Re: CSinformed choice

2008-02-15 Thread Marshall Dudley
And the diseases aspartame causes such as brain cancer, MS and so forth 
are called Rumsfield disease in his honor.

Marshall wrote:

The friend was Donald Rumsfeld

-- Original message from Dee

You are quite right Frankie.  I read somewhere that the person who
'discovered' aspartame whilst something else was being made,
realised the potential for the slimming world.  The head of the
then FDA saw the trials and the devastation it caused and banned
it from being sold.  This ban lasted five years until Reagan came
into power and he happened to be a friend or something, of the
'inventor' of aspartame, and within months of his coming to power,
the head of the then FDA was sacked and someone else was
appointed.  Then, lo and behold, aspartame was allowed.  I'm not
sure of the veracity or accuracy of this but this is what I read. 
It is like statins which are being touted as the saviour of

mankind, but are more probably going to be the end of a lot of
us!  Dee
/---Original Message---/
/*From:*/ joe bloggs

/*Date:*/ 13/02/2008 21:35:02
/*Subject:*/ CSinformed choice

Saffiresky said:
For every person that feels Aspartame, for example, is
a coffin nail, there will be a person who if it were
taken off the market as a dangerous substance, would
protest loudly of the right to have it available. 

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Re: CSinformed choice

2008-02-14 Thread Dee
You are quite right Frankie.  I read somewhere that the person who 
discovered' aspartame whilst something else was being made, realised the
potential for the slimming world.  The head of the then FDA saw the trials
and the devastation it caused and banned it from being sold.  This ban
lasted five years until Reagan came into power and he happened to be a
friend or something, of the 'inventor' of aspartame, and within months of
his coming to power, the head of the then FDA was sacked and someone else
was appointed.  Then, lo and behold, aspartame was allowed.  I'm not sure of
the veracity or accuracy of this but this is what I read.  It is like
statins which are being touted as the saviour of mankind, but are more
probably going to be the end of a lot of us!  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: joe bloggs
Date: 13/02/2008 21:35:02
Subject: CSinformed choice
Saffiresky said:For every person that feels Aspartame, for example, isa coffin 
nail, there will be a person who if it weretaken off the market as a dangerous 
substance, wouldprotest loudly of the right to have it available. 

Re: CSinformed choice

2008-02-14 Thread mborgert
The friend was Donald Rumsfeld

-- Original message from Dee -- 

You are quite right Frankie.  I read somewhere that the person who 'discovered' 
aspartame whilst something else was being made, realised the potential for the 
slimming world.  The head of the then FDA saw the trials and the devastation it 
caused and banned it from being sold.  This ban lasted five years until Reagan 
came into power and he happened to be a friend or something, of the 'inventor' 
of aspartame, and within months of his coming to power, the head of the then 
FDA was sacked and someone else was appointed.  Then, lo and behold, aspartame 
was allowed.  I'm not sure of the veracity or accuracy of this but this is what 
I read.  It is like statins which are being touted as the saviour of mankind, 
but are more probably going to be the end of a lot of us!  Dee 

---Original Message---

From: joe bloggs
Date: 13/02/2008 21:35:02
Subject: CSinformed choice

Saffiresky said:For every person that feels Aspartame, for example, isa coffin 
nail, there will be a person who if it weretaken off the market as a dangerous 
substance, wouldprotest loudly of the right to have it available. 

CSinformed choice

2008-02-13 Thread joe bloggs

Saffiresky said:
For every person that feels Aspartame, for example, is
a coffin nail, there will be a person who if it were
taken off the market as a dangerous substance, would
protest loudly of the right to have it available. 
The point I'm trying really hard to make is that I
don't believe people would want aspartame if they knew the
truth about it or if, for instance, stevia was sitting right
next to the aspartame on the supermarket shelf.
I know that people should educate themselves, I know people
should take responsibility but I also truly believe that it
is WRONG WRONG WRONG for the FDA to approve aspartame, KNOWING
it is toxic and positively pushing it onto our young children
by making the products containing it appear to be a 'healthy
choice', i.e. NO ADDED SUGAR is emblazened on the labels so
the young mums buy it thinking it is good for their kids
 - plus it is so much cheaper than the
real healthy options. 

It's all well and good for us educated ones with the internet at
our finger tips to sneer at those who don't know, but I find that
superiority a bit off-putting.  
It's the dishonesty I dislike.  We all know smoking is bad for
us.  Fair enough if we take our chances anyway.  BUT when
products are pushed as 'healthy options' when they in fact are
lethal, that's when I take issue with it and get a bit peed off
with the multi-bulti, mega rich gits who push it.  And with the
ones who defend the mega rich gits by saying the people deserve
to be ripped off because they want to be deceived and taken
for mugs.

 Yes, I too can see the gullibility of people who believe and
trust authorities, but that doesn't EXCUSE the evil of those

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