there would be more  
available VitC in taking the rosehip in a powdered form (done myself at  
home in a grinder) or via steeping as a tea?  I'm assuming that boiling  
the hips would destroy the VitC.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Amalgam removal...

2005-10-14 Thread deborah byron
I've suddenly realized that amalgam removal occurs when for instance a  
filled tooth breaks, requiring a crown.  I'm remembering my last dental  
visit for that particular kind of work--no precautions were taken at all  
for the patient (the dentists and staff were well gloved and masked but  
only against blood contamination I think).  In fact I was surprised to  
find that they didn't even have the old chairside sink with running water.  
I had to ask for water to rinse with after the entire procedure was over.

The point being that amalgam removal contamination occurs even when  
removal isn't the primary purpose.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>colloidal silver and mold

2005-10-04 Thread deborah byron
Dear William--It looks like the Floatron is strictly solar powered, I have  
sent them an email questioning this.  I'd like to find something to  
suggest for my health club with indoor pool and jaccuzis.  The  
chlorine/chemicals reek so badly I won't even get in.  Do you know of  
anything that operates off another energy source?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Question to MA

2005-10-04 Thread deborah byron
Dear MA--Looking at those units on the website, its difficult to tell how  
they work.  How does the water contact the silver electrodes?

ps: I can't agree enough about getting your own generator, making your own  
CS/EIS -- having enough high quality CS to be able to give as samples to  

On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 11:45:23 -0500,  wrote:


P.S.  I bought my unit at www.wishgranted.com -- it's the Colloid Master.

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2005-10-04 Thread deborah byron
Dear Trem--The small $20 unit I got from Walgreens (their own brand) is  
actually called an ultrasonic humidifier.  I would only say that mine has  
been unreliable at times, other times its worked well.  But when you need  
one, you tend to really need it.  So if doing it again I'd invest a little  
more and get a better unit.

All the best,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Distemper Raccoons

2005-10-03 Thread deborah byron


There are at least 2 veterinary homeopaths on this list and one (Lita) has  
a website with lots of information and remedies.

It was Lita who mentioned the idea of homeopathically 'vaccinating'  
wildlife--which isn't at all like conventional vaccines.  The vet you  
mentioned probably meant to discourage the conventional approach.


Note: this isn't an advertisement--I have no financial connection with  
these people

On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 12:13:52 -0500, Connie Howard   

Deb..  I love contact info.  I asked my neighbor who goes to a wholistic
vet to see about vaccinations.  She said that he indicated not to
vaccinate the raccoon.  So I just assumed they did not have a vaccination
for these animals.  Thanks for the help.


On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 10:21:58 -0500 "deborah byron"

Connie--how great of you to do this for a wild animal.  Just wanted
mention something about homeopathy--I know of a practitioner who
there's a nosode which can be put out in drinking water so that
can be 'vaccinated' against rabies.  Isn't that brilliant--I'll bet
have something similar for distemper.  Let me know if you'd like


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Distemper Raccoons

2005-10-03 Thread deborah byron
Connie--how great of you to do this for a wild animal.  Just wanted to  
mention something about homeopathy--I know of a practitioner who says  
there's a nosode which can be put out in drinking water so that wildlife  
can be 'vaccinated' against rabies.  Isn't that brilliant--I'll bet she'd  
have something similar for distemper.  Let me know if you'd like contact  


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Avian Flu

2005-10-02 Thread deborah byron

Hi Leah Ann,

Thought I would just mention this in case it applies.  If your sons have  
been playing sports on ball fields maintained in the usual toxic fashion,  
saturated with herbicides and pesticides, you probably are aware how much  
dust they (and you parents looking on) inhale game after game after game.   
Some of us have observed parents and kids getting sick like clockwork  
every summer with asthma and other respiratory problems directly related  
to sport field dust. And most parents shrug it off--I can't understand  

The term infiltrates is troubling--what does that mean exactly?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>foot pads/insoles

2005-09-21 Thread deborah byron

Please tell us more about the Korean massage insoles please, Jonathan.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark

2005-09-15 Thread deborah byron
Nenah and Christine, thanks for your replys.  The link someone posted  
earlier on aspirin's benefits against strokes spurred me to ask about  
white willow bark since my 80 year old mother has taken a baby aspirin a  
day for some years, quite successfully it appears.  Heart disease/stroke  
is a miasm in family that i'm trying to find creative, holistic ways to  
deal with.  aspirin as i understand it, thins the blood in a preventative  
way (now must type one handed due to a cat that wants to be held) and so  
i'm wondering about using the botanical instead with questions about the  
proper minimal dose.

any further ideas appreciated,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark

2005-09-15 Thread deborah byron
I'd like to ask the list whether anyone here has experience using an  
infusion of white willow bark, the botanical source of salicylic acid, in  
place of aspirin.  I'm wondering specifically whether some other  
ingredient would be needed as a buffer.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CODEX in Rome

2005-07-05 Thread deborah byron

Whats next?
Sam L.

I can't figure out where the vitamin/supplement industry has been on  
this--aren't they the ones after all who are going to lose huge sums of  
money, the ones with the means to hire lobbyists and really fight this?  I  
have yet to see a petition or any sign of alarm-sounding in any health  
food store I frequent and when I've asked the only response has been 'gee  
I don't know, I'll check with our suppliers'--as if certain they'd be the  
ones to get effectively organized when convinced their pocketbooks are  
truly threatened.

Its just amazing to think that this is where the feds really need to be  
spending time and our money--busting manufacturers and users of  
naturopathic medicine.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Codex Action Alert

2005-06-08 Thread deborah byron
I would like to ask this list for opinions about this organization and its  
strategy of supporting DSHEA as a way to oppose Codex restrictions.  I  
wonder specifically whether the term 'dietary supplements' is meant to  
include herbal medicines and homeopathics.

Wondering if there's a better organization to work with.

From: "Patrick McGrath, Citizens for Health" 
Subject: Codex Action Alert - Support World Health

You might have heard rumors about the international rulemaking process  
known as Codex Alimentarius, or "Food Code". This July, commissioners from  
all over the world will meet in Rome to decide upon a global standard for  
the vitamin and mineral trade.

Support world health and make sure that we maintain our open access to  
dietary supplements.

Cottablishing the world's regulatory model for vitamins, minerals, and  
eventually all dietary supplements.

TAKE ACTION! (http://www.healthactioncenter.com/ctt.asp?u=3826125&l=95560)  
Promote health choice worldwide. Tell the U.S. Codex delegation and  
Congress to make our law, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act  
(DSHEA) the international standard for dietary supplement trade.

As it stands today, the standards that the Codex Alimentarius commission  
is proposing will treat nutrients like toxic chemicals and, unlike U.S.  
law, will establish upper potency limits. Send a letter today to postpone  
acceptance of the Codex guidelines until the following issues are  
revisited: the role of dietary supplements in optimal health, worldwide  
hunger and nutrition, and the appropriate science model for nutrients.

Take action today to support DSHEA as the international standard for the  
dietary supplement trade.

The U.S. Congress passed DSHEA by unanimous consent with the support of  
millions of Americans in order to protect our health choice.  DSHEA is a  
safe and sound model that works.  The U.S. Codex delegation has a consumer  
and Congressional mandate to acknowledge and defend the basic principles  
of DSHEA and should labor to ensure that no trade-related barriers are  
erected between us and safe, innovative, and effective dietary supplements.

It is crucial that you send your letter today. The commissions will be  
meeting on July 4th-make sure your voice is heard before then!

While any change in U.S. law requires an act of Congress, it is important  
that we act now to establish a model for international dietary supplement  
regulation that protects consumers' health rights.  Act now!

Send your letter today, and be sure to tell your friends about this  
important issue!


Thank you again,

Patrick McGrath
Associate Director
Citizens for Health

ps. Your donations make Citizens for Health possible.  To keep the Voice  
of the Natural Health Consumer strong, make a contribution today  

The Health Action Center is a joint effort of The Campaign for Better  
Health and Citizens for Health.  We provide you with a way to easily send  
emails and faxes to support healthier choices and practical solutions to  
solve our nation's serious healthcare crisis.

