Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-30 Thread Ode Coyote

  It's at the bottom of every page.
Off-Topic discussions: <>


At 07:58 AM 4/29/2010 -0700, you wrote:

Good idea -- do you have the instructions handy for signing up for OT list?


- Original Message 
From: Del 
Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 10:38:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones


Good post.  I would love to discuss this further, but it belongs on the OT 
Hey, all you people who are not on the Off Topic List - please sign up so 
we can have our little discussions without scaring off people who are 
looking for CS and general health information.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread bodhisattva

I'd guess this was satire, at least I hope it is.. Faux News? LOL

jessie70 wrote:

Ode you are precisely correct and all who care should be tuning into Fox
News on cable for reality. Jess

-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

RE: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread jessie70
Ode you are precisely correct and all who care should be tuning into Fox
News on cable for reality. Jess

-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

Way off topic, important truth that isn't getting "out there" very

   There is a rather large "movement" growing here in the US of A called
the "Tea Party"
  It's made up of smiling grandparents and mommies and daddies for the most
part and now and then some come fully armed...yet, not ONE provable act or
even threat of violence in many tens of thousands in the crowds that had
anything to do with a "Tea Partier" [other than being a victim]
In one instance, it was a "left winger" that bit the finger off a Tea retaliation or charges filed.
  Another was a gang of SEIU Union thugs in their purple "colors"
beating  a Black "Tea Partier" to a hospitalized pulp, with full footage as
undeniable proof of what happened from start to finish [The prosecutors
refused to charge the thugs with aggravated or otherwise, assault and
battery ]

"Tea Partiers" are portrayed by the mainstream media as racist, seditious
and traitorous.. "un American"..a threat to all.
  Who's the racists?
I recall one instance where the "news" cameras on several networks showed a
person carrying an assault rifle and using that to prove the gathering
"race based" and potentially violent..on the edge, no less than the old KKK
on the march.  [Who BTW were mostly Democrats back then ? ]
But other [leaked out] views of that same footage showed it to be an armed
Black man, perfectly at ease in the middle of a sea of white folks
"cropped" for effect to support an outright lie.
  Nancy Pelosi and company walked arm in arm through a crowd of "Tea
Partiers" opposing ObamaCare just after it was rammed down the people
throats in an attempt to BAIT that crowd in its most emotional state
   They claimed they were spit at and had racist comments hurled at them,
but a $100,000 reward for any evidence to back up that claim had ZERO
takers despite there being hundreds of cell phone and video cameras in the
crowd documenting every detail.  LIARS
  So much for the "news" that also failed to document the *supposed*
events, being *right there* to do so.

In Raleigh NC, the state capital right up the road, the police department
announced it would no longer be a presence at "Tea Party" gatherings other
than a few cops to protect the "Tea Partiers"
..something like 1 cop per thousand **Tea Baggers**
  Weirdly, the same cops that billy clubbed Teachers, University Professors
and News Reporters when a block party failed to break up to their liking
ten or so years ago.

Some carry flags that show a coiled snake that read "Don't Tread On Me"
  It's a genuinely friendly snake, not out for anyone elses mice, saying "I
try to stay out of the way and mind my own business, but if you seek me out
and step on my back..I WILL bite "
...they even pick up their own trash before they leave.

Dr Martin Luther Kings niece Dr. Alveda King  has publicly thrown in with
the *tea baggers* standing next to and embracing,  [whoda guessed it]  Ted
Nugent  [the so called white redneck gun nut poster boy]
KKK?  Not hardly.

Using the words of VP Joe Biden to a better purpose.  "This is a big
f***ing Deal" !

Don't believe everything you see on TV or read in the "news"
Keep the ears open for double talk, 'Shell Games" and misdirection.
The accusers accuse others of doing what THEY do and did, predicting
behavior based on their OWN behavior, both past and present... and coming
up empty with nothing left to do but lie.

Manipulation 101
The con man knows that the duped will support his con rather than admit to
themselves that they'd been played the fool.  [Read that, the "news" media,
being predictably "human" ]
..and the bigger the fool, the more the defensive lying to deny it.
  Must save face at any cost.


At 06:34 PM 4/28/2010 +0100, you wrote:
>Well at least it caught the 7/7 bombers and those would -be airport
>bombers we had here too.  Also, many, many murders are solved using the
>footage from these cameras, and to me, if they solve just one, then it is
>justified.  I can't understand why people object to these things--unless
>they have something to hide that is.  dee
>On 28 Apr 2010, at 14:32, Hanneke wrote:
> > I am afraid that solving crimes thanks to CCTV is an illusion.  1000
> cameras to solve one crime doesn't sound very useful nor successful.
> >
> > Many articles are available about this:

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Del
If you have more to say, take it to the OT list.
I, for one, would be glad to hear it.
A number of us have moved there to continue the ot discussions.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Garrick 
  Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 6:23 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

  Them like the them in the movie "Them". The worst ones might be reptilians. 
This is my last post on this thread due to complaints


  On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 2:23 PM, bodhisattva  wrote:

There is no left or right, there is only "Them".. Govts can always find 
enough money to kill people, but never enough to save people.  The sooner 
people realize the very entities we trust, are the ones undermining humanity, 
the better off we'll all be.

Garrick wrote: 
  Agree with all you posted. I would add that I am against the 0bama 
socialist health care. The USA may go bankrupt before it kicks in anyway. What 
happens to Greece today can happen to America in a few years. Margaret Thatcher 
said, "Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money"

  The EU currency is sinking and stinking. The strongest nations for the 
future are Canada and Australia because they mine gold and are mega-exporters 
of coal and other raw materials that China and others crave. They also eluded 
the real estate boom/bust that hit the UK, USA and others

  The organic food scene has always had crusty right wingers such as 
Fletcher Simms who was making bio-dynamic compost in Texas in the 1960s onward. 
Rightists have always been anti-fluoridation to the point this was joked about 
in Dr Strangelove. "Poisoning my bodily fluids". Plenty of the old organic 
types were John Birchers. You go to the Acres USA site (they carry Phil 
Callahan's tapes and books) and you can tell they are right-libertarian

  Ode -- You are correct about all the media deception and 
misrepresentations of the Tea Party people. Who skew older because they 
remember America the way it was. What kind of memory does any under-30 person 
have about America's better years?


  Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Garrick
Them like the them in the movie "Them". The worst ones might be reptilians.
This is my last post on this thread due to complaints


On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 2:23 PM, bodhisattva wrote:

>  There is no left or right, there is only "Them".. Govts can always find
> enough money to kill people, but never enough to save people.  The sooner
> people realize the very entities we trust, are the ones undermining
> humanity, the better off we'll all be.
> Garrick wrote:
> Agree with all you posted. I would add that I am against the 0bama
> socialist health care. The USA may go bankrupt before it kicks in anyway.
> What happens to Greece today can happen to America in a few years. Margaret
> Thatcher said, "Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money"
> The EU currency is sinking and stinking. The strongest nations for the
> future are Canada and Australia because they mine gold and are
> mega-exporters of coal and other raw materials that China and others crave.
> They also eluded the real estate boom/bust that hit the UK, USA and others
> The organic food scene has always had crusty right wingers such as Fletcher
> Simms who was making bio-dynamic compost in Texas in the 1960s onward.
> Rightists have always been anti-fluoridation to the point this was joked
> about in Dr Strangelove. "Poisoning my bodily fluids". Plenty of the old
> organic types were John Birchers. You go to the Acres USA site (they carry
> Phil Callahan's tapes and 
> books)
> and you can tell they are right-libertarian
> Ode -- You are correct about all the media deception and misrepresentations
> of the Tea Party people. Who skew older because they remember America the
> way it was. What kind of memory does any under-30 person have about
> America's better years?


Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Sandee George

Good for you this far then Dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread bodhisattva

I was being funny that reply,  I know the intention behind posts.

For posterity, let me point some things out:  I've stopped posting new 
OT threads, and only respond to questions in already existing OT 
threads.  I openly asked people to join the OT list a few days ago, I 
also recommended my list where discussion is not moderated (and 
incidentally, we've never had a single issue).  In fact, in the reply 
you quoted below, I recommended people migrate to the OT list once 
again.  I'd say I am doing my part, while not starting any new threads 
that are OT.  Generally they've all been constrained to a single thread, 
perhaps a wise move is to ignore the main OT thread and it will go away? wrote:

For an energies-sensitive guy, you're sure slow on subtle clues...

A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need
the advice.  Bill Cosby

On 4/29/2010 3:09:13 PM, bodhisattva ( wrote:

This is interesting.  If I wanted to address an email to my wife,
email to "", I wouldn't post to a public list
say "Hey babe, you frisky tonight?". Similarly, I think you should
direct concerns to the person it is addressed to, which is: Which by the way is on the bottom of every single
email on this list.

What I do find curious, on every single email of every list I have been
on there are instructions on how to unsubscribe on the bottom of every
post.  Yet people seem to always post to the list asking to be
unsubscribed. Is that sort of a "I am taking my toys, and going home!"
kind of protest? If so, I
don't think it has the intended effect that
people suppose it has.  A wise man once told me, "If you don't
like what
is going on, wait around a few minutes, and it will change.
".  Pretty
cool, and true, you know?  It's called "Impermanence", that everything
changes, all of the time, that nothing in this physicality is lasting in
the form it is in right this very moment.

The OT list is starting to get some posts, I'd recommend a migration to
that, or to my list.  I alwa


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread cking001
For an energies-sensitive guy, you're sure slow on subtle clues...

A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need
the advice.  Bill Cosby

On 4/29/2010 3:09:13 PM, bodhisattva ( wrote:
> This is interesting.  If I wanted to address an email to my wife,
> I'd
> email to "", I wouldn't post to a public list
> and
> say "Hey babe, you frisky tonight?". Similarly, I think you should
> direct concerns to the person it is addressed to, which is:
> Which by the way is on the bottom of every single
> email on this list.
> What I do find curious, on every single email of every list I have been
> on there are instructions on how to unsubscribe on the bottom of every
> post.  Yet people seem to always post to the list asking to be
> unsubscribed. Is that sort of a "I am taking my toys, and going home!"
> kind of protest? If so, I
> don't think it has the intended effect that
> people suppose it has.  A wise man once told me, "If you don't
> like what
> is going on, wait around a few minutes, and it will change.
> ".  Pretty
> cool, and true, you know?  It's called "Impermanence", that everything
> changes, all of the time, that nothing in this physicality is lasting in
> the form it is in right this very moment.
> The OT list is starting to get some posts, I'd recommend a migration to
> that, or to my list.  I alwa

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Norton, Steve
I did address it to Mike as well as the list. But I was also hoping that
some would see the message and be considerate enough to stop abusing the
silver list. Perhaps I and others are mistaken in our hope.
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: bodhisattva [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

This is interesting.  If I wanted to address an email to my wife, I'd 
email to "", I wouldn't post to a public list and 
say "Hey babe, you frisky tonight?". Similarly, I think you should 
direct concerns to the person it is addressed to, which is: Which by the way is on the bottom of every single 
email on this list.

What I do find curious, on every single email of every list I have been 
on there are instructions on how to unsubscribe on the bottom of every 
post.  Yet people seem to always post to the list asking to be 
unsubscribed. Is that sort of a "I am taking my toys, and going home!" 
kind of protest? If so, I don't think it has the intended effect that 
people suppose it has.  A wise man once told me, "If you don't like what

is going on, wait around a few minutes, and it will change.".  Pretty 
cool, and true, you know?  It's called "Impermanence", that everything 
changes, all of the time, that nothing in this physicality is lasting in

the form it is in right this very moment.

The OT list is starting to get some posts, I'd recommend a migration to 
that, or to my list.  I always feel it is best not to be too loud and 
wake up the folks sleeping on some of these lists, it tends to cause a 
bit of trouble if it carries on too much. Then you end up ruining their 
dream, and nobody wants that.

Norton, Steve wrote:
> Mike,
> I have been resisting comment, as you always request, but I am curious
how long this is going to continue.
> - Steve N

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread bodhisattva
This is interesting.  If I wanted to address an email to my wife, I'd 
email to "", I wouldn't post to a public list and 
say "Hey babe, you frisky tonight?". Similarly, I think you should 
direct concerns to the person it is addressed to, which is: Which by the way is on the bottom of every single 
email on this list.

What I do find curious, on every single email of every list I have been 
on there are instructions on how to unsubscribe on the bottom of every 
post.  Yet people seem to always post to the list asking to be 
unsubscribed. Is that sort of a "I am taking my toys, and going home!" 
kind of protest? If so, I don't think it has the intended effect that 
people suppose it has.  A wise man once told me, "If you don't like what 
is going on, wait around a few minutes, and it will change.".  Pretty 
cool, and true, you know?  It's called "Impermanence", that everything 
changes, all of the time, that nothing in this physicality is lasting in 
the form it is in right this very moment.

The OT list is starting to get some posts, I'd recommend a migration to 
that, or to my list.  I always feel it is best not to be too loud and 
wake up the folks sleeping on some of these lists, it tends to cause a 
bit of trouble if it carries on too much. Then you end up ruining their 
dream, and nobody wants that.

Norton, Steve wrote:

I have been resisting comment, as you always request, but I am curious how long 
this is going to continue.
- Steve N

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Del

The OT list address is posted at the bottom of every (I think ) message.
Here it is:

Off-Topic discussions: <>

The discussions are interesting, but please continue on the OT list.
Sign up on the OT list if you want to continue exploring these topics.


- Original Message - 
From: "Richard Goodwin" 

Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

Good idea -- do you have the instructions handy for signing up for OT 


Good post.  I would love to discuss this further, but it belongs on the OT 
Hey, all you people who are not on the Off Topic List - please sign up so 
we can have our little discussions without scaring off people who are 
looking for CS and general health information.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

RE: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Norton, Steve
I have been resisting comment, as you always request, but I am curious how long 
this is going to continue.
- Steve N

From: Garrick [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

Agree with all you posted. I would add that I am against the 0bama socialist 
health care. The USA may go bankrupt before it kicks in anyway. What happens to 
Greece today can happen to America in a few years. Margaret Thatcher said, 
"Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money"

The EU currency is sinking and stinking. The strongest nations for the future 
are Canada and Australia because they mine gold and are mega-exporters of coal 
and other raw materials that China and others crave. They also eluded the real 
estate boom/bust that hit the UK, USA and others

The organic food scene has always had crusty right wingers such as Fletcher 
Simms who was making bio-dynamic compost in Texas in the 1960s onward. 
Rightists have always been anti-fluoridation to the point this was joked about 
in Dr Strangelove. "Poisoning my bodily fluids". Plenty of the old organic 
types were John Birchers. You go to the Acres USA site (they carry Phil 
Callahan's tapes and books) and you can tell they are right-libertarian

Ode -- You are correct about all the media deception and misrepresentations of 
the Tea Party people. Who skew older because they remember America the way it 
was. What kind of memory does any under-30 person have about America's better 


On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Ode Coyote  wrote:

Way off topic, important truth that isn't getting "out there" very well.

 There is a rather large "movement" growing here in the US of A called the "Tea 
 It's made up of smiling grandparents and mommies and daddies for the most part 
and now and then some come fully armed...yet, not ONE provable act or even 
threat of violence in many tens of thousands in the crowds that had anything to 
do with a "Tea Partier" [other than being a victim]
In one instance, it was a "left winger" that bit the finger off a Tea retaliation or charges filed.
 Another was a gang of SEIU Union thugs in their purple "colors" beating  a 
Black "Tea Partier" to a hospitalized pulp, with full footage as undeniable 
proof of what happened from start to finish [The prosecutors refused to charge 
the thugs with aggravated or otherwise, assault and battery ]

"Tea Partiers" are portrayed by the mainstream media as racist, seditious and 
traitorous.. "un American"..a threat to all.
 Who's the racists?
I recall one instance where the "news" cameras on several networks showed a 
person carrying an assault rifle and using that to prove the gathering "race 
based" and potentially violent..on the edge, no less than the old KKK on the 
march.  [Who BTW were mostly Democrats back then ? ]
But other [leaked out] views of that same footage showed it to be an armed 
Black man, perfectly at ease in the middle of a sea of white folks "cropped" 
for effect to support an outright lie.
 Nancy Pelosi and company walked arm in arm through a crowd of "Tea Partiers" 
opposing ObamaCare just after it was rammed down the people throats in an 
attempt to BAIT that crowd in its most emotional state possible.
 They claimed they were spit at and had racist comments hurled at them, but a 
$100,000 reward for any evidence to back up that claim had ZERO takers despite 
there being hundreds of cell phone and video cameras in the crowd documenting 
every detail.  LIARS

 So much for the "news" that also failed to document the *supposed* events, 
being *right there* to do so.

In Raleigh NC, the state capital right up the road, the police department 
announced it would no longer be a presence at "Tea Party" gatherings other than 
a few cops to protect the "Tea Partiers"
..something like 1 cop per thousand **Tea Baggers**
 Weirdly, the same cops that billy clubbed Teachers, University Professors and 
News Reporters when a block party failed to break up to their liking ten or so 
years ago.

Some carry flags that show a coiled snake that read "Don't Tread On Me"
 It's a genuinely friendly snake, not out for anyone elses mice, saying "I try 
to stay out of the way and mind my own business, but if you seek me out and 
step on my back..I WILL bite "
...they even pick up their own trash before they leave.

Dr Martin Luther Kings niece Dr. Alveda King  has publicly thrown in with the 
*tea baggers* standing next to and embracing,  [whoda guessed it]  Ted Nugent  
[the so called white redneck gun nut poster boy]
KKK?  Not hardly.

Using the words of VP Joe Biden to a better purpose.  "This is a 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread bodhisattva
There is no left or right, there is only "Them".. Govts can always find 
enough money to kill people, but never enough to save people.  The 
sooner people realize the very entities we trust, are the ones 
undermining humanity, the better off we'll all be.

Garrick wrote:
Agree with all you posted. I would add that I am against the 0bama 
socialist health care. The USA may go bankrupt before it kicks in 
anyway. What happens to Greece today can happen to America in a few 
years. Margaret Thatcher said, "Socialism is fine until you run out of 
other people's money"

The EU currency is sinking and stinking. The strongest nations for the 
future are Canada and Australia because they mine gold and are 
mega-exporters of coal and other raw materials that China and others 
crave. They also eluded the real estate boom/bust that hit the UK, USA 
and others

The organic food scene has always had crusty right wingers such as 
Fletcher Simms who was making bio-dynamic compost in Texas in the 
1960s onward. Rightists have always been anti-fluoridation to the 
point this was joked about in Dr Strangelove. "Poisoning my bodily 
fluids". Plenty of the old organic types were John Birchers. You go to 
the Acres USA site (they carry Phil Callahan's tapes and books 
) and you 
can tell they are right-libertarian

Ode -- You are correct about all the media deception and 
misrepresentations of the Tea Party people. Who skew older because 
they remember America the way it was. What kind of memory does any 
under-30 person have about America's better years?

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I don't think so Sandee,  I have gotten this far in my life without any of all 
the dire things that are being warned about happening.  I have always gotten on 
well with the police etc., and have found them very helpful, but then, I don't 
do anything to upset them.  I am quite happy with this.  I have been on 
protests about various things and have never had any sort of come back at all.  

On 28 Apr 2010, at 22:19, Sandee George wrote:

> Hi There Dee I think somehow you could do well to rub the sleep out of your 
> eyes !
> Regards
> Sandee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Garrick
Agree with all you posted. I would add that I am against the 0bama socialist
health care. The USA may go bankrupt before it kicks in anyway. What happens
to Greece today can happen to America in a few years. Margaret Thatcher
said, "Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money"

The EU currency is sinking and stinking. The strongest nations for the
future are Canada and Australia because they mine gold and are
mega-exporters of coal and other raw materials that China and others crave.
They also eluded the real estate boom/bust that hit the UK, USA and others

The organic food scene has always had crusty right wingers such as Fletcher
Simms who was making bio-dynamic compost in Texas in the 1960s onward.
Rightists have always been anti-fluoridation to the point this was joked
about in Dr Strangelove. "Poisoning my bodily fluids". Plenty of the old
organic types were John Birchers. You go to the Acres USA site (they carry
Phil Callahan's tapes and
and you can tell they are right-libertarian

Ode -- You are correct about all the media deception and misrepresentations
of the Tea Party people. Who skew older because they remember America the
way it was. What kind of memory does any under-30 person have about
America's better years?


On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

> Way off topic, important truth that isn't getting "out there" very
> well.
>  There is a rather large "movement" growing here in the US of A called the
> "Tea Party"
>  It's made up of smiling grandparents and mommies and daddies for the most
> part and now and then some come fully armed...yet, not ONE provable act or
> even threat of violence in many tens of thousands in the crowds that had
> anything to do with a "Tea Partier" [other than being a victim]
> In one instance, it was a "left winger" that bit the finger off a Tea
> retaliation or charges filed.
>  Another was a gang of SEIU Union thugs in their purple "colors" beating  a
> Black "Tea Partier" to a hospitalized pulp, with full footage as undeniable
> proof of what happened from start to finish [The prosecutors refused to
> charge the thugs with aggravated or otherwise, assault and battery ]
> "Tea Partiers" are portrayed by the mainstream media as racist, seditious
> and traitorous.. "un American"..a threat to all.
>  Who's the racists?
> I recall one instance where the "news" cameras on several networks showed a
> person carrying an assault rifle and using that to prove the gathering "race
> based" and potentially violent..on the edge, no less than the old KKK on the
> march.  [Who BTW were mostly Democrats back then ? ]
> But other [leaked out] views of that same footage showed it to be an armed
> Black man, perfectly at ease in the middle of a sea of white folks "cropped"
> for effect to support an outright lie.
>  Nancy Pelosi and company walked arm in arm through a crowd of "Tea
> Partiers" opposing ObamaCare just after it was rammed down the people
> throats in an attempt to BAIT that crowd in its most emotional state
> possible.
>  They claimed they were spit at and had racist comments hurled at them, but
> a $100,000 reward for any evidence to back up that claim had ZERO takers
> despite there being hundreds of cell phone and video cameras in the crowd
> documenting every detail.  LIARS
> and
>  So much for the "news" that also failed to document the *supposed* events,
> being *right there* to do so.
> In Raleigh NC, the state capital right up the road, the police department
> announced it would no longer be a presence at "Tea Party" gatherings other
> than a few cops to protect the "Tea Partiers"
> ..something like 1 cop per thousand **Tea Baggers**
>  Weirdly, the same cops that billy clubbed Teachers, University Professors
> and News Reporters when a block party failed to break up to their liking ten
> or so years ago.
> Some carry flags that show a coiled snake that read "Don't Tread On Me"
>  It's a genuinely friendly snake, not out for anyone elses mice, saying "I
> try to stay out of the way and mind my own business, but if you seek me out
> and step on my back..I WILL bite "
> ...they even pick up their own trash before they leave.
> Dr Martin Luther Kings niece Dr. Alveda King  has publicly thrown in with
> the *tea baggers* standing next to and embracing,  [whoda guessed it]  Ted
> Nugent  [the so called white redneck gun nut poster boy]
> KKK?  Not hardly.
> Using the words of VP Joe Biden to a better purpose.  "This is a big
> f***ing Deal" !
> Don't believe everything you see on TV or read in the "news"
> Keep the ears open for double talk, 'Shell Games" and misdirection.
> The accusers accuse others of doing what THEY do and did, predicting
> behavior based on their OWN behavior, both past and present... and coming up
> empty with nothing left to do but lie.
> Manipulation 101
> The con man knows that the duped will su

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Richard Goodwin
Good idea -- do you have the instructions handy for signing up for OT list?


- Original Message 
From: Del 
Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 10:38:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones


Good post.  I would love to discuss this further, but it belongs on the OT list.
Hey, all you people who are not on the Off Topic List - please sign up so we 
can have our little discussions without scaring off people who are looking for 
CS and general health information.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Del


Good post.  I would love to discuss this further, but it belongs on the OT 
Hey, all you people who are not on the Off Topic List - please sign up so we 
can have our little discussions without scaring off people who are looking 
for CS and general health information.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 

Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

Way off topic, important truth that isn't getting "out there" very 

  There is a rather large "movement" growing here in the US of A called 
the "Tea Party"
 It's made up of smiling grandparents and mommies and daddies for the most 
part and now and then some come fully armed...yet, not ONE provable act or 
even threat of violence in many tens of thousands in the crowds that had 
anything to do with a "Tea Partier" [other than being a victim]
In one instance, it was a "left winger" that bit the finger off a Tea retaliation or charges filed.
 Another was a gang of SEIU Union thugs in their purple "colors" beating 
a Black "Tea Partier" to a hospitalized pulp, with full footage as 
undeniable proof of what happened from start to finish [The prosecutors 
refused to charge the thugs with aggravated or otherwise, assault and 
battery ]

"Tea Partiers" are portrayed by the mainstream media as racist, seditious 
and traitorous.. "un American"..a threat to all.

 Who's the racists?
I recall one instance where the "news" cameras on several networks showed 
a person carrying an assault rifle and using that to prove the gathering 
"race based" and potentially violent..on the edge, no less than the old 
KKK on the march.  [Who BTW were mostly Democrats back then ? ]
But other [leaked out] views of that same footage showed it to be an armed 
Black man, perfectly at ease in the middle of a sea of white folks 
"cropped" for effect to support an outright lie.
 Nancy Pelosi and company walked arm in arm through a crowd of "Tea 
Partiers" opposing ObamaCare just after it was rammed down the people 
throats in an attempt to BAIT that crowd in its most emotional state 
  They claimed they were spit at and had racist comments hurled at them, 
but a $100,000 reward for any evidence to back up that claim had ZERO 
takers despite there being hundreds of cell phone and video cameras in the 
crowd documenting every detail.  LIARS

 So much for the "news" that also failed to document the *supposed* 
events, being *right there* to do so.

In Raleigh NC, the state capital right up the road, the police department 
announced it would no longer be a presence at "Tea Party" gatherings other 
than a few cops to protect the "Tea Partiers"

..something like 1 cop per thousand **Tea Baggers**
 Weirdly, the same cops that billy clubbed Teachers, University Professors 
and News Reporters when a block party failed to break up to their liking 
ten or so years ago.

Some carry flags that show a coiled snake that read "Don't Tread On Me"
 It's a genuinely friendly snake, not out for anyone elses mice, saying "I 
try to stay out of the way and mind my own business, but if you seek me 
out and step on my back..I WILL bite "

...they even pick up their own trash before they leave.

Dr Martin Luther Kings niece Dr. Alveda King  has publicly thrown in with 
the *tea baggers* standing next to and embracing,  [whoda guessed it]  Ted 
Nugent  [the so called white redneck gun nut poster boy]

KKK?  Not hardly.

Using the words of VP Joe Biden to a better purpose.  "This is a big 
f***ing Deal" !

Don't believe everything you see on TV or read in the "news"
Keep the ears open for double talk, 'Shell Games" and misdirection.
The accusers accuse others of doing what THEY do and did, predicting 
behavior based on their OWN behavior, both past and present... and coming 
up empty with nothing left to do but lie.

Manipulation 101
The con man knows that the duped will support his con rather than admit to 
themselves that they'd been played the fool.  [Read that, the "news" 
media, being predictably "human" ]

..and the bigger the fool, the more the defensive lying to deny it.
 Must save face at any cost.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Ode Coyote

Way off topic, important truth that isn't getting "out there" very 

  There is a rather large "movement" growing here in the US of A called 
the "Tea Party"
 It's made up of smiling grandparents and mommies and daddies for the most 
part and now and then some come fully armed...yet, not ONE provable act or 
even threat of violence in many tens of thousands in the crowds that had 
anything to do with a "Tea Partier" [other than being a victim]
In one instance, it was a "left winger" that bit the finger off a Tea retaliation or charges filed.
 Another was a gang of SEIU Union thugs in their purple "colors" 
beating  a Black "Tea Partier" to a hospitalized pulp, with full footage as 
undeniable proof of what happened from start to finish [The prosecutors 
refused to charge the thugs with aggravated or otherwise, assault and battery ]

"Tea Partiers" are portrayed by the mainstream media as racist, seditious 
and traitorous.. "un American"..a threat to all.

 Who's the racists?
I recall one instance where the "news" cameras on several networks showed a 
person carrying an assault rifle and using that to prove the gathering 
"race based" and potentially violent..on the edge, no less than the old KKK 
on the march.  [Who BTW were mostly Democrats back then ? ]
But other [leaked out] views of that same footage showed it to be an armed 
Black man, perfectly at ease in the middle of a sea of white folks 
"cropped" for effect to support an outright lie.
 Nancy Pelosi and company walked arm in arm through a crowd of "Tea 
Partiers" opposing ObamaCare just after it was rammed down the people 
throats in an attempt to BAIT that crowd in its most emotional state possible.
  They claimed they were spit at and had racist comments hurled at them, 
but a $100,000 reward for any evidence to back up that claim had ZERO 
takers despite there being hundreds of cell phone and video cameras in the 
crowd documenting every detail.  LIARS

 So much for the "news" that also failed to document the *supposed* 
events, being *right there* to do so.

In Raleigh NC, the state capital right up the road, the police department 
announced it would no longer be a presence at "Tea Party" gatherings other 
than a few cops to protect the "Tea Partiers"

..something like 1 cop per thousand **Tea Baggers**
 Weirdly, the same cops that billy clubbed Teachers, University Professors 
and News Reporters when a block party failed to break up to their liking 
ten or so years ago.

Some carry flags that show a coiled snake that read "Don't Tread On Me"
 It's a genuinely friendly snake, not out for anyone elses mice, saying "I 
try to stay out of the way and mind my own business, but if you seek me out 
and step on my back..I WILL bite "

...they even pick up their own trash before they leave.

Dr Martin Luther Kings niece Dr. Alveda King  has publicly thrown in with 
the *tea baggers* standing next to and embracing,  [whoda guessed it]  Ted 
Nugent  [the so called white redneck gun nut poster boy]

KKK?  Not hardly.

Using the words of VP Joe Biden to a better purpose.  "This is a big 
f***ing Deal" !

Don't believe everything you see on TV or read in the "news"
Keep the ears open for double talk, 'Shell Games" and misdirection.
The accusers accuse others of doing what THEY do and did, predicting 
behavior based on their OWN behavior, both past and present... and coming 
up empty with nothing left to do but lie.

Manipulation 101
The con man knows that the duped will support his con rather than admit to 
themselves that they'd been played the fool.  [Read that, the "news" media, 
being predictably "human" ]

..and the bigger the fool, the more the defensive lying to deny it.
 Must save face at any cost.


At 06:34 PM 4/28/2010 +0100, you wrote:
Well at least it caught the 7/7 bombers and those would -be airport 
bombers we had here too.  Also, many, many murders are solved using the 
footage from these cameras, and to me, if they solve just one, then it is 
justified.  I can't understand why people object to these things--unless 
they have something to hide that is.  dee

On 28 Apr 2010, at 14:32, Hanneke wrote:

> I am afraid that solving crimes thanks to CCTV is an illusion.  1000 
cameras to solve one crime doesn't sound very useful nor successful.

> Many articles are available about this:
> At 10:29 PM 28/04/2010, you wrote:
>> I don't mind the cameras on every corner, as I have nothing to fear - 
or hide.  They have been really useful here catching terrorists and 
murderers etc.,  The rest of it is a pain in the a..e!  but its mainly to 
get money out of people--as is most things in the UK including all the 
health and safety rubbish!  dee
> -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
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Off-Topic discussi

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Ode Coyote

  When I lived in Vermont [70s]  it was as conservative as it comes being 
almost ANTI progressive and defensive against intrusions from out of state 
profiteers and law makers..but had a lot of loose liberals running about in it.
Shoot, I could go to Montpelier and register a car with no proof the car 
even existed.

It's still one of the least police state "live and let live" areas I know of.

It takes a while, but the old natives will open up and are quite frank and 
friendly once they do.

..too much snow for me.

Next fav spot is Alabama.


At 07:45 PM 4/28/2010 -0400, you wrote:
Here's a tip, Vermont is not liberal because you say it is, Vermont is 
probably one of the few "Republics" left in this republic because they 
assert state rights whenever possible. For example they don't even tie 
into the Federal Gun Registry/Background check system.  You can walk into 
any hold mom and pop hardware, and walk out with your long gun.  Even 
Montana doesn't have as loose of Gun regulations as Vermont.  Betcha 
didn't know that!

State Requirements

Rifles and Shotguns
   * Permit to purchase rifles and shotguns? No.
   * Registration of rifles and shotguns? No.
   * Licensing of owners of rifles and shotguns? No.
   * Permit to carry rifles and shotguns? No.

   * Permit to purchase handgun? No.
   * Registration of handguns? No.
   * Licensing of owners of handguns? No.
   * Permit to carry handguns? No.

Other Requirements
   * Is there a State waiting period? No.
   * Is there a FBI check for firearm transactions? No. State system.
   * Permit to carry a concealed weapon required? No.
   * Record of sale: Yes.

Garrick wrote:
If you want to get into that jive you will find the most social 
stability, lowest crime, fewest cell towers in many Western states that 
border (and are close to) Canada. And most have strong gun rights laws 
and are as conservative as Vermont is liberal. States such as Idaho, 
North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming. Minnesota and Wisconsin are 
very frozen and white and liberal I will admit. All those states are low 
on the racial diversity index including your frozen liberal paradise 
known as Vermont which has hills/mountains that kill cell reception


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones [gone OT]

2010-04-29 Thread Ode Coyote

The lessons of history...gone OT


At 02:03 PM 4/28/2010 +0100, you wrote:
But *why* would they put these things in the bin?  Doesn't make sense to 
me.  Also, I would think it would cost a hell of a lot to do and our 
Government isn't good at spending money!  dee

On 28 Apr 2010, at 12:59, Ode Coyote wrote:

>  Computerized RealTime Hydraulic Pressure Monitor.
> Todays robots have a sense of touch, a sense of heft isn't much different.
> Ode

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-29 Thread Bob Banever

   Decalcification is achieved by ingesting alot of enzymatic rich foods.  
Raw fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, some fermented 
probiotic/enzyme rich foods like pickles, sauerkraut, and miso (has alot of 
nattokinase), and some good exercise to improve blood circulation will help the 
process.  Also important are minerals, both macro and micro.  Seaweed is a 
great source as is edible clay (calcium bentonites, Pascalite, etc.).  Stay 
away from dairy food, processed foods, and fried foods.  When you eat, chew 
each mouthfull at least 30 times (very important but most people swallow their 
food whole).  The only thing that digests whole grains ins ptylin, an enzyme in 
your saliva.  Digesting your food before you swallow it helps your other organs 
rest and detoxify your blood.  Lots more to say, but that's a good start.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Garrick 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:36 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

  Well that's a good account of yourself. It ain't bragging if you can do 
it-Babe Ruth
  I don't know if we are evolving according to some plan. Some days I think the 
opposite. We have mini-antichrists proliferating nuclear weapons technology 
which is the real threat to human existence. Not this fake global warming 
paranoia that elevates man into a god-like role in changing our climate 
  Paramagnetism is a good book. Rock dust is a great fertilizer
  How do you decalcify the pineal gland?
  You know why most people are not cured? Because sub-consciously and or 
spiritually they don't want to be. And the ones that truly want to be are not 
deserving of it. Lack of merit. I could use some merit myself.


  On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 10:04 PM, bodhisattva  

I'm pretty ambidextrous, so was my dad, he could switch hands for any task 
with full efficiency.  I have parallel brain processing, which is nice because 
you can work on the content/context of subjects at the same time, and don't 
have to spend too much time going from creative to analytical. It's how I can 
build computer circuits one day, and create art the next day. Its how I can 
meditate for answers, and then use instruments to verify the meditations.  I 
believe all humans will eventually have full parallel brain functionality, it's 
fun, you can see the material world for what it is, but also see the spiritual 
underpinnings for what happens around the material world. You can feel a short 
in home wiring, and still have the brains to take apart the circuits and find 

You can enjoy science, and the processes of evaluation/logistics on the 
material level, but you can still experience God.  Who could ask for anything 
more?  Chip away the calcification of the pineal gland, and make it happen. ;-) 

Paramagnetism seems like an interesting book.

Garrick wrote: 
  The pine trees are pumping out irradiating out the healthy orgone. 
Granite outcrops and mountains too. Granite is orgone emitter and granite 
volcanic soil is the ultimate to grow on. All volcanic soil is. You know that 
all New England states are much more forested than 150-200 years ago. Because 
much less land is devoted to farming in NE. Because you can grow grain and 
raise animals cheaper on that flat Mid West land that American 
farmer-geniuses-inventors mechanized. Mechanized farming. Because all farmers 
want to do less physical labor and to farm more land. They went too far with 
all the chemicals but...

  Vermont=rock dust central. Granite is parmagnetic said Phil Callanan who 
spent his professorial life is a clayless state, in Gainesville FL. Life is 
ambidextrous, ambiguous, full of contradictions. Actually one should should 
always try and develop his weaker arm and weaker leg. It sharpens your mind. 
Being right handed I try to do things with my left. You seem like a lefty. Left 
handed that is.



  On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 9:15 PM, bodhisattva  

Vermont has a lot of healthy orgone.  Maybe that's why it was the only 
state Bush and Cheney didn't visit.   :-P I love that you can buy raw anything 
around there, and nobody cares too much about that kind of stuff.. Vermont folk 
call those strange aliens from the big cities "Flatlanders", and sort of don't 
like them too much. (Can't blame them)

Vermont is on my short list of places to head for if things go wonky 
around here.  Which by now, I suspect they will not, the tide seems to be 
turning.. But nevertheless.  There are a few counties in my state with some 
pretty serious local militias, but the feds have been hammering away at them 
pretty heavily over the years.  Wait, aren't we supposed to have local 
militias?  Isn't that how we overthrew the first oppressive wave against u

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Garrick
Most people who pray are on an ego trip to think they have enough merit for
prayer to cure them. Prayer has helped guide me in the last year. 3AM
prayers when you cannot sleep. You are doing very well as far as helping
people, I'm just having fun being mean to you because the world will jump up
at you and do it anyway.

You must must must check out the story of this intuitive dude who also went
to med school


On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:10 PM, bodhisattva wrote:

> Good explanation.
> Did you know in the exceedingly rare event I get a headache that I can't
> wish away, I take a single infant motrin and it is gone?  Can't get much
> more simple that that. But more than that, the cures I need seem to arrive
> when needed, and be exceptionally simple, as you illustrate.  I won't even
> begin to tell you the power of prayer to heal yourself and others, most
> people wouldn't believe it anyway. I guess I could probably just cure this
> or that with a vial of water labeled for it, you know?
> I don't feel special, nor do I want any attention or recognition, and my
> ego isn't interested in fuel. I've paid my dues already, I guess this is the
> reward. No complaints, you know?  Placebo this or that, intention, divine
> power, call it anything you want that makes your reality acceptable to you.
> I just try to help others as much as possible, that's all I ask these days,
> nothing more.
> Garrick wrote:
>> Another thing as far as "cures".
>> There are no magic bullets for this generation. For older generations they
>> existed because the oldsters had more merit. They were more deserving of
>> direct simple cures. They could even cure themselves with prayer sometimes.
>> But these days it takes a lot more and few will stick with it. Right now
>> this nation is living off the accumulated moral and spiritual capital of our
>> ancestors. Not to mention their accumulated knowledge and wealth. lol ...I
>> think  That's not the whole story, just a good part of it.
>> g
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
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> List Owner: Mike Devour 


Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Garrick
At least in that particular case she had to hear it (the hypnosis) from
someone distanced from the situation. Your wife's ankle was cured when she
did. In this case familiarity worked against a solution. What that
"unfamiliar" MD did for your wife you do for others.  It's all good


On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:24 PM, bodhisattva wrote:

> My wife had some kind of rash on her arm, and a sore ankle.. I have various
> things to heal this or that, probably over 100+ TCM remedies, and another
> 50-60 alternative remedies in the home.  Sometimes she listens and does
> them, and they usually work incredibly well.  But in reality, I know a lot
> of this stuff is really just whatever triggers your own innate healing.
>  Does that make sense?
> If our culture told our kids that to stop a stomach ache you walk in a
> circle 5 times around a Fig Tree. Well for all intents and purposes, this
> would work, you know? Reality would conform, and placebo sort of guarantees
> it would work in a pretty high percentage of people.  We sort of have to
> "Convince ourselves" we are getting better, or doing something to get
> better, so we get better. We move energy from the stagnation of that
> particular ailment, and get it pushed along into something else, more
> beneficial. "What you resist, persists"..
> So my wife goes to the doctor about her ankle.. He says "Can't find
> anything wrong, you are healthy."..  My wife gets home, and says "Strange,
> my ankle doesn't hurt as bad."..  Well, my response was "Of course, you were
> told it was fine, there is nothing wrong with you by the hypnotist you chose
> to see." She giggled, but kind of agreed.. My wife works at a hospital, she
> sees people come in practically dying that miraculously feel healed after a
> doctor looks at them and they get an IV in their arm.
> 1,000 years ago it was mud salves and crow bones. Today it's pills and
> fancy machines. Same witch doctors. Hopefully people will figure out what is
> really going on, soon.  It's lonely out here.
> Garrick wrote:
>> Another thing as far as "cures".
>> There are no magic bullets for this generation. For older generations they
>> existed because the oldsters had more merit. They were more deserving of
>> direct simple cures. They could even cure themselves with prayer sometimes.
>> But these days it takes a lot more and few will stick with it. Right now
>> this nation is living off the accumulated moral and spiritual capital of our
>> ancestors. Not to mention their accumulated knowledge and wealth. lol ...I
>> think  That's not the whole story, just a good part of it.
>> g
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 


Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva
My wife had some kind of rash on her arm, and a sore ankle.. I have 
various things to heal this or that, probably over 100+ TCM remedies, 
and another 50-60 alternative remedies in the home.  Sometimes she 
listens and does them, and they usually work incredibly well.  But in 
reality, I know a lot of this stuff is really just whatever triggers 
your own innate healing.  Does that make sense?

If our culture told our kids that to stop a stomach ache you walk in a 
circle 5 times around a Fig Tree. Well for all intents and purposes, 
this would work, you know? Reality would conform, and placebo sort of 
guarantees it would work in a pretty high percentage of people.  We sort 
of have to "Convince ourselves" we are getting better, or doing 
something to get better, so we get better. We move energy from the 
stagnation of that particular ailment, and get it pushed along into 
something else, more beneficial. "What you resist, persists"..

So my wife goes to the doctor about her ankle.. He says "Can't find 
anything wrong, you are healthy."..  My wife gets home, and says 
"Strange, my ankle doesn't hurt as bad."..  Well, my response was "Of 
course, you were told it was fine, there is nothing wrong with you by 
the hypnotist you chose to see." She giggled, but kind of agreed.. My 
wife works at a hospital, she sees people come in practically dying that 
miraculously feel healed after a doctor looks at them and they get an IV 
in their arm.

1,000 years ago it was mud salves and crow bones. Today it's pills and 
fancy machines. Same witch doctors. Hopefully people will figure out 
what is really going on, soon.  It's lonely out here.

Garrick wrote:

Another thing as far as "cures".
There are no magic bullets for this generation. For older generations 
they existed because the oldsters had more merit. They were more 
deserving of direct simple cures. They could even cure themselves with 
prayer sometimes. But these days it takes a lot more and few will 
stick with it. Right now this nation is living off the accumulated 
moral and spiritual capital of our ancestors. Not to mention their 
accumulated knowledge and wealth. lol ...I think  That's not the whole 
story, just a good part of it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva

Good explanation.

Did you know in the exceedingly rare event I get a headache that I can't 
wish away, I take a single infant motrin and it is gone?  Can't get much 
more simple that that. But more than that, the cures I need seem to 
arrive when needed, and be exceptionally simple, as you illustrate.  I 
won't even begin to tell you the power of prayer to heal yourself and 
others, most people wouldn't believe it anyway. I guess I could probably 
just cure this or that with a vial of water labeled for it, you know?

I don't feel special, nor do I want any attention or recognition, and my 
ego isn't interested in fuel. I've paid my dues already, I guess this is 
the reward. No complaints, you know?  Placebo this or that, intention, 
divine power, call it anything you want that makes your reality 
acceptable to you. I just try to help others as much as possible, that's 
all I ask these days, nothing more.

Garrick wrote:

Another thing as far as "cures".
There are no magic bullets for this generation. For older generations 
they existed because the oldsters had more merit. They were more 
deserving of direct simple cures. They could even cure themselves with 
prayer sometimes. But these days it takes a lot more and few will 
stick with it. Right now this nation is living off the accumulated 
moral and spiritual capital of our ancestors. Not to mention their 
accumulated knowledge and wealth. lol ...I think  That's not the whole 
story, just a good part of it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Garrick
Another thing as far as "cures".
There are no magic bullets for this generation. For older generations they
existed because the oldsters had more merit. They were more deserving of
direct simple cures. They could even cure themselves with prayer sometimes.
But these days it takes a lot more and few will stick with it. Right now
this nation is living off the accumulated moral and spiritual capital of our
ancestors. Not to mention their accumulated knowledge and wealth. lol ...I
think  That's not the whole story, just a good part of it.


On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 10:04 PM, bodhisattva wrote:

>  I'm pretty ambidextrous, so was my dad, he could switch hands for any task
> with full efficiency.  I have parallel brain processing, which is nice
> because you can work on the content/context of subjects at the same time,
> and don't have to spend too much time going from creative to analytical.
> It's how I can build computer circuits one day, and create art the next day.
> Its how I can meditate for answers, and then use instruments to verify the
> meditations.  I believe all humans will eventually have full parallel brain
> functionality, it's fun, you can see the material world for what it is, but
> also see the spiritual underpinnings for what happens around the material
> world. You can feel a short in home wiring, and still have the brains to
> take apart the circuits and find it.
> You can enjoy science, and the processes of evaluation/logistics on the
> material level, but you can still experience God.  Who could ask for
> anything more?  Chip away the calcification of the pineal gland, and make it
> happen. ;-)
> Paramagnetism seems like an interesting book.

Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Garrick
Well that's a good account of yourself. It ain't bragging if you can do
it-Babe Ruth
I don't know if we are evolving according to some plan. Some days I think
the opposite. We have mini-antichrists proliferating nuclear weapons
technology which is the real threat to human existence. Not this fake global
warming paranoia that elevates man into a god-like role in changing our
Paramagnetism is a good book. Rock dust is a great fertilizer
How do you decalcify the pineal gland?
You know why most people are not cured? Because sub-consciously and or
spiritually they don't want to be. And the ones that truly want to be are
not deserving of it. Lack of merit. I could use some merit myself.


On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 10:04 PM, bodhisattva wrote:

>  I'm pretty ambidextrous, so was my dad, he could switch hands for any task
> with full efficiency.  I have parallel brain processing, which is nice
> because you can work on the content/context of subjects at the same time,
> and don't have to spend too much time going from creative to analytical.
> It's how I can build computer circuits one day, and create art the next day.
> Its how I can meditate for answers, and then use instruments to verify the
> meditations.  I believe all humans will eventually have full parallel brain
> functionality, it's fun, you can see the material world for what it is, but
> also see the spiritual underpinnings for what happens around the material
> world. You can feel a short in home wiring, and still have the brains to
> take apart the circuits and find it.
> You can enjoy science, and the processes of evaluation/logistics on the
> material level, but you can still experience God.  Who could ask for
> anything more?  Chip away the calcification of the pineal gland, and make it
> happen. ;-)
> Paramagnetism seems like an interesting book.
> Garrick wrote:
> The pine trees are pumping out irradiating out the healthy orgone. Granite
> outcrops and mountains too. Granite is orgone emitter and granite volcanic
> soil is the ultimate to grow on. All volcanic soil is. You know that all New
> England states are much more forested than 150-200 years ago. Because much
> less land is devoted to farming in NE. Because you can grow grain and raise
> animals cheaper on that flat Mid West land that American
> farmer-geniuses-inventors mechanized. Mechanized farming. Because all
> farmers want to do less physical labor and to farm more land. They went too
> far with all the chemicals but...
> Vermont=rock dust central. Granite is parmagnetic said Phil Callanan who
> spent his professorial life is a clayless state, in Gainesville FL. Life is
> ambidextrous, ambiguous, full of contradictions. Actually one should should
> always try and develop his weaker arm and weaker leg. It sharpens your mind.
> Being right handed I try to do things with my left. You seem like a lefty.
> Left handed that is.
> g
> ___
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 9:15 PM, bodhisattva wrote:
>>  Vermont has a lot of healthy orgone.  Maybe that's why it was the only
>> state Bush and Cheney didn't visit.   :-P I love that you can buy raw
>> anything around there, and nobody cares too much about that kind of stuff..
>> Vermont folk call those strange aliens from the big cities "Flatlanders",
>> and sort of don't like them too much. (Can't blame them)
>> Vermont is on my short list of places to head for if things go wonky
>> around here.  Which by now, I suspect they will not, the tide seems to be
>> turning.. But nevertheless.  There are a few counties in my state with some
>> pretty serious local militias, but the feds have been hammering away at them
>> pretty heavily over the years.  Wait, aren't we supposed to have local
>> militias?  Isn't that how we overthrew the first oppressive wave against us?
>> (err.. Brits) Those are also good places to head if the level of wonk goes
>> too high.  Many of the counties in this state have a 70-80% "Ignore Rate" on
>> the latest Census.. Pretty hilarious, really.
>> Garrick wrote:
>> Vermont seems good on guns. You initial post was ambidextrous on that.
>> Texas is also a republic and can exit the Union at anytime. So what. Montana
>> says it will opt out of onerous Fed gun 
>> law
>> imposed via the interstate commerce clause by wholly manufacturing some guns
>> in state. Just saying.. because you own more guns than me
>> Vermont elected a socialist Senator. Sure you will find a lot of ruff-tuff
>> practical people there. You find that in any fairly rural state where you
>> have more people "on the land"
>> The best state for the future is Nebraska.. for obvious reasons. They
>> are an agricultural export superpower. If you want to be rich you got to
>> have something others want to buy. Vermont produces boutique type of food
>> and agricultu

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva
I'm pretty ambidextrous, so was my dad, he could switch hands for any 
task with full efficiency.  I have parallel brain processing, which is 
nice because you can work on the content/context of subjects at the same 
time, and don't have to spend too much time going from creative to 
analytical. It's how I can build computer circuits one day, and create 
art the next day. Its how I can meditate for answers, and then use 
instruments to verify the meditations.  I believe all humans will 
eventually have full parallel brain functionality, it's fun, you can see 
the material world for what it is, but also see the spiritual 
underpinnings for what happens around the material world. You can feel a 
short in home wiring, and still have the brains to take apart the 
circuits and find it.

You can enjoy science, and the processes of evaluation/logistics on the 
material level, but you can still experience God.  Who could ask for 
anything more?  Chip away the calcification of the pineal gland, and 
make it happen. ;-)

Paramagnetism seems like an interesting book.

Garrick wrote:
The pine trees are pumping out irradiating out the healthy orgone. 
Granite outcrops and mountains too. Granite is orgone emitter and 
granite volcanic soil is the ultimate to grow on. All volcanic soil 
is. You know that all New England states are much more forested than 
150-200 years ago. Because much less land is devoted to farming in NE. 
Because you can grow grain and raise animals cheaper on that flat Mid 
West land that American farmer-geniuses-inventors mechanized. 
Mechanized farming. Because all farmers want to do less physical labor 
and to farm more land. They went too far with all the chemicals but...

Vermont=rock dust central. Granite is parmagnetic said Phil Callanan 
who spent his professorial life is a clayless state, in Gainesville 
FL. Life is ambidextrous, ambiguous, full of contradictions. Actually 
one should should always try and develop his weaker arm and weaker 
leg. It sharpens your mind. Being right handed I try to do things with 
my left. You seem like a lefty. Left handed that is.



On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 9:15 PM, bodhisattva > wrote:

Vermont has a lot of healthy orgone.  Maybe that's why it was the
only state Bush and Cheney didn't visit.   :-P I love that you can
buy raw anything around there, and nobody cares too much about
that kind of stuff.. Vermont folk call those strange aliens from
the big cities "Flatlanders", and sort of don't like them too
much. (Can't blame them)

Vermont is on my short list of places to head for if things go
wonky around here.  Which by now, I suspect they will not, the
tide seems to be turning.. But nevertheless.  There are a few
counties in my state with some pretty serious local militias, but
the feds have been hammering away at them pretty heavily over the
years.  Wait, aren't we supposed to have local militias?  Isn't
that how we overthrew the first oppressive wave against us? (err..
Brits) Those are also good places to head if the level of wonk
goes too high.  Many of the counties in this state have a 70-80%
"Ignore Rate" on the latest Census.. Pretty hilarious, really.

Garrick wrote:

Vermont seems good on guns. You initial post was ambidextrous on
that. Texas is also a republic and can exit the Union at anytime.
So what. Montana says it will opt out of onerous Fed gun law
imposed via the interstate commerce clause by wholly

manufacturing some guns in state. Just saying.. because you
own more guns than me

Vermont elected a socialist Senator. Sure you will find a lot of
ruff-tuff practical people there. You find that in any fairly
rural state where you have more people "on the land"

The best state for the future is Nebraska.. for obvious
reasons. They are an agricultural export superpower. If you want
to be rich you got to have something others want to buy. Vermont
produces boutique type of food and agricultural products. A
DisneyLand type theme park.


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Garrick
The pine trees are pumping out irradiating out the healthy orgone. Granite
outcrops and mountains too. Granite is orgone emitter and granite volcanic
soil is the ultimate to grow on. All volcanic soil is. You know that all New
England states are much more forested than 150-200 years ago. Because much
less land is devoted to farming in NE. Because you can grow grain and raise
animals cheaper on that flat Mid West land that American
farmer-geniuses-inventors mechanized. Mechanized farming. Because all
farmers want to do less physical labor and to farm more land. They went too
far with all the chemicals but...

Vermont=rock dust central. Granite is parmagnetic said Phil Callanan who
spent his professorial life is a clayless state, in Gainesville FL. Life is
ambidextrous, ambiguous, full of contradictions. Actually one should should
always try and develop his weaker arm and weaker leg. It sharpens your mind.
Being right handed I try to do things with my left. You seem like a lefty.
Left handed that is.



On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 9:15 PM, bodhisattva wrote:

>  Vermont has a lot of healthy orgone.  Maybe that's why it was the only
> state Bush and Cheney didn't visit.   :-P I love that you can buy raw
> anything around there, and nobody cares too much about that kind of stuff..
> Vermont folk call those strange aliens from the big cities "Flatlanders",
> and sort of don't like them too much. (Can't blame them)
> Vermont is on my short list of places to head for if things go wonky around
> here.  Which by now, I suspect they will not, the tide seems to be turning..
> But nevertheless.  There are a few counties in my state with some pretty
> serious local militias, but the feds have been hammering away at them pretty
> heavily over the years.  Wait, aren't we supposed to have local militias?
> Isn't that how we overthrew the first oppressive wave against us? (err..
> Brits) Those are also good places to head if the level of wonk goes too
> high.  Many of the counties in this state have a 70-80% "Ignore Rate" on the
> latest Census.. Pretty hilarious, really.
> Garrick wrote:
> Vermont seems good on guns. You initial post was ambidextrous on that.
> Texas is also a republic and can exit the Union at anytime. So what. Montana
> says it will opt out of onerous Fed gun 
> law
> imposed via the interstate commerce clause by wholly manufacturing some guns
> in state. Just saying.. because you own more guns than me
> Vermont elected a socialist Senator. Sure you will find a lot of ruff-tuff
> practical people there. You find that in any fairly rural state where you
> have more people "on the land"
> The best state for the future is Nebraska.. for obvious reasons. They
> are an agricultural export superpower. If you want to be rich you got to
> have something others want to buy. Vermont produces boutique type of food
> and agricultural products. A DisneyLand type theme park.
> g


Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva
Vermont has a lot of healthy orgone.  Maybe that's why it was the only 
state Bush and Cheney didn't visit.   :-P I love that you can buy raw 
anything around there, and nobody cares too much about that kind of 
stuff.. Vermont folk call those strange aliens from the big cities 
"Flatlanders", and sort of don't like them too much. (Can't blame them)

Vermont is on my short list of places to head for if things go wonky 
around here.  Which by now, I suspect they will not, the tide seems to 
be turning.. But nevertheless.  There are a few counties in my state 
with some pretty serious local militias, but the feds have been 
hammering away at them pretty heavily over the years.  Wait, aren't we 
supposed to have local militias?  Isn't that how we overthrew the first 
oppressive wave against us? (err.. Brits) Those are also good places to 
head if the level of wonk goes too high.  Many of the counties in this 
state have a 70-80% "Ignore Rate" on the latest Census.. Pretty 
hilarious, really.

Garrick wrote:
Vermont seems good on guns. You initial post was ambidextrous on that. 
Texas is also a republic and can exit the Union at anytime. So what. 
Montana says it will opt out of onerous Fed gun law 
imposed via the interstate commerce clause by wholly manufacturing 
some guns in state. Just saying.. because you own more guns than me

Vermont elected a socialist Senator. Sure you will find a lot of 
ruff-tuff practical people there. You find that in any fairly rural 
state where you have more people "on the land"

The best state for the future is Nebraska.. for obvious reasons. 
They are an agricultural export superpower. If you want to be rich you 
got to have something others want to buy. Vermont produces boutique 
type of food and agricultural products. A DisneyLand type theme park.


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Garrick
Vermont seems good on guns. You initial post was ambidextrous on that. Texas
is also a republic and can exit the Union at anytime. So what. Montana says
it will opt out of onerous Fed gun
imposed via the interstate commerce clause by wholly manufacturing some guns
in state. Just saying.. because you own more guns than me

Vermont elected a socialist Senator. Sure you will find a lot of ruff-tuff
practical people there. You find that in any fairly rural state where you
have more people "on the land"

The best state for the future is Nebraska.. for obvious reasons. They
are an agricultural export superpower. If you want to be rich you got to
have something others want to buy. Vermont produces boutique type of food
and agricultural products. A DisneyLand type theme park.


On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:45 PM, bodhisattva wrote:

>  Here's a tip, Vermont is not liberal because you say it is, Vermont is
> probably one of the few "Republics" left in this republic because they
> assert state rights whenever possible. For example they don't even tie into
> the Federal Gun Registry/Background check system.  You can walk into any
> hold mom and pop hardware, and walk out with your long gun.  Even Montana
> doesn't have as loose of Gun regulations as Vermont.  Betcha didn't know
> that!
> State Requirements *Rifles and Shotguns*
>- Permit to purchase rifles and shotguns? No.
> - Registration of rifles and shotguns? No.
> - Licensing of owners of rifles and shotguns? No.
> - Permit to carry rifles and shotguns? No.
> *Handguns*
>- Permit to purchase handgun? No.
> - Registration of handguns? No.
> - Licensing of owners of handguns? No.
> - Permit to carry handguns? No.
> *Other Requirements*
>- Is there a State waiting period? No.
> - Is there a FBI check for firearm transactions? No. State system.
> - Permit to carry a concealed weapon required? No.
> - Record of sale: Yes.
> Garrick wrote:
> If you want to get into that jive you will find the most social stability,
> lowest crime, fewest cell towers in many Western states that border (and are
> close to) Canada. And most have strong gun rights laws and are as
> conservative as Vermont is liberal. States such as Idaho, North Dakota,
> Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming. Minnesota and Wisconsin are very frozen and
> white and liberal I will admit. All those states are low on the racial
> diversity index including your frozen liberal paradise known as Vermont
> which has hills/mountains that kill cell reception
> G


Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva
Here's a tip, Vermont is not liberal because you say it is, Vermont is 
probably one of the few "Republics" left in this republic because they 
assert state rights whenever possible. For example they don't even tie 
into the Federal Gun Registry/Background check system.  You can walk 
into any hold mom and pop hardware, and walk out with your long gun.  
Even Montana doesn't have as loose of Gun regulations as Vermont.  
Betcha didn't know that!

 State Requirements

*Rifles and Shotguns*

   * Permit to purchase rifles and shotguns? No.

   * Registration of rifles and shotguns? No.

   * Licensing of owners of rifles and shotguns? No.

   * Permit to carry rifles and shotguns? No.


   * Permit to purchase handgun? No.

   * Registration of handguns? No.

   * Licensing of owners of handguns? No.

   * Permit to carry handguns? No.

*Other Requirements*

   * Is there a State waiting period? No.

   * Is there a FBI check for firearm transactions? No. State system.

   * Permit to carry a concealed weapon required? No.

   * Record of sale: Yes.

Garrick wrote:
If you want to get into that jive you will find the most social 
stability, lowest crime, fewest cell towers in many Western states 
that border (and are close to) Canada. And most have strong gun rights 
laws and are as conservative as Vermont is liberal. States such as 
Idaho, North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming. Minnesota and 
Wisconsin are very frozen and white and liberal I will admit. All 
those states are low on the racial diversity index including your 
frozen liberal paradise known as Vermont which has hills/mountains 
that kill cell reception


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Garrick
If you want to get into that jive you will find the most social stability,
lowest crime, fewest cell towers in many Western states that border (and are
close to) Canada. And most have strong gun rights laws and are as
conservative as Vermont is liberal. States such as Idaho, North Dakota,
Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming. Minnesota and Wisconsin are very frozen and
white and liberal I will admit. All those states are low on the racial
diversity index including your frozen liberal paradise known as Vermont
which has hills/mountains that kill cell reception


On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 3:21 PM, bodhisattva wrote:

> Vermont.
> Some family live there, my brother in-law tells me they can't even get a
> cell signal at half the places they go.  Sounds good to me.  Vermont scores
> very high on most "Happy" tests from what I have read.
> sol wrote:
>> bodhisattva wrote:
>>> Something important.. In the USA, the state with the weakest gun laws,
>>> weakest cell signals/fewest towers, fewest/liberal criminal laws, legal
>>> marijuana, and fewest CCTV cameras... Are you ready for this?  Tada!  Has
>>> the lowest crime rate, highest happiness level, and is consistently rated
>>> the best place to live in the country..
>> What state is that?
>> sol
> --
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Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva
Sorry you have a house in a bad spot.  Antenna searches tell us, Vermont 
has the lowest cell coverage of nearly anywhere else.  Still doesn't 
change my point at all, and my brother still can't get cell signals at 
half the places he travels.

Gift the towers, or move I guess, eh?

Del wrote:
Sorry, buddy, we live in Vermont and we have a cell phone tower right 
out our front window, and an even bigger one just up the street.

Don't get me wrong, it is a great place to live, one of the best, but 
it is not immune.

- Original Message - From: "bodhisattva" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones


Some family live there, my brother in-law tells me they can't even 
get a cell signal at half the places they go.  Sounds good to me.  
Vermont scores very high on most "Happy" tests from what I have read.

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Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Bob Banever

Ahhh Vermont,

  A lovely state... gorgeous mountains and meadows, wonderful rural 
areas, reletively clean and unspoiled.  The Green Mtn. range is 
magnificent... I miss it.

- Original Message - 
From: "bodhisattva" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones


Some family live there, my brother in-law tells me they can't even get a 
cell signal at half the places they go.  Sounds good to me.  Vermont 
scores very high on most "Happy" tests from what I have read.

sol wrote:

bodhisattva wrote:
Something important.. In the USA, the state with the weakest gun laws, 
weakest cell signals/fewest towers, fewest/liberal criminal laws, legal 
marijuana, and fewest CCTV cameras... Are you ready for this?  Tada! 
Has the lowest crime rate, highest happiness level, and is consistently 
rated the best place to live in the country..

What state is that?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Del
Sorry, buddy, we live in Vermont and we have a cell phone tower right out 
our front window, and an even bigger one just up the street.

Don't get me wrong, it is a great place to live, one of the best, but it is 
not immune.

- Original Message - 
From: "bodhisattva" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones


Some family live there, my brother in-law tells me they can't even get a 
cell signal at half the places they go.  Sounds good to me.  Vermont 
scores very high on most "Happy" tests from what I have read.

sol wrote:

bodhisattva wrote:
Something important.. In the USA, the state with the weakest gun laws, 
weakest cell signals/fewest towers, fewest/liberal criminal laws, legal 
marijuana, and fewest CCTV cameras... Are you ready for this?  Tada! 
Has the lowest crime rate, highest happiness level, and is consistently 
rated the best place to live in the country..

What state is that?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-28 Thread needling around
I googled that nerve and nothing came up.  Can you give a bit better 
description of the location?  Going straight on a medial line or some degree of 
descent down the back?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Michael Zangari 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:31 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

  I guess that is subjective.
  Or a subject for discussion. The subject comes up with my nitropatches too, 
where to stick them.
  I like the ajax nerve. There are two spots on either shoulder. Like a snake 
bite. That's about an inch from the shoulder joint on the back.
  The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
  Michael Zangari

  From: needling around 
  Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 12:23:48 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

  OK, what is "the right spot"?
- Original Message - 
From: Michael Zangari 
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

I'm not sure that cs does not help with radiation. It has help me with emf 
from computer etc. As we know, silver is nonmagnetic. A little silver oxide on 
the right spot travels the central nervous system lowering the electrical 
response to a minimum. The gel acts as a conductor preserving natural flow.
The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 8:11:31 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

If you were at ground zero, the fallout would not affect you at 
allyou'd BE the fallout.
CS would be useless and not needed even to disinfect food as the radiation 
would have already done that job.

In the event of a nuclear attack there are only 2 good places to be.
Someplace the wind doesn't blow to, or where it blows at several thousands 
of degrees C.
Any place in between will be Hell for however long you manage to stay alive 

The only SURE place to avoid Hell ... is Ground Zero.

I think it was Dante that said, the way out of Hell is through the bottom 
of the lake of fire.


At 01:58 PM 4/27/2010 -0400, you wrote:
> All this talk about "cell phones" has been interesting, and I have a 
question about radiation from a nuclear attack.  How would CS work to clean 
fruits, vegetables, etc. from radiological fallout?  Would washing the item 
well and soaking it in CS be of any help getting rid of some of the fallout or 
be a "lost cause"?  I am figuring that I would not, of course,  be at ground 
zero and the fallout would be slight to minimal.  Any thoughts on this subject? 
 Thank you.
> Bernadette
> --
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Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Sandee George
Hi There Dee I think somehow you could do well to rub the sleep out of  
your eyes !


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-28 Thread Marshall Dudley
Anywhere I live, I always scout the area around my house for a good 
spring, in case of any kind of emergency.   I have a nice one that is 
within walking distance of my house that I bet 99% of the people in my 
neighborhood don't even know exists.  I also know where one is that is 
within walking distance of my daughter's house as well.


bodhisattva wrote:

With that in mind, this site is awesome:

I remember as a kid, not far from here my parents would go to get 
water from a pipe coming out of the ground from a deep spring. Nobody 
seems to remember where it was, but I remember the water tasting 
unbelievable.  Sure wish I could find one close.

Marshall Dudley wrote:
Most likely.  Unopened bottles of distilled water should be 
uncontaminated.  Springs would likely be still rather pure.  Even tap 
water run through a charcoal filter would most likely have the vast 
majority of radioactivity removed.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Richard Goodwin
You could say exactly the same thing about any government intrusion or spying.  
And the government often does say that:  "If you are innocent, then you have 
nothing to worry about", etc.

In a perfect world, where government always had only our best interests at 
heart, perhaps that would be true.

But no government that has ever existed on this planet has any interest but its 
own at heart, so we can never trust them not to abuse tools like surveillance 
cameras, email interceptors, and all the other spy tools they have, and use 
them against us even when we have done nothing wrong.

Look how many people are either in jail or in the ground who have been wrongly 
convicted of crimes, and you can get an idea just how trustworthy government is.

Bottom line:  We all have something to hide:  Our Privacy, which is our last 
line of defense from those who would do harm to our bodies or our purses, to 
paraphrase a famous founder of my country.


- Original Message 
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 1:34:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

Well at least it caught the 7/7 bombers and those would -be airport bombers we 
had here too.  Also, many, many murders are solved using the footage from these 
cameras, and to me, if they solve just one, then it is justified.  I can't 
understand why people object to these things--unless they have something to 
hide that is.  dee

On 28 Apr 2010, at 14:32, Hanneke wrote:

> I am afraid that solving crimes thanks to CCTV is an illusion.  1000 cameras 
> to solve one crime doesn't sound very useful nor successful.
> Many articles are available about this: 
> At 10:29 PM 28/04/2010, you wrote:
>> I don't mind the cameras on every corner, as I have nothing to fear - or 
>> hide.  They have been really useful here catching terrorists and murderers 
>> etc.,  The rest of it is a pain in the a..e!  but its mainly to get money 
>> out of people--as is most things in the UK including all the health and 
>> safety rubbish!  dee
> -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
> Rules and Instructions: Unsubscribe: Archives: 
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> discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva


Some family live there, my brother in-law tells me they can't even get a 
cell signal at half the places they go.  Sounds good to me.  Vermont 
scores very high on most "Happy" tests from what I have read.

sol wrote:

bodhisattva wrote:
Something important.. In the USA, the state with the weakest gun 
laws, weakest cell signals/fewest towers, fewest/liberal criminal 
laws, legal marijuana, and fewest CCTV cameras... Are you ready for 
this?  Tada!  Has the lowest crime rate, highest happiness level, and 
is consistently rated the best place to live in the country..  

What state is that?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread sol

bodhisattva wrote:
Something important.. In the USA, the state with the weakest gun laws, 
weakest cell signals/fewest towers, fewest/liberal criminal laws, 
legal marijuana, and fewest CCTV cameras... Are you ready for this?  
Tada!  Has the lowest crime rate, highest happiness level, and is 
consistently rated the best place to live in the country..  

What state is that?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva
You fail to realize, this man was targeted because his "Vehicle" was 
seen at a rally.  Not because of anything he himself was doing in 
particular, don't you see?  He was oppressed for nothing he did, rather 
where his car was parked..  Crossing the Rubicon gets you on a watch 
list, not because you are doing something wrong, but because you are 
reading a book, do you see?  Can you not see the difference here?

Now the important thing, WHO decides who and what is wrong? You? Them?  
How do you know what you do won't eventually fit the criteria?  Is being 
on this list, talking about CS fall into that category? It surely does, 
you are seeking an alternative to something they make billions on, 
therefore, you are "Subversive", Ok?  Are you absolutely sure you will 
never fall on to the list yourself? It's ok when "Joe the Loudmouth" 
down the road gets stalked by these fools, but not you?  What if you run 
over a ladys foot at the grocery store with your shopping cart, and she 
gets mad, calls the police and says she saw your car at a "Anti-NWO" 
rally?  What now?

I'm sure the Germans in Germany were thinking "Hey, *I* am not Jewish, 
why do I care?"..  But we know how that went, don't we?  They eventually 
got virtually everything wiped out, but of course, they weren't Jewish, 
so it was OK.

Something important.. In the USA, the state with the weakest gun laws, 
weakest cell signals/fewest towers, fewest/liberal criminal laws, legal 
marijuana, and fewest CCTV cameras... Are you ready for this?  Tada!  
Has the lowest crime rate, highest happiness level, and is consistently 
rated the best place to live in the country..  Washington DC, the place 
that most closely resembles London, is a cesspool of evil, crime, and 
discontent among the citizens.  It's not hard to figure this stuff out, 
really.. When you take action that covers 99% of the people to twart 1% 
of the population, you are oppressing the majority, for the few.  There 
is no logical reasoning that would say this is prudent, nor necessary.

I'm sorry to say this, but people I know in the UK, at least a whole lot 
of them, seem to have lost discernment or something. They just don't see 
any of this coming.  The ones that do, get on a boat and leave that 
place, as quick as they can.  Not sure if it is in your water, or on the 
airwaves, but something ain't right.   It's not so blatant here the 
tyranny is quiet, and subtle, people don't notice, but that's changing 
by the day as people start to take note, and start to ask questions.

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Well, I know that *I* have nothing to hide so it doesn't bother me.  I welcome 
them actually and don't care how far they go because it makes places safer for 
ordinary people.  If you want to be an activist then you have to take what goes 
with the territory. dee

On 28 Apr 2010, at 17:12, bodhisattva wrote:


I don't mind the cameras on every corner, as I have nothing to fear - or hide.
How do you know?  Where is the bar set to where it finally goes so far, so 
intrusive, that by the time you realize it, you can't roll it back?
Activists repeatedly stopped and searched as police officers 'mark' cars

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Well, I know that *I* have nothing to hide so it doesn't bother me.  I welcome 
them actually and don't care how far they go because it makes places safer for 
ordinary people.  If you want to be an activist then you have to take what goes 
with the territory. dee

On 28 Apr 2010, at 17:12, bodhisattva wrote:

> I don't mind the cameras on every corner, as I have nothing to fear - or hide.
> How do you know?  Where is the bar set to where it finally goes so far, so 
> intrusive, that by the time you realize it, you can't roll it back?
> Activists repeatedly stopped and searched as police officers 'mark' cars

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Well at least it caught the 7/7 bombers and those would -be airport bombers we 
had here too.  Also, many, many murders are solved using the footage from these 
cameras, and to me, if they solve just one, then it is justified.  I can't 
understand why people object to these things--unless they have something to 
hide that is.  dee

On 28 Apr 2010, at 14:32, Hanneke wrote:

> I am afraid that solving crimes thanks to CCTV is an illusion.  1000 cameras 
> to solve one crime doesn't sound very useful nor successful.
> Many articles are available about this: 
> At 10:29 PM 28/04/2010, you wrote:
>> I don't mind the cameras on every corner, as I have nothing to fear - or 
>> hide.  They have been really useful here catching terrorists and murderers 
>> etc.,  The rest of it is a pain in the a..e!  but its mainly to get money 
>> out of people--as is most things in the UK including all the health and 
>> safety rubbish!  dee
> -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
> Rules and Instructions: Unsubscribe: Archives: 
> Off-Topic 
> discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva
So true..  Even add Dr. Bronner's to the list, when the guy was 
inventing natural healthy soaps back when they wanted everyone on 
chemical soaps, the govt. locked him up in a Mental Hospital. He fled to 
CA one night, and continued to make organic soap, and was a serious 
contribution to improve humanity.  If you carefully look, and read 
between the lines a slight amount, you'll see even today, his sons claim 
some activity against them. Certainly a desire to get them to sell off 
and be dissolved by a major corporation like Proctor and Gamble..

Wilhelm Reich, Tucker, Shaulberge, Tiller, Don Croft,  the list is long, 
and huge.  But you know what? I think they're losing control, it's 
spreading too fast, too many people are waking up, too many taking a 
stand.  Information is traveling too fast before it can be silenced. I 
bet they are going crazy trying to plug all the holes in their illusory 
reality, like a cartoon where a guy tries frantically to plug the holes 
in a dam with his fingers.

Someone I knew claimed they talked to God once. I said "What did you ask 
him?".. He said "I asked why he never sends people to help us.".. I 
asked what his response was, and he said "I do, but you kill them."..   
I got a chuckle out of that, but you know what? It's probably pretty 
FDA Kidnaps and Deports Herbalist Greg Caton

Even more nefarious, "Greg" has disappeared, his domain has been 
hijacked and port forwarded to some fake website selling fake versions 
of his stuff out of the US.  Greg actually said the FDA tried to 
force-route his real website many times while he became an Ecuadorian 
Citizen. Here is what his website always looked like, for a long time.*/

here is the one it port-fowards to now:

/It is strange that we do not speak about Hitlers in the plural, as we 
speak about Quislings. The small Hitlers are around us every day, 
tormenting us with their promises, rejoicing in our weaknesses, 
demanding our trust, our lives, while remaining totally indifferent to 
everything except their thirst for power. - Robert Payne/

sms wrote:

bodhisattva -
You can also put on your list, targeted MD's who treated Lyme Disease 
and who are now in financial ruin due to the same forces at work.

/---Original Message---/
/*From:*/ bodhisattva <>

/*Date:*/ 4/26/2010 1:53:22 PM
/*To:*/ <>
/*Subject:*/ Re: CS>another question about cell phones
I've been telling people for years not to use shopper cards, discount 
cards, or clubs at stores. Last year my sister got coupons tailored to 
exactly what she purchased, but didn't ever fill anything out. Rude 
awakening, they scanned her purchase history.  In addition, the CDC 
"Sort of" let out that they used these shopper/check cards to track 
down people that purchased potentially tainted meat. So we KNOW govt 
has access to this data, when they want it. So if I purchase Hummus, 
am I a terrorist? Surprising, it has been alluded that they want RFID 
listed under the patriot act to force people to accept this, and the 
tracking it involves. (with legal mandate)


Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-28 Thread Michael Zangari
I guess that is subjective.
Or a subject for discussion. The subject comes up with my nitropatches too, 
where to stick them.
I like the ajax nerve. There are two spots on either shoulder. Like a snake 
bite. That's about an inch from the shoulder joint on the back.
The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

From: needling around 
Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 12:23:48 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

OK, what is "the right spot"?
- Original Message - 
>From: Michael Zangari 
>Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:08 PM
>Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)
>I'm not sure that cs does not help with radiation. It has help me with emf 
>from computer etc. As we know, silver is nonmagnetic. A little silver oxide on 
>the right spot travels the central nervous system lowering the electrical 
>response to a minimum. The gel acts as a conductor preserving natural flow.
>The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
>Michael Zangari 

From: Ode Coyote 
>Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 8:11:31 AM
>Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)
>If you were at ground zero, the fallout would not affect you at allyou'd 
>BE the fallout.
>CS would be useless and not needed even to disinfect food as the radiation 
>would have already done that job.
>In the event of a nuclear attack there are only 2 good places to be.
>Someplace the wind doesn't blow to, or where it blows at several thousands of 
>degrees C.
>Any place in between will be Hell for however long you manage to stay alive 
>The only SURE place to avoid Hell ... is Ground Zero.
>I think it was Dante that said, the way out of Hell is through the bottom of 
>the lake of fire.
>At 01:58 PM 4/27/2010 -0400, you wrote:
>> All this talk about "cell phones" has been interesting, and I have a 
>> question about radiation from a nuclear attack.  How would CS work to clean 
>> fruits, vegetables, etc. from radiological fallout?  Would washing the item 
>> well and soaking it in CS be of any help getting rid of some of the fallout 
>> or be a "lost cause"?  I am figuring that I would not, of course,  be at 
>> ground zero and the fallout would be slight to minimal.  Any thoughts on 
>> this subject?  Thank you.
>> Bernadette
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>  Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>>  <>
>> Archives:
>> Off-Topic discussions: <>
>> List Owner: Mike Devour <>


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Richard Goodwin
Check out Skyhook Wireless -- they provide a developer's api for phone and 
other developers to locate yourself based on any one or more of:  GPS location, 
wifi triangulation, cellular tower triangulation.  In order to gather wifi 
access point location, they have a fleet of cars worldwide that does nothing 
but do war driving to record wifi access point identification SSIDs and their 
geographic locations via GPS.

I almost went to work for them a little while ago...


From: sms 
Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 11:14:00 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

My IPhone (3G) give GPS co-ordinates complete with a visual map.
Location Services and Wi-Fi settings must be turned on though, and GPS is not 
available in some locations. 
From: Marshall Dudley
Date: 4/26/2010 10:19:03 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones
The thing that irks me about cell phones is that they have GPS, and they
will give the information to people you don't want having it, but will
not give it to you.  Lets say that I am lost on the lake and my son is
looking for me and has his GPS on the boat on, or I found a great
campground and want to tell everyone where it is.  Well the phone knows,
but there is no way to get it to give me the information.  If I call
Verizon they tell me the only people who can read the gps is if I call
911.  If I call 911 and ask them my co-ordinates they say they cannot
give me the information on where I am. I pay for the ability, but it is
disabled to where I cannot use it. It's crazy.

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-28 Thread needling around
OK, what is "the right spot"?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Michael Zangari 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:08 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

  I'm not sure that cs does not help with radiation. It has help me with emf 
from computer etc. As we know, silver is nonmagnetic. A little silver oxide on 
the right spot travels the central nervous system lowering the electrical 
response to a minimum. The gel acts as a conductor preserving natural flow.
  The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
  Michael Zangari

  From: Ode Coyote 
  Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 8:11:31 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

  If you were at ground zero, the fallout would not affect you at allyou'd 
BE the fallout.
  CS would be useless and not needed even to disinfect food as the radiation 
would have already done that job.

  In the event of a nuclear attack there are only 2 good places to be.
  Someplace the wind doesn't blow to, or where it blows at several thousands of 
degrees C.
  Any place in between will be Hell for however long you manage to stay alive 

  The only SURE place to avoid Hell ... is Ground Zero.

  I think it was Dante that said, the way out of Hell is through the bottom of 
the lake of fire.


  At 01:58 PM 4/27/2010 -0400, you wrote:
  > All this talk about "cell phones" has been interesting, and I have a 
question about radiation from a nuclear attack.  How would CS work to clean 
fruits, vegetables, etc. from radiological fallout?  Would washing the item 
well and soaking it in CS be of any help getting rid of some of the fallout or 
be a "lost cause"?  I am figuring that I would not, of course,  be at ground 
zero and the fallout would be slight to minimal.  Any thoughts on this subject? 
 Thank you.
  > Bernadette
  > --
  > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  >  Rules and Instructions:
  > Unsubscribe:
  >  <>
  > Archives:
  > Off-Topic discussions: <>
  > List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva

*I don't mind the cameras on every corner, as I have nothing to fear - or hide.*

How do you know?  Where is the bar set to where it finally goes so far, 
so intrusive, that by the time you realize it, you can't roll it back?
Activists repeatedly stopped and searched as police officers 'mark' cars

*They have been really useful here catching terrorists and murderers etc.*

Do you know this for sure? Do you have statistics to show this? If 
that's the case, then your politicians and officials would already be in 
Tens of thousands of CCTV cameras, yet 80% of crime unsolved

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

I don't mind the cameras on every corner, as I have nothing to fear - or hide.  
They have been really useful here catching terrorists and murderers etc.,  The 
rest of it is a pain in the a..e!  but its mainly to get money out of 
people--as is most things in the UK including all the health and safety 
rubbish!  dee

On 28 Apr 2010, at 09:27, Ode Coyote wrote:

UK right?

..cameras on every corner?
Face recognition software humming along.
Registered TVs ?
BBC approved content?

The  Santa knows if you've been naughty or nice.

At least Americans can still get enough firepower to get themselves killed.
..and you don't have to go to a "store" to do it...and if you do.
Buy and trade 3 or 4 times...used to have one of those, haven't seen it in a 
long time though.
Musta walked off with the other 800 million. [Sorry 'bout those records]


Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-28 Thread Michael Zangari
I'm not sure that cs does not help with radiation. It has help me with emf from 
computer etc. As we know, silver is nonmagnetic. A little silver oxide on the 
right spot travels the central nervous system lowering the electrical response 
to a minimum. The gel acts as a conductor preserving natural flow.
The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 8:11:31 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

If you were at ground zero, the fallout would not affect you at allyou'd BE 
the fallout.
CS would be useless and not needed even to disinfect food as the radiation 
would have already done that job.

In the event of a nuclear attack there are only 2 good places to be.
Someplace the wind doesn't blow to, or where it blows at several thousands of 
degrees C.
Any place in between will be Hell for however long you manage to stay alive 

The only SURE place to avoid Hell ... is Ground Zero.

I think it was Dante that said, the way out of Hell is through the bottom of 
the lake of fire.


At 01:58 PM 4/27/2010 -0400, you wrote:
> All this talk about "cell phones" has been interesting, and I have a question 
> about radiation from a nuclear attack.  How would CS work to clean fruits, 
> vegetables, etc. from radiological fallout?  Would washing the item well and 
> soaking it in CS be of any help getting rid of some of the fallout or be a 
> "lost cause"?  I am figuring that I would not, of course,  be at ground zero 
> and the fallout would be slight to minimal.  Any thoughts on this subject?  
> Thank you.
> Bernadette
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>  <>
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread sms
bodhisattva -
You can also put on your list, targeted MD's who treated Lyme Disease and
who are now in financial ruin due to the same forces at work.
---Original Message---
From: bodhisattva
Date: 4/26/2010 1:53:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones
I've been telling people for years not to use shopper cards, discount cards, or 
clubs at stores. Last year my sister got coupons tailored to exactly what she 
purchased, but didn't ever fill anything out. Rude awakening, they scanned her 
purchase history.  In addition, the CDC "Sort of" let out that they used these 
shopper/check cards to track down people that purchased potentially tainted 
meat. So we KNOW govt has access to this data, when they want it. So if I 
purchase Hummus, am I a terrorist? Surprising, it has been alluded that they 
want RFID listed under the patriot act to force people to accept this, and the 
tracking it involves. (with legal mandate)

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread sms
My IPhone (3G) give GPS co-ordinates complete with a visual map.
Location Services and Wi-Fi settings must be turned on though, and GPS is
not available in some locations. 
From: Marshall Dudley
Date: 4/26/2010 10:19:03 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones
The thing that irks me about cell phones is that they have GPS, and they
will give the information to people you don't want having it, but will
not give it to you.  Lets say that I am lost on the lake and my son is
looking for me and has his GPS on the boat on, or I found a great
campground and want to tell everyone where it is.  Well the phone knows,
but there is no way to get it to give me the information.  If I call
Verizon they tell me the only people who can read the gps is if I call
911.  If I call 911 and ask them my co-ordinates they say they cannot
give me the information on where I am. I pay for the ability, but it is
disabled to where I cannot use it. It's crazy.

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-28 Thread Bob Banever

- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

 If you were at ground zero, the fallout would not affect you at 
allyou'd BE the fallout.
 CS would be useless and not needed even to disinfect food as the 
radiation would have already done that job.

In the event of a nuclear attack there are only 2 good places to be.
Someplace the wind doesn't blow to, or where it blows at several thousands 
of degrees C.
 Any place in between will be Hell for however long you manage to stay 
alive there.

The only SURE place to avoid Hell ... is Ground Zero.

I think it was Dante that said, the way out of Hell is through the bottom 
of the lake of fire.


At 01:58 PM 4/27/2010 -0400, you wrote:
All this talk about "cell phones" has been interesting, and I have a 
question about radiation from a nuclear attack.  How would CS work to 
clean fruits, vegetables, etc. from radiological fallout?  Would washing 
the item well and soaking it in CS be of any help getting rid of some of 
the fallout or be a "lost cause"?  I am figuring that I would not, of 
course,  be at ground zero and the fallout would be slight to minimal. 
Any thoughts on this subject?  Thank you.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-28 Thread Bob Banever

Well water should be ok, and most spring water as well.

- Original Message - 
From: "sol" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

Marshall Dudley wrote:
Washing or rinsing fruit and vegetables with clean water can reduce 
any radioactivity tremendously. However I don't believe that the 
silver in CS would have any effect at all.

If there is fallout on the fruit and veg, would there be any clean water?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread bodhisattva
Rudolph Steiner warned in 1916, that in the distant future, "Ahriman" 
would incarnate through technology for total subversion of the human 
mind, body and spirit imprisoning us with our own toys. He also said a 
method to make explosions so huge, they could destroy the planet would 
be "Channeled" from the Asuric Realms. Remember, this was decades before 
the atomic bomb. Guess he was just good at making guesses.

Years ago I read from some experts, that the PC was one of the grandest 
trojan horses people were convinced to take into their homes.  I'm sure 
we are well beyond that by now.  Anyway, they don't want you activating 
a phone that can't be tracked of course. Some phones have the ability to 
turn off GPS, but the disclaimer with them is they'll still turn it on 
when they want to. The first time a phone is activated, the GPS 
coordinates of the location of that activation are logged to the 
account.  Fractal Tri-Panel antennas combined with GPS is very effective 
at millimeter tracking.

I'm fuzzy on the deep specifics.. But Wired Magazine did a test last 
year or so to see how good the electronic prison is around us now, not 
even speaking about the govt. methods, simple regular folk.  One of 
their editors tried to "Disappear", and the challenge was for everyday 
internet nerds, techies, and others to try and track and find him. (with 
a nice cash prize)  It's a very interesting read!  Suffice it to say, 
the close calls were amazing, he was dodging people left and right. 
Someone even popped off the internet his ticket information from United 
Airlines. Eventually he figured out he had to throw away "All" tech, and 
did a fairly good job of evading capture. Under an assumed name he 
rented an apartment - cash only - in New Orleans or something, and 
thought he shaked everyone off. The DAY he hooked his PC up to the 
internet the was located, and within hours he left his home to buy some 
groceries and someone was waiting outside his porch.  This guy was blown 
away at the results.

If you buy a Diabetes Test Kit, it's free if you send back the little 
card inside. But of course, that's telling them a bit too much about 
your health.  Warranty cards, customer surveys, rating systems, opinion 
polls, and everything else are just feeders to build the files. People 
are very opinionated, to a detriment, thinking "I WANT to state what I 
like!" so they knowingly provide an abundance of information that 
probably shouldn't be provided.  So when you rate a movie on Netflix, 
you are inadvertently telling the world exactly who you are, and what 
you like or do not like.  When you post an Amazon wish list, might as 
well give everyone your political, religious, and physical information 
straight away. When you use Ebay, your feedback, and the feedback of 
everyone you deal with can be aggregated to form a very concise picture 
of you.  When you use a library card and check books out, it's all 
networked now, and of course you tell them exactly what you are up to.  
When you use a shoppers discount card, you are giving away your diet. 
It's a pretty extensive list, and to think "Well its pointless, I do 
nothing wrong!" is to ignore the fact that once the bar is lowered on 
this stuff for everyone else, it can't be brought back up easily again, 
you just got chipped away.

I take great precautions, try to be unpredictable, and don't many 
anything easy for anyone. But even then I know these are probably just 
basic precautions, and probably only sort of toss a wrench into things 
more than stop them entirely.  It's not paranoia, it's my background, 
and understanding how a lot of this stuff happens, including a 
background in investigations.  Back in the old days we'd "Trash Pull" 
someone find out 100-200 intimate things about them, today they just do 
it electronically, it's become incredibly easy, and we are making it 
easier by complying.  A few decades ago nobody would have allowed this, 
today nobody seems to care, all they want is their toys and they are 
happy. They sit down in front of American Idol, and forget about 
everything else.. All too perfect if you ask me.

There is a book called "How to be invisible", it's about recovering some 
privacy in a world gone mad.  The author has some amazing tips in it 
most people don't think about, well worth picking up. It's a bit dated, 
but probably more relevant today than when it was written. I won't even 
post all the precautions, and methods I take, it would be like handing 
over the keys to my home. Now some advice I feel is important.. Before 
you go too far, stop, then start cleaning up your mess you left behind. 
People make it all too easy these days, and they just don't have a clue 
what's really happening to them. Stop, before it goes too far. Time to 
wake up.
The surprising failure of anonymization
Boom! But it was only an early mile 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Hanneke

I am afraid that solving crimes thanks to CCTV is an illusion.  1000
cameras to solve one crime doesn't sound very useful nor
Many articles are available about this: 
At 10:29 PM 28/04/2010, you wrote:
I don't mind the cameras on
every corner, as I have nothing to fear - or hide.  They have been
really useful here catching terrorists and murderers etc.,  The rest
of it is a pain in the a..e!  but its mainly to get money out of
people--as is most things in the UK including all the health and safety
rubbish!  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
But *why* would they put these things in the bin?  Doesn't make sense to me.  
Also, I would think it would cost a hell of a lot to do and our Government 
isn't good at spending money!  dee

On 28 Apr 2010, at 12:59, Ode Coyote wrote:

>  Computerized RealTime Hydraulic Pressure Monitor.
> Todays robots have a sense of touch, a sense of heft isn't much different.
> Ode
> A

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-28 Thread Ode Coyote

 If you were at ground zero, the fallout would not affect you at 
allyou'd BE the fallout.
 CS would be useless and not needed even to disinfect food as the 
radiation would have already done that job.

In the event of a nuclear attack there are only 2 good places to be.
Someplace the wind doesn't blow to, or where it blows at several thousands 
of degrees C.
 Any place in between will be Hell for however long you manage to stay 
alive there.

The only SURE place to avoid Hell ... is Ground Zero.

I think it was Dante that said, the way out of Hell is through the bottom 
of the lake of fire.


At 01:58 PM 4/27/2010 -0400, you wrote:
All this talk about "cell phones" has been interesting, and I have a 
question about radiation from a nuclear attack.  How would CS work to 
clean fruits, vegetables, etc. from radiological fallout?  Would washing 
the item well and soaking it in CS be of any help getting rid of some of 
the fallout or be a "lost cause"?  I am figuring that I would not, of 
course,  be at ground zero and the fallout would be slight to 
minimal.  Any thoughts on this subject?  Thank you.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I don't mind the cameras on every corner, as I have nothing to fear - or hide.  
They have been really useful here catching terrorists and murderers etc.,  The 
rest of it is a pain in the a..e!  but its mainly to get money out of 
people--as is most things in the UK including all the health and safety 
rubbish!  dee

On 28 Apr 2010, at 09:27, Ode Coyote wrote:

> UK right?
> ..cameras on every corner?
> Face recognition software humming along.
> Registered TVs ?
> BBC approved content?
> The  Santa knows if you've been naughty or nice.
> At least Americans can still get enough firepower to get themselves killed.
> ..and you don't have to go to a "store" to do it...and if you do.
> Buy and trade 3 or 4 times...used to have one of those, haven't seen it in a 
> long time though.
> Musta walked off with the other 800 million. [Sorry 'bout those records]
> Ode

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Ode Coyote

  Computerized RealTime Hydraulic Pressure Monitor.
 Todays robots have a sense of touch, a sense of heft isn't much different.


At 06:20 PM 4/27/2010 +0100, you wrote:
I tell you what - it would be a very strong device that would survive the 
way *our* bins are handled I can tell you!   dee

On 27 Apr 2010, at 15:17, Ode Coyote wrote:

>  I think it was an "experiment" and not a very big one...just one 
community for a few weeks.
> I did see it on the news a while back and a few spoofs that exaggerated 
it for [dark] humor.

> ..easier to put the scales on the truck that picks up the bins.
> Ode

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread Ode Coyote

  You got the tense correct...wasand getting less so every day.
I lost my cell phone  couple of years ago and thought I'd just re-activate 
the old one.

No GPS tracker on it.
Yet another piece of my property *stolen* from use by new laws.

One "good" thing about all this...if you DO want to vanishjust put 
"yourself" on a bus to Detroit and hoof it to the hills.

They'll be chasing the technology and not your stinkin feet.

Even when you pay cash, everybody wants your phone number...for warrantees 
and returns, of course and convenient for that at that...but.

 Any info stored can be accessed by anyone in the secret loop.
Nobody makes you validate the number...yet.
..and no one makes you show an ID when you do to the doc...yet.
You can still make things up.
Like my shoppers name,  Payto Cash.  I get a funny look because it's 
pronounced so much like Screw You, but they write it down.
You can tell it rattles the cage a bit, like...why did that guy say screw 
off and what do I do now?  Should I call security?  Why do I suddenly feel 
like I have bars all around me?

Gee, that guy walked off with my fantasy door!   Inner screamSECURITY for that Alien implant...not all that deep.

So what aren't "they" telling you?
Might want to look around a bit closer.

UK right?
..cameras on every corner?
 Face recognition software humming along.
Registered TVs ?
BBC approved content?

The  Santa knows if you've been naughty or nice.

At least Americans can still get enough firepower to get themselves killed.
..and you don't have to go to a "store" to do it...and if you do.
 Buy and trade 3 or 4 times...used to have one of those, haven't seen it 
in a long time though.

 Musta walked off with the other 800 million. [Sorry 'bout those records]


At 01:57 PM 4/27/2010 +0100, you wrote:
Golly, I'm glad its not like that here!  I thought it was the land of the 
free? dee

On 26 Apr 2010, at 21:52, bodhisattva wrote:

> I've been telling people for years not to use shopper cards, discount 
cards, or clubs at stores. Last year my sister got coupons tailored to 
exactly what she purchased, but didn't ever fill anything out. Rude 
awakening, they scanned her purchase history.  In addition, the CDC "Sort 
of" let out that they used these shopper/check cards to track down people 
that purchased potentially tainted meat. So we KNOW govt has access to 
this data, when they want it. So if I purchase Hummus, am I a terrorist? 
Surprising, it has been alluded that they want RFID listed under the 
patriot act to force people to accept this, and the tracking it involves. 
(with legal mandate)

> A good friend of mine was put on a "Watch List" for purchasing a book 
off Amazon called "Crossing the Rubicon".  He wasn't too happy about that 
situation.  My mother was in a library in a rural county checking out a 
book called "American Prophet", a red screen came up when the clerk 
scanned it.  The clerk called another clerk and said "You have to call 
that number".  They did, and had to give the person on the other end my 
mothers personal information, and then a "Code" that would allow them to 
move past that screen. For the next week my mother said she got strange 
calls trying to ask her survey questions about this or that, and said her 
number is unlisted, and nobody but family tends to know it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-27 Thread bodhisattva

With that in mind, this site is awesome:

I remember as a kid, not far from here my parents would go to get water 
from a pipe coming out of the ground from a deep spring. Nobody seems to 
remember where it was, but I remember the water tasting unbelievable.  
Sure wish I could find one close.

Marshall Dudley wrote:
Most likely.  Unopened bottles of distilled water should be 
uncontaminated.  Springs would likely be still rather pure.  Even tap 
water run through a charcoal filter would most likely have the vast 
majority of radioactivity removed.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-27 Thread Marshall Dudley
Most likely.  Unopened bottles of distilled water should be 
uncontaminated.  Springs would likely be still rather pure.  Even tap 
water run through a charcoal filter would most likely have the vast 
majority of radioactivity removed.


sol wrote:

Marshall Dudley wrote:
Washing or rinsing fruit and vegetables with clean water can reduce 
any radioactivity tremendously. However I don't believe that the 
silver in CS would have any effect at all.

If there is fallout on the fruit and veg, would there be any clean water?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread Del
I already know all about this stuff.
I watched "Enemy Of The State" and "Live Free Or Die Hard"
Next up is the "Fire Sale".

  - Original Message - 
  From: bodhisattva 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 2:00 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

  Interesting is how we know they are, and certainly want "Total Tracking" of 
every single entity on this planet.  The spy network in this country has 
unlimited funds, and can go out of control because there is no public 
oversight.  It's become a bunch of "Cowboys" that think they can overstep the 
constitution, and get away with it. Understand the purpose of this isn't some 
arab living in a cave in Pakistan, Ok?  Here's some things to ponder... Much of 
this is coming out through FIA documents, some is being slowly leaked, others 
comes out on accident.   The potential abuse of this stuff is stunning, and 
unimaginable, and given how power corrupts, it's to be expected.

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-27 Thread Bernadette
Marshall:  Thank you for answering my question.  Just need to keep more 
water on hand for all washing of veggies and fruits.
- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

Washing or rinsing fruit and vegetables with clean water can reduce any 
radioactivity tremendously. However I don't believe that the silver in CS 
would have any effect at all.


Bernadette wrote:
All this talk about "cell phones" has been interesting, and I have a 
question about radiation from a nuclear attack.  How would CS work to 
clean fruits, vegetables, etc. from radiological fallout?  Would washing 
the item well and soaking it in CS be of any help getting rid of some of 
the fallout or be a "lost cause"?  I am figuring that I would not, of 
course,  be at ground zero and the fallout would be slight to minimal. 
Any thoughts on this subject?  Thank you.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-27 Thread sol

Marshall Dudley wrote:
Washing or rinsing fruit and vegetables with clean water can reduce 
any radioactivity tremendously. However I don't believe that the 
silver in CS would have any effect at all.

If there is fallout on the fruit and veg, would there be any clean water?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-27 Thread Marshall Dudley
Washing or rinsing fruit and vegetables with clean water can reduce any 
radioactivity tremendously. However I don't believe that the silver in 
CS would have any effect at all.


Bernadette wrote:
All this talk about "cell phones" has been interesting, and I have a 
question about radiation from a nuclear attack.  How would CS work to 
clean fruits, vegetables, etc. from radiological fallout?  Would 
washing the item well and soaking it in CS be of any help getting rid 
of some of the fallout or be a "lost cause"?  I am figuring that I 
would not, of course,  be at ground zero and the fallout would be 
slight to minimal.  Any thoughts on this subject?  Thank you.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread bodhisattva
Interesting is how we know they are, and certainly want "Total Tracking" 
of every single entity on this planet.  The spy network in this country 
has unlimited funds, and can go out of control because there is no 
public oversight.  It's become a bunch of "Cowboys" that think they can 
overstep the constitution, and get away with it. Understand the purpose 
of this isn't some arab living in a cave in Pakistan, Ok?  Here's some 
things to ponder... Much of this is coming out through FIA documents, 
some is being slowly leaked, others comes out on accident.   The 
potential abuse of this stuff is stunning, and unimaginable, and given 
how power corrupts, it's to be expected.
FMS's Sentinel TMS software analyzes and *ranks people, transactions, 
events*, organizations, and other criteria, assigns relative values to 
those connections, and develops a dynamic picture of the relationships. 
Private venture enterprise funded by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
"This is a great development," said Sarah Klein, staff attorney with the 
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), of the *CDC's use of 
shopper cards to help pinpoint* the source of an outbreak.
NSA offering 'billions' for Skype eavesdrop solution

I discovered TIVO was spying on us, and then giving the information 
away.. I OPTED OUT, then a few months later they OPTED me back in.. Then 
I spent an hour on the phone trying to get OPTED OUT again!  I explained 
if they opt me back in for intrusive spying, I will cancel my 
subscriptions THAT DAY.. So far it hasn't happened again, but I check 
every month to make sure.  This data is handed over to anyone that wants 
it, and surely the divisions of tyranny in this country will gladly 
accept it.
Tivo is Spying on You
Gerard Kunkel, Comcast 's senior VP of user 
experience, told me the cable company is experimenting with different 
camera technologies built into devices so it can know who's in your 
living room.

bodhisattva wrote:
Most of these RFID's are strong, the components can be tiny, and 
highly shielded/strengthened.  The exterior portion is basically an 
antenna to pick up ambient waves to activate the chip within where the 
data is stored.  They've even developed spy gear that is powered 
exclusively by the "EMF" in the air around the device, we're virtually 
living in electrified air from man made microwaves these days. They 
make it like the tech hasn't been used, or tested, but it has and has 
been in use for quite some time.
Nokia to use Ambient Electromagnetic Waves for Wireless Charging

If you carefully examine the NSA/CIA Investment wings, you'll find 
what they are up to. A whole lot of biotech, germ stuff, implant 
stuff, you name it. Of course, all of this is to "Protect" you, right?

There is an Ion Gun you can shoot at this stuff to "Zap" the 
components. You can build it (I have the plans), or you can buy one 
from someone or have someone else make it. Basically it fries this 
stuff pretty effectively. :-P

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

I tell you what - it would be a very strong device that would survive the way *our* 
bins are handled I can tell you!   dee

On 27 Apr 2010, at 15:17, Ode Coyote wrote:


Re: CS>another question about cell phones (changing question)

2010-04-27 Thread Bernadette
All this talk about "cell phones" has been interesting, and I have a 
question about radiation from a nuclear attack.  How would CS work to clean 
fruits, vegetables, etc. from radiological fallout?  Would washing the item 
well and soaking it in CS be of any help getting rid of some of the fallout 
or be a "lost cause"?  I am figuring that I would not, of course,  be at 
ground zero and the fallout would be slight to minimal.  Any thoughts on 
this subject?  Thank you.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I can definitely say that we do not have anything like that on our bins.  What 
good would they be there anyway?  To see what rubbish goes out?  Uugh!  dee

On 27 Apr 2010, at 18:41, bodhisattva wrote:

> Most of these RFID's are strong, the components can be tiny, and highly 
> shielded/strengthened.  The exterior portion is basically an antenna to pick 
> up ambient waves to activate the chip within where the data is stored.  
> They've even developed spy gear that is powered exclusively by the "EMF" in 
> the air around the device, we're virtually living in electrified air from man 
> made microwaves these days. They make it like the tech hasn't been used, or 
> tested, but it has and has been in use for quite some time.
> Nokia to use Ambient Electromagnetic Waves for Wireless Charging
> If you carefully examine the NSA/CIA Investment wings, you'll find what they 
> are up to. A whole lot of biotech, germ stuff, implant stuff, you name it. Of 
> course, all of this is to "Protect" you, right?  
> There is an Ion Gun you can shoot at this stuff to "Zap" the components. You 
> can build it (I have the plans), or you can buy one from someone or have 
> someone else make it. Basically it fries this stuff pretty effectively. :-P 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread bodhisattva
Most of these RFID's are strong, the components can be tiny, and highly 
shielded/strengthened.  The exterior portion is basically an antenna to 
pick up ambient waves to activate the chip within where the data is 
stored.  They've even developed spy gear that is powered exclusively by 
the "EMF" in the air around the device, we're virtually living in 
electrified air from man made microwaves these days. They make it like 
the tech hasn't been used, or tested, but it has and has been in use for 
quite some time.
Nokia to use Ambient Electromagnetic Waves for Wireless Charging

If you carefully examine the NSA/CIA Investment wings, you'll find what 
they are up to. A whole lot of biotech, germ stuff, implant stuff, you 
name it. Of course, all of this is to "Protect" you, right?

There is an Ion Gun you can shoot at this stuff to "Zap" the components. 
You can build it (I have the plans), or you can buy one from someone or 
have someone else make it. Basically it fries this stuff pretty 
effectively. :-P

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

I tell you what - it would be a very strong device that would survive the way *our* 
bins are handled I can tell you!   dee

On 27 Apr 2010, at 15:17, Ode Coyote wrote:


 I think it was an "experiment" and not a very big one...just one community for 
a few weeks.
I did see it on the news a while back and a few spoofs that exaggerated it for 
[dark] humor.

..easier to put the scales on the truck that picks up the bins.



Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I tell you what - it would be a very strong device that would survive the way 
*our* bins are handled I can tell you!   dee

On 27 Apr 2010, at 15:17, Ode Coyote wrote:

>  I think it was an "experiment" and not a very big one...just one community 
> for a few weeks.
> I did see it on the news a while back and a few spoofs that exaggerated it 
> for [dark] humor.
> ..easier to put the scales on the truck that picks up the bins.
> Ode

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Yes it is the Nanny State, what with the rules and regulations to do with 
health and safety etc., but you can have what supplements you want, and you can 
have raw milk if you want.  We also, are not monitored at all through 
computers--as far as I know--at least, if we are, nothing happens about it.  
I don't understand what you mean about going to another hospital to work.  We 
can work anywhere we want to as far as I know.  dee

On 27 Apr 2010, at 14:06, bodhisattva wrote:

> Seriously? I know so many people in the UK, it's the grand "Nanny State".  At 
> least my wife can go to another hospital to work, but in the UK, most of 
> their stuff is country wide.  If you guys had your guns, it probably wouldn't 
> be that way. :-P 
> Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
>> Golly, I'm glad its not like that here!  I thought it was the land of the 
>> free? dee
>> On 26 Apr 2010, at 21:52, bodhisattva wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread Ode Coyote

  I think it was an "experiment" and not a very big one...just one 
community for a few weeks.
I did see it on the news a while back and a few spoofs that exaggerated it 
for [dark] humor.

..easier to put the scales on the truck that picks up the bins.


At 07:49 PM 4/26/2010 +0100, you wrote:

I've never heard of this happening, and I live in the UK!  dee

On 26 Apr 2010, at 19:15, bodhisattva wrote:

>  The public in the UK discovered this when the govt issued "Trash Cans" 
to them, and some sneaky people found out these contained wireless 
transmitters that weighed your trash and gave then information specific 
to your trash activities. (I'm not kidding here)


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread bodhisattva
Seriously? I know so many people in the UK, it's the grand "Nanny 
State".  At least my wife can go to another hospital to work, but in the 
UK, most of their stuff is country wide.  If you guys had your guns, it 
probably wouldn't be that way. :-P

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Golly, I'm glad its not like that here!  I thought it was the land of the free? 

On 26 Apr 2010, at 21:52, bodhisattva wrote:


I've been telling people for years not to use shopper cards, discount cards, or clubs at 
stores. Last year my sister got coupons tailored to exactly what she purchased, but 
didn't ever fill anything out. Rude awakening, they scanned her purchase history.  In 
addition, the CDC "Sort of" let out that they used these shopper/check cards to 
track down people that purchased potentially tainted meat. So we KNOW govt has access to 
this data, when they want it. So if I purchase Hummus, am I a terrorist? Surprising, it 
has been alluded that they want RFID listed under the patriot act to force people to 
accept this, and the tracking it involves. (with legal mandate)

A good friend of mine was put on a "Watch List" for purchasing a book off Amazon called "Crossing the 
Rubicon".  He wasn't too happy about that situation.  My mother was in a library in a rural county checking out a book 
called "American Prophet", a red screen came up when the clerk scanned it.  The clerk called another clerk and said 
"You have to call that number".  They did, and had to give the person on the other end my mothers personal information, 
and then a "Code" that would allow them to move past that screen. For the next week my mother said she got strange 
calls trying to ask her survey questions about this or that, and said her number is unlisted, and nobody but family tends to know 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread needling around
Sounds like some of the patient's in Bodi's wife's hospital need to complain 
about the HIPPA violation!  That will bring it to an end very quickly.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Richard Goodwin 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:37 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

  That's really too bad.  We were going to make RFID tags that could be put on 
doctors, nurses, patients, laptops, PDAs, and other hospital assets, to enable 
things like:  When a doctor walks up to a laptop of PDA, the system sees they 
are close together, and enables a login window for the doctor to log in, then 
when the doctor and his PDA walk up to a patient, the system again sees the 
proximity, and broadcasts the patient's records onto the PDA.  The idea is to 
cut down on medical mistakes that result in 100,000 deaths a year, or so I've 

  But leave it to the unscrupulous few to make use of such technology, not for 
the safety and benefit of patients, but for the invasive monitoring and control 
of their staff.

  You can't build anything potentially beneficial that some people can't figure 
out how to use to the detriment of others.


  From: bodhisattva 
  Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 7:32:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

  Here's a true story.. This stuff is real, it's not fantasy land.

  My wife works at a hospital.  Last year they issued "Collars" for all 
employees, even the health professionals (my wife). I told my wife they were 
doing that for "Total Control", and would use them to monitor everyones 
movements, track you, who you are talking to, and what you are saying.  She 
scoffed, and said I was being ridiculous about the matter. What happens?  Her 
friend is fired, they claimed she was in the break room too much during her 
shift. How did they know?  Yup.. The tracking collars they all have to wear 
around their necks. My wife kind of looked at me with a scared look, then said 
"Unbelievable..."..  Also, this device violates "HIPPA" regulations, why?  It 
broadcasts confidential patient data over a non-secure network, and broadcasts 
it verbally into a room regardless of where someone is, and who is listening. 

  Funny this, a year before my wife got one of those "Work Surveys" they claim 
are anonymous. I told my wife to absolutely not fill it out, saying they know 
exactly who does them, that there is an embedded code in them. She scoffed, 
said I was being ridiculous. The hospital also has a so-called "Anonymous" tip 
line for people with complaints about the work environment or their bosses..  
Well you can guess what happens next, one of her co-workers gets booted for 
saying her bosses are losers on these "Services".

  One you sort of figure it out, all of this stuff starts to become more and 
more obvious.  The first thing you lose is your innocent view of society - 

  needling around wrote: 
You might want to explain what a "cell repeater" is if you are warning 
against it.

Also, what are we looking for and where re tracking devices in clothing?  
It would help to know what we are looking for.

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Golly, I'm glad its not like that here!  I thought it was the land of the free? 

On 26 Apr 2010, at 21:52, bodhisattva wrote:

> I've been telling people for years not to use shopper cards, discount cards, 
> or clubs at stores. Last year my sister got coupons tailored to exactly what 
> she purchased, but didn't ever fill anything out. Rude awakening, they 
> scanned her purchase history.  In addition, the CDC "Sort of" let out that 
> they used these shopper/check cards to track down people that purchased 
> potentially tainted meat. So we KNOW govt has access to this data, when they 
> want it. So if I purchase Hummus, am I a terrorist? Surprising, it has been 
> alluded that they want RFID listed under the patriot act to force people to 
> accept this, and the tracking it involves. (with legal mandate)
> A good friend of mine was put on a "Watch List" for purchasing a book off 
> Amazon called "Crossing the Rubicon".  He wasn't too happy about that 
> situation.  My mother was in a library in a rural county checking out a book 
> called "American Prophet", a red screen came up when the clerk scanned it.  
> The clerk called another clerk and said "You have to call that number".  They 
> did, and had to give the person on the other end my mothers personal 
> information, and then a "Code" that would allow them to move past that 
> screen. For the next week my mother said she got strange calls trying to ask 
> her survey questions about this or that, and said her number is unlisted, and 
> nobody but family tends to know it.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-27 Thread Richard Goodwin
That's really too bad.  We were going to make RFID tags that could be put on 
doctors, nurses, patients, laptops, PDAs, and other hospital assets, to enable 
things like:  When a doctor walks up to a laptop of PDA, the system sees they 
are close together, and enables a login window for the doctor to log in, then 
when the doctor and his PDA walk up to a patient, the system again sees the 
proximity, and broadcasts the patient's records onto the PDA.  The idea is to 
cut down on medical mistakes that result in 100,000 deaths a year, or so I've 

But leave it to the unscrupulous few to make use of such technology, not for 
the safety and benefit of patients, but for the invasive monitoring and control 
of their staff.

You can't build anything potentially beneficial that some people can't figure 
out how to use to the detriment of others.


From: bodhisattva 
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 7:32:02 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

Here's a true story.. This stuff is real, it's not fantasy land.

My wife works at a hospital.  Last year they issued "Collars" for all
employees, even the health professionals (my wife). I told my wife they
doing that for "Total Control", and would use them to monitor everyones
movements, track you, who you are talking to, and what you are saying. 
She scoffed, and said I was being ridiculous about the matter. What
happens?  Her friend is fired, they claimed she was in the break room
too much during her shift. How did they know?  Yup.. The tracking
collars they all have to wear around their necks. My wife kind of
looked at me with a scared look, then said "Unbelievable..."..  Also,
this device violates "HIPPA" regulations, why?  It
broadcasts confidential patient data over a non-secure network, and
broadcasts it verbally into a room regardless of where someone is, and
who is listening. 

Funny this, a year before my wife got one of those "Work Surveys" they
claim are anonymous. I told my wife to absolutely not fill it out,
saying they know exactly who does them, that there is an embedded code
in them. She scoffed, said I was being ridiculous. The hospital also
has a so-called "Anonymous" tip line for people with complaints about
the work environment or their bosses..  Well you can guess what happens
next, one of her co-workers gets booted for saying her bosses are
losers on these "Services".

One you sort of figure it out, all of this stuff starts to become more
and more obvious.  The first thing you lose is your innocent view of
society - sadly.

needling around wrote: 
>You might want to explain what a "cell repeater"
>is if you are warning against it.
>Also, what are we looking for and where re
>tracking devices in clothing?  It would help to know what we are
>looking for.

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Renee
You might try this:

> Congratulations on receiving the World's First FREE Cell Phone
> Radiation Shield!
> Find it right here:
> As important as it is to use and benefit from this technology
> yourself, it is even more important to 'pay it forward' and share
> it with others.
> We need to wake up more people to really make a difference. After
> all, our babies are 'smoking', and cell phone use is exploding.
> Cell phone use is currently estimated at over 4 billion, and brain
> cancer has increased by 21% in the last decade.
> If you were forwarded this email from a friend, be sure to visit
> and sign up to get the latest version of
> Freeshield and receive all the Community Benefits.
> Is cell phone radiation making you sick? If so, you're not alone.
> Find out if you and those you know are at risk.
> Coming across the breakthrough technology of FreeShield has been
> just another amazing synchronicity on my own health journey. Talk
> about waking up! I understand too well how limited human perception
> can result in dangerous concepts of 'progress' and lack of
> awareness and action.
> In order to learn more about FreeShield technology, how it is
> scientifically validated, stands up to double-blind testing and has
> gone through infrared thermography testing trials visit the 'How it
> Works' page at
> This is a critically important time history.
> We are potentially experiencing one of the biggest and widest
> reaching health crises of our time.
> But we have the power to change what has become an immoral and
> irresponsible lack of action by policy makers to protect the public
> from the scientifically proven risks of cell phone radiation
> exposure.
> Because FreeShield is a community health initiative and there is no
> cost associated with producing or distributing it, it is available
> absolutely free of charge.
> In the spirit of community we hope that you'll share your
> experience and connect with others on our forum and benefit not
> only by using it yourself, but by paying it forward and sharing it
> with your friends, family and co-workers.
> As we create more awareness to blast away some of the unfortunate
> ignorance that is out there, we become more empowered to protect
> ourselves, those we love, and those we barely know from a pandemic
> of brain cancer and illness.
> Be well,
> Craig
> Founder of
> Author of "Take Control of Your Health"
> PS. Thanks again for sharing FreeShield technology by
> forwarding this email on to your friends and family.
> Find it right here:
> PPS. To learn how to enhance all aspects of your health, be sure to
> read "Take Control of Your Health: How to Quickly, Safely,
> and Affordably Master the Art of Wellness". Get you FREE book
> extract at

---Original Message---
I was wondering if anyone know of a cell phone radiation danger when the
phone is not in use?  Does it only emit radiation when you are actually
talking?  Or all the time???

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread bodhisattva

Here's a true story.. This stuff is real, it's not fantasy land.

My wife works at a hospital.  Last year they issued "Collars" for all 
employees, even the health professionals (my wife). I told my wife they 
were doing that for "Total Control", and would use them to monitor 
everyones movements, track you, who you are talking to, and what you are 
saying.  She scoffed, and said I was being ridiculous about the matter. 
What happens?  Her friend is fired, they claimed she was in the break 
room too much during her shift. How did they know?  Yup.. The tracking 
collars they all have to wear around their necks. My wife kind of looked 
at me with a scared look, then said "Unbelievable..."..  Also, this 
device violates "HIPPA" regulations, why?  It broadcasts confidential 
patient data over a non-secure network, and broadcasts it verbally into 
a room regardless of where someone is, and who is listening.

Funny this, a year before my wife got one of those "Work Surveys" they 
claim are anonymous. I told my wife to absolutely not fill it out, 
saying they know exactly who does them, that there is an embedded code 
in them. She scoffed, said I was being ridiculous. The hospital also has 
a so-called "Anonymous" tip line for people with complaints about the 
work environment or their bosses..  Well you can guess what happens 
next, one of her co-workers gets booted for saying her bosses are losers 
on these "Services".

One you sort of figure it out, all of this stuff starts to become more 
and more obvious.  The first thing you lose is your innocent view of 
society - sadly.

needling around wrote:
You might want to explain what a "cell repeater" is if you are warning 
against it.
Also, what are we looking for and where re tracking devices in 
clothing?  It would help to know what we are looking for.


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread bodhisattva
Femtocell or similar "Techs" are a wireless router type device that 
basically gives you a cell tower in your home.  Tags in coats can be 
hidden, or obvious, I ripped it out and shredded it with some scissors 
and tossed it in the trash.  I can take a camera to a local store and 
photograph a few I can find.  SOME are obvious, some are not. In fact, 
some actually say on them in fine print "Monitoring Chip, slice along 
this line to remove.".. Some do not. Feel along the "Seams" to see if 
you feel a bubble, then perhaps it is one.  Hit it really hard with a 
hammer a few times and it is disabled, and you don't have to rip open 
your coat!

All of this nonsense is reaching a new level of insanity, these people 
want a "Total Control" doctrine. They want push button robots or 
something. They want to know everything we do, and have easy access to 
this data. I recommend not making it easy for them as a measure of 
prudent precaution. Privacy is important in my opinion.  These people 
aren't God, but they sure seem to want to be one.
'Pills to Be Electronically Outfitted with Transmitters'...
Other areas of interest include medicines that can tell a doctor if they 
have been taken on time, wireless monitoring of nutritional information, 
and sensors worn on the body or placed around the home that can detect 
if an elderly person has experienced a fall, alerting emergency 
personnel and the person's doctor. "Continuous monitoring of vibrations 
in the floor can detect falls and classify them according to the best 
choice of first responders -- either a 911 call or a visit from a 
caregiver," University of Virginia professor Robin Felder told the 
committee.  "Emerging technologies allow pills to be electronically 
outfitted with transmitters to communicate with the user's wristwatch 
that shows that the pill has been consumed," Felder continued. 
"Broadband connectivity of these devices would allow the electronic 
medical record to be updated with regard to medication compliance and 

needling around wrote:
You might want to explain what a "cell repeater" is if you are warning 
against it.
Also, what are we looking for and where re tracking devices in 
clothing?  It would help to know what we are looking for.


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Hanneke

Two Million Households now have spy devices in their bins.

At 04:19 AM 27/04/2010, you wrote:

I've never heard of this happening, and I live in the UK!  dee


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread needling around
You might want to explain what a "cell repeater" is if you are warning against 

Also, what are we looking for and where re tracking devices in clothing?  It 
would help to know what we are looking for.
  - Original Message - 
  From: bodhisattva 
  Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 2:15 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

  Think about it, if this feature was for you, you could use it.  It's not for 
you, it is for them. The next logical question is, why do they need or want 
this data?  Get ready for some twilight zone.

  They want us to install a cell repeater in your home. But what they hope you 
don't pay attention to is that this unit also connects to a geo-stationary 
satellite, but more than this, they don't want you to figure out that it stays 
connected or can connect at any time to this satellite.  This is all aside from 
the radiation and monitoring aspects of course. Watch for gas/electrical meters 
to go Wireless, the radiation from these is quite large, and penetrates the 
back of your home - which is where most bedrooms are.

  Seems to be a push to get exposure to this kind of thing higher, if you care 
to notice.  In relation to this topic: Anything you get for free from a 
publically traded corporation or govt. entity should be treated with suspicion 
in my opinion, although not overt paranoia - trust but verify.. The public in 
the UK discovered this when the govt issued "Trash Cans" to them, and some 
sneaky people found out these contained wireless transmitters that weighed your 
trash and gave then information specific to your trash activities. (I'm not 
kidding here)  

  Funny thing, I purchased a new winter coat last year at "Kohls", the lady at 
the checkout whispered to me that there are short range spy chips in most new 
coats. I thought she was insane, but I listened. Then I said "Prove it", and 
she looked through the coat, found a slightly raised area, and said "Cut this 
out when you get home, and take a look"..  I did, and sure enough, there was a 
small transmitter/receiver unit, paper thin and very small built into the 
article. This was not the normal alarm one at the door apparently..  I cut it 
out of course.  At some point, we have to start asking what is going on here, 
and is all of this really necessary?
  Katherine Albrecht: Spychips

  Even more interesting, a good friend of mine told me to "Check the tags" on 
some clothes you buy.  He found little gobs of toxic film in each tag that are 
"Heat activated" and soak into your skin after a few days of wearing them, the 
evidence disappears.  I thought he was insane, but then I went and purchased a 
new pack of boxer shorts at Kohls, and cut open the tags, and found...¤t=spot.jpg
  I purchase all of my clothes used now as a measure of caution, your new 
stuff, chop off the tags.

  In-home cell towers coming to AT&T

  Garbage Cans Pack Spy Chips

  Marshall Dudley wrote: 
The thing that irks me about cell phones is that they have GPS, and they 
will give the information to people you don't want having it, but will not give 
it to you.  Lets say that I am lost on the lake and my son is looking for me 
and has his GPS on the boat on, or I found a great campground and want to tell 
everyone where it is.  Well the phone knows, but there is no way to get it to 
give me the information.  If I call Verizon they tell me the only people who 
can read the gps is if I call 911.  If I call 911 and ask them my co-ordinates 
they say they cannot give me the information on where I am. I pay for the 
ability, but it is disabled to where I cannot use it. It's crazy. 


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread bodhisattva
I've been telling people for years not to use shopper cards, discount 
cards, or clubs at stores. Last year my sister got coupons tailored to 
exactly what she purchased, but didn't ever fill anything out. Rude 
awakening, they scanned her purchase history.  In addition, the CDC 
"Sort of" let out that they used these shopper/check cards to track down 
people that purchased potentially tainted meat. So we KNOW govt has 
access to this data, when they want it. So if I purchase Hummus, am I a 
terrorist? Surprising, it has been alluded that they want RFID listed 
under the patriot act to force people to accept this, and the tracking 
it involves. (with legal mandate)

A good friend of mine was put on a "Watch List" for purchasing a book 
off Amazon called "Crossing the Rubicon".  He wasn't too happy about 
that situation.  My mother was in a library in a rural county checking 
out a book called "American Prophet", a red screen came up when the 
clerk scanned it.  The clerk called another clerk and said "You have to 
call that number".  They did, and had to give the person on the other 
end my mothers personal information, and then a "Code" that would allow 
them to move past that screen. For the next week my mother said she got 
strange calls trying to ask her survey questions about this or that, and 
said her number is unlisted, and nobody but family tends to know it.

Years ago I repeatedly tried to purchase a book called "How to become 
invisible" by a guy that goes into huge detail about how to regain some 
of  your privacy in a world gone wrong. The first company I bought it 
from online emailed me a few days later and said "Sorry, we can't sell 
you this."..  I picked another company, tried again, got "Sorry this 
book is unavailable for you.".  So I started encrypting my connection 
full time to 2048-Bit, using SSL/TLS, and switched to pre-paid Visa 
cards from the drug store, and the sale went through perfectly fine.  
Funny how that works out.. Now my techniques are way beyond this, and it 
is for good reason.

I'm honest to a fault, I do no wrong - ever, but when you start talking 
to people about stuff like natural cures, and other things (Zappers, 
Lyme, Cancer, Herbs, Ionizers, CS, Cell, Orgone, take your pick), you 
sort of start to gain a bit more attention.  Think this is nonsense? 
Check into the guy that invented "Cansema", a cancer cure.  Its 
unbelievable!  They even tried to get him to hire undercover 
agents(unknown to him) to help make the stuff, they setup fake copy 
companies to sell fake versions to trick people.. Eventually he left to 
Ecuador, became a citizen there. But the FDA/CIA kidnapped him at 
gunpoint on a dark road in Ecuador, rushed him to an American Airlines 
plane. The Ecuadorian govt. sent troops to stop them from taking one of 
their citizens, and were told that the aircraft was US-Soil.  Now he's 
rotting in a prison in this country, for what?  Curing Cancer.  This is 
serious business!

Chris Gussa has been trageted, quite often apparently.. Some old cowboy 
that just wants to help people.. It's really disgusting..  This is his 

So in reality, I suspect Dick is right.  Basically you get keyworded, 
flagged, the monitoring clicks on.  If you are sneaky, know a lot about 
these kinds of operations, have done your research, and deploy 
countermeasures, then they will get frustrated, and drop you off the 
list unless you pose an immediate threat to their agenda. (whatever that 
may be) Human intel is expensive, time consuming, and unreliable unless 
it is someone that poses a higher risk. (Cansema, Wikileaks, Don Croft, etc)

Richard Goodwin wrote:
It's not paranoia if they are really after you.  And we already know 
they are.  I get spam email ads based on what they read in my emails 
(yahoo and gmail both do this, and I'm sure all the "free" ones do as 
well).  And if they feel free to read your emails, both coming and 
going, for purposes of advertising, what other purposes do "they" 
have, and how many "theys" are there doing this?

I can't wait until I get a knock on the door based on something I said 
in an email. 

Or it could be more subtle, e.g., you talk about certain subjects and 
then find to your surprise that you are on a special scrutiny list 
when you try to get on a flight somewhere.  A friend of mine is on a 
do-not-fly list, and can't figure out how he got there, and they won't 
tell him..


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread needling around
In some states in the USA they are already reading your meters without having 
to enter the home.  The meters, however, are at the point where there is the 
shortest distance to a pole or line... not necessarily the bedrooms.
  - Original Message - 
  From: bodhisattva 
  Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 2:15 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

  Think about it, if this feature was for you, you could use it.  It's not for 
you, it is for them. The next logical question is, why do they need or want 
this data?  Get ready for some twilight zone.

  They want us to install a cell repeater in your home. But what they hope you 
don't pay attention to is that this unit also connects to a geo-stationary 
satellite, but more than this, they don't want you to figure out that it stays 
connected or can connect at any time to this satellite.  This is all aside from 
the radiation and monitoring aspects of course. Watch for gas/electrical meters 
to go Wireless, the radiation from these is quite large, and penetrates the 
back of your home - which is where most bedrooms are.

  Seems to be a push to get exposure to this kind of thing higher, if you care 
to notice.  In relation to this topic: Anything you get for free from a 
publically traded corporation or govt. entity should be treated with suspicion 
in my opinion, although not overt paranoia - trust but verify.. The public in 
the UK discovered this when the govt issued "Trash Cans" to them, and some 
sneaky people found out these contained wireless transmitters that weighed your 
trash and gave then information specific to your trash activities. (I'm not 
kidding here)  

  Funny thing, I purchased a new winter coat last year at "Kohls", the lady at 
the checkout whispered to me that there are short range spy chips in most new 
coats. I thought she was insane, but I listened. Then I said "Prove it", and 
she looked through the coat, found a slightly raised area, and said "Cut this 
out when you get home, and take a look"..  I did, and sure enough, there was a 
small transmitter/receiver unit, paper thin and very small built into the 
article. This was not the normal alarm one at the door apparently..  I cut it 
out of course.  At some point, we have to start asking what is going on here, 
and is all of this really necessary?
  Katherine Albrecht: Spychips

  Even more interesting, a good friend of mine told me to "Check the tags" on 
some clothes you buy.  He found little gobs of toxic film in each tag that are 
"Heat activated" and soak into your skin after a few days of wearing them, the 
evidence disappears.  I thought he was insane, but then I went and purchased a 
new pack of boxer shorts at Kohls, and cut open the tags, and found...¤t=spot.jpg
  I purchase all of my clothes used now as a measure of caution, your new 
stuff, chop off the tags.

  In-home cell towers coming to AT&T

  Garbage Cans Pack Spy Chips

  Marshall Dudley wrote: 
The thing that irks me about cell phones is that they have GPS, and they 
will give the information to people you don't want having it, but will not give 
it to you.  Lets say that I am lost on the lake and my son is looking for me 
and has his GPS on the boat on, or I found a great campground and want to tell 
everyone where it is.  Well the phone knows, but there is no way to get it to 
give me the information.  If I call Verizon they tell me the only people who 
can read the gps is if I call 911.  If I call 911 and ask them my co-ordinates 
they say they cannot give me the information on where I am. I pay for the 
ability, but it is disabled to where I cannot use it. It's crazy. 


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Richard Goodwin
It's not paranoia if they are really after you.  And we already know they are.  
I get spam email ads based on what they read in my emails (yahoo and gmail both 
do this, and I'm sure all the "free" ones do as well).  And if they feel free 
to read your emails, both coming and going, for purposes of advertising, what 
other purposes do "they" have, and how many "theys" are there doing this?

I can't wait until I get a knock on the door based on something I said in an 

Or it could be more subtle, e.g., you talk about certain subjects and then find 
to your surprise that you are on a special scrutiny list when you try to get on 
a flight somewhere.  A friend of mine is on a do-not-fly list, and can't figure 
out how he got there, and they won't tell him..


From: bodhisattva 
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 2:15:33 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

Think about it, if this feature was for you, you could use it.  It's
not for you, it is for them. The next logical question is, why do they
need or want this data?  Get ready for some twilight zone.

They want us to install a cell repeater in your home. But what they
hope you don't pay attention to is that this unit also connects to a
geo-stationary satellite, but more than this, they don't want you to
figure out that it stays connected or can connect at any time to this
satellite.  This is all aside from the radiation and monitoring aspects
of course. Watch for gas/electrical meters to go Wireless, the
radiation from these is quite large, and penetrates the back of your
home - which is where most bedrooms are.

Seems to be a push to get exposure to this kind of thing higher, if you
care to notice.  In relation to this topic: Anything you get for free
from a publically traded corporation or govt. entity should be treated
with suspicion in my opinion, although not overt paranoia - trust but
verify.. The public in the UK discovered this when the govt issued
"Trash Cans" to them, and some sneaky people found out these contained
wireless transmitters that weighed your trash and gave then information
specific to your trash activities. (I'm not kidding here)  

Funny thing, I purchased a new winter coat last year at "Kohls", the
lady at the checkout whispered to me that there are short range spy
chips in most new coats. I thought she was insane, but I listened. Then
I said "Prove it", and she looked through the coat, found a slightly
raised area, and said "Cut this out when you get home, and take a
look"..  I did, and sure enough, there was a small transmitter/receiver
unit, paper thin and very small built into the article. This was not
the normal alarm one at the door apparently..  I cut it out of course. 
At some point, we have to start asking what is going on here, and is
all of this really necessary?
Katherine Albrecht: Spychips

Even more interesting, a good friend of mine told me to "Check the
tags" on some clothes you buy.  He found little gobs of toxic film in
each tag that are "Heat activated" and soak into your skin after a few
days of wearing them, the evidence disappears.  I thought he was
insane, but then I went and purchased a new pack of boxer shorts at
Kohls, and cut open the tags, and found...¤t=spot.jpg
I purchase all of my clothes used now as a measure of caution, your new
stuff, chop off the tags.

In-home cell towers coming to 

Garbage Cans Pack Spy Chips

Marshall Dudley wrote: 
>thing that irks me about cell phones is that they have GPS, and they
>will give the information to people you don't want having it, but will
>not give it to you.  Lets say that I am lost on the lake and my son is
>looking for me and has his GPS on the boat on, or I found a great
>campground and want to tell everyone where it is.  Well the phone
>knows, but there is no way to get it to give me the information.  If I
>call Verizon they tell me the only people who can read the gps is if I
>call 911.  If I call 911 and ask them my co-ordinates they say they
>cannot give me the information on where I am. I pay for the ability,
>but it is disabled to where I cannot use it. It's crazy.

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I've never heard of this happening, and I live in the UK!  dee

On 26 Apr 2010, at 19:15, bodhisattva wrote:

>  The public in the UK discovered this when the govt issued "Trash Cans" to 
> them, and some sneaky people found out these contained wireless transmitters 
> that weighed your trash and gave then information specific to your trash 
> activities. (I'm not kidding here)  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread bodhisattva
Think about it, if this feature was for you, you could use it.  It's not 
for you, it is for them. The next logical question is, why do they need 
or want this data?  Get ready for some twilight zone.

They want us to install a cell repeater in your home. But what they hope 
you don't pay attention to is that this unit also connects to a 
geo-stationary satellite, but more than this, they don't want you to 
figure out that it stays connected or can connect at any time to this 
satellite.  This is all aside from the radiation and monitoring aspects 
of course. Watch for gas/electrical meters to go Wireless, the radiation 
from these is quite large, and penetrates the back of your home - which 
is where most bedrooms are.

Seems to be a push to get exposure to this kind of thing higher, if you 
care to notice.  In relation to this topic: Anything you get for free 
from a publically traded corporation or govt. entity should be treated 
with suspicion in my opinion, although not overt paranoia - trust but 
verify.. The public in the UK discovered this when the govt issued 
"Trash Cans" to them, and some sneaky people found out these contained 
wireless transmitters that weighed your trash and gave then information 
specific to your trash activities. (I'm not kidding here) 

Funny thing, I purchased a new winter coat last year at "Kohls", the 
lady at the checkout whispered to me that there are short range spy 
chips in most new coats. I thought she was insane, but I listened. Then 
I said "Prove it", and she looked through the coat, found a slightly 
raised area, and said "Cut this out when you get home, and take a 
look"..  I did, and sure enough, there was a small transmitter/receiver 
unit, paper thin and very small built into the article. This was not the 
normal alarm one at the door apparently..  I cut it out of course.  At 
some point, we have to start asking what is going on here, and is all of 
this really necessary?
Katherine Albrecht: Spychips

Even more interesting, a good friend of mine told me to "Check the tags" 
on some clothes you buy.  He found little gobs of toxic film in each tag 
that are "Heat activated" and soak into your skin after a few days of 
wearing them, the evidence disappears.  I thought he was insane, but 
then I went and purchased a new pack of boxer shorts at Kohls, and cut 
open the tags, and found...¤t=spot.jpg  
I purchase all of my clothes used now as a measure of caution, your new 
stuff, chop off the tags.

