Re: CSTopics...

2007-11-08 Thread Ode Coyote

  ##  A big part of it all is people [Like myself ] just hitting reply 
without always looking to see where the reply goes.

 Being on multiple silver lists can do that.


At 02:10 PM 11/7/2007 +0005, you wrote:

  I agree, when is this vaccine talk going to be put to rest? This is a
  CS group talk, not vaccine. Diane M

 Aren't non-CS topics supposed to be on the
 silver-off-topic-list ?

I don't routinely object to some fraction of the list's traffic being
off topic at any time. In fact, 50% CS-related is doing well, often-
times, as long as overall volume stays moderate to light.
Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2007-11-07 Thread M. G. Devour
  I agree, when is this vaccine talk going to be put to rest? This is a
  CS group talk, not vaccine. Diane M

 Aren't non-CS topics supposed to be on the
 silver-off-topic-list ?

I don't routinely object to some fraction of the list's traffic being 
off topic at any time. In fact, 50% CS-related is doing well, often-
times, as long as overall volume stays moderate to light.

When things really start hopping and CS topics are relegated to 
minority status, I will normally step in to ask specific OT threads to 
be ended.

Why allow so much OT content? Because people want it. They have other 
health-related questions they want to bring to a knowledgeable group of 
people they respect. Those people have answers to those questions, many 
of which won't relate to CS.

I only ask that people self-limit the OT content, by moving or ending 
such topics once basic curiosity is satisfied and other resources are 
pointed out so people can continue their own research. The Off Topic 
List is also available for those who want to pursue things in greater 

Sometimes self-limiting needs a nudge from me, which I may or may not 
provide depending on the circumstances.

I have long observed that the less often I step in to squash threads, 
the better the discussion. My moderator's voice falls like a peal of 
thunder, no matter how gently I try to speak, and frightens people, 
particularly newcomers, into being hesitant to post anything at all.

It's a juggling or balancing act which will never yield a solution 
that's comfortable for everyone all the time. Some will never be 
satisfied with the amount of OT content, wanting very strict control on 
topic. Others would never be happy with that, finding it stifling and 
overbearing. So we weave back and forth somewhere in the middle.

Having said all that, I *do* want to hear feedback from any of you when 
you think things are getting out of hand one way or the other. A 
private note to me is sufficient, and often needed to bring my 
attention to the situation when I'm doing other things sometimes and 
letting the list coast along on its own.

Remember that the list web site address is in the footer at the bottom 
of each message from the list. There you'll find list rules and 
etiquette explained, which should give you a good idea of how I intend 
the list to run. 

My e-mail address is in the footer as well, anytime you want to send me 
a comment.

Thank you,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2007-03-26 Thread M. G. Devour
Virginia writes:
 Yes...I have been leary of asking all the questions I want/need to . I
 respect what Mike says about off topic so I just don't ask...which makes
 me a little crazy because this is the only place I know to come to for
 So ...Mike...I respectfully second Jeanine's request.
 However, if you feel this list should focus on the CS issues as its
 major be it. I am still  happy to learn about CSV.

Here's what it says in the list rules under Permitted Topics at the 
group web site (

Permitted Topics
Any Colloidal Silver related topic or question may be raised and 
discussed until it is obviously exhausted. Any alternative health-
related question may be asked, and answers may be given regardless of 
whether they are related to Colloidal Silver or not. HOWEVER... 

Alternative health related topics NOT related to Colloidal Silver will 
be ended or taken off list as soon as basic information is given and 
important resources identified. I've provided the Off Topic List for 
this purpose.

Brief heads-up messages about legislation, regulation, or politics of 
relevence to Colloidal Silver or important alternative health issues 
may be posted occasionally, with follow-up to be taken off list. 

A modest amount of humor, chit-chat, friendly banter and encouragement 
is condoned, and is indeed important for the well-being of the list. 
Such threads should be brief, seldom more than a small handful of 
messages. Such off topic noise must be allowed in order to foster the 
friendly, welcoming environment we seek. It is, however a privilege. 
Please do not abuse it. 

Note the second sentence! Any sort of alt-health questions are okay. 
The second paragraph asks that OT subjects be treated briefly.

In practice, the group has been enjoying relatively unregulated 
discussions for quite a while, and this will likely continue most of 
the time. I *will* rein things in when the volume gets too high. Then 
you'll see me ask that specific threads be ended, or give a general 
announcement like the other day, or encourage the use of our Off Topic 
List as a venue.

The main thing is that questions about CS get answered and people get 
all the help they need. 

So, Virginia, in your case I'd suggest that you ask all your questions, 
one or two at a time, for as long as it takes. It won't overload 
things, and it'll let you mine the brain trust and get the answers that 
you need. If it gets too busy on the list, back off until things quiet 
down a bit. Wash, rinse, repeat! grin

When volume on most days is under a couple of dozen posts, and there 
are at least some threads on CS, I'm not going to begrudge other 
subjects being explored.

The downside of a high volume of OT threads is that people coming here 
for information on CS will become swamped or frustrated by the low 
signal to noise ratio. Often, new people are ill themselves, caring for 
loved ones, or otherwise under stress. They don't have the time or 
energy to deal with so much traffic.

So, as long as we keep that in mind and take care to attend to the 
needs of newcomers and others with topic-related questions -- relax and 
enjoy the privelege of a group that happens to have a good mix of 
abilities and temperament right now.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSTopics!

2007-03-26 Thread Vwolf21
Thank  you Mike..I understand...and to be sure I remember..I copied this post 
I do have a question about CS. 
Recently when I use it..ingest it...or rinse with it...I find the taste to be 
really ...ummm...I don't know how to explain it...very metally I guess is the 
closest I can come to discribing it.
Usually there is a faint taste but this is overpowering  and is very off 
putting..I am reluctant to use the CS now.
I wonder if this is from the CS I am brewing or something in my system is 
creating this...
Any ideas on this?   V.
In a message dated 3/26/2007 12:33:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Virginia writes:
 Yes...I have been leary of asking all the questions I want/need to . I
 respect what Mike says about off topic so I just don't ask...which makes
 me a little crazy because this is the only place I know to come to for
 So ...Mike...I respectfully second Jeanine's request.
 However, if you feel this list should focus on the CS issues as its
 major be it. I am still  happy to learn about CSV.

Here's what it says in the list rules under Permitted Topics at the 
group web site (

Permitted Topics
Any Colloidal Silver related topic or question may be raised and 
discussed until it is obviously exhausted. Any alternative health-
related question may be asked, and answers may be given regardless of 
whether they are related to Colloidal Silver or not. HOWEVER... 

Alternative health related topics NOT related to Colloidal Silver will 
be ended or taken off list as soon as basic information is given and 
important resources identified. I've provided the Off Topic List for 
this purpose.

Brief heads-up messages about legislation, regulation, or politics of 
relevence to Colloidal Silver or important alternative health issues 
may be posted occasionally, with follow-up to be taken off list. 

A modest amount of humor, chit-chat, friendly banter and encouragement 
is condoned, and is indeed important for the well-being of the list. 
Such threads should be brief, seldom more than a small handful of 
messages. Such off topic noise must be allowed in order to foster the 
friendly, welcoming environment we seek. It is, however a privilege. 
Please do not abuse it. 

Note the second sentence! Any sort of alt-health questions are okay. 
The second paragraph asks that OT subjects be treated briefly.

In practice, the group has been enjoying relatively unregulated 
discussions for quite a while, and this will likely continue most of 
the time. I *will* rein things in when the volume gets too high. Then 
you'll see me ask that specific threads be ended, or give a general 
announcement like the other day, or encourage the use of our Off Topic 
List as a venue.

The main thing is that questions about CS get answered and people get 
all the help they need. 

So, Virginia, in your case I'd suggest that you ask all your questions, 
one or two at a time, for as long as it takes. It won't overload 
things, and it'll let you mine the brain trust and get the answers that 
you need. If it gets too busy on the list, back off until things quiet 
down a bit. Wash, rinse, repeat! grin

When volume on most days is under a couple of dozen posts, and there 
are at least some threads on CS, I'm not going to begrudge other 
subjects being explored.

The downside of a high volume of OT threads is that people coming here 
for information on CS will become swamped or frustrated by the low 
signal to noise ratio. Often, new people are ill themselves, caring for 
loved ones, or otherwise under stress. They don't have the time or 
energy to deal with so much traffic.

So, as long as we keep that in mind and take care to attend to the 
needs of newcomers and others with topic-related questions -- relax and 
enjoy the privelege of a group that happens to have a good mix of 
abilities and temperament right now.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSTopics!

2007-03-26 Thread Clayton Family

Thank you very much, Mike. I have come to love this list.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSTopics...

2000-08-16 Thread John Rigby
Ha Mike and folks,

Ya! Me!
What would be a good idea is a distinct Newby access - maybe a freebie
WebSite with THE Introduction and suggested links. Or an Essay, as distinct
from a central archive. The fabled STARTING POINT.

It is sure confabulating for a Newby Lurker like me.



- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 9:19 PM
Subject: CSTopics...

 Hi folks,

 Nobody has complained, lately, but I'd just like to remind you all
 that we're pushing the off topic stuff a bit hard.

 Does anybody have anything they'd like to know about CS? Any good
 results lately?

 Let's not forget why we're here.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-08-14 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi folks,

Nobody has complained, lately, but I'd just like to remind you all 
that we're pushing the off topic stuff a bit hard.

Does anybody have anything they'd like to know about CS? Any good 
results lately?

Let's not forget why we're here.


Mike D.
silver-list owner
(as guilty as anyone WRT the zapper thread...)

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSTopics...laser method cs

2000-08-14 Thread Julie
 Does anybody have anything they'd like to know about CS? Any good
 results lately?

Perhaps this subject has been covered, if so please direct me to the

Yesterday I was shopping for CS in the healthfood store.  I found smaller
amber bottles of 30 ppm CS.  Then I found a clear plastic gallon size 100
ppm CS.  I asked the store owner how the clear plastic container could be
effective and was told this was produced by a new laser method.  The owner
insisted the CS was just as effective and the new bottle had no effect on
the CS.  He could provide me with no information as to how this could be
true so I refused to purchase the product until i found out more.

The store owner also told me not to use CS on a daily basis for any length
of time as the body would ignore any substance used daily after a short
time.  He suggested that CS be used only in crisis.

julie m.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSTopics...laser method cs

2000-08-14 Thread Marshall Dudley
Julie wrote:

 The store owner also told me not to use CS on a daily basis for any length
 of time as the body would ignore any substance used daily after a short
 time.  He suggested that CS be used only in crisis.

We depend on the body ignoring CS.  It is called no toxicity.  We do not the
CS to affect the body at all, initially or after taking it a long time.  We
want the CS to kill any bad pathogens that we come in contact with.  There is
no evidence that pathogens ever gain any immunity to CS, so I don't think this
guy knows what he is talking about.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour