Re: CS>A Call To Action by Dannion Brinkley

1998-10-02 Thread paul b
Our health is far too important to permit any government involvement at all
in it.
-Original Message-
From: Buddhananda (by way of Harvey Flatbush )

Date: Saturday, October 03, 1998 12:03 AM
Subject: CS>A Call To Action by Dannion Brinkley

>   A Call to Action by Dannion Brinkley
>   My friends, I come to you through Art Bell asking for you to take
>action. Asking for you to stand up
>   as American Citizens and be heard. I have said to you many times to
>be mindful of legislation and
>   to have your voice heard. We are at a junction where we as American
>Citizens have an opportunity to
>   move health care forward by having our voice heard. I am asking for
>your help in seeing that alternative
>   medicine research has an opportunity to move forward. As you know, I
>have fully integrated
>   complementary and alternative therapies into my own health regimen
>and because of that I, even after
>   lightning injury, heart and brain surgeries, I am alive and very
>active today. I have been fortunate because
>   I have had access to many alternative practitioners and researchers.
>Every American should have the
>   opportunity to determine whether or not they want to include
>complementary and alternative therapies in
>   their treatment options. Only through rigorous and extensive
>research can the safe and effective integration
>   of complementary and alternative therapies take place in this
>country and good information from reliable
>   soures and the therapies themselves become available to everyone.
>   Every year, the United States Senate and House of Representatives
>develop appropriation bills to fund the
>   activities of the various departments of the Federal Government. The
>Department of Health and Human
>   Services' Appropriations Bill is scheduled to go to Committee next
>week. This means that the members of
>   the Subcommittees on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and
>Related Agencies
>   Appropriations from both the Senate and the House will sit down
>together and look at the Senate and
>   House versions of the bill and bring the two bills together into one
>   The Senate has incorporated a measure to elevate the Office of
>Alternative Medicine to become the Center
>   for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. In order for this to
>happen, Congress must be
>   aware that it is what the people want-- they need to be aware of
>your opinion.
>   Every day there is more information about alternative therapies in
>the media and on the Internet - their uses
>   and their potential dangers. What is needed to determine efficacy
>and safety is quality rigorous research
>   and access to research results. Research and information
>dissemination takes focus and
>   funding.
>   Congress, in part because you the people were heard, created the
>Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM)
>   (then known as the Office of Unconventional Medical Practices) in
>1991 with a $2 million budget. Over
>   the past 7 years the budget has grown to $20 million and now
>requested to be $50 million. Research is
>   progressing slowly. More is needed and can only happen expediently
>with the advancement of OAM to a
>   Center with a budget and personnel to accomplish the mission - to
>investigate and evaluate alternative and
>   complementary therapies and make those research results known.
>Making OAM a Center gives it
>   autonomy - it means that it would have grant making authority.
>   Currently, OAM as a part of the Office of the Director of NIH must
>go through one of the research
>   Institutes or Centers to provide grant funding, clearing each grant
>through that Institute or Centers
>   advisory council, acceptance to do so is not required or guaranteed.
>For example, an alternative medicine
>   grant to investigate an alternative cancer therapy, after being
>deemed by the OAM staff to be of scientific
>   merit and appropriate for funding by OAM, must be processed through
>the National Cancer Institute and
>   be cleared by that Institute's Advisory Board - a board that does
>not have any alternative medicine experts.
>   Currently the AMPAC, (the Alternative Medicine Program Advisory
>Council) - the only HHS council on
>   alternative medicine, whose members are alternative medicine
>researchers, practitioners, and patients,
>   does not review alternative medicine grants and determine whether
>those grants should be funded or not
>   -which is one of the primary activities of other NIH councils.
>   The Center Bill was originally submitted to the Senate as: S.2420 -
>A Bill to establish within the National
>   Institutes of Health an agency to be known as the National Center
>for Complementary and Alternative
>   Medicine. The bill was sponsored by Sen Harkin


1998-04-08 Thread Paul B.
Daniel Holly wrote:
> Does  anyone  have  Mark's  e-mail  address?
> Mark  was  the  fellow  who was accused  of  disrupting  the  list  last
> December  with religious  posts  last  December.
> He and the  silver  list parted ways.
> Even  better  would  be  his  posts  from  that  period.
> Even  if  you  saved  silver  list  letters from  back  then  in  a  raw
> form..I  would  still  be  willing  to sort  it  out.
> He  had  something  to  say  about  a  particular  aspect  of  CS  making.
> I  thought  I  saved  his  e-mail  but cannot  find  it.
> Dan
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
Are you sure you want Mark, and not Scott?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Experiment-clear vs. gold

