CS>CDS zoom meeting

2021-10-16 Thread jenny goodhealth


Invites you to attend a Zoom Meeting.

Saturday, October 16

TIME: (More countries in flyer)

12:00pm - 2:00pm  PST 

3:00pm - 5:00pm EST

ZOOM LINK:  https://zoom.us/j/8523380432

Or join via Meeting ID: 8523380432

Our team of experts will be answering some of the most frequent asked questions 
and you will have the opportunity to attend the meeting live with:

- Dr. Andreas Kalcker

- Lawyer Patty Velasco

- Col. Pedro Chávez, M.D.

- Dr. Gastón Cornú, M.D.

- Dr. Martín Ramírez, Ph.D.

- Whether you’re an expert in the use and making of Chlorine Dioxide Solution 
or not, this encounter will bring you face to face with our team of experts. 

You will learn: 

- Information about COVID Protocols with CDS.

- Your rights about Mandatory Inoculations with the most updated information. 

This is a conference you cannot miss. 

Join our Official Telegram Channel:


CS>Should ignore…

2021-10-12 Thread jenny goodhealth
 unconstructive, negative, non-value-added comments.  It is a waste of time….

CS>Coimbra protocol

2021-10-08 Thread jenny goodhealth

I am trying to locate a medical provider to possibly try it.   Any suggestions? 

CS>Help! Nerve jerkings/ involuntary movements

2021-10-04 Thread jenny goodhealth
What do with the nerve jerkings started on August 12?  Initially, started from 
extremities, now they have spread to arms and legs as well as the body, causing 
involuntary movements.  They are so violent that they even woke me up from 
sleeping a couple of times.   Diagnosed with Lyme, mycoplasma fermentan 
icognitious, Bartonella & babesia.   My guess is that mycoplasma fermentan 
icognitious & may be also Bartonella causes the nerve jerking. Blood work over 
2 months ago shows low B12 & folic acid.   But since then, I have been taking a 
B12 & B complex daily.   
Does anyone have similar symptoms before.   Please advise on what to do 


CS>Referral for doing MMS iV

2021-10-01 Thread jenny goodhealth
Look for medical professionals to do MMS IV or MMS injection in Northern 
California Bay Area:  Palo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, 
Mikpitas, San Jose or any neighboring cities in the U.S.   as oral MMS even 
with HCL causes stomach problems & severe skin issues.  Any referrals?   Thx 

CS>Question Lyme, mycoplasma & ozone, etc treatment legitimacy??

2021-09-28 Thread jenny goodhealth
One of my friends replied to my request for help to raise medical funding to 
treat Lyme & co-infections as follows: 

“I got your message. I am still concerned about you being taken advantage of by 
doctors/healthcare providers (Dr. Steven Harris. other LLMDs & Naturpath 
provides ozone treatment)  selling you these un-proven treatments (ozone & 
other alternative treatments) for an un-proven diseases (Lyme disease & 
co-infections).  I care for your welfare and don’t doubt that you have symptoms 
worth treating.  But I fear you are caught up in the wrong treatment approach – 
perhaps for years.  I am interested in how I can help you get better clarity on 
this.  You said you were going to look into my concerns. Did you? 

Here’s the link on some information on Dr. Harris and the suspected fraud 
issues around chronic lyme disease. https://lymescience.org/steven-harris/

 If you are willing to re-assess, I will consider helping you find a medical 
evaluation from a doctor that is not a Lyme-Literate Doctor.  I am not willing 
to help you raise money for un-specified past healthcare bills or future 
Lyme-literate treatment.” 

Please advise on how to persuade him that (1) chronic Lyme & mycoplasma 
fermentan icognitious are bioengineered & exist;  (2) the medical 
establishments did not want us to get well & purposes misdiagnosed us; (3) 
ozone & other alternative treatments are effective & legitimate; (4) my LLMD Dr 
Steven Harris is a relatively ok doctors in comparison with other MDs  How 
to find out whether Dr.Harris’ M.D. license was revoked or suspended in 
Illinois as mentioned in above link? 
Will tell him about this group, some books written by Lyme doctors (any 
recommendations) help?   Also will tell him about betterhealthguy.com by Scott 
Frogren dedicated to help Lyme patients help?  
Please advise??