FEEDBACK:  If you need to get in contact with us (if you have trouble  
unsubscribing, or have questions about the list itself), send an email to  


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>warfarin

2005-05-25 Thread deborah byron
I would like to offer a personal experience. Last year I began having some  
fairly dramatic heart palpatations/arhythmias that were especially  
troublesome in the early evenings.  While I have no known heart condition  
presently, there is heart disease in my maternal lineage, and so I was  
very interested to read somewhere that hawthorne tincture might help.  Got  
some at the health food store and began taking approx. 3 drops held under  
the tongue every time the palpatations occurred.  At times I would take  
several doses one after another as I sat watching tv or reading.  Over a  
period of about 6 weeks the palpatations gradually disappeared--so slowly  
that I hardly realized when they had finally stopped, and they haven't  

Even with a long personal history of using herbal remedies, this surprised  
me.  I'm not sure it would be indicated for someone with chronic problems  
however--probably better as a preventative.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Making Creams and Gels

2005-05-24 Thread deborah byron
FYI, this company (with which I'm affiliated only as a customer) sells  
products for making creams, lotions, balms, gels etc. and also has a  
recipe section.  I found their basic lip balm formula to be just right.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Rats!

2005-05-13 Thread deborah byron
Why don't you folks plagued with rats just adopt a nice cat.  An  
overabundance of ants, btw, is an indication that your soils are lacking  
formic acid and maybe others things as well.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Hundreds of MDs pay Republicans $1250 Each for Doctor of the Year Awards

2005-04-07 Thread deborah byron

Why so cheap I wonder...

Are Honors for Physicians the New Political Diploma Mill?
Doctor Named 'Physician of the Year' -- for a Fee

Apr. 5, 2005 - The good news reached the Jamestown, N.Y., office of Dr.
Rudolph Mueller in a fax from a congressman in Washington. Mueller had been
named 2004 Physician of the Year.

 "My secretary came running in and said, 'Dr. Rudy, look at what you've  

you're Physician of the Year,' " said Mueller, an internist.

 But to receive the award in person at a special two-day workshop in
Washington last month, Mueller found out that he would have to make a  

contribution to the National Republican Congressional Committee. It was a
disturbing discovery, he said.

 "To actually buy your award and it's not from your peers or from your
patients or from the community that you serve, it's really deceptive," said
Mueller, author of "As Sick As It Gets: The Shocking Reality of America's
Healthcare, A Diagnosis and Treatment Plan." "It's not being honest, it's
just not right."

 To see what the award process was all about, Mueller sent in his $1,250
contribution and ABC News paid for his travel to Washington for the
scheduled events March 14-15, which included a tax-reform workshop as well
as appearances by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, and President

 Mueller soon found he was not the only winner. There were hundreds of
Physicians of the Year present, many of whom found the criteria for being
selected equally as opaque.

 "You know, nobody knows, so don't feel bad about it," Mueller said one
attendee told him. "I think that more than likely it's to get us  
together under the pretense that maybe you will work a little harder to  

Republicans in office."

 Another winner was more blunt. "I don't think it's worth it from the
standpoint of your own qualifications, but I think it's worth it to support
the party," he said. "Basically it's one big monstrous donation to the

 "It's like the old diploma mills," said Fred Wertheimer, president of
Democracy 21, a government watchdog group. "It's the kind of scam that  

seen congressional investigations look at when they take place in the
private sector. But here, since members of Congress are doing it, we're not
going to see any investigation."

 Investing in the Party

 The Republicans, under the direction of DeLay, came up with the idea for
the awards five years ago as a means of helping to raise funds for the
congressional campaign efforts for their party.

 In fact, signs reading "A Celebration of the House Republican Majority"  

"Moving America's Agenda" decorated the hotel ballroom where last month's
events were held.

 A Republican congressional spokesman said DeLay stopped direct involvement
in the program two years ago, but the majority leader was the guest speaker
this year at the awards ceremony luncheon, giving a speech that included
proposals well-tailored to the doctors' interests.

