And the diseases aspartame causes such as brain cancer, MS and so forth are called Rumsfield disease in his honor.

Marshall wrote:
The "friend" was Donald Rumsfeld

    -------------- Original message from "Dee " <>:

    You are quite right Frankie.  I read somewhere that the person who
    'discovered' aspartame whilst something else was being made,
    realised the potential for the slimming world.  The head of the
    then FDA saw the trials and the devastation it caused and banned
    it from being sold.  This ban lasted five years until Reagan came
    into power and he happened to be a friend or something, of the
    'inventor' of aspartame, and within months of his coming to power,
    the head of the then FDA was sacked and someone else was
    appointed.  Then, lo and behold, aspartame was allowed.  I'm not
sure of the veracity or accuracy of this but this is what I read. It is like statins which are being touted as the saviour of
    mankind, but are more probably going to be the end of a lot of
    us!  Dee
/-------Original Message-------/ /*From:*/ joe bloggs <>
    /*Date:*/ 13/02/2008 21:35:02
    /*To:*/ <>
    /*Subject:*/ CS>informed choice
    Saffiresky said:
    For every person that feels Aspartame, for example, is
    a coffin nail, there will be a person who if it were
    taken off the market as a dangerous substance, would
protest loudly of the right to have it available. ---------------------------


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