CSCan we stay on topic here?

2008-08-23 Thread Carole Coffman

I am right there with you David.  I joined this list to learn more about CS and 
it's advantages.  While I have learned some, I grow increasing weary of reading 
 off topic posts such as; 1) what we were bombarded with here and; 2) all the 
advantages of having a particular computer set-up.  Come on people, can we stay 
on topic here?


   Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 14:47:26 -0500 From:David Bearrow Subject: Re: CSFDA Unleashes 
Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and   Other  Vegetables
Plain Text Attachment [  Scan and Save to Computer  ]
I'm seriously considering unsubscribing from this 
list due to paranoid delusionary posts such as 
this one which have nothing to do with the topic 
of colloidal silver. Its not even cleverly done 
by offering cs as an alternative antibacterial 
spray. This post is about manipulating emotion. 
It states a bunch of hypothesis as facts and 
offers nothing to back it up. This post is 
typical of kmilkowski's posts. Paranoid 
conspiracy off topic posts which divide the list 
and lead to more off topic posting. Its terribly 
distracting and its going to drive me away.


CSCan we stay on topic here?

2008-08-23 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Carol,

 At 08:34 AM 8/23/2008, you wrote:

I understand your points.

Have you asked any questions that have not been answered?

Or just state a subject and say, I want to know more.

Simple as PIE !

 While I have learned some, I grow increasing weary of
 reading  off topic posts such as;

  If everyone would change the subject line, it would be easier for 
you to make decisions on what to read.

  Come on people, can we stay on topic here?

 You have the floor, start the topic.  grin

 I will bet you get an answer to anything you ask.

And I must suggest,  Learn to manage your mail.
Most people that complain about anything on any list do not
in fact know how to manage their mail.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCan we stay on topic here?

2008-08-23 Thread Peter Converse
Hi Mike and Fellow Silver List Members,

I joined this list solely for CS information and have considered bailing due to 
the incredibly high percentage of off topic posts. Having said this, I must 
admit that I have found some of these off topic posts to be valuable reading. 
(One of life's little ironies).

I wholeheartedly welcome freedom of expression but believe that a greater 
degree of control may be needed to ensure that those who are here for CS only 
can navigate relatively unimpeded. While I appreciate many of Kurt's posts and 
the posts of others who veer off track somewhat, what I find most annoying are 
the bickering posts which remind me of the schoolyard. The only things 
missing are the name calling and the hair pulling. Other than being a little 
entertaining at times they are a huge waste of time, in my opinion, and occupy 
way too much real estate on the Silver List's pages.

I think that we need a mechanism combined with bigger teeth to police the list 
a lttle more. I am not being critical of Mike's moderation...far from it...he 
is doing an amazing job! What about setting down a ground rule that off topic 
posts MUST be posted in the off topic post section with the proviso that if 
someone has something to share that they are hoping will benefit all 
partipants who may be interested, that they supply a very brief introductory 
post, of let's say, 100 characters or less indicating that they have posted 
their gem on the off topic list. This would enable interested parties to look 
into those topics with minimal disruption to CS discussion and ease the minds 
of newcomers and veterans alike who may be turned off otherwise. This way we 
can keep the main thing the main thing but not lose other potentially 
important and valuable themes.

This list is an awesome source of badly-needed information with some great 
minds onboard. It would be an awful shame to see it degrade or self-destruct.

I hope I have not offended anyone here. That was not my intention. Speaking up 
honestly, I believe, in a respectful way and working together under Mike's 
leadership should ensure that all input has been given a chance to come in so 
decisions and constructive changes can be made.

Thanks, Mike, for a great list and thanks to all of you for your continued 


Peter Converse

  - Original Message - 
  From: Carole Coffman 
  Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 9:34 AM
  Subject: CSCan we stay on topic here?

  I am right there with you David.  I joined this list to learn more about CS 
and it's advantages.  While I have learned some, I grow increasing weary of 
reading  off topic posts such as; 1) what we were bombarded with here and; 2) 
all the advantages of having a particular computer set-up.  Come on people, can 
we stay on topic here?


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 14:47:26 -0500 
From: David Bearrow 
Subject: Re: CSFDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and 
Other Vegetables 

  Plain Text Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ] 
I'm seriously considering unsubscribing from this list due to paranoid 
delusionary posts such as this one which have nothing to do with the topic of 
colloidal silver. Its not even cleverly done by offering cs as an alternative 
antibacterial spray. This post is about manipulating emotion. It states a bunch 
of hypothesis as facts and offers nothing to back it up. This post is typical 
of kmilkowski's posts. Paranoid conspiracy off topic posts which divide the 
list and lead to more off topic posting. Its terribly distracting and its going 
to drive me