 "We need to reform our legal system so that predatory personal injury
lawyers can't clog our courts and drive doctors out of business with  
lawsuits," he said. "Today in America, a doctor in a small town is trying  

determine how he can continue his practice after learning of his new higher
malpractice premiums."

 Mueller said most of the talk at the sessions was about marketing, lawyers
and taxes, and that he was met with silence when trying to raise the issue
of the lack of affordable health insurance.

 "This is the real crisis," Mueller said he told the congressmen on one
panel at the events. "Please, I am begging you."

 The congressmen said nothing and quickly called for a question from  

Physician of the Year, Mueller said .

 Later that day, Bush spoke at the NRCC dinner, thanking the attendees for
their "investment" in the party. "You're making a wise investment about the
future of this country, an investment made upon principle, an investment
made upon freedom, an investment that will help us stay a prosperous  

and an investment that will allow each and every American to rise to his or
her own God-given talents," he said.

 And some of the other winners told Mueller that his $1,250 fee to the NRCC
was a wise investment indeed. He should use the award as a marketing tool,
they said, as an impressive honor he could tell patients. And on the
Internet, ABC News found physicians across the country doing just that --
listing NRCC's Physician of the Year among their honors and credentials.

 Wertheimer warned that the award was misleading and that they should add
the award was given "because I paid for this certificate, not for anything
else that happened."

 A Republican spokesman said there were thousands of doctors around the
country content with their Physicians of the Year awards, and that there  

nothing about the program to apologize for.

 ABC News' Rhon

CS>heliobacter & CS

2005-04-04 Thread deborah byron
Thanks for this response patriot2000 (feels really dumb to address you  
this way).  My friend is quite tied in to allopathic medicine and is just  
beginning to give other possibilities a try.  Your response here is one  
she'll certainly appreciate.

And thanks very much to reglee in Oz for the kind offer--we're in the  
midwest US.

In appreciation for everyone's help,


I am surprised that her doctor did not give her the now common treatment
for heliobacter pylori caused ulcers:  Pepto Bismol (or other bismol
product) and an antibiotic.  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>heliobacter & CS

2005-04-03 Thread deborah byron

Thank you very much Richard.  Do you have a suggestion for the quantity
of a given dose--for instance, 1 cup CS:2 cups electrolyte product, 3  
times a day?


On Sun, 3 Apr 2005 20:49:08 -0400, Richard Harris  wrote:

Hi Deborah,
Your friend should begin taking the CS 1 part + 2 parts Gatorade (as
electrolyte to take the CS deeper into the tissue than CS can go alone)
taken in mouthful doses held in mouth for 2 minutes, then swallow--repeat
this till the dose is taken--I'd repeat 30 minutes before each meal. The
beauty is that She cannot overdose if your CS is properly made. Read my  
& Blogspot where I offer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses + 1 page of my  
Favorites to

which refer often. Let me know if I can be of help.
Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-----
From: deborah byron [mailto:laqueren...@cox-internet.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 4:33 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>heliobacter & CS

A friend of mine with early stage stomach ulcers would like to try CS as  

way of eliminating any possible heliobacter pyloris that may be causing
trouble.  I would appreciate knowing the dosage and frequency to  

to her of the homemade CS I'll be supplying.

Thanks very much!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>heliobacter & CS

2005-04-03 Thread deborah byron
A friend of mine with early stage stomach ulcers would like to try CS as a  
way of eliminating any possible heliobacter pyloris that may be causing  
trouble.  I would appreciate knowing the dosage and frequency to recommend  
to her of the homemade CS I'll be supplying.

Thanks very much!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>kids with skin peeling

2005-03-24 Thread deborah byron
I'm sure you've already thought of this as well then, but its the time of  
year in my part of the world where many people are spraying herbicides for  
the early so called weeds--what's wrong with dandelions anyway?  Honeybees  
love them.

Anyway, just another thought especially if your kids play on sports fields.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CODEX update?