 In-home cell towers coming to AT&T

 Garbage Cans Pack Spy Chips

Marshall Dudley wrote:
The thing that irks me about cell phones is that they have GPS, and 
they will give the information to people you don't want having it, but 
will not give it to you.  Lets say that I am lost on the lake and my 
son is looking for me and has his GPS on the boat on, or I found a 
great campground and want to tell everyone where it is.  Well the 
phone knows, but there is no way to get it to give me the 
information.  If I call Verizon they tell me the only people who can 
read the gps is if I call 911.  If I call 911 and ask them my 
co-ordinates they say they cannot give me the information on where I 
am. I pay for the ability, but it is disabled to where I cannot use 
it. It's crazy.


Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Richard Goodwin
For a long time you couldn't access the NOAH weather website to get the weather 
or navigation charts, etc., for free, but had to go out and buy them from those 
privileged to have access, even though we had already paid through taxes for 
all the information there.  Fortunately that seems to have changed.

The I-phone and several others now have gps applications you can run that show 
you where you are, even with maps, just like the gps's in your car.  Things are 


- Original Message 
From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 1:17:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

The thing that irks me about cell phones is that they have GPS, and they will 
give the information to people you don't want having it, but will not give it 
to you.  Lets say that I am lost on the lake and my son is looking for me and 
has his GPS on the boat on, or I found a great campground and want to tell 
everyone where it is.  Well the phone knows, but there is no way to get it to 
give me the information.  If I call Verizon they tell me the only people who 
can read the gps is if I call 911.  If I call 911 and ask them my co-ordinates 
they say they cannot give me the information on where I am. I pay for the 
ability, but it is disabled to where I cannot use it. It's crazy.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Marshall Dudley
The thing that irks me about cell phones is that they have GPS, and they 
will give the information to people you don't want having it, but will 
not give it to you.  Lets say that I am lost on the lake and my son is 
looking for me and has his GPS on the boat on, or I found a great 
campground and want to tell everyone where it is.  Well the phone knows, 
but there is no way to get it to give me the information.  If I call 
Verizon they tell me the only people who can read the gps is if I call 
911.  If I call 911 and ask them my co-ordinates they say they cannot 
give me the information on where I am. I pay for the ability, but it is 
disabled to where I cannot use it. It's crazy.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Del
I measured RF radiation from our cell phone when powered on but not in use, 
using our Electrosmog detector (this one:
The detector did not register any radiation above background (between 0.2 and 
0.8 microwatts per square meter).
When I keyed the phone as if to make a call, the meter jumped up to near 200 
microwatts per square meter.
So our cell phone does not emit when not in use (that is not to say that others 
don't, however.  Ours is about four years old at this point, a Samsung, don't 
know model number).
Same thing with the cordless phone - no radiation when not in use, but jumped 
off the scale when keyed.
Base unit, however, was off the scale all the time.  
We trashed our cordless phones as a result of the measurement.
Likewise our Wi-Fi router.
Turning on the microwave oven also pegged the meter, but we hardly ever use 
that, and it gives us a light over the cook stove, so we still have that.


- Original Message - 
  From: bodhisattva 
  Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 11:32 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

  Only when in use - but, of course, that is when you are holding it up to your 
   - incorrect, cell phones transmit even when not in use, and even when off in 
some cases.

  If you have a cordless house phone, the handset emits radiation only when in 
   - incorrect, all modern cordless phone handsets transmit at all times, even 
when on the base.

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread bodhisattva
I suspect it does mess up thinking, or give what we call "Brain Fog", 
which at times, can be intense. They sort of cause you to lose 
awareness, or at least lose a deeper form of awareness. My wife and I 
marvel at how poorly we feel around areas with a lot of things kind of 
stuff.  I have many dozens, perhaps hundreds of stories that are pretty 

Normally my discernment is considered quite high, not so in those type 
of fields. For example over the weekend we took the kids to a mall about 
an hour from here. We hung out in an arcade for kids there, I sort of 
felt 'Confused' the entire time, sort of a lack of focus and 
connectivity. But more than this, one half of the arcade used tokens, 
the other half quarters, there was a sign up indicating this. But for 
some unknown reason, I didn't see the sign, and kept trying to feed 
tokens into the machines that operate on quarters! I felt pretty stupid 
about it, but realized that it was probably a product of the environment 
I was in, a whole lot of chaotic energy and EMF fields, my cells were 
probably all in a state of disharmony.

Over Christmas we took a drive down to another city to visit some famous 
Christmas lights.  While driving there the brain fog arrived, but this 
time, everyone we were with felt it.  One person said "Boy, I'm tired 
suddenly", another said "I got a headache now.".. Me, I said "It's the 
towers, how does your left frontal lobe feel?". Most people noted that 
it felt pretty off..  Very curious, but not so when you look up 
brainwave entrainment.  Regardless, once we got back into our orgonite 
field, everyone felt normal again. This happens too much for it to be a 
coincidence in my opinion.

My personal feeling walking around in those fields is a loss of 
connectivity to the Most High, lack of physical awareness of deeper 
things, less discernment, more scattered thinking, and sometimes 
elevated stress and frustration. Maybe a coincidence, but this guy felt 
something was very odd.  Perhaps random coincidence, who knows.  
Remember though, not only do you have the towers, WiFi, and other stuff, 
but all 100 other people in the building have cell phones pulsing every 
few seconds..

Garrick wrote:
Cordless phone you use at home will also zap your brain. I minimize 
cordless use because of this.

Cell and cordlessthe obvious problem is they are held so close to 
your brain for extended periods. I know one big cell talker who got 
brain cancer and died. But most people roll OK with it. Though I'll 
bet it messes up their thinking


On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 9:45 AM, PT Ferrance > wrote:

I was wondering if anyone know of a cell phone radiation danger
when the phone is not in use?  Does it only emit radiation when
you are actually talking?  Or all the time???

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Marshall Dudley

PT Ferrance wrote:

I was wondering if anyone know of a cell phone radiation danger when 
the phone is not in use?  Does it only emit radiation when you are 
actually talking?  Or all the time???

A cell phone emits radio waves at all times.  However it emits more when 
in use, and the most when placing a call or ringing.  The amount it 
emits also increases for most of them as you get further from the tower 
it is connected to, although the radiation from the tower goes down.

From what I can gather, radiation tends to hobble your immune system.  
Once the radiation stops, the immune system bounces back.  Since cancer 
cells are being formed continually in a person's body, from chemicals, 
radiation and what not, the immune system has to always seek them out 
and destroy them before they become a tumor.  If you are talking on a 
cell phone, then the immune system is unable to do this while the area 
is bathed in the microwave radiation.  Once you stop talking, the immune 
system should be able to go ahead and find and destroy the cancerous 
cells. Thus if you talk on it all the time you could be in real trouble, 
if you only talk occasionally it would likely not be a problem.  The 
point where the immune system is unable to keep up with cancer cell 
formation/division will depend on how well your immune system is doing.  
If someone is on the verge of getting cancer due to the immune system 
being compromised then it might take very little to cause the cancer to 
develop, but someone with a robust immune system might not be affected 
with even 16 hours a day of talking.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Richard Goodwin
Wifi, bettern know as Wireless LAN, enables a computer to connect with the 
internet without plugging in an ethernet cable.  So you can, for example, take 
your laptop to a Panera Bread and sit there drinking coffee and sending email 
over the internet.  Same thing in a hotel or in your own home if you buy one of 
those little wifi routers and hook it to your internet connection.  Your laptop 
can then connect to the internet without wires.

From: Kathy Tankersley 
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 11:39:49 AM
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

I don't know what a Wi-Fi system 
is?Thanks, Kathy
- Original Message - 
>From: Del 
>Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 9:03 
>Subject: Re: CS>another question about 
>  cell phones
>Only when in use - but, of course, that is when 
>  you are holding it up to your ear.
>If you have a cordless house phone, the handset 
>  emits radiation only when in use.
>But the cordless base/recharging station where 
>  the antenna is emits radiation constantly (just like a cell phone tower with 
>  antennas).
>If you have a WI-Fi system, your Wi-Fi router 
>  also emits radiation constantly.
>Having a Wi-Fi router is like having a cell phone 
>  tower in your house!
>Your laptop that uses Wi-Fi emits radiation when 
>  you connect to the Wi-Fi system (kind of like the cell phone).
>The problem is with the continuous types of 
>  exposure from base stations and for people who have a cell phone glued to 
>  their ear for hours a day.
>The units kids use of texting also emit, but at 
>  least when texting they do not hold them to their ear - that 
>  helps.
>- Original Message - 
>>From: PT 
>>Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 9:45 
>>Subject: CS>another question about 
>>cell phones
>>I was wondering if anyone know of a cell phone radiation 
>>danger when the phone is not in use?  Does it only emit radiation when 
>>you are actually talking?  Or all the time???

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Garrick
Cordless phone you use at home will also zap your brain. I minimize cordless
use because of this.

Cell and cordlessthe obvious problem is they are held so close to your
brain for extended periods. I know one big cell talker who got brain cancer
and died. But most people roll OK with it. Though I'll bet it messes up
their thinking


On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 9:45 AM, PT Ferrance  wrote:

>  Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone know of a cell phone radiation danger when the
> phone is not in use?  Does it only emit radiation when you are actually
> talking?  Or all the time???
> Thanks.
> PT


Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Kathy Tankersley
I don't know what a Wi-Fi system is?Thanks, Kathy
  - Original Message - 
  From: Del 
  Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 9:03 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones

  Only when in use - but, of course, that is when you are holding it up to your 
  If you have a cordless house phone, the handset emits radiation only when in 
  But the cordless base/recharging station where the antenna is emits radiation 
constantly (just like a cell phone tower with antennas).
  If you have a WI-Fi system, your Wi-Fi router also emits radiation constantly.
  Having a Wi-Fi router is like having a cell phone tower in your house!
  Your laptop that uses Wi-Fi emits radiation when you connect to the Wi-Fi 
system (kind of like the cell phone).
  The problem is with the continuous types of exposure from base stations and 
for people who have a cell phone glued to their ear for hours a day.
  The units kids use of texting also emit, but at least when texting they do 
not hold them to their ear - that helps.

- Original Message - 
From: PT Ferrance 
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 9:45 AM
Subject: CS>another question about cell phones

I was wondering if anyone know of a cell phone radiation danger when the 
phone is not in use?  Does it only emit radiation when you are actually 
talking?  Or all the time???

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread bodhisattva
Only when in use - but, of course, that is when you are holding it up to 
your ear.
* - incorrect, cell phones transmit even when not in use, and even when 
off in some cases.*

If you have a cordless house phone, the handset emits radiation only 
when in use.
* - incorrect, all modern cordless phone handsets transmit at all times, 
even when on the base.*

But the cordless base/recharging station where the antenna is emits 
radiation constantly (just like a cell phone tower with antennas).
*- 99% of modern cordless phones do. 49mhz, and 900mhz cordless units 
do not.*

If you have a WI-Fi system, your Wi-Fi router also emits radiation 
*  - Indeed, but it is much more harmful in my my tests when you have 
receivers of those signals in the home.*

Having a Wi-Fi router is like having a cell phone tower in your house!
* - True, they are a health hazard. The German govt. has told its 
citizens to turn off their routers.*

Your laptop that uses Wi-Fi emits radiation when you connect to the 
Wi-Fi system (kind of like the cell phone).
* - Even when off they do, as incredible as that seems. Modern laptops 
have some sort of WiFi setup that can't even be fully disabled in 
windows hardware configuration from control panel.  After disabling my 
sons, I still got WiFi signals from it.  Very curious!*

The problem is with the continuous types of exposure from base stations 
and for people who have a cell phone glued to their ear for hours a day.
* - Agreed, and it is cumulative. Your blood is disrupted, and can't 
keep up. It also induces a constant Candida overgrowth in the body 
combined with a lower PH. (Acidic)*

The units kids use of texting also emit, but at least when texting they 
do not hold them to their ear - that helps.
* - True, but newer phones have a huge bubble of bad energy, some over 
10+ feet.*

Some additional things I discovered through careful investigation...

1) There are many hidden sources of WiFi/Microwaves in the home.  
Xbox360's emit a powerful microwave signal even when turned off!  So 
keep them unplugged. Nintendo Wii emites a fairly good signal, even when 
OFF, so keep it unplugged.  Many new printers, shredders, cameras, 
shavers and other things emit pretty strong signals.  Buy older units, 
disable the wireless aspects, or find a good technician to dig inside 
and force it off. (these guys will be valuable in the coming times, for 
*Xbox 360 sending out disruptive 2.4GHz vibes?*

2) You can find older 900mhz phones that don't power up until they are 
used. However I recommend corded phones in the home.  ONE COMPANY on the 
planet is making "Safe" DECT phones.. Imagine that, only one company! * 
This is an important video to watch:*
Low Radiation DECT Cordless Phone

Del wrote:
Only when in use - but, of course, that is when you are holding it up 
to your ear.
If you have a cordless house phone, the handset emits radiation only 
when in use.
But the cordless base/recharging station where the antenna is emits 
radiation constantly (just like a cell phone tower with antennas).
If you have a WI-Fi system, your Wi-Fi router also emits radiation 

Having a Wi-Fi router is like having a cell phone tower in your house!
Your laptop that uses Wi-Fi emits radiation when you connect to the 
Wi-Fi system (kind of like the cell phone).
The problem is with the continuous types of exposure from base 
stations and for people who have a cell phone glued to their ear for 
hours a day.
The units kids use of texting also emit, but at least when texting 
they do not hold them to their ear - that helps.

- Original Message -
*From:* PT Ferrance <>
*To:* <>
*Sent:* Monday, April 26, 2010 9:45 AM
*Subject:* CS>another question about cell phones

I was wondering if anyone know of a cell phone radiation danger
when the phone is not in use?  Does it only emit radiation when
you are actually talking?  Or all the time???

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread bodhisattva
I will try to answer this question as best I can. I will state what I 
have verified, and leave most of the speculation out.

*1)* Most newer phones actually emit radiation even when off. I believe 
this change was made to facilitate a system of constant awareness of 
where one is at all times. There are avoidance methods for this I will 
discuss farther down. Also your phone can be remotely activated to 
facilitate extraction of GPS coords, phone logs, and even activate the 
microphone and camera.  I suspect newer phones will have cameras on both 
sides of the phone. (watch and see) Any photograph taken with your phone 
is imprinted with very precise map coordinates of the location of the 

*2)* Many newer phones have what is called "NFC" or "Nearfield 
Communication", this is basically an RFID broadcast/receive system in 
the phone. This will transmit even when the phone is turned off. The 
stated purpose of this is so you can use your phone to pay for things, 
buy gas, etc. However the unstated purpose is for tracking and 
identification of people. I expect they will replace all paper currency 
soon to contain a small RFID antenna linked to the serial number of the 
money so they can track cash movement, probably through a combination of 
technological devices. ATM machines will scan them, link them to your 
account, and your phone will ping back your currency situation, GPS 
location, etc. NFC is already operational in some airports, and allows 
them to see who you are, where you are, and what you are doing to a more 
accurate degree.  It's not Sci-Fi, it's already here:

*3)* Most newer phones have "Variable" radiation levels, and this varies 
by a huge amount. Unknown to customers, some phones are using a sort of 
piggyback bandwidth system. Where if you are closer to an antenna than 
Joe, Joe rides on your signal.  What this does is increase the radiation 
coming off your phone.  AT&T is one company to avoid, I have measured 
very strong signals coming off their phones at 10YARDS!  One researcher 
said he discovered overly high radiation on some phones at 100 feet. 
Another thing is some phones are multi-band, and will use several bands 
at once. If you are on 4G, and using 4G services, your background GPS 
and other stuff might be on CDMA, this increases the radiation and 
frequency spread.. Given this, probably not a good idea to have them in 
ones sleeping location.

*4)* Most phones are heavily shielded on the opposite side of your head 
(that means non-beneficial to you). I have experimented with discarded 
phones and found them nearly indestructible to conventional methods to 
disable electronics. Once opened up, you will find super strong faraday 
cages and magnetic shielding on the important chips. (at least on the 
phones I hammered in half) But here is the odd part, this shielding is 
on the opposite side of the persons head in many cases.  I took a rare 
earth magnet, capable of lifting over 30 pounds of steel and placed it 
on a Nokia phone for 24 hours. The phone was fully functional after 
this. This is strange in an age when we're sold things that almost self 
destruct, have cheap components, and are designed to wear out with even 
mediocre use. Phones are the exception to this apparently.

*5) *Many new phones can bypass a pretty decent aluminum faraday cage, 
try it and see. Take a shoebox, line it with tin foil, place the phone 
inside, then call the phone. This was not possible years ago with older 
phones, but I am not entirely sure why newer phones aren't responding to 
basic level shielding.  Aluminum only blocks only certain kinds of 
radiation, which is why Xray machines have an aluminum cover over the 
gun that shoots the energy. (forgot the specifics, I no longer work in 
that field) Perhaps something changed with the radiation. This is worthy 
of further investigation.

Not one to present problems, or potential problems without solutions. So 
here are some solutions, all of which have not been investigated by me 
because frankly, I don't own or carry a cell phone.

*1)* The only reasonably anonymous phone company left from what I can 
gather is Tracfone.  You can activate online and choose to not disclose 
any information, and if you paid with cash at Target for everything, you 
are good to go. But the first time a phone is activated that GPS 
location is forever tagged. So some precautions, even with this phone 
would be to Pay cash, activate outside of your home area, and use a 
public access terminal to do it (Library Computer, etc) Even so, through 
usage patterns you will eventually be tagged, so replacement of the 
phone yearly is a good precaution. Many phones have hidden "Repair Mode" 
menus in them where you can disable GPS and a bunch of other stuff, 
research would have to be done for each particular phone.  Make friends 
with someone that programs them perhaps.

*2)* Keep your pho

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-26 Thread Richard Goodwin
In order for a radio transmitter of any kind to reach a receiver, it has to 
emit electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio waves.  Radio and TV 
stations can transmit huge amounts of power, like 50,000 watts, and they do 
this continuously 24 hours/day.  Cell phone towers and public wifi access 
points transmit at much lower power levels, since they are trying to reach 
receivers only within a limited distance, like maybe 100 watts, e.g.  Cell 
phones themselves transmit in the neighborhood of 0.3 watts, I believe, and 
they do this only when they are actually sending data, so when you are not 
talking on the phone, it is quiet most of the time.


From: Lisa 
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 10:08:38 AM
Subject: RE: CS>another question about cell phones

So here’s a stupid and silly
question – with all our technology and ability to do loads of things…how
come nobody has come up with something to dissipate and/or get rid of the
radiation so it’s not so harmful? Isn’t there a way to do this
(aside from getting rid of it of course) as cell phones are here to stay and
even though we do have a wireless router…we don’t use the wireless
portion of it.

Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 10:04
Subject: Re: CS>another
question about cell phones
Only when in use - but, of course, that is when you are
holding it up to your ear.
If you have a cordless house phone, the handset emits
radiation only when in use.
But the cordless base/recharging station where the antenna
is emits radiation constantly (just like a cell phone tower with antennas).
If you have a WI-Fi system, your Wi-Fi router also emits
radiation constantly.
Having a Wi-Fi router is like having a cell phone tower in
your house!
Your laptop that uses Wi-Fi emits radiation when you connect
to the Wi-Fi system (kind of like the cell phone).
The problem is with the continuous types of exposure from
base stations and for people who have a cell phone glued to their ear for hours
a day.
The units kids use of texting also emit, but at least when
texting they do not hold them to their ear - that helps.
>- Original Message - 
>From:PT Ferrance 
>Sent:Monday, April 26,
>2010 9:45 AM
>question about cell phones
>I was wondering if anyone know of a cell phone radiation danger when
>the phone is not in use?  Does it only emit radiation when you are
>actually talking?  Or all the time???

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