Re: CS>)T: Possible Response to Codex A. Effects

2005-01-30 Thread J&S Campbell
Dear Brooks,

Thanks very much for your post on rosa rugosa, I too would be very grateful for 
more info on this and what to do with the hips plus storage etc.

I live in Scotland, UK and as you can imagine have been very disturbed by what 
the pharma companies and the EU are getting up to with our supplements. 
However, there was a glimmer of hope the other day when the Alliance for 
Natural Health (organisation of vit/mincompanies etc) took the EU to the 
European Court of Justice over the whole issue.Also there was a debate in the 
House of Commins in London on this issue, predictably the Government won as 
they have a large majority but got rather a red face over it as many did vote 
against it and they siad they were for the EU ban for the publics safety yet 
they couldn't come up with any evidence for any dangers from the supplements so 
ended up looking rather stupid. 

I have printed off 2  brief articles on it below and it does seem to have gone 
pretty well. We are all hoping we will get a "stay of execution" over all this 
at least for a while but we will have to wait and see.

They are also out to get herbal medicines and homeopathy.

I know from my homeopathic doctor that homeopathic remedies have  been found to 
still be potent well over 100years after their production, if kept in correct 
conditions. He was present when they used some remedies made by Hannemann 
himself and they still worked. 

Obviously vits/mins wouldn't keep nearly that long but do you have any idea how 
long they may last in case we need to stash up on these things? I suspect the 
dates you see for vits/mins expiring are partly a sales thing and they would 
last a lot longer than they say on the labels or am I being over cynical here?

Best wishes,

Sheila Campbell   

UK government decides not to attend court hearing to make its objections to the 

For immediate release 25 January 2005

The Alliance for Natural Health today presented its oral submission to the 
European Court of Justice in Luxembourg in its landmark case challenging the 
ban in the EU Food Supplements Directive on 75% of vitamin and mineral forms 
currently sold in the EU market.

Opposing oral submissions were made by the European Commission, the Council of 
Ministers, the European Parliament and only one EU Member State, Greece.

UK Government does not present its objections to the challenge.
Interestingly, neither the UK government nor Portugal attended to present oral 
arguments despite having filed Written Observations in the case. This means 
that none of the major EU countries felt the need to oppose the ANH's 
application for a declaration that the ban in the Directive was unlawful.

David Hinde Solicitor and ANH Legal Director said:

"Given the vigour with which the UK government resisted this application at 
the Judicial Review stage, it was extraordinary it did not now think the issue 
sufficiently important to warrant being represented at the ECJ to make oral 
submissions. The question inevitably arises whether this signifies a change of 
attitude on their part and a retreat from their previously bullish position 
about the legality of the Directive." 

Paul Lasok QC, a world leading expert on EU law, representing the ANH opened 
the proceedings and systematically undermined the legal and scientific basis of 
the Directive, highlighting contradictions between various arguments put 
forward by the key bodies involved in developing the Directive, namely the 
European Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament.

When asked by Judge Lenaerts as to the origin of the positive list which 
appeared to have been derived from an old list produced by the European 
Commission, and so omitted a vast array of nutrients that can normally be found 
in food, Mr Lasok responded:

"The list was put together without adding, without subtracting and without 

Advocate General Geelhoed, the senior judge at today's hearing, appeared to be 
baffled by the procedure for adding nutrients to the positive list, which he 

"As transparent as a black box."

Dr Robert Verkerk, executive director of the ANH said after the hearing:

"It was remarkable that the vast majority of points that we had gone to 
great length to show the Court were not countered in any effective way by the 
opposing parties. The Commission, the Council and the Parliament were not able 
to give any adequate scientific explanations for why so many forms of vitamins 
and minerals that naturally occur in foods could be banned across the EU."

Final judgement e

Re: CS>)T: Possible Response to Codex A. Effects

2005-01-29 Thread Tony Moody
On 28 Jan 2005 at 16:21, Brooks Bradley wrote:

Dear Brooks,
Welcome back. I do hope that you and yours are well.

Could you also elaborate on how to extract the vit C. Here it is early 
autumn and there are hips on some of the wild rosebushes. Does 
one make a jam? or dry and crush the hips to be used as a tea? 

So glad you are back,

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RE: CS>)T: Possible Response to Codex A. Effects SOURCE OF VIT B

2005-01-28 Thread Louise
Well you can get extra vit B's for dogs anyway by feeding a fermented salad.

Perhaps it could be adapted into a power drink with some added stuff in it
before I will drink it.

But dogs LOVE IT.

The fermented pulped salad is made (mostly with leafy greens) adding
probiotics (human grade and non dairy) to establish the good bacteria in the
intestines. The human grade digestive enzymes are also added (need one with
cellulase and amylase at least) are added to the pulped salad and keep the
mix at BODY temperature for at least 15 minutes before feeding, wait at
least 2 hours after this salad mix before feeding meaty bones for the best

This salad helps diarrhea problems as well as constipation, boost the immune
system and gives extra b vitamins to boot :o  It helps to repair the
intestines by establishing good bacteria that prefers raw food and leafy

You first pulp the veggies (chop up some romaine lettuce so it is easier to
process, some freeze it first to smash into very tiny pieced in the bag
after it is frozen) some add a little water for processing) it should look
like baby food when done.  For sick animals make it mostly leafy greens and
low starchy veggies.  You can freeze this mush and then continue the rest of
the procedure when you need some more fermented veggies.

With the thawed mixture or the freshly made one you add some probiotics
human grade (non dairy type) always sold in the fridge of pharmacy or health
food store.  add one capsule or digestive enzymes (like UDO's digestive
blend human type, though if you read the labels you will find similar types
for less money) but they should have the basics of Cellulase and Amylase.
(for dogs and cats about 10 pounds or less use 1/4 capsule of each)

Best with a sick dog to add to his food as well and so they should also have
Lipase and Protease.  I share my digestive enzymes with my dog so I make
sure that is also has Lactase as I have problems with milk digestion (but if
the mix you get does not have this it is still good for the dog)

I do not like the dog types because they often add stuff and some use the
poorest quality and the probiotics often are not alive.  Some are a joke and
if you read the label are often are just prebiotics and sold on a shelf so
no live ones left (The ones I have seen are a waste of money IMO or not as
beneficial as getting the human grade varieties)

Some use this salad instead of a fast day when feeding a raw meaty bone

Another source of vit B and good bacteria for dogs is fresh horse poop
(making sure the horses have not been recently wormed {some wormers are very
poisonous to dogs} or horse recently on antibiotics)  Horse balls often
called doggie yogurt and are very beneficial for dogs.


-Original Message-
From: starshar []
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: CS>)T: Possible Response to Codex A. Effects

Hi Brooks,

Thank you for posting this wonderful idea.
I would be very interested in further information on the care and
cultivation, not to mention a home "processing" method to achieve the
greatest amount of benefit.
I have a feeling that I might have some long forgotten book around here that
gives a recipe for rose hip jelly. I wonder what else could be made with the

Too bad there isn't any such thing as a brewer's yeast bush!


From: "Brooks Bradley" 

>   My post is to encourage a hedge against the effects of
> the consequences of the foregoing scenario.  To wit:  The production of
> your own source of Vitamin C.  This may be accomplished through the simple
> expedient of planting your personal garden of Rosa Rugosa (a variety of
> rose which produces vitamin C bearing berries). The time to begin is NOW,
> especially because  a minimum of two (frequently three) years is required
> for the useful production of the berries it is of serious moment that
> one consider immediate inauguration of this activity.  Simply acquire a
> number of rooted Rosa Rugosa plants and plant them either in the
> ground...or in 10 gallon containers.  I suggest 10 plants (this should
> produce sufficient berries to supply 4 to 6 persons on an annual basis).
> One caution:  These plants require a large measure of sunlightso do
> not plant or place under trees.  Information  relative to the general care
> and culture required, I will elaborate on in !
> a future email.provided there is continued interest by any of the list
> membership.  This plant produces an excellent yield of "hips" in all
> temperate climatic zones of the world.
>   In view of what has recently transpired in Germany, I
> believe one has cause for alarm regarding the immediate future of the U.S.
> citizenry's prospects for thwarting the agenda of the NWOat least in

Re: CS>)T: Possible Response to Codex A. Effects

2005-01-28 Thread starshar

Hi Brooks,

Thank you for posting this wonderful idea.
I would be very interested in further information on the care and 
cultivation, not to mention a home "processing" method to achieve the 
greatest amount of benefit.
I have a feeling that I might have some long forgotten book around here that 
gives a recipe for rose hip jelly. I wonder what else could be made with the 

Too bad there isn't any such thing as a brewer's yeast bush!


From: "Brooks Bradley" 

  My post is to encourage a hedge against the effects of 
the consequences of the foregoing scenario.  To wit:  The production of 
your own source of Vitamin C.  This may be accomplished through the simple 
expedient of planting your personal garden of Rosa Rugosa (a variety of 
rose which produces vitamin C bearing berries). The time to begin is NOW, 
especially because  a minimum of two (frequently three) years is required 
for the useful production of the berries it is of serious moment that 
one consider immediate inauguration of this activity.  Simply acquire a 
number of rooted Rosa Rugosa plants and plant them either in the 
ground...or in 10 gallon containers.  I suggest 10 plants (this should 
produce sufficient berries to supply 4 to 6 persons on an annual basis). 
One caution:  These plants require a large measure of sunlightso do 
not plant or place under trees.  Information  relative to the general care 
and culture required, I will elaborate on in !
a future email.provided there is continued interest by any of the list 
membership.  This plant produces an excellent yield of "hips" in all 
temperate climatic zones of the world.
  In view of what has recently transpired in Germany, I 
believe one has cause for alarm regarding the immediate future of the U.S. 
citizenry's prospects for thwarting the agenda of the NWOat least in 
this matter.
  My apologies for this lengthy post and its Off-Topic 
character.  However, I feel the gravity of circumstances to be sufficient 
to warrant such an intrusion.  I suggest persons desiring elaborations to 
contact me off-List and/or to utilize the Off Topic list for general 
discussion of the matter.

   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley

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Re: CS>)T: Possible Response to Codex A. Effects

2005-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley
Brooks Bradley wrote:

>Without belaboring the causes, background and/or general 
> effects of Codex Alimentarius, I would offer the list membership one 
> possible, simple, response to addressing at least
> one of the "fundamental" vitamin/vitamin-like substances.  Considering that 
> to light a single candle is preferable to cursing the darknessI offer the 
> following suggestion:

Good idea. Of course once they ban vitamin C, it will be considered an illegal 
drug, and any plants that produce it will likely be considered the same as 
growing pot is today.  But it may be good for a while until the government 
figures out that some people are still staying healthy without paying the 
medical mafia.


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CS>)T: Possible Response to Codex A. Effects

2005-01-28 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Without belaboring the causes, background and/or general 
effects of Codex Alimentarius, I would offer the list membership one possible, 
simple, response to addressing at least
one of the "fundamental" vitamin/vitamin-like substances.  Considering that to 
light a single candle is preferable to cursing the darknessI offer the 
following suggestion:
   In view of the fact that a "backdoor" entry will allow the 
European Union members of NAFTA to levy penalty claims against the U.S. 
Government and/or U.S. businesses/manufacturers of vitamins and nutritional 
substancesthere does not, at present, appear to be any way to stop 
"economic (monetary)sanctions" from being levied them.  This action will, 
effectively skirt the will of the American people, the U.S. Constitutionand 
simple justice.  Suffice it is to say that Treaty Law takes precedent over all 
other other national formsincluding our internal legal jurisprudence forms 
[at least I believe one will find this so].  Our domestic government has a 
splendid expression of "plausible denial" via the "It is out of our hands" allow the presently available, economical, Vitamin/supplement 
sources to be quickly extinguished---being replaced with FDA controlled/allied 
pharmaceutical concerns/allies.  The details of the transition are available 
from a myriad of sourcesI will not take more of your time in elaboration.  
Just do bear in mind that barring another immediate appearance of "A Star in 
the East"the international drug cartel will be successful in accomplishing 
the foregoing by September 2005.
   My post is to encourage a hedge against the effects of the 
consequences of the foregoing scenario.  To wit:  The production of your own 
source of Vitamin C.  This may be accomplished through the simple expedient of 
planting your personal garden of Rosa Rugosa (a variety of rose which produces 
vitamin C bearing berries). The time to begin is NOW, especially because  a 
minimum of two (frequently three) years is required for the useful production 
of the berries it is of serious moment that one consider immediate 
inauguration of this activity.  Simply acquire a number of rooted Rosa Rugosa 
plants and plant them either in the ground...or in 10 gallon containers.  I 
suggest 10 plants (this should produce sufficient berries to supply 4 to 6 
persons on an annual basis).  One caution:  These plants require a large 
measure of sunlightso do not plant or place under trees.  Information  
relative to the general care and culture required, I will elaborate on in a 
future email.provided there is continued interest by any of the list 
membership.  This plant produces an excellent yield of "hips" in all temperate 
climatic zones of the world.  
   In view of what has recently transpired in Germany, I 
believe one has cause for alarm regarding the immediate future of the U.S. 
citizenry's prospects for thwarting the agenda of the NWOat least in this 
   My apologies for this lengthy post and its Off-Topic 
character.  However, I feel the gravity of circumstances to be sufficient to 
warrant such an intrusion.  I suggest persons desiring elaborations to contact 
me off-List and/or to utilize the Off Topic list for general discussion of the 
Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley

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