2021-09-23 Thread jenny goodhealth
Drinking Mms upset the stomach which in turn causes seb dermatitis- an itching 
& bleeding, painful condition caused by fungus in ears, skull & face.   Doing 
Mms transdermally doesn’t cause this problem as it bypass the stomach.   Want 
to do MMS IV to avoid fungus issues but don’t know how?   Any suggestions?   Thx

CS>Evidence of chronic Lyme & mycoplasma

2021-09-22 Thread jenny goodhealth
A friend of mine doubts the existence of chronic Lyme & people using it to 
scam.  He quotes the content of https://lymescience.org/
Lymescience.org is not independent non-profit as it says. 
Who backs them?   Please suggest any hard evidence (websites, data, etc) to 
convince my friend as I need their help.  Also, any hard evidence to prove both 
Lyme & mycoplasma are bio-engineered & the politics behind them.   
Pls advise.   Thx. 

CS>Pls recommend good nebulizer

2021-09-07 Thread jenny goodhealth
Need one to nebulize hydrogen peroxide, iodine & colloidal silver to combat 
Lyme, bartonella, mycoplasma, &  babesia as well as opportunistic infections 
which affect the lungs & heart.   Please advise.  Thx.  

CS>Pls recommend nebulizer

2021-09-07 Thread jenny goodhealth
Need one to nebulize hydrogen peroxide, iodine & colloidal silver to combat 
Lyme, bartonella, mycoplasma, &  babesia as well as opportunistic infections 
which affect the lungs & heart.   Please advise.  Thx.  

CS>Off topic: Bartonella & Lyme thrive on fruit?

2021-08-01 Thread jenny goodhealth
Do you know what Bartonella & Lyme thrive on?  Do they thrive on fruit sugar???
Using antibiotics for Bartonella, ozone & for Lyme, mycoplasma, babesia & 
Bartonella & opportunistic infection & rife for Lyme & Bartonella.   But it 
seems that Bartonella grows faster than can be killed.  Bartonella cause hard 
to control heart problems & dizziness despite treatment. 
Want to be on raw vegan diet (cleanse body, good ph, strong immune system)  to 
stop the growing of all these infections inside the body  but unsure whether 
the fruit sugar will feed Lyme & Bartonella?  If yes, then need to be on a raw 
vegetable diet only + wild salmon& sardine.   Please advise.  Thx
I need to kill the pathogens faster than they grow by changing the terrain of 
my body.  Any thoughts?  Thx.


CS>Bartonella & Lyme thrive on fruit sugar?

2021-07-31 Thread jenny goodhealth
Do you know what Bartonella & Lyme thrive on?  Do they thrive on fruit sugar???
Using antibiotics for Bartonella, ozone & for Lyme, mycoplasma, babesia & 
Bartonella & opportunistic infection & rife for Lyme & Bartonella.   But it 
seems that Bartonella grows faster than can be killed.  Bartonella cause hard 
to control heart problems & dizziness despite treatment. 
Want to be on raw vegan diet (cleanse body, good ph, strong immune system)  to 
stop the growing of all these infections inside the body  but unsure whether 
the fruit sugar will feed Lyme & Bartonella?  If yes, then need to be on a raw 
vegetable diet only + wild salmon& sardine.   Please advise.  Thx

Re: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-30 Thread jenny goodhealth
 Yes, I can’t agree more.  Well said.  I put her replies in the spam without 
reading them.  Enough is enough.  Everyone in this group deserves respect and 
decent treatment.  We are here to help and support each other...  
Blessings to everyone.  

On Friday, July 30, 2021, 10:11:45 AM PDT, Linda Ellis  
 Thanks for the great description, Douglas!  I have been diligently marking 
every one of her emails as SPAM, but they are still stubbornly showing up.  

Hey, Douglas - since you've been around since 1997, do you remember about ten 
years ago there was a woman who was behaving remarkably similar to this one - 
rude, cantankerous, contrary.  Not contributing one iota to furthering 
discussions about the goals of this group which, as I understand it, primarily 
revolve around experimenting with options for addressing health issues that do 
not involve the pharmaceutical industry.

I recall that she went on a rampage, attacking me, personally.  I no longer 
recall what set her off, but the woman was just awful.  I stayed away from the 
list for a couple of days (dishwasher broke - finding, buying and installing 
the new one took precedence ;-)), to find that she had really gone off the 
rails in my absence, and after several warnings, the list moderator kicked her 
out of the group.

Recently, our new Troll mentioned she has been here for about ten 
years...Is it possible this is the same person under a different moniker?  
She's sure behaving a lot like that last one.  

From: "Douglas Haack" 
Date: Fri, Jul 30, 2021 2:06 am
To: "Silver-List" 
Subject: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .
 . . . Now on anther matter . . . Firstly let me remind you of the old gangster 
term: a "Gangster's Moll",   the Silver list:  . . . .  
has a virulent TROLL MOLL, who continuously, criticises and postulates and 
CENSORS against all who have an anti-vax opinion/leaning  . . . although this a 
list of "Colloidal Silver" users/makers/adherents . . . where I've been a 
member since 1997 with contributions . . .  A gangsters Moll, a derogatory term 
not popular in today's PC re-structured world of Marxist Woke shenanigans -- 
the gangster's woman/girl/lover/friend -- assuming the gangster is male and not 
a homosexual and the Moll too being hetrosexual -- well, you know, etc . . . 
there must also be an homosexual version . . . .  Can I introduce a new but 
current fitting cultural term, the "TROLL Moll" of which the site is plagued . 
. . actually traditionally a feminine term, although we are free to use it for 
both genders -- as the male and female gender introduced to us in in our early 
life of moral guidance into Christian/Bible culture -- being now torn from us 
thru the forced inoculation of genderless pronouns, into a new "Borg-like" 
existence . . . or to that effect . . .  My efforts so far may have been of no 
value or assistance, so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and 
again and again . . . many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this 
Troll person can't invade my mail space at all . . . .  Drop TROLLS into SPAM 
-- they then won't appear again on your email inbox . Simply tick the TROLL 
email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . .    Try it  It works . . 
. .  EASY PEASY . . . . in SILvation,  dh 

CS>How to detox from die off?

2021-07-09 Thread jenny goodhealth
 Have been fighting against Lyme, Bartonella, mycoplasma icognitious. & babesia 
among other opportunistic infections with ozone, herbs & Doug coil, etc.   
Bartonella (causing dizziness, heart palpitations, etc.) mycoplasma icognitious 
(balancing, limb weakness & heaviness, MS like symptoms. etc.) have been 
growing very fast & I am killing them aggressively.  But feel very toxic 
(diarrhea & throwing up at times) from the die off & need to kill them faster 
than they grow.  
Please advise on how to detox & manage the die off so that I can function & 
recover.  Thanks a lot.

Re: CS>SMOKING GUN VIDEO: Fauci Project Manager Confesses to Creating Covid-19

2021-05-12 Thread jenny goodhealth
 I got that too at first attempt but able to watch it at 2nd attempt.
On Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 06:47:08 AM PDT, siriusley13 
 Sadly I get an error page
On May 12, 2021, 4:25 AM -0600, Gmail , wrote:


The virus was made for the “vaccine”-not the other way. Anon


CS> Help! Lyme, etc heart condition

2021-04-01 Thread jenny goodhealth

Very sick from mycoplasma fermentan icognitious, lyme, babesia, and Bartonella. 
 About a month ago, irregular heart rate has returned (over 100 per minute at 
times).  It first started April of last year.  After taking artemisia July of 
last year, heart problem was temporarily resolved till a month ago.  Artemisia 
does not work against babesia any more.  Coiling (rifting) 432, 610 for Lyme, 
840, 832, 1518 for Bartonella, and 570 for babesia but do not help with heart 
condition. Also , on antibiotics but not helping either.

Please help.  Lyme, Bartonella & babesia all attack the heart    Thanks a 

Does colloidial solver cute  Lyme, Bartonella, babesia & mycoplasma?  



Re: CS>Hydroxycloroquione

2021-02-09 Thread jenny goodhealth
May be because you use Gmail which is owned by Google...
On Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 12:51:06 PM PST, Phil Morrison 
 Correcting my previous message, the only web site on my original msg was 
All other web sites were added to my msg without my knowledge or permission.
Such is life in the NWO.

CSWater distiller - recommedations?

2014-07-19 Thread jenny goodhealth
Looking for a reasonably priced, good-quality water distiller in U.S. or Canada 
for supplying1 - 1.5 gallons of distilled water a day. 

Any recommendations on brand, materials, filter cost  where to purchase, etc.? 

Jen -

Re: CSMore dangerous chemicals in everyday life: Now experts warn against nanosilver

2014-03-26 Thread jenny goodhealth
What should we do to prevent it and get rid of it?

On Friday, March 21, 2014 2:40 PM, olushola camara camaramah...@gmail.com 

Re: CS OT: HELP: Hazarous Smart Meters!

2011-06-29 Thread jenny goodhealth
Mine looks digital with Smart Metere written on it, which was installed by PGE 
technician.  Hope this help. 
Jen -

--- On Wed, 6/29/11, Shar fire888ea...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Shar fire888ea...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: CS OT: HELP: Hazarous Smart Meters!
To: silver-list silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2011, 12:47 AM

What does the smart meter look like?  How does it distinguish itself from the 
regular meter?  Is it digital?  I just had my meter changed by electricians 
that redid my wiring and it looks like the same meter, hoping it's not a smart 

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 7:09 AM, Dan Nave bhangcha...@gmail.com wrote:

They should be able to cover the wall or the floor in question with a metallic 
screen which is grounded to attenuate the signal coming into their area...

On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 10:25 PM, Marshall mdud...@king-cart.com wrote:

This has been discussed fairly extensively on the eso_healing list.  There are 
steps some are taking to counteract these adverse affects, and those listed 
below match what others are saying almost precisely.  It is, from some reports 
like WiFi, but much worse.


On 6/26/2011 8:09 PM, Dan Nave wrote: 

What is it that you think the smart meters are doing?

On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 7:43 PM, jenny goodhealth jenny_goodheal...@yahoo.com 

Dear  all, 
Last week, a friend of mine complained to me that she has gotten very sick 
(fatigue, headache and tennitis) from PGE recent installed 7 smart meters in 
her apartment complex.  The smart meters are just on the wall next to her 
stuido apartment. 
I also just realize that PGE has also installed 35+ smart meters in the meter 
room which is just 2 levels below my apartment since Nov, 2010.  The meter 
room is 2 levels below the left end of my livng room while my bedroom is on the 
right end.  My bedroom is about 16 feet away from left end of my living room.  
So far, I can't tell whether I have had any adverse effects from the smart 
meters as I have been recovering from lyme  mycoplasma infections whose 
symtoms are similar to the radiaton effects of the smart meters incluidng 
fatigue, headache and tennitis.  I have been having these symptoms for years 
and started ozone treatment 3 months ago which has gotten me better.  
Well, moving is my last resort as I have limited resources, without family  in 
the U.S. and I am still trying to recover.  Please advise on how to protect 
myself.  Are there any proven, effective EMF radtiation proctection devices in 
the market.  I also heard that there is some sort of EMF protection paint we 
can use to paint our apartment with but I am unsure its effectivenss.  Pls. 
advise.  Thanks. 
Jen  -

CS OT: HELP: Hazarous Smart Meters!

2011-06-25 Thread jenny goodhealth

Dear  all, 
Last week, a friend of mine complained to me that she has gotten very sick 
(fatigue, headache and tennitis) from PGE recent installed 7 smart meters in 
her apartment complex.  The smart meters are just on the wall next to her 
stuido apartment. 
I also just realize that PGE has also installed 35+ smart meters in the meter 
room which is just 2 levels below my apartment since Nov, 2010.  The meter 
room is 2 levels below the left end of my livng room while my bedroom is on the 
right end.  My bedroom is about 16 feet away from left end of my living room.  
So far, I can't tell whether I have had any adverse effects from the smart 
meters as I have been recovering from lyme  mycoplasma infections whose 
symtoms are similar to the radiaton effects of the smart meters incluidng 
fatigue, headache and tennitis.  I have been having these symptoms for years 
and started ozone treatment 3 months ago which has gotten me better.  
Well, moving is my last resort as I have limited resources, without family  in 
the U.S. and I am still trying to recover.  Please advise on how to protect 
myself.  Are there any proven, effective EMF radtiation proctection devices in 
the market.  I also heard that there is some sort of EMF protection paint we 
can use to paint our apartment with but I am unsure its effectivenss.  Pls. 
advise.  Thanks. 
Jen  -

CS silver,gold,titanium w/ozone injection cures lyme mycoplasma

2011-06-08 Thread jenny goodhealth
I am currently investigating the effects of daily injection of 10 ppm silver, 
gold, titanium w/ozone to cure lyme  mycoplasma.  Does anyone have any info?  
Or do you know/know of any good yahoo support groups /websites/youtube videos 
discussing this?   Thanks. 
Jen -

Re: CSMMS biofilms

2010-09-24 Thread jenny goodhealth
I read somewhere online that MMS1 breaks opne the biofilms.  Google it. 

--- On Fri, 9/24/10, needling around ptf2...@bellsouth.net wrote:

From: needling around ptf2...@bellsouth.net
Subject: CSMMS  biofilms
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, September 24, 2010, 5:29 PM

Is there anyone who knows anything about how MMS affects biofilms?  Would 
appreciate your insights, especially if you have had first hand experience.


Re: CSZapper for Tooth Pain

2010-09-22 Thread jenny goodhealth
What about pain caused by lyme  other anarobic bacteria living inside the 400 
tubes of root canal?  Pls. advise.  Thanks. 
jen  -

--- On Wed, 9/22/10, Don Barnes donfi...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Don Barnes donfi...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: CSZapper for Tooth Pain
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 7:30 PM

go to www.curetoothdecay.com

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Pat pattycake29...@yahoo.com wrote:

Can you use a zapper on a tooth with a large filling?  How about one with a
crown?  Have a tooth that's getting sensitive and hurts a bit, so I want to know
before I NEED to know.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com


Re: CSinfected tooth

2010-09-18 Thread jenny goodhealth
It all depends on what causes the infection?
Jen -

--- On Fri, 9/17/10, needling around ptf2...@bellsouth.net wrote:

From: needling around ptf2...@bellsouth.net
Subject: CSinfected tooth
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, September 17, 2010, 3:29 PM

When I had this problem someone on this list recommended oil-pulling.  Since I 
have been doing that and taking CS and storing my toothbrushes in CS between 
brushing I have not had a problem.
Hope this helps.



2010-09-07 Thread jenny goodhealth
I  am about to embark on a new journey of MMS2 with lyme  co.  I have been 
taking MMS1 on and off in the past over 2 1/2 years.  
Would anyone share your MMS2 experience  pointes with me to help me get 
started?  I am very grateful.  
Jen  -


CS OT: David Aubuchon:alldaychemist.com

2010-09-03 Thread jenny goodhealth
Thanks, David, 
Given the fact that alldaychemists.com is located in India and the fact that 
they don't require any prescriptions for the medications which  normally need 
prescriptons in the U.S. makes me concerned?  I am concerned about the safety 
of taking their medications?  Also, what is GSE?  Please advise.  Thanks a lot. 
jen  -

--- On Wed, 9/1/10, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com wrote:

From: David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: CS OT: alldaychemist.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 8:17 PM

Someone I know got a few things from there to try out for lyme also.  He had no 
problems.  As long as it is not a drug that you can recreationally abuse, I 
think there is less risk of having problems.  They ask for doctor's info.  
But...it seems to be optional.  

I never heard of albenza.  I took alinia.  In fact I think I have some.  I took 
it for intestinal protozoal parasites.  Had some burning sensations in the gut 
herx for a few days.  Then nothing.  No overall symptom improvement.  I did 
have to work up to the dosage though because of the body getting used to nausea 
from it.  I took 3 a day for 3 weeks.  

Alinia I understand may be effective against babesia as well as cyst Lyme.  I 
do not hear of it as being a common treatment for either though.  You may want 
to look into other cyst busters.  GSE is the only one that comes to my head 
right now, but I feel like I have seen a list of them somewhere.



jenny goodhealth jenny_goodheal...@yahoo.com wrote:

Has anyone tried alldaychemist.com to purchase medications?  I am considering 
buying generic alinia  generic albenza to treat lyme from them.  Any good 
and/or bad experience?   Please advise.   Thanks. 
Jen -


CS OT: alldaychemist.com

2010-09-01 Thread jenny goodhealth
Has anyone tried alldaychemist.com to purchase medications?  I am considering 
buying generic alinia  generic albenza to treat lyme from them.  Any good 
and/or bad experience?   Please advise.   Thanks. 
Jen -


CS OT:Ratio of Lugol iodine to DMSo to treat lyme??

2010-01-22 Thread jenny goodhealth

In addition to various treatments, I'm using Lugol idoine + DMSO to treat lyme 
 mycoplasma infections as DMSO helps drive idoine deeper into my bones and 
tissuse.  (Lugol iodine is extremely safe per my friend's father who is a 
retried MD trained in the old days.  Unfortunately, my friend and I lost touch 
and thus I have no way to ask his father the following question..)  
Does anyone know what is the ratio  of 2% lugol iodine (which is oxidation 
agent) to DMSO (an antioxidant) to use internally without offsetting/cancelling 
each other out???  
Please advise.   Many thanks. 
Jen  -


CSCS-- Mother of all diseases: mycoplasma fermantans incognitious

2009-12-18 Thread jenny goodhealth

As a caring memeber, I hate to see that some of us are in the dark.  So please 
read the following article carefully  and be your own judge.  
Jen  -
Mother of all diseases: mycoplasma fermantans incognitious
The following article is wrriten by a lyme  health avocate, Scott Forgren who 
is a friend of mine, only have good heart to help others. 
http://www.jemseksp ecialty.com/ shownews. php?id=16
Scott's explains the link between mycoplama fermantans incognitious and a list 
of autoimmune and immune-suppressed diseases including MS, fbiromyalgia, ALS, 
For more about mycoplasam fermantans, please search and read more in-depth 
articles from the highly regarded Professor Garth Nicolson's website listed 
http://www.immed. org/
Jen  -


Richard: Re: CSCS and HIV

2009-05-14 Thread jenny goodhealth
What brand of CS or what CS generator your friend use to reduce her HIV virus 
load to 0?  Pls. advise.  Thanks. 
jen  -

--- On Tue, 5/12/09, ATOMICSILVER atomicsil...@gmail.com wrote:

From: ATOMICSILVER atomicsil...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: CSCS and HIV
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 8:44 AM

roughly 20 ppm along with apple cider vinegar seperately
On 12/05/2009, at 3:31, Hanneke wrote:

 Hi Richard,

 What strength  was your friend using?


 At 04:06 AM 12/05/2009, you wrote:
 Last year I treated a friend with HIV with a liter  a week of strong
 cs over a periond of three months and brought her viral load down to
 zero- there was no trace of Hiv left in her body ! She now has more
 energy, her periods are back and generally more positive. By the way,
 the doctor showed no interest in her recovery or how it came
 about .. Richard
 On 11/05/2009, at 1:24, Hanneke wrote:

 Thanks Smitty, great suggestion.  I had forgotten about that. Got
 the books here so that would help.  Not sure if her command of
 English is such that she will fully comprehend it.

 Before I suggest MMS, I have to find out first if this is available
 in Holland.

 At 02:49 PM 11/05/2009, you wrote:
   A friend's daughter, in her early 30's, is HIV positive . . .
   Any suggestions?

 Yes. . .tell her to read this =



 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal  

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

 avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean.
 Virus Database (VPS): 090510-0, 10/05/2009
 Tested on: 11/05/2009 2:52:53 PM
 avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2009 ALWIL Software.

 avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
 Virus Database (VPS): 090510-0, 10/05/2009
 Tested on: 11/05/2009 3:54:11 PM
 avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2009 ALWIL Software.


 avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean.
 Virus Database (VPS): 090510-0, 10/05/2009
 Tested on: 12/05/2009 6:49:54 AM
 avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2009 ALWIL Software.

 avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
 Virus Database (VPS): 090511-0, 11/05/2009
 Tested on: 12/05/2009 6:01:46 PM
 avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2009 ALWIL Software.



Re: CSFwd: [MDI_News] Teri - hep-C and clear with CS

2009-04-25 Thread jenny goodhealth
Just wondering anyone knows the difference in quality of CS made beteeen 
Silver-Gen6 and Silver-Gen 7?
Jen -

--- On Fri, 4/24/09, Clayton Family clay...@skypoint.com wrote:

From: Clayton Family clay...@skypoint.com
Subject: CSFwd: [MDI_News] Teri - hep-C and clear with CS
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, April 24, 2009, 9:01 PM

Begin forwarded message:

 Begin forwarded message:
 Date: March 15, 2008 9:31:18 AM CST
 To: mdi_n...@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [MDI_News] Teri - hep-C and clear with CS
 Reply-To: mdi_n...@yahoogroups.com
 We used a SilverGen SG-6 and then upgraded to an SG-7 and he drank a quart
 a day of 20 ppm for about 4 months.  Used distilled water from Walmart..
 At 12:23 PM 3/15/2008, you wrote:
 hey Teri, that's great about clearing HCV with CS!  sure hope it turns out
 he's still clear.
 what kind was used and how much for how long?  home-brew low voltage or some
 commercial product?

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Re: CSRe: root canal infection

2009-04-25 Thread jenny goodhealth
Hi, Claire, 
Can you tell me more about EFT?  Sorry, I have not been able to follow all the 
posts.  Do you also have other medical conditions causing your root canal 
infection, such as lyme, etc?  Thanks.
Jen -

--- On Wed, 4/22/09, cla...@jazznsamba.com cla...@jazznsamba.com wrote:

From: cla...@jazznsamba.com cla...@jazznsamba.com
Subject: CSRe: root canal infection
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 8:00 AM

In my previous post I forgot to mention that I also used/am using EFT. I'm
certain it is a major component of my success in alleviating this


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com