2005-03-24 Thread deborah byron
I would like to know how the vigilant people here view this information  
from the National Nutritional Foods Association.  They downplay the danger  
posed by CODEX, although they seem to be doing good monitoring and  
legislative action in other ways. Is there a threat to the  
other-than-supplement supply of things like tinctures and herbal remedies  
that this organiztion is failing to address?


A Clarification on Codex
There has been a lot of misinformation about activities of the Codex
Alimentarius Commission in relation to dietary supplements in recent
months. The primary concern expressed about Codex is whether adoption
of final guidelines pertaining to upper limits on vitamins and minerals
threatens access to these products in the United States. NNFA believes
the answer is No and encourages those interested in the topic to get
the facts at www.nnfa.org/services/government/EUdir_Codex_QA.htm.

You will see Congress took care to protect U.S. laws by including
provisions in its trade agreements to ensure that international
guidelines adopted in connection with these agreements would not have
any legal effect on U.S. federal statutes. As noted by the Food and
Drug Administration recently, “Nothing in the trade agreements or
process will restrict either the sale of dietary supplements in the
United States or the type of information that manufacturers may provide
to consumers about their products.”

You can read more about what the
FDA has to say about why Codex will not impact U.S. sales of dietary
supplements at the following link: www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/dscodex.html.

About NNFA
NNFA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization representing
retailers and suppliers of natural and nutritional products. Visit
www.nnfa.org/aboutnnfa/index.htm for more information.

Visit NNFA's Advocacy Action Center to learn more about legislative
activities that affect those who buy, sell and consume natural and
nutritional products, like organic foods and dietary supplements.

National Nutritional Foods Association
Headquarters Address:3931 MacArthur Blvd., Ste. 101, Newport Beach, CA
Washington Address: 1220 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>kids with skin peeling

2005-03-24 Thread deborah byron
This is in the realm of a wild guess--do your kids come into contact with  
treated wood (arsenic preservative) in playground equipment, decking, etc.?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>No more toothpaste

2005-03-17 Thread deborah byron
Ken--Thanks for your reply to this.  If I may ask, how would one know if a  
leak did develop?  Is there a way to detect this without waiting for  
mercury related symptoms to appear?


On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 09:05:27 -0500, Ode Coyote   

 I can't see any way that adding silver to an unbalanced mercury/silver
amalgum will not harden and further stabilize the alloy.
 I have not had a single leak develop in my many fillings since using
CS...and no mercury related problems...and NO more cavities to be filled.

Ode [Ken]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>toothpaste

2005-03-16 Thread deborah byron

Hello Erna,

I thought I would mention that my husband and I both have been able to  
stop using purchased deodorants and now instead use CS mixed with a few  
drops of essential oil (like lavendar or rosemary).  For application, I  
just fill a few small Weleda deodorant bottles I had left over which spray  
a very nice fine mist.  And like others here we've had very good results  
using CS as a mouthwash and gum treatment as well.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>No more toothpaste

2005-03-16 Thread deborah byron
Someone here (maybe Ken?)  once mentioned that silver particles in a CS  
mouthwash might eventually seal over mercury-amalgam fillings and make  
them less dangerous healthwise.  I wonder, has anyone been able to verify  
this?  I would love it to be true since I can't afford to have mine  


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CODEX scare called an urban legend

2005-03-07 Thread deborah byron

It looks like the CODEX scare is being labeled an urban legend.  Why do  
you suppose they're downplaying this?


I thought this entry from the Urban Legends Reference Pages
at snopes.com might interest you:


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>cancer & heat

2005-03-04 Thread deborah byron
Hi Betsy--How do you measure core body temperature I wonder?  In a  really  
nice hot bath at home, where I can get totally submerged (except the head  
of course), I can easily and quickly raise my temp., taken with a regular  
old mercury thermometer, to 103 degrees or so.  Indeed, this has been my  
first line of defense for years when a cold/flu is coming on.  Sometimes  
this is enough to knock it right out and other times the induced fever  
continues on, as if it needed a jump start.  But I can say that after  
avoiding suppression for about 30 years now, my system can almost always  
still produce a good fever when I need one.

My understanding is that tumor formation is a sort of 'cold' process and  
that people with tendencies towards the inflammatory (warm) pole are more  
likely to develop conditions like heart disease while those who tend  
towards the sclerotic (cold) pole are susceptible to cancer and other  
tumor conditions. Finding a balance is the key of course, and I'd think  
that using saunas etc. to raise the temperature is most useful in  
prevention and only one aspect of recovery from cancer.

My 2 cents,

On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 19:20:16 -0800 (PST), Betsy Coffey  

There has been alot of research on cancer treatments
regarding raising the body temperature or inducing
artificial fevers.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>question for Ed Kasper

2005-03-03 Thread deborah byron
Dear Ed--I'm sure you've anticipated this question--isn't there something  
suitable as an alternative to plastic wrap?  Like a dampened cotton cloth?


use a laser pointing pen (Radio Shack 24.95). First saturate the area  
with CS, cover with plastic film (saran wrap)and press (gently) the  
laser agianst the skin. Hold for a few minutes and repeat along  
different areas.

Ed Kasper LAc. Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist
Acupuncture is a jab well done
www.HappyHerbalist.com   Santa Cruz, CA.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Ovarian cysts

2005-01-21 Thread deborah byron
I'm very curious about some illnesses being caused by too little of  
certain colored lights.  I was wondering, Nenah, why you think some areas  
of the country would be deficient in certain colors?  Overcast conditions  
like the pacific northwest, smog, not enough time in the full sun?  I've  
come across the idea elsewhere that some illnesses like TB for instance  
are the result of poor metabolism of light but thought it was a problem  
with the individual rather than the environment--perhaps a  


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fasting

2004-09-21 Thread deborah byron

Dear G Murray,

Please describe the salt water flush you've done.

Thanks very much,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>How much CS I take...

2004-09-17 Thread deborah byron
Hi Mike!  I'd be interested in knowing if you also did the kidney cleanse  
recommended by HClark.  Some of those herbs (hydrangea root) are hard to  
find.  I can see the wisdom in it though.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Diatomaceous earthE

2004-09-16 Thread deborah byron
One problem with approaching a parasite problem with DE only is that a  
person/animal can have a very bad infestation of microscopic  
parasites--protozoa--which I don't think DE would touch.  I suppose though  
that you could figure out the best method of dosing with DE, allowing for  
incubation and the re-emergence cycle, and then assume that if your  
symptoms persist maybe its time to treat for the microscopics.  Make sense?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>FW: CS>cs and shingles

2004-09-10 Thread deborah byron


Just so I can be absolutely clear on what you did--you applied the  
DMSO/Water mixture externally?  Did you also take any internally?  And by  
your DH dousing you, what do you mean exactly--Doctor of Homeopathy, Dear  
Husband, Damned Hospital? (haha)

Also wondering if you have a plan to address the underlying cause of your  
hives.  I don't know what triggered the severe reaction I had so, in order  
to try and prevent others, I'm undertaking a cleansing program beginning  
with a parasite cleanse and continuing next week during the fall equinox  
time with a macrobiotic diet combined with some liver detox work.  Around  
the spring equinox I'll do another cleanse using more raw foods/juices.

This is the best approach I can come up with to try and strengthen my  
immune system's ability to handle whatever I encounter in the  
environment.  I'm just not willing to go through conventional allergy  
testing but did consult a good holistic practitioner who, through some  
muscle testing, suggested the parasite cleanse and also worked on an old  
problem with my neck via chiropractic adjustments.

But you bet I'd use DMSO in a heartbeat if beset with another violent  
histamine reaction.

Warm regards,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>FW: CS>cs and shingles

2004-09-10 Thread deborah byron
Greetings Jess!  Please say more about stopping your hives with DMSO.  I  
had a horrible histamine reaction earlier this year and wound up with a  
steroid shot on day 3 after the hives went internal.  I've never heard of  
using DMSO/CS/EIS for this purpose and am very interested in how  
advanced/severe your hives were, how much DMSO you took and how long  
before it took effect.  Also, what the second ER nurse's reaction was.   


I also used this method when I was experiencing my allergic reaction  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour