Our health is far too important to permit any government involvement at all
in it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Buddhananda (by way of Harvey Flatbush <ha...@iomet.com>)
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Saturday, October 03, 1998 12:03 AM
Subject: CS>A Call To Action by Dannion Brinkley

>       A Call to Action by Dannion Brinkley
>       My friends, I come to you through Art Bell asking for you to take
>action. Asking for you to stand up
>       as American Citizens and be heard. I have said to you many times to
>be mindful of legislation and
>       to have your voice heard. We are at a junction where we as American
>Citizens have an opportunity to
>       move health care forward by having our voice heard. I am asking for
>your help in seeing that alternative
>       medicine research has an opportunity to move forward. As you know, I
>have fully integrated
>       complementary and alternative therapies into my own health regimen
>and because of that I, even after
>       lightning injury, heart and brain surgeries, I am alive and very
>active today. I have been fortunate because
>       I have had access to many alternative practitioners and researchers.
>Every American should have the
>       opportunity to determine whether or not they want to include
>complementary and alternative therapies in
>       their treatment options. Only through rigorous and extensive
>research can the safe and effective integration
>       of complementary and alternative therapies take place in this
>country and good information from reliable
>       soures and the therapies themselves become available to everyone.
>       Every year, the United States Senate and House of Representatives
>develop appropriation bills to fund the
>       activities of the various departments of the Federal Government. The
>Department of Health and Human
>       Services' Appropriations Bill is scheduled to go to Committee next
>week. This means that the members of
>       the Subcommittees on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and
>Related Agencies
>       Appropriations from both the Senate and the House will sit down
>together and look at the Senate and
>       House versions of the bill and bring the two bills together into one
>       The Senate has incorporated a measure to elevate the Office of
>Alternative Medicine to become the Center
>       for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. In order for this to
>happen, Congress must be
>       aware that it is what the people want-- they need to be aware of
>your opinion.
>       Every day there is more information about alternative therapies in
>the media and on the Internet - their uses
>       and their potential dangers. What is needed to determine efficacy
>and safety is quality rigorous research
>       and access to research results. Research and information
>dissemination takes focus and
>       funding.
>       Congress, in part because you the people were heard, created the
>Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM)
>       (then known as the Office of Unconventional Medical Practices) in
>1991 with a $2 million budget. Over
>       the past 7 years the budget has grown to $20 million and now
>requested to be $50 million. Research is
>       progressing slowly. More is needed and can only happen expediently
>with the advancement of OAM to a
>       Center with a budget and personnel to accomplish the mission - to
>investigate and evaluate alternative and
>       complementary therapies and make those research results known.
>Making OAM a Center gives it
>       autonomy - it means that it would have grant making authority.
>       Currently, OAM as a part of the Office of the Director of NIH must
>go through one of the research
>       Institutes or Centers to provide grant funding, clearing each grant
>through that Institute or Centers
>       advisory council, acceptance to do so is not required or guaranteed.
>For example, an alternative medicine
>       grant to investigate an alternative cancer therapy, after being
>deemed by the OAM staff to be of scientific
>       merit and appropriate for funding by OAM, must be processed through
>the National Cancer Institute and
>       be cleared by that Institute's Advisory Board - a board that does
>not have any alternative medicine experts.
>       Currently the AMPAC, (the Alternative Medicine Program Advisory
>Council) - the only HHS council on
>       alternative medicine, whose members are alternative medicine
>researchers, practitioners, and patients,
>       does not review alternative medicine grants and determine whether
>those grants should be funded or not
>       -which is one of the primary activities of other NIH councils.
>       The Center Bill was originally submitted to the Senate as: S.2420 -
>A Bill to establish within the National
>       Institutes of Health an agency to be known as the National Center
>for Complementary and Alternative
>       Medicine. The bill was sponsored by Sen Harkin, the co-sponsors to
>date are: Sen Hatch, Sen Daschle,
>       Sen Craig, Sen Mikulski, Sen D'Amato, Sen Moseley-Braun, Sen
>Grassley, and Sen Wellstone.
>       WHAT CAN YOU DO?
>       Get involved.
>       Do you want alternative medicine research to advance? Do you want
>OAM to become a Center? If you do,
>       let your Congressional Representatives know.
>       Call, fax, e-mail.
>       Be polite, be brief and clear in your communication and include your
>name and contact information.
>       Identify yourself as an interested constituent.
>       Contact your own representatives as well as those on the House and
>Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
>       on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies.
>       Thank you very much for your help.
>       Art and I will report back to you very soon on how we faired with
>this legislation.
>       Dannion Brinkley - October 1, 1998
>       To view legislation see S.2440 at Thomas.Loc.Gov Scroll down to near
>the end to click on "Subpart 5 --
>       National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine"
>       Reference S.2420 at Thomas.Loc.Gov which seems to be added to the
>above bill.
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