1998-03-30 Thread Paul B.
I shook both silver solutions before adding them to the gelaten mixture.
I processed the salt solution for 5 to 7 minutes as specified by Miller.
I agree that the silver ppm should be the same for both to make a more
meaningful test. I'll try to do this in a couple of days and report back
to the list. I'll also try the silver dollar.
See ya..Paul

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Experiment-clear vs. gold

1998-03-30 Thread Paul B.
I recently conducted an experiment I think may be of interest.
I prepared two batches of silver-one using a few grains of salt, per Tom
Miller's instructions(it turned out clear)-the other without salt,
starting with hot water and letting it "brew" for an hour(it was
 I made an envelope of unflavored gelaten per box instructions. I added
1 tea. of sugar and 1 tea. of cornstarch. I poured this solution into
three small bowls. Into one of the bowls I added 1 Tbs. of the clear
silver. Into another bowl I added 1 Tbs. of the yellow silver. I placed
all three bowls in a dark cabinet. At the end of a week the bowl with
the yellow silver in it had no growth at all. The other two bowls had
tons of crud growing on them.
 Maybe someone would like to reproduce thisPaul

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: PPM tester schematic

1998-02-03 Thread Paul B.
Huttinger wrote:
> Brian and Fred,
> I started to send the PPM tester schematic to the list but noted how
> large the file was so I aborted the transmission.  I don't know if it went
> to the list at all or what.  I sent a copy to reid.  If you two or anyone
> else is still interested in the schematic I will send it direct to you if
> you wish.  It is a .BMP file and can be viewed with MSPAINT as you may know.
> Usually I can peel your email off of the header when you post a message to
> the list.  That way, people not interested in the device don't have to clog
> up their in basket with a huge file they don't need.
> Best wishes,
> Mike Huttinger
 I would like to have the schematic...Thanks,

Re: Subject: PPM testers

1998-01-31 Thread Paul B.
Huttinger wrote:
> Fred and Reid,
> I attempted to do an ascii schematic of the PPM measuring device but in
> a test sending through the internet it got messed up so here is a verbal
> description.
> Draw a 741 op amp in the middle of a piece of paper.  You may want to
> orient it the same way the schematic shows that I am looking at in which
> case the pointy end of the op amp symbol points right.  Label the pointy end
> as terminal # 6.  On the left side of the op amp label the top terminal 2
> and the bottom terminal 3.  The top terminal according to the schematic is
> the minus input and the bottom terminal is the positive input.  The terminal
> on the top side of the op amp is labeled 7 and is the + input for one of the
> nine volt batteries.  The bottom terminal is labeled 4 and is the negative
> input for the OTHER nine volt battery.  Draw a solar cell to the left of the
> op amp with the minus side hooked to the minus side of the op amp.  The plus
> side of the solar cell goes to the plus side of the op amp.  A parallel
> arrangement of a capacitor and resistor are connected between terminals 2
> and 6 of the op amp.  The capacitor, C1, is a .1 uF and the resistor, R2, is
> a 680K 1/4 watt.  The output terminal 6, is connected to one end of VR1, a
> variable resistor.  It is10K and has the center wiper terminal hooked to the
> output terminal number 6.  Thus, the end of VR1 hooked to terminal 6 on the
> op amp is hooked to its own wiper arm.  The other end of VR1 is hooked to
> the 0 to 15 V meter.  The  other end of the meter is hooked to terminal 3 on
> the op amp and to the two nine volt batteries (middle juncture where the two
> batteries in series meet).  The two nine volt batteries are hooked in series
> with the middle junction going to the meter as I just described.  Across
> both batteries is a .01 uF capacitor.  The capacitor hooked to terminal 7
> that is across the battery is C2 and the other capacitor, hooked across the
> other battery is hooked to terminal 4 and the schematic calls it C3.  The
> schematic does not show an on-off switch which you may want to add.  If you
> still want to proceed further you may need some further verbage from the
> article .  73 magazine probably sells back issues though I can provide some
> additional info to get you a working unit if you like.  It is a long article
> and I wouldn't want to paraphrase the whole thing.
> As far as the solar cell goes, the key that makes it work in this
> circuit is that the voltage output increases linearly as the light falling
> on the cell increases up to a certain point.  In other words, probably any
> small cell will work.  The silicon solar cell used in the article is about
> 1/2 inch wide and one inch long.  If someone who has access to a Radio Shack
> or their catalog wants to get the specs for it and maybe post it on the list
> the Radio Shack part number is 276-124.  The author used the plastic bubble
> the cell was packaged in to hold the solution to be tested.  The cell is
> then placed right under the solution preferably glued down, then the laser
> is turned on so that it shines lengthwise through the solution.  I don't
> want to insult anyone's intelligence but it is very important for accuracy
> that the cell be in a dark place when a measurement is being taken.  This
> circuit is very sensitive to light.  Also, I felt it was very important that
> the plastic container with the solution in it and the laser module be made
> to "register" so that they are physically in the same position relative to
> each other for each measurement to minimize variations in the reading.  Any
> movement by the solution, the laser or the cell will effect readings I would
> think.  I put all of those parts in a project box from Radio Shack though
> any light tight project box would work.  I used plastic as it seemed to stop
> more ambient light.  I don't work for Radio Shack by the way, don't own any
> stock, etc.
> If you want to suffer through more of this diatribe let me know.
> Mike
> PS  One last thing.  I modified the circuit by adding two more zero
> adjust potentiometers and a three position switch so that I could extend the
> PPM range this device measures.  The original device measured up to 15 PPM.
> With the two additional switch positions I got X2 and X20 ranges.  That idea
> seems to work but I remember being suspicious of the X20 range I added.  We
> haven't used solutions that strong so it didn't affect us.
Thank you much for you time. I have the stuff and will build one

A good generator

1998-01-27 Thread Paul B.
 Tom Miller sells a great silver generator for $75.00. It maintains a
constant current so one doesn't have to worry about the space between
electrodes etc. This is not SPAM. I have absolutely no connection with
Miller. I bought one of his CS generators and found it of excellent
quality. Thought I would pass this on.
His page is:

clarification please

1997-12-30 Thread Paul B.
Mr Hawkins,
 "Dear Mr. Scott Berner,
You pontificating son of a bitch"
These words were addressed to Scott Berner by Robert Ray. Is this an
acceptable manner of greeting for this list? If so I will start using
it. If not please inform us of Ray's forced departure from the list.
   Thanks in advance,
   Paul Bass


1997-12-27 Thread Paul B.
Reid Smith wrote:
>I've been thinking. There should be a way to derive a formula for
> testing the PPM of the CS. First test the distilled water for
> resistance. Make the CS then test the resistance again. Factor in
> the voltage and amps and we should be able to come up with a formula
> to tell the PPM.
>I mean you have volts and that is the measurment of electron movement.
> Amps it the amount of moving electrons. A starting resistance an ending
> resistance. SOOO with a little math they should give us a formula to
> calibrate the PPM.
> Reid
 Great idea! Amps alone would do it. Measure amperage of the distiled
water alone-say with the probes 1" apart. Then meaure the amperage of
the silver solution. You would have to have a solution of known ppm to
compare it with as a standard. Maybe someone on the list with an
analyzed sample could provide this. The results would be an
approximation-but a good one.


1997-12-27 Thread Paul B.
In my post this morning I erroneously spoke of "Dr. Miller". I meant to
say Dr. Clayton. Dr. Miller is my family doctor. I hope the goof is
 Let me say what I intended to say;
 Dr.Clayton's insights will be invaluable to this list. I hope to see a
lot more of him.And I DO.
   Sorry again, Doc.,

Let's shake hands

1997-12-27 Thread Paul B.
It is difficult for me to see a man who has helped me be criticized,

without saying somethng in his defense.

 I came to the list about two weeks ago with a specific health problem.

Scott took the time(off list)to help me - a LOT of time and he was a

tremendus amount of help. My symptoms are abating now for the first time

in months. I feel this is because of his recomendations. He did this

without expectation of anything in return and I am deeply grateful for
it. If this is a Noah complex at work, then I'm all for it. Let's have
more of it.
 Mike also took the time to help. I am sure that Dr. Miller's expertise
will prove invaluable to this list. I hope we see a lot more of him
 Guy's, let's forget this stuff and get on with the business of helping
people who come here sick.Ok?
My two cents worth,

Re: Another question or two

1997-12-20 Thread Paul B.
Ken Fairchild wrote:
> Scott,
> Does the brain tuner really work?
> I would really like to try one.
> I would like to try C-gold for obesity.
> Ken
 I don't know if the brain tuner works, but you can build your own.
Look at-


staph infection

1997-12-16 Thread Paul B.
 There is a product, available in most health food stores, made of
grapefrut seed which is supposedly very effective against staph. It is
named Citrocidal (not sure of the spelling) and is made by NutriBiotic.
Accoding to Dr.David William's newsletter it is being used in some
hospitals to knock highly resistant strains of staph.
 Maybe someone else on the list has heard of it, and knows more about it
than I. I hope this helps.

Yellow or white?

1997-12-12 Thread Paul B.
I am new to the list and I have a lot of questions. I will start with
the one that has me in the biggest quandry.
 I have read on the net that a white(clear) colloidal silver solution is
worthless if not dangerous. The white cloud of silver particals indicate
that the particals are to large to work as colloid and may cause heavy
metal poisoning - or so they say. On the other hand I have read that
yellow colloidal silver contains silver compounds which are toxic.
 I can make either white or yellowwhite if I use salt...yellow if I
use only water.
 Does anyone know the truth? I would really like to know.